FACE Magazine - January 2014

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Savings Solutions For the New Year

Start Your New Hair with a


Hobby New Year!

Achieving Your 2014 Resolutions

Elizabeth 'EB' Brooks

Inspired to dedicate her education and career to ensuring Lafayette has the best possible green space for generations to come – Lafayette Central Park.

Lafayette Central Park

Your Opinion Counts

50 Coffees, 50 Strangers, 50 Weeks

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10 Tips for YOUR teen’s


questions before picking a college

first job


An Inspiring teen who gives a whole new meaning to

‘Drive Like a Girl’

VIDEO GAME Addiction?



Fresh fashion for the young at heart





LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS wANT TO BE PUBLISHED? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! To enter, simply email an original 300-450 word article that pertains to high school and/ or teen life along with your registration form and biography to contest@faceacadiana.com no later than Tuesday, February 3rd at 5pm.


The top three entries will have their article published in the March issue of FACE. The top ten will receive a certificate of achievement and recognition in the March issue. FACE MAGAzINE | 102 wESTMARk BLvD. STE. 1B., | LAFAYETTE, LA 70506 | 337-456-5537 4 FACE | JANUARY 2014


On the cover 36 Elizabeth 'EB' Brooks

Inspired by Nature; She ignored

convention, followed her passion and found a career that will impact Lafayette for future generations.

Features 26 Housing in acadiana 45 pop of flavor inspiration 46 new year. new challenge.

50 Coffees with 50 Strangers in 50 Weeks

49 Make a bucket list 52 Hobby new year

faceacadiana.com | FACE 5

08 community matters

60 fashion

Standout Style!

Lafayette Central Park

16 health matters 19 fitness 20 nutrition 22 eat well

What Determines Your Eating Habits

24 finances 30 your career 32 relationships 34 grace notes 44 family 50 style

Stay on Trend This Winter

54 home 58 beauty

Start Your New Year with a Bang!

66 show your face

EvErythINg yOu lOvE AbOut FACE IN ONE plACE lOCAl EvENts

vIEw thE

lAtEst publICAtION

shOppINg IDEAs

bEAuty tIps

sNEAK pEEK At phOtO shOOts


thE lAtEst

...AND MOrE!






EDITOR’s Desk | Lisa DAY

It’s the New Year and in case you haven’t heard it enough already… ‘It’s the perfect time for new



EDITOR Lisa Day editor@faceacadiana.com

beginnings!’ There is nothing like the chiming of the New Year to be the kick in the pants to get

ASSOCIATE EDITOR/EVENTS Flint Zerangue, Jr. flintjr@faceacadiana.com

going in the right direction! But this year, don’t let your resolutions be just a swift kick. Whether your new beginning is a fresh start,

SALES DEPARTMENT info@faceacadiana.com

a new attitude, a change in choices, a cool new look, or even a do-over, this month’s issue is here to help you take your New Year’s Resolutions, and turn them into long lasting habits and changes


Carol Singley | carol@faceacadiana.com Cassie Swain | cassie@faceacadiana.com

in lifestyle.

LAYOUT & DESIGN Kellie Viola

Here at FACE, we have made our own resolutions and will have an exciting array of new and improved features we can’t wait to share with you in 2014! As always, we could not do this without the support of our wonderful readers and our loyal advertisers!

Vol. 6 | No. 8

Happy 2014!


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Caroline Barry Estelle L. Benoit, RDN, LDN Tim Borland • Audrey Coots Danielle M. Dayries Kathryn Elliott, PhD, LPS-S, LMFT Deborah Enos, CN • Robin Ferguson Betsy Guidry • Lynley Jones Joslyn McCoy, PhD, BCBA-D Jan Swift • Flint Zerangue, Jr. Flint Zerangue, Sr. CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Penny Moore with Moore Photography PUBLISHER Flint Zerangue, Sr. info@faceacadiana.com

Do you know an inspiring woman? Would she make a great

FACE cover story? Email me and tell me her story.

FACE Magazine is a division of: The Zerangue Group, Inc. 102 Westmark Blvd. Suite 1B Lafayette, LA 70506 337-456-5537



On the Web www.FaceAcadiana.com

Do you have an event you

would like to submit to

Show Your Face? Send your photos to


I’d love to hear it.

Subject Line: Show Your Face


Email must include: Event Name, Date and Location. Photos must have captions with names of everyone in each photo.

FACE Magazine is published monthly and distributed free of charge to individuals and businesses throughout the Acadiana region. It is also available online at www.FACEACADIANA.com. No portion of this publication may be reproduced nor republished without written consent from the Publisher. Unsolicited material may not be returned. The owners, publishers, and editors shall not be responsible for loss or injury of any submitted manuscripts, promotional material, and/or art. The acceptance of advertising in FACE Magazine does not imply endorsement. FACE Magazine reserves the right, without giving specific reason, to refuse advertising if copy does not conform to editorial policies and/or standards. FACE Magazine does not necessarily agree with nor condone the opinions, beliefs, or expressions of our writers and advertisers. © 2014 FACE Magazine/Zerangue Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Lafayette Central Park From its origins as a student run campaign to its present status as a non-profit organization, creating the new Lafayette Central Park has been a lengthy endeavor. Originally owned by the University of Louisiana Lafayette, the green space in question was originally slated for commercial development. Students in Dr. Griff Blakewood’s community based planning class at ULL thought there was a better use for the property. “Somehow we have lost the understanding that we need to remain connected to nature. We are making decisions that are reducing the life-support capacity of the only home we will ever know. Students began to mobilize and say, ‘What can we do about this?’” Dr. Blakewood recalls. The Save the Horse Farm initiative began as a student-run website and online petition. As the cause drew more support from area citizens, university leaders were compelled to reconsider the future of the horse farm. The organization has since shifted its focus to a supporting role as the Friends of the Horse Farm. ULL alumna and Friends of the Horse Farm Co-founder Danica Adams feels green space is an important aspect of urban life.

“Green space is important for a city because it is a community hub. It is a place where people can gather freely to interact with each other and be a part of the city and the social fabric of life … it is a social, environmental, and economic development tool,” Adams explains. As a part of the “Save the Horse Farm” campaign, hundreds of local news articles and television news reports have covered the issue. Over 1,000 concerned citizens placed yard signs in front of their homes. Community leaders wrote hundreds of letters. Over 4,000 signatures were gained via petitions. The horse farm has 8 FACE | JANUARY 2014

become a major community matter warranting discussion in the largest public forums. These efforts drew the attention of the Lafayette City Council, which was instrumental in organizing the purchase of the property with city tax dollars. In July 2012, the City of Lafayette purchased the property, resulting in a mutually beneficial situation for the future of both the university and the community. The non-profit organization Lafayette Central Park, Inc. was established to manage the park under a 99-year lease from the city. “Lafayette Central Park was formed to preserve this absolutely spectacular piece of land for the community. Once the city decided to buy it, the non-profit was formed to design and develop this property for the community’s enjoyment,” Executive Director David Calhoun expresses. The Board of Directors for the organization is a group of community and business leaders committed to being stewards of the process without imparting their own vision for the park. The board and executive teams provide a diverse demographic that compliments each other. Each member of the team brings a unique generational, economic, philanthropic, or personal perspective. “As board members, we are tasked with keeping the project in the forefront, moving it forward in a thoughtful, yet strategic manner, and initiating the fundraising to complete it. This is such an incredibly important project for our community and future generations. We have a great respectful working relationship with the city council and the Mayor, as well as community leaders,”



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board member Allyson Pharr imparts. Calhoun, the board, and Director of Planning and Design Elizabeth “EB” Brooks have made a concerted effort to raise public awareness about the park. University-owned from the 1920s to 2012, the property was not always open to the public. Many local residents had no idea that over 100 acres of green space exist right in the center of the city. Continue reading

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These diagrams are currently only concepts but represent the public's preference of where park elements might be concentrated throughout the park.

10 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Top Programming Items from Community Input • Farmers' and Artisans' Market • Welcome Center & Cafe • Hiking and Biking Trails, Natural Areas, and Contemplative Spaces • Small Amphitheater for music and theater • Gardens, Orchards, and more forested areas • Children's Play Areas • Public Art • Water Features, such as a pond, naturalized coulee, or children's splash pad

An important aspect of this outreach involved multimedia presentations by Calhoun and Brooks to local organizations and clubs. Additionally, the website www.lafayettecentralpark.org was created with gorgeous photos displaying the natural beauty of the park. In addition, a well-produced video was released via YouTube, garnering over 6,700 views. “The purpose of the video was to capture the community’s excitement about the project. We interviewed various community members talking about why this is such an important project for Lafayette and why is has such far reaching impact for the future of the community,” Brooks explains. A team of panelists from the Urban Land Institute visited the property to help determine a roadmap for the park’s success. More than 16 firms sent in submissions to LCP, bidding to be master planners of the horse farm, which were later narrowed down through an application process. A group of community ambassadors was formed to transmit opinions and ideas between the community and the board of directors. Continue reading

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The community engagement process is designed to utilize public opinion to shape the outcome of the park. Fourteen public meetings have been held to compile a list of initial program ideas. In December, the team began considering suggestions for the character, design, and conceptual layout of the park. In approximately three months time, over 5,000 opinions have been registered from a series of three community workshops and online surveys. A team of experts, led by the firm Design Workshop out of Austin, Texas, was hired to transfer all the input gained

Visit for more information on Lafayette

from various sources into a cohesive vision for the park.

Central Park:

The numbers represent a very real interest from the Lafayette community.


The largest request outside of restroom facilities has been to keep the


newly established farmers market. The Lafayette Farmers and Artisans


Market occurs each Saturday in the park from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. The


event is comprised of over 60 vendors with roughly half consisting of local craftsmen selling wares like wind chimes and cutting boards, and the rest offering up locally grown produce. Occurring in the park area closest to Johnston Street, the market has grown in popularity since its inception last June with approximately 3,000 in attendance on a good week. The market is just one of the many practical uses for the Lafayette Central Park green space. The event enriches the culture of the area as well as providing support for independent farmers and businesses. Ideas like these were included in a program list recently submitted to the city council for approval. The final step is to develop a master plan based on these considerations, which must also be approved by the city council. “Throughout the design process, as with the programming process, it’s our plan to keep the community informed as we progress with this. This is after all a community park. It’s being built by the community for the community,” Calhoun emphasizes. Currently the park project is separated into three phases of development. The first phase, which should break ground next year, is anticipated to reach completion by 2015. A fundraising drive will occur this spring in order to fund phase one development. In this manner, the park can get the essentials as quickly as possible, while ancillary features can be added as

12 FACE | JANUARY 2014

the community desires. Furthermore, the approach will allow park coordinators to revisit ideas and adjust to park trends over a long-term period. “Parks are organic in nature and will evolve in time. We don’t pretend to know today what the park should have 85 years from now, “ Brooks asserts. Readers interested in voicing their opinions about the forthcoming green space can find more resources at Lafayette Central Park, Inc. website.


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Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic In 1992, Dr. Terry Cromwell, a Lafayette plastic surgeon, ran across an article detailing how free health care clinics were increasing across the country. Through his work at a cleft-lip and cleft-palate clinic, he noticed he treated a number of uninsured patients, many of whom were working but did not have the means to pay for health insurance. After a little more research, Cromwell, along with the Lafayette Parish Medical Society, took action. “There was no easy way to take care of patients without insurance, so we needed some kind of central place where we could send those patients and they could be seen on a regular basis,” says Cromwell. “So, Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic was the answer.” On October 21, 1993, Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic opened its doors to serve the medical, dental and pharmaceutical needs of the working uninsured in Lafayette Parish. Since that day, the Clinic has treated more than 11,575 unique patients, and that number continues to grow. The Clinic holds general medical clinics two nights a week and 14 FACE | JANUARY 2014

dental clinics one night a week, as well as specialty clinics each month, including avoidable blindness eye care, gynecology exams, skin and breast cancer screenings and nutritional consultations, in addition to specialist referrals, lab tests and X-rays when needed. Since 1993, the Clinic has provided the value of more than $4.8 million in medical services, $3.9 million in dental services and $14.2 million in pharmaceutical services – all at no cost to the Clinic’s patients. Perhaps most remarkable is that all services are provided by volunteer physicians, nurses, pharmacists, technicians and office assistants. Most patients are treated at the Clinic; in some cases, however, the volunteer physicians take on a patient as their own and provide tens of thousands of dollars of treatment at no cost. “It is truly incredible the work that our volunteers put in here at the Clinic,” says Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic Executive Director Jeri S. Allison. “They arrive after working all day in their own offices, only to greet our patients

and provide them with the highest quality health care. It’s because of them that we can celebrate 20 years at the heart of the community.”

The Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic originally opened on Jomela Street, but in 2000, moved to its current location at 1317 Jefferson Street in the former St. Ann’s Infirmary, where so many of Acadiana’s community leaders were born. The infirmary, built in 1937, is on the Lafayette City-Parish Register of Historic Properties. Now, the building has been renovated to accommodate a full dental lab, exam rooms and the Community Pharmacy, a collaborative effort of organizations that provides free pharmaceutical services to eligible lowincome residents of the seven-parish Acadiana region. The Clinic is also home to the LSU Dental Hygiene School, which provides free daily dental hygiene appointments. “The one thing that I’ve really enjoyed is the fact that the Clinic has become an education center, also,” says Cromwell. “We have the (LSU) Dental Hygiene School here now, and the residents from University Hospitals and Clinics treat patients during Clinic nights. Now, it’s a resource for education and people are being helped at the same time – you can’t beat it.”

The resounding reason for serving the working uninsured is they are the people who have “fallen through the cracks,” a phrase repeated by many involved with the Clinic.

“Our patients are the backbone of Acadiana’s workforce, sometimes working two or three part-time jobs in order to earn a decent living,” says Allison. “Without access to affordable health care, the working uninsured are unable to manage chronic diseases or address growing health concerns until it results in a visit to the emergency room. After that, they have to cope with potentially crippling hospital bills and debt. “Though it was not the original purpose of the Clinic, we have become many people’s primary care provider, allowing them to manage their chronic diseases and other health issues, so they can continue providing for their families, as well as remain on the workforce so they can advance in their careers to obtain higher-paying jobs, which will, among other things, allow them to one day be able to afford their health maintenance needs.” After celebrating the Clinic’s 20th anniversary this year, the Clinic’s staff and volunteers say they plan to continue serving the working uninsured for as long as the need exists.

Since 1993, the Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic has provided: MEDICAL A Total Value of $4,889,996 • 32,538 medical exams • 2,123 GYN exams • 608 eye exams • 178 psych and orthopedic visits • 208 nutritional consultations • 21,270 Lab and X-Ray referrals • 2,202 breast cancer screenings • 202 skin cancer screenings • 2,097 consulting specialist referrals DENTAL A Total Value of $3,903,130 • 18,776 dental exams and treatments PHARMACY A Total Value of $14,275,859 through the Community Pharmacy • 183,122 prescriptions filled through Community Pharmacy

“We have a lot of people out in our community who are alive and well – healthy – because of the Clinic,” says Cromwell. “I think anyone who contributes to the Clinic or works there can feel very good about what they’re doing because you’re actually saving lives, and that’s what it’s all about.”

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Why Weights? The age old question is, “Cardio or strength training?” The answer is quite simple: both! Cardio is a great way to burn calories and improve fitness, but don’t discount the importance of weight training in your exercise routine. Strong, healthy muscles can help you perform day-to-day tasks with ease and can help you maintain a healthy weight. Let’s take a look at some of the key health benefits of adding weights to your exercise routine.

Independence The most apparent benefit of improving overall strength is the ability to perform everyday tasks with ease and confidence. Want to open the jelly jar, fix a flat tire, carry your groceries, move a piece of furniture, or haul dirt and mulch to your flower beds? With adequate muscular strength, you can! As we age, the stronger we are the longer we can maintain our independence.

Protection from Chronic Disease When you change your body composition by increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat you reduce the likelihood of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even type 2 diabetes. The American Council on Exercise states that incorporating strength training can even help people cope better with the effects 16 FACE | JANUARY 2014

using a wide variety of weight lifting equipment. Start with low weight and

of osteoarthritis, which can cause debilitating pain.

low repetitions and increase as you get stronger. It is best to start out with a trainer for instruction if you are brand new to weight lifting. And no, weight lifting does not create large bulky muscles, ladies; so don’t worry! It is just a fantastic way to tone and add lean

Weight Management You can boost your metabolism by 15% according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, by just adding muscle to your body! Muscle mass requires more energy than less-active fat tissue, burning more calories even when you sleep.

Accident Prevention Strength improves stability. Stability decreases the risk of falling. Fewer falls reduce the risk of injury. According to the CDC, strength-training exercises can improve flexibility and balance, in addition to strength,

muscles to your frame. •

providing a safeguard against accidents.

Strength Training Exercises The most common exercise to build muscle is weight lifting, but that is not the only method of improving strength. Let’s take a look at a few: •

Weights. Some exercises can be performed with a simple weight bench and free weights. However, to really get the benefit of weight lifting you will want to use specific exercise equipment. You can purchase a home gym or head to a health club to enjoy the benefits of

Resistance Bands. If access to a local gym or purchasing a home gym is out of the question, there are alternatives. Resistance bands are fairly inexpensive and can strengthen and tone all major muscle groups. The advantage of resistance bands is that you can adjust the resistances needed. Also, they are very portable and can be easily packed you when you travel.

Suspension Training. Yes! Suspension. But don’t worry you won’t be hanging upside down, unless of course you choose to! Suspension training is a relative newcomer to the strength training arena. It refers to an approach to strength training that uses a system of ropes and webbing called a “suspension trainer” to allow you to use your own

Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't. – Rikki Rogers

body weight to work out. Some gyms even offer personal training or a group class setting using this equipment. You can also purchase a system such as TRX for home use which comes complete with a book of exercises and a DVD. One of the main benefits of suspension training is the development of overall body strength with a strong focus on core strength. The bands are also very light weight and portable. •

Dumbells. Another fairly inexpensive alternative to weight lifting is the use of dumbbells which can be either fixed weight or adjustable weight. If you choose fixed weight dumbbells you will need several different weight sizes so that you can alter the resistance during your strength training. Though dumbbells are a good way to tone muscles, you won’t get as high a resistance as in weight lifting. They are small and easy to store but not a convenient travel companion.

upper body and core all with resistance provided by gravity, which is indeed a very convenient travel companion (unless of course you are going to the moon). The type of exercises you can do are numerous and varied. Here are just a few that come to mind: pushups, squats, lunges, crunches, planks, and burpees. You can vary the intensity of these exercises by repetition, pace, sets, and length of time. You can also add intensity by holding on to something. You can pick up a medicine ball or fill a jug with water. Get creative! Always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Gear up for strong healthy you in 2014!

Body Weight. The most portable form of weight training available is your own body weight! You can work out lower body,

About the author: Robin has been a fitness instructor for 25 years . She is currently a Certified Health Coach with Take Shape for Life and has worked with almost 200 clients on achieving and maintaining Optimal Health. You can contact Robin at 337-298-5607 or visit www.robinferguson.tsfl.com/explore.

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Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)

About Your Thyroid

The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary, depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency. But in general, any problems you have tend to

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the base of the neck just below the Adam's apple. Although relatively small, the thyroid gland plays a huge role in our body, influencing the function of many of the body’s most important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin. Ensuring that the thyroid gland is healthy and functioning properly is vitally important to the body's overall well-being.

How Your Thyroid Works

develop slowly, often over a number of years. At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue and weight gain, or you may simply attribute them to getting older. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more obvious signs and symptoms. Hypothyroidism Signs and Symptom May Include: • Fatigue

• Increased sensitivity to cold

• Constipation

• Dry skin

manufactures enough thyroid hormone to prompt your cells to perform

• Unexplained weight gain

a function at a certain rate.

• Puffy face

Excerpted from The Harvard Medical School Guide to Overcoming

• Hoarseness

Thyroid Problems by Dr. Jeffrey R. Garber, published by McGraw-Hill.

• Muscle weakness

• Elevated blood cholesterol level

• Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness

• Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints

• Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods

five times more likely than men to suffer from hypothyroidism (when

• Thinning hair

the gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone). Aging is just one

• Slowed heart rate

risk factor for hypothyroidism.

• Depression

• Impaired memory

Think of your thyroid as a car engine that sets the pace at which your body operates. An engine produces the required amount of energy for a car to move at a certain speed. In the same way, your thyroid gland

How Common is Thyroid Disease? Thyroid disease is more common than diabetes or heart disease. Thyroid disease is a fact of life for as many as 30 million Americans – and more than half of those people remain undiagnosed. Women are

How Important is My Thyroid in My Overall Well-Being? The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, which controls virtually

Information from www.mayoclinic.com/health/hypothyroidism

every cell, tissue and organ in the body. If your thyroid is not functioning properly, it can produce too much thyroid hormone, which

How Do You Know if You Have a Thyroid Problem?

causes the body’s systems to speed up (hyperthyroidism); or it can

First, you must understand how to recognize the symptoms and risk

create too little thyroid hormone, which causes the body’s systems to

factors of thyroid disease. Since many symptoms may be hidden or

slow down (hypothyroidism).

mimic other diseases and conditions, the best way to know for sure is

Untreated thyroid disease may lead to elevated cholesterol levels and subsequent heart disease, as well as infertility and osteoporosis. Research also shows that there is a strong genetic link between thyroid disease and other autoimmune diseases, including types of diabetes, arthritis and anemia. Simply put, if your thyroid gland isn’t working properly, neither are you. 18 FACE | JANUARY 2014

to ask your doctor for a TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test, a simple blood test to verify your thyroid gland’s condition. Also, take a minute and perform a self neck check. And because thyroid disease often runs in families, examinations of your family members and a review of their medical histories may reveal other individuals with thyroid problems. Information from the American Association of Clinical Endocrynologists (AACE)


Pilates – Fitness for All Ages Pilates and the many workouts modeled on it remain one of the hottest trends in fitness. Julia Roberts and Madonna are just a few of its avid practitioners, but Pilates isn’t just for the fabulously fit, rich and famous. It can be fantastic for all fitness levels and those who are newly looking to be healthy and fit well after the novelty of their New Year’s resolutions fade. Rosalind Foley, 82, who recently published her first novel, enjoys her bi-weekly Pilates sessions at Pilates Bodies in Lafayette. She credits Pilates with keeping her active. She says, “Pilates is what keeps me going. I wish I had started taking Pilates sooner.”

"Pilates is what keeps me going. I wish I had started taking Pilates sooner."

Pilates is an excellent form of exercise for active seniors. Not only can it help seniors look and feel better, but practiced regularly and properly, Pilates also helps prevent or improve some of the conditions that can occur as our bodies age—stiffening muscles and joints, postural changes, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. The best part about Pilates exercises is that they can be modified for the individual abilities of the exerciser, making it an excellent choice for people with injuries or limitations. “Pilates is good for everybody!” says Kristie Montoucet, a physical therapist, certified Pilates instructor and owner of Pilates Bodies. She trains all levels of fitness ranging in age from 10 to 80s. “Pilates is designed for any level of health and fitness,” Montoucet says. “In fact, the assisted work on the equipment was created for people who were bedridden.” Pilates is the method of movement designed by Joseph Pilates to strengthen, stretch and balance the body. In the early 20th century, Pilates developed his system of original exercises, performed on the floor or on specialized equipment like the reformer, cadillac or chair. The movements

are performed precisely, in a smooth, slow, controlled way, and are coordinated with specific breathing patterns. The exercises work the muscles efficiently, so each movement is repeated only a few times. When done properly, Pilates focuses on the core muscles of the body, stretching and strengthening at the same time. Unlike traditional strength training which may shorten and tighten muscles, Pilates lengthens muscles, increasing strength and flexibility. Dr. John Rainey, an oncologist in Lafayette, is also an active practitioner of Pilates. He credits his sessions with a marked improvement in his chronic back pain and musculoskeletal issues. “It’s been a lifesaver for me, my wife and many of my patients,” he says. So what should you keep in mind if you are ready to get fit in 2014? “No one should just pop in a video or drop into a class at the gym,” cautions Montoucet. “You need to know your teacher is certified through a comprehensive training program. You want a teacher with experience and proper training. You want her to understand your physical considerations.” With a properly trained instructor, both group classes and one-on-one sessions have benefits. With private sessions, you get the instructor’s complete attention. “It’s all about that one person’s body,” says Montoucet. “Whatever that body needs today, whatever I see when the client walks into the session. I might have to throw out what I prepared and do something different. I’m not teaching from a list and the goal isn’t to get through a specific number of exercises. My goal is to have each client walk out stronger, taller and more open, with more ease and less pain.” faceacadiana.com | FACE 19


New Year's Resolution Success January 1st, it's that time again! Setting resolutions is a new year tradition and I’m sure each of us will decide one or two things that we would like to improve this year. The top resolutions are all health related including weight loss, exercise, and quitting smoking. Statistics show that only 71% of resolutions are still maintained after 2 weeks and 46% after 6 months. The key to resolution success is to make them attainable! Here is a 7 step process that will help you achieve your goals. Take a look at these steps and then reevaluate your resolutions.

Step 1

Step 2

Change one habit. Changing too many habits at once can weaken willpower.

Make a resolution that is simple, attainable, and realistic. Don’t say, “I am going to lose 20 lb.” or, “I will exercise everyday.” Understand that this goal must be achievable and it will take planning and time to reach it. Set and put into writing a plan to reach your goal such as, “I will measure my portion sizes at each meal and workout four times per week”.

Step 3 Make small changes and work your way up. Trying to achieve too much at one time is hard to stick with! Write down small steps to achieve your goal, once one is achieved, check it off and move on to the next. For example, your long term goal may be to lose 20 lb., but take small steps and break it up into 5 lb. losses. Even if it takes you a longer time period to lose the 5 lb., it’s ok. The goal is to succeed, don’t set yourself up for failure.

Step 4

Step 5

Be aware of what you are putting into your body! It takes 3,500 calories to gain a pound, same as it does to lose a pound! Finding easy ways to cut out calories in your diet can help you achieve your goals. Cutting out just 100 calories a day can result in a 10 pound weight loss per year! Analyze your eating and decide which unnecessary habits you can cut out.

Get Social. Start your journey this year with a partner. Pick someone who has similar goals to you and will help motivate you. Find the right person. You not only want someone to exercise with, but someone who will listen to your feelings and share theirs with you too. Family, friends, and co-workers are all good choices. Once you find a buddy, plan ahead. Set certain days and times that you will meet up at the gym and exercise, or maybe how often you will meet to share your food journal entries. You can even exchange ideas for recipes and low calorie on-the-go foods. And most importantly, be honest with each other.

In a study in the August issue of American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1,700 participants implemented a healthy diet and exercise program. Two thirds of the study participants lost 9 lb. or more during 6 months. But those participants who food journaled in addition, lost up to 20 lbs., doubling their weight loss in comparison to the other participants.

20 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Cutting out just 100 calories a day can result in a 10 pound weight loss per year! Analyze your eating and decide which unnecessary habits you can cut out.

Step 6 Give it time. Positive habits require development of new neural pathways, a process that takes 3 weeks. Most people give up too early; persistence is critical.

Step 7 Be ready for relapse. Most of us will give in to our resolutions at some point. IT'S OK. Start over!

About the author: Estelle L. Benoit, RDN, LDN is a registered nutritionist at Red's.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 21


What Determines Your Weight and Eating Habits? Surprise – It’s Your Friends When thinking about eating healthier or losing weight, we tend to focus on the types of foods we eat, how many calories they have, or how much we exercise. But in doing this, we may miss an essential piece of the puzzle – who we spend time with. A Harvard study by James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis shows that our friends’ habits have a huge influence on our health – especially if they are friends of the same gender. In fact, the study showed that friends and their habits affect our health even more than our spouses do, even though we cook or eat with our spouses daily!

Take the initiative to plan healthier social activities with your existing friends. Instead of going for a heavy meal of pizza and beer, suggest cooking a healthier meal together at home!

That’s because we are more likely to compare our body images with

• If your friends don’t have particularly healthy habits, look

friends of the same sex. In other words, if your friends weigh more

for new people you can add to your existing social circles.

than you do, you may feel less pressure to watch what you eat, as you

A beginners’ yoga class, workplace walking club or healthy

are “the skinny one”.

cooking class are all great options to explore.

The study data bears out this finding – if your friends are overweight,

• Take the initiative to plan healthier social activities with your

you are 57% more likely to be overweight yourself, while if your

existing friends. Instead of going for a heavy meal of pizza

spouse is overweight, you are just 37% more likely to be overweight.

and beer, suggest cooking a healthier meal together at home! Or look for activities which are fun but involve exercise –

And it’s not just our friends’ eating habits we need to look out for.

like a walking tour, a trip to the bowling alley or a group

The same study found that you are 36% more likely to smoke if your

salsa lesson.

friends do. You are also likely to drink more alcohol, and be less happy if these are traits shared by your friends. What you can do about it? • Who you spend your time with? If you have friends who prioritize healthy eating and exercise, consider upping the amount of time you spend with them and adopting their habits.

22 FACE | JANUARY 2014

About the author: Deborah Enos, CN, also known as the “One Minute Wellness Coach,” is the Health Coach for busy, working people. Deborah serves as a board member of the American Heart Association and is a regular on FOX News and NBC, and featured in Self Magazine, Good Housekeeping and USA Today. For more information visit www.deborahenos.com

1 Whole organic chicken

1 Large onion

2 Tbsp grape seed oil

4 bunches washed, de-stemmed kale

1 bunch baby spinach

Tony Chachere’s seasoning

Brown rice, pasta or orzo (optional)

Boil a whole Organic Smart Chicken (or another brand of antibiotic and hormone free chicken) for 3 hours with salt and pepper to taste. Sautee 1 large onion in 2 Tablespoons of grape seed oil When onions are soft add in 4 bunches of washed destemmed kale and 1 bunch of baby spinach to lightly wilt adding Tony's to taste.

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Put the onion, kale and spinach mixture in a crockpot and add chicken base to cover and deboned chicken. Cook in crockpot on low for one hour. Serve over brown rice, pasta or orzo if desired.

Recipe provided by Robin Ferguson, certified health coach

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Savings Solutions for the New Year Is saving on your New Year's resolution list this year? The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Ready.Save.Grow. campaign offers five saving strategies that will have you moving toward your long-term savings goals and toasting along the way.

Resolve to accomplish these five savings goals in 2014:

bought for just $25 and can earn interest for up to 30 years. Savings bonds may be used to achieve long-term goals such as retirement,

1. Grow Your Tax Refund Rather than spend your refund, put the lump sum to work this tax season. Use IRS Form 8888 to direct all or a portion of

college or a new home. If you need your money sooner, a savings bond can be cashed any time after 12 months.

your tax refund into your

3. Set Up Payroll Direct

TreasuryDirect account. If


you don't have an account,

You don't need a lot of

you can open one at www.

money to start saving and

treasurydirect.gov. Tax season

there are simple ways to

is also the only time taxpayers

accumulate funds. By using

are able to buy paper Series

direct deposit to contribute

I Savings Bonds, in amounts

to a TreasuryDirect account

ranging from $50 to $5,000,

every payday, you'll build

using tax refund dollars.

your savings over time. The amount you set is

2. Plan For the Future with Digital Savings Bonds Savings bonds are an

automatically deposited into your account, so you won't be tempted to spend it.

affordable, safe and

4. Diversify with

convenient way for people

Marketable Securities

to accumulate money for the

The Treasury Department

future. A savings bond can be

offers an array of marketable

24 FACE | JANUARY 2014

The very BEST in ball gown jewelry. securities with terms ranging from 4 weeks to 30 years. These securities can be bought for as little as $100 and held in TreasuryDirect until their term ends. Along the way you earn interest. For shorter term (one year or less) marketable securities, interest is paid at the end of the term. For longer term (more than one year) securities, interest is paid every six months. If you need your money before a security reaches its term, you can transfer it to a broker to sell. Marketable securities offer long-term savers the opportunity to diversify their savings and take control of their future. 5. Start Your Child on the Path to Savings The earlier the better when it comes to saving. The Treasury Department has resources to help families start saving for their children's future. Parents can set up a special account for their children within their own TreasuryDirect account so that savings


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bonds can be bought as gifts for their children. Bonds are held in this account until the child turns 18. In addition, the Treasury Department has a child-friendly website, TreasuryDirect KIDS (www.treasurydirect.gov/kids/kids.htm), with games, quizzes and videos that teach students from fifth to seventh grade in a fun and engaging way about the history and role of debt in America, and the basics of how Treasury securities work. Ready.Save.Grow. helps people take control of their future by providing information and resources about the safe, affordable and convenient savings options offered by the Treasury Department. Visit the website (www.treasurydirect.gov/readysavegrow), to learn more. You can also find Ready.Save.Grow. on Facebook and Twitter@ReadySaveGrow. The preceding information was provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service. Ready.Save.Grow. is a service mark of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 25

Housing in Acadiana Past • Present • Future As a real estate broker, it’s hard to go

Most price ranges showed double-digit gains

anywhere in Acadiana without being asked

in the number of homes sold.

about the local housing market. Is it a good time to sell? Should I buy now? What should I do before I sell? The questions are almost always the same. However, depending on market variables such as location, age of the property, school

the future of any housing market. First, you must remember that every region is different and the current state of any housing market should be based predominately on local factors. Here in Acadiana most industry professionals look at unemployment rates, retail sales, oil and gas prices, interest rates, amount of housing inventory available, average days on the market, list to sale ratios and other regional variables.

districts, and dozens of other factors, the answers to such questions can vary

So to answer the question, my indicators all

dramatically. With that in mind, let’s address

point to 2014 as being another banner year for

some of the most popular questions I’m asked. The first question is always a popular one in January: "How did the market perform last year?" In a word, GREAT! Fueled by a robust (local) economy and low interest rates, single family home sales in Acadiana rose to record levels in 2013.

26 FACE | JANUARY 2014

What's the Housing Market Going to Do in 2014? Oh, that’s an easy one. All you need are fresh batteries in your crystal ball and hope the region is not affected by a natural disaster or terrorist attack. It’s as simple as that, right? On a more serious note, there are many factors to consider when attempting to predict

housing in Acadiana. That being said, it’s no secret that besides the strong local economy, interest rates (which are regulated by the feds) have been at all time lows which has helped fuel our market as well as others across the US. Industry insiders are predicting that by the end of the first quarter, Continue reading

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 27

interest rates will rise from the

is still a buyer’s market. This means

low to mid 4% range to the 5%

the buyer has many homes to choose

range for a 30 year fixed rate

from which ultimately gives the buyer


more power to negotiate a lower

This may not seem like a big deal to some, but on a $200,000 mortgage a 1% increase to your interest rate could mean an additional $100 or more in monthly payments. This could add up to an additional $40,000 in payments over the term of the loan! Additionally, this increase can also affect the overall loan amount you may qualify for. Meaning that if you qualified for a $200,000 loan at 4.25%, with the increase in interest rates, you may now only qualify for a mortgage in the $175,000 to $190,000 range.*

price and possibly better terms. Here in Acadiana, we are in a Seller’s market and that means the amount of available and desirable homes for sale is limited, so housing prices are stable. It doesn’t mean there aren’t a few good deals out there, but for the most part, if someone is selling a house that is in a desirable location, well maintained, and priced at fair market value, it’s going to sell—and it’s going to sell very close to the asking price.

Should I Buy a Newer or Older Home and Where? Now that’s a good question and again, there’s no one correct answer, so consider these and other factors

* Note: Other factors such as

before making a decision:

credit score, down payment and

First, if your agent tries to tell you

the type of mortgage you are seeking way also affect your monthly payment and interest rate. Consult your mortgage specialist for specific terms and conditions. Even with the expected increase in interest rates I am still very excited about the 2014 housing market, which brings us to the next question:

Is it a Good Time to Buy? YES! If you have your personal finances in order, buy now, and the sooner the better.

Is it a Good Time to Sell? YES! In many parts of the US, it 28 FACE | JANUARY 2014

where to live or what areas in town are good or bad, get another agent! Not only are they breaking the law, they may not have your best interest at heart. Are school districts important to you? If so, the answer to the question may already be answered, because there are several school districts in the area that do not have any newer homes located within their districts. If you think an older home is right for you, consider this: Has the property been updated and well maintained? Do you have the means to repair or replace items that may break after you purchase the

No matter what, work with an experienced real estate professional that has your best interest at heart. They will help protect your best interest by negotiating on your behalf, working with inspectors, mortgage lenders, title companies and anyone else who will be involved in the buying and selling process.

property? Does the neighborhood you have interest in have a Home

No matter what, work with an experienced real estate professional

Owners Association and/or Covenants and Restrictions? If so, are they

that has your best interest at heart. They will help protect your best

being enforced?

interest by negotiating on your behalf, working with inspectors,

Other considerations such as water quality and pressure, flood-zones,

mortgage lenders, title companies, and anyone else involved in the

crime, overall condition of the neighborhood, zoning, fire rating, and

buying and selling process.

many other factors should all be considered no matter what the age of the property.

To summarize, the housing market in and around Lafayette parish is strong. Our local economy is solid and continues to grow at a steady

Are there specific advantages to purchasing a new construction or newer home (less than 10 yr old)? Absolutely. Newer properties are, or should have been built to newer and more stringent building codes.

rate; and although no one can guarantee the future, all indications are that 2014 will be yet another great year.

They are normally more energy efficient. Depending on the age, there

So no matter if you are buying or selling, it’s a good time to be active

may be some type of warranty in place for structure and roofing (in

in the Acadiana real estate market.

any case, always consider buying a Home Warranty for any pre-owner home). Newer homes are normally easier and more affordable to maintain. The questions are actually endless. However, if you’re a Do It Yourselfer, you may get a little more house for your money by buying an older home, but be prepared for the unexpected upkeep and maintenance.

Comments and suggestions for future Housing in Acadiana articles should be sent to: comments@faceacadiana.com About the author: Flint Zerangue, Sr. is the broker/owner of Acadiana Metro Realty and a licensed real estate broker in the State of Louisiana. The comments and opinions stated do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of FACE Magazine or its advertisers. All information provided was obtained from public records and/or other noted sources.

Happy New Year! 2014

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 29


The Price is Right

The Expert’s Guide to Landing a Big Raise This New Year The new year is officially here! And as 2014 begins, it is a great time to start setting your goals for the year and developing effective strategies for achieving these goals. If your goal is to improve your financial wellness or purchase a new home, you might also have a goal of landing the raise you so deserve. Even if you have been very successful in your job, asking your boss for a raise can feel like an intimidating task. However, by utilizing the tips below, it will be much easier to sell yourself and your accomplishments to your employer to ensure you are receiving the pay you deserve.

Gather and Organize Your Accomplishments Asking for a raise is about selling yourself and your accomplishments to your employer to show them the value

and present this to your employer. Your employer can now think of the process as establishing a salary for a new

remember you when it is time to distribute promotions and raises.

position rather than increasing your pay

Perfect Your Negotiating Skills

for the same job.

When you approach your employer to ask for a raise, be prepared to negotiate.

you add to the organization. In order

Develop Your Skills

to develop and execute this personal

Securing additional education, training,

selling strategy, you should first compile

or certifications also adds to your value

all of your accomplishments into a list.

as an employee. Research workshops,

Include specifics in your list, including

trade shows, and other events occurring

the amount of savings you delivered,

in your industry and attend these with

the new business you secured, or how

enthusiasm. You can also present these

much you improved the efficiency

opportunities to your coworkers to show

of operations. This will show your

your employer your dedication to the

employer the specific value you add to

success of the entire organization.

By implementing these tips and

Increase Your Networking Skills

developing an effective strategy, you

Rewrite Your Job Description

Attend social gatherings and company

will be able to approach you boss in an

As you grow in a job, you accrue

events to network with your managers,

effective way that demonstrates the

additional responsibilities and work,

supervisors, and employer. These events

value, dedication, and confidence you

which increases your value and the

give you an opportunity to develop

contribute to the organization, ultimately

pay you should receive. Include these

professional relationships with these

landing the raise you deserve in 2014.

additions to rewrite your job description

individuals and will allow them to

the organization.

Research your organization and competitors to establish exactly what you think you deserve so that you can present your request in a way that is fair for both you and the organization. Most importantly, think of this negotiation as a conversation which will lead to an agreement between both of you.

Abour the author: As the owner of the local résumé writing, outplacement, and career-consulting firm, DMD & Associates, Danielle guides her clients through every step of career development. Contact Danielle at 337-254-0734, danielle@dmdcareerconsutling.com or www.dmdcareerconsulting.com. For more career advice and tips, like DMD Career Consulting on Facebook or LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter @CareerCoachGuru. 30 FACE | JANUARY 2014


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faceacadiana.com | FACE 31


Your History is Not Your

Your Destiny It’s the New Year! An archetypal moment. At its heart, it’s about

So, I gave up for a while on finding a good man. Little did I know that

being on the cusp of change. I am meditating on New Year’s Eve

my destiny was on its way. And it would bring fulfillment beyond my

26 years ago. It was 1988. I was getting on a plane at Lafayette

wildest dreams. Jim and I both believe that our fulfillment was more

Regional Airport to fly to San Jose, California. What I knew was that

than a personal one. We believe we are to be a sign to you. You too

I was on my way to start my doctoral program. What I didn’t know

can find a great love, a great mission, and the fulfillment of your

was that I was headed to the fulfillment of my destiny. Likewise for


Jim. In Berkeley, California, he was starting to pack for the following

I want to distill the wisdom we’ve attained over the years into one

week’s event—his inaugural doctoral program event. What he didn’t

message to guide you in the New Year: Go For Your Ideal!

know was that it would also be the realization of his heart’s desire. That doctoral program was going to be the nexus for our meeting. I just marvel. Little did we know that we were about to find each other. Perhaps you too have had moments like that. Perhaps this New Year, you are on the cusp of change. If this thought comes with some fear or trepidation for you, I have encouragement for you. I know. I know. When you look at your track record of other New Years, it may look like a string of shipwrecks, failed opportunities, and just plain bad choices. But in the face of all

After finding each other that fateful January, 1989, I wrote Jim, “You love me as I hold the ideal of how I want to be loved by a man.” I had never expected I could find anything close to the ideal man. In fact, I had given up. But you know what? It didn’t matter. He came anyway. As I lived my life, risking going where my natural self, my deep self, wanted to go and he was there. So, I say to you, follow your heart. Do what lights sparks for you. And be open to the one who fulfills your ideal of how you want to be loved; to the work that fulfills your dreams of the ideal work for you.

that, I have one thing to say to you: Your history is NOT your destiny.

Sure, change can come with some turmoil. Any change is bound to

How can I say that? Because I know that life is our grand opportunity

upset the equilibrium we have achieved. As 1989 unfolded, I went

for learning. And for growth. I didn’t know that before I met Jim.

through cataclysmic changes after beginning my doctoral program and

32 FACE | JANUARY 2014

meeting Jim. At that time I was getting free from old patterns of living.

"Follow your heart. Do what lights sparks for you. And be open to the one who fulfills your ideal of how you want to be loved; to the work that fulfills your dreams of the ideal work for you."

Perhaps you are going through a similar process. I know it can feel scary, even lonely. If so, be encouraged. You are our fellow strugglers. I want to share Jim’s words to me with you. “The turmoil you feel is a good sign. It means that some old patterns are dying and are fighting to stay alive. And that new ones are being born. Whatever happened to open you up, to deepen you, to expand you, will call you to a new destiny.” His perspective surprised me, yet it also comforted me. Then he added, “Yours is the natural struggle of a person in an exciting and painful growth process. I cheer you on.” As 2014 arrives, I am wishing you all the gifts that come on the cusp of change: personal growth, love, and deep fulfillment. What’s more, I am wishing you the unfolding of your destiny. And like Jim, I cheer you on.

About the author: Kathryn Elliott, Ph.D., LPC-s, LMFT is Director of Anthetic Psychology Center. She specializes in helping individuals break free from family-of-origin pain and in guiding couples and families to repair and revitalize their relationships. Kathryn is co-author with James Elliott of Disarming Your Inner Critic. She appears each Sunday on KLFY TV 10’s Passe Partout. Visit her website at www. antheticpsychology.com.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 33


The New Year presents a perfect opportunity to become the “new

to people who don’t know you. Or if they are interested, the

you.” We wish you the best on your resolutions to be more gracious in

conversation is probably gossip you shouldn’t be spreading!

manner, and of course, thinner and healthier! But what about all those people you know who really need to attend Grace Notes etiquette classes? You know the one... if you looked up “rude” in the dictionary, their mug would be front and center as the cover photo personifying the definition of crude, rude and socially offensive behavior! How do you deal with these characters? It’s okay to stand up to rude behavior, as long as you don’t respond in kind or expect the rude person to change. Your challenge is to stay cool and pleasant. If you step back when confronted with an obnoxious person, remember that you have a choice as to how you react. This

2. Driving recklessly. Some people drive like they personally own the roaad: running red lights, tailing too closely, weaving in and out of the traffic. Driving offensively and aggressively is dangerous and rude. 3. Telling racist or ethnic jokes. It’s hard to believe that people are still telling these types of jokes in today’s world, right? Racism and the act of belittling others based upon their background or skin color is the epitome of low class behavior. 4. Looking down on sales people and restaurant staff. Unless you

ability to think is what separates humans from our furry friends who

want them to spit in your food or overcharge you, be nice to

react by jumping for the jugular when their well-being is threatened.

those who wait on you in any setting!

So what do you do when someone has really irritated you? Maintain your composure and...

5. Swearing in public. Potty mouth denotes low class behavior and a lack of intellect. People around you shouldn’t be subjected to

Don’t take it personally.

offensive words just because you feel like saying them, showing

Size up your annoyances. Will it accomplish anything to

off or acting cool.

make a stink?

Set a good example. Rude begets rude.

Count to ten…is it worth a blow up?

Laugh it off—chuckle and change the subject or move on.

Just in case you’re not sure what rude behavior looks like, here are the current top twelve rude behaviors according to the ultimate etiquette expert, Peggy Post: 1. Cell “yell.” Broadcasting conversation in a public place. Most of the information you are sharing about your situation, your neighbor’s situation, or medical procedures aren’t of interest

34 FACE | JANUARY 2014

6. Allowing your kids to bother others. Your kids aren’t as cute as you think they are—especially to others who can’t hear the movie or the sermon, or eat a meal in peace. 7. Verbally abusing umpires. Even if you are right about a call, don’t harass the umpires and officials. Try working as a volunteer or low paid referee before you start to even think that you can do better. 8. Leaving a mess. As unbelievable as it may seem, after a movie, you are supposed to take your cup, popcorn bag, and any other trash, with you and dispose of it in the big trash can by the door.

Littering is unacceptable. A class act leaves any place better than they find it. 9. Not giving up your seat to an elderly, pregnant, or disabled person. It’s not always about your comfort or convenience. Putting others before you is always the

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proper way to go. 10. Charging through a crowd. Pushing your way through the mall, sidewalk, or office building is just rude. Even if you are late, it’s never proper to bulldoze your way through a crowd. If you do have to work your way through a crowd, the proper way to make your presence known is to say, “Pardon me.” 11. Cutting in line and/or cutting into a conversation? Don’t do it. Wait patiently for an opportunity to proceed. Wait for a pause in the conversation before speaking. No one likes to be interrupted. 12. Holding up others because you are on your cell phone. Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around your time schedule. Don’t make people wait for you while you chat on your phone. It’s rude beyond measure and announces to everyone that you think you are the most important person in the room. Now that you know the top twelve rude behaviors and that you can’t change other people, we have one more challenge for you. Is it possible that you saw yourself and your own behavior in one or more of the above examples? If so, why not take this opportunity to change yourself and make our world a better place? There is always room for a graceful person at the table of life. Go get ‘em!

About the authors: Lynley Jones and Jan Swift are partners in Grace Notes, LLC, an etiquette endeavor to help further society’s niceties. You can contact them at


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36 FACE | JANUARY 2014


faceacadiana.com | FACE 37

People often question investing time and energy toward something that benefits others. Very few have actually made a concerted effort to make charitable ideas become realities.

One Lafayette resident was so inspired by a local cause, that

“What I loved about flying was looking down at the earth.

she dedicated her future career to the endeavor. Elizabeth “EB”

And now as a planner I do that every day, with maps,” EB

Brooks is currently making a difference by working to expand


the city’s limited green space.

EB began college at Ole Miss, but was drawn back to

“Lafayette is very underserved in parks by any standard,

Lafayette after reading “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn. The 1992

national or state. We have an opportunity to improve this

philosophical novel uses Socratic dialogue to explore the effect

quality of life aspect,” EB informs.

of mythology on ethics and how that relates to sustainability.

Born in Fayetteville, Ark., EB moved to Lafayette at the age of nine. As a result, she experienced the natural beauty of both the Ozarks and Acadiana. Growing up on Teche Drive, EB would often go on bike rides with her father around the

At the time, ULL offered an environment and sustainable resources degree that appealed to her newfound interests. EB achieved this Bachelor of Science degree in addition to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish language.

gorgeous live oaks that surround the University of Louisiana

Her environmental fervor gained momentum once she

Lafayette campus.

joined the student organization SPEAK, led by faculty

“I had a very nature-inspired childhood … it inspired me to

advisor Dr. Griff Blakewood. In existence on ULL campus

appreciate what makes a good urban environment,”

since 1991, the Society for Peace, Environment, Action, and

EB believes.

Knowledge provided EB with ample opportunities to network

Her parents are no strangers to Lafayette. Beth Brooks recently moved back to Lafayette after living in Arkansas

and influence others. She eventually worked her way up to president of the organization.

for 16 years. Gordon Brooks is currently on the boards for

“SPEAK shaped the rest of my professional career. It afforded

Chorale Acadienne and the Acadiana Symphony. A fellow of

me the opportunity to have a tight knit group of activist

the American Institute of Architects, he formerly served on

friends to help me run campaigns, including Danica Adams,

the boards of Downtown Lafayette Unlimited and Friends of

who cofounded the Save the Horse Farm movement with me,”

Louisiana Public Broadcasting. Both parents encouraged their

EB reveals.

daughter to play outside and enjoy nature.

Dr. Blakewood’s community based planning class influenced

As a child, EB wanted to be a pilot. The desire was fueled by

several students to become more involved in the civic

the fantastical vistas that could be observed whilst peering

engagement process. In the fall of 2005, EB and Danica were

out an oval shaped cabin window. As an adult, she has gained

both in the class. The latter happened to live in an old white

perspective that is similar to that of an aviator, but with

house on Johnston owned by the University that had a large

less risk. 38 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Continue reading

"I had a very natureinspired childhood‌ it inspired me to appreciate what makes a good urban environment"

faceacadiana.com | FACE 39

The horse farm initiative is the most important thing I’ve ever done in my life.


“horse farm” as a backdrop. The building was a dorm facility

Farm cause that she turned down a volunteer opportunity

offered to students willing to work 10 hours a week in the Ira

with the Peace Corps in order to focus her energy in Lafayette.

Nelson Horticulture Center. “One morning I got to class and people were crying. There

“I needed to stay and help my community before I left to go help someone else’s community. The horse farm initiative is

was a newspaper article out that the

the most important thing I’ve ever

horse farm was going to be developed,

done in my life."

and we were going to lose all that

She also co-founded and served

beautiful green space,” Dr. Blakewood

as a board member of EarthShare


Gardens from 2004 to 2008, a

The administration at the time had

non-profit Community Supported

decided the development would be

Agriculture farm. In 2008, EB was

in the best financial interests of the

selected to be a part of the City

university. EB and Danica felt there was

Hall Fellows in Houston, Texas.

a solution that served both the needs

Working under the mayor, she

of the university and of the greater

completed her fellowship working

community. The pair cofounded the

on special projects in the Solid

Save the Horse Farm initiative to

Waste Management Department.

save the natural resource, requesting EB then received a research

a reevaluation of the best use of the

assistantship with Center for

property. They also created the website

Sustainable Development at

www.savethehorsefarm.com and held a

University of Texas at Austin.

public awareness talk that drew over 50

Her graduate studies consisted of

attendees along with members of the

community and regional planning


as well as urban design. During her “I think it was very successful. It brought a lot of awareness. We met

as the coordinator for the Meadows

with the university president and

Grant and the Sustainable Cities

mayor to investigate all the positive alternatives other than developing this property into a strip mall and a neighborhood. And it worked,” EB asserts. These activities inspired EB to pursue a career in environmental activism. She was so invested in the Horse

time with the CSD, EB functioned

Initiative. She managed these two grants while coordinating events and publications. “I love Lafayette. I went to Texas for school and experience, but I always had intentions of coming back,” EB relates. Continue reading

faceacadiana.com | FACE 41

Prior to moving back to Lafayette, EB began her professional career in Texas as the Planning and Urban

“I feel like I have come full circle,” EB conveys. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed. This year EB was

Design Project Manager for Better

chosen for a “Top 20 Under

Houston. During this time, the

40” award by Acadiana news

Lafayette City council was able

source The Advertiser. Moreover,

to purchase the horse farm and

The Louisiana Chapter of the

establish a non-profit organization

US Green Building Council

to run it. EB was asked to serve on

recognized her as a “Sustainability

the board of directors due to the

Leader” in the Lafayette Central

many positive relationships she had

Park effort. In 2014, EB will be

built surrounding the property.

a “Leadership Lafayette” class

When the time came for the board

XXVII member of the Greater

to hire a project director, she asked

Lafayette Chamber of Commerce.

the board’s blessing to step down and apply for the job. “When I got

That is not to say she spends all

offered the position, I jumped on it,”

her time working. EB enjoys

EB expresses.

a number of pastimes, such as canoeing and dancing. A fan of

As the Director for Planning and Design with Lafayette Central

live concerts, she has been known

Park, Inc., EB has been tasked with

to frequent local independent

assembling the master planning

music venues including Blue

teams in order to set goals, select a

Moon Saloon and Artmosphere.

course of action, receive feedback

Most of all, EB enjoys spending

from the community, and develop

free time with family and friends.

the park. Public opinion will shape

A dream for countless employees

the direction of the project.

is to attain a fulfilling career. Too

“There will be opportunities for the

often, dreamers abandon their

public to come and participate in the

passions in favor of supposedly

design process as well,” EB ensures.

more reliable sources of income.

Ironically, the calling that led EB to

EB is unique because she ignored

an out-of-state graduate school eventually guided her back to her hometown. Rather than entrust the park project to someone else, she decided to take an active role in the fruition of the Lafayette Central Park. The position will give EB the ability to influence her local community in positive directions for many years to come. 42 FACE | JANUARY 2014

convention, followed her passion, and discovered a career. If others had the enthusiastic drive and ambition of EB, there would be more doers and far less dreamers in the world.

faceacadiana.com | | FACE FACE 43 faceacadiana.com 43


Creating a Plan to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution Many people perceive the start of a new year as a time to start with a clean slate and set goals or resolutions for the upcoming year. Nearly all resolutions involve some aspect of self-improvement. Goals often pertain to health, education, financial issues, and relationships. However, recent studies indicate of the 45% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions, only 8% actually succeed in meeting their goal. This year, vow to devise a clear plan and you will be on your way to achieving your New Year’s Resolution. Clearly Define Your Goal What would you like to achieve? As an example, reducing frivolous spending is a popular New Year’s Resolution. How important do you believe reduced spending is to your health, well-being, or relationships? If you feel motivated to change, then set a long-term goal. For example, I will spend 25% less money than I currently spend on non-essential items for the next six months. The next step is to set short-term goals. Short-term goals create a path toward the long-term goal. Set Short-Term Goals Short-term goals will be your primary focus as you work to achieve the long-term goal. Think of short-term goals as the “baby steps” toward the long term goal. State your goal in positive terms. Be specific as to what you will do, the frequency, and duration, across a specific time period. An example is, “I will spend (set dollar amount) on nonessential items, for the next two weeks.” Short-term goals are great motivators and should be fairly easy to achieve. Record Your Achievements If you are working toward a goal similar to the example provided, you are encouraged to record on your calendar every time you meet your goal. You may wish to graph your progress. There are multiple smart phone apps and other web resources that can help you track progress. 44 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Be Flexible Many of us are “extremists.” We think in all-or-none or black-andwhite terms. We must be flexible if we wish to meet our goals. Spending more than you planned or miscalculating an expense does not constitute failure for the entire week. You may wish to further reduce spending the following week. You may also simply forgive yourself for a little misstep. Stay positive! Reward Yourself Rewards should be set when you define your goal. You should allow yourself to have the reward only after you engage in the resolutionrelated behavior. The size of the reward should match the effort. The reward should occur shortly after the behaviors that pertain to your goal. For example, you may choose to record that you completed your financial goal for the day or week with a simple check mark. Although it seems minor, even the check marks will provide a sense of accomplishment. After you have reached your goal for one week, you may “trade in” your check marks for a pre-determined special reward. The best rewards compliment, rather than compete with, your resolution. Financially-related goals should not be rewarded by lavish spending. Opt for complementary, stress-reducing rewards such as a time with friends, relaxing bath, or leisure reading. Create a plan and include a positive attitude. These elements will benefit you tremendously in your quest to achieve your New Year’s Resolution. Look ahead with determination and you will be pleased with your successes as you review 2014 one year from now. Dr. Joslyn M. McCoy is a Licensed Clinical (Child & Adolescent) Psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst specializing in the evaluation and treatment of a variety of learning, mood, behavioral, and developmental concerns. Dr. McCoy currently practices at Family Behavioral Health Center in Lafayette. Dr. McCoy also volunteers as a member of the Autism Society Acadiana Advisory Board.

Shake Up Snack Time with a POP of Flavor Inspiration! (BPT) - Popcorn is one of the oldest snacks known to mankind. The fluffy kernels were a favorite pastime long before the first motion picture. In fact, it is believed the oldest ear of popping corn was over 5,000 years old. Now that's staying power. Today, Americans eat around 16 billion quarts of popcorn every year making it the nation's favorite snack food by volume. Naturally rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, low calorie air-popped popcorn has more iron than eggs and more fiber than traditional salty snacks. In addition to being healthy, it's wallet-friendly. For about 25 cents, you can pop enough kernels to satisfy a family of four. If that's not enough to whet your appetite, what makes popcorn the greatest snack is its ability to adapt to consumers' ever-changing palates. While kernel purists may stick to the simple pleasures of natural popcorn, many opt for the quintessential comfort of butter and salt. However, the more adventurous taste buds seek a bit more excitement and flavor from their popcorn. Popping outside the box, fans across the

Jalapeno PopCorn This zesty blend of fresh ingredients and spicy jalapeno will keep your taste buds warm throughout the winter months. Ingredients: - Freshly popped popcorn - Cheesy Jalapeno-popcorn seasoning (a little goes a long way) - Dried chipotle - Fresh cilantro - Fresh lime zest Place freshly popped popcorn in a bowl and add a few shakes of Cheesy Jalapeno popcorn seasoning. Remember, when using all natural blends, a little seasoning can go a long way so start small and add slowly to increase the spice level. After seasoning the popcorn, toss in chopped dried chipotles, fresh cilantro and fresh lime zest. Mix together and enjoy.

country are shaking up their popcorn with the sweet, spicy and bold flavors of all natural seasoning blends and alternative ingredients. Often available at movie theaters, popcorn seasonings such as Kernel Season's are becoming more and more popular and have made their way to household pantries. Makes sense, considering 70 percent of popcorn consumption takes place at home. Now, the entire family can customize their popcorn at home long before the trailers end with just a few simple shakes of seasoning. Jasmin Fine, food and lifestyle blogger at 1 Fine Cookie, knows there is more than one way to eat popcorn. A long-time pop-aholic, she has been reinventing traditional popcorn and sharing her unique recipes with others. Her secret, Fine always starts off with freshly air-popped popcorn and keeps plenty of Kernel Season's jars on hand for that extra kick of guilt-free flavor. A recipe for every season, Fine's popcorn creations are sure to convert even the most traditionalists of popcorn eaters.

COOKIE POPCORN What could be better than popcorn? Popcorn and cookies. Get the best of both worlds and mix all your favorite desserts into this one decadent snack. Ingredients: - Freshly popped popcorn - Caramel or Milk Chocolate Caramel popcorn seasoning - Chocolate brownie pieces - White chocolate for melting Flavor fresh popcorn with caramel or milk chocolate caramel popcorn seasoning. Using left over brownies (either homemade or store bought), break the brownie into small pieces and add to the popcorn. Top it off with drizzled white chocolate melted in the microwave or a double boiler. Enjoy with friends and family or store in an air tight container and hide for late night snacking.

GLAMOUR POPCORN Jazz up your popcorn with this devine recipe that's always a crowd pleaser. Ingredients: - Freshly popped popcorn - Popcorn seasoning - Edible glitter for baking - Popcorn butter spritzer - Festive candy, dried fruit, nuts After popping the popcorn and adding your favorite seasoning, lay popcorn out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Spray with butter spritzer and carefully sprinkle with edible glitter. Shake baking sheet side to side to coat all sides of popcorn. Spray again and sprinkle with more edible glitter if needed. Mix popcorn with festive candy or any delicious add-in of your choice and package in a gift box. faceacadiana.com | FACE 45


New Year. New Challenge. 50 Coffees with 50 Strangers in 50 Weeks

I recently celebrated a milestone on Linkedin.

people in my many circles and making things happen. It’s one of the most thrilling and

I’m proud to say I passed the 500+ connection

energizing parts of my job. I absolutely love it.

mark (LinkedIn doesn't display the exact number after 500). It’s a goal I’ve had in mind

It’s also not a secret that I’m pretty terrible at meeting new people. I shy away from large

for a while but considering I’ve yet to reject a

groups and I tend to stick with the people I already know well.

single request to connect, it’s not quite a feat.

So what happens to the many people I meet in passing? Usually we become Facebook

Right around the time I reached the coveted

friends, exchanging the occasional like or witty commentary. But for the most part, the ties

500+ mark, I got a message from someone I’ve

remain weak. We don't know enough about each other to identify opportunities

never met asking me to meet for coffee. He’s

to collaborate. Nothing happens.

embarking on a project to meet 50 people for coffee in 50 weeks. After I got over my initial

That’s why this year I’ve decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and take the same

skepticism that this was some weird ploy to

challenge. No agenda, no strings, just coffee (or lunch or beer). 50 opportunities to learn

pick up young, impressionable females or a

from the successes and failures of other people. 50 chances to get to know their needs

new domestic iteration of a Nigerian prince

and interests so that one day when the occasion arises, we can work together and make

scam, I started to think seriously about

something great happen.

his project. It’s not exactly a secret that I have a knack for connecting people; for identifying potential mutually beneficial situations among various

46 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Caroline Barry works with small businesses and organizations on marketing, social media and business development. She can be reached at caroline@cfbarry.com or at barkloudmarketing.com.

Acadiana is Going Red for Women February 20, 2014 Lafayette Hilton Doors Open 10:30 AM For Tickets & Information Visit Heart.org/LafayetteGoRed

faceacadiana.com | FACE 47

goals such as attaining a college degree or getting married all qualify for bucket list items. Whether you’re young, middle-aged or an eighty-three year old granny riding an airplane, the concept remains the same, this life is yours—what do you want to do before passing? It all sounds so morbid given the fact that the whole idea revolves around death. But in actuality, bucket lists have granted a sense of purpose and hope to many lives around the world. It was said by Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the

ary... u n a J , k c a B e m o lc We

ist! L t e k c u B a e k a M It’s Time to By Flint Zerangue, Jr.

I’ll never forget October of 1998. I was just a

Morgan Freeman film from 2007 in which two

measly ten-year-old boy, living half a country

terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward

away in the land of Reading, Pennsylvania

and head off on a road trip with a wish list of

when my great grandmother of eighty-three

to-dos before they die.

years hopped on a plane and landed just a few

person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” I could not agree more with Mr. Hansen because how does one achieve anything without having an organized list of goals? And who is going to accomplish those goals other than you?

The top 7 items all women should put on their bucket list in 2014: 1. Visit a special place. 2. Spend time with a new friend.

miles from our home. I don’t remember the

The term comes from the old English idiom,

exact phrase she said upon her arrival but if

“kick the bucket” which means, “to die” and

memory serves me correctly it went something

naturally, everyone thinks about things they

like, “Whew, that was the first time I ever rode

would like to do or experience before they

a plane like that, cher”. Grandma had many

die. Eventually, we started organizing these

firsts that trip. It was the first time she’d seen

ideas and aspirations into “bucket lists” as

let go of thoughts like, "I should

snow, first time she picked a pumpkin from a

a way to keep track of all the things we’d

have a husband by now,” or “ I

real pumpkin patch, first time she had been

like to accomplish before kicking the bucket.

should have this much money

that far away from home (Louisiana), first time

Items on a list of this sort can be just about

by now.”

she’d played basketball with her grandchildren,

anything from starting a company to taking a

but apparently, it was not her first time tossing

trip overseas, but most importantly, they’ve got

Now is a perfect time to pick

the ball into the hoop. On her first attempt of a

to be personal. Often times one will include

up a new hobby. (See pg. 52 for

“granny-shot”, she swooshed the net. It’s fair

ideas for experiences that involve their spouse

hobby ideas!)

to say that she drained the bucket—and nailed

or children and for mature adults, doing so

a few things from her bucket list too.

is a very popular thing to include. But there

What is a bucket list anyway? Surely it

are no age restrictions when it comes to who

didn’t originate with the Jack Nicholson and

can create a bucket list. For younger folks,

48 FACE | JANUARY 2014

3. Find a cause you care about. 4. Do something to nourish yourself. 5. Let go of your “should’s. Learn to

6. Teach yourself something new.

7. Connect more with yourself and expand your relationship with friends. (Source: http://inspiration.allwomenstalk.com)

Whether you’re young, middle-aged or an eighty-three year old granny riding an airplane, the concept remains the same, this life is yours—what do you want to do before passing? It’s the time of year that we all start to think about what we can do to

It was at that very moment that I understood the importance of having

hit the refresh button on life and I can’t think of any better way than

a bucket list. You see, we live in an age that there’s never any “free”

to make a bucket list. Whether you note them down mentally or write

time. Our friends are always busy, our jobs retain the right to hold us

them physically, or just have a vague sense of the stuff you want to

hostage, our mortgages remind us that it is okay for our jobs to hold

do before you depart, it’s an important thing to think about in regards

us hostage, and what little time there is left after catering to all of

to seeing a “new you.”

our responsibilities, well, that time is called sleep. Life is not easy

In fact, the term has become mainstream lexicon. There are many websites dedicated to organizing your lists and giving ideas for those who aren’t sure what they want to do before they kick the bucket.

or smooth sailing—it’s a fast-paced, cutthroat world out there. But let us not forget that this life is our own and it’s okay to jot down our aspirations and make the time to live those dreams, too.

Even sites like Pinterest and Twitter have taken notice of the bucket

Follow in the footsteps of Clark and my grandmother; take a trip on an

list trend and provide a plethora of bucket list ideas.

airplane, travel the world, and experience life from a new perspective.

There’s no hard evidence as to why there has become such a trend in forming bucket list, but in my best guess, I would have to say that the Internet has a lot to do with it. It’s become so easy for us to see what others are doing with their lives and we see such an abundance of this that we can’t help but think, “I want to do that” or, “Mary sure is living the dream”. In fact, I’ve experienced this myself through an

Don’t let another year pass by without giving thought to what you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket.

Discover the Romantic Moment

old college friend, Clark Foster. I haven’t seen or talked to Clark since college but you better believe that if I’ve ever crossed paths with someone, we are most certainly Facebook friends. About a year ago, Clark started posting pictures of only himself (and sometimes newfound friends) in exotic places such as Egypt, South America, Switzerland, Thailand, Nepal, Morocco, France, Spain, Libya, and in almost every picture all he had was a backpack. He then began posting elaborate statuses telling the intimate stories of his travels and the people he’d met along the way—wonderful stories of generosity, adventure, humility, positivity, and self-realization. After about six or eight months of reading his incredible scriptures and seeing him in these beautiful places, I caved and asked him, “What

exclusively at

in the world are you doing that allows you to travel the world like this?” Clark then replied, “Well, while I was in the Army in college, I saved every penny I ever made from them and decided to backpack the world. I’ve visited almost every country in the world now by using

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my feet, the occasional use of a taxi, and the generosity of others.

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I think I’ve completed just about everything on my bucket list!”

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 49


Stay on Trend This Winter

(BPT) - As we head into the cold winter months, there is no need to sacrifice your style for warmth. This year, incorporate on-trend looks from the runway into your wardrobe to keep your look fashion-forward throughout season. Here are five fantastic looks for fall and winter from celebrity stylist, Cristina Ehrlich.

Men's Suit Styling Menswear is no longer reserved for the boys as women around the world are adapting men's suit styles and making them their own. This trend embodies looks inspired by Savile Row - the famous street in London known for tailoring the attire of some of the world's most famous men. "Patterns like herringbone and pinstripes are central to this look," says Ehrlich. "While traditional tailoring for men - like the haberdashery cut - is being refreshed with a feminine silhouette."

Neo Punk The neo-punk look channels the likes of Vivienne Westwood, Sid and Nancy, and singer/songwriter, Siouxsie. Add a little edge to your wardrobe with tartan, vinyl, chains, studs and spikes. Metals make ideal neo-punk accessories. Ehrlich recommends stacking a few customizable bracelets and rings in mixed metals for a fashion-forward look that is all your own.

Tone-On-Tone Color remains big for winter, with tone-on-tone trending on and off the runway. To pull off this look, choose an outfit in a rich hue and then bring it to life by mixing in complementary shades and textures. For example, an emerald green top is enhanced with accessories in various shades of bright green. "Jewelry in harmonious shades can perfect the tone-ontone look with minimal effort," adds Ehrlich.

50 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Renaissance Fabric Mixing This season's hottest designers are showing a reincarnation of 18th and 19th century patterns blended with colorful,

The Boutique for Women

contemporary fabrics. This Renaissance inspired look is far from what you'll find at a medieval fair. To incorporate this trend, Ehrlich likes to pair a long, full skirt with a cropped cardigan. "Have fun mixing fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind look," she says. "Paisley and pinstripes? Of course!"

"No matter what your personal style, these five trends are sure to bring your look to new fashionable heights," says Ehrlich. "By mixing fabrics, colors, prints and accessories that embrace the top trends, you'll

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look and feel great all season long."



Mid-Century The sultry, feminine looks associated with film-noir are brought to life with this runway trend. Celebrate classic beauty with nippedwaist tops and flowing, billowy skirt-suits. Complete your outfit with accessories - try necklaces that mix sterling silver, 14 karat gold and sparkling stones.

REAL ARCADE STYLE BOOTHS Let’s keep it classy, elegant & totally fun for your next event! Whether you’re having your wedding reception, a corporate event, or a private party, SmiLe Moore Photo-Booth is the best way to get the party started. faceacadiana.com | FACE 51

Hobby New Year!

By Audrey Coots

It's the time for new beginnings, new goals and new ideas. And it’s also a great time to start a new hobby. Maybe you’d like to learn how to make your own patio furniture out of those wooden pallets that you see lying beside dumpsters and behind grocery stores. Maybe you’d like to transform that matchless earring into a whole new piece of jewelry or turn that pile of old fabric into a warm quilt. There are so many ways to reuse and recycle old materials from 2013 and make them new and wonderful again in 2014.

A good hobby for beginners will be inexpensive, fun and simple. Take, for instance, candle making. This is a unique hobby that can be molded (literally!) to shape the personality of the creator. Paraffin is the most recommended wax for new candle makers, as it melts easily and is inexpensive, but beeswax, soy wax or other types of waxes can also be used including recycling old candles. Melting the wax can be done using a double boiler, or a small boiling pan sitting inside of another, larger boiling pan filled with water. By adding a special oil-based coloring and a scent or combination of scents while the wax is still in liquid form, a unique and personalized candle can be poured into a mason jar or other heat resistant container. Just be sure to remember to add the wick before you add the wax, or you’ll end up with a mess!

type of wreath, including the essential foam base, yarn, and hot glue gun, can be found at Hobby Lobby and many other craft stores. After wrapping your yarn all around the wreath, using whichever colors best suit your purpose, unique additions such as beads can be added to perfect the look you want. Other additions can include bells, wooden or plastic letters, ribbons, and bows and flowers. The imagination really has a lot of room to play in this hobby, and the end result looks great over a mantle, as a center piece in a hallway or living room, or even in its original place of honor- right on the front door.

Another interesting potential hobby for the crafty at heart is wreath making. Wreaths are no longer just a holiday door accessory. Many hobbyists take pleasure in creating their wreaths and gifting them to friends and family members at house warming parties and wedding showers. The available wreathing materials guarantee hundreds of different outcomes. A common wreath making method that would be easy for a beginner is the yarn wreath. All of the materials for this

If you have any leftover materials, they can be used for another great hobby- card making! Card stock and decorative paper is sold by the sheet at Hobby Lobby and by using a combination of pictures and stickers, as well as the afore mentioned beads, ribbons, and bows, you can ensure that any cards you choose to create are one

52 FACE | JANUARY 2014

stripper, sand paper, wood stain and paint and many other materials specific to the type and size of the particular frame in question. It’s important to do research and ask questions as needed before starting the project. For instance, do you want to preserve the finish or remove the finish? These are two completely different processes that require different materials. Either way, a professional in a paint store or home center will be able to guide you to the right paint stripper, finish and other materials needed for your unique project.

of a kind masterpieces that people will love getting for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and all kinds of other events. And if you still have beads and ribbons left over, you can move right on to yet another wonderful, creative hobby- jewelry making. With all of the different combinations of beads, materials and designs, anyone can create stunning pieces that are unique and suited to unique personalities. As an added bonus, you may even be able to make a small income from your hobby. Many of these crafts are money makers on websites such as Etsy.com! Have you ever considered refurbishing a nice or beloved household item? This is a project that is increasingly popular among do-ityourselfers, and the refurbish-able items can be found without ever leaving the house. Common refurbished items include cabinets, benches, dining room and coffee tables, end tables, dressers, picture frames, desks, and clocks, among others.

Some high value antique pieces may be better left to the professionals, as the value of the piece can be diminished if an inexperienced person tries to refurbish the piece him-or-herself, but that doesn’t mean that your favorite antique china cabinet has to be left alone or that you’re left project-less! You can easily find other new (to you) projects at thrift stores, flea markets and antique shops. And don’t worry; if you get in over your head, you can always bring your half-finished project to a professional and they will be more than happy to complete your restoration for you. The great thing about picking up a new hobby is that it almost always inspires you to keep creating, keep thinking and keep doing, even after the project is finished. Whatever you decide to do, now is the time to begin! Examples of more before and after pictures from Parker Wood Works can be found on their website www.parkerwoodworks.com.

If you’ve never attempted this type of project before, however, George Parker of Parker Wood Works, a Lafayette furniture restoration center, suggests starting small. “It’s a commitment,” he says. “You have to be committed to the end.” For this reason, a smaller piece, such as a picture frame, a clock or a simple dining room chair would be more ideal for a beginner than a bed frame or an intricately carved bookshelf. “Smaller means less time consuming. Start with a smaller project to determine if it’s something you can be committed to,” Parker recommends. Another thing to consider is the scope of the restoration needed. Water damage, smoke and gasoline damage, broken sections, paint chipping and diminished details in carvings are all potential dilemmas one may face when refurbishing. It’s important to carefully look the piece over and determine what, exactly, you want the end result to be before beginning your restoration. For a basic picture frame restoration, the new hobbyist could expect to deal with paint



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faceacadiana.com | FACE 53


Lighting the Way How Chandeliers Add Interest and Style to Informal Spaces It used to be that chandeliers lit two rooms—the entrance way and the dining room. Now, however, chandeliers are enjoying a renaissance of sorts, and finding their way into other areas of the house. To this end, the American Lighting Association offers the following information on this latest trend in home and interior design, one that can transform your space— and your lighting.

What’s Changing About Today’s Homes? Homes have become less conventional and more a reflection of an owner’s personality. This means that rules of thumb are just that, and decorating can be a mix of traditional and modern. “A lot of people are trying to make their homes a little bit more unique, so they are pulling away from chandeliers in traditional spots,” says Jeff Dross, corporate director of education and industry trends for Kichler Lighting.

So Why Chandeliers? No longer do chandeliers only come with dangling classic crystals and brass fixtures. Today’s chandeliers are available in a range of sizes, shapes and colors. Yet, despite the many varieties, these statement-making fixtures have some commonalities. For instance, their height and structure naturally pull the eyes up and around a room, creating movement. Color or crystals can add visual charm and appeal, as can using different materials for the fixture arms, such as iron, pewter or chrome.

“The illuminated candles and brilliant sparkle of crystal chandeliers provide multiple light points and create a vivid, less static environment,” says Mike Hadank, director retail sales of North America for Swarovski Lighting. Unlike their ’60s and ’70s counterparts, homes today have become havens that embody rest and relaxation for owners. Master bedrooms now have vaulted ceilings and are used as reading rooms as much as they are for sleeping. Bathrooms have become larger and more spa-like, and guest rooms get just as much design attention as other rooms of the house, which means decorating these spaces can no longer be an afterthought. “I continue to see chandeliers being used in guest powder rooms. It’s a room really designed to be purely functional, but homeowners want it to look interesting,” says Dross.

How are Chandeliers Changing? Smaller light and electric sources enable lighting designers to create fixtures that are more compact in diameter, and are using newer colors and styles that are more adaptable and easily customized. In addition, proportions and center columns are changing to accommodate both tighter spaces and ceilings that range from eight to 12 feet. As overstuffed furniture becomes less popular, the scale of contemporary chandeliers works well for new streamlined spaces. 54 FACE | JANUARY 2014

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56 FACE | OCTOBER 2013


Tips for New Pet Parents Whether you're acquiring a new puppy or kitten for your household or adopting an adult pet from a shelter or rescue organization, the following tips will help you get off on the right foot with your newest family member. What's Up, Doc? Just as you require regular visits to your doctor and dentist to make sure you stay healthy, so does your new pet. A veterinary visit should be a once-a-year event, minimum, and more frequent check-ups may be needed, depending on your pet's age and health status. Regular visits are likely to include a thorough exam, weighin, immunizations and parasite checks (a heartworm test and fecal exam). Blood tests and dental cleanings are also routine procedures. Healthy Eating Your new pet may be eyeing your plate with interest, but don't give in. Pets shouldn't eat like people. Cats are carnivores; they need plenty of protein in their diets - roughly twice the percentage that you do - and they need it in the form of meat, poultry or fish. And while your dog, like you, is an omnivore, that doesn't mean he should share your meals. A food formulated especially for dogs is much better and treats should make up no more than 10 percent of a dog's caloric intake. Parasite Prevention You've probably heard of pests like heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas and ticks but understanding how and when to prevent them is a different matter. Dogs and cats can become infected with heartworms, although the resulting disease differs somewhat between the two species. Heartworm disease can be deadly, or it can reduce the quality of life of both dogs and cats. Mosquitoes spread heartworms and dogs and cats need to be protected year-round, thanks to a mosquito's ability to survive in a variety of environments. A bonus is that many heartworm preventives also protect pets against other internal parasites. For more information on how to protect your new pet against heartworms and other parasites, talk to your veterinarian and visit the American Heartworm society website at heartwormsociety.org.

Bathing Most of us wouldn't dream of letting a day go by without a shower or bath. But daily bathing is unnecessary for pets and can dry out their skin and hair. Most dogs are fine with a bath every three months, unless they get extra dirty or have silky hair. Cats usually keep themselves clean without any help although brushing longhaired cats on a regular basis is advised to keep their fur tangle-free and help prevent hairballs. Making a Connection Dogs and cats relate to their owners in different ways. As a pack animal, dogs expect you to lead their pack and give them rules to follow. Dogs make faces - in fact, it's estimated that they have 100 different facial expressions, thanks to their mobile ears. Cats attach to their people as social partners and use affectionate behaviors, such as purring, kneading and rubbing against you to show their affection. They're also quite vocally expressive and can produce more than 100 different sounds. Sleep Habits While cats have a reputation for dozing, both cats and dogs spend more than half their time in slumber. Like babies, puppies and kittens sleep more than adults, although their sleep patterns can be erratic. Keep in mind that excessive sleeping can be a sign of boredom. Most pets will be glad to forego a nap for playtime or a walk. Bringing a pet into your home is one of the greatest joys in life, but it means new responsibilities. Understanding your pet's behavior, as well as the do's and don'ts of pet health care, will help make your bond with your pet a lasting one. faceacadiana.com | FACE 57


Start Your New Year with a Now more commonly known as fringe, bangs remain a key fashion trend each decade as they nicely accompany many different hairstyles. The naming of bangs originated as they were related to “bang-tail”, the practice of cutting horses’ tails in a straight, horizontal line similar to a tassel. Our more modern term, fringe, arrived due to the resemblance of the hair lying on the forehead to the appearance of ornamental fringed trim and was first adopted in Great Britain before the term gained its popularity in the United States. Whether you prefer to refer to your new hair addition as fringe or bangs, they are a great way to make a change to your look without having to forfeit the overall length or texture of your hair. Bangs can successfully be incorporated in to all lengths of hair, working with all texture types, including straight, wavy and curly.

The Peek-a-Boo is a bang that is piece-y and wispy, allowing the eyes to peek through the hair. It is a thin veil of hair with length that continues past the brows until it is slightly grazing the eyelashes. It is a very versatile fringe, and can be styled to appear tailored and sleek, or fresh and funky depending on your mood for the day. Peek-a-boo bangs are slightly uneven across the eyes and are generally longer near the temples, working wonderfully to define the cheekbones.

So for this New Year, as you are actively planning your resolution to spend more time with family and friends, become more physically fit, or abstain from extra indulgences, partner your plan with a small resolve to change your hair appearance as well! Ring in the New Year with a “big bang” by choosing one of these three classic style options.

Unlike the thin Peek-a-Boo, the Blunt-Cut bang is a thick curtain of The Side-Swept fringe is a great starter-bang and flows seamlessly

fringe. It is cut slightly above the brow and can be one length straight

into the rest of your hair style. With this look, your hair can be parted

across, or can be cut into a concave shape. The concave fringe will

on the left or right side and this swoop can be a great transition piece

be shortest in the middle, above the nose, graduating to its longest

if you are growing into a new haircut. If your hair is used to being

length at the temples and cheekbones. The Blunt-Cut bang will

parted in the middle or you’re planning on swapping part sides, you

require the most frequent trim up-keep, may require a flat-iron for

will have to train your new fringe to lie to one side through blow-drying

styling and is definitely the bang for you if you are itching to make

and directional brushing with a small paddle brush.

a statement.

58 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Are you already a bang-wearer and are tired of your fringe benefits? The growing-out process can be a struggle, so finding different ways to style your hair is a must for the months ahead. Parted Bangs are a great option for this process so that you still have the appearance of fringe, but the hair is swept to each side as it grows out creating more of a faux bang. This fringe is similar to curtains and is wonderful for showcasing the eyes. You can also invest in headbands and barrettes for holding back your bangs to further accessorize your style, and begin braiding or twisting the bangs, pinning them to the side for more growing-out options. Tip: Due to hair elongating as it gets wet, always ask your stylist to cut your new fringe when your hair is dry. This way you will get the true desired appearance and length without experiencing shrinkage of the hair post-cut. About the author: Betsy Guidry is a licensed Esthetician and Esthetics Educator, with a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising & Management from Missouri State University. Beginning her career in the beauty industry in 2006, Betsy is currently the Assistant Director at the Aveda Institute of Lafayette, a cutting edge, co-friendly Cosmetology and Spa Institution dedicated to changing lives and shaping the future of beauty. Contact Betsy at betsyb@ailafayette.biz or 337- 233-0511.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 59

Standout Style! Be the life of any party in these fresh looks!

60 FACE | JANUARY 2014 60 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Get ready to turn some heads this Mardi Gras season in this stunning black, sequin gown by Halston Heritage. Punch up the sparkle with Virgin, Saints and Angels (VSA) castle cuff bracelet and VSA flower drop earrings.

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Show off your cool winter style in the Lafayette 148 Ponte riding pant in merlot topped with the red ‘Rana’ blouse, ‘Acume’ jacket and ‘Atalia’ scarf in Bordeaux all from the WEEKEND MaxMara collection. Finish the look with brown ‘Ottavio’ boots by Amalfi by Rangoni.

62 FACE | JANUARY 2014 62 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Warm up any outfit with this fabulous leopard print coat with pink lining and pink rhinestone buttons by 3 Sisters Clothing. Accessorize with clear crystal cluster post earrings, and a clear round stone crystal bangle, both by Jim Ball.

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Be your own work of art in this open back, black sequined gown with a silver and iridescent beaded bodice by Sean Collection and Johnathan Kayne nude strappy heels with iridescent stones. Iridescent crystal chandelier earrings and bracelet, both by Jim Ball.

64 FACE | JANUARY 2014 64 FACE | JANUARY OCTOBER 2013 2014

Sparkle and shine in this vintage Henri Bendel beaded gown. Hairpins and earrings by the vintage-inspired line, Johnny Loves Rosie.

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2013 Angel Award

Festival of light

Check presentation of $20,000 grant to Hearts of Hope on behalf of Pam Frey November 7th

November 6th | Oil Center Benefitting the Oil Center Association

Gibson gruenert holiday party December 12th | Maison de Bon Temps

Frank's international 2nd annual chili cook off Check presentation to the United Way of Acadiana with donated proceeds from the cook off, over $43K

66 FACE | JANUARY 2014

3rd annual Allison Companies Breath of Life Gala November 22nd | River Oaks | Presented by Moss Motors Benefitting The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

sparkle holiday party December 7th | The Victorian

faceacadiana.com | FACE 67


Heart walk November 23 | UL Lafayette Quad Benefitting the American Heart Association of Acadiana

68 FACE | JANUARY 2014

Silver Bell SoirĂŠe December 5th | The Palmetto Club | Photo Credit: Jamarick Valerie Benefitting Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic

faceacadiana.com | FACE 69

70 FACE | JANUARY 2014

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