2 minute read
Well Resourced
from Gallery Jersey 188:
by factory
Helen Borges joined Crestbridge in 2019 to set up and manage a new resourcing function.
Helen offers insights into her job Senior Manager, Resourcing, her achievements and where Crestbridge has supported her career success.
What do you do day-to-day?
I’m so lucky, my job is very varied day-to-day, and I really love that variety! In any one day, I could be interviewing a candidate, holding a briefing with our recruitment partners, discussing offers with potential employees, or working with the business to understand their wider recruitment needs. I also regularly work on large projects across our business – these can be in our other jurisdictions which is a great way to keep in touch and work closely with colleagues across the Group. My job is non-stop, but I love the challenge!
What is the Hardest bit of your job?
Definitely declining candidates! It’s never fun when you have to tell someone they’ve been unsuccessful, especially when you can see they’ve really tried and want the role. However, I try to make the experience as positive as possible, ensuring they leave with constructive, helpful feedback that can support them going forward and hopefully help them in their next interview.
Is there a female business role model who inspires you, and why?
There are so many amazing women in business, it’s really hard to choose just one. Right now, I think the women that inspire me the most are those who juggle busy working lives whilst also managing home life and dealing with all the other commitments that life involves these days - they are the real inspirations!
Do you have any career highlights?
Definitely being promoted in the most recent round of company promotions! This is fantastic in its own right and something I’m so proud of, but even more so as I’ve just returned from parental leave. I feel so grateful to work in a business where my hard work, planning and commitment is still recognised even though I wasn’t in plain sight. Crestbridge is a business where I can work flexibly around my family and somewhere I feel truly valued.
What do you most enjoy about your role?
There are two things I love about in-house recruitment. The first is that I take so much joy from seeing the individuals that we hire come into the business, how they take hold of their job and the opportunities we offer, and how they go from strength to strength as their career takes off, often leading to promotion. It’s so rewarding! The second is a simple one, but probably my favourite; I just never get tired of telling someone they got the job – absolutely nothing beats it!
What other opportunities have you been able to take advantage of at Crestbridge?
Since joining Crestbridge, I have been given full autonomy to establish the resourcing function across the Group and I’ve loved every minute of it! Crestbridge is such a supportive business and I’ve so much encouragement and trust from my directors and the senior leadership team. Knowing they’re behind me has given me the confidence to push myself out of my comfort zone and progress professionally – I’m very grateful for this and can’t wait to see what the future brings.
Working at Crestbridge is far more than just a job. We offer opportunity and a bright future, working with some of the best people in their field. You'II be part of our inclusive and friendly culture that values diversity, rewards integrity and emphasises fun.
