Dec 2013 "Anniversary Issue"- Faces of WEA Entrepreneur Magazine

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5 Key Points For Creating Goals

Entrepreneur Spotlights! Breast Cancer Survivor:

Photoshoots With A Cause

Fashion n Style

lia Sophia Jewelry


Tips For Optimizing Your Website For Mobile

Women Entrepreneurs of America, Inc. CELEBRATING

Volume 1

Issue 2

11 Year

Anniversary! 1



Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

Women Entrepreneurs of America, Inc.


Remember that night you were lying in bed With business vision after vision Dancing through your head? You were not sure where to start Or what you should do But the Entrepreneur was brewing in you Jumping out of bed with a notebook in hand When everyone said “NO YOU WILL NOT!” Your Entrepreneur Soul yelled “YES YOU CAN!” Not much money in the pot Just a vision and some change You started your business journey And branded your name Looking back over the past Now what do you see? A massive number of Business Owner In state after state And sisterhood building internationally I am talking about you And I am talking about me Fruits blooming daily from the WEA tree Collectively we have come together Because of our Founder’s Dream Madame Yolanda Lamar-Wilder Is a POWERHOUSE Queen We can make dreams happen over the world If we ALL work hard together Oh my, how I love WOMEN ENTREPRENEAURS OF AMERICA!!! We have created a business WORLD And it is so much fun And in our Founder’s hand She holds the WEA’s Sun 11 years of service Is what we shout about WEA is where you need to be So stop and check us out! Written by Sharon Evans (A.K.A. Poetry’s Room) President of the Las Vegas Chapter Women Entrepreneurs of America, INC FacesOf OfWEA WEAMagazine Magazine- -December December2013 2013 44 Faces



Editor-In-Chief, Malisse Lockhart-Ford Managing Editor, Angel Regis-Felix Photographer Editor, Gwen Bochmann

Volume 1

Contributors, Sheila Hawkins Delisher Bankole Angel Regis-Felix

Issue 2

Public Relations Representative, Keisha Destini Griffiths Social Media Managers, Sharon Evans Crystal Ervin Tracey Waugh Advertising,

Women Entrepreneurs of America National President, Yolanda Lamar-Wilder

Faces of WEA Magazine

Of WEA Magazine - December 2013 66Faces Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013


In This Issue

10 Business

16 Technology 30Community

8Finance 26 Entrepreneurs

Spotlight 40Inspiration

44 H.E.R.O.s 46Business Opportunites 48Book Club Congratulations!!! Women Entrepreneurs of America, Inc. Celebrating 11 Year Anniversary!



Credit Awareness For the Entrepreneur By: Ulina Gustave

When I was approached about writing this article I was a little perplexed. I asked myself what will I talk about, like everything else in my life I left it up to faith I figured when the timing is right I will figure it out. Well that feeling did not last long I came to the realization that the timing is perfect. As an Entrepreneur myself or like I sometimes say a serial entrepreneur, the timing could not be any more perfect. It’s the holiday season, it’s resolution season, it’s the end of the year season where us entrepreneurs are counting on making that major purchase so we can get that tax right off or that deduction early

next year so we can start our year right. With that said I would like to take this moment and address the biggest challenge for Entrepreneurs. What is holding you back? What’s the one thing standing in the way of you and your freedom? The freedom to create your own hours, giving you more time with


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

your kids, that vacation you always dreamed of or retiring your parents. I know many of you will answer money, if I had the money or someday when I have the money. What if I told you, money was not an issue that you have all the money in the world available to you? Yes I can hear the grunt and moan and I am sure you would put up a good fight and argument. Well you wrong I believe the one thing stopping any Entrepreneur from achieving their dreams is lack of a strategic plan. We do not sit and consider the best course of action. I have heard stories and counter stories, for every challenge there is a solution. Let’s take the challenge of money. You say well I make just enough money to live on. I do not have anything extra to invest. What’s

wrong with this picture? You have created a mental block, you did not ask the question how can I create some extra income; maybe instead of sleeping eight hours a day cut it down to five hours leaving you an extra three hours to start an EBay business, or online business, without losing site of the ultimate goal. Remember your end result is to create money to start your own business Your dream business. Maybe that does not work for you. How about a part- time job? Dedicating all that extra income to your business, Oh you say that does

not work for me. How about creating an equity partner offer an investor 10% of your company for the initial capital that you need to start. Oh you say I do not want to give up any percent of my business, well let me ask you this, how much are you making now? 100% OF ZERO IS ZERO. So if someone would help you start a$100,000 company for 10% that’s too much to give? Then you complain about what you don’t have. Now how about doing a self evaluation test, do know your credit score? How far or close are you to qualifying for a personal loan? If getting a business loan is not possible? How about getting a co –signer and to all my 9-5’s out there you have no excuse use what you have to get what you want. Use that job to get that loan at least you have an edge you have income to qualify you. Use the job to build your credit score or to start putting things in place. Like registering your business getting your domain name hires an assistant while you at work to do little things that would move you closer to your goal. Take a half hour lunch and use half hour to be productive. ½ hour a day equals 2.5 hours a work week.

step, you would not climb a ladder on the third step you would start on the first one. How much money do you need to start your business and can you start part- time? Will your business be generating income immediately or do you need to support yourself and your family in the meantime? How can you create this income what’s your timeframe? A pilot would not get in a plane and just flying without first knowing how he is going to get to his destination. Please do not leave your business up to faith, for faith without action is like no faith at all. Think plan and plan some more. Gather all your intelligence or like my cousin would say all your raw data and then make it happen.

Many entrepreneurs do not understand that your personal credit plays a major role in your business credit for the first two years, until your business can show its own income you are responsible to build that business income. So again first things first do a self evaluation and ask you what is holding me back, and then create a strategic plan to make it happen. A step by



Affordable Care Act:

How To Apply For Health Coverage By: Elaine Stone

There is more than one way to apply for health insurance coverage on the health insurance exchange. You can apply for health coverage in the Marketplace 4 ways: - With a paper application - Online - By phone - Or in person with an assistant Apply with a paper application You can fill out a paper application and mail it in. You’ll find out whether you’re eligible for lower costs on private insurance, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Once you get your eligibility notice, you can either go online to compare, choose, and enroll in a plan or contact our call center. A customer service representative will help you.

If you or someone on your application are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, a representative will contact you to enroll.


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

To get a paper application, download about you and your family, like the application form and instructions. income, household members, current health coverage information, and more. This will help the Marketplace Apply online in 4 steps When you apply online, you’ll follow find options that meet your needs. Important: If your household files a 4-step process: more than one tax return, call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-8001. Set up an account. Start by going to the Marketplace page. First 318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) before you start an application. This you'll provide some basic informais a very important step. Please don’t tion. Then choose a user name, password, and security questions for skip it. Representatives can provide directions to make sure your applicaadded protection. tion is processed correctly. 2. Fill out the online applica3. Compare your options. tion. You'll provide information

You'll be able to see all the options you qualify for, including private insurance plans and free and lowcost coverage through Medicaidand the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The Marketplace will tell you if you qualify for lower costs on your monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costson private insurance. You’ll see details on costs and benefits to help you choose a plan that’s right for you. 4. Enroll. After you choose a plan, you can enroll online and decide how you pay your premiums to your insurance company. You must pay your premium by the date the insurer provides before your coverage can begin. Coverage can begin as soon as January 1, 2014. If you or a member of your family qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, a representative will contact you to enroll. Learn what you can do to get ready to enroll. If you run a small business, here’s what you can do to get ready to offer coverage for your employees in the SHOP Marketplace. If you have any questions, there’s plenty of live and online help along the way. Apply by phone or with an in-person assistant • To apply by phone, call 1-800-318-2596, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (TTY: 1-855-8894325). A customer service representative will work with you to complete the application and enrollment process. • You can also apply with the help of an assister who can sit with you and help you fill out a paper or


online application. Read the next section for more details. Find in-person help In all states, there are people trained and certified to help you understand your health coverage options and enroll in a Marketplace plan. They’re known by different names, depending on who provides the service and where they’re located. All can provide the help you need with your application and choices: • Navigators • Application assisters • Certified application counselors • Government agencies, such as State Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Offices Insurance agents and brokers can also help you with your application and choices. Visit ( to find help in your area. You can search by city and state or zip code to see a list of local organizations with contact information, office hours, and types of help offered, such as non-English language support, Medicaid or CHIP, and Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Before you apply, preview plans and estimated savings Before you fill out a Marketplace application, you can do 2 things to learn your options: • Use a cost and savings calculator to see if you may qualify for lower costs based on your household size and income. • Preview plans and prices available in your area. Note: Prices shown do not account for any savings you may be eligible for based on your household size and income. • Small business coverage: If you own a small business and want to apply for SHOP coverage for your employees, you’ll follow a different process. Begin that process now. Select your state from the drop down menu. Then click the green button to take the next step.

For More Information, Go to: OfOf WEA Magazine - December 2013 12 Faces WEA Magazine - December 2013 12 Faces

Enroll by Dec. 2 3 for Covera ge Star ting As Soon As J an 1st, 2014! www.HealthCa

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The gift of being calm in the midst of a busy day By: Jolynn Van Asten

“The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.” -Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why are you so busy? Really? When was the last time you felt truly calm? That serene peace of mind that trumps all emotions. That bliss. That self-assured knowing that you, at a soul level, are really ok. When was the last time you stopped being busy long enough to check in with yourself and be really present with your own amazing-ness? It seems that this time of year, in general, a silent buzz in the air triggers a notion within oneself to feel pressure, stress and anxiety. Is it the seasonal change at an atmospheric level? Is it the marketing being blasted by retailers? Is it an anchor to a tune from years gone bye? Whatever ‘it’ is you probably hear people saying “It’s that time of year.” That may be true. At some level, it is ‘that time of year.’ Every day one could really say, it’s “that time of year.” I’m going to encourage you to take a step back from that general belief and ask yourself: what does ‘that time of year’ mean to me? Consider the following: Do you have expectations of yourself and of others that place unnecessary pressure on you? What would happen if you decided that you were going to take a look at what’s really important to you (and actually do something about it)? What would it mean to you to operate your life and business from the platform of what’s deeply important to you? Is there something in the way of you living the life you really want? Perhaps a calm yet impactful life? I’m just curious.

Jolynn Van Asten


I believe, at the core of who you are, yes deep within, there’s a calm that can be accessed, amplified and applied practically to your everyday tasks. This calm will get you farther faster than if you bypass it, If you bury it under ‘shoulds’ or If you ignore it completely.

Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

You can choose to continue to run your life from a place of stress, anxiety and hustle. You could, on the other hand, not cave in to what everyone else expects from you ‘this time of year’ in the name of ‘keeping the peace.’ Really. It’s possible. Living in overdrive and caving in is not serving you in the long run, let alone the here and now. There’s a gift waiting for you in that calm place deep within. Last year if you gave yourself the gift of an ulcer, or worse -- the nonreturnable gift of being over-busy, over-worked, over-anything -- this is a sure sign that you ‘over-looked’ the calm gift inside of you. Here’s the good news: you can have a different experience this year. A gift is waiting that you can open now, and every day through practicing mindfulness and building in new habits. You can start now. Yes, the truth is, this could be the ‘time of year’ for you to start a new habit. A new tradition we could say.

What could shift for you with a small change right now? Only everything. Here’s a handy lesson in how to unwrap the gift of calmness within. Step One: Notice what is really going on now. Get real. Get present. It’s ok. Notice where you’re over busy. Are you engaging in tasks that make you feel like you’re working all the time -- yet they really aren’t the tasks that will move you forward towards your goals and outcomes? Could you please let go and delegate some of the tasks that rob you of your peace? Someone else could be very blessed by handling them for you (and they would enjoy it)! Step Two: Get creative. Look at your life from the position of a kind, non-emotionally attached observer. This can be done with your active imagination, or within a quiet minute of meditation or prayer. Pause long enough to step back and look at yourself compassionately, and no-

tice what you could disengage from in order to make space for engaging into self-discovery activities like journaling, yoga, painting, hiking etc. The more you get to know you, the more you can know what triggers you to feel peaceful. Step Three: Use the past as a resource for good. Recall a time when you felt peaceful, in the flow, aligned. Search inside for that time you felt fully at ease, calm and serene. Access that resource and notice where it is in your mind and body. Notice how your posture shifts as you recall it and allow that to remind you of how truly capable you are of being that way again, now. These three steps are all useful skills that you can cultivate to create a life that not only feels calm and genuine, but is enjoyable enough to be present in. A life that feels like a gift to you, not a daily grind, or a reactive errand you are sent on for someone else. Confident. Authentic. Leading and living a life you truly love. What a gift that would be!

Jolynn Van Asten is co-founder of Expert BreakThrough. She is a solid and dynamic leader, seasoned Master Business and Personal Transformational Coach who is dedicated to teaching women entrepreneurs and leaders how to create businesses that pay them over six figures annually while working less, and spending more time enjoying their other life passions. Jolynn has worked with 1,000’s of entrepreneurs in elevating their business success and assisting them in clearing their personal inner and outer roadblocks quickly at the unconscious and conscious level. She has a passion for training women in entrepreneurial leadership how to heal their emotional wounds around finances, prosperity, and self-worth. She teaches them how to restore their authentic divine connection, intuition, confidence and creativity while increasing their profit and productivity; their bliss. She holds many degrees and certifications in Transpersonal Psychology and Brain-Based Techniques and believes her clients and students seek out and appreciate how she’s able to lead and teach from her own healed heart business wisdom. Jolynn imparts intuitive guidance and grounded practicality to guide them on a journey to richness, wellness and wholeness. She is a forthcoming featured columnist in The Purposeful Entrepreneur Magazine and is the forthcoming author of: Procrastinate Your Way to Prosperity, Turning Your Weaknesses Into Gold. She conducts wisdom workshops for women on prosperity and time-energy management.



Tips For Optimizing Your Website For Mobile By: Edward Robert Kundahl

As a marketing firm that deals with website optimization, we often receive inquiries from clients asking whether they should optimize their websites to suit mobile phone browsing or not. In answer to this question, we ask whether mobile phones are going to take over from computers in the next few years. The best way to answer this question is to take a look at analytical results of website traffic in the past 12 months. Statistics show that at least 40% of the traffic to websites in the past 12 months has been driven from mobile phones. This figure is set to increase. Further statistics show that most mobile users who land on websites that are not optimized for mobile browsing are likely to visit the competitor's website and make a purchase from a mobile optimized website. So if sales are important to you, then you should optimize your website for mobile phone browsing. There are two options available for those who want to optimize their websites for mobile browsing: 1. You can use a responsive website. This website adapts to the size of the device it is being viewed on. This means it will become smaller if viewed from a mobile device. This


however is an expensive option. 2. The second option is to use a bespoke content platform. This means that you will only include essential information on the website. This platform allows for greater functionality for mobile users. This option is cost effective especially for small companies looking to increase their visibility without making a large investment. If you are considering the second option there are a few points you may like to keep at the forefront to ensure that you get the most out of your mobile marketing strategy: -Don't create new material for the mobile site. This is a pure waste of your time and energy. Simply edit the information on your primary website. The most important thing to note is that your message should be clear and concise. This means that you simply have to pick out the most important points from your primary website and include them in your bespoke platform. - It is vital that you change your mindset from a computer user to a mobile phone user. People who browse for information on their

Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

mobile phones are usually in 'task mode'. This means that they are probably looking for specific information from a commercial site such as the location, contact details, price etc. You should therefore ensure that the functionality of the mobile site is your topmost priority. - Keep your file sizes small. This is one of the most important rules of mobile sites. Users should be able to get in fast and get out with the information they need. Ed Kundahl is president and owner of Allentown-based IdeaOverTen, an Internet marketing agency and Web development company that offers clients total search marketing and interactive media solutions. His roots are in small-business search engine optimization and marketing and making sites user friendly and accessible to search engines. He can be reached at Article Source: Tips For Optimizing Your Website For Mobile



Entrepreneur Spotlight:

Annette Johnson 18

Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013


i I’m Annette. I have been married for 28 years to my wonderful husband, Terrance and we are blessed to be biological, adoptive, foster and grandparents. Growing up I always had a burning desire to be my own boss with the freedom to schedule my own hours and spend quality time with family. For over ten years I struggled looking for a legitimate network marketing opportunity that would have a great comp plan, rank advancements and a supportive team. For me, years ago that was hard to find. What I found were scams, opportunity’s where only the people who got in first were succeeding and companies that had no training and no team support. Sound familiar? As I continued to search and become more familiar with the network marketing industry, I began to discover great companies, and team players who honestly wanted everyone to succeed, however, we seemed to always start out strong and slowly drift apart. There seemed to be small success and huge failures because many lacked to understand that success comes when we work together. While disappointed when it looked as though all was failing for me in this industry, I also understood that it was me who wanted to be a stay at home mom, and it was me who wanted to work from home, therefore, it was me who had to make it work. I had to find a legitimate opportunity, gain knowledge of my product or service and take action! Giving up was not an option! It is only perseverance that separates the successful entrepreneurs from the

non-successful entrepreneurs. If it was to be, it was up to me! In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey when I joined a new company, it was friends and family that I approached first. I was excited for all to hear about my new business opportunity. An opportunity that I knew would work for all involved if we all worked hard. Many family members and friends joined me. We were on a quest for financial freedom. I am so thankful for their support, however, once the hype was over so was the business. Today after much prayer, research, dedication, support from family and friends, learning from my past failures and successes, and attending seminars/trainings (First Steps to Success/Dani Johnson), I am currently a Entrepreneur/Coach and a Independent Representative for two amazing companies (always start with one company unless you are experienced). Today’s world is different but are we changing with the times or do we continue to follow outdated advice. How many of you were taught to dissect frogs in school? How far has that gotten you financially? We are in a global financial crisis and we MUST take charge of our life. Job security does not ensure longterm financial security anymore. RESIDUAL income is the key! Cash flow ensures our financial security. Ignorance is a liability. We must know what works today! How many of you have dreamed of financial freedom? Being your own boss? Scheduling your own

hours? Traveling with family? Even employing others? Where is your dream today? What steps did you take to have your dream come true? Did you work on fulfilling your dream for 2 weeks? 2 months? A year? Have you made excuses of why your dream will never come true? Its simple, you can make a lot of money or a lot of excuses. People who make excuses are broke. Every millionaire has a story to tell of their struggles. The ups and downs of getting where they are today. We see their glory but don’t know their story. However, they didn’t make excuses, they had a dream, saw an opportunity, and took action. They endured and so can you! Its ok that you speak to 30 people a day and only one wants to buy your product or service. Just think in 30 days you would have sold to 30 people just by taking action. However, if you do nothing you get nothing. Success takes time. It doesn’t happen over night. We must stop looking for ‘get rich quick’ schemes and build our businesses one day at a time. MASSIVE ACTION gets MASSIVE RESULTS! What actions did you take yesterday toward your dreams? What actions have you taken today? Many times through my journey, I had to separate myself from those around me who didn’t understand my dreams, my vision, and my goals. It took a long time for me to realize that I was letting the opinions of people keep me from my dreams. I could have gotten here a long time ago if I had stayed focused and built my business one day at a time. It’s not to late to


get focused. Yes, it takes work! Less television! Less partying! More alone time! Early mornings! Late nights! It takes dedication and determination to reach your destination! Surround yourself with positive people! I once read that a ship is designed to take you places, so if your friendship, partnership or relationship isn’t taking you anywhere….abandonship! Those who understand the economic crisis today, those who understand the importance of residual income, the self motivated, the team players and the coachable are the people that you want to surround yourself with. Staying connected with like minded people is vital! Success is a choice! Either you choose to succeed or you choose to fail! It’s all up to you! Many have put their dreams on a shelf thinking their dreams would never come true. My friend get your dreams off of the shelf, get focused, and take action! In the past I have invested thousands into network marketing and have nothing to show for it today. Was it worth it? Yes it was. Those experiences helped me to get where I am today. I didn’t give up. I didn’t let failing in one opportunity stop me from trying in another and that’s how I have made thousands of dollars in this industry. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of NM but because of perseverance, hard work and determination, I’m finally on the right track. I am involved in two network marketing businesses that both cost under $300 to get started. What a low investment for the opportunity to make thousands. Yes, I invested into me and took action! Investing in me is the only investment that I have total control over. Invest in yourself! Be in control of your own money! Change begins with you. Money doesn’t start


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

in our hands, it starts in our head. You have to believe it before you can achieve it! In short, if you need extra income, would like to work full time or part time from home, need to supplement your income, have failed in business before but you’re now ready to start your financial freedom journey again, check out my website at Don’t let your situation define you. You define your situation! There are 3 keys to success. Opportunity! Knowledge! Action! Take advantage of this OPPORTUNITY. Gain KNOWLEDGE of the product or service and take massive ACTION to be on your way to financial stability. What is your motivation to make this business opportunity work? What are your financial needs? How much time are you willing to invest in you? Where do you want to be financially in two years? Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses. No more excuses! Its time to S.H.I.F.T. (Secure Handle and Invest in your Future Today)! Annette Johnson Entrepreneur/Coach




Bath and Body Norma's Bath and Body has handmade Luscious and Addictive Bath Soaps and More. Bath goodies that smell good enough to eat. You’ll see and feel the difference upon the first use.

If you have lots of family and friends that needs gifts, I carry Gift baskets for any Occasion. I also carry gift certificates.

With Norma's Bath and Body you can choose from over 200 unique and Fruity Fragrances and have them made into any product. We also have products for sensitive skin.

So shop with confidence at Norma's Bath and Body from the comfort of your home 24/7. I also carry trial size soaps, lotions and gels. Accept Bulk/ Wholesale orders anytime.

So if you're a woman that is on the go constantly and never seem to take care of you, then I open my doors to you to pamper your body from the head to the sole of your feet. Products that will make you relax and take you away from your problems to my body bakery heaven for just a moment.

There is no favorite product from Norma's Bath and Body because you will love them all as much as I do!

Have kids and grandkids that you love to spoil? I make and carry products for kids. From cupcake soaps to pop tart soaps and more. Now that is a treat…a body dessert. But do not eat them!


Have a special man in your life? I carry a bath and body line for them too! Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

-Norma Mcelroy

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Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

Shots by Miko is owned and operated by Marlena “Miko” Richardson, and came about as an ideal way to showcase my bartending and mixology skills alongside knowledge of the distilled spirits industry. Miko began bartending about 5 years ago as a lead VIP Hostess for Club 4400 that was located in Midtown KCMO, it was part of her job to come up with fun exciting drink combinations to keep the patrons coming back for more than the music and food. Alongside her other co-workers with some tweaking came up with the signature drink of the venue called “The 4400”, that’s probably about the time Miko figured she could probably make a hard liquor very pleasing to the palate to the hundreds of patrons that came through there. After the close of 4400 people would stop her in the streets and rave about her drink concoctions and ask where she was tending bar at and prior to going back to the nightlife scene she did lots of

private parties and events, always mixing up a specialty drink for the occasion on site. With that Miko was hired on at a few local nightclubs, bars and is still being contacted to do small events. Making consistently great innovative and fun drinks for people garnered her the “KC’s Bartender of Choice” tag.

wants to get on their show to try Shots by Miko. As the fan base grows, Shots by Miko is proactively gathering the necessary tools to grow not just as a business but as a brand.

Shots by Miko does custom shots, custom cocktails and full on custom spirits as well as provide full bartending services for large or small events. It’s about the experience, not just the drink, as Shots by Miko is to grow into a licensed team of bartenders and waitresses. On top of events, nightlife and testing on friends, Shots by Miko is the official mixologist for 6ShotsRadio, an internet radio show that broadcasts every Wednesday at 8pm CST. Every week the hosts and guests get to sample the new things that Shots by Miko has come up with and everyone

Specialties: Flavored Long Islands Fruit Flavors Novelty Flavorings Off the brain drinks with whatever is handy High proof mixes that have no burn Combination flavorings


Young Entrepreneur


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013


JH Bake Lab, a youth enrichment after-school program focusing on the creative arts and sciences, was started by Courtney Hixon in 2012 out of Houston, Texas. In the Creativity Lab for Kids, students are taught art as well as science. Through their art curriculum, kids become masters of creativity- constructing artwork and designing their own clothing. In teaching their science curriculum, they apply principles of chemistry to formulate emulsions, personal care products, and cosmetics. In addition, principles of engineering, math, and technology are taught, as the students design, build, and battle imaginative, lego robots.

Kids aren’t the only ones that get to have a good time at the CJH Bake Lab, they also offer a Cosmetics Laboratory & Mini Cosmo Bar for adults! The cosmetic laboratory offers a cosmetic chemistry course, taught by an experienced chemist. For any adult wishing to launch a line of personal care products (whether hair care, skin care, or color cosmetic- categories), this class is a perfect fit for you. In addition, they offer special formulation parties within their “mini cosmo bar”. The class curriculum includes: • Introduction To Cosmetic Chemistry • Hair Care (Shampoos, Conditioners, Gels, Styling Products…) • Skin Care (Lotions, Body-washes, Scrubs, Peels, Cremes……) • Color Cosmetic (Lip Glosses, Blushes, Eyeshadows, & Nail Polishes) So how did Courtney Hixon’s journey start? Her interest started at a young age when she would conduct research and experiments as well as art projects in her parent’s garage, her first retail store location- showcasing her homemade products to adoring neighbors. Although she always had the passion and drive to work within the art and cosmetic industries, her small-town

upbringing limited her outlook and exposure to those career options. And upon graduation from high school, she went to college and studied healthcare. Five years into her studies and career, she was immensely unhappy, until she encountered a mentoring cosmetic chemist. She had then found the creative side to science! After a few years of experience within product development and research for cosmetic companies, she moved to New Orleans to open an art and beauty focused business. While developing her business plan and sub-teaching in the inner city schools, she developed a strong sense of duty and responsibility in rebuilding the city and community as an educator, in addition to being an entrepreneur. From there, the after school program was formed. For more information about this incredible entrepreneur and CJH Bake Lab, visit or on Facebook at



Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013



E L Y T S n N O I H


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As WINTER rolls in, the TURTLE NECKS roll out of hiding! This is an amazing time to explore all the different looks you can create with the versatile styles from lia Sophia jewelry. In our last issue the creative director ELANA KIAM from lia Sophia shared the 6 essentials every FACES OF WEA magazine reader MUST HAVE in their jewelry box. Now, I’m going to share with you how to put those 6 styles together in a budget friendly, fabulous way! Let’s get started: A turtleneck sweater can be worn with slacks, jeans or skirt. *choose a pair of hoops & stud earrings @ regular price

Hoops $36

Studs $26

1 cocktail ring $44

1 fabulous bracelet $15 Diva’s price!

30-33” $32

16-19” $21

2 necklaces long & short @ half/price

ONLY $179!!

While these are only samples of OVER 500 pieces from the current lia Sophia collection, we are proud to say our customers shop confidently knowing each item has a lifetime replacement guarantee. So go ahead mixNmatch your metals! RE-DESIGN YOUR styles & be BOLD with color this winter season! For more DIVA DEALS FROM THE QUEEN of BLING contact: Delisher @ DAILY DOORBUSTERS @





Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

Could I really collect 100 pair of shoes?

More importantly, why did I want to collect 100 pair? By: Elinor J Sutton


ike all women, I love shoes and like all Christians I love the opportunity to give back. So when I saw that WEA was sponsoring the Sole2Soul shoe drive. I went into overdrive. I hit the social media, FB, Twitter and Email. I called my friends and family. I emailed my work group. I requested flyers for posting. I was getting excited; and, I was determined that everyone around me would get excited too and bring me their old shoes. I have found that people generally want to help each other, they just don’t know how and this was an opportunity for me to be “the how.” Twice a year I have a collection for a local charity “Love for the Living.” At Thanksgiving we collect food for local single mothers to help with their holiday meal and at Christmas we collect toys and men’s toiletries for local fathers who are single handedly raising their children too. So, I figured I would ask my friends and family along with my work family to pitch in one more time and help me collect shoes for the needy.


I asked God to help me collect 100 pair of shoes, why 100, I guess because somewhere in the back of my mind I could hear the saying 99 ½ just won’t do. So, I asked Him to touch the hearts and minds of my family and friends and have them open their hearts right into their shoe closets and bring me the shoes that were in good condition that they were no longer wearing and had no plans to wear in the near future. I told them “Our Old Shoes Can Help Start Their New Lives.”


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

My collection box and my first two pair of shoes came the same day at practically the same time. I came home for lunch and the boxes were on the porch; I was so excited and it was back to social media. I took a picture with my collection box and started posting and emailing it all over the city and when I got back to work my coworker was there with her shoes in a bag just waiting for the box to arrive. We had begun!

I am a firm believer in the fact that “Working Together Works” and I have found that when people know what they are working for and have a common goal they can literally be unstoppable. So, the Sole2Soul shoe drive had a goal and I informed the donators all through the process how we were doing as I collected shoes I kept them informed with the count of where we where and how far we had to go. I Got Them Hyped about giving me their shoes and helping me to help others and the shoes just kept coming in. I had one donation of 20 pair from a family of 6. How’s that for giving back? Now, with every blessing there is a lesson and This Lesson was for me. You can not just ask; you Must Also give:…. God said: I deal in Tenths and Tithes. What did you ask me for?

do I want from you? I said: 10 pair~~ Luke 6:38 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. For those that know me know that that was a hard thing for me to do. I love my shoes and have more than enough to share, I was prepared to give away two pair; but ten, yes ten, that is what God was requiring from me if I was going to be asking of others. I needed help; I had to find someone to hold me accountable. My Spirit was willing but my flesh said NO. I had a goal and I knew that my goal nor could the Goal of The Father be reached if I did not do my part. I had to tell someone what I had to do because it had to be done. I called my girlfriends and they got to work on me. I listened and I learned. I sweated and toiled but I did as I was asked. I was determined. I donated ten pair of shoes out of my own open heart and open shoe closet.

I said: 100 pair

Why did I include that, because life is a struggle and the decisions that we make could not only affect us, but others around us. We have to make little daily decisions based on what we know and what we believe to help others and to help the course of our lives to each reach the full potential that The Father has placed in us all.

He said: What

Each small accomplishment is a

stone paving your way to your true light. Showing you the strength you possess to continue on your journey. And, even though each decision may not result in a tangible reward; God is watching each and every heart and affording us continuous opportunities to go beyond ourselves. I didn’t know why and I still may not have the full understanding but this was a lesson in giving for me. Participation is not just in the asking it is also in the doing. All I know is, I have met my personal goal of collecting 100 pair and we are now into the abundance and overflow (shoes are still coming in). All because I acted on what I believed. What are you willing to do for what you believe? Our Final Count: And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: 2 Cor 9:8 Elinor J Sutton WEA, Indianapolis Chapter




Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013


The Breast Cancer Survivor Celebration Of Life Photo Shoot

By: Sandy Valrey

The organization started from a one time day of, a few friends getting together, to do something nice and give back to the community that was June 26,2011. With absolutely no money, a couple of gift certificates, some connections, some favors, a few friends, a couple of dollars from her own pocket, 30 volunteers and 6 breast cancer survivors. Now October 2013 we have had 4 events totaling 60+ ladies! We call them “events” now because they have turned into a full event for the survivors! They stay all day get hair and makeup like a celebrity and then go off to wardrobe. Finishing with a full on fashion photo shoot! This takes up to 4 hours per lady! So that’s why the team is so huge. We have everything from hairstylist, makeup artist, photographers, to stylist and more to create this great event.

Sandy Monroe with DaiCor Baskets and More came aboard October 2011 as a basket sponsor. I remember seeing her she looked so overwhelmed! After all noone really gets it until they come! It is a full day of ministering, crying, healing, sharing stories, and educating! After the event was over she was so impressed she decided to come aboard. Sandy and three others make up the Breast Cancer Survivor Empowerment Network, Brittney Goff, Brian Walker with Brian Keith Productions and the organization founder/creator Judy Williams. Judy came up with this concept from the many years she has worked on photo shoots and dealing with divas! Just knowing how being treated like a queen makes a person feel she knew that this would work wonders for self esteem and just to have a day be all about you would be a dream come

FacesOfOfWEA WEAMagazine Magazine- December - December2013 2013 36 36 Faces

true. Most of these ladies have not had a day just for them in years, if ever! They have forgotten what it feels like or have never even known it. They have given so much to others that they forget about themselves. This is our way of saying we know and we feel your pain, struggle and we also see your strength! There are so many “whys” as to how this came about. Sandy now sponsors DaiCor Baskets and more, and volunteers with her son DaiShawn Valrey (the DJ), her mom Cindy Monroe, Her sister Shawntel and Mother in Law! Sandy says “When I started I was so amazed by the women from the time they arrive until the time they get dolled up. When I saw the womens faces light up with happiness that made my day and it stuck with me ever since. I like to create things so in some what of a way the

makeup artist and stylist are creating as well as the photographers are doing with the camera. So when I saw that it stuck with me hearing some of their stories and how much they have gone through I just never knew. I love this organization because it brings so much joy to the women that have to struggle with this. As long as we can be a part of this organization we will be with the BCS Team forever. It feels really good to have a organization that everybody wants to be a part of! Its more than just one day! It takes us a full year to plan this event! We are now working on getting a 501 3C (charity status) so we can get more sponsors to do more for the survivors! The event is held once a year for breast cancer survivors (you don’t have to be in remission just well enough to attend)

Featuring over 50 businesses participating, from photography to makeup to dresses, shoes, styling and hair! We have it all FREE to Breast Cancer Survivors EVEN MEN!!. We are always looking for sponsors, also dresses, shoes and suits are always appreciated! To sponsor this event October 2014 or for more information on how you can become involved email Judy Williams Creator/Founder of The Breast Cancer Survivor Celebration Of Life Photo Shoot For more info or to make a donation or to purchase calendars please go to:


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Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013


Midwest Black Hair Magazine Presents



Save the date for the 5K Walk/Run for Alopecia, Hosted by Midwest Black Hair Magazine in Kansas City, MO. Alopecia Areata is a common autoimmune skin disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. Alopecia areata affects approximately two percent of the population overall, including more than 6.5 million people in the United States alone. Join the run for a cause of raising money for victims of this widely spread disease. Please visit for more information about the race and how you can participate or help.

Hosted By:

Interested in helping Sponsor the event, donate supplies or volunteer? Please email or call 816-866-MWBH (6924)




5 Key Points For Creating Your Goals By: Sheila Hawkins


t’s really easy to know what you want but how to get there can be the tricky part and there are things that contribute to failure that most people aren’t aware of. There are important things that you have to consider when you’re thinking about the goals you want to create. Those particular things, when they’re not considered are the very things that contribute to your goals failing, and if you make the mistake of leaving them out of the mix, you’re probably not going to reach your goals. Everybody has goals—things that they want to accomplish. What usually happens though is that you get off to a good start with great enthusiasm, moving forward toward what you want, and then, about a month or so into that hot pursuit, you stall. All of a sudden you aren’t moving forward. You’re off track and maybe even heading in the wrong direction. The frustration starts to set in and you don’t know why or what to do next. Well, the reasons “why” are the key points you missed when you created your goals. Missing them will keep you from getting to the finish line if you don’t make some changes. There are 5 key points to consider in your process of creating your goals.


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

Key Point# 1-Be Sure What You Create is a Goal

Many times people create what they think are goals, but they’ve created something entirely different. What they really have are thoughts, words, just whims or resolutions. Those things are fine and they can serve as great catalysts to start your process, but they aren’t goals. They don’t have the muscle or the staying power that’s necessary. Solid goals do. Take whatever it is that you’re contemplating creating and run it through the S.M.A.R.T. test: Is it specific? Can you measure the results? Is what you created attainable? Is it relevant to your purpose? Is what you created time-bound with a “by when” date?

Key Point # 2-Your Goals Should be Based Upon Your Values

Before you morph your thoughts, desires, whims, resolutions, or whatever you might have created into goals, stop to think about how whatever that is relates

to something that you value. If it doesn’t, why would you give your time to it? Values have become an intricate part of today’s work environment, and when you think about it they really should be. Corporations are pulling them into the mix, making them part of their foundation and you should too!

Key #3-What’s Your Level of Commitment?

You have to actually want to manifest what you say you want to manifest in order for it to show up. At times even though you say you’re committed, there’s usually something lurking in the background, behind what you say you’re committed to. Behind what you say you’re committed to are stronger, unconscious commitments that you don’t know exist. You may have said you’re committed to is your health and well-being, but what you might just be committed to is eating whatever you want and being lazy and just letting it ride. Start digging to see what you’re really committed to by looking at how you are actually living your life to see how that contrasts with what you say you’re committed to.


Key #4-Create and Hold Your Vision

to their destination, but have no clue as to how they’re It’s really hard to get where you want to go if you don’t getting there. They might even know some of the have a clear picture of what it looks like. Lack of vision details, but that’s simply not enough. Working toward your goals without a plan is like attempting to drive keeps people from what they want all the time. Get a across the country without a road map. Your plan is clear picture of what you want. See each goal as you would a movie and allow that vision to inspire you. As your road map that details where you’re starting from, you watch each of these movies, make note of what you where you’re going and all of the points in between. see, what you hear, feel--all of those fine details. If you So there you have it…the 5 key points for creating could achieve that goal, exactly what would your life look like? To help you with the process, try visualizing your goals. If you’re struggling right now, get these what you want during a meditation or creating a vision key points in play. I’m sure that implementing them board to get your clear picture. Your vision helps create will help you not only to create your goals, but to attain them as well. the context for your goals. Create that context then pursue your goals inside of that context.

Key Point #5-Have a Plan!

One of the biggest mistakes that I see people make is that they don’t create a plan. They jump on the road

©2013 Sheila Hawkins, Third Eye Group. All Rights Reserved. Sheila Hawkins is President/CEO of Third Eye Group based in Detroit, Michigan. Sheila has been helping professionals and entrepreneurs organize their time and increase their productivity for the last 21 years. She's a coach, speaker, media personality and author. Her new book Wielding Time, shares her personalized approach to productivity that has been called "revolutionary". Hawkins provides customized services tailored to the needs and personality of the client, creating order and peace, transforming environments, initiatives and lives. Services include office organizing, productivity training, coaching, and workshops. Learn more by visiting

Visit The Official Website for the Faces of WEA Magazine to purchase your printed magazine, subscribe to our digital issues, and more Faces of WEA Magazine


Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013




Name It, Claim It, and Pursue It! By: Henry Ford

Whenever I am blessed with the opportunity to share a message, whether from the lectern or the pen, I consider it an honor. I consider this a double blessing; sharing with the audience of one who has built a national organization from a dream, a passion, and a lot of work. The challenge of addressing and inspiring such an audience is that they understandably already have great expectations. There is an expectation that my words will reveal something new and almost magical. The truth is that you already have within you the necessary prerequisites for success, and the secret is that there is no secret. For your success you must simply name it, claim it and pursue it! Name it! For over twenty years I’ve sought to learn, practice, share and become proficient


in the areas of personal and professional development. During that time I’ve discovered that people have different definitions of success. You will never become the best someone else. You can only become the best you in the world. If you do that, you will have achieved a level of success and a degree of self-satisfaction that has eluded even those we hold in the highest esteem. Someone else’s dreams for you will not likely result in your satisfaction. Once you have defined or redefined what it is you seek, the powers of the universe ignited by

Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

the fire within you, and fueled by your burning passion, will cause you to become unstoppable. The only person that can deny you what is destined to be yours is you! So your first challenge is to name it! Claim it! When you define, decide and begin to pursue what it is you want, something else will happen to you. As you begin your journey toward success, some of the people and circumstances you encounter will become obstacles. Depending upon your level of belief and passion, ob-

stacles can become stumbling blocks, stepping stones, or a variety of road signs including Detour and Road Closed. Your challenge is to keep your eyes on the prize, and understand that if what you want was easy, everyone would have claimed it. But what is meant for you is for you alone. It is unlikely that others will understand your willingness to make the investment needed for you to become your best you. When you have sufficient facts, along with a strong heart and a made up mind, it is you and you alone that must decide if you are ready to commit to it and claim it! Pursue it! Now that your success is named and claimed, you are ready to engage in Hot Pursuit. Because we are currently in the football season, please allow me to use some “football talk.” Those with the patience (and heart) to watch football probably notice that the closer your team gets to the end zone, the greater the resistance becomes. Life is much the same. Things appear easy or at least doable when you are in the “open field,” but once your goal is within reach, stuff happens! In addition to the spiritual explanations, some believe that our sub-conscious resists change, even when that change is what we think we want and have worked so hard to achieve. Their belief is that many of us doubt or actually fear the success we pursue.

Claim It. Dig in, raise your head to the hills from whence cometh your help, try again; and soon you will be standing upright between the Uprights and experiencing . . . TOUCHDOWN! But remember the game is not over until you win. During your run down the field, you executed many offensive and defensive moves, and hopefully you enjoyed the run. Sometimes the journey or the run is as rewarding as the touchdown. Enjoy the game as you score time after time. No I didn’t forget the extra point. You get that every time you “give back.” Don’t become overly concerned about the scores of the opposition. Learn from those experiences, and let them teach and toughen you for the playoffs. The pursuit of success simply requires that you get up just one more time than you get knocked down, and you will have successfully pursued it! Henry Ford is an Author, Speaker, Consultant and Publisher of VISIONS Newsletter. For more information, visit, Email successisyou@, or call 216-348-4612.

As a writer and speaker, some of my most rewarding moments are those times when someone lets me know they have experienced a breakthrough. Those are times when perceived failure and frustration wear the uniform of the defending team. At the same time, the offense it outfitted in uniforms with phrases such as “I believe, I can, I will.” Changing uniforms from losing to winning only takes place with faith, a positive attitude, and relentless pursuit. If you dress up fear and frustration, you have simply made your obstacles look more appealing and acceptable. Change must begin in the head and the heart before it appears on the playing field. On the playing field, keep in mind that the "One yardline" is littered with delayed hopes, forgotten dreams, and the excuses of those who stopped just short of their goals. Remember the passion that brought you this far, the passion that caused you to Name It and


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Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013



Faces of WEABookClub Wielding Time By: Sheila Hawkins

Read more about Wielding Time and purchase book at: 48

Faces Of WEA Magazine - December 2013

Content To Commerce By: Avi Savar

Over the last decade, the convergence of media and technology has turned the marketing world on its head. In order for brands to succeed in today’s socially connected world, you must think like a publisher and act like a media network. You have to master the publishing and entertainment world’s tools and techniques for content marketing success and harness social media’s capacity to fuel stronger relationships between your brand and consumers.Content to Commerce offers a clear approach to social media marketing for both big and small brands alike. You’ll learn how to build a carefully architected brand network that amplifies everything your brand does or says in the marketplace, with the goal of maximizing paid media to drive earned media and build owned media. From big picture strategy to necessary tools and tactics, this book offers a practical blueprint to incorporating the “Network Model” to achieve tangible business results. Content to Commerce offers proven guidance on how to leverage social media effectively—ultimately reaching today’s hyper-connected and highly fragmented audiences.

“Social media has fundamentally changed the way we do business today. This book is a terrific blueprint for how brands can successfully drive social media marketing at scale.”

- Pete Cashmore, CEO and founder, Mashable

Read more about Content To Commerce and purchase book at:




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