FACE Magazine September 2013

Page 1


Fashion Savvy Over

Pick Your Passion Yoga: Anti-Aging Solution? The Truth About Menopause

Awkward Awkward Moments Moments 101 101

Shannon Dartez

Self-proclaimed ‘volunteer junkie’ balancing family, career, and community -- everyone can make a difference in someone else’s life.

Fashion for Football and Arts Season

Childhood Obesity An Epidemic

Concuss ion Management Fact vs F ict io n

Gluten-Free Is it right for you?

Louisiana Pride for Our Louisiana Teams

Shop Vanessa UL Dresses!

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Tiger Fan Gear!

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On the cover 36 SHANNON DARTEZ

Balancing Act

“I believe women should follow their heart and do what they feel is best for

their family and for them personally.”

Features 08 Acadiana Center for The arts

Enriching Lafayette

10 christian youth theater

Building Character

50 TRUTH ABOUT MENOPAUSE 08 grandparents day

Granny Frannie Fun

faceacadiana.com | FACE 5


58 FASHION Find You Passion

Contents 08 community matters 12 health matters 18 nutrition

Going Against the Grain

20 fitness

Yoga: The Ideal Anti-Aging Solution?

22 Career 24 finance 28 acadiana life 32 the cause 44 grace notes

Awkward Moments 101

46 family 52 healthy relationships 54 beauty 56 Style

Fashion Savvy Over 40

67 show your facE

EvErythINg yOu lOvE AbOut FACE IN ONE plACE lOCAl EvENts

vIEw thE

lAtEst publICAtION

shOppINg IDEAs

bEAuty tIps

sNEAK pEEK At phOtO shOOts


thE lAtEst

...AND MOrE!





EDITOR’s Desk | Lisa DAY

September brings Grandparents Day but growing up, for me, most every day was Grandparents Day. There were very few days that I did not spend at least part of a day with my grandmother, Azimia Roy, better known as Moozie. She was a permanent fixture in my life. At Moozie’s house I learned to sew pillowcases and embroider, wash dishes by hand, how to plant tomatoes and pick and snap beans. I learned how to cook (not with a recipe but with handfuls and pinches), how to catch fireflies in a Mason jar and watch her ‘stories’. My grandmother’s family immigrated to New Orleans, Louisiana from the Canary Islands in 1778 on a packed ship from Tenerife. Her great, great, grandfather, Geronimo Hernandez was only 4 years old. From one small child and generations of grandparents, a family has grown that has spanned across centuries. My grandmother passed away at age 95. I miss her still, but I know that she had a full life and is still keeping an eye on me! Happy Grandparents Day, Moozie!




Vol. 6 | No. 4

EDITOR Lisa Day editor@faceacadiana.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR/EVENTS Flint Zerangue, Jr. flintjr@faceacadiana.com SALES DEPARTMENT sales@faceacadiana.com 337-456-5540 Annette Vidrine | annette@faceacadiana.com Cassie Swain | cassie@faceacadiana.com


Tim Borland . Dr. Kelly Cobb Danielle M. Dayries . Tommy Dean Tracee Dundas Kathryn Elliott, PhD, LPS-S, LMFT Robin Ferguson Dr. Tiina Garrison, PhD, CSCS, HFS Betsy Guidry . Lynley Jones Jessica Manafi Joslyn McCoy, PhD, BCBA-D Frances McIntosh, RDN, LDN Carol Mills . Jan Swift CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Penny Moore with Moore Photography PUBLISHER Flint Zerangue, Sr. info@faceacadiana.com

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FACE Magazine is published monthly and distributed free of charge to individuals and businesses throughout the Acadiana region. It is also available online at www. FACEACADIANA.com. No portion of this publication may be reproduced nor republished without written consent from the Publisher. Unsolicited material may not be returned. The owners, publishers, and editors shall not be responsible for loss or injury of any submitted manuscripts, promotional material, and/or art. The acceptance of advertising in FACE Magazine does not imply endorsement. FACE Magazine reserves the right, without giving specific reason, to refuse advertising if copy does not conform to editorial policies and/or standards. FACE Magazine does not necessarily agree with nor condone the opinions, beliefs, or expressions of our writers and advertisers. © 2013 FACE Magazine/Zerangue Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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The ACA Continues to Grow and Enrich Lafayette By Tim Borland Local citizens who have charted the rise of the Acadiana Center for the Arts since it’s founding in 1975 have noted the rapid growth and expansion of the organization. Originally the Acadiana Arts Council, the small organization expanded through renovating an old bank building into what would eventually become the ACA facility. The figures are impressive; since formation, the ACA has doubled its operating space, tripled its staff, and tripled its budget.

Dr. John is amongst the many talents scheduled to perform during this season.

The ACA constantly collaborates with other city organizations to provide a multitude of experiences that enrich the local community. The Acadiana symphony, UL Jazz Ensemble, and Chorale Acadian all have great relationships with the ACA and utilize the facilities for performances. Other events hosted at the building include American Cancer Society fundraisers and Acadiana Business Hall of Fame Junior Achievement awards. The Christian Youth Theatre will be performing a special one time only performance in October as well.

“We are very fond of supporting other nonprofits be it the arts or on the social service side. We feel that having a great place like this should serve the community on the whole,” Wuestemann explains. Recently, the ACA merged with the Performing Arts Society of Acadiana to create an even larger more influential organization with an estimated yearly budget of $3 million. The merger has allowed for exclusive performances to occur in the ACA Theater, while the larger 2,000 seat Heymann Center is reserved for better-known acts. “When the opportunity arose, were very passionate about it because we felt a united organization could serve the community better throughout the culture,” Wuestemann expresses. The 2013-2014 season runs from September to June, and will feature the likes of musicians Robert Cray, Aaron Neville, Trombone Shorty, and Dr. John alongside dance showcases like the Apollo Theater production James Brown: Get on the Good Foot, A Celebration In Dance. On Saturdays at noon the ACA offers the Met Opera in HD, giving local citizens a chance to experience world-class opera for an inexpensive admission price. The Cane Fire film series is dedicated to presenting high-end art 8 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

Upcoming at the ACA LA Crossroads • Dr. John and the Night Trippers, Sept 6 @ 7:30 p.m. PASA Main stage PASA MAINSTAGE • James Brown: Get On The Good Foot, A Celebration In Dance, Oct 17 @ 7:30 p.m. • Sweet Plantain, Nov 13 @ 7:30 p.m. • Danu, Dec 3 @ 7:30 p.m. • The Broadway Boys, Jan 30 @ 7:30 p.m. • Pat Metheny Unity Group, Feb 18 @ 7:30 p.m. All-Stars • Clint Black, Sept 26, 7:30 p.m. • The Robert Cray Band, Oct 12, 7:30 p.m. • An Evening with Pikelny, Sutton, Bulla, Bales, & Cobb, Nov 2, 7:30 p.m. • Christmas with Aaron Neville, Dec 11, 7 p.m. • The Mavericks, Dec 20, 7:30 p.m. Visit acadianacenterforthearts.org for more upcoming jazz, Met opera in HD, visual arts, and special event dates.

films and films about performing arts each Monday night. This year alone, at least five local theater productions will be held at ACA facilities. As part of a national dance touring initiative, the ACA will also host world-class dance competitions from the Danny Dorfman and GLO dance companies. The ACA is constantly looking for ways to improve the arts in the Acadiana area. Temporary art projects could be displayed publicly and dismantled after a period of time. The ACA has also suggested creating two mile long sculpture park. “Lafayette begins to be populated with public art as well. I think that is something we are missing in this area, and something we should be engaged in at the ACA,” Wuestemann comments. The important thing for local residents to remember is that the ACA can only exist with the community’s support. The ACA raises funds through grants, sponsorships, and individual donors. The facility is also available for wedding receptions and formal dinners, with proceeds benefitting the organization. Ticket sales have been extremely positive with approximately $80,000 in ticket profits last season.

“A lot of what we do is extremely affordable and we want to keep it that way. We believe access for people to great quality entertainment and art and culture is critically important,” Wuestemann emphasizes. People can support the ACA by becoming a member or by purchasing tickets to shows. The theater is always in need of volunteer ushers and ticket takers. The organizers also encourage citizens to send a message to their local and state legislature to let these leaders know there is some level of public support for art organizations and significant non-profits in the area. For the community to continue to have fantastic cultural events, members of that community must voice their desire for said public services. “We all know in Acadiana that without that incredible culture piece that is so much a part of our daily life here, we would just be another city. We wanted this to be a cultural community hub, a center that everyone uses all the time for a variety of different reasons, and I think that is where we are headed,” Wuestemann says.

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Building Character, One Step at a Time By Carol Mills, Artistic Director, CYT-Lafayette A shy girl sat at the edge of her chair about to conquer one of

“Building character,

those great life challenges — the kind of challenge where one

one stage at a time,” is

must step beyond the familiar — the kind of challenge that is a

the CYT motto, and this

precursor to social and emotional growth—the kind of challenge

life-building experience

that prepares one for success in a way that no academic course

for children is offered to

of study can. The child was not alone in her quest that day.

families of all income levels

Scores of children, ages 8-18 chose to face that challenge.

and backgrounds. Kallie

With pounding hearts and sweaty palms, they waited with an

Broussard, former CYT

exhilarating sense of anticipation, and perhaps a bit of dread,

student, ULL performing arts

for their moment in the limelight. One after another, they rose

major, and faculty member

to that life-challenge. Displaying skill beyond their years and

describes CYT as a place,

heartfelt passion, they earnestly campaigned for an opportunity

“where kids can feel safe

to be a part of a creative experience that over the next 10

and be loved while doing

weeks would transform a script and song book into a magical

what they love.” Walk into

adventure not only for themselves, but for audiences too.

a rehearsal and you might

Christian Youth Theater (CYT) is a faith-based, franchised, after-school musical theater program that began in California three decades ago. Today more than 10,000 students across the country, ages 4-18, participate. Gerald and Patti Broussard founded CYT-Lafayette four years ago around their kitchen table. “It was a risk for our family. We invested our own money. We didn’t know anything about musical theater,” Gerald remembers with a smile, “But we trusted that God was leading us, and we had no other choice than to step out with confidence.” 10 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

see a child wearing a t-shirt that reads, “Free to be me at CYT.” Linger for a while, and you will see that this phrase indeed reflects the culture of this organization. Beginning in 2009 with 25 students and a handful of classes taught by volunteers, CYT has grown to nearly 200

Right here in Acadiana, children have the opportunity to experience world-class musical theater training...

children enrolled in a full slate of musical theater disciplines.

turned to a new friend, beaming with delight, “That was really

A ULL fine arts internship program pairs outstanding

hard, but it was also fun.” An important life lesson was captured

education and performing arts majors with master teachers

in that childish phrase, for we know that children who today

in courses ranging from rudimentary to advanced classes

embrace difficulty with confidence, and find joy in mastering

in drama, vocals and dance. Script writing, costuming,

challenges, become tomorrow’s leaders.

theatrical make-up, stunt and set-building classes are also offered.

It is refreshing to know that right here in Acadiana, children have the opportunity to experience world-class musical theater

Most would agree that theater education inspires and

training, regardless of school funding challenges or socio-

stretches a child’s understanding of life, but is often not

economic status. Certainly, it is a forward-thinking community

accessible to all who want to participate. Recently, CYT@

that champions performing arts programs like CYT and others

School was launched, offering an afterschool musical theater

that build faith, friendship, and character all while adding beauty

curriculum to Acadiana area schools. Kristi Perry, area

and inspiration to the cultural richness of South Louisiana!

coordinator, works with each school to design a program that best meets the school’s instructional objectives and the

If you want to witness the transformation of these children from

interests of the students.

novice to master performers, check out Christian Youth Theater’s presentation of the Broadway classic, The Wizard of Oz, coming

For families who lack the financial resources to participate,

to Angelle Auditorium (ULL), Oct 10-13. Tickets are available

CYT is developing a program for underserved communities.

at www.cytlafayette.org. The production includes a cast of 100

Last year, CYT used a grant to fund 800 student tickets to the musical, HONK, as well as school assemblies that introduced the show themes of embracing diversity and responding to

performers, a live orchestra, spectacular sets, choreography and special effects. You will be entertained and inspired!

bullying. Many students had never seen live theater, and after the show, several sent notes asking to enroll in classes for the next session. One fifth-grader wrote, “I have a lot of talent…I really just want one chance.” This year CYT will offer classes to students like these, in their own neighborhoods, so that location and transportation are not a deterrent. As the recent auditions came to a close, the children discovered that preparing and participating in an audition was in and of itself a milestone to be celebrated. One child

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Seeing Stars

By Tommy Dean

What may have been perceived as a minor incident a generation ago is now known to be far more serious with major health risks. A concussion is a brain injury and is defined as, “a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces.” When you slam your head, the force rapidly pushes the brain against the interior of the skull. This sudden movement causes brain cells to shear and tear, altering the electrical and chemical balance critical to cell function and communication. This damage can lead to permanent loss of important connections in the brain. The most important step to take when a concussion is suspected is to immediately remove the athlete from activity and have him or her evaluated by a qualified professional. No one reasonably suspected of having a concussion should ever be allowed to return to play the same day, including children or adolescents.

trainers should be employed at every level, especially in schools with contact sports. Their education, training and experience working with student athletes make them an integral part of proper concussion management. One of the biggest problems today is that many schools do not have certified athletic trainers on staff to assess concussions appropriately.

So what is a “qualified” professional when it comes to concussions? Certified athletic trainers (designated by the ATC certification) are the first line of defense when recognizing and managing concussions appropriately. These athletic

2. Immediate assessment of potential concussion, ideally by an on-site athletic trainer.


What is the proper method for managing a concussive injury in student athletes? There are five key components: 1. Pre-season baseline neurocognitive testing & education.

3. The student athlete is referred to an appropriate healthcare provider (trained in neuropsychology

or concussion evaluation and management) for post-injury neurocognitive testing and a treatment plan. 4. The student athlete’s return to noncontact/contact activity is managed through a graduated protocol after the cessation of symptoms. 5. The student athlete is fully cleared to return to normal activity only when a physician specializing in concussions indicates that it is safe to do so.

concussions: FACT VS. FICTION “Concussions aren’t a big deal.” Wrong. Just because the injury isn’t visible like a broken arm or bruised knee, doesn’t mean it isn’t serious. Concussions are very real injuries that must be treated properly by trained professionals. Thanks to research and scientific improvements, we know much more about concussions than ever before. Parents should avoid minimizing the seriousness of concussions based on their own experience. Because the full onset of symptoms may not be apparent until sometime after the injury, it’s important that players who experience any concussion-like symptoms be monitored for further development.

“Once your head is clear, it’s safe to go back into the game.”

“Even small collisions or impacts can result in concussions.”

Nope. Symptoms and effects from concussions generally appear over time, and do not heal overnight. If a concussion is suspected, the athlete should be referred to a qualified professional and kept from activity until he or she has fully recovered. A generation ago it might have been called “seeing stars,” or having “your bell rung” but we now know that any dysfunction in normal brain function is quite serious and counts as a concussion. Players should never return to play immediately after these kinds of symptoms—regardless of their parents’ own experiences as children.

Absolutely. Just as every “big hit” doesn’t produce a concussion, even a hit that seems minor can cause a concussion. Everyone’s threshold for injury is different, thus every concussion is different. That’s why every aspect of the treatment should be tailored to the specific athlete and injury. Athletes must always be given the necessary time to rest and recover, both physically and cognitively. In some cases, that may even mean time away from school to allow the brain to fully heal. The most important factor should always be the child’s health and individual recovery needs. Continue reading

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FACE | HEALTH MATTERS If a student athlete sustains a concussion and returns to activity before the brain has had time to heal, the results can be catastrophic. Even mere physical exertion following a concussive episode can be a major hazard. The worst case scenario of returning to play too soon is sustaining further damage to the brain or even death. But even short of that, there are very serious risks. Google “Zachary Lystedt” sometime to see the dangers of returning to play before the brain has fully healed. The sooner a concussion can be identified, the more likely an athlete can recover normally and fully. About the author: Tommy Dean is the founder and managing member of Concussion Solutions, LLC and has more than 11 years experience in managing and implementing sport-related concussion protocols. Dean is a board-certified athletic trainer, currently the staff athletic trainer at Episcopal School of Acadiana and is the lead consultant for the sports-related concussion management program of 35 area high schools.


Concussion Symptoms: Warning signs Concussions are difficult to diagnose, and should always be evaluated by a qualified professional. But there are a range of symptoms that may be associated with concussions including but are not limited to: • Headaches or “pressure” in the head • Nausea or vomiting after a blow to the head (head-on or “whiplash”) • Double or blurred vision, balance problems or dizziness • Sensitivity to light or noise • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, confused or just “not right” • Unusual concentration or memory problems • Difficulty recalling events before or after the hit • Marked behavior or personality changes • Appearing dazed or stunned, may forget well-known information like plays or position/assignment • Disturbances in normal sleep patterns

For More Information on Concussions The blog www.momsteam.com is a good resource as is www.nflevolution.com, and be sure to check out the Facebook page for Concussion Solutions (www.facebook.com/ConcussionSolutions) for local advice and information about concussions and student athletes.

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Is Adrenal Fatigue Dragging You Down?

Typically, adrenal fatigue patients find it difficult to wake up in the morning,

By Dr. Kelly Cobb

crash midday and struggle to fall

Insomnia, fatigue, anxiety and weight gain are some of the most common complaints doctors see in the office day in and day out. These symptoms can occasionally be explained by a medical diagnosis but more often than not a patient will have a completely normal workup leaving the patient confused and frustrated.

asleep at night.

These patients are experiencing fatigue which is really just a description of low metabolic energy. Quite often, fatigue may point to a malfunction in a person’s adrenal function and/ or thyroid. In fact, 80% of Americans will experience these symptoms at some point in their lives. Typically, adrenal fatigue patients find it difficult to wake up in the morning, crash midday and struggle to fall asleep at night. Additional symptoms include becoming ill frequently, offbalance body temperature and unexplained hair loss. Patients often describe feeling that their bodies cannot keep up with their racing minds, and they tend to push themselves to keep going with coffee and other stimulants. The adrenals are small glands located on top of each kidney. They are important control centers for many of the body’s hormones including cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. These hormones help us manage stress, maintain salt and water balance, metabolize carbohydrates and regulate blood sugar. When we are exposed to chronic stressors, the adrenal glands pump out increasing levels of hormones eventually depleting the body of the essentials it needs to provide metabolic energy. This is not a life threatening disease, but it will severely affect a person’s quality of life and the ability to fulfill their life, work and health goals. These problems can be identified through a patient’s history, blood tests and saliva tests. Keep in mind, adrenal fatigue is not a recognized medical diagnosis and you should continue to pursue routine medical workups. Our South Louisiana lifestyle emphasizes a work hard, play hard philosophy that can sometimes leave out adequate time to re-center and relax. Usually lifestyle changes can significantly repair the adrenals. A healthy, low-glycemic diet, free of processed foods, vitamins and adequate sleep and exercise can put you well on the road to adrenal recovery.


About the author: Kelly Cobb is a board certified internal medicine physician and the Medical Director at Nouriche. She has always been interested in the complexities that influence mind, body and health. She is actively pursuing her certification in functional medicine which helps her find the root cause of disease. She is happy to be raising her two children close to friends and family in Lafayette. Dr. Cobb’s interests include music of all kinds, modern art, travel, philosophy, world history, philanthropy, outdoor activities, creative writing, documentary film, and sailing.

The Childhood Obesity Tsunami With one in five children in the United States overweight or obese, the time to act is now and the first step in action is awareness. As a society, we cannot sit back and wait for the 50 foot tidal wave heading toward our country to crash onto our shores. Let’s look at the phases of the tsunami headed toward us.

By Robin Ferguson

Since the 1970s our country has experienced the dramatic increase in childhood obesity from 3 to 5% to up to 15 to 20%. It is even as high as 50% in some minority communities. We are now starting to witness this increased weight in children translate into serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These diseases are presenting in children as young as 5 years of age. • Phase three is the impending crash of the 50 foot tidal wave looming over us. This awaiting • wave holds with it the increased risk of life threatening events such as heart attack, stroke, cancer and kidney failure that overweight and obese children will be facing if they don’t change their habits and their health. Coupled with the increased risk of disease, these children are more likely to have a hard time with their emotions and with their peers. “Overweight kids are more likely to have depression and low self-esteem, to be teased or bullied, and to bully other children," said Catherine Davis, associate professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Georgia. These can be serious problems for these children." It is estimated that 20% of overweight children suffer from depression. If you have an overweight child, it is very important to be supportive but also very honest. Talk to your child about their weight and let them know they can ask questions and share their feelings with you. It is also important to get the whole family on-board with living a healthy lifestyle. So how do you involve the whole family? There are many ways to involve the entire family in healthy habits. Increasing the family's physical activity is important. Some ideas to accomplish this include: • Lead by example. Let your children see that you are physically active and having fun then they are more likely to be active for the rest of their lives.

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and SuperKids Nutrition (SKN) have partnered to create a free series of online toolkits called Healthy Kids Today – Cancer Prevention Tomorrow. Download your FREE toolkits today: http://www.aicr.org/healthykids

Plan family activities that involve movement, like hiking, biking, or swimming. Reduce the amount of time you and your family spend watching TV, being on the computer, or playing video games. Children who watch TV more than 4 hours a day are more likely to be overweight.

As children are growing, it can be difficult to assess obesity. The best person to determine whether or not your child is overweight is your child's doctor. The doctor will calculate Body Mass Index as well as consider age and growth patterns. Food for thought: Be responsible about your own health. Obesity and unhealthy lifestyle often occurs in several family members. If you need to lose weight, doing so will likely motivate your child to do the same. Don't expect your child to do something you are unwilling to do for yourself.

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“It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it myself.” –Joyce Maynard About the author: Robin has been a Group Fitness Instructor for 25 years and is currently a Certified Health Coach with Take Shape for Life. She has worked with approximately 200 clients on achieving and maintaining Optimal Health. You can contact Robin at 337-298-5607 or visit www.robinferguson.tsfl.com/explore. faceacadiana.com | FACE 17


Going Against the Grain…Or Not Decide if gluten-free is right for you! What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley; it’s the substance that holds ingredients together and it makes bread. Who goes gluten-free? Individuals who have Celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten. When a person with Celiac disease consumes a food containing gluten, their immune system attacks the small intestine preventing absorption of the nutrients into the body. Symptoms of this auto-immune disease include diarrhea, steatorrhea (undigested fat in the stool), foul-smelling stools, abdominal bloating, fatigue, and poor weight gain. Celiac disease is diagnosed by a physician after gathering medical history, clinical evaluations, and blood work, a biopsy of the small intestine may be needed to confirm the presence of the disease.

Gluten sensitivity produces symptoms similar to a food allergy or intolerance; asthma, bowel problems, migraine, middle ear infection, coughing, or sinus issues. An elimination diet can help determine if you are sensitive to gluten. An elimination 18 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

By Frances McIntosh, RDN, LDN

diet is exactly how it sounds. You ‘eliminate’ foods thought to be causing a problem to see if the symptoms clear up. Then, if the symptoms disappear, the offending foods items are reintroduced, one at a time over a period of time, to see if the adverse symptoms can be reproduced. Can I go gluten-free even if I don’t have Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? I wouldn’t recommend a gluten-free diet if you don’t have to be on one. Firstly, a gluten-free diet is very restrictive since gluten is found in breads, cakes, candy, cereals, chips, gravies, soups, snacks, seasonings, malt flavorings, beer, soy sauce, and so many other food items. It would be very time consuming to read every food label that you are going to put in your shopping cart; and if the product contains gluten, find an alternative. Also, some medications and vitamins have gluten added because it helps bind the ingredients together. There is also the potential of cross-contamination in facilities that produce gluten containing products. This is not a comprehensive list of changes you would have to make. So there’s a lot to think about before going gluten-free. Are there any risks in following a gluten-free diet? Yes, there are nutritional risks. Many grain products are enriched with vitamins and minerals. Eliminating this food group from

Cranberry Pumpkin Spoon Bread Makes 8 Servings • 3 cups milk • 1 cup cornmeal • 6 tablespoons (¾ stick) butter • 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar • 1 ¼ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice • 1 teaspoon baking powder • ¾ teaspoon salt • 1 can (15 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin • 4 eggs, separated • 1 cup dried cranberries, coarsely chopped

Preheat oven to 350 ° F. Grease 11 x 7 inch baking pan. Bring milk to a simmer in medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Slowly whisk in cornmeal, stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Whisk brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, and salt in small bowl. Stir into cornmeal mixture until well blended; cool slightly. Stir in pumpkin, egg yolks, and cranberries until well blended. Beat egg whites in large bowl with electric mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form. Fold egg whites into cornmeal mixture in three additions. Spoon into prepared pan. Bake 35 minutes or until puffed and golden. Serve warm.

your diet could cause a deficiency in iron, calcium, fiber, and several of the B vitamins. Iron carries oxygen in the blood, your body uses calcium not only to strengthen bones and teeth but to regulate heart-beat, and fiber is needed to keep our bowel movements regular and to lower cholesterol. This is just a snap-shot of why we need these nutrients and not an ‘all-inclusive’ list of their functions in the body. Where can I buy gluten-free products? Most grocery and health food stores carry gluten-free items, and they even taste good! Also, the majority of restaurants accommodate people who are on gluten restricted diets. Even Italian restaurants have wheat pasta alternatives! So being glutenfree is definitely easier now than in

previous years. The bottom line... If your health is improved by going gluten-free, do it. Always speak to your physician or a dietitian before starting any food restriction diet. About the author: Frances McIntosh, RDN, LDN is a UL graduate in Dietetics. Originally from Scotland, Frances is mom to two musician sons and a daughter who is a pet rescue enthusiast. Frances is the owner of Body Karma Nutrition LLC. As the name represents, what you put into your body determines your personal wellness. “Good nutrition, good health.” Frances is also part of the Relevant Coaching LLC team, “Direction Determines Destination.”

Gluten-Free Flour Blend for Yeast Breads 1 cup brown rice flour 1 cup sorghum flour 1 cup tapioca flour 1 cup cornstarch ¾ cup millet flour or chickpea flour ½ cup instant mashed potato flakes

Gluten-Free Pantry

• GF pasta • GF soy sauce

• Beans and lentils • Chickpea flour • Corn grits starch • Cornmeal and corn • Corn tortillas and taco shells r rice) • GF cereal (corn and/o • GF flour blends orite • GF mixes for your fav , ies ok co brownies, or muffins

• Polenta • Quinoa • Rice • Rice flour • Tapioca flour • Wild rice • Xanthan gum used as a thickener

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 19


Yoga: The Ideal Anti-Aging Solution?

In addition, yoga also By Dr. Tiina Garrison, Ph.D., CSCS, HFS

A growing body of scientific evidence now is emerging and validating what yogis have known for years.

increases the body’s parasympathetic activity. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

For thousands of years now, yoga practitioners have given

Increased activation of

testimonies on the multitude of benefits that a regular yoga

parasympathetic output

practice can bring about, but the evidence has been mainly

enhances our relaxation

anecdotal. But now the scientific evidence is growing,

response, which allows our

confirming what yogis have known for years.

bodies to restore and rebuild more effectively. Furthermore,

Benefits of yoga include stress reduction, improved fitness and

evidence suggests that some

risk reduction and/or management of chronic conditions such

yoga practices that are more

as hypertension, depression, and anxiety. First and foremost

vigorous in nature activate

however, yoga seems to be one of the best anti-aging solutions out

the sympathetic nervous

there. Growing older does not necessarily have to mean looking

system at first. If vigorous

or acting old. Regular yoga practice can alter several of the factors

practice is followed by quiet

that cause us to have age-related decline in many areas. Studies

asana (poses), breathing, and

show that yoga can help maintain vitality, flexibility, and strength.

meditation, the physiological relaxation response is even

Harvard Medical School’s scientists report that yoga... • Reduces stress that makes us look and feel older than our years. • Makes the parts of the brain responsible for memory grow stronger and sharper. • Elevates our mood and enhancing our spiritual outlook, giving us a sense of peace and calm.

Yoga has shown to dampen the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (often referred to as our body’s “fight or flight" response) and the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause a multitude of negative health

Yoga is suitable for most adults of condition. This

vigorous or calm style of yoga

includes men and

practice, science shows that

women, from kids to

Last but definitely not

and non-athletes.

least (and personally one

There are several

of my favorites!), studies

styles, intensities,

suggest that yoga (and other

available. Talk to the

symptoms of many stress-related health conditions such as high

teachers or studio

mindfulness practices) affect the neuroplasticity of the brain. What on earth does that mean? Scientists used to

owners to find the

think that the brain is a static

best style/class that

structure (is not capable of

other words, yoga can boost the “feel-good brain chemicals” that

fits your needs and

are targets of many antidepressant and anti-anxiety medicines.



it works!

older adults, athletes

means that regular yoga practice can reduce the incidence or

neurotransmitters, such as GABA, serotonin, and dopamine. In

bottom line of all of this is that whether you choose a more

and forms of yoga

Regular yoga practice also increases the levels of certain

relaxation practices alone. The

any age or physical

consequences if elevated over a longer period of time. This

blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, depression and anxiety.

greater than if compared to

changing). However, they now know that it is an organ that is constantly being remodeled,

Yoga First Timer? What to Expect and Bring to Your First Class. You will be practicing barefoot so shoes and socks are left in a specified area before you enter the studio. You want to wear comfortable clothing, nothing that is too tight that would prevent you from bending or twisting but you also want to wear clothes that stay put. If you are entering a heated class, you also want to make sure you are wearing clothing that breathes easily. It is a good idea to bring water, towel, and most importantly an open mind. Yoga is all about learning to listen to your body, which is a process that requires patience and compassion towards oneself. Let go and let the goodness flow in!


a at

which is referred to as neuroplasticity of the brain. Repeated actions, thoughts, and sensations can literally “rewire” your brain creating new neural networks. The more you practice, the stronger these neural pathways become. The interesting thing is that Patanjali (the author of Yoga Sutras) already taught about “samskaras” (habits or patterns) thousands of years ago. He knew back then, what scientists are now finally validating through research. We can literally change our brain by regular practice of yoga, which can cause improvement in unhealthy habits or dysfunctional behavior over time. As a summary, regular yoga practice can have profound effects

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on all aspects of health and it can literally help us get out of a rut. Researches have showed that people who practice yoga 2-3 times weekly, were 9 years younger than ones who did not practice. These study results are not only referring to one’s external youth. All of the physiological changes discussed in this

Every Buddy’s a Hero!

To learn more or to join the fun, contact the Down Syndrome A www.dsaa.info or buddywalk@dsaa.info

article contribute to the “internal youth” of our organ systems and bodies. Yoga practice promotes more efficient detoxification of the body. The better the ability of the body to detox, the more balanced endocrine system, which contributes to healing, better metabolism, and regulates aging; therefore, yoga will make you feel, look, and actually be younger, inside and out! About the author: Tiina Garrison is an Exercise Physiologist, Educator, Functional Movement Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a yoga teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience with 14 years college level; undergraduate and graduate. Her passion is to make a difference in everyday lives of people whether it is in preventing devastating injuries or in

P. O. Box 81323 • Lafayette, LA 70508 337-234-3109 www.dsaa.info • buddywalk@dsaa.info Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana, Inc. is a non-profit organization. DSAA’s goal in staging the only Buddy Walk in the Acadiana area is to raise community awareness of the abilities of people with Down syndrome by offering a gathering of community for a day of fun, food, and entertainment.

igniting a desire to live a holistically healthier lifestyle.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 21


Are You In Need of Some Coaching? Discover how a career coach can benefit you in your job search. Whether it is your child working with his soccer coach, or football coaches leading their teams through each practice and game, you are watching these trainers unlock the individual potential for each player. Do you need someone to do the same in your professional life? If so, a career coach may be just what you need. A career coach can help you achieve a variety of professional aspirations including pursuing a new career, accelerating your job search, enhancing your professional skills, or even developing an effective career development plan. To help you determine if you should pursue career coaching, we have developed a list of the various benefits of a career coach.

Gain Self-Awareness When you first start working with a career coach, she will likely have you take a self-assessment to reveal your interests, talents, and personality. Through this exercise, you will discover different traits about yourself that you have overlooked for many years, which may be the missing key to securing your dream career. In addition, these assessments can also help you discover new fields and industries, or even new job positions in an industry you already enjoy.

Clarify Your Purpose and Goals You can easily have years go by without exploring your potential for success. With specialized training and experience, a career coach fosters creativity to lead you to look at yourself and your situation from a different perspective. This new view on your professional life will help you identify various career options that are in line with your desires, abilities, and goals to develop a precise and unique vision for your career. Career coaches are listeners who observe your talents and dreams and help you identify practical ways of achieving them.

Identify Your Career Path As a neutral, third party individual, career coaches can objectively asses a difficult situation you may have in your current job or career search, giving you alternative ways of looking at the situation and guide in developing plans of action to manage the situations. For example, she might help you create a career map or checklist of each step you need to take to ultimately reach your goal. 22 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

By Danielle M. Dayries

Develop New Skills

With specialized training and experience, a career coach fosters creativity to lead you to look at yourself and your situation from a different perspective.

Resume writing, job searching, and interview techniques are the main tools that you need to achieve your career goals. Career coaches know what human resource managers, staffing managers and recruiters are looking for in each of these areas, and are able to help you develop the tools necessary to portray yourself as a highly qualified candidate.

Build Self-Confidence Clients often feel overwhelmed or unmotivated in their career development, but a career coach will provide each individual with the support and encouragement necessary

A Career Development Professional Can Also Assist You With: • A Career Change: Find your ideal career based on your interests, traits, work style, personality, values, skills, and aptitude. • Raise or Promotion: By analyzing your background and accomplishments, a career coach can help you develop a strategy. • Pursuing Your Entrepreneurial Endeavors: Professionals will provide help you succeed in developing and executing a plan for your own business. • Negotiate Salaries: Through the right resources, you will learn how to portray yourself and your accomplishments to get the salary you deserve. • Coping with Career Challenges and Transitions: Whether you were laid off, recently relocated, or are in the middle of a different type of transition, a career development professional will help you develop coping strategies, acclimate and utilize community resources to ensure your success in any situation.

to reach his goals. Your self-confidence will blossom with the guidance of your career coach as she reveals what you have to offer potential employers and how to effectively communicate your value. Just as an athletic coach would help you identify and reach your potential in a sport, a career coach will help you unlock your skills, values, and potential in your professional life, guiding you in your endeavor to enhance your performance and maximize the results of your efforts. Therefore, if you want to take your career to the next level, a committed, career coach may be just what you need to achieve your professional goal! About the author: As the owner of the local résumé writing, outplacement, and career-consulting firm, DMD & Associates, Danielle is dedicated to providing her clients with support, guidance, skills, and resources to enable them to achieve their full career potential, accomplish their personal life goals, and realize their dreams. You can contact Danielle at Danielle@dmdcareerconsutling. com, (337) 254-0734, or www.dmdcareerconsulting.com. For more career advice and tips, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @CareerCoachGuru.


Surveys show that most millionaires today are normal every day people who worked hard, spent frugally, saved and invested well. sense of obligation. It is important to instill that money has to be used for all sorts of things, not just the things they want to buy. As adults, we know from experience all of the financial obligations that awaits them.


1. Teach children the principle of money earning money. Open up a savings account for them to deposit their allowance into. When the bank statement arrives explain earned interest and point out that there is more money in the account now than what they originally deposited. Once they grasp the concept of earning interest introduce them to more sophisticated ways of getting a return on their money.

Teach Your Child to Be a Millionaire

1. Teach children how to earn extra money. If their regular allowance is based on a specific set of chores, from time to time throw in a special project and reward them with some extra cash for doing it. This will teach them that when you do more than the normal workload it results in receiving a little more. Later in life, this may translate into them seeking opportunities to work overtime or take on part time side jobs to earn a little extra cash.


7 things your child should know about finances. By Cornelius Davis, CEO of Outstanding Apparel It is fairly common for people to believe that you have to be a big shot business owner or somebody famous to have lots of money. However, surveys show that most millionaires today are normal every day people who worked hard, spent frugally, saved and invested well. I am of the premise that the sooner children learn the principles of managing money wisely the better their chances of amassing a small fortune. So what are the most important things young people need to know about money? Depending on who you ask, this list could get rather lengthy, but I will share the top 7 things I feel children need to be taught in order to do well financially. 1. Teach children to save more than they spend. Money spent on "wants" should not exceed the amount of money saved. For example, if allowance is $10 per week and your child’s want to buy an item for $8, explain to them that they really can’t afford it because they would only be saving $2. But if they hold off for one more week they will have a total of $20, then they can spend $8 and still have $12 in their pocket.


1. Teach children to pay their tithes. It’s an important spiritual principal to live by, but it also provides them a





Teach children that money is all around us. This will help them develop an entrepreneurial mindset. There will always be grass that needs cutting, leaves that need raking, cars that needs washing, the list goes on. Encourage them to be assertive and go out in the neighborhood to try and earn some cash. This way of thinking may start out making $50 or so right now, but as this mindset is cultivated it could produce ideas that generate thousands of dollars later.


1. Teach children to live on a budget. Money should never be spent impulsively. Teach them to keep track of the money they have and what they spend because excessive debt ruins the chances of saving money consistently.


1. Be a good example for children to follow. Show them the family budget, how to pay bills and how to write a list before going to the store. All of these things can help build their financial IQ. I cannot promise that these 7 things will make your child a millionaire within their lifetime but they can certainly help get them closer to it.


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Years o f Years o f

S er v ice

S er v ice

2013 2013


School Anxiety Diagnosing the Mystery Illness (Learning Rx) Often those pesky symptoms stem from anxiety, but what’s causing that? We’re almost a month into school now and it seems like things should be settling down – kids have adjusted to new routines, classes and teachers, regained knowledge lost of the summer and they are ready to take on new learning, right? While it should be that way, for far too many families the true struggles are just beginning because of a common but often misunderstood problem: anxiety. Anxiety is obviously a normal part of life. For kids, it’s far more likely to cause problems during certain times: the start of full-time schooling, around the age of 10 or 11, and during transitions into middle or high school. Even if your student is in one of these tougher times, if they haven’t settled in to school yet this year, it may be a sign of a bigger problem: anxiety disorder, which according to the Anxiety Disorders of America Association, affects one in eight children. Anxiety disorder is a blanket term that refers to a wide range of mental disorders that impact day-to-day life. Anxiety is now the No. 1 mental health problem in America. One common anxiety disorder is didaskaleinophobia, or school refusal. First dubbed ‘school phobia’ back in 1941, it’s now officially recognized by the American Phobic Society and affects an estimated 2 to 5 percent of American kids. A wide range of symptoms include: • Refusal to go to school or elaborate plans to avoid school • Missing the bus to school • Illness and pain just before leaving for school • The quick disappearance of physical ailments if the child is allowed to stay home, followed by reoccurring symptoms the next morning • Frequent visits to the school nurse with headaches, stomach aches, nausea, diarrhea, sore throats, aches and other symptoms that can’t be attributed to a physical ailment It’s these physical symptoms that are often the most frustrating because parents don’t always realize they can be signs of another problem. They often spend months chasing the diagnosis with visits to pediatricians, chiropractors, allergists and other specialists. Confounding the problem is the fact that many of these physical complaints are also symptoms of the five most common illnesses that keep kids 26 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

out of school. According to the Mayo Clinic, they top five absence-causing sicknesses are colds, ear infections, sore throats, pink eye and stomach viruses. So how do you determine what’s causing these symptoms? 1. Talk to your child to eliminate obvious causes like bullying, few friends, learning difficulties or problems at home. 2. Make sure no underlying physical illnesses are causing the symptoms. 3. Get comprehensive evaluation from a mental health professional. This can lead to a formal diagnosis, treatment and therapy. 4. Have your child’s cognitive skills tested at a certified brain training center like LearningRx. Cognitive skills are the mental tools we all need to think, reason, read, remember, and pay attention. Anxiety is often a symptom of weak cognitive skills especially if the problems are just emerging now, when the review is over, the work is harder and the expectations are greater. The student gets frustrated because he can no longer easily handle the workload, so he tries to avoid school, homework, and other mental challenges. Often his self-esteem will suffer and he becomes more withdrawn or acts out irrationally. A cognitive skills assessment can pinpoint weak skills and help in the diagnosis of the mystery illness. If cognitive skill weaknesses are the problem, strengthening those skills through intense one-on-one brain training can often greatly reduce or eliminate the symptoms. While searching for answers, work on ways to alleviate the symptoms. • If possible, keep your child in school. Absenteeism usually exacerbates anxiety. • Continue talking with your child about his feelings, fears and stresses. • Meet with teachers or counselors seeking input and support. • Pay attention to patterns. Is it worse before a test? Do symptoms subside at home? • Strive for healthy lifestyle with nourishing meals, plenty of sleep, and limited caffeine and other stimulants. • Searching for the cause of a mystery illness can be timeconsuming, frustrating, and even expensive, but keep at it. Eventually your perseverance will bring the answers you need to help ease your child into a more settled, happier and productive school year.

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A Home for Champions The University of Louisiana at Lafayette has officially begun soliciting bids for $115 million in improvements to its athletic facilities Excitement is brewing for the 2013/2014 football season in Acadiana and for good reason! The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is currently on track with phase one of the renovation process. This is not only great news for our hometown university but for the expansion of our community as well. Just in the last year, ticket sales for football have increased by 34 percent and donations to the entire athletic program have increased by 76 percent. These numbers exemplify the need for expansion and ULL is highly grateful for the community’s support of the university. In late March, ULL unveiled a master plan that includes renovations and improvements to the academic center, athletics practice facility, M.L. “Tigue” Field, basketball practice facility, golf facility, Culotta Tennis Center, track and soccer facility, Earl K. Long Gymnasium, and expansion to the stadium at Cajun Field. 28 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

Sports Information Director, Brian McCann states, “The master facilities plan is a culmination of a couple years work and the projects within it will affect all 16 sports at the University at Louisiana Lafayette. We're excited about breaking ground later in the fall, because we want to give our coaches and student athletes the facilities they need to be champions.” The major task of upgrading all of these facilities has been broken up into three tiers. The first tier will include additional seating on the south end of Cajun Field, a new athletic practice facility that will include a home football locker room, strength training, central equipment, central athletic training, coach’s office, and a replacement of the indoor turf at the indoor practice facility. Within this first tier of improvements lie the initial priorities of expanding seating at the South end of Cajun Field, creating first class practice facilities for all student athletes to use, and improvements to coaching facilities.

"We're excited about breaking ground later in the fall,

In conjunction with the athletic master

and each year we lose many of them to big

plan, the university’s own master plan calls

name schools. Rather than pursue their goals

for developments near the athletic complex

at other first class universities that may have

to create an “entertainment region” that

leverage in recruiting, the need to build first

will attract a wider demographic, as well

class sporting facilities is imperative in order

as, serve the efforts to increase revenue.

for our talent to stay in Acadiana. This is

In addition to increasing revenue, the

something that our community so clearly

goal of all these renovations is to create

needs to become more recognizable on a

an athletic “village” that connects all the

national scale and necessary in order for ULL

athletic facilities building a close sense of

to become one of those big name schools.

because we want to

community within ULL sports fans.

give our coaches and

With the added improvements, ULL

participants on the newly improved grounds.

not only hopes to better the sporting

ULL hopes to increase functionality for

experiences for both the fans and students,

high school football jamborees, band

but also increase the percentage of

competitions, and even aims to attract more

graduating high school talent that decide

events from across the state to Lafayette.

student athletes the facilities they need to be champions.” – Brian McCann, ULL Sports Information Director

Collegiate athletes won’t be the only

to continue their careers right here in Acadiana. Our community is home to some of the best athletes in the country

To view the master plan, visit www. ragincajuns.com.

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2013 2014


One Big Day, One Big Thanks, One Big Event

By Jessica Manafi

Lafayette’s very own university, ULL is participating in an event that’s gaining momentum across the nation. Started in 1982 at Texas A&M, The Big Event is one of the largest, one-day, student-run service projects in the nation where the students of colleges and universities come together to say ‘thank you’ to the residents of their college town. As UL at Lafayette gains popularity for its sports teams and academic programs, this is an opportunity for the university to show just how thankful they are to the residents of Lafayette and its surrounding areas. The success of The Big Event in other cities inspired Lindsey LeJeune, the Big Event’s Executive Director and President of the College of Education, to give thanks back to Lafayette. “I worked at a summer camp in Arkansas where I had a few friends that went to Texas A&M, and they told me about The Big Event. I thought it was such a great idea to bring students and the community together, so I decided to take it to UL officials.” The university and its students are partnering with United Way of Acadiana to express gratitude to the community. Partnering with United Way of Acadiana helps to ensure success of such a large-scale project. Their capacity and ability to coordinate projects for large volunteer groups has a great track record. “We are excited to partner with UL for The Big Event,” said Margaret Trahan, president and CEO of United Way of Acadiana. “We are truly inspired by the idea that more than 1,000 students will give back to the Lafayette community in a single day.”

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Students will be focusing on tasks such as painting and landscaping at many of the schools in the area, as well as other projects around the city. LeJeune went on to say that UL “pride” would be evident that day. “We are hoping to keep a lot of UL tradition in the event, which, if everything goes as planned, will be an annual event.” This is a chance to show students that they are a part of something much bigger than just a university. The Big Event will be held on Saturday, October 19th, 2013. There is a Facebook page where 130+ students have already RSVP’d to participate and expectations are to reach about 2,000. To volunteer, search for ‘The Big Event’ on Facebook. Any group or individual interested in submitting a volunteer project can register online at www.unitedwayofacadiana.org. For more information, you can visit www.bigevent.louisiana.edu. Questions can also be emailed to bigevent@louisiana.edu.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 31


Walk On’s took first place in the People’s Choice category with their Walk- On the Beach Martini. The martini consisted of Absolut® Berri Acai, mango schnapps, pineapple juice and sour, garnished with fresh lime wedges, blueberries and pineapple slices.

Social’s Life’s a Beach Martini swept the competition in the Judges Choice category. Their martini was comprised of pineapple-infused with Absolut® Vanilla & Mandarin, St. Germain and house made lemonade.

Lafayette’s ABSOLUT Best Martini ®

Eight local restaurants compete against each other to determine who owns the title of Martinis 2013 Healing House; Hope for Grieving Children hosted this event at the Hilton on August 24, 2013 to raise money for local families that have mourned the death of a parent or sibling. The money was raised through the purchase of tickets and a silent auction while partygoers sampled the martinis, had tasty hors d’oeuveres, and listened to the great sounds of 5th Avenue. The excitement of this event was not contained to simply one night. Every Tuesday for eight weeks during July and August, followers participated in the ABSOLUT® Tini Tuesday Tour. This tour stopped at each of the local restaurants involved in the competition where supporters could cast their votes (tipping dollars) as they sampled artistic creations from Lafayette’s premium bartenders. The participating restaurants of this year’s competition included: Bonefish Grill, Charley G’s, Pamplona Tapas Bar, Ruffino’s on the River, Social, Tsunami, Walk On’s, and Zea’s. When it came time to pick the winners, the People’s Choice Award was determined by adding up the tipped votes during the tour and the dollars donated during the final event. The Judges’ Choice Award was established by a panel of judges 32 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

who sampled the restaurants’ creation as well as interviewing them on the mindset behind their concoctions. Healing House; Hope for Grieving Children is a non-profit organization that provides grief support groups for children in a comfortable atmosphere where children can feel free to share any thoughts or feelings they may be dealing with in regards to the loss of a loved one. These children learn to express themselves through artistic devices, interactive play, and group discussions with other kids going through similar situations. Though the mission of Healing House is to help grieving children, many parents often find themselves benefitting from the services offered by Healing House as well. The top three Martinis from each category were recognized: People’s Choice Winners 1st Place: Walk-On's, 2nd Place: Ruffino's on the River, 3rd Place: Tsunami Judges’ Choice Winner 1st Place: Social Southern Table & Bar, 2nd Place: Ruffino's on the River, 3rd Place: Tsunami


Free to Breathe


Cindy Cobb

Nurse Practitioner

1721 West Pinhook Road | Lafayette, LA 70508-3453

Lung cancer is more fatal than the combination of breast, colon, and prostate cancer; yet it receives the least funding. The survival rate is only 16%, since most people still believe it is a “smoker’s” disease. 60% of newly diagnosed lung cancer patients have either never smoked or have not smoked in decades. In Louisiana alone, about 3,600 people are diagnosed with lung cancer every year; approximately 2,600 of these do not survive it.

“Just a mere five months after receiving the lung cancer diagnosis, my daddy passed away in his home surrounded by his wife and three daughters.” This is exactly the heartache that Tanya Farmer hopes to spare other families from experiencing. Determined to improve awareness of lung cancer and help raise money for the fight for a cure, Tanya currently serves as chairman for Lafayette Free to Breathe. They work with the National Lung Cancer Partnership on the common vision to double lung cancer survival by 2022; but they need the support of the community to succeed. Lafayette’s 2nd Annual Free to Breathe 5K for Lung Cancer Awareness is on September 28 at 7:30am at River Ranch Town Square. Pre-register on the event page on Facebook or by going to www.freetobreathe.org. Breakfast by Ready Fit Meals, samples by Complete Nutrition and BiBi’s Bakery. Fun events will be provided for the kids. For more facts and statistics, visit www.nationallungcancerpartnership.org www.facebook.com/FreeToBreatheLafayetteLa Facebook Event for the 5K Race: Lafayette’s 2nd Annual Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk for Lung Cancer Awareness www.facebook.com/events/294971200638509/

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Tanya Farmer became a lung cancer awareness advocate after her beloved father, Ronnie Bourque, passed away from this disease. When Ronnie was diagnosed, he was already at Stage IV. “The cancer had already wrapped around his spine and carotid arteries, as well as weakened his bones significantly,” Tanya says. “What is so frightening is that his only symptom was persistent shoulder pain.” Even with routine check-ups, only a CT scan can truly detect lung cancer in the early stages. By the time the victim starts showing symptoms, it is usually too late.



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Eye on Jacob Usher syndrome is the most common condition that affects both hearing and vision. The major symptoms of Usher syndrome are hearing loss and an eye disorder called retinitis pigmentosa (RP) that causes night-blindness and a loss of peripheral vision. Many people with Usher syndrome also have severe balance problems. Approximately 3–6 percent of all children who are deaf or partially deaf have Usher syndrome.

Eye on Jacob Foundation and supporting foundation, Helping Hunter will hold the Sight, Sound, Spirit event September 19, 2013 The Victorian in Broussard. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. along with a silent auction, cocktail hour and tastings from local restaurants. Enjoy entertainment by Freddie Mills-Master of Ceremonies, Scott Angelle and Jake Delhomme who will assist us in the live auction.

There are three clinical types of Usher syndrome that vary in severity. Several residents of Acadiana have Usher 1c, which is the most severe of the syndromes. Having this severity means one is born profoundly deaf, has balance disorders, and may lose eyesight quite rapidly. By early adulthood, they will be legally blind.

Support of the event is a tax deductible contribution that will help the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and the deaf/blind Research Center at the University of Iowa. Both are dedicated to finding a cure for Usher syndrome.

Eye on Jacob Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to funding research and helping support families and children affected with Usher syndrome. Over the past year the foundation has funded the deaf/blind research center at the University of Iowa, made possible through supporters over the last 4 years.

The Eye on Jacob Foundation is honored to host the event in Louisiana this year. The Foundation was founded in California, but the epicenter of the disease is in the heart of Acadiana. Please contact eyeonjacob@yahoo.com or for more information on Usher Syndrome, please visit eyeonjacob.org.

Guiding our membership of nearly 600 women through strategic planning, I help ensure we fulfill our mission to improve the lives of local women and children. Sales of our popular cookbook series is one of many projects which enable us to contribute thousands of fundraising dollars and volunteer hours to accomplish lasting community change. The vision began 55 years ago, but it’s today’s Junior League of Lafayette.

KAREN KING Attorney, community volunteer, Alpha Kappa Alpha

member, wife, mom, board member of the Lafayette Bar Association and the Junior League of Lafayette.


THE 2013

FRidAy, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 SchEduLE oF EvEnTS Lunch and Registration 11AM - 1PM Shotgun Start - 1:15PM

LET’S PLAY SOME GOLF! To benefit the Lafayette community health care clinic; providing healthcare to the working uninsured and medications

Farm d'Allie Golf Club is located at 1235 Beau Bassin Road in Carencro, LA. For directions, call 337 886-2227.

through its community Pharmacy.

FRidAy, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 BE coME A SP on SoR of the 2013 healthcare Golf Tournament and help support the Lafayette community health care clinic!

The HealthCare Classic provides funds to support the operations of the Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic. The Lafayette

Post-Tournament Meal by Petroleum club

Community Health Care Clinic is a non-profit organization that provides



health care for the eligible working uninsured and develops and




address community health care needs through collaborative partnerships. The clinic also provides free prescriptions to the low income

To sponsor or reserve your team contact: Tracie Sonnier

tmsonnier@ariesmarine.com / 337-237-1750 To download an application visit www.lchcc.net

uninsured and underinsured in Acadiana (5 parishes). Over 400 healthcare professionals and others volunteer their time to provide care to those in need.

The Lafayette community health care clinic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. faceacadiana.com | FACE 35

13-563-0001 LCHCC Classic Poster.indd 1

7/11/13 1:08 PM


Balancing Act

Shannon Dartez


faceacadiana.com | FACE 37

“Family is the cornerstone of any community… They become building blocks for everything.” Many women struggle with the decision of whether to pursue a career or be a homemaker. Balancing employment, family, and social life can be a precarious matter. Through careful planning, Lafayette resident Shannon Dartez manages to have it all. ““I have always had professional ambitions and I believe women should follow their heart and do what they feel is best for their family and for them personally. For myself, I feel I am a better person and a better mother following my dream and my profession,” Shannon asserts. Perhaps being well organized is a trait passed down from her mother Marilyn, who raised seven children. Growing up, Shannon learned to share possessions with her three brothers and three sisters, becoming used to hand-me-downs. Due to the large size of the family, siblings even shared bedrooms and bathrooms. “I think my mother gave my sense of strength and persistence. She never ever made me feel like I was limited in any way,” Shannon comments. A Louisiana resident her entire life, Shannon grew up in New Orleans where her father Sidney worked as an engineer with New Orleans Public Service. She decided to follow in her father’s footsteps by attending college at LSU, where she graduated and returned for law school. While in college, Shannon met her future husband Michael at a fraternity party, but would not reunite with him until years later. “When I step out of my comfort zone and do things I am not certain of myself, it increases my confidence and knowledge,” Shannon expounds. Shannon moved to Lafayette in response to a job offer, but stayed for the community. As a young lawyer she fell in love with Acadiana culture and the beautiful scenery of the area. Perhaps most influential were the positive relationships she formed with friends in the Lafayette area. 38 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

“Everyone is so friendly and inviting, genuinely caring,” Shannon states about Lafayette residents. There were other benefits to living in Lafayette as well; Shannon ended up marrying her husband after she reconnected with him while he was studying at University of Louisiana Lafayette in 1995. The happy couple has two children, Maddie and Jacob. Shannon’s husband Michael supports her decision to continue her career. Balancing career and family life can sometimes be difficult. “I try to make all of my children’s activities all the time, but the realization is that there are times when I want to be there for them, but I can’t because I’ve devoted myself to helping injured people and I have to be there for my cases and clients. So it’s always a balancing act,” Shannon reveals. When hurricane Katrina devastated the homes of most of her relatives in New Orleans, Shannon welcomed over 30 family members to her home in Lafayette. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church and the Junior League of Lafayette rushed aid in the form of food, diapers, and furniture. The response was so immediate and the gesture so appreciated, that Shannon is forever grateful to her community. “I felt so loved, supported, and connected with this community after that. I couldn’t believe that people were that caring and considerate, even if they didn’t know you that well,” Shannon conveys. As a lawyer, Shannon’s professional career began representing plaintiffs with automobile injuries. Within two years, she became an insurance defense attorney. Over the course of 15 years, Shannon worked with another law firm and eventually realized her dream of making partner. After the passing of her brother, she reflected on her life and reevaluated her career. She decided to leave the partnership with only a handful of clients to build a new practice where she is focusing more on helping people, particularly injured workers requesting Continue reading

"I have always had professional ambitions and I believe women should follow their heart and do what they feel is best for their family and for them personally."

faceacadiana.com | FACE 39

“Over my years of League experience, the training I’ve gotten has been invaluable... I have grown as a person, I have more confidence."


worker’s compensation. Shannon found a home with Glenn Armentor Law Corporation that allows her to do just that. “With each passing legislative session the Workers’ Compensation Act becomes harder to interpret and the system becomes harder to maneuver. I spend a lot of time helping injured workers get the medical treatment they need and deserve,” Shannon explains. The nature of Shannon’s practice allows her to provide a valuable service to those individuals most disadvantaged in the community. She also frequently performs pro bono work in the form of the Lafayette Volunteer Lawyers, in which she aids people with domestic matters such as helping battered women obtain temporary restraining orders. This form of service has been particularly fulfilling to Shannon personally. “I want to represent people who are fair and honest, but who are not being protected by the system…There is nothing like having a client thank you and tell you they didn’t know what they would have done without you,” Shannon relates.

area non-profit businesses with a connection to legal services or law-related education. “I have always loved volunteering. I have always believed giving back to the community is important and that no matter what you do, you can make a difference in someone else’s life, no matter how small or big the action.”

“I have always

loved volunteering.

As the current president of the Junior League of Lafayette, Shannon oversees an organization of nearly 600 women who are committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through trained volunteers. A main component of the Mission is to train women to become leaders in their community. The focus area of the Junior League of Lafayette is the general well-being of women and the healthy development of children. In March 2013, the organization built a public playground at Mouton Park in the neighborhood behind Teurlings High School, a development local residents will enjoy for years to come. Shannon has contributed to the Junior League’s efforts for over 14 years.

I have always

believed giving back to the community is important and that

no matter what you do, you can make a difference in

someone else’s life..."

Although she loves her career, helping others has always been a passion for Shannon. Often describing herself as a ‘volunteer junkie,’ she first volunteered in the 4th grade with a school group that visited nursing homes and orphanages. The students would do crafts, sing, and read with others in these facilities. “I got such a personal fulfillment from bringing that joy to someone else’s life. I guess I got hooked on being a volunteer,” Shannon expresses. Those experiences in her formative years have lead to Shannon’s influential involvement in community associations as an adult. She is the current Chair of the Louisiana State Bar Association Group Insurance Committee, and she currently sits on the Acadiana Community Partnership Panel for the Louisiana Bar Foundation. The latter often awards grants to

“My involvement in Junior League has allowed me to connect with women across this area that I never would have otherwise met,” Shannon insists. During the organization’s existence, they have granted thousands of dollars to area non-profit organizations. In September 2013 alone, they will grant $85,000 to deserving nonprofits. Junior League has also helped many local nonprofit organizations make their start in Lafayette. Healing House is an example of one of the many organizations made possible thanks to seed money provided by Junior League. Healing House, founded in Lafayette over a decade ago, provides a safe place for children who have lost a sibling or a parent to begin working through the grief process in a group setting. In the past, Shannon served Continue reading

faceacadiana.com | FACE 41

as president of the board of directors for Healing House. “Those organizations eventually take on their own life and become impactful groups in the community that make a difference in the lives of the women and children in them,” Shannon says. If these activities are not evidence enough of Shannon’s altruism, she also has experience with Boys and Girls Clubs of Acadiana. Junior League’s ‘Kids in the Kitchen’ group teaches nutrition and physical activities to children as a method of reinforcing good lifestyle habits. Another program, the ‘Care Bus’ is a mobile health unit that visits Acadiana Middle School to provide medical services to students and help them learn in the classroom. This is a Junior League collaboration with Our Lady of Lourdes and Lafayette Parish School Board. “Over my years of League experience, the training I’ve gotten has been invaluable. The friendships I have made have been incredibly long lasting. The opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others is great. I have grown as a person, I have more confidence,” Shannon recounts. Somehow Shannon still finds time to serve at her local church, Our Lady of Fatima, where she is also a Eucharistic minister. Through Fatima, she has participated as a leader for K4J and Challenge programs which teach virtues to young girls along with a sense of mercy for those in need and overall voluntarism. Shannon hopes others in the community will feel inspired by the accomplishments of local charities, and feel compelled to contribute to worthy causes. “I think everybody has different gifts and different talents. No matter how much time you have, you are always in a position to give back something to the community. If you can’t give money, give your time, and if you can’t give 42 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

time, spread the word about the organization,” Shannon encourages. Apparently, Shannon’s zeal has caught on with her daughter Maddie as well. In the past, Shannon’s daughter helped a student in the D.E.C. program at Fatima to get her lunch and would sit with that student daily during lunch. Recently, Maddie wrote that she would like to open a daycare center for disabled children when she grows up. “I couldn’t be more proud of her; she’s an incredible human being,” Shannon beams. Balancing these activities with a law career and family life can at times be a stressful endeavor. Shannon is able to take it all in stride thanks to a sense of practicality bestowed by her father. By staying organized and keeping her priorities in focus, she excels as a wife and mother just as much as a volunteer and lawyer. “I believe in calendars and lists. My family is absolutely first in my life, and my children are by far the best thing I ever did, so I try to always put them first and make sure that they have everything they need,” Shannon assures. When she is not busy with work or family, Shannon enjoys trying new local restaurants in the area or curling up with a good book. She also enjoys attending the many music and art festivals that enrich the culture of the Lafayette area. For other women who desire to make an impact in their local community, Shannon offers this advice: “Listen to your kids; give them your time and attention.” With regards to volunteering, she states, “People start seeing themselves differently when someone takes an interest in them and shows they really care. When you reach out to people, they realize they are not alone.”

" My family is absolutely first in my life, and my children are by far the best thing I ever did, so I try to always put them first and make sure that they have everything they need."

faceacadiana.com 43 faceacadiana.com || FACE FACE 43


Awkward Moments 101

How to extricate yourself safely from dreaded situations. We have all been there: an acquaintance joins you at your table at a much anticipated night out, uninvited and clueless that they are unwelcome; a friend asks to borrow a favorite book of yours and forgets to return it; a co-worker always drops by your desk and talks, and talks and talks…. and the list goes on and on. How do you rectify these situations with without losing your cool and ruining valued relationships? Etiquette rules exist not only to guide us in polite behavior toward others, but also to protect us in setting healthy boundaries. Most people think that being polite is the same thing as being soft and a push-over…not at all! In fact, it is just the opposite. Knowing the correct way to point out a problem makes you stronger and in control of the situation. We hope these Grace Notes guide you through life’s everyday travails we all face. We invite you to take the following test and then see the pattern of how to control life’s challenges. You are sitting at your desk and have a looming deadline to get in an article for your company newsletter. Your co-worker, Stu, drops by to shoot the breeze for the 11th time today and you are about to explode. Do you:

a) Get up and mumble under your breath that you have to go to the bathroom.

b) Lose it and yell, “Somebody has to work around here!”

c) Politely tell Stu that you have work to do and will be happy to visit “some other time.”

You are just getting settled in at your table at The French Press 44 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

By Lynley Jones and Jan Swift

with your family and savoring much needed alone time to catch up with your loved ones. Much to your chagrin, an old acquaintance is overjoyed to see you and sits down without being invited. You order your meals and hope he will leave, but no, he doesn’t! Do you:

a) Smile, grin and bear the loaf for the next hour.

b) Make rude comments and hope the interloper will get the hint and leave.

c) Honestly speak up and state that while you are so glad to see him, you need some quality time with your family and look forward to seeing him again some other time.

You have a library that evokes jealousy among your book club, and one “friend” always wants to borrow books and then “forgets” that she has them, or “loses” them. You vow to never loan out books again but, sheepishly admit that you are a pushover who has a hard time saying no. At this month’s book club meeting, this friend hits you up for a much cherished book you have had since high school. Do you:

a) Freak out and scream that no way will you loan any more books till she returns Gift From the Sea.

b) Act as though you did not hear her because you were too busy cleaning up after everyone.

c) Explain calmly that you value your collection and

would rather not loan out these cherished items.

Certain college friends enjoy eating out once a month as a group. Some always order the most expensive steaks and martinis, and

Knowing the correct way to point out a problem makes you stronger and in control of the situation. you tend to be more of a salad and sparkling water type of gal. When it comes time to split the bill evenly, you resent splitting the hefty tab which is way out of your comfort zone and budget. But, you like keeping up with your buddies who may not realize you do not have the ready cash they do. Do you:

a) Grin and bear it as you grit your teeth, thinking how broke you will be for the next week.

b) Find excuses as to why you can no longer join the gang for these fun excursions.

c) Speak up and admit that while you enjoy your time together, you are unable to afford these expensive nights out and would like to explore other ways in which you can visit without spending outside of your budget.

You have hosted a wonderfully fun evening at your home, but it is 11:30 p.m. and it is time for everyone to leave so you can go to bed. However, your neighbors seem to be glued to your couch and are giving no indication of leaving anytime soon. Do you:

a) Join them on the couch, pass the vodka, and hunker down for the duration.

b) Leave them, head to the kitchen, and start banging pots and pans loudly as you curse the day you decided to host this #%@! Party! c) Escort your esteemed guests to the door, thank them for joining you and express your hopes to see them again real soon.

We hope you have answered “c” for each dilemma. Notice how easily you may take control of a situation that can spiral out of control without your calm and patient response. Using these examples as guides for the next time you face an awkward moment is guaranteed to restore your sanity!

About the authors: Lynley Jones and Jan Swift are partners in Grace Notes, LLC, an etiquette endeavor to help further society’s niceties. You can contact them ontact them at gracenotesetiquette@yahoo.com.

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Impact of Creative Arts on Development By Joslyn M. McCoy, Ph.D., BCBA-D The primary focus of most schools in this country has been to improve the math

Brain Development

and reading performance of students.

Clear differences have been discovered between the brain structures of musicians and non-musicians. These changes in brain structures are evident after learning to play music, suggesting musicians are created, not born. New motor skills must be learned in order to play an instrument which in turn causes reorganization within the brain. Performing tasks while simply listening to music improves efficiency for many. Background music is often recommended to increase attention. For example, classical music or ocean surf is better while performing language-based tasks such as reading. Music that contains lyrics may be played during nonverbal tasks (i.e., math or construction tasks). Movement-based forms of art, such as dance, can increase the number of capillaries in the brain allowing more blood flow and oxygen. Dance also increases one’s awareness of the body in space and improves coordination of muscle movements.

However, many other top academic countries place great emphasis on the arts in their education programs. Inclusion of the arts in the academic curriculum allows students to acquire unique lessons that are not part of the standard academic plan of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Study of the arts is associated with improvements in brain development, cognitive development, and social skills.

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Social Skills Cognitive Development Study of the arts leads to improved communication, creativity, and critical thinking. In turn, academic performance improves. Music shares the closest relationship with math operations. Musicians must count beats, and geometry is required for proper finger-placement while playing an instrument. Reading music requires an understanding of ratios, proportions, and sequence. Music has also been reported to enhance phonological awareness, or knowledge of the sounds that are made by different letter combinations. Phonological awareness is critical in learning to read. Auditory processing skills are also enhanced for musicians, which can improve reading and language skills. Dance and other movement-based art enhance spatial learning and improve concentration.

Opportunities for collaboration and cooperation are inherent to many performing arts activities. Musicians must work together to give a performance and artists who draw or paint often discuss their creations with others. The arts also provide an avenue to express emotions that extends beyond the limits of language. Self-esteem often improves as a result of involvement in the arts. Art is among the first creative play behaviors displayed by children as they dance, sing, and draw. As children enter the formal school system, creative learning opportunities often decrease. However, study of the arts teaches children to engage, maintain focus, and follow-through on tasks. Through the arts, children learn how to employ critical and creative thinking strategies. They also learn to work with others and to effectively communicate feelings. The benefits are often far-reaching and may be observed in academic performance and social functioning.

Show Your Louisiana Pride

Dr. Joslyn M. McCoy is a Licensed Clinical (Child & Adolescent) Psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst specializing in the evaluation and treatment of a variety of learning, mood, behavioral, and developmental concerns. Dr. McCoy currently practices at Family Behavioral Health Center in Lafayette. Dr. McCoy also volunteers as a member of the Autism Society Acadiana Advisory Board.


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faceacadiana.com | FACE 47

The The Truth Truth About About Menopause Menopause Debunking the myths for a happier, healthier, more satisfying life. Even in today's information age, myths about menopause and women's changing bodies abound and can take a huge toll on women. Half of women say their anxiety around menopause is caused by not knowing enough about this life stage and nearly half of menopausal women feel less confident once they start experiencing menopausal symptoms. For women going through this transitional stage of life, debunking myths and finding solutions to help them stand up to the symptoms of menopause can empower and help them lead happier, healthier lives.

natural phase of life that has sadly been stigmatized as an illness," says Dr. Vivian Diller, a psychologist and author of FACE IT: What Women Really Feel As Their Looks Change. "Fortunately perceptions of menopause are changing and women are more eager to empower themselves with the facts that can help them talk more comfortably about and live more confidently through this life stage. And Poise.com is one resource that is available to help women separate the menopause myths from the facts."

"Just like all girls go through adolescence, all women go through menopause. It's a

all mid-life changes that occur in a woman's body.

Myth: Menopause is to blame for


for supporting MPCS through Games of Acadiana


Jim & Charlotte

Acadian Ambulance Acadiana Bottling Co. Acadiana Entertainment Acadiana Party Machine Acadiana Profile Magazine Action Specialties a Jeune’ Advanced Medical Skin Care Albertsons America’s Pizza Company Ascension Episcopal School Babineaux, Poche‘, Anthony & Slavich, LLC Badger Oil Corporation Bizzuka BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana Blue Cliff College Bodemuller The Printer, Inc. Bradley & Moreau Breast Center of Acadiana Broussard & David, LLC Capital One Bank Carl J. Breaux, DDS


Celebrations Acadiana Christa Billeaud C.M. Miciotto & Son Coastal Chemical Coby Guidry, D.J. Services Congressman Charles Boustany Courtesy Automotive Group Dailey’s Fence Co. Darnall, Sikes, Gardes & Frederick Denbo Montgomery, MD Duhon’s Fun Jumps Envision Imaging of Acadiana, LLC Evangeline Maid Bakery FACE Magazine Fertility & Women‘s Health Center of LA First National Bank Gambino’s Bakery Golfballs.com Gulf Coast Sound Productions, Inc. Haynie Family Foundation Heart of Hospice Hershey’s Ice Cream

Home Bank Hulco Printers, Inc. Instinct Archery J & J Exterminating Co. J. Jerome Smith, DDS JP Morgan Chase Bank Just 4 Kicks Soccer Camp Just Us Cuts Kevin Guidry Produce Market LA Farm & Ranch La Savoy Famille Laborde Therapy Center Lloyd’s of Lafayette Louisiana State Newspapers Lowry’s Printing & Copying Macro Companies Mark Laborde Builders Marlin Energy Mary Kay Morrow, Morrow, Ryan & Bassett Neuner Pate Nick’s Kids Fund

NuNu’s Fresh Market Opelousas General Health System Orgeron Veterinary Hospital Paradise Plantscapes Party Central Paul’s Jewelry Paws Energy Services Peter Vizzi, MD Perret Cousins PetroQuest Energy, LLC PHI, Inc. Physical Therapy South, Inc. Pixus Digital Printing Play & Learn with Me Rader Solutions Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Raymond James Rayne State Bank Regional Medical Center of Acadiana Reinhart Food Service Rice Palace, Inc.

River Ranch Development Romacelli Schilling Distributing Company Scott Prather Shop Rite, Inc. SLEMCO Surgical Specialists of Lafayette The Burke Group The Fresh Market The Independent The Little Gym The Mark Sargent Family Thomas Montgomery, MD & Family Tony Robichaux & UL Baseball Townsend Vision Video Productions Walgreens Waste Management Whitney Bank Women’s & Children’s Hospital Woodmen of the World Zoës Kitchen

Fact: Many factors, including one's overall lifestyle and health, can influence changes in a woman's body. As they age, women may experience weight gain, vision and hearing reduction or develop facial wrinkles - all of which cannot be attributed to menopause.

Myth: When it comes to life's changes, women just have to tough it out.

Fact: From medication to nonmedicinal products, there are many options available to help women. Look for feminine wellness products that help address life's changes. Some brands have products for daily freshness, hot flash comfort, and intimacy.

"Fortunately perceptions of menopause are changing and women are more eager to empower themselves with the facts..."

Fact: During menopause, a decline in estrogen levels may weaken the pelvic floor muscles that support bladder control, contributing to LBL (light bladder leakage). Though not all menopausal women experience LBL, it is a common condition that one-in-three women will ultimately face.

Myth: Menopause signals the end of a woman's sex life.

Fact: Many menopausal women report

Myth: Forgetfulness is just a part of menopause.

memory in the long-term. While there is some evidence that fluctuating estrogen may influence the part of the brain that affects sleep, moods and memory, it's more likely that menopause impacts a woman's ability to concentrate, absorb and recall information.

Fact: Forgetfulness is a symptom of

Myth: Light bladder leakage is inevitable

menopause, but it's not one that impacts

during menopause.

enjoying sex every bit as much as and sometimes more than their younger counterparts. But dryness can be one not so glorious side effect of this life stage that can negatively impact women's intimate experiences. Fortunately lubricants can provide some relief; and since sexual health is important at any age, women who experience significant dryness or loss of libido during menopause should discuss that change with their doctors.

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faceacadiana.com | FACE 49

Granny Frannie Fun! National Grandparents Day is September

opportunity to teach our grandchildren

8th and what better way to celebrate

in ways that parents may not have the

grandparents than help transform

time. I was inspired to invest more time

already priceless time spent with your

into my grandchildren by a verse from

grandchildren into memories that will

the Bible, Psalm 145: “One generation

last you both a lifetime.

will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts,”

Fran Aertker Barbato is a retired teacher,

shares Fran.

a lifelong educator and, of course, a

“As grandparents,

grandmother. So it is not surprising that

Over time, Fran realized that as more

we have the unique

her natural inclination is to weave a love

of her friends became grandparents,

opportunity to teach

of learning into the activities she shares

they looked to her for suggestions

with her grandchildren.

on meaningful activities with their

our grandchildren in

grandchildren. Fran decided to compile “As grandparents, we have the unique 50 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

and share her ideas with everyone and

ways that parents may not have the time.

3 Great Activities

for You and Your Grandkids

wrote a step-by-step guide, Granny Frannie Fun. Although anyone of any age can enjoy the projects in the book, all activities are age-appropriate

Calling All Scientists (No lab coat needed.) No lab coat needed to have fun with surface tension. Give child a cup of water, an eyedropper and a penny. Count how many drops of water will drop onto the penny before the water spills over. Guess what? You are now teaching surface tension. Try showing this on a leaf. If it rains, your little one can find leaves with bubbles on them.

and noted with shapes to indicate the specific ages for each activity. Activities range from science, music, and art to math, memory, and cooking. There is definitely something

Monet in Training Using a paper coffee filter and food coloring, allow your grandchild to experiment mixing drops of food color onto the coffee filter. You will have beautiful works of art hanging in no time! Hang the filters with a clothespin outside, and watch to see which colors run the fastest!

for everyone and every level

Gone Fishing

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Go fishing with a pretzel stick covered in chocolate syrup or marshmallow cream (bait) and fish in a bowl of Goldfish crackers.




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faceacadiana.com | FACE 51


Remembering Our


As Grandparents Day approaches (September 8), reflect on the complex legacy received from our parents’ parents.

the aisle of the sundrenched sanctuary. That remembrance is flooded with the pride of my grandfather and with being blessed by the beaming minister. My image of God is forever imprinted on the doting love I received that day. Yet, Papa was also a source of pain for me as age, illness, and depression made him cranky and angry. Today, I am a grandmother. I am GrandKathy to the grandchildren who came to me through my marriage to Jim. Now I know the loving feelings; the wonder of watching children grow up; the pleasures of doting and spoiling. Now I am the repository of lore; the one who tells the children what their grandfather, my Jim, was like.

In the book, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is a passage, “You are surrounded by By Kathryn Elliott, Ph.D., LPC-S, LMFT | Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist souls who would do anything to help you.” As I walked beside Jim through his final Ophelia, Docia—names of another mind. As I grew older, I learned more of days, I became keenly aware of the souls generation—strange to my ear, the child her; her humanity and pain. who were surrounding me and were there who was their granddaughter. Docia to help. Among them were my parents and I knew for a short time. To me, she was My father’s dad is a question mark in my grandparents. There was Ophelia. There always Grandma; forever old; her long mind. I don’t even know his name. My was Papa. Their love undergirded me. grey hair in a perpetual bun. I recall how father never talked about him. I know he she loved to drink Orange Crush over was a farmer, and there were hints that he This Grandparents Day I not only crushed ice. To this day, I can’t pass by was hard on his sons. Perhaps I inferred remember; I also realize that whether we Orange Crush in the grocery aisle without that from the lore about my father leaving knew our grandparents well or not at all, feeling a surge of pleasure about Grandma. home at age 16 to work in the oilfield; they are a part of who we are. Through She spoke in a characteristically frail voice, never to return to the farm. family lore or direct experience, they make except when she said the blessing before an impact on our lives. They are woven meals. At those moments, I got a glimpse Papa, my mother’s father, was an everyday into our psyches. And I believe they watch of that Texas farm woman, who had raised part of my life. His bedroom was across the over us. 12 children; her voice strong and clear. hall from mine. From the beginning, he About the author: Kathryn She was beloved of my father. The only was my benefactor. He kept chewing gum Elliott, Ph.D., is Director time I saw Daddy cry was when I was 16, in his sock drawer for me. On Saturday of Anthetic Psychology and his brother called to say she had died. mornings in the fall, Papa took me with Center. She specializes in him to buy boudin and cracklins. In the helping individuals break Ophelia I never met. She died at age spring, we sat on the front steps in the free from family-of-origin 45. But she left her favorite books in the sunshine while he pulled thorns from pain and in guiding couples and families antique credenza. Every Sunday, we set thistle flowers. Once the flower was free to repair and revitalize their relationships. the dinner table with her Fostoria crystal. of all thorns, he presented me with a sweet Kathryn is co-author with James Elliott of Somehow I felt she was a kindred spirit. pink powder puff. Most important, he Disarming Your Inner Critic. She appears My mother, her daughter, described her gave me my first spiritual experience. My each Sunday on KLFY TV 10’s Passe as a woman of intellect and kindness; an memory holds the moment of my 4-year Partout.Visit her website at angel figure; sanctified in my mother’s old self being carried in Papa’s arms down www.antheticpsychology.com. 52 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013



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The Mane Ingredients By Betsy Guidry

Ever wondered what exactly you’re putting on your hair and what short-term and long-term effects it may have on your luscious mane and possibly the rest of your body? With the growing attention to ingredients in food, makeup, skincare and the associated effects, ingredients in your hair care products should definitely not go unnoticed either. All ingredients are generally posted on the back of the bottle or back of packaging and are listed in descending order--the most prominent ingredient to the least prominent ingredient. Symbols such as bottle recycling and USDA organic seals are shown under your ingredient list for even more details on your products and their containers. The following are a few ‘mane’ ingredients to look for (and a few to possibly avoid) when choosing your hair care products:



Water should usually be one of the first ingredients listed in most hair care products. It actually makes up about 80% of shampoo products and provides a base for the other ingredients to work as needed in various products.


With the growing attention to

Panthenol is a form of Vitamin B and it works as a humectant, attracting and retaining moisture in the hair and thickening the hair follicle, boosting shine.

makeup, skincare and

Citric Acid

the associated effects,

An organic ingredient that works as a natural preservative. Citric acid smoothes the hair cuticles and promotes shine. It is a natural acid derived from Vitamin C and it helps to regulate the pH level of the product.


Stearyl, Oleyl and Cetyl alcohol are included as ingredients in hair care products to act as lubricants and hydrators, attaching themselves to the hair shaft. Isopropyl alcohol is an ingredient that cleans and dissolves oil, but can leave the hair feeling dry, lacking its usual moisture. 54 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

ingredients in food,

ingredients in your hair care products should definitely not go unnoticed either.

Sulfates are surfactants or detergents that work to thoroughly cleanse the hair and create the foaming and lathering that we often experience from shampoos. While some of us may enjoy the extra lather, sulfates can actually strip the hair of moisture and its protective barriers needed to maintain shine and health.


Parabens are the most widely used preservatives in the cosmetic industry. While great at improving the shelf life of your hair care products by fighting bacteria and fungus, some research has shown that parabens can possibly act as estrogens in the body contributing to hormone imbalances. Parabens have also even been linked to cancer. About the author: About the author: Betsy Guidry is a licensed Esthetician and Esthetics Educator, with a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising & Management. Betsy is currently the Assistant Director at the Aveda Institute of Lafayette. Contact Betsy at betsyb@ailafayette.biz or 337-233-0511.

B L E N D. C R E AT E . E X P E R I E N C E .

faceacadiana.com | FACE 55


y v v a S n o i h Fas

O ve r 4 0

By Tracee Dundas Mini skirts, skinny jeans, high-low tops . . . all cute and stylish fashions. But should a women over the age of 40 be seen wearing these? Let’s face it — assessing what is or is not age-appropriate can be tricky, posing the question, “Should the way you dress completely change once you’ve had your 40th birthday? “ Mark Twain once said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” While this is an interesting and somewhat profound perspective, unless your objective goal is to dress like your high school daughter, age is relevant. Don’t get me wrong — style is style. And if you’ve worked hard to maintain a great figure and youthful appearance, you may want to show it off. However, you need to be realistic about your ever changing body and the message you want to project at this stage of your life. There are many stylish, trend-conscious yet age-appropriate fashion choices available for the sophisticated lady. The trick is to figure out what will work best for your body type, age, and lifestyle.

Timeless Pieces

Build your wardrobe by adding classic styles (instead of trendy) that can withstand the test of time, have a timeless look, and be worn by a boarder age bracket (i.e., 30-50). Use accessories to update and add a trendy look to your wardrobe. Examples include bright handbags, statement jewelry, and stylish shoes. 56 FACE | AUGUST 2013

Unless your objective goal is to dress like your high school daughter,

age is relevant. Skip the Junior Department

Even if you have miraculously maintained your skinny figure to fit into juniors sizes, avoid the temptation to shop in that department. The cut of the clothes are meant for a younger body type, typically have more trendy/youthful details, and frequently the quality of the clothes are poorly constructed. Oftentimes these fashions will have the opposite effect on aging bodies making them look even older.

Grand OpeninG Week! September 13–21

Quality Versus Quantity

Choose fabrics and colors carefully. Higher quality fabrics fit and camouflage figure flaws better. Select clothes that emphasize the silhouette, not the skin. Jewel tones and neutral colors with a pop of color are more appropriate than bright and busy tones that may look too youthful.

Say Goodbye to Baggy Clothes

Just because your body is changing doesn’t mean you have to cover it up with a muumuu. Baggy clothes are not flattering at any age and can actually age you beyond your years. Instead, wear tailored and classic pieces like a fitted blazer and trousers.

Don’t Get Caught in a Time-Warp

This rule apply to both fashion and beauty. Fashion repeats itself every decade or so, but often times with a modern twist. So that favorite outfit you wore two decades ago may not work anymore. The same is true with hair and makeup, keep both up-to-date so that your look is never outdated or stale.

About the author: Tracee Dundas is a freelance stylist, blogger, fashion editor for New Orleans Magazine and fashion event producer. The is the Founder and Creative Director of Fashion Week New Orleans. Tracee hosts a weekly fashion style segment "Fashion Friday" on WVUE Fox 8 sharing the latest trends, styling tips and DIY ideas. She works with nationally known clients such as Lucky Magazine, Essence Magazine, Payless Shoes and The W Hotel and frequently works as a stylist for films, commercials and music videos. Tracee is a graduate of USL and a native of St. Martinville, LA.

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LEFT: This striped, knit shift dress is designed and made only for Ragin’ Cajun fans! It is the perfect weight to wear now to the hot games and great over leggings for the cooler games. Available in XS-XL. 58 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

Pick Your


Hip hip hooray! Fashion for even the smallest fans! Lightweight corduroy a-line jumper dress with megaphone and football appliqué and polka dot ribbon. Your little fans will roar for this purple and white gingham longall with precious tigers smocked across the chest.

Fashion to show your true spirit for your favorite fall events! Embellish your little fans with chevron bows and smocking to support their favorite teams!

Vanessa V. is stocked with game day cross-body bags that let you move about freely to cheer on your favorite team! Prices start at $14. Mustard flats are a great choice for cheering on the Saints and the Tigers! Available now for only $9 at Vanessa V. Or select the most comfortable shoes ever – real leather black flats by Gentle Souls.

ABOVE: Animal motifs are all the rage this fall and lucky for LSU fans, the Tiger is the animal of choice! Take advantage of the trend at Vanessa V. and stock up now on Tiger head tees and sweaters. Pair with the extremely comfortable CJ Jeans by Cookie Johnson, available in sizes 0-18.

faceacadiana.com | FACE 59

ABOVE: Cheer on you favorite team in style with this hand dyed ruffle scarf by local artist Deborah Simeral paired with YMI skinny jeans that are the most flattering skinnies available. Add a black cross-body bag by Tokyo Bay for the perfect look!

ABOVE: Cross-body bag by Tokyo Bay Middle: Show your team spirit with personalized charm necklace by Adrian Guidry. BELOW: Cute and comfy Blossom Sandals by Doo Ballo.


ABOVE: Who dat says they are going to be cuter than you at the Saints game? No one! The Saints team colors are absolutely beautiful for us ladies, they pull as double duty, from game day outfits to holiday party outfits! This zig-zag top is available XS-XL and is long enough to be worn with leggings, and the knit striped shift dress is available S-L. LEFT/RIGHT: Gold bangles, bracelets and hoop earrings are styles that are timeless! These styles are fabulous for dressing up a casual outfit or a perfect complement for dressy night on the town. All start at $12.

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ABOVE: Light up the night in this beautiful black ruched, one-shoulder jersey dress by Alyce Paris with stunning beaded bodice and silver Swarovski-crystal encrusted satin heels by Benjamin Adams.


LEFT: Round crystal drop earrings and oval crystal bracelet by Jim Ball.

LEFT: This one of a kind silk dress is handdyed using a technique called Shibori Dyed created locally by Deborah Simeral from Grand Coteau, La. ABOVE: Make a statement with a handbeaded rosary necklace and bracelet with silver charm paired with black drop earrings and ring. Jewelry created by Adrian Guidry of Lafayette, La. BELOW: Spice up any outfit with a Dion handbag from Big Buddha.

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LEFT:Take center stage in this red beauty with sweetheart neckline, AB crystal straps, a keyhole back and ruching throughout by Ritzee Originals. ABOVE: Dance the night away in beautiful ivory Swarovski crystal-encrusted satin heels by Benjamin Adams. 64 FACE | SEPTEMBER 2013

Below: Show off your legs in simple yet sexy black and gold strap heels. Classic gold on today’s modern accessories make a bold statement. Try a chunky knuckle ring with coordinating cuff bracelet and shimmering gold evening bag.

ABOVE: Step out in style in this classic black shift dress topped off with an eye-catching red dress hat.

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ABOVE: Show your Ragin’ style in a black and white geometric pattern dress and coordinating black and red accessories. LEFT: Kick up your heels in black low wedge boots with buckles and roomy, oversized red handbag. RIGHT: Make a bold statement anytime, day or night with geometric gold necklace, bracelet and ring. Spice it up with red chandelier earrings.



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