ITU|| 2013-2017 Landscape Architecture Bachleor Portfolio

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EZGI UMUT Portfolio 2017

Landscape Architecture ProjectsIstanbul Technical University Works

Ezgi Umut TĂźrkoglu

Landscape Architecture Portfolio June 2017

What is in?

“First Sketch in school”

INDEX CV- Ezgi Umut Türkoglu Healerscape(DLA award)-Graduation Project Leakage Process I: Call Out !-Landscape Design Studio IV Breathing Bursa-Landscape Design Studio III Ecoschoolyard Cocoon Garden-Landscape Design Studio II Alight Stop(IFLA award)- Landscape Design Studio I Ramp Gallery-Architectural Design Studio III Fluent House-Architectural Design Studio III Nomadic Unit- Architectural Design Studio II


Ezgi Umut Türkoglu

Undergraduate Student

Date of birth: 14.05.1993 From: Izmir Contact: 05347830294

Hey! I am Ezgi. I am a Landscape architecture student. I am interested in painting since i was a child.In 2015 i had my first watercolor exhibition the dream of my life. I am still painting with the same passion and also i am working about my department with the competitions and school. This booklet is about my 4 year education of Landscape Architecture in Istanbul Technical University. You will find my projects’ themes and the details,enjoy your read.


Istanbul Technical University Landscape Architecture


Istanbul University Landscape Architecture


Maltepe Kadir Has Anatolian School


Ilhami Ahmed Örnekal Primary School

EXPERIENCES 2017 2016 2016 2014

Designer- Yogunluk Asistant Landscape Architect- No: 236 Intern- Nezahat Gökyigit Illustrator- Zero Istanbul

TECHNICAL SKILLS AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign ArcGIS Microsoft Office Skechup Rhino Photoscan Hand drawing Adobe After Effects

COMPETITIONS AND AWARDS 2017 Digital Landscape Architecture

WORKSHOPS & ACTIVITIES 2017 Istanbul: Designer- Atmospheres Project Presentation with Nil Aynalı Ismail Egler Nevzat Sayın Nilüfer Kozikoglu

-Poster award

2017 Bandırma Park Competition 2nd Prize with Nilüfer Kozikoglu and No:236

2016 IFLA Young Professionals Competition People Choise Award

2016 Antalya: Participant-VI. Landscape Architecture Assembly 2015 Istanbul: Participant-Urban Series Workshop 2014 Venice: Participant-Biannale di Venezia 2014 Rome:

2016 Sivas Kızılırmak Architectural Competition Honourable Mention with Aboutblank and No:236

Participant- Premio Piranesi Prix De Rome Accademia Adriana

2014 Istanbul: Asistant- Mimar Oluyorum Workshop with Burcin Kurtuncu

2016 Bir Kentin Suyla Bulusması Hikayesi Student Competition with Dilara Kus and Gizem Kozanoglu

2015 LIXIL International Architecture Student Competition 2014 Premio Piranesi Prix De Rome Accademia Adriana

2014 Istanbul: Participant- Vs Workshop about narrative architecture with Aslıhan Senel

2013 Istanbul: Participant-Martha Schwartz Meeting

PERSONAL 2016 Illustrator- Peyniraltı Edebiyatı 2016 Illustrator- Indigo NOW 2016 Illustrator- Duende Dergi

2015 First Solo Exhibition

2013-2015 Public Relations-Taskısla Senlik

HEALERSCAPE 2017-SPRING SEMESTER GRADUATION PROJECT Studio Tutor: Meltem Erdem Kaya, Serdar Kaya, Ayçim Türer Baskaya Melih Bozkurt Does landscape can be a healer? This project aims to connect the city and the water in Bergama, İzmir. The Selinus River, will be the most important piece of Bergama, the identity of the city will live with the landscape, the river.

Poster Award of 2017 Digital Landscape Architecture Competiton

“a way that goes through to the inner serenity�

1:5000 PLAN Information about the area; the project site is Bergama which is in Izmir. It a important historic city there are different old buildings in the area. The focus of this project is the gods of the Bergama, Red Basilica and the Selinus River


Sekhmet “Goddess of Healing.” daughter of the sun god Ra

Asklepion, built in the name of Aesculapius, “the god of Health and Medicine”

1-Using baloons as a transportation system between acropol and the Red Basilica 2-A reclamation planning will be done to the Selinus River. 3-The olive groves will be used as open museu areas , for to protect them to be seen as new construction areas. 4-Creating a new pedestrian path which is reaching to the Red B asilica. 5-There will be a buffer zone near by the Selinus River for to protect it from the industrial waste. 6-There will be new attraction points near by the Red Basilica. 7-There will be new tourist routes which makes tourists watch alll the “landscape.” 8-A new path way will be design which is calm people. 9-There will be a new landscape program which protects the historical identity of the area. 10-The agricultural identity will be promoted, also it is a way people to relax.

User Analysis






The project site is the enterance of the healer park, nearby the Red Basilica. But the park actually invite inside from different ways. One of them maybe you see the Red Basilica and enter inside, you see the Sekhmet then you walk and you can see the new sculptors works and reach to a cafe , while you are drinking your coffee, you can watch Acropolis and the Red basilica...Then when you continue , you can tour around an exhibition , it ‘s the young artists work, then you see the enterance of the river, and take a map from the visitor center, get in the river area and start to your inside tour...on a balcony you can watch the river, then you can walk on a mash way on the river, then reach the other side and walk by the river,Or maybe you come to the Bergama, then you get around to Acropolis after you come back,you wanted to park your car, you see a group of people in front of an historic wall talking about philosophy, you sit down to relax and listen them, but your child start to cry and you see a children center, you can leave him there and you go the bird info you learn which birds are singin out, and you walk in the area, you see some installations and an infinite road park,after that you see the people doing yoga between the trees, and you see a red way and go walk by on, there are lots of fields you watch in some where there are people gardening together etc. but the roads never end.

Summer view of the new deck

Winter view of the new deck


D2 D5

Some urban furnitures’ detail that designed for the Healway Project.


2016-FALL SEMESTER LANDSCAPE DESIGN-IV Studio Tutor: Gülsen Aytaç Call Out Project carries the first 5 years of the entire design process in Haliç Shipyard. It was planned that artists living in the area and people living in the neighborhood would gather together by creating a common and public art axis around the shipyard. The area behind the barracks is divided into as a bazaar and the front as a city plaza. In this way, the public will be passing by on the way to the market and listening to the voice of the shipyard. All this axis will call the people to the shipyard and they will notice the shipyard.

Can water really merge a city? What is the unifying thing in the water? How to combine them? In our research on water to understand our project area, there is a new information about the water. According to a survey of the Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart on water, “water has memory”. (Source: Oasis HD Canal). According to the research, each water drop has a shape that carries its own memory. This information completely changed our perspective on Istanbul and the Golden Horn. In other words, when we re-think Kağıthane and Alibeyköy in this way, water activity reaches the Golden Horn by accumulating memory. In short, the fact that the water flows to the Golden Horn, which is slack water, means that there is a lot of memory in the Golden Horn. Our project site, Haliç Shipyard, is the only place where today it meets and leaves the water along the coast. The shipyard’s pools meet with this water every time they meet again. Thus, contrary to what the Golden Horn shipyard looks like, it is not a place that is left alone in the city but it becomes a place with all of Istanbul.

How about a city like water? How can we reflect this characteristic of water to the ship and its surroundings? The essence of work is what water and drips are, city and people have the same dynamics. Each water drop has its own unique story, shape and memory, and each one of them has different accumulations. By seeing the human stream as a stream of water, leaking it in a controlled way, and making the ship as a center of great scale, as the water is patient, accumulate it by dripping, accumulate it, process it by infiltration is the main aim of our project. The fact that people can infiltrate the ship’s side means that they can meet all this memory on the Haliç.

The area behind the barracks is divided into as a bazaar and the front as a city plaza. In this way, the public will be passing by on the way to the market and listening to the voice of the shipyard. It was aimed to provide transportation to the area from the sea by renewing the berth on the shore. The pedestrian crossing from the pier to the neighborhood and the axle going from there to the bazaar are arranged with the urban furnitures which are made of waste materials and the toys that make the voices we recorded in the shipyard. The designed waterway is provided with a small incline and water sounding. It was aimed to remind the sound of the water flowing out on the shipyard pool. At the same time, there is a stage designed to renew the old buildings and to organize concert theater and other events. The main plant used in the field was chosen as miscanthus which was alone in the shipyard, and other plants were chosen to support it. The trees were chosen to support the axes and the effects to be created in the autumn.

The general idea is with the creating new landmarks and new links, connecting the whole area. Creating an area that can connect everybody and every layer. Artists workers students childrens can be come together and share the city. History, industry , culture and activities can be together in this idea.

BREATHING BURSA 2016-SPRING SEMESTER LANDSCAPE DESIGN-III Studio Tutors: Melih Bozkurt Ebru Erbas Gurler “A city that can re-fresh itself. “ The idea of breathing is actually came from , the fresh air that can be felt from the mountain. We as being human , while we are designing, remember that we are the part of the nature, and inspired by the connection between a city and a human we have decided to propose a system that can sustain itself like our bodies. Uludağ, as being the source of fresh air, being like city lungs, and the water will be in a loop with the designed vains. In this system, every part of the city, has to be “clear” .So it is actually “re-freshing” in every way.

A city which can refresh itself is also should be legible. Like the memory of the city, (historic buildings and etc.) is like the bone of the city and must be strong and recognizeable to stand. And other parts are connected to them. So the main proposal is with the open spaces, routes and a water link which is refreshing itself by bioswales, we aim to design “a city that can refresh itself.�

One of squares with open cafe that with a kiosk to inform people about where they are and what is between there

The area because of being historical and also a big city, there are different kinds of people so there are different kinds of actions. Which means there are lots of needs. Because of there are 3 parallel big streets actually walking is the main action. And all inns are have shops and cafes inside. So drinking tea and shopping are the other activities.So also having a rest is a need in this area.



Cocoon is a schoolyard garden project which is in Göztepe Istanbul. The project aim is, raising awarness about deafs and creating a connection between schoolyards and green spaces with designing some “deaf spaces”. Cocoon is a space which has some new design proposals. The Project Area is Mehmet Sait Aydoğdu Deaf School, which is near some main roads as railway and Bağdat street and bus street.

One of the biggest problems of school gardens in Turkey is that the surfaces that should be permeable are asphalt. Other than that, the school gardens are transformed into unskilled and desolate areas when the school is closed.

This project, in fact, draws attention to these situations and suggests a new concept of school garden. It is aimed to transform the school gardens into clean open spaces of our neighborhoods, to overcome the motivation to own school grounds and to provide a common use area.

communication walls

visually pervious

Turning deaf schoolyard to an educator playground for children: In order to create a suitable space for this situation, we must pay attention to different things than the normal design rules: The most important need for a hearing impaired person is to see and balance. The following tiny diagrams describe how this contact is provided.

teaching agriculture

public interaction

The movements brought by this language bring new design rules. At its simplest, we need to avoid angular structures. Rampers, sloping edges create pervious spacing to create safer spaces.

There are 2 parts of the garden first part is public -to create communication with the neighbourhood people with the deafs and create a bond and make schoolyards, useful for everyday. Backyard of the schoolyard is designed for deaf use

Sensory Garden for deaf children: Learning while playing, while learning making stronger the feelings, climbing smelling tasting drawing sitting touching feeling.... This part of the garden is designed for making childrens memories stonger with the other feelings and in a planted area, with various of plants....


This birds are telling us a message “an infrastructure can be a home to some habitats...” expecially to some birds which are actually be in danger of extinction the future situation in Istanbul is looking like it will turn to a urban everywhere so that this breakwater will be their only stop nearly. This project aims to listen them and help to their situation.

People’s Choise Award of the 2016 Young Professionals Competition of International Federation of Landscape Architects

Future prediction after mega projects of Istanbul



Istanbul is an important area for lots of bird species. Especially some species which are be in danger of extinction and migratory, goes by Bosphorus. But there are lots of projects will be built in Istanbul’s future. (you can see lots of them from this site: )

TODAY’S SITUATION On the breakwater

In Haydarpasa,Istanbul,there is a breakwater which has some uniqe characteristics.The breakwater was made in 1899 which makes it historic,it is not connected with the coast so it is inaccessable it creates an artificial island today.Alight Stop project is aiming to understand the birds life and making their life better with their methods

PROJECT As it can be seen, project area is linear, long, and unconnected with the land. So it makes it uniqe and artistic . Another uniqe thing about the breakwater is it has got a historic mark on it. So this project designed for the birds with artistical purposes.Landscape architecture as, enviromental art.

HABITAT PLAN for target birds’ species With the use of birds’ tactics which i’ve learnt after an observation process, the aim is designing a new habitating area for them which will be better for them.

DETAILED SECTION About the birds’ life


“Overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now.� Jonathan Livingston Seagull Richard Bach

RAMP GALLERY Haliç Architecture Park 2014 FALL SEMESTER ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN III Studio Tutor: Sait Ali Köknar Ramp Gallery is a a role playing game project, which aims designing “Jinhua Architecture Park” in Haliç by a studio work. This one is inspired by Toshiko Mori. Inspired by the way she thought using space which is created with a ramp, the pavillion is designed to watch all the sea side and the park.With the shape of the ramp there is desinged a gallery which can be seen also from outside.

The Idea of the Ramp project: Inside and outside

ROLE PLAYING GAME: Architect: Toshiko Mori

“I would say every achitect that i know is a philosopher in his or her own”

Project: Jinhua Architecture Park-Newspaper Stand Key words about the project: Ramp Horizontal Innovative Pragmatic Art Pattern Form Technology View Simple

The ramp gallery, inspired by Newspaper stand fits with the land. Paralel lines with the slope of the land . Forstructure with concrete and steel and a facade with glass.

FLUENT HOUSE 2014 FALL SEMESTER ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN III Studio Tutor: Sait Ali Köknar NEW AGE PATIO HOUSES: A tribute to thinking with “Plan” Design expolarations on Mies van der Rohe’s unrealized patio houses.Project using and reusing ‘plan’ extensively as a design tool Thinking about the Mies’ plans and Mondrian’s paintings’ relationship. When the plan will be multiplied , site plan will be look like Escher’s painting. This is the first starting point of the project on the other hand there is another point, which is effected the project; “De Stijl” era.

Handmade model of Fluent House

NOMADIC HOUSE 2014 SPRING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN II Studio Tutors: Aslıhan Senel, Sevgi Türkkan, Esra Kahveci, Hakan Tüzün Sengün This is a mobile research house design project, in Darsiak, Kayseri. The project aims to design movable pods for a temporary settlement.

The conseption of a Nomadic Unit that is rejecting permanance, being small and portable.With this concept it can be used as a research house temporarily. It will be used as a resaearch house by a group of scientist which are searching for rainfall effects to the eaves troughs and plants in Darsiak.

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