Video conferencing means to conduct a conference between two or more participants in different areas by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data. It is a technology used in modern offices to enhance communication because it’s cost effective and time-efficient. Furthermore, it improves communication between participants through facial and body language, an important component in understanding one another.
To fully take advantage of video conferencing, you need to know how ezTalks works and basic knowledge for body language, which helps you send correct message that you intend to send and ensures the conference a success. Here are the 10 most important body languages tips for your reference while videoconferencing. 1. Avoid Crossing of Arms A study done by Allan and Barbara Pease showed that, a person remembers thirty eight percent of what they hear when their hands are not crossed compared to when the arms are crossed. This is an important tip to consider because a crossed arm can be interpreted to mean a crossed mind and that you are not paying attention to what is being discussed.
2. Lean your back in slightly In most cases, sitting back in your chair may look okay, but if you do that in a video conferencing, it will send the message that you are not interested in what the speaker is presenting. Lean back but not completely in an intentional way. 3. Relax When you are tensed during a video conference, this can show and it can be interpreted as a sign of aggression and violence. Passing this kind of message can surely affect the outcome of your meeting agenda. Make sure the body parts visible to the video conference are relaxed so as not to convey the wrong message. 4. Take up Space Taking up space in a good manner, builds up confidence and passes the intended message. Wear spacious clothes and position yourself close to the camera so that you can be seen clearly. However, avoid being too close to the camera because this can mean that you are aggressive. It is important to make the participants feel open to their views without feeling any form of aggression. 5. If you cannot avoid being tensed
The only part of the body not visible to the camera is your back. If you have tension, you can still look confident by stiffening and straightening your back to avoid sending an aggression message. 6. Maintain Eye Contact Eye contact assures the speaker that you are paying attention as well as understanding what they are saying. To achieve this in a video conferencing, look at the camera instead of the screen and alternate by looking at the screen from time to time to prevent the speaker from thinking that you are staring. For the speaker, it is good to match the motion of your eyes with what you are saying so as to show that you are confident.
7. Be Attentive Avoid multitasking by either checking your phone or watch or looking around in the office by tilting your head, but remain focused on the discussion or presentation. You do not want the speaker to feel that you are not interested in what they are saying.
8. Striking Power Poses Some types of body posture have been confirmed by some researchers at the Harvard and Colombia Business Schools to improve the confidence level by increasing the level of testosterone hormone that is linked to power and dominance and reducing cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. When sitting, you can put your feet flat on the floor and
your arms away from your body by placing them wide apart on the table or behind you head when leaning. 9. Use both hands To improve your speech, use both hands to make people agree with whatever you are saying. Brain imaging has shown that, the area associated with speech called Broca's area becomes more active when we wave our hands during speech. Gesturing with the hand powers up our thinking and hence improves the speech. 10. Mirror Expressions and Posture Mimicking the speakers behavior and tonal variation, makes the speaker feel accepted and understood. The mimic behavior builds up rapport and feelings of mutuality between you and the speaker. Research has shown that five percent of communication is exchanged through body language. It is therefore important to learn the tips which are available at ezTalks Resource, where you can also learn anything about video conference.