2 minute read
from Ohlala Qatar October 2018
by Fact ME
• Protein: When you think beautiful hair you rarely think about eating a steak; however, proteins are the building blocks for our body, so focusing on consuming good quality options will help your body in creating healthy cells to grow hair from. My favourite source for hair (and nails) health? Collagen, which is an amazing amino acid that we rarely consume and lack terribly.
• Iron and Zinc: These minerals are involved in the health and performance of hair follicles (aka where our hair comes from) as well as in tissue oxygenation, growth and repair. How to tackle them? Indulge in Zinc and Iron rich foods like spinach, shellfish, mushrooms and meat.
Oh, Rapunzel, let down your hair! Who hasn’t encountered this story and wished to also have Rapunzel’s shiny, strong and abundantly beautiful hair? I mean, I don’t know about you, but I would love to be able to use my hair as a rope, and only she has accomplished this so far.
Fortunately, this wish doesn’t have to stay in the land of Happily Ever After. Beautiful hair is an inside job that depends as much on our genetics as it does on our diet and the care we give it. However, in a market saturated by pills, gummies, masks and even potions that promise beautiful hair, sometimes it feels like we’re asking one of the seven dwarfs instead of relying on science.
So, let’s talk hair care with facts so we can create our own Rapunzel Protocol to recover, heal, nourish and protect our hair. Furthermore, so that we can achieve its optimal expression and health. These are the best nutrients you can bring into your diet right away:
• B Complex: This group of water soluble vitamins play a huge role in cell metabolism. They are all important for our general health, nonetheless Biotin (known as B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) and B5 are particularly relevant in supporting our adrenals, which stimulates hair growth, as well as thickening hair fibres and increasing its pliability, helping it better withstand the wear and tear of life. Want a way to up their intake? Start with eggs, avocados, nuts, dark leafy greens, meat and poultry.
• Vitamins C and D: These two fight cell ageing as well as support hormonal balance, so consuming them supports with healthier looking hair that grows healthily thanks to our happy hormones. To get your daily doses, make sure to add bell peppers, citric fruits, kiwis, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as safely expose yourself to the sun.
It’s true that not everyone is genetically coded to have huge amounts of thick Coachella-worthy hair as much of our hair’s texture, quantity and pattern will depend on genetics. However, if you nail your diet and use some of these hacks, you too can have a luscious and healthy mane within your own biology… who knows, you could redefine your own Rapunzel story!