Ezgi Geyik M. Arch
Digital Skills :
Experiences :
January 2024 - Present | Senior Achitect Atelier Traldi
Education :
2020 - 2023 Polıtecnico di Milano
Laurea Magistrale in Architecture and Urban Design
2014 - 2019 Middle East Technical University Preparatory School + Bachelors in Architecture
2017 - 2018 Brno University of Technology Erasmus + Program in Architecture
November 2022 - December 2023 | Architect Zanetti Design Architettura
January 2020 - August 2020 | Junior Architect UBMS Project Management
January 2020 | Worked in Keeping it Modern a Project to Conserve METU Faculty of Architecture by Getty Foundation
July - August 2018 | Architectural Intern Mavi Peri Architecture Office
Languages :
Turkish (Mother Tongue)
English (Advanced)
Italian (Professional)
June - August 2017 | Construction Site Intern Bilkent Integrated Health Campus
June - July 2016 | Participant METU Summer Practice Program
Curriculum Vitae
Play _ Ground

Museo Egizio 2024
International Competition Finalist
ZDA - collaboration with Snøhetta January | 2023
Torino, Italy
The competition was for the courtyard design of the Egyptian Museum of Torino. The spaces underneath were to be designed as well as a cover to render the courtyard usable every season. A grand gesture of a monumental stair was chosen to unify the layers of the design and to create a common space where every visitor can enjoy. The egyptian garden was also situated in the entrance and the inner layout of several functions like the ticket office has been reorganized. The phasing of the construction was also designed so that the museum could function with little interference during this period.

Social Housing in Busto Arsizio
Atelier Traldi - In construction
May | 2024 Location
Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
Ex-Conventino is a building that has several layers of evolution. It started as an agricultural tower in the 16th CE and continued to grow to enclose a courtyard with agricultural function until the 18th CE. As the city of Busto Arsizio’s main economy transitioned into textile, the building joined this evolution with a second courtyard and details to showcase the new richness of the city. During the last century, the complex had a variety of functions hosted within it. For the last 30 years, the building has been abandoned, now enlisted by the city’s Municipality to become Social Housing finally.

Le mie citta’
Exhibition Design for Gabriele Basilico in Palazzo Reale of Milan
October | 2023
Milan, Italy
Text taken from the Electa press release.
Ten years after his death, Milan is devoting a major exhibition to Gabriele Basilico (1944-2013), divided between two exhibition venues: Palazzo Reale and Triennale Milano. This is the first great tribute that the city in which Basilico was born and lived has paid to the photographer and his cosmopolitan gaze, capable of capturing the essence of all cities. The exhibition will present some 500 works, starting from his survey of Milan at Triennale Milano and then looking and arriving at the World at Palazzo Reale.
Echibition walls and Bookshop
Grid of the city
City blocks

Intermediate module
Metallic structure section

Agro _ Constellation
Parco d’Italia , Urban Studio
Politecnico di Milano Fall | 2021
Colab w/ Anel Salykhova, Naadia Rahman, Özge Tuncay
Basilicata + Calabria , Italy
Prof. Stefano Boeri
Parco d’Italia has been a long dream of Italian urban planners. Our areas in this big project were Basilicata and Calabria, the tips of the boot. South of Italy has been neglected for decades, sometimes even called the “disgrace” of the country. There is mafia, there is depopulation, unemployement; but there is also blooming landscapes, fertile lands, a union of green and blue. Lack of investment is the cause of this vicious cycle, our mission is to break this process with the people, creating an agro_constellation that unites the farmers, industries, providing cooperations, seedbanks while also adressing the prominent issues of landslides, forest fires with cheap, durable and efficent interactions along the path we have chose. Our line is drawn after we noticed the overlapping nature of agriculture and protected green areas like national parks, where there is one, the other is not there. We start from the top of Basilicata to the end of Calabria tracing agricultural fields to turn them from a monoculture to a polyculture through agroforestry.

Synthesis Map

Proximity to arable land and landslides
Cultural heritage
Agricultural Research
Strategy Map

Central position, well connected to regions University
Agricultural Education Regional Seed Bank

Proximity to forest fire
Most touristic area
Forest Management, Administration Center





Play _ Ground
METU - Graduation Project
Fall - Spring | 2018 - 2019
Spatial Structures: Re-Minding Skopje
Skopje , North Macedonia
Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş
Prof. Dr. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç
Skopje has been defined as a lot of things: destroyed, rebuilt, national, international, modern, kitsch yet the people remain the same. They are ever-evolving in their ever-changing city and their reactions are always so humourous that it is as if they are playing a game with-against their city. With history in mind, a new definition was needed: Skopjans are Homo Ludens in disguise - men and women at play- and by proposing Play_Ground that resembles no place at all - what is the ‘place’ of playing anyway?the project aims to research and teach through experience. First detecting these ‘arrhythmic points’, connecting them through a spatial structure and weaving the absurdities of the city together, Play_Ground not only recognizes Skopje as it is but enhances its ludicrous nature. In the second semester the focus was on a singular building, one of the insurance companies in this case, enveloped by the rollercoaster on both sides. Humankind have been playing since the beginning of time and Skopjans have beenwill be using the act to rebel, to enjoy and to dwell.

building classification

Thank You