5 minute read



DEFINE AND SHINE by CLAUDINE BURGESS Credit: Photography by Claudine Burgess



My passion for photography has been there ever since I was a child.

It was my favourite thing to do, getting in my grandmother’s box old photos when visiting her or staying during the summer holidays. My grandmother was a great storyteller and it went hand in hand when she would show me all her pictures that brought fond memories.

Given a camera for a Christmas present, it became my best friend, and together we explored, travelled the world through very different eyes over many years, as a hobby interest and later in life became part of my current business. Define and Shine Claudine Burgess Photography, “Creative Commercial Photography.”

I never thought that Photography would create a new business until being on a path of reinventing myself after time with Breast cancer and treatment in 2011.Only recently, as part of my research, creating a Mindful photography book.

I stumbled on a case study done in America by Dr. Andrew Cox of the University of Sheffield, and study co-authored by Dr. Liz Brewster of Lancaster University in 2018. Looking at how by taking a photo each day would improve the participant’s wellbeing. They recorded what pictures they took, the use of text (content), and how they interacted with others on a daily site for over two months.

They found that taking a photo each day improved their wellbeing; through self-care, social engagement within their community, being more mindful, taking a moment looking for different things to take a picture of, and reminiscence.

I can so relate to this, and it was my why I took up my camera more frequently being told by my Doctor within my recovery time with breast cancer to take on meditation class. I wasn’t ready for a class at that time and mingle with people, although being a very social person.

I would say my camera took me out into nature, made me do exercise, and engaged with like-minded people who loved photography by sharing photos online.

I firmly believe taking pictures as part of my recovery and looking through the lens is getting into a zone like you would do in a meditation class.

“My Camera gave me time for self-getting back on my feet again in a very changed world”

When we think of a photographer, our minds go to the ones with huge cameras and all the gear that goes with it and travels to exotic places. What if I tell you anyone can be a photographer, and the mobile phone gave the pathway we all can capture our beautiful moments at any time of day, sharing it with the world and loved ones.

Photography, taking photos, allows you to have some time for self and can be very much an alternative therapy towards wellbeing, to help with daily overwhelm, anxiety, and even depression. It creates a positive effect on boosting self-esteem, feeling more confident, memory, decision making, and helps you to focus and calm the mind from the everyday hustle and buzz!

They say, to exercise 30 minutes a day–it’s important in your daily life to take time for yourself each day to avoid the risk that if you don’t, you may end up burnt out and disconnected from your true self.

Implementing Photography is an easily accessible tool these days in the techno world we are living. Using your mobile phone as a camera will help to focus on the present, creating, capturing an image that will declutter, destress and calm your mind, and you will see, feel the positive effects on your health and happiness.

Looking back over the years, Photography is my passion, and now part of my business specializing in Creative Commercial Photography, which I love, defining and make businesses shine in the business world trough creating imagery and tell their story.

When I need a bit of distressing these days, the first thing I will do is grab my camera, go for a walk-in nature, or visit the zoo, go to the beach. There are plenty of beautiful things to photograph.

My camera is my lifeline, and Photography has always offered me a place of refuge, a place to escape to when feeling lost, anxious, sad, and overwhelmed.

Photography, combined with nature, is where it becomes a powerful tool for me. It’s where my camera focuses my mind and helps me to notice the surroundings and sensations nature presents and time to forget about worries and give clarity, creating a new perspective.

Taking photos and looking through a lens, it enables your brain time of flow to create. It creates a time to be in silence, to feel the picture you are creating taking notice of little details, and it enhances the thinking of the reason you are taking the photo—what is the story behind the photo you take, how does it make you feel. That is the creation, the moment that will ground you and clear your mind from all the worries that are playing in your head, keeping you awake all night. It gives you clarity and helps you prioritize or make decisions about what is essential in your life.

Consider Photography being part of your wellbeing, share your creation, express yourself through your photos. Photography isn’t only a creative outlet to destress your mind; it allows you to create, explore, and share who you are as an individual. Photography is a tool that genuinely connects oneself and the environment.

Whenever you feel that intense feeling of overwhelming and you need a moment to escape from the busyness of daily routines, crab your coat, grab your phone or the camera and go for a walk-in nature—Remember, you don’t have to be a photographer. There is no judgment and no right and wrong in the image that you create.

Photography is my passion, my work, but it’s also my escape from the world, and I firmly believe a camera; it can be an excellent tool for everyone towards wellbeing.

ClaudineFacebook: ClaudineBurgessphotographyInstagram: Claudineburgesswww.defineandshine.com.au

eYs Magazine, Spring 2020 | 63

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