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[CONTENTS] [News] 6 ncb idb conference june 21-23

The conference is a part of the Bank’s partnership agreement with the IDB to strengthen SMEs for competitiveness and growth

7 kimroy bailey’s 100% renewable foundation

The aim is to power the facilities at the Lower Litchfield Basic School and Community Centre using a hybrid of both wind and solar technologies.

7 what’s your bright idea?

The IDEAS competition is an initiative that supports the development of innovative projects that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy access in rural areas.

[insights] 11 “going green” or just “greenwashing?”

[t e c h 3] 13 Yahoo acquires tumblr + more

[ c o v e r s t o ry ]

[do good] 14 digicel’s green initiative and special treatment for special needs 8 giving going green

a new meaning

One of the eight IDEAS 2012 competition winners, The Family Garden seeks to provide employment and income in rural communities in Jamaica. The project helps by allowing the community to grow their own products and also becoming entrepreneurs.

[editor’s note]

Be Green!


his is by no means an encouragement to take fewer showers but more about cultivating a ‘green behaviour’. “Going green” is the latest buzzword following on the experiences across the globe as a result of climate change. It’s a lifestyle that we all should embrace as we seek to save energy and reduce our carbon footprint. Let us a leave at least a chunk of God’s green earth for our children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren to enjoy.

[ s ta r t u p s ]

[ s ta r t u p s ] 15 weconnect international

A global network of women in business, launched in Jamaica on April 9, provides a solution to major limitations to the economic empowerment of women.


17 3 apps to help you live green

[ s p e c i a l f e at u r e ] 18 carlton alexander award to recognize arnold foote and trevor mccartney

[1o things]

20 a guide: ten things entrepreneurs should tweet about

Managing your social image is crucial as a professional --- more so as an entrepreneur.

Be it the installation of fluorescent bulbs in our homes and businesses, plugging out appliances when not in use, walking or carpooling to work, buying locally, eating organically, skipping the bottled water in favor or tap water, donating and recycling --it’s easy to integrate green behaviours into our daily lives. Our Caribbean islands are surrounded by water and will be the most affected. As a region, it is imperative that we reduce our global temperature to 2 degrees celsius by the year 2050. To achieve this, we need to cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 25-40% to avoid the catastrophe that accompanies rapid climate change. This issue is a tribute to “going green” and features businesses and insights on doing just that. By nature of our very own operations at eMedia --- paperless operations and e-business lines --- we practice what we preach. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Let us start living sustainably now.

Camille Campbell

Nurturing The Startup Spirit: Big Businesses Embracing Young Entrepreneurs july 24, 2013

UWI Regional Headquarters



NCB SME Conference: June 21 -23, 2013 N

CB will stage a Conference on June 21-23 at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa in Montego Bay under the theme “Facing Challenges - Embracing Opportunities”. The conference is a part of the Bank’s partnership agreement with the IDB to strengthen SMEs for competitiveness and growth. NCB is supporting the project with over US$500,000 (J$47.5 million). NCB will also create a special pool of funds (approximately $500M JMD) at an attractive interest rate for access by qualified participants in the programme. The Conference targets SMEs who are looking to expand locally and internationally, professionals who are looking to start a small business, organisations who offer services to SMEs, IT vendors and trade facilitators as well as SMEs looking for additional clients, strategic partners or vendors. A slate of local and international business innovators including Alicia Lyttle (CEO - Monetized Marketing), David Martin (GM - Jamaica Producers Group), Lisandra Rickards (Entrepreneur Development Trainer - Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship and Yoni Epstein (CEO - Island Outsourcers and Chairman of the Business Processing Industry Association of Jamaica) will share their expertise on the conference floor. The conference aims to help owners/operators of Jamaica’s small and medium-sized

businesses learn how to increase operational efficiency within the current economic environment, to leverage new technology and social media for greater profitability and growth, access financing and service options, showcase their products and networks. Conference sessions are designed to provide information and assistance to all types of small and medium-sized businesses with topics covering small business finance, technology, governance issues, and acquiring and managing the resources needed to succeed. The conference will also allow participants to engage a large audience about the issues that affect the SME sector and even gives SMEs a chance to showcase their unique products and services. NCB entered in a Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the execution of the project with the objectives of increasing financing to small enterprise segments that drive economic growth and strengthening NCB’s capacity to significantly increase lending and financial services to small enterprises. The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) has been appointed as the Project Management Office for the supervision and execution of project activities as a condition of this Agreement.

www.embracingsmes.com | embracingsmes@psoj.org Your Money eZine



Kimroy Bailey’s 100% Renewable Foundation


he Kimroy Bailey Foundation believes that Jamaica can generate all its electrical power from 100% renewable sources. This would in essence, significantly reduce oil importation and the cost of electricity to the final consumer. The project, which is slated to begin in Trelawny in August of this year, is estimated to cost JM$3.75 million. The aim is to power the facilities at the Lower Litchfield Basic School and Community Centre using a hybrid of both wind and solar technologies. The small farming community in the parish of Trelawny which the project targets, frequently suffers from electricity shortage and extensive delays in reconnections after storms and other hazards. This project will provide a sustainable energy alternative on a small scale for the community by charging a nominal fee from residents to charge their phones, and to store frozen items. The Foundation aims to promote renewable energy utilization and energy conservation, by educating individuals about sustainable energy habits and installing wind turbines and solar systems in schools, science labs and community centers across Jamaica. As a fundraising effort, the Foundation will be hosting a gospel concert featuring Kevin Downswell in August to raise necessary funding. Ticket sales will commence June 1, 2013.

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What’s Your Bright Idea?


he Inter-American Bank (IDB) in collaboration with the South Korean Government has launched this year’s IDEAS energy innovation content on renewable energy, energy efficiency and access. The IDEAS competition is an initiative that supports the development of innovative projects that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy access in rural areas. The competition is the fourth in a series that began in 2009 and is open to all individuals and institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants must complete the IDEAS online form at www.iadb.org/ideas and be submitted upon completion of the IDEAS online application form between May 1, 2013, and midnight, July 1, 2013, Washington, DC time.

Read More



business lounge


“Going Green”

A New Meaning

The Family Garden


hat begun as a hobby for Rebecca Harper and her husband 5 years ago, is now a full-blown business in the Jack’s Hills community of Upper St. Andrew. Buttressed by winnings from the Inter-American Development Bank IDEAS competition in 2012, The Family Garden, a community consisting of hoop houses, uses a solar-powered hydroponic farming technique and gives new meaning to the term “going green”. The farm, located at the side and back of their home property has now significantly expanded and provides employment and income across their community.

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Operators of The Family Garden have always wanted to ‘give back’ and this has allowed them to create jobs and develop their community.

The IDEAS competition, which The Family Garden won, is an energy innovation contest for the Caribbean which supports the development of innovative projects promoting renewable energies. Each winner is granted up to US$200,000 to develop their innovative energy efficiency and in addition to grant funding, receive technical and business development support. The Family Garden’s plants and herbs are grown using the hydroponics technique. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water, without soil. Using exclusively organic fertilizer added to large drum fitted with a pump, water is constantly filtering through a maze of interconnected PVC pipes. The pipes, fitted together at each end has a series of holes cut-out in a row into which seedlings of plants from the nursery are placed. The entire process can take up to 8 weeks as the plants mature, are reaped and then transferred to a packing room.

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Beginning at 8am every morning, two shifts of workers which consists of mainly women check the crops, process orders and package cooking herbs for sale to almost a dozen supermarkets. Herbs include basil, cilantro, dill, arugula, watercress, lettuce, mojito mint, summer savory, parsley, oregano and garlic chives. The Family Garden uses pesticide-free fertilizer to grow seedlings from a central nursery, harvest the herbs which then moves into the central pack house to be packed for distribution. Operators of The Family Garden have always wanted to ‘give back’ and this has allowed them to create jobs and develop their community. All farmers in the project undergo Hazard Analysis Central Control Point (HACCP) training which grants certification to produce quality goods which are safe to eat. Their hope is that more communities copy their model or join with The Family Garden. The Family Garden will be showcasing their living salad bar in collaboration with manufacturing companies Springvale Vinaigrettes and Greathouse Gourmet Pepper Jellies at the Observer Food Awards May 30th.

Click on the icons below for more information on The Family Garden

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12 [insights]


GREENWASHING? The Current Direction of Energy Policy and Your Business by Andrew Raymore


reenwashing: a form of spin in which “green PR” or “green marketing” is “deceptively” used to promote the perception that an organization’s aims and policies are environmentally friendly. First of all, let’s try to kill the buzzword ‘green’. You’re tired of hearing about it and quite frankly the more it’s thrown around, the less it means. As many businesses pursue “going green” – they end up ‘greenwashing’ their operations instead. Whether out of a desire to feign corporate social responsibility, or to appease the pet whims of an executive with enough pull to get the office recycling project started. The result being that whatever piecemeal initiatives are decided on, are then bandied about through PR spin, run through the business section of the local papers and quickly forgotten. This isn’t good corporate energy policy, hell, it isn’t even good marketing. Firstly, any business – even small and medium enterprises, should not attempt any ‘green’ initiatives without meaningful input from a qualified energy consultant (emphasis on the word qualified) or an outsourced firm/consultant. If you are operating a marketing firm, managing a warehouse or running a manufacturing titan – you attain success by being good at what you do; so ensure your company’s energy plan is formulated with input from someone that is good at what they do. Do NOT just go around slapping solar panels on things.

The Policy Environment

Sadly, Jamaica’s energy policies have for years amounted to hyperbole with little substance – governmental greenwash if you will. There is however some positive movement in this space that you should be aware of: Fourteen additional energy efficiency and renewable energy devices can now be imported into Jamaica duty free. Recently, the administration removed General Consumption Tax (GCT) from a compre­hensive list of items, including: wind turbines, solar cells, panels and tubes, solar water pump­ ing systems, occupancy sensors, photovoltaic (PV) batteries, light-emitting diode (LEDs), inverters among other items. This followed the suspension of the Common External Tariff (CET) on these items by CARICOM’s Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED). The administration and relevant ministry at last seem to be acting to assist business operators and householders that continue to drown in unreasonable energy costs. The Government finally recognises that the cost of renewable energy

remains high, particularly for small businesses and households, and the removal of the duty will make it easier for Jamaicans to access these energy saving devices. Net billing has also been rolled out to allow individuals and businesses to sell excess renewable energy generation back to JPS. Albeit at a much lower rate than what they pay for the same electricity. Nonetheless, with regards to renewable energy, the country continues to take baby steps in the right direction. Our policies may be finally coming in line with the fact that the cost of our energy in Jamaica could derail any attempts at macro-economic reform and stability. As a matter of fact, the energy ministry has said that reducing its energy bill is a condition of the freshly inked IMF agreement (In 2011, the Government spent some $1.2 billion per month for electricity). The private and public sector seem to be finally converging on the severity of Jamaica’s energy crisis – and the correct policy environment is on the horizon, let’s just hope we get there.

*See the National Energy Conservation and Efficiency Policy 2010 – 2030 here Your Money eZine


13 [tech now]

tech news

Code for the Caribbean Code for the Caribbean (CftC) is a regional initiative to use technology to provide solutions to problems across the Caribbean. Partnering with government agencies, CftC intends to leverage the internet and the innovative human resources available in the Caribbean to come up with new ideas and ways to improve and fix challenges faced. The partnership with the Jamaican Rural Area Development Agency (RADA), has launched the pilot fellowship programme. The programme will last six months, during which fellows will work alongside RADA to come up with ways to combat praedial larceny. Applications are currently open and the deadline for submission is June 3, 2013. Read more

Yahoo acquires Tumblr and revamps Flickr For US$1.1billion Yahoo is trying to regain their ‘cool’ status by purchasing the blogging site Tumblr. While Yahoo has had a track record of not making the best decisions regarding its acquisitions (Flickr), Google veteran, and current Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer has issued a promise “not to screw it up”. CEO of Tumblr, David Karp will remain in his current capacity and Tumblr will be operated independently. Despite these promises however, Wordpress reported that Tumblr blog transfers on the Sunday the acquisition was announced rose from average 500 to 72,000 in just one hour. Just after the Tumblr news it was announced that Flickr will now offer users 1TB free space for photo storage, that amounts to approximately 537,731 photos stored at original quality. Read more

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Google Keynote 2013 The 2013 google keynote brought viewers plenty of news and announcements about their latest developments to the products. Android devices are now boasting 900 million activations and more than 48 billion application downloads from the Google Play store. Google Chrome continues to be awesome, according to the 700 million active users it has, making it the number one browser in the world. Also a great platform for developing apps. On the first day of the Google I/O, Google stocks closed at a 52-week all time high at US$915. Read more


14 [DO GOOD]

digicel Special Treatment for Special Needs


igicel is a household name in Jamaica since expanding their market here in 2001. The Digicel Foundation then began in 2004 and since their inception they have been involved with more than 350 projects. The Foundation focuses on the areas of Special Needs, Community Development and Literacy. Digicel Foundation has committed to building three educational facilities for special needs students by 2014. Construction has begun on two of the three already, these are the STEP Centre in Kingston and the NAZ Children’s Centre in Montego Bay. They also contributed to the development of Genesis Academy, a school located on South Camp Road. Genesis Academy caters to a variety of special needs students from all walks of life. Ranging from the mildly disabled to the more severe and serving both mentally as well as physically challenged. From the digicel donation of $10million the school was able to relocate and renovate. Their inaugural Take Back the Night run was held in October 2012 and the proceeds were in aid of Special Needs schools and organisations including the NAZ Children’s Centre, the STEP Centre, the Randolph Lopez School of Hope, Mustard Seed Communities, the Jamaica Association on Intellectual Disabilities, the Jamaica Autism Support Association, the Jamaica Association for the Blind and the Jamaica Association for the Deaf.

Green Initiative


hile the Digicel Foundation does not have any specifically eco-friendly areas of focus, the environment is a factor that is always considered in their projects and they collaborate with the Digicel Go Green team on various activities involving the environment. Digicel also helps to ease the financial burden by partnering with groups like the Jamaica Environment Trust to put on events like the Digicel Youth Environmental Leadership Awards as well as participate in various beach clean ups. The Mona Dam also got a green facelift courtesy of the Digicel Go Green team. Recycling drums were added as well as water fountains. This encourages visitors to the dam to bring reusable bottles of water that they can fill up on the spot, rather than plastic disposable bottles. A shower and seating area were also installed. The Foundation is also located in Haiti and Papua New Guinea, all countries that are in the bottom half of the United Nations Human Development Index. While vastly different, these countries have similar challenges, in education, community development, and vulnerability to natural disasters. The Digicel Foundation honours their commitment to development and does their best to improve the above areas.

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15 [start-ups]

WeConnect International W

EConnect International is a corporate-led non-profit organisation that promotes female entrepreneurs and helps provide them with a global marketplace. CEO and Co-Founder, Elizabeth Vazquez pointed out that WEConnect was founded because large corporations were interested in purchasing from women owned enterprises but there was difficulty finding them. With no global database cataloguing these organisations, finding them posed a challenge.

The Jamaican chapter of WEConnect International was launched April, 9, 2013. Yaneek Page and Ethnie Miller-Simpson will head the organisation. Despite being just over a month old, the organisation has over 60 members and they are looking to keep growing. Membership falls into two categories, selfregistration and certification. Self-registration is available at no cost, all a company has to do is meet the criteria of being a legally operated venture with the potential for growth and 51% owned, managed and controlled by one or more women. For certified membership, the criteria remain the same but there is also an annual fee. Certified businesses have access to more global resources as well as to a wider market.

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Because companies are not all at the same level of readiness, WEConnect will also help businesses to grow and develop until they are at the highest level they can be. The global networking opportunities available will also contribute to this.

The Jamaican chapter right now has their focus on growing the membership of the organisation and targeting women in business through seminars and networking events. They will put female operated businesses in contact with larger corporations and businesses to help them grow. Companies that are going to use WEConnect to source the products and services they will need have the assurance that the companies that are apart of the WEConnect database are not only legitimate but will provide the highest quality goods and services. Because companies are not all at the same level of readiness, WEConnect will also help businesses to grow and develop until they are at the highest level they can be. The global networking opportunities available will also contribute to this. The mission and vision of WEConnect is to empower women business owners to succeed in global markets and to create a world where women business owners have equal opportunities to sell their solutions and create prosperity. In Jamaica, when women earn, much of it goes back towards the family and household development, the local chapter of WEConnect feels that by providing women with more business opportunities, it is more likely to have a greater impact overall.



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Be Green!


In keeping with this issue’s green theme, #YMApptitude sourced three awesome apps for your smartphone to help you to become a more environmentally conscious citizen and reduce your carbon footprint.


Green Outlet

This app is a useful tool for you and your device. As a beautifully crafted battery manager, it plays an alarm whenever it’s fully charged so you won’t forget it plugged in. This is the best way for you to prevent unnecessary energy leaks, increase battery life and keep our planet green.

One of the easiest ways to save money is to reduce your electric use and save money on your bill. By selecting the type of appliances you use in your home and entering how many hours of use per day for each, Green Outlet will predict what your energy bill will be for the month and also calculates your carbon footprint.

goDriveGreen For your everyday driving, goDriveGreen tracks your driving style and shows just how much it’s costing you and our environment. The routes you select and the efficiency of your driving style - including speed, idling time, and how hard you accelerate, decelerate, and corner - determine your ‘Green Score’. The higher your green score, the more mileage and cost savings you’ll get out of your fuel, brakes and tyres.

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[special feature]

Carlton Alexander Award to recognize Arnold Foote and Trevor McCartney


his year, in its 23rd staging, the JC Old Boys Association (JCOBA) will honour The Honourable Arnold Foote OJ, CD, JP, President of the World Federation of Consuls and Consul General to the Republic of Turkey and Dr. Trevor McCartney CD, JP, DM, MBBS, FRCS, FACS, FCCS, Chief Executive Officer and Medical Chief of Staff of the University Hospital of the West Indies and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science, University of the West Indies as the 2013 awardees. The award named in honour of the Honourable Dr. Selwyn Carlton D. Alexander, one of Jamaica’s leading businessmen in the field of Commerce, Industry and Export, was established in 1990 by the JCOBA. Both giants will be honoured on Wednesday, June 17 at The Karl Hendrickson Auditorium at Jamaica College. Known as one of the masterminds behind the coordination of various segments of the business sector, which positively

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contributed to national development in the 1960s, Carlton Alexander is also referred to as the Godfather of Jamaica College. Though he boasts many accolades, his work and commitment to Jamaica College is considered to be the most tangible of his generosity. His care, love and compassion for ‘all things JC’ never wavered. Jamaica College, since its establishment in 1789, has always been celebrated for its rich history and distinguished old boys. The school which boasts many of Jamaica’s most prominent figures recognizes some of its stalwarts who have exemplified leadership, achievement and status in their chosen fields annually through the Carlton Alexander Awards for Excellence. Distinguished old boys presented with this special award include Michael Manley, R. Danny Williams, Bruce Golding, Peter Phillips and Richard Byles.



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20 [10 things]

Who Gives A


An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Engaging Tweets

Managing your social image is crucial as a professional --- more so as an entrepreneur. Your followers hold you in high regard and care a little bit more than others, about the value you add to their timeline. Here’s a list of 10 things entrepreneurs should tweet about:

Personal news: Share the big events of your personal life, it can help keep your followers feeling like they’re “in the loop.”


Mistakes and lessons: Sharing mistakes and what you learned is a sign of growth.

2 3

Answers to questions: If someone asks a question on Twitter and you know the answer, share it. Links to articles: They key to sharing articles is to also include your unique opinion.

4 5

Pictures of unusual things you see: If something catches your attention, it’s probably going to catch the attention of others, too.

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Wisdom from the book you’re reading: When you hit a “golden nugget” of wisdom in a book, share it.

7 8



Interesting advertising: When a billboard or any other advertising catches your attention, take a picture and tweet it.

Fun purchases: Sharing your recent purchases, such as music, video games or sports equipment can stir up comments and conversations from others that have bought similar items and enjoy the same kind of entertainment. Share wisdom from outside the world of business: Quotes from sports heroes, military leaders and artists can teach us about innovation and leadership, which are essential to business success.

Your work: The greatest links you can share are links to your personal work, but don’t limit that to what you do professionally only. If you have a hobby or passion for something creative, share it. Read more

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