SEO: Analyzing Hummingbird With the introduction of the Hummingbird: Google’s latest search algorithm, there has been a lot of debate if this would be the time where all the SEO efforts which have been made to bring websites up in the search rankings are rendered useless. Hummingbird has changed the very concept of searching. Hummingbird is far more advanced than Penguin and Panda which were the previous algorithms being used for search algorithms used by Google. Unlike the previous approaches of using and betting on keywords, the algorithms have become smarter and focus on the meaning of your search. This alarmed the masses and many websites tried changing their content with questions like “How to”. It is not that simple. Google tries to figure out the meaning of the combination of the search string. Focusing on high quality content and trying to answer relevant questions in the content might be nailing it to a certain extent. If you’ve noticed the recent search result trends, you might have observed that Google returns an information card from its own knowledge graph. Google has an enormous database which has been accumulated over several years and categorized and cross referenced in multitudes of ways. This just means that Google is trying to please the actual user and not the websites. So how do you make the best out of this situation or rather is there a way to figure high up there with the Hummingbird? Well, there is! The nature of your content needs to be more user friendly. The target has now been on the questions that the users formulate. So how to make Google love your website? Think about the common good of everybody. Add features like FAQs, ask the expert, blog about relevant topics, use of long tailed keywords, posting videos, industry debates, researches, using how, where and what in your content, introducing infographics to draw more users are some of the methods that you could implement. The hummingbird will help the potential buyers find what they are looking for with precise results. This is where long tailed keywords come in. A well informed user is more likely to get precise search results. Google stated that Hummingbird would not be affecting the existing SEO. This may not affect your website now, but this is a benchmark for the search algorithms as they become more for the intelligent user and less for in the interest of the website as the aim is to please the user. So in order for Google to love you, you need to make your website invaluable. The more wealth of information you provide, the better chance you have at getting a higher ranking. Apparently the goal of the Hummingbird is to turn SEO into the marketing. What Google is trying to achieve is to make products available to a larger set of people, get the maximum value of the contents provided. Pushing your website towards a smarter content would be the way to go. SEO India is here to stay, the idea is to use the concept of hummingbird to reach out to a more informed audience.