Face Magazine May 2014

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MAY 2014

GIFTS for the


What's Your Fashion DNA?

Dr. Mika King

As a dedicated mother and busy OBGYN, she supports her patients through the joys and sorrows of motherhood while creating a legacy of love and compassion for her daughter.

A Beautiful Mind Easy Meditation

Skinny Doesn't Make You Happy

Local Moms What Does Mother’s Day Mean to You?

Cosmetic Procedures On the Rise

Lafayette is Full of Beautiful People.

IT’S WHAT WE DO BEST. Two Award-Winning Plastic Surgeons Combine Their Talents to Offer you a Surgical Experience Designed to Achieve the Best in Facial and Body Plastic Surgery. Thanks to Lafayette’s Own Plastic Surgery Specialists, Louis G. Mes, M.D. and Stephen J. Delatte, M.D.



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4 FACE | MAY 2014

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On the cover 36 Dr. Mika King

This loving mother and successful OBGYN draws on her mother’s strength and her faith in God to fulfill her life’s mission.

Features 12 American Beauty Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise 18 Wellness Travel for Well-Being and Beauty 22 Gifts for the Grad 28 Mother's day reflections

What is Mother’s Day?

faceacadiana.com | FACE 5


Arthritis at Any Age


Skinny Doesn’t Make You Happy

16 THE CAUSE No Fear No Future 24 CAREER 26 FAMILY Motherhood through the Years 34 SPIRITUALITY 44 SKINCARE

Myths about Skincare


Lip Service Sun Kissed


Fashion DNA


56 fashion

Mother Lode of Summer Fashion

EvErythINg yOu lOvE AbOut FACE IN ONE plACE lOCAl EvENts

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shOppINg IDEAs

bEAuty tIps

sNEAK pEEK At phOtO shOOts


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...AND MOrE!




6 FACE | MAY 2014

EDITOR’s Desk | Lisa DAY

Inner beauty, peace, love of family… As I reflect on these themes for our May issue, I realize the many ways that I am blessed to be experiencing the best of each of these values. The fact that I am sitting here writing this while spending a short few days at the beach for Spring Break with my husband and our children is a blessing in itself. As our two oldest sons grow into men with college lives and jobs, and the youngest with his busy middle school life, it is an amazing feat of negotiation, logistics and a little luck to get all three together – even for a vacation. When it all comes together though, the victory is sweet as I get to spend precious moments with each of these wonderful young men who call me ‘Mom’. To me there is nothing better.

“Thank you, son. That’s so sweet.” As I sit here on the beach and my son tells me “Mom, you look beautiful today”, I assume he has lost his mind since my hair is wild and curly from being on the beach, I’m not wearing makeup, and my swim suit is nowhere near a size 6. But after a moment of reflection I realize that it’s the inner beauty that projects and glows from the peace, harmony, and love of family. It’s the beauty of ‘happy’ that they see, and in effect, reminds me to see in myself. There are so many ways to be beautiful – on the inside and out. This month FACE shares a few of those beauty options from traditional beauty tips like skincare, make up, and a special feature on cosmetic procedures, to inner beauty topics of meditation, wellness, and fitness. This month, FACE also celebrates Mother’s Day by sharing personal stories about the beauty of motherhood from local, Acadiana moms. Be beautiful in your actions, your thoughts, the way you treat others. Lisa


inspiring woman?


Would she make a great

would like to submit to

FACE cover story? Email me and tell me her story.


MAY 2014

Vol. 6 | No. 12

EDITOR Lisa Day editor@faceacadiana.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR/EVENTS Flint Zerangue, Jr. flintjr@faceacadiana.com SALES DEPARTMENT info@faceacadiana.com 337-456-5537

Carol Singley | carol@faceacadiana.com Cassie Swain | cassie@faceacadiana.com

“Mom, you look beautiful today.”

Do you know an


Do you have an event you

Show Your Face? Send your photos to


LAYOUT & DESIGN Kellie Viola CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jessica Conner • Audrey Coots Connor Day • Danielle Dayries Keri Domingue • Tracee Dundas Kathryn Elliott, PhD, BCBA-D Dawn Foreman • Lila Fox • Erin Holden Dr. Christopher Hubbell Joslyn McCoy, PhD, BCBA-D Shanna Perkins CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Penny Moore with Moore Photography Philippe Motte PUBLISHER Flint Zerangue, Sr. info@faceacadiana.com FACE Magazine is a division of: The Zerangue Group, Inc. 102 Westmark Blvd. Suite 1B Lafayette, LA 70506 337-456-5537 On the Web www.FaceAcadiana.com FACE Magazine is published monthly and distributed free of charge to individuals and businesses throughout the Acadiana region. It is also available online at www.FACEACADIANA.com. No portion of this publication may be reproduced nor republished without written consent from the Publisher. Unsolicited material may

I’d love to hear it.

Subject Line: Show Your Face

not be returned. The owners, publishers, and editors shall not be responsible for


Email must include: Event Name, Date and Location. Photos must have captions with names of everyone in each photo.

acceptance of advertising in FACE Magazine does not imply endorsement. FACE

loss or injury of any submitted manuscripts, promotional material, and/or art. The Magazine reserves the right, without giving specific reason, to refuse advertising if copy does not conform to editorial policies and/or standards. FACE Magazine does not necessarily agree with nor condone the opinions, beliefs, or expressions of our writers and advertisers. © 2014 FACE Magazine/Zerangue Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 7


Arthritis at Any Age Many believe that arthritis is something to worry about in the future, once you get older. But did you know that of the 50 million people who suffer from arthritis in the United States that 60% of them are women? Arthritis is far more common in women than men. Did you know that an estimated 2/3 of the people diagnosed with arthritis are below the age of 65? What about the fact that of the 50 million people with arthritis, 300,000 of them are children. So much for it being an ailment for the elderly! Arthritis can affect anyone at any age. This month is Arthritis Awareness Month, and in honor of that, let’s take a few minutes to learn the facts about arthritis.

By Connor Day

Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. There are three forms of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

of heredity, daily activity, and personal health. While the majority of osteoarthritis sufferers are older, it is possible for the effects of osteoarthritis to begin as early as 20 years of age!

Osteoarthritis: This is known as the “wear and tear” arthritis, and is the one most people know about. It emerges when the cartilage that cushions the bones at the joint wear away and leave the bones to grind against each other painfully.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s antibodies to begin attacking healthy cells. When the antibodies attack the synovial membranes that line bone joints, painful inflammation occurs. The disease does not only attack the cells of the joints, it can also cause inflammation in other parts of the body, such as the lungs, heart or skin. An estimated 1.5 million Americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis,

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis—affecting more than 27 million Americans—but it has no one specific factor. It is believed to stem from a mix

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which can be diagnosed as early as

Arthritis Awareness Month

childhood and requires treatment. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, or JIA, is actually a collective term for a group of arthritic diseases that affect children. Ten percent of children are diagnosed with a form of JIA in America. JIA is unlike other forms of arthritis due to the fact that symptoms are not shared by all patients. Symptoms of JIA range from pain and stiffness, to strong fevers that set in at seemingly random times. The disease often starts when the child is unable to accurately convey what hurts and feels wrong. JIA is broken into several subsets, however, unlike other forms of arthritis, children with JIA can share symptoms and effects of multiple forms of JIA, not just a specific diagnosis.

Recognizing Symptoms The Arthritis Foundation lists the following symptoms as possible alerts to arthritis: • Pain, swelling, or stiffness in one or more joints

• Joints that are red or warm to the touch

• Difficulty moving a joint or doing daily activities

• Joint tenderness or stiffness

• Joint symptoms that cause you concern Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any of the following: • Joint symptoms that last three days or more • Several episodes of joint symptoms within a month If you suspect that you or your child may have some of these symptoms, or if you are looking for more information, check out arthritis.org for more information.


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Skinny Doesn't Make You Happy Are you on a quest to lose weight? The quest for weight loss goes far beyond anything ever seen. If you’re told to add oil to all of your meals to lose weight, you’ll do it. If you’re told to stand on your head to be skinny, you’ll ask how long and should you point your toes. There is no limit (or so it seems) to what you’ll do to drop those extra 18 pounds of baby weight. With this determination, why do so many fall short with weight loss? Why do you get so close to where you want to be but stop just shy and back slide? Could it be that your expectations of how you’d feel when you got to that magic number weren’t fulfilled? Could it be when you envisioned your self at your goal weight, you saw a happier version of yourself and not just a skinnier version? Could it be you put off being happy until the scale rewarded you for countless hours in the gym?

what your body craves to be a happier, healthier, more vibrant version of you. Movement should give you something your body wants. Exercise should give you the one thing that is missing in your day– whether it is peace after a crazy, hectic day; a challenge that you’re not able to fulfill with your work or family life; or fun that is not found in your serious, professional life. Exercise is your fix. Exercise is either how you set the tone for your day or how you transition from one area of your life to the next. Exercise is not torture, it’s not a scientific equation, and it’s certainly not something you should dread. Exercise is the way you express the things that are missing in your adult life. Exercise does not require gadgets–it’s your natural way of moving your body to celebrate life.

Skinny doesn’t make you happy. The sooner you come to grips with this fact, the less stress you’ll have when trying to make a lifestyle change. Shedding extra pounds will help you feel better and increase your energy, but won’t make you happy. If you’re not happy in the skin you’re in now, you won’t be happy when there’s less of you for your skin to cover.

Exercise is not something that you ‘carve out time for’ - it’s something you do to invest in your day and your life. It’s the investment you make each day to ensure you get the most out of every single second you’ve been granted. It is possibly the only investment that gives immediate and long-lasting returns that nobody can take away.

How do you move closer to the body you want while embracing the body you have? Move everyday – and not just in the physical sense. Take steps towards where you want to be. Change the conversation about your workouts and diet from being a means to an end, to being

Exercise has been labeled the most effective and least used antianxiety, anti-stress, anti-depressant medication. So why aren’t you using it daily? Is it because you’ve been told that you have to run and it hurts when you run? Is it because you’ve been told that you have to work out with weights and you’re just not comfortable in a

10 FACE | MAY 2014

"Exercise is not something that you ‘carve out time for’ – it’s something you do to invest in your day and your life. It’s the investment you make each day to ensure you get the most out of every single second you’ve been granted." gym? Is it because you were always picked last in PE and the thought of exercise brings back those feelings that plagued you in middle school? Whatever your reason, I challenge you to find what your body is craving and give that to your body each day for 45 days. Sure your body will change, but focus on how your mind and your attitude towards life changes. That is where the magic happens. It’s not the size of your jeans, the tone in your legs, or your cup size that will make you happy. It’s the inner confidence and peace that you can’t buy from a store or get on a surgical table. True happiness doesn’t come from being at your goal weight. It comes from knowing that what you’re doing is bringing you closer to where you want to be. No doubt you may be unhappy with your current body or weight, but it’s not because of the weight. It’s because you’re not moving toward any significant changes–you’re standing still in a place that is filled with clothes you don’t like and feelings of inadequacy when you look in the mirror. Standing still and fretting over doing something good for yourself instead of moving leads to a feeling of hopelessness and failure. Don’t delay happiness until you’ve reached some future goal– that’s a recipe for heartache. Decide right now to embrace your true self and be happy in your current skin. It won’t be your skin forever! Attitude is critical. To get more help/tips on how to translate the right attitude into long-term results, sign up to receive Dawn’s No More Excuses Weight Loss book hitting the shelves next month. Visit Dawn’s website (personallyfit4women.com) to get more information about how you can get your hands on a copy hot off the press. Dawn Foreman is the founder and owner of Personally Fit – Lafayette’s Fitness and Weight Loss Center for Women. She is a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist with the American Dietetic Association; she is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist with American Council on Exercise. Dawn is currently publishing her first book which will is available for pre-sales now. Contact her to get a FREE Fitness Finder to help determine the perfect routine to see results.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 11


American Beauty

Cosmetic Procedures are on the Rise

By Erin Holden

Flipping through any women’s magazine or

Society of Plastic Surgeons) and are less

“They’re trying to enhance one specific part; if

turning on the television reveals that we

likely to have undergone other aesthetic

they can correct it, they’re happy,” he explained.

are a society fixated on perfection. Botox

surgeries than women over age 30. Even

For most people, cosmetic surgery does not

injections for aging celebrities like Meg

so, regardless of age, cosmetic surgery has

prompt more and more surgery in an insatiable

Ryan and Melanie Griffith are increasingly

become a part of our lives, even if we have

drive for perfection. Rather, it is a way to boost

common, while young woman like Teen

only considered it in passing.


Dr. Jeffrey Williams from Plastic Surgery

There is, of course, the potential patient who

Associates in Lafayette feels that most

will come in with goals that cannot be met.

Admittedly, very young adults (age 18-19)

customers seeking to go under the knife for

This can be due to physical limitations (their

make up less than three percent of breast

aesthetic reasons are looking to make one

bodies simply cannot achieve the look that they

augmentations (according to the American


want) or because they have a psychological

Mom’s Farrah Abraham are getting multiple procedures done before their 21st birthday.

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incapability of seeing their bodies as they actually are. The latter is caused by Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a problem that can lead to multiple surgeries for a customer that is simply not capable of being satisfied. Dr. Williams, and all responsible cosmetic surgeons, look out for BDD in potential patients so that the patient can seek treatment for the root of their issue – seeing problems that are not really there. A good candidate for surgery, he explains, will know specifics about their body that bother them. He gives the example of a person coming in for a rhinoplasty (nose job); if that person says “I would really like to get rid of this bump on the bridge of my nose,” they have realistic expectations. However, if the patient gives a general sense of dissatisfaction with the entire nose, that person is likely to be a patient who cannot be satisfied and potentially has BDD. Dr. Jeffrey Joseph from Acadian ENT finds that patients are coming in expecting more natural results, rather than “the more drastic tightness” that we have seen in years past. Along with more natural Continue reading

For most people, cosmetic surgery does not prompt more and more surgery in an insatiable drive for perfection. Rather, it is a way to boost confidence.

There’s a fine line between too big and too small. When enhancing the overall appearance of the face, balance is key. Is the nose too large or the chin too small? Do the ears balance the overall aesthetic of the face? Proportion is critical and requires a trained and experienced eye to achieve the best result. Balancing the whole, while enhancing the tone and texture of the skin, produces a more youthful, more pleasing you.

The hands of a surgeon. The eye of an artist. Bradley J. Chastant, md, facs

1000 W. Pinhook Rd. • Lafayette 237-0650 • www.acadianent.com

Board certified facial plastic surgeons Bradley J. Chastant, MD FACS & Jeffrey J. Joseph, MD FACS

faceacadiana.com | FACE 13

looks being chosen, he says that the trend is for younger women to go

surgery. An article from The Surgical Technologist notes that 92

for facelifts and eyelifts. The most common age group to seek these

percent of people who underwent cosmetic surgery in 2007 were

procedures used to be women in their 60s, but now women in their 40s

women. It has become more prevalent, with more options than ever

and 50s are seeking these surgeries.

before, giving many women options that they never would have

Dr. Williams mentioned the factor of

thought possible.

workplace advancement, citing that “some

Breast augmentations, first made

people even say it’s good for moving up in

popular in the 1960s, are now one of

your career.” He finds this to be a benefit

the most common cosmetic surgery

seen by both women and men who seek out

procedures. Dr. Williams says that

cosmetic surgery. The idea is that a more

breast augmentation, reconstructions,

youthful appearance (from eyelifts and

and reductions make up one of the

facelifts) can make a person appear more

largest trends. He says that, on the


aesthetic end, this has to do with

One of the top trends that Dr. Joseph, who is on the Public Information Committee of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, finds is that spouses are getting work done together. Part of the reason for this has to do with work as well. While one spouse is recovering, the other can take care of him or her. Deciding on a timeline that is staggered for the purpose of returning to work is a big factor here. Many women come in with their daughters for the same reason. People seem to be most focused on a quick

societal norms. One interesting aspect of this is that women often want to change their breast size to fit into their clothing better, while their husbands are more concerned with larger sizes. If spouses go to the consultation together, Dr. Williams explains, they are able to bridge that gap by understanding each other’s expectations. This prompts an obvious question: are women prompted to get breast augmentation because of their husbands’ expectations?

‘When can I go back to the gym?’”

This is not necessarily the case but, again, societal norms have changed both women’s and men’s ideas of what is normal for breast size, so it is not surprising that it becomes a factor in

Dr. Joseph says. Because of this drive to get

their intimate lives.

back to the everyday grind, people usually

Whether it is breast augmentation, face lifts, or even the increasingly popular vaginoplasty, cosmetic surgery is an industry that will continue to be in demand in our society. Understanding the risks and potential motives for such procedures is vital before going under the knife, but it can be a positive, lifechanging step that many women are choosing to enhance their lives.

recovery so that they can get back to their busy lives. “One of the first things patients ask is,

try to get as much of the desired work done at one time. Dr. Joseph says that this makes for both a quicker recovery and better savings. “There are multiple procedure discounts and you don’t miss as much work,” he says. Predictably, women still make up the majority of those undergoing cosmetic

14 FACE | MAY 2014

faceacadiana.com | FACE 15


No Fear No Future “I am sorry to inform you that your child has

and impaired driving. The two-day program

Lafayette and community partners and

been involved in a terrible car accident.”

consists of three major components:

first responders that include Acadian

a mock crash scene, an overnight retreat,

Ambulance and AirMed, the Lafayette

and a school assembly and mock funeral.

Parish Sheriff’s Office and Coroner’s Office,

These are words that no parent ever wants to hear, but unfortunately, words that are spoken and heard all too often. For the 11th year in a row, the Junior League of Lafayette has hosted a NO FEAR NO FUTURE campaign against distracted

The mock crash uses real “victims” from the host school, and allows students to witness the repercussions of drinking and/or texting and driving. The mock crash is a cooperative effort between the Junior League of

Lafayette Police Department and Fire Department, Louisiana State Police – Troop I, Fountain Memorial Funeral Home, Guy’s Towing, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, and the Eric Searcy Foundation.

Taking Breast Imaging beyond ordinary to another level with two convenient locations 40% of women have dense breast tissue. Recently published data suggests that for the dense-breasted women a supplemental screening whole breast ultrasound will find more cancers than is possible by relying on mammography alone. Screening whole breast ultrasound is now available for the women of Acadiana and is offered at both the Lafayette and Youngsville locations. Breast Center of Acadiana’s satellite screening breast imaging center is now open in Youngsville on Chemin Metairie. For women who don’t wish to travel into Lafayette, the Youngsville location offers easy, convenient access to the women in Youngsville and all of the communities surrounding Youngsville.

YOUNGSVILLE Metairie Centre on the Circle 1700 Chemin Metairie Pkwy, Ste 701 337-504-5000

LAFAYETTE River Ranch 935 Camellia Blvd, Suite 100 337-504-5000


Join Us for the Youngsville Location Ribbon Cutting on May 9th from 1-3pm! 16 FACE | MAY 2014

“To hear the fear in your child's voice on that 911 tape was like a stab in the heart. To get to the hospital not knowing what condition your child is in; I've never experienced anything like it..." Amanda Bertrand, whose son, Taylor, was a participant in the program says that the NFNF experience was an absolute wake up call as a mother. “To hear the fear in your child's voice on that 911 tape was like a stab in the heart. To get to the hospital not knowing what condition your child is in; I've never experienced anything like it, and never want that experience ever again!” As for her son’s experience, Bertrand says, “Taylor’s experience was all about seeing his friends in a condition that he couldn't help them. And then to see our faces when we finally saw him was a wake up call for him. No Fear No Future is an amazing program, and in my opinion, every teenager should experience it.” This year’s host school was Teurlings Catholic High School. The program touched more than 680 students at the school and has impacted more than 10,000 students since the program’s inception. For more information about becoming a host school for the NO FEAR NO FUTURE program, contact the Junior League of Lafayette at 337-988-2739. It is the Junior League of Lafayette’s sincere hope that this event will leave a lasting impression on parents and students when it comes to driving responsibly. The hope is that when our youth are faced with making a choice to drive while impaired or use their cell phone while driving, that this experience will forever remind them of the consequences of that decision. We pray that they will make the right choice and choose life.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 17


Wellness Travel for Well-Being & Beauty Vacation. The very word conjures up happiness, and is a means to reconnect ourselves so that we return to our day-to-day lives as renewed more productive human beings. A vacation re-programs us, inspires us, teaches us. So it’s no surprise that laser-focused travel to maximize one’s well-being is quickly gaining popularity among many Americans and Europeans. Wellness travel, as it’s being coined, is travel for the sole purpose of promoting one’s health. With chronic disease on the rise and a society that is overstressed and overworked, time spent at a dedicated spa & wellness resort can be a mechanism for often life-saving transformation. These trips enhance the mind, body, and spirit by blending physical experiences (think yoga, t’ai chi) with culinary experiences (think cooking classes, nutritional guidance). Travelers leave with mental restoration and new-found knowledge to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Below are three renowned spa & wellness resorts whether you only have time for a short domestic trip, a week down in the Caribbean, or a much longer overseas jaunt. Domestic – Austin, Texas Set idyllically on 19 acres within Texas’ hill country, and only 30 minutes from downtown Austin, is Lake Austin Spa Resort. A relaxed ambiance with serene grounds and trails at the foot of the lake, this award-winning resort offers over 100 massage, body, and skincare indigenous treatments and therapies, many using herbs grown in the organic gardens on property. Healthy cooking classes and fitness activities (kayaking, hiking, yoga, Pilates, spinning, and the like) for all levels are available throughout the day, as well as more specialized programs on body image and relationships. A three-night or longer stay is recommended, and includes accommodation in a lakeside guest room, three gourmet meals daily, unlimited fitness activities, Photos courtesy of Lake Austin Spa Resort 18 FACE | MAY 2014

and an array of spa treatments.

Photos courtesy of BodyHoliday

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Caribbean – Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles The BodyHoliday is a beach-front property located on the northwest

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tip of Saint Lucia in the lush tropics just a quick 90 minute car ride from the international airport. If Lake Austin Spa Resort is serene, the BodyHoliday is the counterpart – completely dynamic and fun. Several restaurants and bars are on property providing guests with many choices and options for entertainment after a day spent attending holistic classes, water & land sports, and spa treatments. Yoga,

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Pilates, t’ai chi, meditation, mind & body stretch, scuba, snorkeling, windsurfing, tennis, archery, fencing, golf, soft adventure excursions, and the list goes on. A bevy of spa treatments are customized to

Voted Best in Blinds & Window Treatments!

each individual, as well as one-on-one consultation with a specialist to determine the exact exercise & nutrition regime you should be following to meet your needs. For optimal results, a week’s stay is recommended and a variety of customizable packages are available. Continue reading

faceacadiana.com | FACE 19

Photos courtesy of SHA

European – Valencia, Spain On a mountainside overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Albir Beach, Spain you’ll find SHA, a pioneering wellness clinic taking the spa resort to a whole new level. Physicians and subject matter experts are on staff blending ancient oriental techniques (acupuncture, reiki, reflexology, chi kung) with the latest western medicinal advances in preventative medicine and aesthetics medicine. The overall goal is healthy-aging and disease prevention and folks flock from all over the world. From purely aesthetic ambitions to identifying your potential to develop certain disease, SHA caters your stay to accomplish your particular goals. After a stay here you’ll leave feeling more vital, beautiful, confident, and armed with the knowledge you need to improve your quality of life. Wellness tourism was a top travel trend in 2013, and is expected to continue in growth through 2014. As more and more folks adopt healthy lifestyles at home, they’re looking to not only continue, but enhance these habits through their vacation travel. Wellness & spa resorts around the world – domestic, Caribbean, European – are catering to this niche market and providing much needed life-changing services. After all, when the mind, body, and spirit are in line, we’re happier, beautiful, and more productive human beings.

Lafayette-native Lila Fox lives in Madisonville with her husband and is owner of Constant Tourist Travel, a travel consultancy catering to the discerning traveler worldwide. She is a specialist in European travel, with a penchant for pairing city experiences with countryside experiences often blending in soft adventure and bespoke culinary. For more information about planning your next trip with Lila, she can be reached at lila@smartflyer.com. 20 FACE | MAY 2014

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 21


Gifts for the Grad With graduation season upon us, many are searching for that perfect graduation gift. For those of you out there who want to do more than just hand your new graduate money, here are a few suggestions that will help you pick out the best gift for the accomplished young person in your life.

GIFTS FOR HER MONOGRAMMED CUPS Cups that are not disposable are a necessity in any dorm or home. Give them a practical gift with a touch of flair with monogrammed cups.

Lily Pulitzer Gift Card For the upcoming or current sorority girl in your life, Lily Pulitzer creates multiple fashion choices, accessories, and organization tools that are made in sorority specific patterns. The Lily Pulitzer Daily Agenda is wildly popular with sorority girls nation wide.

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Personalized Yoga Mat Perfect for the graduate who can be found at the gym after class. Get her a gift that will be used again and again. She will be the envy of her yoga friends.


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22 FACE | MAY 2014

TRAVEL STEAMER A personal favorite, the travel steamer is the gift your graduate never knew they needed. It's way more convenient and handy than a traditional iron, and far more dorm friendly.

GIFTS FOR HIM MonograMmed Wallet

Spring Favorites!

This is a gift that can last forever. A nice leather wallet with his initials embossed on the front. It’s not only a practical gift, but a gift that will make him feel like a real adult. It will also give him somewhere to keep all the graduation cash.

School Logo Tervis Cups Have their school mascot emblem put on a set of cups. It’s perfect for a home, apartment, or dorm; and lets your graduate represent their future home or alma mater.

Tie Pins and Cufflinks These are perfect for the graduate who wants to look stylish at formals, business interviews, or a first job. Feel free to have fun with it, choose accessories that reflect the personality of your graduate.

SCRATCH-OFF MAP This map allows you to scratch off all the places they have traveled too. Give this to the student who will spend more time abroad than home, or for the young professional who is just starting their travels.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 23


From the Classroom to the Office The Ultimate Gift for Your Graduate Help Your Recent Graduate Transition Successfully From College into a Career Your child may be legally an adult, living on his own and finishing up his college degree; yet before he can become the professional he dreams to be, he needs some guidance from you. That is correct, your job is not over yet! With graduation time quickly approaching, a whole generation of college graduates are ready to enter the workforce. They may have received exceptional education from the best universities, but that does not mean that they have the direction or skills necessary to land a job. This is where your expertise is needed. Consider the six gifts below for your graduate that are certain to help your child make the jump from student to professional:

A Listening Ear It is probable that your child is unsure how to utilize his degree and determine which jobs to pursue. By listening to his interests, goals, habits, and skills, you will be able to give him a bit of guidance on which specific companies or positions to begin pursuing. Taking this time to listen to his goals will be more

child, rather just provide him the initial connection and then let him prove himself. Professional Career Coaching Your family may have already spent a great deal of resources on your child’s education, but it is worth investing to ensure he makes the best career choices. A few meetings with a professional career coach will help him

effective than trying to lead him into a

establish the best plan for securing a job

career that you want him to pursue.

and climbing the professional ladder, in

Connection to Your Network Although many aspects of the workforce have evolved over the years, the job search process is still all about who you know. Therefore, introducing your child to professionals in your network may be just the key he needs to land his dream job. These contacts can include friends and family. He can use these contacts to develop his own relationships and ask for informational interviews. Be careful to not do all the work for your

addition to perfecting interviewing and resume writing skills.

A Strong Work Ethic You have likely been teaching your child responsible work habits and behaviors for a long time, but don’t stop now! Many employers complain that the new generation of graduates is seeking instant gratification. Remind your new graduate on the importance of hard work and persistence, and even more, always model these behaviors. A Realistic Outlook To be successful in a career, it takes many sacrifices and much time.

A Professional Image With the ever-growing popularity of

Instill a realistic outlook to your child,

social media and networking sites, it is crucial that your child’s online image is just as professional as he presents himself in person. This is all a part of their personal brand; therefore they may need to revitalize all online accounts to reflect their inner professional. Offer to review these sites for them.

position may not be his dream job,

reminding him that an entry-level but is the necessary stepping stone to reach that dream. With a positive, yet realistic outlook, he will be ready to overcome the obstacles that come with career development.

With all of these gifts, perhaps the most important gift you should continue to give your graduate is support. This support has been necessary to help him complete his degree and is even more important as he begins his career pursuit. With your support and the gifts listed above, he is certain to make the transition from student to professional in no time. Abour the author: As the owner of the local résumé writing, outplacement, and career-consulting firm, DMD & Associates, Danielle guides her clients through every step of career development. Contact Danielle at danielle@dmdcareerconsutling.com, 337-254-0734 or www.dmdcareerconsulting.com. For more career advice and tips, like DMD Career Consulting on Facebook or LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter @CareerCoachGuru. 24 FACE | MAY 2014


The Month of May - A Lifetime of Sweetness Winter is over! And May, the sweetest month, is here! I took my

little dog, down the sidewalk of our neighborhood. Now, I lose

sandals out and wore them for the first time this season. The feel of

track of what I’m wearing. But I do see more precious memories:

my bare toes threw me into a reverie about all that May has meant

a breathtaking California sunset; Munich and the beer garden; flower

to me.

beds and patio living; Pensacola sand in my toes; too many lovely

When I was 8, May meant school was almost out. The long languid

memories to list here.

summer lay before me with all its promise. I can still feel the cotton

Last, my May memories take me to the hospital bedside of my

of my yellow flowered shorts, bought new for the season.

beloved Jim—a promise fulfilled. At our wedding I told him,

When I was 15, May meant my first prom dress. It was an aqua chiffon confection. An old photo shows me sweeping the chiffon

“I want to be with you when you die; to hold you in my arms and place you in the arms of God.”

up in my hand. The awkwardness of those pre-teen years was gone.

The month of May has never failed to offer the opening of a new

In their place was a beauty queen.

day; new pleasures; the promise of dreams and the fulfillment of

When I turned 18, May meant my cap and gown. After twelve long years, I would finally walk across that stage, accept my diploma and waltz into my adult life.

them. I wish for you a month of May that holds the fulfillment of your dreams. About the author: Kathryn Elliott, Ph.D., LPC-s,

When I was 37, May found me in a pink and white striped cotton

LMFT is Director of Anthetic Psychology Center. She

dress. It adorned me as I met my soulmate flying in to propose to me.

specializes in helping individuals break free from

Now the kaleidoscope of my memories twirls faster: I’m in a turtle neck and skirt, as Jim and I travel to London; I’m in my academic regalia as I attend the commencement exercises of my graduate students; I’m in a dressy dress dancing to “Billie Jean” at my dear

family-of-origin pain and in guiding couples and families to repair and revitalize their relationships. Kathryn is co-author with James Elliott of Disarming Your Inner Critic. She appears each Sunday on KLFY TV 10’s Passe Partout. Visit her website at www.antheticpsychology.com.

friend’s wedding; I’m hand-in-hand with Jim as we walk Lovey, our

faceacadiana.com | FACE 25


“A mother who radiates selflove and acceptance actually


vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem.” Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the mother-child bond and all of the sacrifices and gifts mothers make in the interest of caring for their children. Whether you are a biological mother, adoptive mother, or stepmother, the mother-child bond is deep. While the characteristics of the mother-child relationship change, the bond endures forever. Mothers have to think twice about every choice they make: first for their child and second for themselves. This begins during pregnancy, which is when motherhood begins. Pregnant mothers commit acts of love prior to the arrival of their baby. Pregnant mothers have to be aware of everything they consume as well as environmental exposures. Pregnant mothers feel a

Through the Years

commitment to their unborn baby during their pregnancy. For some, it may be at the time they learn they are pregnant, first hear the heartbeat, or feel their baby move. Once the baby arrives, the newborn period is often trying. Sleep deprivation and providing basic care certainly take a toll on a new mother. Nearly all mothers report feeling true love for their baby within the first month. By two months of age babies give us a beautiful social smile and all is right in the world. The bond continues to deepen as both the mother and the baby further develop their relationship. All babies seek a secure relationship with their mothers. Secure relationships are characterized by love, warmth, protection, and availability. Crawling is a baby’s first vehicle for physically separating themselves from their mothers. At this time, mothers are often referred to as a “secure base” for their child as the child explores their environment. Babies who enjoy a secure relationship with their mother may be observed to crawl away

26 FACE | MAY 2014

from their mother, play for a while, and then return to their

to increase. It is at this time that children utilize the emotional and

mother for a brief “check-in” and return to play again. Mother

behavioral regulation skills learned through their secure relationship

as a secure base sets the foundation for the future mother-

with their mother. As children enter the pre-teen years, it is important for

child relationship as well as the child’s social and emotional

mothers to demonstrate positive self-esteem and self-confidence while


allowing their child to develop their own sense of style. In turn, children

During the preschool years, children with a secure relationship actually demonstrate more independent behaviors. Children with secure relationships have had the opportunity to explore their environments with a sense of safety and support. Also during this time, preschoolers come to truly appreciate

self-love and acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem.” The mother-child relationship remains deep as their child enters the adult years. The relationship often becomes more of a friendship and becomes one of the longest-lasting relationships we form.

their mothers for who they are rather than what they do.

Dr. Joslyn M. McCoy is a Licensed Clinical (Child &

Preschoolers enjoy spending time with their mothers engaged

Adolescent) Psychologist and Board Certified Behavior

in leisure activities and reciprocal play. As children grow older and enter school, their level of independence and time away from their mothers continues

model what they observe. Naomi Wolf stated, “A mother who radiates

Analyst specializing in the evaluation and treatment of a variety of learning, mood, behavioral, and developmental concerns. Dr. McCoy currently practices at Family Behavioral Health Center in Lafayette. Dr. McCoy also volunteers as a member of the Autism Society Acadiana Advisory Board.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 27


Mother's Day Reflections This Mother’s Day we asked our readers “What does Mother’s Day mean to you?”, and the resulting answers were as beautiful and unique as the women who will be spending this May 11th with their children and mothers. We chose some of these stories to share, to commemorate these amazing moms, and maybe remind us to take a moment and appreciate the hardworking, loving moms in our lives and to be thankful for the miracle of motherhood and cherish our children. Amber Allemand I am a 28 year old, blessed mother of five small children whom I refer to as my "litter." Their ages range from 7 to in-utero. I'm the wife of a hard-working husband and father who enables me to live my dream of being a stay-at-home mom. Many tend to view me as crazy considering the number of children I have back-to-back. Sure, I may be a little crazy, but I don't mind. I love the innocence of children and remain in awe of their perspectives on life. My children bring out the best in me; therefore, I don't mind embracing the chaos that comes along with it. My goal in life is to instill good morals into my children and raise them to be self-sufficient individuals. I strive to always be a great example for them because I believe the best way to teach our children is through our own actions as parents. I am a steady work-in-progress, and I adore Bess Trahan I am married to a wonderful man, Jay Trahan, for 29 years. I have been blessed with 2 wonderful children, Bess Stephenson 25, and Alexander Trahan 18. I am a retired teacher of 20 years and have been singing in my church choir for 29 years. My new job now is being the Wedding Coordinator at St. Mary Mother of the Church. Mother's Day.... two wonderful words. What it is to be a mother. What words can describe being a mother? It's the best gift I could have ever been given! It's knowing that my children have grown to be wonderful people! My first child Bess, who was named after her great grandmother Bess Francis, is a new mother herself. She is the light of my life! When she was small, the best present she ever gave me as a child was flowers picked out of our garden. The smile that lit up her face was priceless. My second child Alexander, who is Autistic, has ADD, OCD, ODD, was a challenge from the beginning but something I face with love and understanding. My children are my gift! When I was a child living with my parents, I can remember my dad giving my mom a corsage. It made my mom feel very special. When it was my first Mother's Day, the day of my daughter's christening, my dad gave me a corsage too. It was like a handing down of tradition. I have 4 generations of mothers still living. I'm no one special but I sure have very special people in my life. I wouldn't give any of it up!

28 FACE | MAY 2014

my job. To me, Mother's Day isn't just some day to expect cards of thankfulness for the things I do or a day to receive flowers as some token of appreciation. While those things are nice, Mother's Day has become more of my own day of reflection. I love to reflect on our growth as a family and really relish in gratefulness for the privilege God has granted me--motherhood. I know so many women yearn for the very same privilege, and here I sit blessed times five.

Kathy Rhodes Mother's Day is a time for us all to reflect on the adventure we embarked upon the day we met our first child. My story began the day my husband Mike and I delivered our first child, Aaron. The day seemed "normal". When Aaron was born, we quickly found out we were facing a different adventure than we signed up for. He was born with Down Syndrome. After a short stay in the hospital, we went on to discover what a great joy he is! My own mother, Florence Cornay Clotiaux, was a tremendous support with all the challenges we encountered. I was extremely close to her being an only child. She was more like my

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sister than a mother. We spent numerous hours together. She was always my strength in raising all three of our fabulous children. Adam came along when Aaron was 10. He became, as Mike called it, "my baby." He and I are still very close and I feel our relationship

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is very similar to the one I shared with my mother. Adam is now 16

William A. Keaty, DDS

and is a sophomore at Lafayette High. He makes me proud of who he is every single day!

Anita J. Gouri, DDS Board Certified Specialists

The "baby" of the family is our precious Sydney. Every girl dreams of

Infants through Adolescents Including special needs children

having a baby doll to dress up. Sydney was my baby doll. I knew she would be my last baby and she is me made over in every sense. She dances like an angel and plays flute just as well. I'm proud of her every day! I wish my mother and my grandmother, Nita Comeaux Cornay, could see them today. They are growing up to be such fine young people. Every Mother's Day I think of them as our family gets together with friends to share a boiled crawfish dinner. We would always eat at my mother's house on that day whether it be that fabulous pork roast she always cooked or boiled crawfish.

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FACE | FEATURE Charlotte Ducote

My oldest daughter, Tara Simms, honored her grandmother by naming

I am an extremely grateful wife, mother, grandmother, step-mother, step-grandmother, daughter, sister and aunt! My family is and always will be the wind beneath my wings. I try to live my life as a positive

her daughter Mollie Kate after my mother, Mollie Dee. She is now the fourth generation to enjoy our traditional “Girl Trips” that have always included shopping, eating, playing with makeup and hairstyles.

role model in hopes that I can pass on the legacy that my mother has done for me.

Last year, my youngest daughter, Jana Hickey, joined me at Keller Williams as my real estate

The quote, “All that I am and ever hope to be,

partner. What a privilege to come to work each

I owe to my mother,” is an understatement

day and share an office with her! My co-workers

in my life. Strong women must run in our

have affectionately starting calling me “Mama”

family! My mother has always been the

and I love it.

perfect role model of an independent woman. My father, whom I adored, worked

One of my most treasured family traditions is

overseas so the bulk of the child rearing fell

our Christmas baking day. The first weekend

on my mother’s shoulders. I learned that

in December, we all bring our favorite recipes

unconditional love could change a life when

together and spend the entire day baking, laughing

at seventeen; I became a mother and had

and truly enjoying each other’s company, even when

the complete and loving support of my family.

some of our recipes are total Pinterest failures. At

Today, my wonderfully blended family consists of four daughters, four

the end of the day, family is what matters the most to me and on this

grand-daughters and one grandson who is the first boy in our family in

Mother’s Day and every day, I will be forever thankful to God for mine!

65 years!

Continue reading

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FACE | FEATURE Tara Yergeau

compassion for everyone and everything. I am so proud to be his mom

I am a 1st grade teacher and I have been married

and look forward to the millions of moments when I

for 11 years to my one true love and the man of

know he will make me smile.

my dreams, Stephen. I am a lover of all things

Two years ago I lost my mother to brain cancer. My

ULL, golf, NASCAR, food, movies and reality TV.

mom was my hero, best friend and a huge part of

The best advice I have ever gotten came from my

who I am today. She always gave the best advice,

Mom, ”Marry someone who loves and treats his

hugs and had the most infectious laugh!

mother well for this will be the

I miss her terribly and long for the days where

way he will love and treat you!”

I could pamper and spoil her the way she did with me.

When my husband and I got married we both agreed that we were not ready to have children.

Mother’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the

Four short years later, we welcomed our son,

greatest position ever held…Mom! It is the time

Colton, into the world. Funny how things work

where all mothers should be made to feel like

out. Having Colton improved our lives and set us on

the queens that they are. On Mother’s Day, I spend

the path of parental bliss. At 24 months, he was

time with my family relishing in the joys that our lives

diagnosed with speech and developmental delays

have given us. The day is mine to do as I please, so that

and began receiving services immediately. Today

means no cooking or cleaning. It is the simple things

Colton is a thriving kindergartener that constantly

that bring me the most joy. And a little jewelry never

amazes us with his intelligence, whit and genuine

hurts either!

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Be mindful of everything, but become attached to nothing. The fluidity of this practice allows you to live more fully in the moment and to truly engage. Mantra meditation is centered on the repetition of a word or phrase. It's all about a central focus. Select a mantra that represents something you desire inwardly. Don't get caught up believing that it should sound a certain way. Pick something that is true to you. During the practice you will focus on the mantra’s meaning and the sound it produces, which will help you release outside preoccupations.

A Beautiful Mind

By Shanna Perkins

Focused meditation is exactly what it sounds like, but what you focus on is entirely up to you. Focus your

The concept of perfection has its grasp on

and vigor. The benefits of meditation are

thoughts and energy on a single point.

nearly every aspect of our lives: home, family,


It can be a mantra, a goal, a prayer or a

career and appearance. Two easily neglected areas, though, are inner beauty and peace of mind.

They're also subjective; they're specific to your mind and your needs. In the same way that your body directs you in the pursuit of balanced

As of now, they haven't perfected a chemical

health, your mind will direct you in the pursuit

peel for the soul, so it's our job to create our

of a balanced mind.

own beautiful mind. Meditation is one of the most powerful resources on this journey.

The concept of meditation can be intimidating. In our fast-paced world, clearing your mind

A beautiful mind is calm, gracious, caring

may seem laughable, which is exactly why

and open. Practicing meditation gives you

meditation is necessary. A calm, peaceful mind

the necessary tools to experience life with

is closer than you may think.

serenity, and it allows you to live in the moment with clarity and to be grateful for that

Mindful meditation is the

moment — no matter how small. It makes the

practice of awareness. You become aware of

ruts you've become stuck in visible, and it lets

the noise and distractions in your surroundings.

you break away from them with spontaneity

Let your mind drift through your thoughts.

34 FACE | MAY 2014

visual. Relaxing music or an image that you connect with can assist in this type of meditation. Focused meditation allows you to clear out time and space for yourself to revitalize your mind. Each type of meditation has its own unique set of benefits, but all forms increase your overall health and happiness. Meditation allows you to better contribute to and participate in a fulfilled life. It can decrease your stress level, blood pressure and chronic pain. It’s been shown to improve sleep patterns and gastrointestinal problems. It is an important source of treatment

Meditation allows you to better contribute to and participate in a fulfilled life

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aversion. Begin by sitting or lying down and making yourself comfortable. Easy

Visit AcadianaWomens.com for more information.

enough, right? Close your eyes or focus on a single point. Breathe naturally and slowly; start to take notice of it. Focus on the motion of your breath and the movement of your body. If your mind wanders — and it will — simply refocus your attention. Start by completing 2-3 minutes of practice, and then slowly attempt longer periods.

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The most important thing to remember about it is that it's an exercise, one as equally taxing and rewarding as physical workouts. Meditation deserves the same chutzpah you put into every other aspect of your life, and it will become your biggest ally in your day-to-day routine. It won’t make your life perfect, but it will allow you to handle it with grace.

It’s Graduation Time!


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faceacadiana.com | FACE 35

A Mother'sGrace Dr. Mika King

BY JESSICA CONNER PHOTOGRAPHY BY PENNY MOORE OF MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY Special thanks to Jodi Bolgiano of Bolgiano Custom Interiors for the use of her beautiful home 36 FACE | MAY 2014

faceacadiana.com | FACE 37

"I have a strong faith, and I pray that God gives me the words and the wisdom to be able to comfort my patients."

38 FACE | MAY 2014 38 FACE | MAY 2014

Doctor Mika King describes her dual roles as a busy OBGYN at Acadiana Women’s Health Group and as a dedicated single mother. At work, Mika fulfills what she has acknowledged from a young age to be her life's mission – touching the lives of her patients by supporting them through the joys and sorrows of motherhood. By encouraging and guiding new mothers while maintaining an unwavering faith in God, she draws the poise, fortitude, and vitality required to leave an outstanding legacy of love and compassion for her daughter, Maggie. "I have a strong faith, and I pray that God gives me the words

an OBGYN specialist; she returned to Louisiana shortly

and the wisdom to be able to comfort my patients," confides

afterwards to reside in Lafayette.

Mika, who has no stigma whatsoever about her relationship with the Lord and as such refers to him often.

An affinity for the medical field runs in Mika's family, which

Mika scratches tasks off of a mental checklist when asked to

mother, Eva Raye, worked for 30 years as an LPN under a

explain a day in the life of an OBGYN, mentioning morning

local doctor and Mika spent time during various stages of

rounds, scheduled surgeries, and other responsibilities she

her life tagging along. She recalls making trips to the hospital

assumes with consistency. There isn't much room for words

as a preschool aged child and visiting again as a teenager to

like "typical," or "routine" when it comes to detailing the

job shadow. Mika relates that she's always had a heart to help

fluctuating nature of her itinerary, which can change at a

others from an early age; which coupled with an admiration

moment's notice if an expecting mother goes into labor or a

for her mother's strong work ethic and willingness to attend to

patient requires an emergency surgery. She adds that a day in

the needs of others, inspired her to pursue a medical career.

she reveals while sharing stories about her upbringing. Her

the life can range from "pretty easy to pretty chaotic," making the ability to just "go with the flow" a tremendous asset.

"My mom is a great lady. She worked hard and was a single parent," Mika pauses, overcome with emotion.

Since appointments can be interrupted by deliveries at any time during the day, Mika feels honored that most of her

Mika remembers her mother working three jobs at one point

patients are very understanding when asked to wait a few

to support her and her sister, all the while encouraging them

minutes in the office. Many of her patients are women that she

to follow their dreams. Now, Mika encourages her younger

has treated for years, and she feels privileged to have formed

female patients in a similar manner:

intimate relationships with so many of them as a result. "When young girls come to see me for their checkups and "This is a field where women talk about things they can't talk

some are in college and they quit, I'm like, 'Gotta go back.

to other people about. And they experience joys, and they

What's your dream? Do it no matter what.' God says he calls us

experience loss, and I get to hold their hand through it," Mika

to do everything, just do it with excellence."

shares, evincing the joy she derives from helping others. Mika insists that her career is more of a ministry than a job. The bonds that are formed are what make being an OBGYN

It's a path that affords her and her patients incredible joys the

so special to Mika, who declares she was "hooked" after

majority of the time, but it isn’t without its sorrows. Patients

experiencing a couple expanding their family on Mother's

diagnosed with forms of cancer, infertility, or experiencing

Day as a third-year medical student. Mika has been a medical

miscarriages are filled with inexplicable grief; and Mika calls

doctor for 16 years, 12 of which she has been practicing in

on God during these moments to be able to support them.

Lafayette. After attending LSU in Baton Rouge followed by medical school at LSU in New Orleans, Mika completed her residency training in Jacksonville, Florida to become

"God is my rock. I don't think I could do the job I do without Continue reading faceacadiana.com | FACE 39

my faith and to know that he has a purpose and a calling

For Mika, life's all about the time we spend with our loved

for all of us. And I can't go from telling a patient she has

ones. Where others might revert back to the age-old notion

breast cancer to running to do a delivery with joy and tears

that "quality" trumps "quantity," Mika argues that "You need

of happiness, and come back to tell a patient she is having a

to be there," pointing out her efforts to attend every school

miscarriage… the emotions are up and down all day long. I

function and play date for her daughter. The two also enjoy

couldn't do it without a faith to know

trips to the beach and the family

that he's with us."

camp, where Mika and her sister

As passionate as she is about her mission to guide her female patients, Mika has changed pace since having a daughter of her own. She refers to a Christian novel she picked up during a church retreat, titled, "A Mother's Heart," reading passages that applaud prioritizing children while inspiring mothers to strike a better balance between work and family life. Mika admits having difficulty saying 'no' to

used to fish and ride bikes together during the summer months. Although Mika and her mother have always been close, their relationship has blossomed since Mika had a daughter of her own. Mika contributes this transformation to her own shift in thinking after experiencing what she describes as an "explosive love"

taking on additional patients in the

– a special connection said to exist

past, but she has since found it easier

solely between a parent and a child.

to cut back her hours after realizing her patients understand – and even

"When you have your own child,

support – her move to spend more

you look at your mom and you

time with her daughter.

say, 'I love this baby so much, you

"Mothers make sacrifices to be able to

explosive love when you have a

nurture and care for their children. So I

child. It just comes out of nowhere,

can have a busy career, but I also know

from God. You grow to love your

when I'm not at work and I am here

friends; you grow to love people in

[home], I'm full-time here. My full-

your life. But this is an explosive

time job is ‘Mom’. I may wear my white

love," Mika expresses.

coat and be Doctor King here, but at home and anywhere else, I'm Mom," Mika informs.

love me that much?' There is an

Mika warmly recalls the thoughtful deeds of her mother while she was in college, which includes

Mika cherishes nothing more fondly than a day in the garden

filling her car with gas, taking her to the grocery store, and

planting flowers or playing with sidewalk chalk alongside her

taking her out to eat. She explains that she worked hard for

now seven-year-old daughter, Maggie. She refers back to that much-loved Christian novel, asking, 'Who gets your energy and who gets your leftovers?'

scholarships to put herself through college, and the actions of her mother during this time will never be forgotten. Continue reading

40 FACE | MAY 2014

I have to be provider and nurturer, playmate and disciplinarian. With God’s grace I can, and I’m not afraid to. This is the best job in the world, and I’m so thankful for having this opportunity.”

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42 FACE | MAY MAY 2014 2014

She laughs at herself for thinking she knew everything as a teenager, regretting having ever been sassy towards her mother during those fickle years. Now, Mika states that she speaks with her mother three to

“That’s what moms do,” Mika affirms. The miracle of birth has characterized Mika’s being for over a decade, but even the babies she already enjoys delivering so much look more

four times a day and considers

precious to her since the birth of

her to be one of her best

her own child.

friends. Being in a motherly role herself has opened Mika’s

“Every life is precious, and

eyes to the many sacrifices her

the most fun part of my job is

mother made for her, and it

delivering babies. But to know

has helped her understand the

that they had this explosive love for this child whenever they had

legacy that she tried to leave in

their babies, I know they felt the

her – the same legacy that Mika wholeheartedly strives to leave with Maggie. “At the end of our life, it’s about, ‘What kind of legacy did we leave?’ And my job is to instill in my daughter that God, love, and family is number one,” Mika asserts. Mika insists that all parents can leave a legacy with their

same way I did about mine so we

" This is a field where women talk about things they can' t talk to other people about. And they experience joys, and they experience loss, and I get to hold their hand through it"

children, no matter how trying, chaotic, or busy their lives seem. We can choose to let other people’s choices hurt us or we

can share that,” Mika exposes. She goes on to offer some words of advice for new mothers, who are often plagued by a barrage of fears, “what-ifs,” and frazzled nerves: “Savor every moment, even when the baby is crying. Be thankful, because some people never get that opportunity. Try your best and just show love to that child.”

Just as her mother brought her to the hospital to make rounds while she was a small child, Mika pushed Maggie in

can choose to move past that and find joy on the other side

a stroller through the hospital hallways during her infancy

according to Mika, who has faced her own onslaught of

and continues to bring her along to “hang out with the

trials and challenges along her journey as a single mom.

nurses,” which she very much looks forward to.

She likens the loss of her marriage to the loss of a dream, acknowledging the grief that a sudden, unwelcomed step in a new direction can incite. With the continued support of friends, family, and pastoral staff, Mika chooses to embrace life’s little joys and remains thankful for the daughter that enriches her life on a daily

It is unclear for now if Maggie will follow in her mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps as a career caregiver within a hospital setting, but Mika is relishing the opportunity to equip her daughter with the tools she needs to become a successful, well-rounded adult no matter where life takes her:

basis. She considers Maggie a wonderful blessing but chides

“I have to be mother and father for her. I have to be

that being a mother is not about what she can get from it;

provider and nurturer, playmate and disciplinarian. With

instead, it’s about nurturing a human being and trying to develop their character.

God’s grace I can, and I’m not afraid to. This is the best job in the world, and I’m so thankful for having this opportunity.” faceacadiana.com | FACE 43

FACE | SKINCARE By their early 20s, most people have begun to show the first signs of skin aging – for many, fine lines begin to form around the eyes and mouth. It’s not too early for active outdoor children and teens to begin using SPF 30 broad-spectrum sun blocker on a daily basis, whenever they’re going to be out in the sun. It’s also never too late to start using a well-formulated skin product containing retinol to begin reversing sun damage and setting back the skin aging clock. • Skin should feel tight and squeaky-clean after you wash. Wrong! Freshly-washed tight skin is a sign that moisture has been stripped from the skin, which could lead to a buildup of dead skin cells. Use a gentle cleanser when washing the skin to delay the signs of aging, and using an effective moisturizer after bathing also helps to offset the damage caused by soap, even those claiming to have built-in moisturizers.

Myths About Skin Care Taking proper care of your skin offers you many benefits. A youthful appearance and a reduced risk of skin cancer and other medical problems are just two of the more important benefits you can achieve. However, and perhaps because skin care is so very important in terms of both beauty and health, there are a number of modern myths about proper skin care – but these myths are no fairy tales! These can be divided into three categories: old wives tales, moneywasters and potential health risks. Consider the following myths – and the realities behind them.

Old Wives Tale Myths These myths are based on rumors, guesses and bad information, and have no basis in reality. • Anti-Aging Care should wait until you start to see signs of aging. Wrong! Skin aging begins with regular exposure to the sun – which means that, for most of us, it begins in childhood. Childhood and teen years, with pool parties and beach trips, as well as outdoor athletics, are when many people really start doing damage to their skin – damage that will appear later as signs of aging. 44 FACE | MAY 2014

• Just using any cream can make you look noticeably younger. Wrong! There are no creams on the market that just because it is “a cream” can reverse your skin aging clock.

There are, however, a few basic products that do work to slow or stop aging – or in some cases reverse the appearance of aging. These include broad-spectrum SPF 30 sun blockers, vitamin-A (including retinol, tretinoin and Retin-A) and vitamin-C serums – which are not creams. A few anti-oxidants and products with alpha-hydroxy acids can also set back the clock. But not simple “skin care creams.” It is the chemical composition of the active ingredients in the products that works, not the medium (cream) that delivers those chemical components.

Money-Wasting Misinformation Myths These are myths that will lead you to spend money on products or services that will not help you achieve your skin-care goals, either cosmetically or from a healthy-skin basis, or both. •

Using only skin care products from the same brand gives you better results. Wrong! This is what marketers want you to believe, but it has no basis in fact. While some lines of products do share a common and effective component, that doesn’t apply to all lines or all brand- names.

When choosing skin care products, look beyond brand-name labels and focus on the products that are most effective for your specific skincare needs. When in doubt, ask a medically-trained, board certified skin expert – your dermatologist – for recommendations. •

Skin care products have to be expensive to be effective. Wrong! This is another marketing-driven myth, one promoted by those firms which make and market high-end skin care products. Skin care products are effective based only on their chemical composition, not on their price.

There are some effective low-cost skin care products, and amazingly ineffective high-priced products. If you’re not sure, ask an expert. •

The newest, latest, greatest and most “hyped” products are the best. Wrong! While there have been important skin-care breakthroughs over the past 25 years, including the use of retinol in products to backdate the skin-aging clock. Breakthroughs are far less common than skin care product marketers would have you believe. Fads are common and almost always marketer-driven.

Fortunately, board certified medical skin-care professionals (dermatologists) can give you or lead you to authoritative internet sources of information, ones that aren’t linked to pushing products, that will debunk the latest “miracle” cures, which often are neither miracles nor cures. There aren’t any miracle cures in a jar…yet!

Potential Health Risk Myths These myths are medically unsound – believing them and acting on those beliefs can put your skin health in jeopardy. •

The higher a sunscreen product’s SPF rating, the longer you can stay in the sun. Wrong! An SPF rating indicates how well the sun’s rays are blocked – not how long the product protects you from cancer-causing UVB rays. Even the best sunscreen is reliably effective for no more than 80 minutes. So, a safe general rule is to re-apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 30 or more about every hour.

Sunscreens with an SPF rating are effective in shielding you from ALL cancer-causing rays. Wrong! An SPF rating only applies to UVB rays – the rating does not promise protection from the naturally abundant UVA rays, which can also cause skin cancer.

Instead of looking only for an SPF rating alone, seek out a “broadspectrum” sunscreen that will protect you from both UVA and UVB. To provide maximum protection, you’ll want a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30, or even higher, for intensive sun exposure. Also, couple appropriate sunscreen use with other “sun smart” behaviors like avoiding the mid-day sun, wearing protective clothing and a broad brimmed hat, and seeking shade when needing to be outdoors for prolonged periods. •

Makeup with SPF is all the protection you need. Wrong! Makeup goes on thin and provides, at best, a thin coating of protection. To get the same SPF protection as a normal sunscreen, you’d need to use about 15 times as much makeup as you’d use for purely cosmetic purposes, which is impractical and defeats the beauty purpose of makeup.

You don’t need sunscreen on a cloudy day. Wrong! UV radiation from the sun reaches the earth’s surface – and your skin – even on cloudy days. To protect against sun damage on cloudy days, do what you would do on sunny days. Use a broadspectrum sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 rating and reapply it about every hour.

Tanning booths are safe as long as they don’t include UVB rays. Wrong! UVA rays, which are found in tanning bed sunlamps, penetrate deep into the skin and can cause damage that shows itself as aging; and UVA rays can lead to skin cancer.

• Plant-based creams are always safe. Wrong! Many plant-based products found in creams, lotions, ointments or gels can trigger allergic reactions – just as ragweed pollen triggers hay fever in some people. The only way to help gauge whether a specific plant-based product is safe for you is to test it on a small patch of skin, and watch for hours to days for an allergic reaction.

Here are some non-myths you can use to preserve and support a beautiful, natural, youthful-looking you: Long-term Skin Care: Nearly everyone who’s not pregnant or nursing should use Retin-A or a product with retinoids. For this, we can recommend a professional grade product that is personalized for your skin type for best results. Daily Sunscreen: Sunscreen isn’t just for those times at the lake or on the golf course. Use a non-greasy sunscreen every day for your best protection against skin cancer and aging. Many of our patients wear sunscreen under their makeup – it provides invisible daily protection. Continue reading faceacadiana.com | FACE 45

Also, always look for a sunscreen, whether it is for daily use or extended outdoor activities that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Daily Anti-Aging: Products that contain ingredients known as “process proteins” or “growth factors” or specific “anti-oxidants” work every day to resist the ravages of aging. Check with a board certified Dermatologist, your personal “skin expert,” to help you pick the best products for your skin type. Exfoliating: Gently and properly removing the dead outer layer of your skin will help to reveal your more youthful and healthier looking skin. Products containing retinoids or glycolics can really help. We recommend a two-step approach. First, use a professional grade exfoliating cleanser with glycolic acid. Then use the Clarisonic PRO skin brush (which can only be found in a physician’s office) – an excellent exfoliating tool that helps preserve youthful-looking skin.

Bottom line: Avoid believing the myths! Take steps to use the right products for the right purposes. If you have any questions, check with your board certified dermatologist, a medical doctor specializing in your skin.

Dr. Chris Hubbell, M. D. is the Medical Director of aJeuné Advanced Medical Spa and Acadiana Dermatology. He has been in practice since 1991 and is Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology. Dr. Hubbell is committed to offering the very best in medical, surgical and aesthetic skincare.


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Lip Service How to Make a Powerful Lip Color Work for You!

You've seen it. Hollywood-siren reds, electric oranges, and deep, matte berry lips have taken center stage. You want to try it, yet you're apprehensive. Is it too dark? Too bold? Is the trend too young or too old? The answer is a resounding, "No!" In a season best known for sheer fabrics, soft flowing hairstyles, and dewy, sun-kissed makeup these creamy, opaque lip colors can make even the most skilled makeup artists ponder their pout prowess. Fortunately, with this simple lip color ritual you can control the power of this season’s hottest colors without any lip service! Thanks to advances in lip color performance and color delivery, even bold and intense lip colors may be applied directly to the lips without the use of a traditional lip liner. Once properly prepped, lined and stained, the lip color will glide on easily with soft strokes that work from the outer corners of the lips toward the center of the Cupid's bow. Blot away excess lip color. Using translucent powder, dust the lip line lightly to prevent feathering and ensure extended wear, then lightly apply a second coat of the lip color. Power colored lips inspire, awe, and intrigue. Whether your inspiration is drawn from the red carpets of Hollywood, or the glossy pages of Vogue, wear your lip color confidently and make that color work for you!


Prep. To prepare your pout, generously apply your favorite,

moisturizing lip balm. Exfoliate with a soft disposable mascara wand or old toothbrush, gently brush the lips using small, circular brush strokes. This process removes dry skin and creates a balanced canvas for the lip color to adhere to. Be cautious of your pressure as aggressive exfoliation may lead to redness and irritation. Once exfoliated, blot the lips with a tissue to remove excess lip balm.

Line. Not all lip-liners are created equal. To avoid an


unwanted separation of color, choose a lip liner shade that is closest to your natural lip color or a colorless lip liner. These products will blend readily while still protecting against feathering and bleeding. To line the lips, begin at the outer corners of the mouth and apply lip color just at the natural lip line using light feathery strokes while working toward the center of the Cupid's bow. Once the center is reached, repeat on the opposite side then softly fill in the interior of the lip, always blending toward the center.


Stain. To stain or not to stain? If you are looking for long-

wearing, intense lip color that requires minimal touch-ups, apply a lip stain in a similar color to your lipstick. Be cautious not to overload product onto the lips. One sheer coat will do the trick. Blot away excess product and set the stain with translucent powder to prepare for your final power color.

Pay-off. The power of your lip color, or pay-off, is the


amount of pigmentation the product achieves. Makeup artists agree that lip color payoff is in the tube (or color stick).

About the author: Keri Domingue is a licensed Cosmetologist and Cosmetology Educator. Keri entered the beauty industry in 2004 and is currently the Educational Coach at the Aveda Institute of Lafayette, a cutting edge, eco-friendly Cosmetology and Spa Institution dedicated to changing lives and shaping the future of beauty. Contact Keri at kerid@aisouth.com or 337-233-0511. 48 FACE | MAY 2014

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KISSED By Audrey Coots Summer is upon us and the sun isn’t the only thing coming out this month- so are our legs and arms no longer in hibernation beneath long sleeves and bulky pants. Unfortunately, those winter garments weren’t just comfy and concealing, they were also protective. Did you know that any tan acquired through the sun or via tanning beds is a sign of skin cell damage? Sun tanning

In reality, a dark tan gained from time spent in the sun or tanning bed is a cry for help from your skin.

causes premature aging and sun spots and using a tanning bed can be even worse. Skincancer.org, the official website of The Skin Cancer Foundation, states that “Indoor ultraviolet (UV) tanners are 74 percent more likely to develop melanoma than those who have never tanned indoors.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website states, “A tan is a response to injury: skin cells respond to damage from UV rays by producing more pigment.” In reality, a dark tan gained from time spent in the sun or tanning bed is a cry for help from your skin. But don’t fret, a health conscious person searching for better alternatives to the dangerous world of sun tanning can find plenty of other options. Drug stores and supermarkets sell self-tanning lotions in their health and beauty sections, and this is a good route to take for someone who is hoping to attain a short-term tan. Trusted name brands in the beauty world, such as Neutrogena and Jergens, offer lotions that gradually turn the skin a slightly darker 50 FACE | MAY 2014

shade when used over a period of days and

The companies that bring trusted skin

these lotions cost between $7 and $10. They

protection in the form of sun screen, Banana

also have the added benefit of moisturizers,

Boat and Coppertone, also offer self tanning

antioxidants and vitamins.

lotions. And the brand Equate even has a self-

Neutrogena also offers self tanning mists that boast a similar effect to that of an airbrush tan when applied properly. Loreal offers their version of the sunless tanning lotions and mists, and even more options with their self tanning gelee’ and mousse, both aimed at the more immediate and quicker drying sunless tan. These are, on average, around $8, about

tanning application mitt on shelves so that you can protect your hands from accidental streakiness. Most of these products contain the color additive dihydroxyacetone, which darkens the skin for a short period of time and wears off within a matter of days. Best of all, no interaction with the harmful UV rays of the sun or tanning beds!

the same price of the lotions and airbrush

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of

tans found in their skincare line.

selecting a self-tanning lotion on your own

They even offer a box of self tanning towelettes that are loaded with vitamin E and are offered at Walmart for $7.97 per box. Unlike with the lotions, which can take days to show any effects, the towelettes go into effect within an hour. They do, however, need

for fear of turning yourself orange or leaving streaks in all the wrong places, you might find a full service salon helpful. Allure Enhancement Center on West Pinhook Road in Lafayette offers a variety of treatments, their most popular of which is the spray on tan.

to be used daily and the directions on the box

“It’s really very pretty,” Allure employee Paige

suggest letting the skin completely dry before

Bates says. “It just gives you that glow.

wearing any clothing.

It looks like you’ve been kissed by the sun.”

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Accessories & GIFTS More good news? You may look like you’ve been kissed by the sun, but you haven’t! No harmful UV rays for you. Instead, you can get creative and opt for the Liquid Gold Shimmer Tan, which involves the application of a tanning solution with liquid gold shimmer drops to make the tan effect really glisten. A lot of people new to spray tanning may be nervous about the application process of the tan. After all, it does involve allowing another person to spray the tan over the parts of your body that you want tanned, which can mean a complete lack of tan lines. Allure addresses that issue easily enough: they provide disposable underwear and shower caps for those who need them, and their staff is made up of professionals who ensure your comfort with the whole process. As for the results, fellow long time employee Skylar Stoute hasn’t had any complaints.

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“People come in nervous about being orange, but our tanning solution looks natural. It makes you look like you’ve been outside and it isn’t orange or streaky.” Just be sure to protect your eyes, and refrain from inhaling the mist through the nose and mouth. And if you do find yourself enjoying the outdoors, remember, the CDC and The Skin Cancer Foundation, as well as most medical professionals, still advise you to seek shade, wear sunglasses and protect your skin. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, and while it cannot always be prevented, you can lower your risk of developing skin cancers by reducing your exposure to the sun.

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“I’m not going anywhere if that’s what you’re wearing!” “You dress like you’re stuck in the 70’s” “Did you get dressed in the dark?” Sound familiar? Are you the one saying it or the one it is being said to? True style comes from knowing who you are on the inside (your inner essence) and being able to reflect that on the outside through the clothes you choose to wear. As you evolve, mature, and discover new interests, it seems only natural that the same would happen with your choice of fashions. However, it is quite easy to get stuck in a style rut and forget what message you are conveying with the clothes you wear. You’ve heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. And, you have probably reminded your child or husband of this a million times. Studies show that it takes only seven seconds for someone to form an opinion about you. This is based strictly on nonverbal communication (what the eyes see). The brain makes a thousand

What’s Your

computations in lighting speed: Are you someone to approach or to avoid? Is what you are wearing age appropriate (too young or too old)? Are you dressed suitably for the occasion (wedding, office party, business meeting)? Are you trustworthy, competent, likeable, or confident?


As you reach a certain (uh-hum) age, it is easy to get comfortable in a routine and lose sight of


themselves in this position. Your life situation may have changed. Maybe your body is not as

the fact that how you dress is still a key element that defines who you are. Many women find slender as it once was. Or perhaps YOU have changed. You realize that you will feel a whole lot better if you look better, but somehow you can’t seem to get around to achieving it. Ever see a stylish woman walking down the street and wonder how she manages to look so darn good? A colleague that always shows up for work so well pulled together? Or a friend that seem to always be effortlessly chic? These ladies don’t have a personal stylist. Nor do they have a huge wardrobe budget. They’ve learned that half the battle of knowing how to dress is being able to identify their unique style personality! Complete this 30 minute questionnaire to get a better perspective of your style DNA. There are no right or wrong answers. The concept is to be in touch with yourself inside and out. It’s about understanding who you are at this point in your life, embracing it and allowing your personality to shine through the fashions you wear. Style is as much about knowing yourself as well as knowing what you want to portray. When you are done, review your answers and use it as a tool to help you shop with confidence and build a wardrobe that speaks volumes when you walk into a room. Continue reading

52 FACE | MAY 2014

faceacadiana.com | FACE 53


FASHION DNA QUIZ 1. What reaction (if any) do you normally get from the fashions you wear? (No reactions, a turn of the head, a big gasp or compliments, admirations and second looks.) 2. What does your current image say about you? (Psychological impression your style has on others: confident and classy, or outdated and old-fashion.) 3. Describe your current fashion style in three words? (Be honest.) 4. How would your Mother/ Daughter/Sister or BFF describe your fashion style? (This may be a good time to get their opinion.) 5. What colors dominate your wardrobe? (Brown: sad and wistful; Pink: girly and gentle; Blue: loyal, confident and intelligent.) 6. Do you preplan what you are going to wear or randomly pull something from your closet?(A little preplanning the night before doesn’t take a lot of effort and gives you extra time in the morning.) 7. Do you have a closet full of clothes but still feel you have nothing to wear? (Holding on to clothes you’ve outgrown, out-loved, or out-of-style.) 8. If something is stained, ripped, too tight or too big, do you wear it anyway and think no one will really notice? (You’re only fooling yourself... everyone notices! Remember your appearance is the first thing someone will take note of when meeting you.) 9. Does your fashion style reflect your high school years, college years, or maternity years? (Out with the old and in with the current.) 10. Have you worn the same hair and makeup style for the last 10, 15 or 20 years? (See answer above.) Visit www.dressingyourtruth.com to help further analyze your personal fashion style. Tracee Dundas is a freelance stylist, blogger, fashion editor for New Orleans Magazine and fashion event producer. She is the Founder and Creative Director of Fashion Week New Orleans and the “go-to-gal” for all things fashionable in the Gulf Coast. Tracee hosts a weekly fashion style segment “Fashion Friday” on WVUE Fox 8 in New Orleans. Tracee is a graduate of USL and a native of St. Martinville, LA.

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Urinary Incontinence: Don’t Suffer in Silence By Chris Fontenot, MD, FACS

Urinary incontinence, defined as unwanted leakage of urine, affects about 34 million people in the United States. It has many causes and can affect men or women, children or adults, and can occur at any age. However, the most common patients seen at an incontinence clinic are adult women. Often, but not always, these women have had children and are post-menopausal. Many women are afraid to seek treatment for incontinence as it can be an embarrassing subject to discuss. Also, there are many myths about diagnosis and treatment. For example, large incisions and long-term bladder catheters are rarely employed in the treatment of incontinence anymore. In fact, many patients are now treated with simple changes in daily routines, physical therapy, or medication. There are many types of incontinence, but the two most common are urge incontinence, characterized by leakage of urine associated with the urge to urinate; or stress incontinence, characterized by leakage of urine with abdominal straining (laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.). Determination of the type of incontinence is critical to treatment success. The doctor will perform a physical examination which will offer clues as to the proper diagnosis and the treatment that will provide the greatest chance of success. Additional testing may include measurements of bladder urine, review of urination ‘diaries’, and sophisticated physiologic bladder testing. The initial treatment for urge incontinence will likely include medication. There are now a litany of such medications available, and are advertised heavily by manufacturers. Another myth is that these

medications are “all the same,” the truth being they clearly are not. Other options which may be considered include timed voiding (going to the bathroom on a schedule), peripheral nerve stimulation, or even Botox injections in the bladder! Stress incontinence typically does not respond to available medications. Options that may be considered include Kegel exercises, physical therapy or surgery. The last word is unfortunately what scares people away. Modern incontinence surgery is usually minimally invasive. Large abdominal incisions, long-term bladder catheters and prolonged recovery periods are simply no longer a reality of incontinence treatment. The fact is unwanted leakage of urine does not have to be a reality in anyone’s life. There is vast experience and expertise, along with state–of-the-art treatments available right here in Acadiana. So if you are experiencing urinary incontinence, make an appointment to at least obtain a correct diagnosis and discuss your options. You may find that obtaining dryness is a lot easier than you expected! Dr. Chris Fontenot is a member of the Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology and the International Incontinence Society. He also recently received special training in male infertility and microsurgery and is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. He is also a member of the American Urological Association, the LA State Urological Society where he served as Secretary and Historian, the Louisiana State Medical Society and the US Autism and Asperger Association. You can contact Dr. Fontenot’s office at 337-232-4555 for an appointment.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 55

f o e d o L Mother ion

h s a F r Summe

This easy, Julie Brown oxford dress is perfect with an on-thego pony tail and flats, or dresses up for an evening of boating or a dinner date at Tsunami. Wear the frock with Clarks wedges, a Vince Camuto handbag and a ‘Karma’ dog-eared necklace.

56 FACE | MAY 2014

Take a break from your busy day to plan something special. This strappy, t-length Weston dress is ultra-flattering and hugs in exactly the right places. Paired with Seychelles wedges and a ‘Balance’ dog-eared necklace… Va-va-voom!

PHOTOGRAPHY BY PENNY MOORE OF MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY Special thanks to Olde Towne at Millcreek and Solis Builders of Louisiana

faceacadiana.com | FACE 57

Project comfort and class in soft, summer colors with this simple scalloped top and white lace jeans outfit! Layer on the accessories with faux bois wedge heels and snakeskin clutch, floral necklace and gold drop earrings, hammered bangles and stone wire bracelet.

Socialize in style wearing with this colorful floral print maxi dress and delicate crochet vest accessorized with a stone cuff, rope hoop earrings, and marbled stone necklace. Chinese laundry platform wedge and small, fringe cross body purse complete your stylish look.

58 FACE | MAY MAY 2014 2014

Get ready for the resort! White so-slim Lisette pants and seamless tank in aquamarine topped with waterfall sublimation jacket and handcrafted turquoise statement necklace. Pair with turquoise clutch handbag and designerstyle black sandals for resort casual comfort.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 59

Be cool this summer in Caribbean Joe's vibrant animal print tankini and coral cover up by Dotti. Add your personal touch with bright colored jewels, floppy hat, and strappy sandals! Shine bright at the beach or by the pool this summer while being absolutely stylish!

Get vacation ready with all of your summer must-haves from the Get Wet Shop. This sea blue five-way tankini by Coco Reef paired with floppy hat and strappy Billabong sandals is perfect for your upcoming summer get away. Add a boho beach bag and tumbler for extra sass!

60 MAY 2014 2014 60 FACE FACE || MAY

Hit the deck in a jeweled beach-to-bar Mudpie cover up with a Blossom Boutique canvas tote and Oka B ‘Chloe’ sandals. Go fashion-forward with chic Banded headband!

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Look pool-side ready in a flare sleeve cover up accessorized with jewelry from Lenny & Eva and Towen & Reese. Sport ‘The Skinny’ Fit Flops and the Savannah hat by Wallaroo Hat Company, paired with a personalized Mudpie beach tote packed with pool side accoutrement.

62 MAY 2014 2014 62 FACE FACE || MAY

Be smart, cool and casual this Mother’s Day in dark wash, slim cut JAG jeans and JAG natural linen blazer over classic white t-shirt. Accessorize with a gorgeous multicolor turquoise statement necklace, bracelet and summer suede platform wedges. Don’t forget the stunning oversized turquoise shoulder tote!

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2014 Family Adventure Day

March 29, 2014 To benefit the Healing House — Hope For Grieving Children

Donor Appreciation Breakfast

April 23, 2014 To benefit the Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic (LCHCC)

64 FACE | MAY 2014

8th Annual Walk for Hope April 5, 2014 | Blackham Coliseum To benefit the Autism Society of Acadiana

faceacadiana.com | FACE 65


RePROM 2014

April 12, 2014 | Hilton Ballroom To benefit the Lafayette Education Foundation

66 FACE | MAY 2014

Women’s History Month Weekly Lecture Series Lafayette Commission on the Needs of Women

faceacadiana.com | FACE 67


COLA Water Safety Day April 13th | Robicheaux Center

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 69

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