FACE Magazine Jan/Feb 2015

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JAN | FEB 2015

FOREMAN Helping women achieve their fitness and weight loss goals so they can live life to the fullest.



Simple Steps Happier Healthier 2015

Acadiana Weight Loss

Success Stories

Power of Positive Thinking Cosmetic Procedures


Reveal Your Best This Year

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4 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015



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On the cover 38 DAWN FOREMAN “I believe I was put here to impact

people’s lives. My vehicle is weight loss. If you’re not happy with yourself, it’s hard for you to find your purpose...”


Cosmetic Procedures: Making Informed Decisions Ask the Experts - Q&A Cosmetic Enhancements Directory

CONTENTS 08 HEALTH MATTERS Happier Healthier 2015 Power of Positive Thinking 12 FITNESS 14 MOTIVATION New Year, New You Success Stories 18 EAT WELL Heart Healthy Eating Consider a Mediterranean Diet 22 MONEY 24 CAREERS Work Life Effectiveness 26 WOMEN IN BUSINESS 28 FAMILY What’s Up Baby? Distracted by Technology 32 STYLE Fashion Lifesavers 66 RELATIONSHIPS 7 Tips for a Brand New Start 68 CELEBRITY ADVICE 70 SHOW YOUR FACE 73 MARKETPLACE

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6 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

EDITOR’S DESK 2015 is underway, and so are all the exciting changes so many people resolve to make in their lives. Whether it’s a desire to stick with the age-old, standby resolution, or opt for a whole new perspective and outlook on life; a new year is definitely a catalyst for change.

Jan | Feb 2015 Vol. 7 | No. 8 EDITOR Lisa Day editor@faceacadiana.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR/EVENTS Flint Zerangue, Jr. flintjr@faceacadiana.com ADVERTISING info@faceacadiana.com 337-456-5537

Carol Singley | carol@faceacadiana.com Cassie Swain | cassie@faceacadiana.com Kim Porter | kim@faceacadiana.com LAYOUT & DESIGN Kellie Viola CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kathryn Elliott, Ph.D, LPC-S, LMFT Erin Holden • Nicole LaCour Dr. David Lipshitz Leah Lormand, LMSW Jenny McCarthy Sharon Mosley CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Moore Photography Philippe Motte Danny Izzo with Nouveau Photeau PUBLISHER Flint Zerangue, Sr. info@faceacadiana.com FACE Magazine is a division of: The Zerangue Group, Inc. P.O. Box 61096 Lafayette, LA 70596 337-456-5537 On the Web www.FaceAcadiana.com FACE Magazine is published 10 times per year and distributed free of charge to individuals and businesses throughout the Acadiana region. It is also available online at FaceAcadiana.com. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or republished without written consent from the Publisher. Unsolicited material may not be returned. The owners, publishers, and editors shall not be responsible for loss or injury of any submitted manuscripts, promotional material, and/or art. The acceptance of advertising in FACE Magazine does not imply endorsement. FACE Magazine reserves the right, without giving specific reason, to refuse advertising if copy does not conform to editorial policies and/or standards. FACE Magazine does not necessarily agree with or condone the opinions, beliefs, or expressions of our writers and advertisers.

So in the theme of ‘change’, FACE is making a few in 2015. After careful research and valuable input from advertisers and readers, FACE is moving to a 10-issue schedule. Our first issue of the year is a fusion of exciting January and February topics into one larger, new and improved publication. Given traditional January resolutions like weight loss and lifestyle changes, and issues of the heart in February; we are excited to have our cover story, Dawn Foreman, as a catalyst for change who directly impacts the lives of so many women in Acadiana by giving them the tools to change their lives, and the ability to gain a new outlook on life. Our first special issue of the year is a hot topic also related to personal change. Cosmetic procedures! Cosmetic procedures continue to be on the rise in the United States, with over 15 million cosmetic procedures undergone every year. Yet it is not a choice to be taken lightly. To help you make more informed decisions, we have compiled statistics and overviews of some of the most popular procedures, along with other helpful tips in our Guide to Safe Plastic Surgery, as well as an Ask the Expert section with valuable insights from Acadiana’s own experts in the field. So whether you are considering a change in your health, appearance, attitude, diet, relationships or just your wardrobe—there is a little something for everyone in this issue of FACE! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2015!

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inspiring woman?


Would she make a great

would like to submit to

FACE cover story? Email me and tell me her story.

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Show Your Face? Send your photos to


I’d love to hear it. editor@FaceAcadiana.com

Subject Line: Show Your Face Email must include: Event Name, Date and Location.

© 2015 FACE Magazine/Zerangue Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Simple Steps to a Happier, Healthier 2015

(BPT) - Another year is here, have you reflected on what went well (and not so well) in 2014? Before you finalize your self-improvement plan for 2015, consider this: only 8 percent of people who make new year’s resolutions actually stick to them. Are you recycling annual resolutions that you know you’ll never keep? Instead, identify new opportunities to keep your body fresh and your mind focused. Here are four simple steps to a happier, healthier 2015. 8 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Schedule a Few “Mental Health Days”

We spend a lot of time at the office. And if you’re clocking more than 10 hours a day, it’s likely too much. Scientists often link overtime to everything from depression to cardiovascular issues. It’s no secret that we all count down the days until that next holiday vacation or summer road trip. But why wait? Don’t put off precious time away from the daily grind. Instead, avoid burnout by planning a few long weekends every year that help you recharge and refocus. Whether you’re sleeping in and catching up on your DVR or connecting with old college roommates, a little R&R will do wonders for your morale.

Keep in mind that you won’t do yourself any favors by shrugging off goals or not planning in advance. Set up reminders and calendar invites to help keep you on track. Better yet, outline at least one shared resolution and invite friends or family members to join in. Improve your indoor air quality

Try something new

9 in 10 homeowners realize poor indoor air quality can contribute to certain health issues, yet only one-quarter are worried about the air quality in their homes, according to a national survey from BroanNuTone and Kelton. With the majority of homeowners spending 90 percent of their time indoors, it’s important to identify telltale signs of unhealthy air before they trigger health issues. If you’re noticing foggy bathroom mirrors after showering or lingering food aromas after preparing meals, chances are your home isn’t properly ventilated. Protect your home and your family by updating your range hood or installing a new bath fan.

If “learn to cook” and “lose 10 pounds” have been on your to-do list for years, it’s probably time to mix things up a bit. Be more specific when outlining goals. For example, instead of focusing on weight loss, why not focus on new classes to try out? From cardio kickboxing to spin class to ZUMBA and yoga, there are endless opportunities to get your heart rate (and your spirits) up. Check out your local gym and pledge to try something new every quarter until something sticks. As for cooking, turn it into a date night with your spouse by enrolling in a cooking class together. Or, buy a cookbook and take turns selecting new meals to prepare.

Make room this Fall


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Clean out your closets

If you’re like most, you’re probably hanging on to one too many items that you’ve outgrown or no longer use. Free up hangers and closet space by taking inventory of any items you haven’t worn in several months. Holding on to jeans in the hopes you’ll fit into them? Donate them to someone who can wear them now and treat yourself to a new pair. Stockpiling old bridesmaid dresses? Have them altered into the ideal cocktail dress. Hoarding fashion jewelry and accessories that are no longer in style? Create a dress-up box for nieces, young cousins or students. Not only will you make more space for things you do need, de-cluttering creates feelings of happiness and accomplishment.


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Can the Power of Positive Thinking

Change Your Life?

(BPT) - A positive attitude is one of the most powerful assets you can have. Positive people find success, good health, happiness, wealth and rewarding relationships throughout their lives. This is not because they are already successful, or because they are more confident, it is simply the attitude. The law of attraction is that positive thoughts lead to positive results. Your thoughts are much more powerful than just electric signals between synapses. They have the ability to define you and affect those around you. However, it’s not easy to summon this way of thinking on command. It may take years of patience and practice to change your overall mentality.

Learn from the example of others. “Early leaders in the United States understood the true meaning of positive thinking,” says Stanley Murphy, department chair for the Graduate School of Business and Management at Argosy University, Nashville. “It is one aspect of the root of their success. Philip D. Armour, F.W. Woolworth, Thomas A. Edison, Marshall Field, Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and a host of other movers and shakers who participated in shaping our country in the early 20th century all understood these two powerful words: positive thinking.” It is true that the most successful people throughout history have all recognized the power of positive thinking. Even Gandhi was a strong advocate of positive thinking. He is reported to have said, “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.” So what are some proven methods to developing mastery in positive thinking? Well for starters, believe that you can become a positive thinker. “Invest and commit yourself to your own personal development,” suggests Murphy. “You must first believe in yourself. When you do, you will notice that others believe in you too. Examine how you are investing in yourself. Make note in your observation of yourself. See if your personal investments are constructive or destructive. If they are destructive, then try to eliminate them. If constructive, then perfect them.”

You must first believe in yourself. When you do, you will notice that others believe in you too. 10 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

The Power of Positive Thinking By Mayo Clinic Staff

“Negative thoughts can feed pessimism and create unnecessary stress. You can learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The process is straightforward, although it’s challenging, especially at first. Start by following one simple rule: Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Throughout the day, stop and evaluate what you’re thinking. If a negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally and respond with affirmations of what is good about yourself.”

R. Brian Salinas, professor at Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area recommends interacting with people who are on the same journey, whether they are ahead or behind. “People project who they are and you will too. You’ll start to pick up their traits and ways of approaching things,” says Salinas. “Read books that talk about handling the lessons and challenges that come up in life and that mirror those you want to overcome in yours. In a few years, you’ll find that your story of triumph over adversity mirrors those you read about.” Consider the physical aspects as well. Try to incorporate the practice of daily meditation (a minimum of 20 minutes a day) suggests Murphy. “Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Moderate exercise, balanced diet and adequate rest will keep you physically fit for your daily task.” Also, try to be realistic. Everyone has down moments, and that’s alright. “Positive attitude is more than the sum of your feelings at any particular moment. If a loved one passes away or you are facing a challenge that feels overwhelming at the moment, it doesn’t mean that you’re not a positive person,” adds Salinas. “Positive people have every right to feel sad. It’s even healthy to express those feelings from time-to-time. Just remember that those moments don’t define us.”

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FITNESS How Age-Related Muscle Loss and Can Be Prevented by Weight Training By Dr. David Lipschitz Growing older is always accompanied by gradual loss of muscle that is replaced by fat. Despite gaining weight from about 25 onward, we also lose muscle, so that at age 50 our total muscle mass is about 70 percent of that at age 30, and by aged 80 half of our peak muscle mass is lost. Total body weight remains constant as loss of muscle is replaced by even more fat. Thus even if your weight has remained totally constant for decades, you will have proportionally more fat at age 60 than you did at 25. Although muscle loss is in part because of inactivity, a major reason is an alteration in a primitive muscle cell called a myocyte. When muscle fibers are lost or damaged, myocytes proliferate, differentiate and replace them. With age, myocytes loose their ability to repair damaged muscle leading to loss of muscle mass. Muscle loss leads to weakness that has profound implications. Weak muscles lead to weak bones and osteoporosis. Weak muscles together with alterations in tendons and ligaments contribute to joint instability that leads to osteoarthritis. Muscle weakness, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis contribute to difficulties with gait and balance, an inability to walk without assistance and eventually to a dreaded fall. And remember: More people die of falls and fractures than from prostate, breast and colon cancer combined. There are other negative consequences of reductions in muscle mass. Muscle is the most metabolically active component of the body. Decreased muscle means profound reductions in energy or calorie needs. So older persons consume less food, less protein and less vitamins and minerals each day. And yet the requirements for protein and most vitamin and minerals actually increase with age. Less food intake, less protein and nutrient intake leads to a much higher risk of severe malnutrition, particularly if nutritional needs are increased by the presence of a serious illness. Another untoward effect of less muscle and more fat is the development of insulin resistance, which impairs the ability of the hormone to deliver glucose to the cell and leads to diabetes.

12 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Even in 90-year-olds, resistance training or exercising with weights can increase strength by over 170 percent, increase muscle and bone mass, improve metabolism, increase food intake and even improve mood.

While we cannot stop the muscle mass loss that accompanies aging or, as yet, return the bones of an 80-year-old woman into those of a teenage athlete, we can make bones stronger and reduce all of the negative effects of age-related muscle loss merely by exercising. Perhaps one of the greatest breakthroughs in the prevention of frailty comes from the research of Dr. William Evans, who showed that even in 90-year-olds, resistance training or exercising with weights can increase strength by over 170 percent, increase muscle and bone mass, improve metabolism, increase food intake and even improve mood. More importantly gait and balance are dramatically improved, leading to an 80 percent reduction in fall and fracture risk. Something as low tech as exercising with weights can prevent dependency and, most importantly, save billions in health care costs while simultaneously improving quality of life.

Weight training has become an integral part of the rehabilitation of older persons who are unable to get around. It is also one of the key ways to prevent frailty and dependency in old age. To be effective, the weight used must be sufficient in that the muscle being exercised is virtually exhausted after 8 to 10 repetitions. I do not recommend buying weights and exercising at home. In general, most don’t exercise adequately, are more prone to injury and do not sustain the effort. Weight training must be done under the supervision of a trainer or a physical therapist, at least until you have learned the ropes. No matter the disability, be it a previous stroke, joint disease or other medical problem, there is a program that can be designed to meet your needs. It is strongly recommended that no matter your age, join a health club and begin both an aerobic and resistance-training program. Not only will the quality of your life be improved but your risk of many illnesses will be reduced, and believe it or not, your life will be prolonged.

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NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! Melanie Stover


Motivation is what gets you started — Habit is what keeps you going. 14 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

The me on the right side of the mirror was unhappy with herself, didn’t like the person she saw, was embarrassed to go anywhere socially, hated holiday gatherings in fear of someone pulling out a camera, was tired of hearing her family say that they were worried about her health and was certain that her doctor was going to tell her that it was time to get on medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, and possibly even diabetes. I didn’t feel quite right. Yeah, I knew I wasn’t “healthy” but I was not sick yet, at least not diagnosed with anything, so I could continue my denial. I had done numerous programs before and felt like a complete failure because I would have some success but then always backslide. I honestly didn’t think that I had it in me to ‘work another diet’! But then a friend reached out to me and for some reason I still do not quite understand, I decided to try again. Thank goodness I did! This program was exactly what I needed. It provided the support I needed to learn how to ditch the habits of disease and replace them with the habits of health. Amazingly, I lost a whopping 64lbs in a little over 4 months and gained my confidence back. I also learned how to continue on my journey to long term health which trickles down into my family’s daily habits. Before I knew it, I was cleaning out my closet making room for newer, much smaller clothes! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would fit into a size 6 again (which I had not seen since 1990) or be able to race my 7 year old. By practicing daily habits such as eating 6 low glycemic meals a day and moving my body, I have maintained my weight loss for over a year and a half now. The me on the left side of the mirror is much happier, has so much more energy, sleeps better, feels better, doesn’t sweat while playing with my kids anymore, and honestly feels three feet taller! I take the stairs instead of the elevator and look forward to entering as many 5k walk/runs that my area has to offer. I dropped 4 pant sizes and I am now a Certified Health Coach helping others on their journey towards health! I am living proof that there is hope and no one should feel trapped in an unhealthy body. Along with my healthy habits, I have learned that breaking the chains of obesity is one of the most rewarding gifts that you can give not only to yourself but also to those you love. Motivation is what gets you started — habit is what keeps you going.

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Shyra Moran

Kim Fruge


In December of 2013, I made the choice to take my health back. I was 30 years old and rapidly approaching 250 lbs. Like every woman, I still had the dream of getting married and having a family, but I wasn’t going to make it to all of these things if I didn’t get my act together. I came up with a game plan and had my friend Kim to hold me accountable for my workouts and eating habits. My friend Kim and I decided we would step outside our comfort zone and become runners, so we signed up for our first 5k. We completed our first 5k in February of 2014, then went on to complete two more 5k races in March and May. I most recently completed the Cajun Cup 10K in November 2014. I am training for the 2015 Louisiana Quarter Marathon. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to say, “I am a runner!” I can’t tell you how much Dawn Foreman and her entire Personally Fit changed my life. I want to encourage any woman that has had a battle with weight loss to check out Dawn and her Personally Fit staff. Not only have I become a runner but I’m a more confident, stronger, healthier me!!

In the last several years, I sank into a deep depression, and gained weight like never before. In November 2013 my mother suffered a massive heart attack, coding on the table. This was a wake-up call for me. On August 25, 2014, I underwent the Gastric Sleeve surgery with Dr. Philip Gachassin. With my depression and weight, I did not feel like getting up and doing anything. Starting out at 290 lbs, I have lost 97 lbs so far and am feeling physically and emotionally better every day. I know some people say that surgery is the “easy way” to lose weight. While it has helped, I have also had to make changes in the way I eat, and think about food. The LGMC Bariatric Center helped with an education on weight, food, and the lifestyle changes needed to help lose the weight and keep it off. They provide access to a fully staffed clinic, and offer support group meetings every month. I participated in my first 5K Walk in November, clocking a time of 1:08.52, and just walked The Color Vibe 5K in Lake Charles, clocking my best time of 49:35.18. I find that walking the 5K’s are something that I enjoy, and I get to support a charity at the same time. My family has been my biggest inspiration and support. I want to be someone my son can be proud of, and to be around for him for a long time.

I have battled my weight most of my adult life. You name it, I have tried it. I did a program that was successful only to gain it all back and then some. I’m sure to some, this is a very familiar story. In February of 2013, I made the bold decision to have the gastric sleeve procedure done. Many may think this was the easy way out, but I beg to differ. The struggles that were once there are still there, but it gave me a clean slate. Eight months after surgery, I hit a plateau. That’s when I started with Crystalized Fitness and my trainer, Ashley Santiago. My trainer and support staff have taught me the meaning of training properly and eating clean. I was able to reach my goals and now live in a body I love. My struggles remain but with Crystalized Fitness, I have accountability and an amazing support system. At the beginning of my journey, I was 247 lbs. I am now 129 lbs. My clothes size was a 2224 and now a size 4. I am stronger than I have ever been and I see no end in sight for the amazing things I will accomplish!

16 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Chrissy Soileau


Cindy Jones

Welcoming two babies within a year left me 60 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. My energy and self-esteem were zapped; I was nearly unrecognizable to myself and others. I was so uncomfortable in my new skin after being a dancer and living an active life for so many years. My husband is a fit triathlete, so I felt enormous pressure to make a change. I didn’t want to sit on the sidelines just watching him and my boys have fun. In a moment of desperation, I drove to Personally Fit Gym on January 1, 2012. I was embarrassed by my weight and was really intimidated by the ‘gym crowd’ having never done any formal classes or used equipment, but I made myself walk through those doors. I went ‘all in’ and did what Dawn Foreman told me to do. I had to make a change and knew that now was the time. I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed the workouts. I couldn’t believe how much better I felt after removing potatoes, rice, and bread from my diet. In 3 months, I’d lost 19 lbs and 20 inches. There was no way I was stopping there. I’ve now lost 80 lbs and nearly 50 inches, thanks to consistent workouts, healthy eating habits, and all natural products that supported my weight loss efforts. Having two toddlers and a home-based business means that meal planning and getting to the gym can be difficult. But, I’m willing to keep pushing myself because I want to live a healthy lifestyle and set a good example for my sons. I was fortunate to have the women of Personally Fit counseling, supporting, and motivating me throughout my journey. I highly encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and find a support system this year. You won’t regret it!

Last year I promised myself to be a healthier version of myself by my next birthday. I tried losing weight many times before and I was unsuccessful. I didn’t know what to eat or when to eat. I needed someone to teach me how to eat properly. Moments after praying for God to help me conquer my obesity once and for all. I came across a before-and-after picture on the Crystalized Fitness Facebook page. I called and spoke to Crystal Trahan. From the moment I met her, I knew she was something special. She believed in me more than I believed in myself. She told me, “Your goal weight is 150 lbs,” and for the first time, I had a number to work toward. With the guidance of my trainer and a great deal of hard work over 11 months, I reached my goal weight on my birthday. I went from 279 lbs to 149 lbs; from a size 26 to an 8! I’ve not only lost 130 lbs, but I have gained a new life. I have a new healthy lifestyle and my family loves the new food we eat and the fun, active things we do together. This has opened so many doors for me. I am now a spin instructor, the “CMS Teacher of the Year” and the “LPSS Middle School Teacher of the Year.” Before, I was Holly, now I am a much better version of myself. It is never too late to change your life. You just need the right people by your side.

In June 2014, my oldest son confronted me. He was worried I would end up like my aunt who passed away two years ago at age 52. She was obese, had Type II Diabetes, and never made an effort to change. At 42, I wasn’t that far behind her. I was never one to exercise and I love food. Twice in 20 years, I dieted and dropped 45 lbs both times. Sure I lost weight, but my body looked old and sickly. Plus, I was angry and depressed from starving. I would fall back into old habits and gain the weight back. In 2014, my husband decided to start doing triathlons. He would beg me to do them with him. One day on impulse, I told him I would. This is when I decided to change my life. I remembered my friend Elena was a trainer at Personally Fit. I got online and explored their options. The next day I walked in and signed up. I was welcomed like I was meant to be there. With Dawn Foreman’s 10&2 Plan, I’ve learned to eat right and not starve myself. Since exercising, I’ve gained strength to be able to hike, bike, and run with my husband. Our marriage has grown stronger, my mental health has improved, and I look good! In 5 month, I went down 3 sizes. October 19, 2014, I did that triathlon and earned 2nd place in my age group. I feel great to be this blessed. faceacadiana.com | FACE 17

EAT WELL A Change of Heart Why is heart-healthy eating important? Heart-healthy eating is an important way to lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. To get the most benefit for your heart, you should choose more fruits, vegetables, and foods with whole grains and healthy protein. You also should eat less food with added sugar, calories, and unhealthy fats. Heart-healthy eating, along with regular exercise or physical activity, can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for American women. Stroke is the number three cause of death for American women. What foods should I eat to help lower my risk for heart disease and stroke? • Fruits and vegetables. At least half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. • Whole grains. At least half of your grains should be whole grains. Whole grains include whole wheat, whole oats, oatmeal, whole-grain corn, brown rice, wild rice, whole rye, whole-grain barley, buckwheat, bulgur, millet and sorghum. • Fat-free or low-fat dairy products. These include milk, calcium-fortified soy drinks (soy milk), cheese, yogurt, and other milk products. • Seafood, skinless poultry, lean meats, beans, eggs, and unsalted nuts.

Is Eating Seafood Good for My Heart? Yes. Seafood contains a type of fat called omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests that eating about 8 ounces of seafood with omega-3 fatty acids per week can lower your risk of dying from heart disease. Seafood that naturally contain more oil and are better sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, trout, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. Lean fish (such as cod, haddock, and catfish) have less omega-3 fatty acids. Source: womenshealth.gov

18 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for American women. Stroke is the number three cause of death for American women. What foods should I limit to lower my risk of heart disease and stroke? Saturated fats. Saturated fat is usually in pizza, ice cream, fried chicken, many cakes and cookies, bacon, and hamburgers. Check the Nutrition Facts label for saturated fat. Less than 10% of your daily calories should be from saturated fats. Trans fats. These are found mainly in commercially prepared baked goods, snack foods, fried foods, and margarine. The Food and Drug Administration is taking action to remove artificial trans fats from our food supply because of their risk to heart health. Check the Nutrition Facts label and choose foods with no trans fats as much as possible. Cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in foods made from animals, such as bacon, whole milk, cheese made from whole milk,

ice cream, full-fat frozen yogurt, and eggs. Fruits and vegetables do not contain cholesterol. Eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol for Americans, but studies show that eating one egg a day does not increase the risk for heart disease in healthy people. You should eat less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. Check the Nutrition Facts label for cholesterol. Foods with 20% or more of the “Daily Value” of cholesterol are high in cholesterol. Sodium. Sodium is found in salt, but most of the sodium we eat does not come from salt that we add while cooking or at the table. Most of our sodium comes from breads and rolls, cold cuts, pizza, hot dogs, cheese, pasta dishes, and condiments (like ketchup and mustard).

Limit your daily sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams (equal to a teaspoon), unless your doctor says something else. Check the Nutrition Facts label for sodium. Foods with 20% or more of the “Daily Value” of sodium are high in sodium. Added sugars. Foods like fruit and dairy products naturally contain sugar. But you should limit foods that contain added sugars. These include sodas, sports drinks, cake, candy, and ice cream. Check the Nutrition Facts label for added sugars and limit how much food you eat with added sugars. Look for these other names for sugar in the list of ingredients: corn syrup, corn sweetener, fructose, glucose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, maltose, honey, molasses, raw sugar, invert sugar, syrup, caramel and fruit juice concentrates.

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Key Components to the Diet


• Eating plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts • Replacing butter with healthy fats, such as olive oil • Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods • Limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month • Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week • Drinking red wine in moderation The diet also recognizes the importance of being physically active, and enjoying meals

r the Why You Should Conside

with family and friends.

Mediterranean Diet

(BPT) - A healthy diet can be the foundation of a healthy life. While there are many food choices and diet options, one diet consistently grabs the attention of researchers. “The Mediterranean diet has been, and continues to be, studied widely,” says physician assistant Tricia A. Howard, a faculty member at South University, Savannah’s College of Health Professions. “I would recommend considering the Mediterranean diet to anyone who wants to make a healthy lifestyle change.” The Mediterranean diet is named after the geographical part of the world where most people consume plentiful amounts of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, nuts and fish. “This is a diet high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which have many important health benefits,” explains Howard. Some of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet can be seen quickly. Howard says many patients see improvement in cholesterol levels and begin to lose weight within a few months of adopting the diet. Numerous research studies show that the long-term benefits include a decreased risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. But Howard cautions that the Mediterranean diet is not about quick fixes. Instead, it is a lifestyle change that you need to follow consistently for years in order to reap all the benefits. 20 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

What About Wine?

“To get the many health benefits numerous researchers have found come with this diet, you must commit to it,” Howard explains.

The health effects of alcohol have been

“Following this diet and

health consequences of excessive

benefiting from it is really about

drinking. However, alcohol — in

deciding that you are ready to

moderation — has been associated

take control of your health and

with a reduced risk of heart disease in

about being willing to make

some research studies.

substantial changes in how you eat and what you cook.” “A lot of wonderful foods are included in the Mediterranean diet,” says Howard. “But, red meat is not part of the diet, and that can make it tough for some people to strictly adhere to it.” Howard says even if you can’t strictly follow the Mediterranean diet, everyone should try to incorporate as many aspects of it as they can into their daily diet. “Substituting things in your diet that you know aren’t the healthiest choices and replacing them with foods found in the Mediterranean diet is a smart decision,” Howard says. “And, it may help you begin the process of moving away from an unhealthy diet and towards one that has been proven repeatedly to have benefits. “Choosing foods from the Mediterranean diet is definitely a step in the right direction.”

debated for many years, and some doctors are reluctant to encourage alcohol consumption because of the

The Mediterranean diet typically

includes a moderate amount of wine, usually red wine. This means no more than 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine daily for women of all ages and men older than age 65 and no more than 10 ounces (296 milliliters) of wine daily for younger men. More than this may increase the risk of health problems, including increased risk of certain types of cancer.

If you’re unable to limit your

alcohol intake to the amounts defined above, if you have a personal or family history of alcohol abuse, or if you have heart or liver disease, refrain from drinking wine or any other alcohol. Source: Mayo Clinic

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| FACE 21


Better Late Than Never for Retirement Planning (BPT) - If you’re within 10 years of retirement and haven’t done any appreciable planning, you’re not alone. Nearly half of Americans age 50 and older expect to retire later than they hoped, citing financial concerns, according to a 2013 study by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. And while you may be part of that group, keep in mind, it’s better to plan late than never. A good benchmark on retirement readiness is the ability to replace at least 75 percent of your pre-retirement income at the age you qualify for full Social Security benefits, which is 66 or 67 for most people. Retirement income can come from a variety of sources, including Social Security, savings and a pension, if you have one.

“While people age 50 or older no longer have time on their side when it comes to retirement savings, there are strategies that can help you play catch up,” says Elaine Sarsynski, executive vice president, MassMutual Retirement Services division. “Pre-retirees have some levers to pull that younger workers may not.” To help you make the most of your retirement planning, follow the tips: First, take stock of where you are. Meet with a financial professional who can evaluate your retirement resources and project how much income you can expect if you retire at a certain age. Many 401(k) plans offer online tools to help you determine where you stand and how likely you are to replace your income based on your current assets and saving habits. Make the most of matching contributions. Say your employer matches contributions to your 401(k) plan up to 5 percent of your salary and you only contribute 2 percent, you’re turning down free money. Make sure you save enough to at least get the full match. Talk to your tax advisor about whether you should contribute to your 401(k) on a before- or after-tax basis. Pre-tax contributions may make it affordable to save a higher percentage of your pay by deferring some of

22 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

your tax liability until retirement. After-tax contributions may reduce your tax liability in retirement. Take advantage of catch-up contributions. If you’re age 50 or older at the end of the calendar year, you are eligible to contribute up to an additional $6,000 to your retirement plan in 2015. That’s on top of the $18,000 limit for younger employees. Matching contributions from your employer do not count toward your contribution limit. Optimize Social Security. You can begin taking Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. But should you? “It depends on a lot of things - your health, medical history, current cash needs, and future financial obligations, to name a few,” says Farnoosh Torabi, best-selling author and personal finance coach.

“But one thing is certain: the longer you delay your application [for social security benefits], the bigger your benefit will be.” The maximum benefit from Social Security starts at age 70. You can estimate your retirement benefit by using the Social Security Administration’s Retirement Estimator at ssa.gov/estimator. Don’t forget your pension. If you are entitled to a pension, this is an important source of income that should factor into your retirement planning. Your pension pays you a benefit at retirement based on factors such as your years of service and salary. Your plan administrator will have specific information about your plan.

“When it comes to saving for retirement, don’t let a late start dissuade you,” Sarsynski says. “Becoming more financially disciplined and making the most of your resources can go a long way toward helping you retire on your own terms.” For more information about planning your retirement, go to RetireSmart.com.








faceacadiana.com | FACE 23


Work-Life Effectiveness It’s more achievable than you think...

(BPT) - Having a successful and fulfilling job and

“And workers reap the benefits, too - particularly

life outside of work can present challenges. While

women who still remain the majority of primary

the debate over achievable “work/life balance”

caregivers in our society.”

and “having it all” wages on, one thing is for sure.

Some companies are becoming quite adept at

Prudential offers have been cited for excellence

creating policies, programs and services that go a

by Working Mother magazine. These include


Prudential’s child care and adult care benefits,

of providing

flexible work arrangements, career development

supportive work

long way to help their employees find the right mix of personal and professional satisfaction.

Perhaps, no one knows the stress of

managing career and personal responsibilities better than working parents. In fact, 36 percent of all working moms are the primary breadwinners for their family according to a recent Prudential Financial 2014-2015 study “Financial Experience and Behaviors Among Women.”

“Employers are realizing the importance

Over the years, a number of programs that

opportunities, and benefits for new mothers and fathers, such as up to 26 guaranteed weeks off

“Employers are realizing the


after the birth or adoption of the child (two of

for parents not

which are fully paid).

only as a way

to attract and

Finding a good personal mix of work and

life effectiveness is a gender and age neutral challenge and an individual’s needs change over

retain top talent,

of providing supportive work environments for

time as they go through different career and life

but as a driver of

parents not only as a way to attract and retain

stages. If you are looking for a new job or would

engagement and

top talent, but as a driver of engagement and

like to start a conversation with your current

performance,” says Maureen Corcoran, vice

employer, consider these six areas that contribute

president of Health Life & Inclusion at Prudential.

to getting it right:

24 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015


Flexibility. The ability to have some control over your

work schedule to accommodate personal obligations can reduce stress and boost productivity. Ask about flexible start and end times, the ability to work from home or to phase back into work after having children. Does your company allow compressed schedules or part-time work when life demands increase?

Paid time off. PTO is helpful because it gives employees

the opportunity to take vacations, manage family and

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household needs and take sick days without financial worries. Oftentimes, PTO can be negotiated at the start of a job.

Unpaid time off. The Family and Medical Leave Act

(FMLA) requires employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid

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time off to employees who have a qualifying life event.

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Company size, employee tenure and hours worked apply. Some

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employers offer more time for events like the birth or adoption

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of a child or caring for an elderly parent.

Health and wellness. Striking the right balance

between work and life can positively impact physical,

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emotional, financial, spiritual and social wellbeing. Along with health insurance, benefits like personal wellness workshops, on site fitness and clinic services, free life, health and

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Personal development. If you want to grow your

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career beyond on-the-job training and stay marketable, does your employer support it? Ask about company-paid training programs, tuition reimbursement, options to participate in

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industry groups and mentoring. Professional development is primarily your responsibility, but many companies offer great ways to assist you.

Caregiver perks. The demands of working caregivers (of

children and aging loved ones) are many. Programs that benefit working caregivers include child and adult care services, lactation benefits for new moms, work schedule flexibility, resource and referral services and counseling services for

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employees’ family members.

“Companies that have a wholeperson perspective on their employees,

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recognizing and addressing the needs of their workforce inside and outside of the office are smart,” says Corcoran. “The investment they make in this work not only pays off for employees but for their customers and shareholders.”

faceacadiana.com | FACE 25


The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Acadiana Last year was a ground-breaking year for women

contracts, Acadiana’s business women did it all.

in business throughout the United States. Here

The following profiles highlight a few of the local

in Acadiana, the trend is no different, as the

women-owned or operated businesses here in

entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. From start-

Acadiana. Help maintain the entrepreneurial spirit

ups and expansions to book deals and major

by supporting these businesses today!

Patti Mayeux After 30 years of working as an interior decorator in Acadiana, Patti Mayeux recently launched Patti’s Interiors, what she describes as a “wallpaper-on-the-go” business. A native of Utah, Patti moved to Louisiana in 1977. She graduated from McNeese State University with a bachelor’s degree in interiors and completed interior design courses at ULL. A Navy veteran, Patti is married to her Cajun sweetheart, Nick. Together they have their son, Tyler, two dogs and two cats. Patti won a national wallpaper display contest by York Wallcoverings, among several other awards for decoration sales. Recently, Patti returned from a trip to Paris with a childhood friend after promising each other in 7th grade French class to go one day. Patti’s Interiors offers expert paint consultation, custom draperies, flooring, tile knowledge and expertise in antiques. With over 300 wallpaper books in-instore, Patti has what you need to create the perfect design for your room. Call her for your wallpaper and design needs and be sure to “Like” Patti’s Interiors on Facebook!

Youngsville, LA | 337-280-2631 | pattisinteriors@cox.net

Lisa “Sparky” Tabor APRN, ACNP-BC



Lisa “Sparky” Tabor was raised in Houma, LA, moved to New Orleans, then relocated to Lafayette in 1999. She graduated from Nicholls State University as a Registered Nurse and obtained a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Loyola University. After 16 years of nursing, Lisa obtained a masters degree from Vanderbilt University as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Much of her nursing experience is in Emergency Room, Cardiology and Geriatrics. In 2007, Lisa pioneered the medical house call movement by starting Affinity House Calls, LLC, which provides primary medical care to vulnerable, homebound clients. Her goal is to have her seniors “age in place” and meet their medical needs in their homes. She also plans to expand into other markets throughout Louisiana. Lisa was on the winning team for Innov8’s CodeFest 3.0, with a developed “Aging in Place” marketable product. She is an 8-year member of the Rotary Club of Lafayette and belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, the705 and the Acadiana Entrepreneur Group. My hobbies include cycling, kayaking, listening to live music, fundraising and spending time with friends.

2851 Johnston St., Suite 535 Lafayette, LA | 337-281-6102 | affinityhousecalls.com

26 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Briefcase icon by Diego Naive from the thenounproject.com

Chelsie Lovell Doucet Chelsie Lovell Doucet is going on a decade in the hospitality industry. What started out as a part-time job has taken her for quite a ride. After dedicating herself to the love of food, wine and service, she has grown to be quite a contender in the industry. In her time as General Manager of Jolie’s Louisiana Bistro, the restaurant has done some amazing things. She is most proud of the dinner hosted by Jolie’s at the renowned James Beard House in New York City. For one incredible night, she led a service team to wine and dine some of New York’s most elite clientele while teaching them about her hometown of Lafayette. Since earning the title of GM, the restaurant has been featured in national magazines like Bon Appétit, Cosmopolitan, and GQ. Chelsie attributes much of her success to a hard-working management team. She encourages anyone who has not dined at Jolie’s to stop by and see what the hype is all about! This is a lady of many talents and, soon to be thirty, she is just getting started.

507 W. Pinhook Road Lafayette, LA | 337-504-2382 | jolieslouisianabistro.com

Abbie Guidry-Feerick As a second-generation hairdresser and salon owner, Abbie has accumulated over thirty years experience in the salon industry. People say ‘community’ is her middle name because she’s consistently growing her relationships with business neighbors, salon associates and international stylists. Raising the bar in the beauty industry by investing in the education of her stylists, she has built the confidence and the reputation her clients and network know today. Having grown up with the most progressive dressers in Acadiana has allowed Abbie to tap into multi-generational hair styling. Following in the footsteps for her mother, Odelia Gonzalez, and laying a path for her daughter, Ashely Feerick, Abbie has been featured in the international publication, Hair Construction, and is currently working with the team to create an innovative app called Stylez. Their efforts are aimed to increase knowledge and awareness to stylists of all levels of experience. Studio One 2 One offers a unique experience where the one-to-one relationship promotes beauty and harmony while creating a balance with quality, professionalism and profound knowledge.

233 Doucet Road Suite A3A Lafayette, LA | 337-264-1444 | studio-one2one.com

Rebecca Tipton With over 20 years of professional picture framing experience, Rebecca Tipton has collaborated on many designs with customers for both their homes and businesses. Their continued loyalty and trust proves her commitment to originality and her eye for design. With a hand selected collection of more than 1,500 frame choices, Rebecca’s Custom Framing offers a wide variety of well designed moldings, including a specialty collection of hand gilded frames. Her innovative artistry includes shadowbox display, archival framing, custom-sized mirrors and in-home consultations. Rebecca believes every piece is unique, meaningful and has a personal story to be shared. Her passion is creating unique presentations to be loved and cherished for many years. Her art and creativity are all inspired by the people, the places, and their precious memories from around the world. Let Rebecca’s Custom Framing share some inspiring framing ideas with you!

1015 Kaliste Saloom Rd Lafayette, LA | 337-257-8217 | galleryrebecca@cox.net

To feature your local woman owned/operated business in this section, contact FACE Magazine at 337-456-5537.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 27

FAMILY What’s Up, Baby? Early Childhood Development Series (Baby’s voice)

3-6 months Responsiveness Part 2 of 4

Is this what falling in love feels like? When we respond back and forth, it is like a love dance. You mastered my cry signals and you respond so well. Now that I can use my voice, facial expressions, and body language we can communicate so much better. Did you notice that I’m smiling more and crying less? You’re welcomed! I’m getting SO much better at getting your attention. Is it because I’m so darn cute? My favorite song is the lullaby you sing when you turn down the lights and rock me to sleep. It seems like we are going to be keeping in step just fine with this love dance. Strong attachment to caregivers is a predictor of intelligence. Be available for security so your baby’s brain can focus on growing smarter instead of focusing on survival. Your baby will be easier to soothe when you keep a regular schedule. If you can’t be home then try to maintain the routines away from home as well. Plan outings around naptime and feedings when possible. Talk to him while preparing the next routine so he will recognize the cues that his needs will soon be met. Carry your baby in different positions to allow him to

explore his surroundings with the security of your arms. Talk about the things and people you see. Trust will be developed when you respond readily to your baby’s needs. Don’t make her wait too long to be comforted because it could cause lasting anxiety. If she can trust that you will take care of her, she will learn to trust herself and others as she grows up. Language will be developed even though your baby is a long way from talking. You can have conversations by taking turns making babbling sounds.

Reference used: Shonkoff, J.P., & Phillips, D. A. (2000). From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The science of early childhood development. Washington: National Academy Press. About the author: Leah G. Lormand, LMSW currently works as an early childhood resource coordinator to promote Act 3 and the Louisiana Early Learning and Development Standards. She has been married for 25 years and is the mother of two daughters. 28 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Recommended Resources: Zero to Three | http://www.zerotothree.org/ Born Learning | http://www.bornlearning.org Baby Center | http://www.babycenter.com/baby

Hot Chocolate Tastes Better in an Orange Cup How Colors and Artistry Influence Our Sense of Taste Researchers from Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford conducted tests with volunteers who were served hot chocolate in four different colors of cups. The hot chocolate was the same in all, but volunteers found the flavor better when served in the orange cups! An artsy salad just tastes better! In a University of Oxford study, 60 diners were presented with salads in various serving styles. One presentation utilized Wassily Kanidnsky’s Painting No. 201 as inspiration. All salads were identical in ingredients and quantities yet the artsy salad received 18% higher taste ratings! And people were willing Photo credit: Comes Cake; MoMA.org

to pay twice as much for the artsy salad!

faceacadiana.com | FACE 29


Distracted by Technology New research finds 40 percent of teens say they’ve been hit or nearly hit while walking.

(BPT) - Cell phones are a great way to keep

[A] study revealed one in five

in touch with teens on the go. However, new

high schoolers and one in

research examines how cell phones and other handheld gadgets are causing teens to be more easily distracted, leading to greater risk

eight middle schoolers cross while distracted by technology.

Put down phones and headphones when crossing the street.

Every hour of every day, a teen pedestrian is killed or injured in the U.S. after being hit by a car, bike or motorcycle. Safe Kids developed the study to better understand why teens have the highest pedestrian death rates among children 19 and under.

Cross at a traffic signal or crosswalk, when possible and make eye contact with drivers before crossing.

on the roads, particularly when walking. “Teens on the Move,” a report from Safe Kids Worldwide and made possible with support from FedEx, explores the walking habits of 1,040 teens ages 13 to 19. The research found that an astonishing 40 percent of the teens surveyed said they had been hit or nearly hit while walking. The teens admitted to three unsafe habits that could be putting them at risk: Distraction. Half of teens surveyed say they cross the street while distracted by a mobile device. Walking in the dark. Seventy-three percent of teen pedestrian deaths occur between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. Crossing midblock or running across the street. Teens who had been hit or nearly hit more frequently reported crossing midblock or running across the street.

30 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Safe Kids Worldwide and FedEx recommend the following tips to keep teens, and everyone safe while walking.

The death rate for teens ages 13 to 19 is nearly three times that of 5 to 12-year olds. In 2012, 490 children ages 19 and under died after being hit by a car while walking. Of those, 284 were teens ages 13 to 19. The new research expands on findings from a 2013 Safe Kids report that observed middle school and high school students crossing the street. That study revealed one in five high schoolers and one in eight middle schoolers cross while distracted by technology. To learn more about teen pedestrian safety and the Moment of Silence Campaign, visit SafeKids.org.

Be especially alert when it’s dark out, and make sure you’re visible to drivers. Teens and parents can stand for pedestrian safety by participating in The Moment of Silence Campaign, which asks for this simple commitment: put down your device and pay attention when crossing the street. The campaign was launched in memory of Christina Morris-Ward, a 15-year old who was killed when crossing the street while distracted. She was wearing head phones and carrying a cell phone.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 31


By Sharon Mosley

A new year is an exciting time for fashion lovers – to peruse the latest trends on our favorite websites, check out the windows of our stores and browse the pages of our favorite fashion magazines. And while we may have our eyes on that funky new fringed maxi skirt, there’s nothing that beats waking up to a closet well-stocked with a few dependable wardrobe essentials. These are the timeless classics that you can depend on, year after year.

This is another closet staple for most women, but again, there are lots of different styles of jeans now. Many of us have one or two favorites that we rotate in our wardrobes, but it’s always fun to add a fresh pair to the mix. Darker, trouser styles work best for the office, while cuffed boyfriend or distressed looks are great for weekends. Flared jeans are making a comeback, too. 32 FACE | JAN/FEB JAN | FEB 2015

It can be black or this season’s midnight navy, but a well-tailored two-piece pantsuit or skirt suit is an investment well worth splurging on. Wear the two matching pieces together, or separate them for even more fashion mileage. There are endless ways to work these pieces into your wardrobe.

Another wardrobe essential, the fitted skirt has stood the test of time ever since French designer Christian Dior introduced it in the ‘50s. This year, the sleek pencil skirt is styled in longer lengths with sexy slits, peplum tops and punchy patterns. It’s a classic base for all the oversize jackets and coats in this fall’s trendsetting lineup. Ditto for crewneck sweaters and, of course, those chic white blouses. Give a shapely pencil skirt a little bit of an edge by teaming it with a leather moto jacket.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 33

STYLE This classic has been around for decades, it’s true. But its tried-and-true crisp silhouette with button front, crisp collar and cuffs is a winner. Its menswear roots were softened into elegant attire for ‘50s movie stars and preppy looks of the ‘70s. And it still stands out as a refined basic that can be dressed up with black pants or dressed down knotted at the waist and worn with jeans. For even more of a style update, cinch in the waist of a tunic-length white shirt with a wide animal-print belt.

Everyone has a favorite pant silhouette. Take a look in your closet and you’ll probably see skinny pants, wide-leg pants and tailored trousers. Or you may favor the ease of leggings and track pants. But chances are you have a favorite “go-to” pant that suits most of your wardrobe needs. If you want to add a new style, check out the fuller gaucho pants for a contemporary twist. High-waist jeans are another trendy update.

Whether it’s an LBD (little black dress) or not, this simple cut has withstood the test of time. It’s always a favorite at cocktail parties, and in bold colors and prints, it has made a dramatic entrance at the office. A luxe fabric makes it worthy of an evening standout. The sheath is also a perfect layering piece for cardigans, jackets and coats. 34 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

faceacadiana.com | FACE 35


You knew it was coming. The trench is another ultimate fashion classic that has stood the test of time. You can throw this one over just about anything in your wardrobe. Ever since its inception as a military favorite that was popularized by Hollywood after WWII, the belted (tie it; don’t buckle) coat has been considered an essential of “cool” style whether you are a foreign spy or not. The trench is making news in hothouse floral prints and shiny quilted leather. Its versatile all-weather appeal and iconic sophistication is still a reason the trench is always a fashion lifesaver.

36 FACE | JAN/FEB JAN | FEB 2015

Hanger icon by Diego Naive from the thenounproject.com


New Orleans Board of Trade 316 Magazine St. www.fashionweeknola.com

faceacadiana.com | FACE 37

Dawn Foreman is a woman with a mission. Dawn believes that every human being is put on Earth for a purpose, to live up to their full potential and have an impact on the lives of others. She applies this principle to herself with a singular focus. Dawn’s mission is to help women achieve their fitness and weight loss goals so that they can be healthier, happier and empowered to live their lives to the fullest.

38 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

By Nicole LaCour Photography by Moore Photography

Š FACE Magazine, All Rights Reserved

faceacadiana.com | FACE 39

40 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Dawn came to understand this mission after twenty or so years of searching and learning and honing in on what her purpose is. A woman of boundless energy, she is a source of endless motivational quotes as she tells the story of how she got to where she is today, a personal trainer and dietician who has inspired hundreds of women to change their lives. It started with a piece of marketing in her mailbox. Picture a young, 18-year old Dawn coming home to her parents’ house after a shift at McDonald’s. “The biggest challenge I had at this point, was to get someone from placing their order to having their food in hand in 60 seconds or less.” She grabs the mail as she heads to a lounge chair to get some sun. A letter from the Army addressed to her reads, “Are you ready for a challenge?” Something about those words hit her. It was a gut check. She remembers thinking, “I’ve got to do something. This cannot be my life.” A few days later she impulsively enlisted in the Army Reserves in the medic program. Boot camp was a shocking change from Dawn’s “somewhat coddled” life. She was pushed to her limits and her response to that pressure became the basis of a career-long philosophy about fitness and weight loss. “The biggest revelation for me was the fact that no one was going to rescue me. I had to rescue myself.” Her life was not up to others. It was up to her.

Dawn refers to her teenage years as

unremarkable, “I slept through most of high school,” she admits. “I floated.” However, she graduated with a respectable GPA and paid enough attention, at least in Gary Maurin’s biology class at Comeaux High School, to pick up a passion for how the human body works. But it wasn’t until boot camp that she saw that she really could be more than she thought she was, that she could push past limits she thought existed.

“You think you have to stop but you’re forced

to go another ten miles. Not just a few more steps, another ten miles. You either curl up and never get up again or you push forward past the fear.”

As she pushed herself, Dawn encouraged

others to keep going, to run that extra ten miles, pass the test, make it another day. Soon, her superiors recognized her leadership abilities, a surprise to Dawn. “I could barely take care of myself. That’s why I was there,” she remembers. But she was leading and she found it intensely rewarding. That experience gave her the basic tools that would serve her life’s mission. She returned to school completing her degree in dietetics. Over the next ten or so years, she pursued a career as a dietitian, helping others but not quite in the way she wanted to. She found her involvement in her patients’ lives, too fleeting and often unheeded.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 41

It was frustrating to see her knowledge not being properly utilized. By 1999 she was ready for a change. With encouragement from another gym owner, Dawn opened her own fitness center, dedicated to helping women lose weight. “It was a warehouse next to Meche’s Donuts. We ran in the morning with the smell of donuts in the air.” In those early years, Dawn and her clients experimented with weight loss options. “We did the ADA exchange program, we did liquid diets, we followed Dean1 Ornish , we counted calories…” But something was missing. “Every single program out there will help you get results, but the missing link is consistency. If you want to get from point A to point B you have to develop certain habits or you will simply fall back to point A.” Dawn realized her clients needed more than just diets and instructions on how to exercise. She began to see that she could be more than someone who showed women how to flatten their stomachs or tone their arms. She wanted to guide women to change their lives with longterm ideas about food, about their health, their bodies and their ability to overcome obstacles that were holding them back. “I believe I was put here to impact people’s lives. My vehicle is weight loss. If you’re not happy with yourself, it’s hard for you to find your

purpose. You’re overwhelmed and feel like a failure. God didn’t put us here to just be OK. Your job is to get rid of anything that’s holding you back. If it’s your weight, do what you need to do to get where you want to be.” Dawn synthesized her theory into the “10&2” program. “Hands on 10 and 2 and eyes straight forward, just like driver’s ed,” she explained. “Everybody has a gap between where they are now and where they need to be. To close that gap, you have to have a clear vision of where you want to be. You have to focus. Once you have that clear vision, once your hands are on 10 and 2, then it’s just about speed, about keeping your foot on the accelerator. If you miss a workout, if you eat cake, you’re not failing, you’re just slowing down.” The 10&2 concept also applies to food. After years of experimenting, Dawn looked at the science of food and brain chemistry. Certain foods enhance chemicals that make you want them more, while others provide positive endorphins. So, it’s not about a diet. It’s not just about eating less. It’s about eating smart. “You don’t need food labels. Don’t eat anything from a bag, a box or a drive-through.” Her clients testify to the contagious enthusiasm and unconditional devotion to their goals that Dawn brings.

Dean Ornish is the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and promotes a lifestyle approach to controlling coronary artery diseases. 1

faceacadiana.com | FACE 43

Through her education and training, heart health has always been an important aspect of Dawn’s mission. She’s trained with cardiologists who specialized in wellness prevention. Involved in the American Heart Association since 1991, the importance of heart health hits close to home for Dawn. Both of her husband’s parents died of heart disease by the time he was 13. The absence of their presence in her husband and her family’s lives is a constant reminder to her of the tremendous importance of stressing heart wellness to as many people as she can. “One in four Americans die of heart disease and it’s the leading cause of death for women. When I talk about weight loss and making changes, it’s not just about your outward appearance, it’s about what’s inside, too. It’s about your overall health. It’s about being healthy for your family, for your children.” As part of the Go Red campaign, Dawn offers ten women each year a free 12-week fitness program called, The Little Black Dress Program. She teaches nutrition and gives exercise training and the women are presented at the Go Red luncheon. “They use their stories to inspire others to change their habits,” she said. Lynn Bourque said the program was her “last shot.” She was going to try one more thing before she gave up. She was suffering from health problems and recovering from a major surgery. “I knew I had to make a change,” she said. Today Lynn gushes about the achievements she’s made and the changes in her eating habits. “I looked at that elliptical machine and thought, ‘I’ll never be able to do that.’ Now, I can do it for 40 minutes. I do weight training and I changed completely how I eat.” Lynn told Dawn she was craving gumbo. Dawn told her, “Eat it over cole slaw.” “You wouldn’t believe how good that is,” Lynn laughed. You can hear the enthusiasm in her voice as she lists the variety of vegetables she’s learned to cook with and enjoy just as much as the heavy fried foods she was eating before. Looking forward to this year’s Go Red event, Lynn said she’s not buying her dress just yet. She thinks she might get down another dress size or two by then.

44 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

“She changed my life,” Shyra Moran said.

Just like her own ah-ha moment coming

“She gave me a nutritional plan and followed

home from McDonald’s, Dawn helps her clients

up, keeping me on track. I wanted to be able

to channel the struggles they face into working

to run a 5K. I ran a 10K in November. She

hard and making changes. “When you exercise

pushed me to achieve that. She’s like the fairy

you increase the flow of oxygen to the brain.

godmother of fitness. I told her what I wanted

You have greater mental clarity. You have

and she made it happen.”

positive chemicals flowing. You’re able to make

better decisions and recover your mind and

Dawn finds out where her clients want to

be and she pictures them already there. For her,

your body.”

it’s not a question of whether or not they will

get there, it’s how and how fast. “I know where

Boustany said, “I gained weight and stopped

they’re going to be and where they can be, the

exercising.” Her sister-in-law “dragged” her to

mountains they have to move and how they’re

Dawn’s fitness center. “It’s a great place to go.

going to move them. So it’s just about tapping

She gets all kinds of people together to support

into every single aspect of their being to give

each other. She has more energy….she’s like

them the strength to move those mountains.

the energizer bunny. She’s a great role model.”

It’s going to take physical strength, spiritual

strength and self-confidence. Nobody’s going to

tremendous reward in motivating others into

rescue you.”

reaching their goals. “No one who met me

as a teenager would have labeled me as

“People either run away from pain or

“I had a couple of tough years,” Bridget

Dawn believes in her mission and finds

towards pleasure,” Dawn said. “Every woman

‘likely to succeed,’” Dawn said. Today she is a

who walks in our doors has usually had something

successful business owner, and author but more

happen to them in the past few days that led them

importantly to her, she is the catalyst for change

to finally say, ‘I have to make a change.’”

in other women’s lives.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 45


Cosmetic Procedures

Making Informed Decisions on What Works for You lastic As women, the words “p nd surgery” often bring to mi ume our other concepts that cons nce, thoughts – aging, confide s) looking energetic, (and ye tter sex. To give readers a be are idea of what procedures gether available, we have put to the most information on some of ll as popular procedures, as we more those that have become ars. sought after in recent ye By Erin Holden

46 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Who takes care of your skin? Dermatologists are the physician experts in the diagnosis of skin, hair, and nail conditions and are specially trained to provide the highest quality medical, surgical and cosmetic treatments. – American Academy of Dermatology

Common services provided by dermatologists

Treatment of acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and warts. Mole checks and removal. Skin cancer screening and surgery. BOTOX, fillers, chemical peels, laser treatments, and skin care products.

Acadiana’s Board Certified Dermatolgists

Ronald Daigle, MD Kim Drew, MD Daniel G. Dupree, MD Chris Hubbell, MD

Kristy R. Kennedy, MD Elizabeth McBurney, MD Jennifer Myers, MD Stella Noel, MD

Venetia Patout, MD Alison Trappey Penton, MD Chad Prather, MD Frankie Rholdon, MD

Robert Romero, MD Emily Speeg, MD Adrien Stewart, MD Jennifer Waguespack-LaBiche, MD faceacadiana.com | FACE 47

BEAUTY Facial Procedures Face lifts. They seem to be the procedure that we are quickest to spot, second only to breast implants. The procedure has changed a good bit over the years, however. If you search for before and after pictures displayed on the websites of the surgical centers we have in the Acadiana area, the results do look very natural. There are a couple of different routes you can choose for surgical face lifts. The traditional route involves a two week recovery (the incisions are larger because it is a full lift). You can also choose the limited-incision face lift for specific problem areas. The incision is smaller, making the recovery time less. Another popular choice for cosmetic surgery is rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job. The options for this, depending on what you would like to change about your nose, include decreasing the size or changing the shape. Because the nose needs time to “set” in its new shape, patients will have to wear a splint for about three days; the overall recovery time is about one week. There might be reasons for getting a rhinoplasty that go beyond aesthetics. A birth defect or physical trauma of some kind (if your

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures • Breast Augmentation • Nose Reshaping • Eyelid Surgery • Liposuction • Facelift Source: America Society of Plastic Surgeons

48 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

nose was broken years ago and didn’t heal properly, for instance) might cause some people to have trouble breathing. In that case, a consultation about rhinoplasty might be something to check into, even if you are not concerned about your appearance. Facial implants can also dramatically change a person’s look. If you think you don’t have a defined chin or a strong jawline, there are procedures people are choosing to completely alter their appearance. Potential candidates for facial implants might be people who have lost tissue from aging or who have naturally underdeveloped cheek bones. Unlike rhinoplasty, there is no other reason besides aesthetics to get facial implants. The results can be astonishing. Just look at before and after pictures of Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson’s younger sister, who got a rhinoplasty and (it appears) a chin implant. She looks like a completely different person. You might not want to look completely different (I would hope), but looking at before and after photos really shows how powerful changing the contours of the face can be. The risks include a temporary inability to move the mouth and lips, though the numb sensation, rarely lasts long.

4906 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy • Bldg M Suite 1 • Lafayette • 337.456.6532

Let us help you achieve a sense of beauty that is unique to you!

Dr. Jay Appurao, MD, FACS, Diplomate of American Board of Cosmetic Surgery Board Certified General Surgeon

A New Year, and a New You… Start the New Year off right. Come see us for a complimentary consultation on the procedure you’ve always dreamed of!

Quality of service is the focus of our passion here at La Belle Center for Cosmetic Surgery.

Our state-of-the-art facility and one-on-one consultations with our surgeon, Dr. Jay, are designed to make our patients’ experience thorough, informative, and second-to-none. Our knowledgeable staff is friendly, approachable, and capable of making our patients feel right at home with their knowledge of all the cosmetic surgery procedures we offer. We strive to make every patient who comes through our doors feel like family.

Schedule your complimentary consultation today at 337.456.6532.

Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm — Friday 9am-3pm faceacadiana.com www.labellecosmetic.com • www.facebook.com/labellecosmeticsurgery

| FACE 49


Tummy Tucks & Liposuction Tummy tucks are an option for women who, despite an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits, cannot achieve the flat abs they want. The surgery involves an incision between the pubic line and naval. Excess skin is trimmed and muscles that have been weakened because of childbirth, aging, or weight fluctuation can be repaired. The surgery is permanent, ideally. It is important to keep up a healthy lifestyle, though, since the longevity of the procedure can be affected by weight fluctuation. The recovery time is about three weeks, at which point some light exercise is possible, with the exception of ab workouts, of course. Like tummy tucks, liposuction should not be considered a weight loss solution. Plasticsurgery.org states that patients who elect to have this procedure done should be within 30 percent of their ideal weight. The procedure is best for women who exercise regularly and eat right, but are unable to get the contoured look they want. Liposuction has a shorter recovery time than tummy tucks (it only takes a few days, though physical exertion should be somewhat limited for two weeks).

50 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

A New Year for a New You! Start your new year off with a bang by visiting Plastic Surgery Associates of Lafayette and explore the possibilities of what a new you can be. Plastic Surgery Associates has been serving Acadiana for over 40 years. In addition to our local area, patients come from all over the country to be seen by some of the finest surgeons available. The practice is comprehensive in the fact that not only traditional cosmetic surgery of the face and body is emphasized, but also reconstructive techniques for patients with both aesthetic and functional issues, such as birth defects, are performed routinely. The goal of improving both aesthetics and function is achieved by attention to detail and understanding the patient needs and wants. We also offer facial injectables and expert skin care by highly trained clinicians backed up by highly skilled physicians who specialize in cosmetic procedures. Plastic and Reconstructive procedures are our specialty. Here are just some of our areas of expertise:

• All types of cosmetic surgery

• Body contouring

• DIEP flap procedure for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy

• Cleft lip and palate repair

• Breast enlargement, reduction, lift and reconstruction • Hand and wrist surgery Our newly remodeled office and a kind, friendly staff await you to help make your new you dreams come true!

• Injectable fillers : Botox®, Dysport®, Restylane®, Juvederm®, Sculptra® • Skin care: Micropeel, Vi Peel, Blue Peel, Facials and skin care products Jeffrey S. Williams , DO*

Joseph P. Lupo, MD

Darrell L. Henderson, MD*

Visit us on the web at

www.psassoc.com and like us on Facebook. Call today to schedule your consultation!


* Denotes board membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

1101 South College Road, Suite 400, Lafayette, LA faceacadiana.com 70503 | FACE 51

BEAUTY y Vaginoplasty & Labiaplast Not everyone is comfortable talking about this one, but these procedures are interesting for many women, and for a variety of reasons. Many people are unsure about the differences in the two procedures and why they might be something to consider. Vaginoplasty involves tightening the muscles and removing excess lining from the vagina. Women who elect to do have this surgery often have had changes in their body from childbirth, menopause, or other health issues. A lack of tightness in the vagina can affect a woman’s sex life and create a problem with incontinence, so this procedure can be helpful for women experiencing these issues. Patients can leave about three hours post-surgery and can return to work after a week, barring any complications.

Labiaplasty, the trimming of “excess” skin on the labia minora, is often about the cosmetic look of the vulva, though there are health reasons as well. If a woman is experiencing discomfort in her clothes or getting rashes from large labia minora, it can be a good choice. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery released the statistics for 2013, reporting that there was a 44 percent increase in labiaplasty over the year. Though many women are doing this procedure for health-related reasons, doing it for cosmetic reasons alone is becoming quite common. This undoubtedly has to do with the change in grooming habits over the past decade. For better or worse, women are giving way more thought to what is going on down there in terms of looks.

None of the mentioned procedures should be undertaken lightly. Make sure to do your research, look at testimonials, and be really clear with your doctor about your expectations. Above all, don’t do anything to conform to what you think is expected of you. Making these changes to your body should be about what makes sense for your lifestyle and what could make for a happier, and perhaps healthier, you.

52 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Breast Surgery Breast augmentation, the change in size and/or shape of a woman’s breasts, is definitely one of the most popular surgical procedures. Patients can choose from the round implants (they make breasts fuller on top) or the tear drop implants (the most natural shape). Women choose to undergo breast augmentation for many reasons; aside from societal pressures that equate sexiness with larger breasts, many women are most concerned about how they look and feel in their clothes. For example, a friend of mine who got implants years ago said that she has no regrets about going from an A cup to a C cup, and that she no longer cries in the dressing room while trying on bikinis. Now, I would never want to imply that having small breasts is a bad thing (I’m happy with my A-cup breasts, personally), but if it makes you feel significantly more confident and sexy, the surgery might be something to consider. Post-surgery recovery involves a few days of rest, wearing a compression garment, and enduring some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. Other options for breast surgery include breast lifts (no implants involved), reconstructive surgery (may require implants), or a reduction. The latter is often a matter of health and improved mobility, as large breasts can cause back pain and discomfort during exercise. For this reason, if you are considering a considerable increase in size, it is important to keep your size of your overall frame in mind, and to consider whether your lifestyle would benefit from getting significantly larger breasts. Your doctor should be willing to help you weigh your options during the consultation. A less common breast surgery that you may want to keep in mind for the men in your life is the gynecomastia correction surgery. It is a reduction procedure specifically for men who have overly developed breasts, usually due to genetics. The procedure often helps to boost confidence, decrease discomfort during exercise, and improve sex lives.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 53


Non-Surgical Procedures If you are unready or unwilling to go under the knife, non-surgical procedures might give you the results you like with no recovery time. For instance, rather than a facelift, you might want to consider injections to tighten up your skin. Fat injections give fullness to areas that have become less tight over the years, not only in the face, but in other areas of the body. It is becoming popular to get fat injections in hands, breasts, and any other area that might be losing elasticity. The procedure often involves moving fat from one area to another, and it might be a simpler solution for those who want more definition than undergoing surgery. Then there is Botox, another well-known injectable. It is also used for tightening loose skin, though temporarily (it can last for about four months). Results can be seen within two days. Other fillers like JuvĂŠderm Volbella can actually last up to a year and involve very little swelling most of the time. These procedures are ideal for people who do not want to do anything that requires a recovery period.

Top 5 Nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures Botulinum Toxins Dermal Fillers Laser Hair Removal Laser Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels Source: healthywomen.org

54 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015


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faceacadiana.com | FACE 55



Your Skin Says Thanks

Laser Treatments

Chemical Peels

Stephen J. Delatte, M.D. Louis G. Mes, M.D. Hugo St. Hilaire, M.D., D.D.S. 56 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

337-269-4949 | aasurgeons.com

• Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? • Are you a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons? • Were you trained specifically in the field of plastic surgery? • How many years of plastic surgery training have you had? • Do you have hospital privileges to perform this procedure? If so, at which hospitals? • Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally or state-recognized accrediting agency, or is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified? • How many procedures of this type have you performed?

Guide to Safe Plastic Surgery:

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon You’ll achieve the best results from plastic surgery if you and your surgeon communicate openly and work together to achieve realistic goals. An understanding of your goals, expectations and motivation is essential to a successful partnership between you and your surgeon, helping both of you to determine whether plastic surgery is the right choice for you. Use this checklist as a guide during your consultation.

• Am I a good candidate for this procedure? • Where and how will you perform my procedure? • How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery? • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure? • How are complications handled? • What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the outcome of my surgery? • Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for each procedure and what results are reasonable for me?

Source: America Society of Plastic Surgeons (plasticsurgery.org)

faceacadiana.com | FACE 57


What is the Difference Between Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery? Cosmetic surgery is a unique discipline of medicine focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck and body. Because treated areas function properly but lack aesthetic appeal, cosmetic surgery is elective. Plastic surgery is defined as a surgical specialty dedicated to reconstruction of facial and body defects due to birth disorders, trauma, burns, and disease. Plastic surgery is intended to correct dysfunctional areas of the body and is reconstructive in nature. Source: American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

58 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

1597 First textbook on plastic surgery by Gaspare Tagliacozzi 1895

First breast augmentation surgery

First materials for implants: paraffin, beeswax, vegetable oil

1910-19 Pioneering efforts of maxillofacial surgical techniques during WWI 1924

First official plastic surgery training program in the US at Johns Hopkins.


Alma Dea Morani became the first female plastic surgeon


First silicone breast implants


Liposuction comes to the US


FDA restriction on silicone breast implants


Body contouring introduced (post massive weight loss)


First full-face transplant

Source: America Society of Plastic Surgeons

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 59


Ask the Experts!

s Answered

Question Your Cosmetic Procedure How effective are current tattoo removal procedures? How do I know if I’m a good candidate? The state-of-the-art method of tattoo removal uses lasers which break up the tattoo pigment, which is then removed by the lymphatic system. The number of treatments needed will depend on whether the tattoo was done by an amateur or a professional and which colors are in the tattoo (black is the easiest to remove totally). Even with the latest tattoo removal lasers, you can expect to have multiple treatments and in some cases, it may be impossible to completely remove the entire tattoo and you can be left with a light shadow. The current lasers are very fast and the pain is decreased due to the shortened time of the procedure. Consultation with a laser expert will determine if you are a good candidate and how many treatments will be needed. Dr. Cynthia Glass Coccolare Spa

Are skin rejuvenation procedures effective?

What’s so important about Board Certification?

Absolutely! It is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job as a dermatologist! And one of the most wonderful things about skin rejuvenation is that there is a product or procedure out there for every age, every different type of skin concern, and every budget. From skin care products, to injectables like BOTOX and fillers, to procedures like laser, peels, and micro-needling, we can find a perfect fit for every patient.

The best, easiest answer I’ve ever heard to explain why board certification in plastic or cosmetic surgery is so important is that it’s not like buying clothes at a department store — you can’t take back your face or your life if you don’t like the way they look.

As wives, mothers, sisters, friends, employees or employers, we give so much to and for everyone else. I love seeing women doing something for themselves. Whether big or small, feeling better about yourself will allow you to be better in all of these roles. Dr. Kristy Kennedy Dermatology Center of Acadiana

What advice do you have for couples who plan to have cosmetic surgical procedures done at the same time? It’s not uncommon for couples to have cosmetic surgery within a few weeks of each other, thereby allowing one partner/spouse to take care of the other. I recommend the husband goes first because women are typically better caregivers. They have a better knowledge of the procedure and the post op care involved. Without exception, the women always look better! Jeffrey J. Joseph, MD, FACS Acadian Facial Plastic Surgery Center 60 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

If you are thinking about a cosmetic surgical procedure, find a doctor who performs the kind of surgery you are considering. A weekend class doesn’t qualify a doctor to best perform your surgery. Determine if the doctor you have chosen is board certified in that type of surgery. This makes sure that the surgeon adheres to certain medical standards and is held accountable for his actions by his or her peers. Once you’ve found your surgeon, schedule a consultation. Discuss with your doctor why you want the procedure. Ask questions about the surgery and its potential risks and complications. Learn about recovery, down time and follow-up care. Find out what the procedure costs, what insurance covers and the method of payment. Make board certification part of your decision making process. You owe it to yourself to make the right decision. Dr. Kenneth Odinet



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faceacadiana.com | FACE 61

BEAUTY What are the most important factors when choosing a cosmetic procedure provider? A Board Certified Dermatologist is a good place to start. Dermatologists have the most extensive education, training and experience in keeping the skin, hair and nails healthy. You can verify board certification by checking with the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS.org). Also, because your results depend on the skill and experience of the physician performing the procedure, it is important that the procedure be one that the doctor has extensive experience with and successfully performs on a daily basis. An experienced cosmetic dermatologist can tell you if the procedure will deliver the desired results, based on the condition of your skin as well as your age and health. Ask to see before-and-after photos of previous patients or for a patient referral.

What do you enjoy most about being a cosmetic surgeon, and what inspired you to do cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is one field of medicine, which combines surgical skills, the social expectations of beauty, and the doctor’s artistic skills together. I have been an artist all of my life, drawing, and painting in pastels and oils on canvas. I have also been doing surgery for more than thirty years, and cosmetic surgery for fifteen years. It’s a joy to combine both of these skills and come up with very happy patients. Sometimes, cosmetic surgery can be a life-changer for many patients.

Lastly, you should look at the total value of the package you will receive. For instance, a treatment plan that is tailored to your skin type and issues should include the right of amount of injectables or procedures-no more, no less. Consider the value of complimentary before or after products, additional comfort measures available and knowledgeable staff to educate and answer all your questions.

I once performed surgery on a disabled deaf and mute individual who was in need of a major breast reduction. After performing the surgery, the patient was overwhelmed with happiness, and her personality changed tremendously. Suddenly, she was extroverted, happy, and self-confident. After several days, during a follow up, she was able to verbalize the words, “Thank you, Dr. Jay. I love you.” This changed my understanding of how important self-esteem is to anyone, and being able to help her changed me. In a way, her life changed mine too.

Dr. Christopher R. Hubbell a Jeune’ Advanced Medical Skincare

Jay Appurao, MD, FACS LaBelle Center for Cosmetic Surgery

What benefits can one expect from a face lift? Facelift surgery is one of the most satisfying procedures I perform. It provides the opportunity for patients who are considering a rejuvenation procedure the chance to reverse the signs of aging with a youthful fresh and “never tired” look. By combining a facelift and necklift with skin rejuvenation and volumization, all the components of aging are addressed. The effect of gravity is corrected by the surgical lift, the effect of the environment on the skin is addressed through laser resurfacing, and the changes and depletion of volume within the aging face is addressed with fat grafting and sometimes intensified through the use of special growth factors taken from the patient’s own body.

The overall effect of this is the restoration of a youthful refreshed look that every patient desires. By combining these advanced surgical techniques, the concerns of looking “operated on” are minimized and the patient’s own image is maintained. In fact, I will review photographs of patients from 10 and 20 years earlier in their life to best assess the characteristics that are most desirable, and to consider changes to those features that perhaps were not as favored. Patients who have chosen to undergo this procedure with me understand the excitement and joy that we share during the process. Dr. Kevin Duplechain Laser Skincare of Louisiana

62 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

What is your advice to women who are considering cosmetic surgery for the first time? There are many factors involved when considering cosmetic surgery. While there are multiple techniques available at the doctor’s disposal, the doctor must be able to choose and perform the best technique for your particular body and concern. I would advise that you ask your doctor, “What technique would you recommend for my body and my particular concern and why?” The best physician for you is the one that will sit down and explain to you the reasons why. You should become familiar with your doctor to a point that you are comfortable. Achieving a great result is a team approach between you and your doctor, and an educated patient will have a better result. Dr. Jeffery Williams Plastic Surgery Associates

What non-surgical procedures offer the best results? Choosing only one procedure is such a challenge because I’m such a believer in the fact that a combination of treatments, such as chemical peels, daily skin care products, botulinum toxins, fillers and a treatment such as Ultherapy, really give you the best results. But if I have to choose only one then I really feel that botulinum toxins, such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin give you the best bang for your buck. For many, the botulinum toxins can literally erase years without any down time at all. Get your injections, wait several days, and voila, those lines are gone between your brows and you no longer look angry or stern. If you like it, do it again in about three to four months. If you don’t like it, then no harm done and don’t do it again. The choice is yours. That’s what’s so great about many of the non-surgical procedures. Dr. Cindy Cobb Allure Enhancement Center

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 63

Acadiana Cosmetic Enhancement Directory

Acadian Facial Plastic Surgery Center 1000 West Pinhook Road, Ste 201 Lafayette, LA 70503 337-237-0650

Acadiana Aesthetic Surgeons 917 Coolidge Blvd. Lafayette, LA 70503 337-269-4949

Acadiana Oral & Facial Surgery / Acadiana Total SkinCare 117 Rue Fontaine Lafayette, LA 70508 337-981-4744

aJeune’ Advanced Medical Skin 913 South College Road, Ste 216 Lafayette, LA 70503 337-989-7272

Allure Enhancement Center 500 Juliette Place Lafayette, LA 70506 337-412-6334

Coccolare Spa 331 Doucet Road Lafayette, LA 70503 337-769-7546

64 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Dermatology Center of Acadiana 1245 S. College Road, Bld. 5 Lafayette, LA 70503 337-235-6886

Dr. Duplechain / Laser SkinCare of Louisiana 1103 Kaliste Saloom Road, Ste 300 Lafayette, LA 70508 337-237-1116

Dr. Kenneth Odinet 200 Beaullieu Drive, #6 Lafayette, LA 70508 337-234-8648

LaBelle Center for Cosmetic Surgery 4906 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Bldg M, Ste 1 Lafayette, LA 70508 337-456-6532

Plastic Surgery Associates 1101 South College Road, Ste 400 Lafayette, LA 70503 337-366-0574

Spa Les Jardins

1921 Kaliste Saloom Road, #104 Lafayette, LA 70508 337-534-8527

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7 TIPS for a Brand New Start! After you broke your last New Year’s resolution, you swore you’d never make resolutions again. Yet, with the arrival of another year, you can feel the draw of the possibility of change. You are not alone. It’s archetypal; wired-in, that we see the turning of the calendar year as a moment for making a fresh start—in our lives, in our relationships, and in our work. Even the images that represent the New Year suggest it. Think: the iconic picture of Father Time going out and the New Year baby coming in. I love helping people to start anew; even to create transformative change. That may sound daunting, but it’s more achievable than you think. I want to offer you seven tips for a brand-new start in 2015:

Surrender to a New Level of Maturity This may surprise you, but the first step to creating something new in your life is contained in this maxim: Surrender the level of maturity you have reached for a new level of immaturity. Let me explain (and I think the image of Father Time with his wrinkled visage and long beard symbolizes this). Maturity is something we work hard to achieve; whether it’s learning to be a partner or a parent or a professional person. Once we’ve acquired a certain level of proficiency, we enjoy the equilibrium that brings; that sense of having arrived. We can breathe easy again. But don’t you notice that before long we’ll feel the pull of growth once again? In order to answer that call for change and growth, we have to embrace entering a position of not-knowing. Like the New Year baby, we have to become unknowing; untried. We must embrace our ignorance in whatever new area we want to develop.

Make a Choice for Growth Truth is once we reach a certain level of accomplishment and maturity, we become tempted to rest there. After all, change requires some letting go of the self-esteem that comes with having achieved mastery. I have a personal example to share with you here. When my late husband, Jim, was training me in Anthetic Therapy, I felt some defensiveness at his critiques of my skills. I felt proud of the level of knowledge I had achieved in my previous nine years of work as a counselor. But what Jim had to teach me was exciting, powerful, and new. After one of my touchy responses, he quite flatly laid a choice before me: “Do you want to be a master therapist or do you want your pride?” His kind, neutral tone helped me confront that question. It was a moment of choice. And my choice was clear. I wanted 66 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

‘My worth is a given. Nothing can take that away.’ Armed with that knowledge, any change and learning you embrace for the sake of growth can proceed uncontaminated by your Inner Critic’s implying that your value as a person is at stake. It is not. Your worth is a given.

to be a master therapist. I chose to surrender my pride and myself to a higher level of immaturity. And I’m so glad I did. It led me into a level of mastery that far surpassed what I had gained before. Like me, you may be facing the opportunity for change. It will be values choice nexus for you too. It’s a moment when you can choose growth.

Get Free from Inner Critic ‘Shoulds’ to Know Something Before You’ve Learned It Having made the choice for growth and change, you will almost certainly come up against your Inner Critic. It is the part of your psyche that warns you against change. I want to equip you to breeze through what becomes for some a stopping-point in the change process. It’s the Inner Critic’s message to you that sounds like this: “You should know this already.” And it will add, “You should already be good at this; even perfect.” It boils down to that the Inner Critic will tell you that you should know something before you’ve learned it. Said like this, the Inner Critic’s message sounds absurd, doesn’t it? However, when it’s happening in our brain, it can sound true. So, here’s a challenge you can say to your Inner Critic to get free from buying in to this message: “Inner Critic, I have the right to not know something before I’ve learned it. I have the right to take as long as I need to learn this. And I have the right to make as many mistakes as I do in order to learn it. I’m still a good person.”

Know that Your Worth Is a Given You’ll notice that at the end of the last challenge in Tip 3, I included the sentence, “I’m still a good person.” What you are actually saying is, “My worth is a given. Nothing can take that away.” Armed with that knowledge, any change and learning you embrace for the sake of growth can proceed uncontaminated by your Inner Critic’s implying that your value as a person is at stake. It is not. Your worth is a given.

Do Not Write a Line You Do Not Feel in Your Heart I’ve recently undertaken one of the biggest growth challenges of my life. I’m editing the last manuscript my husband, Dr. James Elliott, left for me. I have a contract for publishing it. And that contract came with a due date. As I worked away on it recently, I found myself struggling; feeling that I must write what the publisher wanted, and in the process getting totally stressed out. But serendipity happened when I took a break to watch the 1930s Icon by Laurène Smith from the thenounproject.com

version of Little Women. In it, the wise character Professor Baer tells Jo, the sister who was an aspiring writer, “Please, my little friend, do not write a line you do not feel in your heart.” Now, I offer this to you as a metaphor. You may not be a writer, but the change you choose to undertake this New Year will contain similar moments in which you feel stressed to do what others want or expect. At those moments, may you be encouraged by Professor Baer’s words.

Get Free from Your Watchers’ Expectations One reason we become stressed in the growth process is because we all carry “Watchers” in our minds. Those are people (or institutions) who over the course of our lives crossed our paths with a heavy load of expectations for our behavior. They may no longer be in our lives, but we still may subconsciously be trying to live up to their expectations. You can get free from the power of the Watchers by declaring to them (in your mind), “I’m not here to live up to your expectations.”

Choose a Mythic Perspective As you choose to embrace change and growth, you will be empowered by an important attitude shift. Choose a mythic perspective. By that I mean rather than plodding through life, uninspired and tired, you can expand your vision. Realize that something larger than mundane events is going on. Lift the eyes of your spirit and see this life as a transcendent opportunity. I offer you the encouragement from our recent book, Hearts Entwined: The Love Letters of Therapist-Soulmates. “Inside you is a great reservoir of magical energies for loving [and living] in a deep way, even in a mythic way.” This New Year, 2015, join me in surrendering to a brand-new start. Become, in effect, a baby once again. Let us say to our spirits, “Welcome to the world, little one.” Kathryn Elliott, Ph.D., LPC-S, LMFT, is Director of Anthetic Therapy Center. She specializes in marriage and family therapy, equipping couples to repair and revitalize their relationships. She is co-author with James Elliott of Disarming Your Inner Critic. Her latest book, Hearts Entwined: The Love Letters of Therapist Soulmates, is available on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. You can also get a copy at Anthetic Therapy Center 337-234-8221. faceacadiana.com | FACE 67


Show Me Love On my radio show recently, we talked about the different ways to say “I love you.” It’s one of the most important things in a relationship. Anyone can simply say the words “I love you,” but it’s when someone goes out of the way to actually make you feel loved that you get that warm and fuzzy feeling. For example, I brought up how whenever I take a nap, I can feel my husband, Donnie, putting a blanket over me; it instantly brings a smile to my face and gives me a sense of peace. It doesn’t matter how simple something might seem to be; it’s guaranteed to make you feel loved when the thought and effort are there.

Leave sweet notes on sticky notes around the house. Here’s a few for inspiration: “I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you are yet to be.” “Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for.” “Every love story is beautiful. But ours is my favorite.” “You are the sunshine that makes my day.” About the author: Jenny McCarthy is an advice columnist, model, television host, comedic actress, New York Times best-selling author and activist.All Rights Reserved © Creators Syndication 2014.

68 FACE | JAN | FEB 2015

Here are a Couple of Ways to Show Your Love Flirt with your partner. Flirting is fun and used to give us those exciting butterflies, so why not do it on a regular basis, no matter how long you’ve been together? Cut your partner some slack. We all have bad days, and we all make mistakes. Being understanding and compassionate can go a long way. Always show up when it counts. When someone is upset or needs to vent, giving him or her your full, undivided attention shows that you really do care and want to help. Send a midday text or email just letting your partner know you’re thinking about him or her. Compromise, compromise, compromise -- it’s your best friend. Everyone wins when you compromise. Know when to give someone space. If your partner is in a mood and nothing you say can help, just give him or her a little “me time” and let him or her know you’re there when he or she feels like talking.

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