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Top Menu Links
These links will be permanent and can not be updated in your admin area. You must decide and confirm these links before sign off.
Menu Header
This Menu heading style will apply to each main menu title.
Side Menu
This vertical menu shows the pages created in your admin area. You can hide or show each page you create.
This is where your page banner will be displayed. You can upload and assign as many banners for each page or set to show banners at random.
This area shows a random snippet from your testimonials page.
This area shows snipets from your 2 latest news articles
Heading 1’s (H1)
Main Content
This is your largest heading style. You can apply this when editing your content.
This main centre section will be where you add/edit your content i.e text, images, and videos.
Heading 2’s (H2) This is a medium or sub heading style. You can apply this when eding your content.
These links will be permanent and can not be updated in your admin area. You must decide and confirm these links before sign off.
To sign off your proof or if you would like to make changes please email
Job Title: SportsSolutions4U
Proof No: 5
Design Type: Bespoke / Template
Page 1 of 2
Mistore Type: Intelligent