A webinar can be described as an online seminar. It is a live web-based video meeting or conference in which the host is connected to the listeners and audience from all over the world. Webinars are mostly used by professionals to host educational online presentations that can be about their business, service, industry or any other information that they deem valuable and that others want to learn about. It can even be used to promote products. It is a very flexible online service. The host is able to screen themselves speaking and also share their computer screens with their audience so that they can follow your presentation with you. This makes the webinar more interactive as opposed to your audience just sitting there listening mindlessly to the host. It connects the audience directly to the experts, even if they are not in the same room or even country.
How to Attend a Webinar If you would like to know how to join a webinar, then this depends on the webinar service that the host uses. For some systems, you will need to accept an invite sent to your email to reserve your spot. This is particularly useful for both the hosts and participants if there is limited seating available. Another thing that you should bear in mind if you want to know how to participate in a webinar is that sometimes you may also have to download the same webinar application that your host is using. At a specified time before the webinar is set to start, like an hour or half an hour prior, your presenter may send you a reminder email. In this on-the-go and very busy day and age, it is definitely an important factor in ensuring that all the participants turn up for the webinar.
Take ezTalks Cloud Meeting as an Example For this article, we will be using a great video conferencing system - ezTalks Cloud Meeting- as an example of how to participate in a webinar. As we mentioned above, you also have two ways to freely attend a webinar with ezTalks Cloud Meeting. 1. Attend a webinar without downloading ezTalks app. This is a very simple way to join a webinar. Just click the meeting URL from the host and type your name and email address, then you can easily participate in the webinar from the browser.