Video services like video conferencing have taken many vertical industries to a whole new level — healthcare especially. In the healthcare industry, video services have actually saved lives and have the potential to save many more. With the ability to confer and train with doctors anywhere in the world, many hospitals and healthcare institutions have improved the quality of healthcare to their patients, from infants to the elderly. Whether managing a large urban hospital or a small rural facility, video conferencing has successfully addressed a handle of educational, managerial, and patient challenges. Video conferencing and other collaborative solutions can deliver great results, especially in the healthcare industry. High definition video conferencing systems can allow doctors to connect with patients and other parts of the medical staff instantly and easily. And below, we will show you 6 ways video conferencing improves healthcare: 1. Video conferencing saves money Even while miles away, doctors can instantaneously see video images of their patients, receive test results and even talk directly with those administering treatment at the patients location. Video conferencing reduces the amount of travel and the associated carbon footprint which can help a hospital meet their environmental objectives as well. 2. Video conferencing reaches more patients Distance poses a special challenge for health care. How do you connect a patient to the right specialist many miles away? How do you deliver basic health care to rural communities and sparsely populated areas? How can a team of caregivers meet to develop a treatment plan? Distance and time are major barriers to better healthcare. CUMeeting software video conferencing solutions enable health care professionals to see patients otherwise beyond their reach and to connect patients to clinicians at different medical facilities, making healthcare more accessible to everyone. 3. Video conferencing improves research and training CUMeeting high definition solutions provide a telepresence experience that helps medical experts and scientists collaborate on research without leaving their laboratories. Incoporating PeopleLink into a healthcare environment, teaching hospitals can make it possible for remote students to see and ask a doctor about a surgical procedure while it is underway or help diagnose a patient from afar.