Benefits of interactive whiteboards in the classroom

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Interactive whiteboards have brought significant improvements in the education sector by simplifying the learning processes. The technology has been integrated in all levels of learning including primary school, high school and institutions of higher learning. Though the technology has been around for more than two decades, its use has only grown exponentially over the past few years. An interactive whiteboard can be in the form of a standalone touchscreen computer or a connectable apparatus with touchpad used to control other computers from a projector. The benefits of using interactive whiteboards in the classroom affect both the students and teachers positively. The article below explores some of the benefits of integrating interactive whiteboards in the learning curriculum.

Main Benefits of Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom Are As Follows: 1. Makes It Easier for the Teacher to Structure Lessons With interactive whiteboards, a teacher can easily formulate and plan for the lesson beforehand. He/she can schedule for specific learning tasks like labeling parts of a picture and matching words with their respective meanings. This is where the benefits of interactive whiteboards in the primary school come in handy. Students can understand how to handle naming tasks quite profoundly as the images are displayed right in front of them. While on the hand, teachers will have an easier time delivering on what they have on their lesson plan. 2. Makes the Learning Process More Fun The days of using dry chalkboards with powdered erasers or whiteboards with inky felt pens are long gone. Nowadays, teachers in learning institutions are using LCD monitors displays together with shared whiteboards to deliver lessons. With such technology in class, every student will be anxious to try out how the board works. That can spur the students ‘enthusiasm to get involved in learning process using the interactive

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