Meeting room equipment have a sense of multimodality. This is because they can only be obtained with three separate "models". The models are known as: software, hosting service and appliance. An appliance is not like the online hosted solution as it is offered as "hardware". Meeting room equipment enable the "real-time" sharing of the display screens of computers, personal applications or "web-based" content amongst a number of computers or mobile gadgets. Meeting room equipment serve the purpose of conducting meetings that are live at a specific agreed supplier. Also, it is a platform that offers remote training on several subjects of interest. Presentations can also be carried out by use of the internet. There are various suppliers of meeting room equipment in the market today. Listed below are five of the best meeting room equipment suppliers around the globe. ezTalks is a platform that offers quality, professional conferencing services online. It creates the atmosphere required for businesses to have easier video collaboration. Maximizing on quality. Among its features is high definition video and an audio output that is clear. An innovative whiteboard which enables users to highlight, erase unwanted material and draw up ideas. Instant display screen sharing which makes it possible for users to demonstrate their operations in “real-time”. Users can also engage in “crossplatform” chart. This means they can send and receive messages instantly. In case a user wasn’t able to attend to a meeting, ezTalks ability to record and playback makes it possible for the user to revisit the meeting and capture what they missed. On this platform, users are guaranteed of orderliness during a meeting as the platform offers control and management options which include: mute all, lock the meeting, and permit speak and others. Additionally, users can either join or host meetings from any device.