the facts
Global picture
450 million people participating No 1 Olympic Team Sport The most played team game in the world (International Basketball Federation has more member countries (213) than International Football Federation (208))
UK picture • 320,000 people in the UK competing in Basketball at least once per month • A national curriculum taught sport, inclusive of boys/ girls/disabled • Participation rates: • Over 16’s are in the same bracket (200,000) as rugby union and cricket with only football above this • Under 16’s it is in the number 2 participated in sport with 445,900 (11-15 year olds participating PESSYP Taking part survey - October 2009, Youth Sport Trust) • Number 2 sport provided by secondary schools (97% - PESSYP survey Oct 2009, Youth Sport Trust) and the number 2 sport in FE Colleges (89% - PESSYP survey Oct 2009, Youth Sport rust). • The most extensive inter-community sport in the market, not tied to social class • Family orientated sports entertainment
participation table Measured by the Active People survey, basketball compares well with major team sports. The table below shows the once per week measures for the main team sports and the percentage changes for each one between the key data points. On this measure, basketball’s performance reflects very positively: AP1 AP2 % Change AP3
% Change AP1-AP3
% Change AP2-AP3
Basketball Cricket Rugby Un Football Hockey Netball Rounders Rugby Lge Volleyball
21.9% 5.8% 11.8% 5.0% 1.9% 19.5% 9.1% -14.6% 19.5%
3.8% 0.8% -9.9% -1.0% -4.2% 12.3% -30.5% -28.7% -19%
158,400 195,200 185,600 2,021,800 93,900 111,700 16,500 73,800 32,800
186,100 204,900 230,300 2,144,700 99,900 118,900 25,900 88,300 48,400
17.5% 5.0% 24.1% 6.1% 6.4% 6.4% 57% 19.6% 47.6%
193,100 206,600 207,500 2,122,700 95,700 133,500 18,000 63,000 39,200
Measured by the PESSYP Taking Part Survey – October 2009, Youth Sport Trust, basketball compares extremely well against other team sports played by youngsters. 11-15 Yr Olds Basketball Cricket Rugby Union Football Hockey Netball Rounders Rugby League Volleyball
445,900 440,000 171,000 1,472,000 115,000 151,000 185,000 95,000 82,000
Provided by Secondary Schools
Provided by Primary Schools
Available At FE Colleges
97% 97% 86% 99% 84% 94% 96% 39% 77%
63% 88% 86% 97% 73% 94% 86% 39% 19%
89% 62% 68% 99% 40% 71% 43% 26% 53%
BBL information • The Men’s Professional League in the UK • Four competitions (BBL Championship, playoff, cup & trophy) • Encompassing 12 teams from Plymouth in the South West to Glasgow in Scotland. Plans to extend to 16 • Formed in 1987 • Works closely with Governing Bodies, NBA Europe, GB Basketball, GB Wheelchair Basketball Association • Stages three major finals (cup, trophy & playoff) each season staged at high profile venues • Dedicated website (BBL.ORG. UK) attracts over 145,000 unique visits per month • Produces ‘BBL - The Magazine’ an on-line Digital Magazine
events Attendance • Over
275,000 attended BBL Games (2009-10 season)
• Three major finals each season attracting over per event staged at high profile venues
6,000 spectators
30% in the last 3 years:
• Attendance has increased 67% are ABC1 social groups 79% Families 53% Male 47% Female
media Media Exposure • Weekly Sky Sports coverage is re-commencing 2010-11 • 50 Regional Newspapers with Daily Stories • National Newspapers with regular coverage with branding option • BBC Radio 5 Live • Regional Television Coverage • Extensive web coverage • Extensive local radio coverage
H4H - What is it?
Stage 1 - Healthy Living Roadshows Afternoons
• Health based national community programme, designed to raise standards of coaching, facilities and a key vehicle in delivering a positive message about healthy lifestyles whilst increasing the opportunities for young people to participate.
Stage 2 - Schools basketball coaching
• Excellent vehicle to deliver a Social Responsibility Programme. • Title and Partnership Opportunities available • Five key stages
Stage 3 - Regional Hoops 4 Health tournaments Stage 4 - Regional H4H finals Stage 5 - National Finals