Zingg eZine - Issue 3

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FROM THE EDITORS Welcome to Zingg! A guide to Content Marketing that delivers quality content and less noise, in a concise format. We understand the time crunch and guarantee a quick, well-designed format that helps you create new ideas for refocusing your brand’s direction. Check out the 70/20/10 percentage rule of content - the basic division of content marketing strategies marking the difference between low-risk, in-depth and high-risk content, respectively. Learn about the the process of creating Intelligent Content that is structurally rich, flexible, consistent and is reconfigurable. Also, discover the ease of presenting meaningful content to your audience that will disseminate amongst your target market. We’d like to know your thoughts on this month’s Zingg! Share if you like – email us if you don’t. We are big on listening and continuous improvement. Our audacious mission is to disrupt conventional thinking and inspire innovation. Enjoy!

Ashleigh VP Branded, eMedia Interactive Ltd. ashleigh@joinemedia.com



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INTELLIGENT CONTENT In today’s digital world, the content on our screens is practically our life force. Data determines how we generate income, how we spend said income, how we present ourselves to the world, and in turn, how the world is presented to us.

As the landscape in which we do business shifts, so must the strategies implemented by companies to capture and keep their audiences. Content can no longer be stagnant in its delivery. It must be able to shift and adjust to the movements, both physical and digital, of its target. With this in mind, eMedia introduces Intelligent Content: smarter than your average. Intelligent Content, affectionately known as IC, was born in a Kingston coffee shop in March 2014. What is it? The better question would be, what is it not? Intelligent Content can be delivered anywhere and everywhere. It goes where your audience is, and where they choose to take it. It can be in your hands, on a billboard, on a news feed, or in an email. It can be accessed from a desktop computer, a tablet, a smartphone, a television. It is shareable and translatable- elements crucial to success in an increasingly digitized society. Intelligent Content takes on a life of its own and breathes new life into products, messages, services and the like. Because of its ever-shifting nature, its lifespan is never ending—it will grow and evolve right alongside your business. Join the IC Revolution: it’s only the beginning. Contact us today for information on how eMedia Interactive can help you create a winning content marketing strategy.


MOVES FOR INTELLIGENT CONTENT Web series: From Storytelling to StorySelling Strengths Turns content into experience Conversational

Adobe Digital Publishing Suite it’s app easy Strengths Interactive Mobile Multi-platform compatible


>> Of late, commercial advertising is getting a bad reputation. Commercials are too loud, too long, and too frequent according to viewers—they’d rather use the time to get up and get a snack, use the washroom, check Facebook—anything except watch. So where does that leave a business, one that is trying to get word of their products/ services “out there?” How do you elevate commercial advertising from between-content filler to actual content? The answer: a web series. Selling through telling. The average commercial only runs for about 30 seconds, but the average viewer’s attention span seems even shorter than that. With the rise of the PVR (personal video recorder) and streaming services such as Netflix, viewers need a pretty compelling reason to watch commercials and watch them attentively.

>> Although a website is still a key element to businesses keeping themselves current and accessible, the surge in smartphones and tablets calls for something a little more convenient. Typing a web address only takes a few seconds—but that’s a few more seconds your clients and potential clients could spend perusing your business offerings through an app. Don’t worry, there’s an app for that. Introducing Adobe Digital Publishing Suite- software that allows you to design and publish mobile apps for your business, making all your content accessible on-the-go. DPS offers an exciting lineup of features and capabilities to optimize your app. It doesn’t matter the device—DPS can publish content to all the major platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows. It allows you to bring a level of interactivity to your audience, with the potential to integrate multimedia such as music and videos.

So why not give them something worth watching? A web series is a collection of scripted digital programming released online. It differs from television in that episodes or webisodes are usually significantly shorter and are accessible anywhere and anytime for viewers with an internet connection and a mobile device. For businesses, a web series is that magical medium between a commercial and scripted content programming. Giving these products/services a space in which to flourish, interweaving them with the personalities and lifestyles of relatable characters translates into brand relatability and elevates the potential to attract audiences and retain their loyal. Web series allow companies to turn their content into an experience: selling through telling.

You can customize the app to reflect your brand— everything from color scheme to button design can be made to meet your needs and those of your target demographic. On top of all that, use DPS to move your business strategy forward. See how and when your audience utilizes your content—learn what’s working. With Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, new clientele is just an app away.


The human element: Semantics counts Strengths Client focused Experience focused


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7 >> With the market being flooded with methods of receiving content, clarity has never been more important when it comes to marketing in business. While your content is being distributed, accessed, and consumed digitally, it is important to remember that your audience is comprised of people—and they need to be addressed as such. Even amongst all the advances in technology that have taken brand marketing to a whole new level, the oldest tool in your shed is still the most effective: communication. It’s easy to fall into the trap of treating people as though they were numbers—after all, that’s how they are presented to you. How many people are buying, watching, accessing your content? For how long? At what time? All these questions are answered with numbers, but when addressing your audience, you want to take the focus away from sales figures and data.

Instead of selling your product, sell audience members on the fact that said product meets a set of needs. You want them to understand that you are offering not just a service, but a solution. Don’t just tell them why they need to have it—tell them why they shouldn’t be without it. When it comes to price points, take the emphasis away from what they’ll be spending and focus on the return. What are they gaining/saving, outside of money? Are they saving time? Alleviating stress? Emphasize the value of your service and your clientele is sure to grow. Don’t just count funds—count on semantics.

Alias: IC Founded: eMedia Interactive Ltd. Kingston Jamaica, March 2014 over coffee Characteristics: We are yet to know what it is not Frequencies: Its in your hand, in your feed, on billboards, in your email …….. Life span: Recurring

Because the content takes on a life of its own, we salute it for its clever, well-informed and smart abilities.


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Intelligent content in your neighborhood



ZINGG NUGGETS Quote: “I don’t care if the video I produce doesn’t sell shoes right away. I’m trying to create a culture and feel around New Balance.” – Patrick Cassidy, Head of Global Digital Brand Marketing, New Balance

Takeaway: Marketers should focus less on sales and more on empathizing with your audience. Note that our customers are smart and can sense when you’re not being genuine. Keep it real, in real-time. When your audience suspects even a smidge of an unreal portrayal, distrust sets in, and once that happens it’s hard to regain their attention. Get your customers in tune to who you really are by being true to your brand identity. This not only lures customers, but also keeps them hooked after the introductions are made


Quote: ““Create moments of inspiration that send people on a journey.” – Andrew Davis, Author, Brandscaping: Unleashing the Power of Partnerships

Takeaway: Davis tells us, as marketers, Moments of Inspiration (MOIs) are our biggest opportunity to build a new relationship from the moment of purchase. MOI’s are brilliantly orchestrated stories that give the customer a quick nudge to take a step further on their journey with your brand. Everybody loves a good story, and your story should provide natural stimuli so that your audience will keep coming back for more.

ABOUT THE EDITOR Branded by eMedia A digital creative agency based in Kingston, Jamaica aids corporate clients to stand out in a cluttered world. Built on a foundation of content marketing, through various communication and creative methods such as videos, eZines (digital magazines), campaigns and artwork. “Build an audience that builds your brand” join emedia/branded.com

Digital Creative Agency a division of eMedia Interactive Ltd.


Suites 11-13, Technology Innovation Centre, University of Technology 237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica Tel: (876) 970-5657


Suite 300, 6701 Democracy Blvd Bethesda, Maryland, 20817 United States of America Tel: (301) 896-9786

Email: info@joinemedia.com


Twitter : @Join_eMedia

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