Architecture Portfolio

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Fabio Dell’Arciprete Politecnico of Milan Bachelor in Architecture of Buildings +39 333 8998 520 via Antonio Bazzini 37 20131 Milan Italy fabiodellarcipreteportfolioŠ


extract from the motivation essay

One of the things I enjoy the most of architecture is the relationship between scientific and humanistic themes. What affects me is that the desgin of a building should be harmonious between theoretical, social, functional and technical characteristics and, at the same time, relate respectfully to the context. In every project I worked on I have always tried to guarantee a well balanced treatment of any of those aspects and to tackle the need of the built enviroment in the most realistic and objective way. In addition, I think it is very relevant to notice how architecture works at many scales, from territory to city, from spatial issues to structural details: this underlines the link between architecture, urbanism and building science, and their mutual implementation. My experiences so far include not only university courses, but I also tried to relate with the professional world and with some extra activities: in all of these experiences I noticed how important was, and in fact it is to be capable to go through many themes and requirements that a project needs, from team work and teoretical issues to dealing with clients, engeneers, and building regulations. I concluded that it is not only the purely architectural design part which fascinates me, but also all the other knowledge that an architect needs to acquire in order to perform as one.

Introduction Extract from the motivation essay

Architecture Projects Chiasmo Housing on the outskirts Check-up Station Bloko Future for Dharavi

Stage Experience Villa renovation

Anthropology of Inhabitation Chinese Historical Cultural Heritage

Architecture Projects In this first section I show five projects I made during my three years of Bachelor at the Politecnico of Milan. They offer an overlook of the wide range of planning aspects I faced and of the variety of the topics I dealt with. All drawings, schemes and models shown have been made by myself unless otherwise stated. Group or individual projects are specified in the related descriptions.


Trinity College, Dublin Architecture Design Lab. II Prof. Arch. Martina Landsberger ( Semester I, BAC 2, 2013 The proect assigned was to design a wooden pavillion into an hystorical or natural contest (chosen by picking up a hidden photo). I elaborated the project upon the concept of the X (�chiasmo� is the rethorical figure that means intesection), as a contrast wih the compact and fastened rhythm of the Trinity College Long Room. The pavillion also represents a new point of observation of the monumental library. This project made me manage few and simple wooden elements, that I had to handle to obtain a complex, floating figure: in doing this, I tried to reach a sense of modernity and lightness working on a simple and clear structural frame.

left cross-section right photographs of the model in 1:50

above longitudinal section

Housing on the outskirts Chiaravalle Milanese, Milan

Architecture Design Lab. I Prof. Arch. Edoardo Colonna ( Semester II, BAC I, 2012 Paying specific attention to the open spaces, even earlier than to the building itself, the objective of this project was to re-form a suburban cluster with great artistic and historical attractivness, integrated into the wonderful natural environment of the Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, at the door of the city. A seven-apartments building was required, to be developed through the design of the paths, the views and the surrounding open spaces for the community. In order to better handle the design of spaces (both external and domestic) and to deal with their connections and relationships, during the academic year we used many provisional models and all the drawings were hand-made.

left blueprint

made with Alessandro Cugola

right photographs of the model in 1:500

left sketches of Loos’ houses right cross-section of the project

After we finished the design of the masterplan, each member of the couples had to make a project for the building itself. Since our professor wanted us to design the building based on Adolf Loos’ concept of raumplan, which means that the plan should be articulated in 3D space, we organized a journey through Vienna and Prague, to visit as many as possible Loos’ architetures. The journey gave me the knowledge of the architect’s works and of how complex and sophisticated was his way of designing houses: what we mostly reflect upon was the treatmentof the different rooms (especially in heights) and their relation with the outside surroundings.

above first floor plan

below, left south-faรงade

below, right east-faรงade

Check-up station Naviglio Grande, Milan

Exhibition and Museography Prof. Arch. Margherita Servetto ( Semester II, BAC 2, 2014 The design of exhibition spaces offers the opportunity to transform locations that may be defined as neutral (museum spaces, empty buildings or urban spaces) into new, active sites for communication, for offering cultural and emotional inputs. Check-up station is a venue for cyclists, runners and sporty people living in the city: the installation offers the chance to take a break during your training, to link to the cycle-paths network of the city, to check your bike and your health with dedicated tools and to practice new sport activities being included in a community. We were divided into groups and each group had to find a place and a theme connected to it, managing with the project from a large, urban scale to zoomed, technical details study. We started observating the critical situation of the site and its potentialities, worked around a concept and developed functional schemes, architectural plans, material and graphic features. For the final exam, in addition to drawings and illustrations, a short demonstrative home-made video was required.













above analysis of the site and functional scheme


below 3D view of the “health-wall”

illustration made by Na Yeon Kim

right exploded diagram of the block for bikes check-up illustration made by Simone Corberi


Via Conchetta, Milan Architecture Design Lab. II Prof. Arch. Martina Landsberger ( Semester II, BAC 2, 2013-14 Thinking and designing apartment buildings in the center of Milan introduced the topic of dealing with the complexity of urban context. Our team decided to “break the walls� of the two-dimensioned site assigned. The project is thought as an enormous and 3D sculpted mine: every part of it is the result of the digging out from the original mass, that creates buildings as solid prisms and courtyards as lack of material. Marble sheets, plates and paving stones cover every surface so as to emphasize our monolithic project. This project made me reflect upon the importance of relating to a new presence to a complex exsisting urban texture, such as the area of Navigli, in Milan. We tried to mantain a dialogue with its historical context through a formal relationship with volumes and streets surrounding it.

left concept of the project right site-plan

illustration made by Alessandro Cugola

In order to create links with the context - both architecturally and socially we included in the project a common park: it belongs to our complex since it is built in the same way of the blocks, but it is not private, the neighbourhood can enter and enjoy it too. Our aim was to create a collective place in which the whole community could find one of its reference points.

right ground floor plan below perspective section of the buildings and the park illustration made by Na Yeon Kim

left technological section of the buildings above technical detail of the window fixtures below structural scheme of the buildings

above and below photographs of the model in 1:100

Future for Dharavi

Mumbai, India

Architecture Design Lab. III Prof. Arch. Marcello De Carli ( Semester I and II, BAC 3, 2014-15 Last year project concerns the redevelopement of one of the biggest and most populated slum on the wolrd. Atelier was divided in groups and each group has to make a preliminary research and find out the main facts and problems, find solutions and exemples that could be useful to elaborate a masterplan for the renewal of Dharavi. Our attention was focused on open spaces, on new dwellings, and of all aspects of primary civilisation and urbanisation: educational facilities, hospitals, public transpot net, green spaces and drainage system. Even if still ongoing, this work gave me important knowledge of some of the main features that planning for a city requires.

open spaces existing 1 needed 15

1 x 8-10 alleys

existing 1 needed 24

existing 1mq/pers. needed 10mq/pers.

4/24 h

left masterplan for Dharavi

linear center

illustration made by Daniela Nobili

right layers of the redevelopement

open spaces

below urban section on the linear center

public transport

green junction

new dwellings





ground floor plan

C: commercial (double height rooms) S: collective services (laundries, ovens, ecc...)

existing shack



first floor plan

L: manufacture laboratories




second to fourth (or fifth) floor plan R: residential (simplex or duplex)


definition of a “human-sized” livable module

Our module is spatial as well as structural, so that the new dwellings can be built from dharavians themselves, after a “outer hand” has set down foundations and the pattern of pillars and beams. The strutural system will be made of steel, while walls and facades will be made with bricks. Self-construction and local materials will help the redevelopment processes in time and prices.

left typological plans illustration made by Federica Besana

above scheme of the module

possibilities of expansion

brick facade

right isometry of the building system

volume of the new dwelling

steel structural frame

concrete foundations

concrete stair walls

water system

After having adopted our solutions in the reshaping of a quarter of the slum, we were asked to start the project of a building. As our preliminary studies had shown a great need for education facilities among the comunity of Dharavi, my team of project decided to design a high-school institute linked with the great manifacture tradition of this area: here 2000 students can not only attend theoretical courses, but also enter laboratories and learn how to handle materials and tecniques of needlecraft and pottery-making. In addition, we will include a public library, an auditorium, a conference hall and a exhibition hall, so that the whole community of Dharavi will be able to benefit from our project.

left masterplan of the district

illustration made by Federica Besana



below mock-up in light yellow: project area

Stage Experience Before starting my last year of Bachelor at the Politecnico of Milan, I had the opportunity to spend 150 hours as an intern in a small architecture atelier near my birthtown. That gave me the chance to understand how design process is taken into practice and how complex is architects’ world of work. In this second part I briefly explain a project I have worked on.

Villa renovation Lake Maggiore, Italy

Internship Arch. Nicoletta Nangeroni ( September 2014 My tutors and I worked on the renovation of a house near the Lake Maggiore shore, in Northern Italy. The owners asked us to re-organize the interiors and we focused on some principal issues such us the comfort for the residents and the views of the outside environment. In doing this, we started with a 3D representation of the existing building, in order to better understand the complex aspects of the house and the consequences of our project. My role in the atelier was, mainly, to draw and prepare the materials fro the proposal to the owners. Nevertheless I had the opportunity to contribute with my own ideas and my sketches to the design processes.





11 2 9



8 6



After having studied some possibilities through the 3D graphic model, we developed the plans of the two solutions we meant to submit to the owners. The two options differ in the living room and the kitchen, while we reached a final unique solution for the first floor.





11 2 9 1

8 5



left ground floor plans of solution A (above) and B (below) right first floor plan

To show the two final options to the owners we created a ppt in which we matched the plans with some render views of the interiors of the house. We managed to make a comparison between solution A and B by opposing the related images. To prepare the slideshow I also had the chance to handle new softwares used for rendering.

left render views comparison of the two solutions

Anthropology of Inhabitation In the last section I present my interests for anthropology and its consequences on architectural practice and results. I attended some extra courses around the study of the varoius ways of living and the meanings of inhabiting a place, to then apply the results on different kind of project and resaerches. The following pages include some extracts of a research I worked on simultaneously to my last year of Bahcelor.

Chinese Historical Cultural Heritage Beijing, China

International accordance ( Politecnico of Milan and University of Tianjin February 2015 Last February I attended a program involving my university and the University of Tianjin. The participants had to substain an interview to get enrolled. The structure of the course included few days of lectures in Milan and a 15 days journey in Beijing, with a trip to The Great Wall. CHCH focused on the relatiosnhips between the european, western way of living and the chinese, oriental one, in order to discover some links and differences in the contemporary “two opposite wolrds�. We decided to develop the topic by visiting, studing and discussing one traditional building and one modern architecture each day, in China. This experience affected me a lot and could leadme to reflect upon some basic - but really relevant - aspects of our way and our places of living.


Beijing traditional block X century - early XX century over 3000 units in the old city of Beijing mix of residential, commercial and manufacture

above isometric view of a Hutong

below photos from the Artists’ Hutong

The ancient structure of the city center around the Forbidden City was onced all shaped with narrow alleys and compact street front-lines. Hutong is the traditional neighborhood which used to include inside both residential and manufacture spaces, and commercial ones on the perimeter. Since the middle of the XX century, Hutong have progressively been dismissed and substituted by modern buildings so that their peculiar athmosphere, cultural and architectural heritage have often been lost.

Linked Hybrid

Steven Holl Architects, Li Hu 2003-2006 220.00 mq: 750 apartments, public green space, commercial zones, hotel, cinemateque, kindergarten, Montessori School The link between different spatial levels is one of the objectives of the Linked Hybrid complex, near the walls of old Beijing city. With this project, the client meant to realize the concept of urban and ecological housing in the 21st sec. Nowadays, Beijing urban developement is almost entirely based on the design of “buildings-objects”, mainly characterized with untied towers; while Linked Hybrid is a “city in the city”, focused on the open spaces and on the activities that scan over 2500 people’s everyday lives: bars, shops, laundries skirt the main public paths. The eight towers are linked at the 20th floor through a ring that includes restaurants and services.

below section of the complex

right photos from the court

Sketch of the Forbidden City


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