ou’ve seen them on videos and commercials. You’ve watched their TV shows. You’ve witnessed lines of people stretched into parking lots at their public appearances. But now, for the first time, you can share the unparalleled whitetail management and hunting knowledge of Lee and Tiffany Lakosky, America’s No. 1 hunting couple. Hunting Mature Whitetails the Lakosky Way: Quality Deer Management with Lee and Tiffany Lakosky gives you up-close-and-personal insight into Lee and Tiffany’s methods for finding land, planting food plots, setting stands, identifying target bucks and bringing everything home at the moment of truth. You’ll learn how this humble Minnesota couple grew from aspiring whitetail nuts to deer hunting superstars, and you’ll read about pulse-pounding hunts for giant whitetails such as Gnarles Barkley and a 177-inch typical Minnesota giant. Packed with hundreds of color photographs, Hunting Mature Whitetails the Lakosky Way displays the greatest bucks from Lee and Tiffany’s storied career and gives you the lessons learned from these hunts — lessons that will help you become a better deer hunter.
US $29.99 W4542
(CAN $31.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4402-2389-1 ISBN-10: 1-4402-2389-0
W4542FullCover.indd 1
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