Modern Italian Master by Saverio Lucci

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Saverio Lucci

Modern Italian Master

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"Campo di grano" 1980, 100 x 140 cm Encausto on Wood HK$ 250,000 “It's a work from early years but performed with great emotions. It encompassed memories of youth and passions, a walk in the fields and interacted with grasses. It captured the moment when the golden light of the sun trapped in the hair of the girl.�

T +852 2525 4911 | |

"Monica" 2001, 60 x 80 cm Oil on Wood HK$ 78,000 “Monica Bellucci she is one of the most beautiful woman on heart, Italian and Mediterranean beauty, I can see her in a typical renaissance dress and style,back in time.� T +852 2525 4911 | |

"Blue Shadow" 2015, 100 x 60 cm Oil on Canvas HK$ 85,000 “In this work I wanted to highlight the effect of ruffled shadow on the face, you can catch a glimpse at the same time you cannot see her face completely.�

T +852 2525 4911 | |

"In Petticoat" 2014, 40 x 70 cm Encausto on Wood HK$ 45,000 “A girl with sweet face, trying to steal the sweetness and calm of the face. In her petticoat ready for bed, but with a fleeting expression and mischievous, almost an invitation.�

T +852 2525 4911 | |

"The Mask" 2010, 100 x 150 cm Oil on Wood HK$ 90,000 “Inspired by a surreal subject, a truth 'hidden in the truth'. It's telling a story between the mask and the woman.�

T +852 2525 4911 | |

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