Suncity is an ‘massively multiplayer online/real-time strategy game’ that is challenging the players with creating cities and architectural forms to access equal daylight for cities against the rapid population growth and urbanisation. The game experiments the dynamics of planning and architecture to the players and raise awareness about the daylight rights of buildings in the city. Each game is resulting with primitive design proposals of future city scenarios with a unique combination of forms. What is the aim..?
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Build a city with growing population and adequate daylight usage.
Use carve and substract tool to distribute daylight.
The city is a mutualist way of life. Each building has the right to receive sufficient light and protects the right of other buildings daylight accessibility. The buildings keep the general interest of the city in their own interest. Game of daylight to build a city with a growing population and adequate daylight usage. Use build and carve tool to distribute daylight throughout the city. If current trends continue, the global population will peak at 11 billion in
Bring daylight to the facades and to the ground.
2100. City population will increase more than rural areas. By 2050, it is projected that more than two-thirds of the world will live in urban areas. Migration from rural to urban and the population growth causing to dense and rapid urbanisation. Apart from illegal settlements, regulations of planning and zoning law do not contain adequate regulations of daylight access. Access to the sunlight is crucial to have passive heating of buildings in winter and
improve comfort conditions of people in the buildings, streets and open spaces. However cumulative structuring creates narrow streets, high buildings with fewer public spaces and the problem of the unequal living standards and access to sunlight. Healthier societies and living spaces require equal and adequate daylight access for each living and artificial things. In an equitable society, freedom of an individual ends where it impedes on the freedom of others.