When eLearning was first introduced, there were concerns associated with it. Many people including employers were skeptical about how genuine the courses were and about the institutions offering them. Over time, however, a lot has changed in favor of eLearning to the extent of it starting to challenge traditional education. With video conferencing platforms such as ezTalks Cloud Meeting that facilitate eLearning more people including some of the biggest Universities are now offering online courses. This has attracted a lot of individuals both students and teachers in this field. Here is how beneficial eLearning has proven to be:
4 Main Advantages of eLearning for Students 1. The Cost Less One of the biggest challenges in the provision of education in most countries has been the tuition fees associated with it. Traditional education fees alone are very high and that is not yet inclusive of the logistics and other day-to-day costs that you'll incur. These charges are a challenge to most people making it extremely difficult to pursue the courses that they want. eLearning has, however, helped to solve this problem. These courses are very cheap and hence affordable to most people. The reading materials are also affordable, and in some cases, they are available free of charge. MIT, for instance, offer most of their online courses and reading materials without any charges. 2. Gives You A Chance to Learn at Your Own Place The biggest benefit enjoyed from eLearning education is probably the convenience that it has brought. Online courses offer a self-pace option where you will be given the course work and targets but it is up to you to decide how and when you intend to complete the course. You will, therefore, decide when to start, when you will be doing your reading, when you will be submitting your assignments etc. These are benefits that you can never enjoy the traditional education where schedules are given to you, and you're forced to adhere to. 3. Comfort