Lev (light electric vehicle) is a car de sign proposal that seeks to inmer se people into a future smart cities environment. It’s all about sharing, driving and interacting through se mi-autonomous car, with people and public areas which shall be enabled to supply energie for vehicles and ur ban meeting point and stations.
Its contruction consist in a main cha sis which support two modular ca bins, designed this time for people mobility around city. Its interface allows drivers and pas sengers to get important infotain ment content which they can confi gure in the smartphone App.
The modular condition of Lev con cept is able to be used for other mo bility applications.
LEV CONCEPT is developed under smart cities context; based on this approach which seeks improve the life quality in cities through:
Interactive relations between users and their environment.
Connect people through Mobility and technologic platform.
Developing new cooperation ways between enterprises, people and goverment
-Nice meeting spac -Affordable personal mobility serv ices
-Sustaniable resour management -Green areas
The project starts from academic space of design observatory 7: focu sed in Sustainable mobility. The main objective was generating a new design concept which answer to needs of Bogota’s population in the 2025 with mobility and public trans port approach.
Seven seeks to connect people with a fast, comfortable and ecofriend ly transport choice to reduce the amount of cars moving along the city.
Next i wil describe the way SEVEN would work in a urban environment.
Contribute to having a better trafic in Bogota by promoting the use of in tegrated flexible transportation systems, which change social imaginaries about the use of the automobile as private property towards a collective attitude of personal vehicles, It should be noted that with this proposal we want to change the way peo ple think, because if the vehicle belongs to a car sharing system, not only the person will have to think about how the service is taken by him but also how make it avaliable for the next user.
The first stage of Design and Development of new vehicle for medium distances segment, which the main aim is give to the product new aesthetic values with the purpose of generating a visible communication strategy to Non Plus Ultra brand , according with global trends and Regional automotive market.
In adition, it is a product evolution for the next years, making a transition from their earliest years towards to future technologies.
Behind of the development of the first integral bus in the segment of 43 passengers, the engeenering depart ment could identify some weaknes ses in the results of diferent aspects such ergonomy with driver position regarding to steering wheel and dri ver’s door. In usability, the position of the center console was out of range making dificult to operate controls and devices, For Aesthetics, whole the space and components looks too big with discontinuous lines, and just one color covering the piece. For that reason this project started as an answer for the second vehicle produced, redifining the design for driver´s compartment.
It’s a mobility system for Fusagasu ga, Colombia based on territorial planning scheme for 2025. This sys tem provides to the user the chance to adquire useful information about system and city trough vehicles, sta tions and mobile devices.
The proposal consist in two kinds of vehicles with midterm vision that responds to future context from a sustainable mobility, The first type of route seeks to satisfy a daily demand connecting all zones to historic cen tre. The Second one sets a emblema tic and friendly journey, with a street profile which favours pedestrians with exclusives trails and circulation of autonomous buses and bicycles.
1. The current trasnport system do not have enough routes to high areas of the city.
2. Massive uses of personal vehicles as cars and bike in relation with space available to move though city.
3. it was noted the failure of some traffic rules, mainly in parking areas.
5. Nodos de alglomeración vehicular y peatonal que requieren intervención organizacional.
4. The road infrastructure can not be modified .
6. Must be taken into account the population density and its growth.
134 000 inhabitants which the most part of them are older population.
The major part of the activities undertaken by people are developed in historic centre, which have an older infrastructure with narrow and steep streets : Trade activities
Itinerant Sales Office activities
We found a city with a great population density, where pre dominates a colonial style, itine rant sales and temporary par king areas.
It proposes a circuit as a Main Route (driven vehicles) which pass through city’s perimeter with a frequency of 10 minutes aproximately , covering all the territory suggested by planning scheme (POT) and passing through Key Stations expressed by PIT(transit and transport research program- UNAL) in its report.
On the other side, it generates a secondary routes, which connects districts with a Main route, each route will transit on different paths, regulated according to extension and population density of each district. This with the purpose of limit the quantity of diverse routes(vehicles) passing on the same streets, saving space and taking off the traffic.