Sagicor Wellness July-September 2016

Page 1


Ready, Set, Meditate Recharge with Meditation

Confessions of a Scale How to Determine Which Exercise Is Right for You


Holistic Wellbeing is the Jamaica Broilers Group Way The Dangers of Insurance Fraud Calories in Your Beverage Your Genes, Your Destiny? Not Necessarily. How Environmental Factors Also Aid the Prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases

Whose Side of the Fridge Is It, Anyway?

4 6 8 9 10 12 15

Ways in Which Men and Women View Health Differently

Can Wearable Tech Keep You on Track? Improve Your Mood Foods

16 18

Our Friends


Cover Feature




The art of meditation means different things to many people. It can be the heightening stages of spiritual enlightenment, a way to relax, an activity to clear the mind and soul, or the way to connect with our deepest selves. Throughout our lives we are taught to respond to the external, but it is up to us to teach ourselves to connect with the internal. Meditation is the practice of experiencing inner harmony. Meditation goes beyond quiet thinking and passes into awareness. Thinking occurs at all times - one never stops thinking - but being in a conscious state of awareness means to understand yourself in the physical and metaphysical sense. Our physical state refers to what our bodies feel see and sense, while our metaphysical state transcends our realities beyond our senses. It means to be ever present in our thoughts and in our bodies. It means to allow ourselves to tune out the external and to look within ourselves and to find ourselves within. Meditation is a mindful practice with a plethora of physical and emotional benefits. Seeking our innermost and truest selves on a regular (preferably daily) basis unlocks various levels of the self. We become more relaxed, we embrace the pause before acting


on our impulses, we slowly free ourselves from the stresses of daily life and begin to accept all things. With meditation comes an increase in our energy levels and improves our general mood due to an increase in serotonin production. We begin to connect fully with ourselves, develop our intuition, and appreciate our lives more. Meditation is also a means of lowering our blood pressure. Our immune system improves and our metabolic rate increases as our bodies become healthier as our minds do. When it comes to most things in life, you have to discover the reason for wanting to begin meditation. What is your goal? Ask yourself what you are hoping to gain from this experience. Would you like to feel more connected? Do you want to learn more about the various types of meditation? Are you trying to gain a better understanding of your spiritual self? Whatever your reason, believe it to be a noble one. Something is calling you to begin this glorious practice. There are several types and techniques of meditation practiced by millions of people around the World, but which one is the best? The best is the one that works for you in your current state of being.

LIFESTYLE TIPS For someone who is just starting out, you can try the following meditative techniques: Guided meditations. These help you with gaining a specific area of focus. A soothing voice will help you maintain a train of thought in order to better focus on being in a meditative state. You can try guided meditations when you are feeling anxious. Guided meditations are helpful for improving your mood. You can get lost in a hypnotic state where the person speaking invites you to imagine a place, different parts of your body, or a scenario that will bring you inner calm. Moving meditation. This can be going for a walk and bringing awareness to yourself, or engaging in a yoga practice. Yoga is one of the best forms of meditation because it improves mind, body, and spirit. You can begin with a simple sequence like a sun salutation to bring your awareness to your breathing and your body, or try a Yin yoga practice that enables you to hold each posture for several minutes. Focus on breathing. This is another meditative technique used to find inner peace. Find a posture that is comfortable for you. I suggest sitting with a straight back or lying in savasana [or corpse pose]- close your eyes, and slowly breathe in and out in a steady fashion. Let your breath flow into different parts of your body. Feel your lower belly, your lungs, and even your ribs expand and contract. When your mind wanders, and it will, don’t force the thoughts to stop. Instead, allow them to pass and go back to focusing on your steady breathing.

If you have a busy schedule, meditating before going to work may have you feeling calm and focused throughout the day. If you notice your energy waning, simply take note of your breath and return to deep inhales and complete exhales. There is always time to be aware of yourself and what your mind, body, and spirit need. And the time for listening to your deepest self is now.

Meditation is the practice of experiencing inner harmony.

Here are a few things to note when it comes to meditation: Be aware of yourself and of your breathing; believe it or not, having a steady breath is probably the most important part of meditating. Another thing is to let go of several expectations with meditation. The results are not immediate, completely silencing the mind is impossible, and you will probably still be a beginner after even the first year of practice. Don’t let any of this deter you. Start today. Start right now. Give yourself ten minutes out of your day to pause and breathe. Tune into yourself. You can sit in place and focus on a particular thought or focus on your breathing. You can slow down your thoughts and simply become a silent witness to whatever passes through. Do not resist your thoughts. When you are aware, you notice when your mind wanders, and when that happens, simply return to your breathing.



CONFESSIONS OF A SCALE How to Determine Which Exercise Is Right for You You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: regular physical exercise does a body good. There is no shortage of exercises to choose from. Activities include walking, running, boot camp,


weight training, dancing, yoga, pilates, boxing, kickboxing, spinning, swimming and the list goes on, so there is something for everyone. The benefits are numerous, ranging from the physical to the mental and even social, as you will see.


The benefits are endless The examples listed above fall into three broad categories - aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, anaerobic exercise or strength/muscle training, and flexibility exercises. Cardio, as the name suggests, is great for improving the health of the cardiovascular or circulatory system. Popular cardio activities such as walking, running, hiking, swimming, dancing and tennis increases your endurance and stamina, improves the condition of your heart, boosts mental health and brain function, helps to control weight, and combats lifestyle-related health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers. Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, builds muscle mass and enhances power. Weight training and resistance training are the go-to exercises in this category. It doesn’t involve a lot of the brisk movement of aerobic exercise, but more of lifting or pushing against heavy objects. This type of exercise improves muscle, bone, ligament and tendon strength, improves joint function, and develops coordination and balance. It also helps to improve cardiac function and elevate ‘good’ HDL-cholesterol, and burns fat, which helps with weight loss - just as with aerobic exercise.

Which one is best? These are the most commonly performed types of exercise, and they are often pitted against each other in a ‘which one is best’ contest. One may be better for a certain need, as each type serves a different function. However, it has been proven to be even more beneficial to the body to combine different exercises or cross train. CrossFit training is one exercise that combines movements from each category, as is boot camp, which usually involves running, climbing, pushups, squats and lifting and/or pushing heavy objects such as truck tyres. You get both muscle development and cardiovascular enhancement within one form of exercise. The body itself is multifunctional, so it’s important to train it in all areas.

The third category, flexibility exercises, often gets overlooked, but is just as important. Exercises such as yoga and pilates focus on stretching to improve the range of motion of muscles and joints. This helps to prevent injuries, back pain, and balance problems, and even improves your performance in other exercises as well. It’s important to develop your flexibility, even just for the fact that you can slip and fall. You want to know that you are flexible and your muscles are supple so you won’t incur a lot of injury.

How much do you need to exercise? Now that we’ve looked at the different types of exercises, how much does the body need? The answer will vary from person to person, depending on their goal - weight loss, muscle conditioning, and so on, and level of expertise - fitness junkie or newbie. For starters, 30 minutes a day, three to four times a week. That could involve just walking and doing bodyweight exercises (eg. push ups and sit-ups), not to overdo it. As your fitness level improves, you literally can work out seven days a week. Walking is also recommended as a great starter exercise. Walking is something we do every day, but for exercise purposes, you want to dress the part and look the part so you know that in your mind, you’re not just walking leisurely, you’re calculating a distance/ time ratio. So, if you’re walking a mile, you’re trying to measure yourself - how much time did you take, so that the next time, you complete it in a shorter duration, or you improve the distance within the same time. For the more seasoned, you can exercise up to 40 to 50 minutes per day. At this point, it’s good to have a programme set up for you by a trainer so you can reach your fitness goals.




JAMAICA BROILERS GROUP WAY The health and wellness of all employees of Jamaica Broilers Group Limited (JBG) is paramount, and as such, the Company, through the Group Human Resources Department, has continuously sought “to passionately improve the quality of life of our workers and the productivity level of the organization through physical, spiritual/ emotional, safety, and financial wellness.” JBG’s Wellness Programme is accessible by all employees and is designed to improve each person’s health status through prevention and intervention methods, the development and sustainability of healthy lifestyles, and underscores the Company’s ethos of creating good work-life balance. The programme is open to all employees across the Group, as there are no prerequisites to join or participate. As indicated earlier, JBG’s Wellness Programme focuses on four areas of the employees’ lives: •

Physical: The development of positive lifestyle habits through physical activity and seminars; review of individual nutrition programmes, quarterly health screenings provided by the Group’s clinic, which features a medical doctor on call and a team of resident company nurses, weekly fitness classes, inter-departmental football competitions, and Business House competitions such as football and cricket. The programme also extends to the way in which meals are prepared by the Company’s canteens, encouraging the use of natural seasonings/ingredients, some of which are grown in the Group’s own vegitable gardens.

Spiritual and emotional: Creating avenues and outlets for dialogue, 24-hour counselling and intervention as needed, not just for employees but may also include other family members; confidential welfare and wellbeing sessions, and Bible sessions.

Financial: Development of a value-based approach to personal money management, for both short and long term planning; financial awareness and knowledge through presentations facilitated at their location

Safety and awareness: Occupational Health and Safety Officers present workshops on


increasing employees’ awareness of hazards and safety principles and practices. To track the effectiveness of the various aspects of the Wellness Programme, JBG currently receives feedback from the employees and the Company nurses, which enables the Group to improve the sessions offered to meet their needs. Depending on the activity, the frequency will vary at each location. However, generally, the Company nurses visit each location quarterly; fitness classes are held at least three times per week at each location; a counsellor visits each location once per month to offer private counselling sessions; and financial wellness sessions are offered on an on-going basis throughout the year. JBG has a long history with Sagicor Life Jamaica, which has been its health and life insurance provider for employees and their families for more than 15 years. The health programme is also augmented by Sagicor’s biennial health screening visit to each location across the Group, and JBG’s participation in the annual Sigma Corporate Run. Additionally, the health insurance policy and coordinated benefits with the National Health Fund has helped employees to access medical care both locally and internationally, and the supplemental products offered (disability insurance, parental life, spousal life, critical care for example) have also assisted employees in unforeseen circumstances.



INSURANCE FRAUD Local health insurance providers pay out billions of dollars in claims every year. However, in some instances, these claims are dishonest and may be deemed to be insurance fraud. Insurance fraud is any act committed with the intent to obtain a fraudulent outcome from an insurance process. This may occur when a claimant attempts to obtain some benefit or advantage to which they are not otherwise entitled. There is also insurance abuse, which are cases in which criminal intent cannot be proven. A health care provider might accidentally overcharge for a service or use an incorrect code, or the insurance recipient himself may be selling his benefits to turn a profit for himself. Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited has reported that the company’s audit, which looked at 67,000 records, found a discrepancy value of J$16.6 million last year. There are several types of health insurance fraud. These include: • Billing for services that were never done. This involves either using genuine patient information to fabricate a claim, or padding claims with charges for procedures or services that were not rendered. •

‘Upcoding,’ which is billing for more expensive services or procedures than were actually provided or performed.

Performing unnecessary services solely for the purpose of generating insurance payments.

Misrepresenting non-covered treatments as medically necessary covered treatments for the purposes of obtaining insurance payments.

Falsifying a patient’s diagnosis to justify tests, surgeries or other procedures that are not medically necessary.

A subscriber allowing someone else to use their identity and insurance to obtain medical services.

Using benefit to pay for drugs not prescribed by his/her physician.

These practices put patients at risk. For one, performing unnecessary procedures can endanger the patient’s life. Fraudulent claims can leave someone with an entirely false medical history which, if unnoticed and uncorrected, could lead to an incorrect diagnosis or treatment in the future. It could also become difficult for that person to get insurance coverage down the road. This will also incorrectly increase his utilization, resulting in increased premium. Some of these dangers also apply in cases of insurance abuse. Jacqueline Brown-Barnes, Provider Auditing Services & Operational Support Manager at Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited warns persons in the habit of “renting out” their insurance cards for profit or otherwise that any diagnosis their “customer” receives now becomes theirs, because it’s on their records. This might affect the kind of coverage they can receive in the future. She also urged beneficiaries to be less cavalier about their insurance cards. “Most people would never ever lend out their credit cards, so we should never ever lend out our health cards.” Sagicor Life Jamaica routinely carries out audits to validate claims from its providers - doctors, medical labs and pharmacies. This involves reviewing the patient records related to the claims submitted “We conduct investigations as well, in cases where cardholders report any discrepancies, such as lost cards, or being charged for procedures not done,” said Brown-Barnes. In terms of public education, the company also works with local businesses to sensitize their employees, and also facilitate sessions and workshops with health care providers to discuss the do’s and don’ts of health insurance. The company’s expectations and standards are also discussed. Brown-Barnes also said that Sagicor Life Jamaica is moving towards placing the photograph of the subscriber or insured person on the insurance cards in an effort to help with identification and reduce inappropriate card lending.




in Your Beverage If you’re conscious about your calorie intake then there’s a chance that you’re familiar with the saying, “Eat your calories, don’t drink them”. Many beverages contain what we refer to as “empty calories” that will leave you unsatisfied and wanting for food because our bodies don’t necessarily register liquid as much as solids. Before you know it you can rack up a high calorie count consuming just beverages daily. Unsure about the calories you’re drinking? Check out the group of beverages with their calorie count and amount of sugar below. Pay careful attention to serving size because two beverages may contain the same amount of calories however their serving size may vary. Alcoholic Beverages Beverage

Serving Size


Grams of Sugar *Tsp of Sugar or others





Light beer




Red or white wine






Hard liquor (vodka, rum, 1.5oz whiskey, gin; 80 proof)


They say time flies when you are having fun but pay careful attention to the serving size of hard liquor versus their total calories, as a night out with friends of 3 servings of hard liquor can take you up to 300 calories. Teas and coffee Beverage

Serving Size


Grams of Sugar *Tsp of Sugar or others

Coffee, Black





Sweet tea





Brewed tea




Unsweetened Ditch the additional flavours in your coffee which can increase your calorie intake as well as pile on the sugars. Brewed unsweetened tea provides not only the most favourable option because of the 3 calories but the fact that is also contains no sugar. Soda Beverage

Serving Size


Grams of Sugar

*Tsp of Sugar or others

Diet Soda



Artificial sugars







Not among the healthiest group of beverages and I would recommend staying away from them if you can. Though diet soda contains no sugar, it contains artificial sweeteners such as: aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, acesulfame-k or sucralose which can be very detrimental to your health overtime. 10

YOUR HEALTH Energy Drinks Beverage

Serving Size


Grams of Sugar *Tsp of Sugar or others

Sports drink





Energy drink





Nothing quenches thirst like that of water and most importantly water contains zero calories and is much cheaper. The truth is if you are not a high performance athlete, you do not necessarily need energy drinks to replenish. However, if you must, choose smaller servings to reduce your calorie and sugar intake. Juices


Serving Size


Grams of Sugar

*Tsp of Sugar or others

Orange Juice





Apple Juice, unsweetened





The daily recommendation of maximum amount of added sugars daily for male is 37.5 grams and 25 grams for women. Consequently if you consume a 12 oz glass of orange juice or apple juice, you have exceeded your daily amount. Leave yourself a little wiggle room by reducing your serving size to half. Milk


Serving Size


Grams of Sugar

*Tsp of Sugar or others

Whole Milk





Nonfat milk





Seeing that grams of sugar are identical per serving, nonfat milk with the lowest calorie count would be the better suited choice for consumption. Latte


Serving Size


Grams of Sugar

*Tsp of Sugar or others

Caffe Latte, whole milk





Caffe Latte, nonfat





Mocha light Frappucino





Always aim to make the best decision among each group but pay careful attention to serving size, because one container may contain several serving sizes. Sugar is another thing to be on the lookout for as well because as a society we consume too much sugar on a daily basis which is having an adverse effect on our health and is documented in contributing to diabetes, obesity and other health risks. To calculate your sugar intake and to give you a visualization, 4 grams of sugar equates to 1 teaspoon. Be sure to learn and understand how to read food labels as this is where you’ll find the information on your beverages including calorie count, sugar, serving size and nutritional benefits. Take care in noting that water is arguably the best beverage option as none of the beverages listed above quenches thirst and additionally it contains no calories. *4 grams of sugar equates to 1 teaspoon. Meisha-Gay Mattis Certified Healt Nutritionist




NOT NECESSARILY. How Environmental Factors Also Aid the Prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also called chronic diseases, are a major health concern globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), hypertension, and chronic respiratory disease account for some 38 million deaths annually, 28 million of which occur in low- and middle-income 12

countries like Jamaica. More than nine million of these deaths occur before the age of 60. What is responsible for this global crisis? There is no single answer. At the most fundamental level, we can look at our genes as the ‘traitors.’ Most people are not born with chronic diseases, but are

LIFESTYLE TIPS at high risk of acquiring them due to some dormant mutation in their genes. The WHO’s department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) states that, cancer, for example, may involve “genes that suppress tumour formation, which lose their function, thus giving rise to carcinomas.” We can also look at the fact that some NCDs affect certain groups with similar genetic background more than others. For instance, African communities tend to have strokes as a result of cardiovascular disease, and South Asians tend to have heart attacks (WHO). However, genetic predisposition to an NCD doesn’t just work in a vacuum. In many cases, these dormant genetic mutations have to be ‘activated’ by another risk factor. This is most often a bad lifestyle practice such as tobacco use, physical inactivity or unhealthy diet. So, for instance, a person with a family history of type 2 diabetes who lives on fast food and doesn’t do any physically activity is more likely to develop the disease than someone with a similar background who is fit and eats healthy foods. Another ‘culprit’ that often gets overlooked is the environment, which bears risk factors such as climate change, air and water pollution, toxic chemicals and natural toxins. NCDs contribute the largest share of environment-related deaths, according to the WHO, which estimates that some 12.6 million people died as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment in 2012. Air pollution-related NCDs accounted for about 8.2 million of these deaths.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these connections:


Hazardous chemicals from both indoor and outdoor air pollution are often carcinogenic. Polluted water, which many less fortunate people around the world are forced to consume, can cause cancers. Soil pollution, which affects food quality, is also a factor.

Additionally, according to the 2010 article Climate Change, Noncommunicable Diseases, and Development: The Relationships and Common Policy Opportunities, (S. Friel, et al), the effects of climate change on the ozone layer, precipitation and cloud coverage will lead to increased exposure to UV radiation, which can lead to skin cancers.

Cardiovascular Diseases

According to Friel, et al, more frequent and increased intensity of heat extremes, generally higher temperatures and less rainfall, coupled with increased pollution concentrations heightens exposure to pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead, and particulate matter. These are associated with increased mortality due to CVD. These factors, along with chemicals found in some building materials, major fires (such as the Riverton fires), polluted water and natural toxins such as mold, can also cause or exacerbate conditions and chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.


This was classified as a disease in 2013 by the American Medical Association and in 2015 by the Canadian Medical Association. Although some experts disagree with the classification, there is no denying that it is a gateway condition to several NCDs such as diabetes, CVD, hypertension and even some cancers. The US-based National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) singles out “built environments that discourage physical activity” as one factor that Taking all of this into causes obesity. Additionally, urban consideration, it is clear that environments tend to push a fast- having ‘faulty’ genes in your paced, work-heavy lifestyle that leaves make-up does not mean a little time for working out, preparing chronic disease is your fate. If healthy meals and getting adequate rest. People in these environments you have a known family history spend most of their days seated at office of such a disease, it behoves desks and often rely on unhealthy fast you to manage your lifestyle in food chains for sustenance, especially order to mitigate against the at lunch time. possibility of developing the

condition yourself. Also, take any precaution you can against environmental risk factors within your control. 13


WHOSE SIDE OF THE FRIDGE IS IT, ANYWAY? Ways in Which Men and Women View Health Differently

As John Gray’s best-selling, classic relationship book says, men

women are up to 40 per cent more likely than men to

are from Mars and women are from Venus. This simply means

develop mental health conditions, according to a 2013 study

that men and women have different ways of looking at the

by a clinical psychologist at Oxford University in England.

world. The principle doesn’t only apply to relationships, as the ‘battle of the sexes’ is also evident in matters concerning health.

On the flip side, women are three times less likely to engage in harmful practices such as alcohol and substance abuse.

A 2005 Scottish study found that both men and women believed their sex was more likely to develop common disorders. However, holistically, women tend to be more health conscious than men. They are more likely to: •

Be more aware of their overall health. In fact, according to studies done across England and Wales, Northern Ireland

Another reason why women are more health conscious is because they are usually the primary caregivers for their families. This means they don’t just think about their health, but that of their partners and children, and sometimes, even elderly parents.

and Scotland in 2010, women are more likely than men to complain about their health, even when they are in better the fact that women, according to an article by scientific

While women tend to be more health conscious, men are generally more fitness focused. Studies have shown that, on average, men exercise twice as much as women. There

American, have a higher rate of chronic diseases, so they

are several factors at play here. For instance:

are more vigilant about their health;

shape. This tendency to ‘over-report’ may stem from

Pay closer attention to health risks, such as hereditary

shape. In fact, men have been programmed since childhood

conditions; get screened or tested for cancers, diabetes

to be active and/or play sports. Girls are not conditioned in

and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as well as

the same way;

schedule and keep doctor appointments; •

Both men and women expect men to be in good physical

Men typically work out to build muscle, often to impress

Eat healthier foods, including fruits and vegetables, which

the ladies and one-up each other. Women tend to avoid

they believe will “make them look younger and keep them

physical activities that will make them look too toned, or

living longer,” according to research journal Appetite. Men,

“tough” as we say in Jamaica.

on the other hand, don’t believe fruit and vegetables are

Women also report having less time to work out, for various

actually important to their diet, and also think they have

reasons, as well as a lack of social support and lack of safe

less control over their fruit and vegetable intake than

environments for exercise.

women do. They also tend to eat more meat (particularly

So, is there a winner in this particular battle of the sexes? It

red meat) than women.

seems women have this one in the bag, as they outlive men in every geographical region, regardless of socio-economic

Give thought to issues surrounding mental health, and


seek treatment where necessary. This is perhaps because




WEARABLE TECH KEEP YOU ON TRACK? Wearable technology is not exactly a phenomenon of the ‘new millennium.’ People have been wearing timekeeping devices since the Nuremburg Egg in the 1500s, for instance. That cumbersome device eventually gave way to the mechanical wristwatch, then digital watches, followed by calculator watches in the 70s and 80s. These devices helped us keep track of time, but it wasn’t until 2006 that similar technology would be applied to fitness. The first known fitness tracker was the Nike+, a collaboration with Nike and Apple. It featured a tracker embedded in Nike sneakers, allowing the wearer to view the time spent, distance covered, pace kept and calories burnt during a workout on an iPod Nano screen. Two years later, the Fitbit came on the scene. The pioneering device, worn on a band like a wristwatch, allowed wearers to track steps taken, distance covered, calories burnt, and even sleep patterns. Much of


the current wearable fitness

Today, the technology has become more streamlined and accessible. There are several brands of fitness trackers on the market, at various price points and in different styles, such as bracelets, watches, or clip-ons that can be worn on clothing. Many can also be synced to your smartphones and computers so you never miss a call, text or online notification. To the right is a quick look at some of the most popular brands:

technology is similar in scope and aesthetic.



...Allow wearers to approximate their daily calorie intake so they can better plan their meals...

Apple Watch - This smart watch combines the capabilities of an all-day activity tracker with those of a superior sport watch. It features the Workout app, which offers a range of indoor and outdoor exercises; and the Activity app, which provides a snapshot of your daily activity, with Stand, Move, and Exercise rings encourage you to engage in these activities until you close each ring every day. Fitbit - Many reviewers rank Fitbit devices and apps as the best in the game. There are a range of different devices to choose from, from the simple Zip clip on that tracks steps taken, calories burned and active minutes and to the powerful Surge super smart watch that does all of the above, and then some. Jawbone - Jawbone offers four different types of trackers, from the UP move™ featuring the free app, food logging and activity tracking to the UP4™ with those features and


sleep tracking, smart alarm, resting and passive heart rate

To many, a fitness tracker is a bit of an

monitoring and more. It also connects you with a social

indulgence. Not everyone will be able to

community where you can ‘Duel’ with other users in head-

afford one. However, if you are a techie and

to-head step battles lasting 24 hours, 3 days or 1 week.

can make the investment, there are a number of benefits to be derived. For instance, they:

Misfit - Misfit devices and apps automatically track steps,

Help wearers to be more aware of

distance, and sleep quality and duration. Your smartphone

how active they are currently, which

becomes your hub for insight into your health and fitness by

encourages them to continue or increase

logging your activity levels, food intake, weight, and more.

their activity level;

It also connects you with an active social community.

workout buddies where wearers can

Moov Now - This “learning and coaching tracker” not only

‘compete’ with each other;

tracks steps, but counts your reps, measures your motions, and analyses/coaches you on how to improve your form

Often offer a community of virtual

Allow wearers to approximate their daily

to get the most out of your run, walk, swim, ride or boxing

calorie intake so they can better plan

or training session, via artificial intelligence software that

their meals, and

provides audio and visual feedback. The device runs on

Provide access to data that can help

your smartphone or tablet, and features several sports,

healthcare professionals monitor the

programmes and levels, and an active social community.

conditions of their patients.




Given the growing popularity of plant based diets most

least two litres of water daily will ensure that your bowels

persons are now familiar with the possible effects that

and kidneys run smoother and your brain which sits in

certain foods can have on one’s mental, emotional

water, is functioning well.

and physical well-being. Many persons have noted that aside from physical changes, a drastic change in

Iron is also overlooked for the more popular and

diet has resulted in simultaneous changes to moods

glamorous ‘protein’. It seems everyone is obsessed with

and emotions. Women in particular have reported that

getting more protein yet most western diets are iron

switching to a raw vegan diet has significantly improved

deficient. Increasing your intake of callaloo, teff, quinoa

mood swings related to PMS and many mental health

and local teas like sarsaparilla and dandelion will improve

practitioners continue to prescribe a change in diet to

iron which will improve your mood.

complement medication. These and other developments have led to the phenomenon of ‘the mood food’. Loosely

The key to stable improved moods are foods rich in

speaking, these are foods that once consumed produce

minerals. Banana is a happy food rich in minerals and

chemical reactions in the body leading to a noticeable

walnuts are a superb brain food. Both require zero

change in your disposition or mood.

preparation and low in calories. It is important that our food is fresh, alkaline and non-hybrid. Make things from

The cliché ‘you are what you eat’ continues to hold true.

scratch to avoid unnecessary preservatives, sodium and

What we consume continues to be a major player in the

sugar. Visit your local farmer and drink coconut water!

quality of our lives. Let’s start off with dehydration. A person who is dehydrated is more likely to suffer from forgetfulness, irritability and constipation. Drinking at


Fresh diet, fresh body, clear mind.

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