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دعنجلا .مس 235 لوط ىصقأ ىلا ومنت نيبناجلا نم طوغضم ليوط اهمسج :ةماعلا تازيملا ىمم ابيرقت ةروظنم ريغو رغصلا ةغلاب روشقب ىطغم يدامر قرزا ةكمسلا نول سلملاا مسجلا ةكمسلا يطعي .ةيضف بناوجلا امنيب ىلعلاا نم .رحبلا طسو و ئطاشلا برق ةداع دجوت :اهتائيب كامسلأا ةصاخو كامسلأا ىلع ىذغتت :يئاذغلا ماظنلا ةيحطسلا لوقاحلا .مس 125 لوط ىصقأ ىلا ومنت روشقب ىطغم يرئادو ليوط مسجلا :ةماعلا تازيملا نوللا يضفو ىلعلاا يف ةقرزلل لئام قماغ رضخا نوللا . بناوجلا ىلع قماغ قرزا طخ دوجو عم لفسلاا نم .ةحوتفملا ةيحطسلا هايملا يف شيعت :اهتائيب ةيحطسلا كامسلأا ىلع ىذغتت :يئاذغلا ماظنلا .نايبرلاو ةريغصلا 3. Local name: Sikin
by Fact ME
known as: Cobia

Grows to a maximum length 200cm.
General Features: Its body is elongated and its head is semi-cylindrical and broad. Its thick skin is characterised by black and brown spots on its head and sides, while its abdominal area is yellowish in colour, with two long lines of silvery white on the sides.
Their Habitat: Near coral reefs and rocky shores, and prefers to live in clear waters.
نكسلا .مس 200 لوط ىصقأ ىلا ومنت سأرلاو يناوطسا هبش يلوط مسجلا :ةماعلا تازيملا ريغ ادج ةريغص روشق مسجلا يطغي طسبنم ضيرع ينبلا دوسلأا نوللاب بناوجلاو سارلا زيمتي ،ةروظنم .نطبلا ةقطنم يف تهبي ئطاوشلاو ةيناجرملا باعشلا قطانم يف شيعت :اهتائيب .ةيفاصلا هايملا يف شيعلا لضفتو ةيرخصلا و ةيحطسلا كامسلأا ىلع اذغتت :يئاذغلا ماظنلا .تايرابحلاو نايبرلا مأ و نايبرلاو ةمئاعلا تاناطرسلا .2 ديص of the
Grows to a maximum length 80-150cm.
General Features: Has a long body and a large mouth, and its overall colour is silvery gray whilst its body is covered with small scales.
Their habitat: Pelagic fish around coral reefs.
Diet: Fish and molluscs.
Grows to a maximum length 20cm. General Features: Shrimps have a distinctive shape – they have elongated bodies which are typically divided into two major sections, namely the head and the thorax which are fused together forming the cephalothorax. Its second body section is a segmented abdomen. The female species are usually larger than the male, making it easy to distinguish the male from the female. Their Habitat: Shrimps thrive in shallow waters and muddy as well as mangrove areas.
Diet: Algae and invertebrate organisms and plants, small crustaceans and other bacteria that reside in mangroves in shallow water.
6. Local name: Sils known as: Spotted halfbeak

Grows to a maximum length 25cm.
General Features: Long and somewhat compressed body; with its lower jaw extended to resemble a long beak, silver and green colour appear on the top portion of its body, with white and silver on its sides.
Their Habitat: Pelagic fish near the shorelines of land areas.
Diet: Micronutrients, small fishes, floating green algae, crustaceans and fish larvae.