Sagicor Wellness (Jan - Mar 2016)

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Increasing Team Cohesion for 2016 ECZEMA the Big Mystrery


Men & Women Coexisting A Mother’s Guide to Family Health New Year Food and Fitness

Quell the Quiet Storm (...Naturally!)

Cardiovascular Health Sprucing up Those Veggies Toyota Jamaica

Our Friends

Cover Feature


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It’s an indisputable fact that team building and team cohesion is essential for any functional organization. You need your employees to function as a well-oiled machine; in sync with each other’s needs, helping each other where there is difficulty. This is the hallmark of a productive team and will help to drive your company forward. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, nor is it inherent in every situation, as there will be a clash of personalities and emotions which won’t always equate to a harmonious setting. Here are 5 simple ways to build out team wellness and cohesion for 2016.

Company Outings Company gatherings are a great way to get your team to de-stress and let their hair down. Working 40-hour work weeks (in some cases 60 or more) is enough to leave anyone and everyone on edge, mentally tired and frustrated with their situation. Giving an option outside of just coming to work and sitting at their desk, being a worker bee and leaving can reduce turnover rates and increase efficiency. This is especially important for employers as it gives the employees an opportunity to commune with you on a level outside the formal confines of the office, thereby building not only a rapport but a sense of trust and loyalty to their boss. This is a perfect time as an employer to chart a path of productivity based on their characteristics. This can be an office restaurant night, 4

renting out a theater in the middle of the day to go watch a movie as a group, or even a company weekend vacation. The more social you are with your employees, the greater their appreciation for what they do and a willingness to keep doing it.

Emphasis on Wellness In most situations employees are stuck around a desk for 8 hours a day with little to no movement outside of when they get to work, when it’s time for lunch, or when it’s time to go home. This does not bode well for fitness and overall health as lethargy and laziness will build up. Especially when it comes to lunch choices as with the variety of inexpensive but unhealthy foods will make people sick, lethargic and overall unproductive. It is always a satisfying feeling when you as an employer can creatively encourage staff members to improve their lives generally. Ideas surrounding staff appreciating the value of managing their snack choices can truly go a far way. More visits to the water dispenser than the soda machine or replacing that greasy potato chips for a ripe ban are sure signs of improved Wellness. You will feel rewarded at the

LIFESTYLE TIPS end. You could also look into partnering with restaurants who do healthy cooking to provide meals and meal plans for your employees, or invest in group packages for gym memberships. Doing things like office yoga sessions, hikes and meditations are a great way to get your team in shape and possibly increase productivity.

A No Stress/De-Stress Zone As the name implies this is a room where your team members are not allowed to bring any electronic devices or anything even remotely related to work. Fill it with fluffy animals, bean bag couches, calm yet low music; just to create a space where teammates can come in and relax for 15-30 minutes to clear their head especially in high paced, chaotic work spaces. Working 8-15 hours a day, little breaks like that are important for clarity, effective decision making, and working out issues that might arise within the team. In that same breath, a group counselling session to air out internal issues may be recommended. A judgement-free office meeting where the sole purpose is to discuss things that might have happened for that week may be effective, and depending on how successful, may be adjusted to once or twice a month. Little things like leaving notes of encouragement on teammate’s tables and chairs when they aren’t there, or taking the simple effort to find out why a member of your team is hurting or not performing the way they should goes a long way in solving many issues and keeping cohesion on high.

Inter-Office Competitions and Games Nothing gets people to perform like a reason to one up their counterpart. Keeping that competition civil and within the realm of office boundaries is a good way for your team to challenge each other and themselves, and also meet company goals at the same time. So whether its quarterly targets for each division or even light hearted drinking games on a night out with everyone, these things help to build trust and create a sense of reliance on each other, which in the end only serve to help your company, and the team as a whole grow.

Focus on Productivity The whole aim of this is to get your team to a state of efficiency that the company as a whole will grow and develop by each of their individual contributions. Then the natural target should be on the team’s output and productivity through a typical work day. Whether it’s seminars that the office can go to as a whole, or even investing in the creation of a library where resources can be pooled and contributed in the respective areas of each employment, it’ll only serve to make the company output greater. Google offered this program at one point called “20% Time” which essentially allowed employees to work on side projects or flesh out ideas one day a week so long as these ideas could benefit the company in some way. Many of Google’s most significant advances, including Gmail and AdSense, which now accounts for about 25% of the company’s $50+ billion in annual revenue, were developed as a result of this initiative. It clearly pays to invest in your team.




Dry, scaly, flaky, almost unbearably itchy patches on your skin that you want to hide, but can’t, at the risk of further irritation. That’s Eczema. It’s that skin thing that you’ve heard about or experienced yourself. The word eczema is derived from a greek word that translates to effervescence or bubbling over, according to the National Eczema Association. This red, flaky rash can appear all over the body and doesn’t racially discriminate when choosing its victims. The most common areas that eczema may occur on the body are elbows, knees, typically areas that bend, the scalp and the face. There are different types of eczema like Atopic Dermatitis - the most severe chronic form, Contact Dermatitis - reaction caused by skin contact with certain substances and Dyshidrotic Eczema - blistering rash that is common in women and limited to the fingers, palms and soles of the feet, amongst others. An eczema diagnosis is usually made at a very young age. The rash can look completely different on another person and can affect them more severely as well. Fortunately, eczema is manageable and can lessen its effect as the person ages. However, if you’re experiencing the symptoms of eczema on an extreme level, it’s even more frustrating to hear that there is no cure. Many try creams, lotions and oils with the hopes of alleviating the skin sensitivity and extreme itch that comes with the disorder, but to no avail. Though the skin may be itchy, it is advised that no scratching takes place. The itch may be so terrible that it causes you to scratch your skin until it bleeds. This ultimately makes the rash worse and puts you into the throngs of the itch-scratch cycle.

So how do we prevent flare ups since we can’t cure it? Simple, find out what irritates your skin and stay clear. Common triggers or irritants include soaps, detergents, shampoos, chlorine disinfectants and the juices from some fresh fruits and meat. Others experience flare ups from excess heat and sun exposure, extremely cold temperatures, digesting dairy products, nuts or even increased hormones and stress. Ultimately, those affected by eczema must practice good skin care by moisturizing, applying sunscreen whilst learning eczema triggers and avoiding irritants. 6



COEXISTING The idea of living with your partner or spouse may give you strong feelings of happiness. Let’s just put it out there, you’re on top of the rainbow at this point. Imagine falling asleep as sweet nothings are whispered into your ear and waking up, enveloped in your darling’s arms. Oh! Sweet bliss. Then reality sets in and you will have to deal with the confines of telling someone your every move and discussing furniture options with two different interior aesthetic ideas in mind. Think of the food stains on the decided white minimalist themed rugs, hair from all sorts of places across the bathroom floor and even worse, human body excretions and secretions that have you shuddering and screaming to have your own space back. Sounds daunting, but don’t go running for the hills just yet. This is where effective communication, respect and compromise come into play.

Communication All successful relationships have good communication between both parties. So, talk to your partner. Don’t just give hints, explicitly say what you mean. At one point or another, both of you will get upset or bicker about something the other did. So the key is to communicate to create a happy, cohesive environment. This fosters a respectful relationship.

The truth is men and women can cohabitate Respect Respect your partner and their needs, wants and expectations of you. Be mindful of your partner’s space (both physically and socially). After communicating and figuring out how the both of you like things, respect is due. This automatically leads to compromise.

Compromise The truth is men and women can cohabit, as long as the big C - compromise - has a permanent seat at the table. You’ll quickly realize how smoothly things will run if both parties settle all disputes with mutual concession. 7

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LIFESTYLE TIPS It is without doubt that the average family has more commitments than time to meet them, from juggling work and the needs of your family, preparing meals, assisting with homework and driving back and forth to extra curriculum activities. There is often little time to truly consider the overall health and well-being of the family, as it seems impossible to fit one more thing into the schedule,

no matter how good it is for you. However, when it comes to health and wellness, it’s important that we think not only of our own health but also that of our family. Eating healthy, along with physical activity, not only increases physical and cardiovascular health, but it also improves sleep, reduces stress, increases attention and learning, and minimizes the chances of illness.

One way to balance family health is to fit it into the schedule by making it a family activity. Grocery shopping, cooking and exercising, which is often done alone can be made into family activities that provides an opportunity to spend time together. By designating each person with a special task for each activity can help to build relationships and holds each other accountable for sticking to your routine. If the whole family is committed to a healthier lifestyle, you can achieve your goals and make this a fun, engaging and bonding experience for everyone.



Workout routines and smarter food selections complement each other. Here are a few tips on how to make health and fitness a family affair.

1. Schedule it. The first step into getting the entire family involved is to make time for it. List the activities on a calendar and mark off each day’s activities together so everyone can look forward to the next day’s activities. 2. Plan, Shop & Prep together. Set aside a little time once a week to plan out a meal schedule and let everyone join in. Have a set day for each person’s favorite meal, that way no one feels left out. Taking the kids grocery shopping can be used to educate them about healthy eating options and the importance of a balanced diet, by reading and explaining food labels to them. Shopping together can also help save time and money. Planning your grocery list ahead of time, you will avoid strolling through isles and picking up items that are not needed. Shopping can be made fun for kids by making it a shopping game, include them in what you need to buy and in each aisle tell them what you are searching for. When it comes to preparing family meals, get the kids involved by assigning each child a task, like washing or chopping vegetables, assemble salads or layer lasagna. Mixing up the responsibilities keeps them interested, and keeps you from having to do all the work alone.

Set aside a little time once a week to plan...

3. Family Fitness Activities. Family fitness is a great way to strengthen family bonds, and it’s also good for our physical and mental health. Choose activities to participate in as a family, both during the week and on weekends. Take a few minutes every morning for a family stretch or time after dinner for a family walk. A morning stretching routine is a good way to set a positive mindset for the day, while a walk after dinner is an excellent way to help digest a meal and strengthen muscles, and it provides an opportunity to share about each other’s day. Plan weekend activities that everyone can enjoy, alternate the activity every week by letting each family member choose the type of exercise they want everyone to try. Introduce your kids to your favorite childhood games that will get the family to share in unstructured fun and active time together. 11



Taxes, death, and headaches are three things in life that are pretty much unavoidable at some juncture of your life. At least with the first two, in most cases you can see it coming or have an idea when it’ll show up. Headaches…not so much. A headache can strike in the middle of the most inconvenient (but important) times; during your child’s school play, during traffic, in a meeting, or even sitting at your desk. It is generally a sign of high stress situations where your body is literally fighting you and is a sign of a deficiency of something important, like water, food or more commonly, sleep. Headaches don’t have to be as unpredictable or unbearable as they are or last as long as they do, as there are natural, non-pharmaceutical methods that can quiet the pounding in your noggin. Keep in mind though that these are for the casual bearable headaches as migraines are a whole different category and their causes in most cases do actually require medical attention to make them bearable and to avoid triggers. Generally headaches tend to be random, however migraines can be set off by certain foods like chocolate, or even sensitivity to light, or an aversion to certain sounds and scents. You might need your doctor for those. Headache = getting soaked in the rain. Migraine = jumping in the ocean. Completely different experiences.

yourself. Sleep is a regenerative state in which your body isn’t doing a million things at once so it can handle the problem it detects. Sleeping for about 4-6 hours generally does the trick, and on top of your headache going away, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed. Don’t fight the sleep. Just let it happen. •

Since you’re about to go nuts, have some nuts. Almonds are a natural substitute to your pill popping tendencies to cure a headache and also help to supply your body with natural protein as a bonus. Almonds contain salicin, which conveniently, is in most over the counter pain killers. Having almonds relieves your pain without adding any 15 letter 6 syllable chemical you already aren’t in a position to try and pronounce. Be warned however, while almonds may be good for headaches, THEY MAY TRIGGER MIGRAINES IN PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM THEM.

Avoid MSG. Monosodium glutamate is this mysterious additive to food that serves to exponentially increase the flavor output of certain foods when added. However MSG in many cases acts as a trigger for headaches for the simple fact that MSG is like methamphetamines for our nervous system. That sudden rush of flavor excites our neurons to the point where our nerves experience what is known as a sensory overload (think of that burning sensation when you have something too sweet or salty, or the reaction when something is too sour) and will trigger a headache in most people. Avoid things like Chinese food, processed meats, canned vegetables and soy based items if you are prone to headaches.

Have that 9th glass of water. As stated before, headaches are often a sign of dehydration or rapid water loss. This can be as a result of physical activity, or just general thirst. Indulging in things like coffee, alcohol, sugary drinks, can all dehydrate you and should be avoided if you are prone to headaches. As soon as your head starts to throb, drink a tall glass of water and then have smaller sips during the day and the pain will eventually fade away.

Here are a few remedies found to alleviate headaches… naturally. •

Ice is your best friend. A convenient ice pack at the base of your neck or at the direct site of the headache goes a far way in pain relief. The ice decompresses any tense nerves and synapses that may be firing at random to cause you the pain in the first place. Ice, Ice, baby. •

Sleep the pain away. In most cases, your body is its own painkiller and doctor. Headaches are a common sign of a lack of sleep or over exerting

The simplest of remedies seem to have the greatest effect. 12



H E A LT H Cardiovascular Health, a highly discussed topic in health circles, and rightly so. Heart health is very important to a good quality, long life. It is necessary for individuals, especially those predisposed to cardiovascular issues, to pay keen attention to their heart and health. Here are the important things you should know.


The cardiovascular system consists of: the Heart, Blood vessels (including arteries, capillaries, and veins) and Blood. Its job is to deliver nutrient-rich blood throughout the body and remove naturally-occurring metabolic wastes from the body.

2. Your heart works hard! It pumps blood via a 60,000-milelong (97,000-kilometer-long) network of vessels and beats 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year—in total clocking up three billion heartbeats over an average lifetime.


About the size of its owner’s clenched fist, the organ sits in the middle of the chest, behind the breastbone and between the lungs. It’s made up of a special kind of muscle (cardiac muscle) that works involuntarily, so we don’t have to think about it.

4. Cardiovascular diseases claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined.


Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing nearly 380,000 people annually[HT1] .

6. Since

1984, more women than men have died each year from heart disease.[HT2] Heart disease is a general term that refers to blood circulation problems in the heart. It is the result of atherosclerosis, or the narrowing of the arteries caused by plaque buildup. [HT3]


When a person has heart disease, it increases the risk for other cardiovascular problems occurring, such as heart attack or stroke. A stroke can occur if a blood vessel is blocked by a dislodged piece of plaque or if it suddenly bursts. 13


8. A number of risk factors increase the chances of developing cardiovascular problems later in life. Some, such as age or a family history of the problem, are out of an individual’s control, but in other cases, persons can take steps to reduce their risk for cardiovascular problems with simple lifestyle changes.

9. An inactive lifestyle is one of the 5 major risk factors (along with high blood pressure, abnormal values for blood lipids, smoking, and obesity) for cardiovascular disease, as outlined by the AHA.

10. A diet high in saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is estimated to cause about 31% of coronary heart disease and 11% of stroke worldwide.[HT5]

11. Physical

inactivity increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. [HT4]

12. Exercise

can reduce “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood (the low-density lipoprotein [LDL] level), as well as total cholesterol, and can raise the “good” cholesterol (the highdensity lipoprotein level [HDL]).[HT6]




13. Patients with newly diagnosed heart disease who participate in an exercise program report an earlier return to work and improvements in other measures of quality of life, such as more self-confidence, lower stress, and less anxiety. Importantly, by combining controlled studies, researchers have found that for heart attack patients who participated in a formal exercise program, the death rate is reduced by 20% to 25%.

A number of risk factors increase the chances of developing cardiovascular problems later in life.


A chronically stressful life, social isolation, anxiety and depression increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Your heart takes care of you. Help your heart and the entire cardiovascular system by eating right and exercising regularly.









VEGGIES Embracing a veggie-forward menu can be a bit intimidating for most, as vegetarian meals are frowned upon as tasteless and boring. Whether you’re a full-time vegetarian, or just a fan of Meatless Monday, there are a few tricks of the trade for making meat-free meals more satisfying.

Let’s Talk Fruit & Veggies. Fruits and Vegetables have a serious advantage over meat, as they come in an array of stunning colours. From vibrant purple cabbage to verdant kale, or luscious red strawberry there’s a whole colour wheel out there for you to explore. So next time you’re in the produce isle ditch the boring ice-burg lettuce and cucumber and go for veggies that are deeper and darker in colour, like beets, spinach, purple onions, carrots, coloured sweet peppers, cherry tomatoes, blueberries and peach. Not only are these darker fruits and vegetables rich in flavor, they are also packed with vitamins and minerals. Remember a visually appealing plate is way more satisfying to eat. Alternative-Protein. Vegetarian meals are not only comprised of vegetables, as protein plays a vital part in any diet. Replacing meat with plant base protein can prove to be not only more nutritious but also flavorful. Spruce up those salads with big bold flavors that can stand on their own with minimal seasoning like black beans, chickpeas, whole grains, quinoa along with nuts and seeds.

Don’t Be Afraid of Fat. Fat is flavor, and with most vegetable very low in fat, they have an unfair advantage over meat. But with a little creativity, introducing new and healthy fats to your meals will have them bursting with flavor.


Nuts make salads and grain bowls more filling, while a drizzle of flavored oil adds richness to any dish.

Carbs It Up. Vegetarian meals do not have to mean rabbit food! Hearty grains and complex carbs like roasted squash, sweet potato, lentils add flavour, texture, and substance to a dish and most importantly leaves you feeling satisfied and full after a meal.

Cooking Methods. A common method of vegetable preparation is flash steaming, which as the name suggests, involves using steam to enhance the liquid content of vegetables and make them more delicious. After steaming your veggies, you can add flavourings in the form of herbs, garlic, ginger, lemon or lemon zest, olive oil, sesame oil, and even vinegar, does wonders to the flavours that vegetables naturally have. Grilling is also one way to get the most out of vegetables especially in kebab form and skewer them on the fire for a few minutes, adding flavourings such as olive oil and vinegar, sprinkling thyme, rosemary or even black pepper helping to bring out more flavor than you ever thought possible.


For a complete meal try this versatile

Pineapple Quinoa Black Bean with orange vinaigrette that can be eaten hot or cold, with a side salad. Ingredients 1 cup quinoa . cup chipped pineapples. 1 red bell pepper, diced 1 jalapeno, seeded and diced 1 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed 1/2 cup canned corn kernels, drained 1/3 cup chopped red onion 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves

Orange vinaigrette

1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice Zest of 1 orange 1 tablespoon sugar

Instructions In a large saucepan of 2 cups water, cook quinoa according to package instructions; set aside. To make the vinaigrette, whisk together olive oil, apple cider vinegar, orange juice, orange zest and sugar in a small bowl; set aside. In a large bowl, combine quinoa, pineapple, bell pepper, jalapeno, black beans, corn, onion and cilantro. Pour the vinaigrette on top of the salad and gently toss to combine.

With enough creativity and preparation, vegetables can be the main dish to an amazing meal with low preparation times, while retaining their nutritional values and flavour. Soon you’ll be questioning why you ate meat in the first place. 17



What started out as an initiative to reduce health insurance utilization has turned into a bigger, more impactful operation at Toyota Jamaica. The Wellness programme put in place at the car company has provided its employees the opportunity to combat lifestyle illnesses that prevent productivity and has aided in their general well-being.

The Toyota Jamaica wellness programme hit the ground running four years ago along with the National Health Fund (NHF) weight management programme. Since then, the company has participated in corporate walks on almost a monthly basis. Just this year, almost 65 employees participated as a team in the Sagicor Sigma Run. Toyota Jamaica is proud of their ongoing programme as members have benefitted from an improved lifestyle and wellness outcomes. Having a readily available gym is a great


advantage that has helped improve absenteeism at work. The overall attendance has collectively improved at the company as the frequency of employees going on sick leave has been greatly reduced. To keep the momentum high, regular fitness sessions are held inclusive of walks around the compound and dietary days. Employees participate in wellness challenges across the island, whilst sharing exercise tips and their experiences with each other to provide the necessary support to keep on track. Hikes and nature walks are also a staple activity. Toyota also hosts a well-supported health fair every other year where team members are able to do various health checks.

Sagicor is the health insurance provider for Toyota Jamaica. The company was eager to take on assistance to promote and improve wellness activities and so, the partnership has been a successful one.


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