Facts about The Planet Pluto

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Astrology in Action – Pluto People who are fascinated with Astrology often read newspapers and check out their horoscopes to see what their luck would be. Astrology can work if you believe in it. Money, love, pleasure, happiness and satisfaction are the things we want in life, so how does Astrology work for you in these aspects? It may seem complicated, but once you learn the basics, it will take care of itself. For example, a person’s sun sign indicates the constellation where the sun was when he/she was born. The moon sign is also important because it is the sign of the zodiac that the moon occupied when, and where a person was born. These are the basics, so it is important to know that the Sun offers hope and gives out energy, while the Moon changes a person’s mood in any day. The planets are associated with our lives and influence us in varying degrees. For now, let us focus with Pluto. It symbolizes deep transformation in a person’s life. As the ruler of intense energy, Pluto is about how a person exercises control his own life. It also is the god of wealth, hidden treasures and “power” over people. In the big picture, Pluto will make a person look back at his life and see it as a major transformation. Nothing is permanent, but change and Pluto can alter a person’s life this way. One must not expect changes right away because it would be slow and gradual. He must learn to relax and deal with things in a calm manner. Pluto can shape a person’s identity and give him a purpose in life. When it comes to love, Pluto will help a person change his/her perspective when it comes to emotions and values. A man or woman can look good when they wear new clothes and the right temperament when it comes to love. It would improve their self-esteem, so lovers should feel excited when they reach a high level of maturity. Pluto can make a tantalizing transformation in anyone’s life for as long as that person knows how to channel his emotions and turn it to positive energy. People should take note because love matters very much. Mystery and spiritual experiences can excite a person’s senses and Pluto will make sure that his/her insights would be sound. Living in the present is a positive

way for a person to live. Looking at the future can bring negative thoughts, especially if things are not going as planned. Pluto will teach discipline and how a person should deal with negative or positive circumstances. Humility should be practiced at all times, so no one can be accused of being arrogant or egotistical. For all the energy a person can exert, Pluto will teach him, or she to relax, so sleep – of all things is tantamount. A person may be drained by traumatic events or become frustrated at times, so sleep will rest his mind and he would be energized when he wakes up. One must not go into vices because these will warp the mind. Pluto will teach you how to channel positive emotions and your dreams may come true. This is Astrology in action and Pluto symbolizes change, regeneration and transformation. A person should let the planets influence his/her life, so there would be good results.

Pluto - Cast Off and Treated Like a Bum Being cast off is a very painful thing. Perhaps a person would feel very lonely because he is treated as a pariah in his own backyard and sent off to exile. In Roman mythology, Pluto is the god of the Underworld. Unlike his more powerful siblings, he lives alone in his lonely and desolate kingdom. Just recently, the planet Pluto was unceremoniously downgraded from a planet to a “dwarf planet.� For being a tiny planet with bigger and more massive neighbors like Eris and Charon, it was stripped off and nudged out of our solar system by a group of astronomers, who thought it was the right thing to do scientifically. Pluto maybe a cold and unfeeling planet, but many people were hurt by the findings. Even if it is a distant planet, Pluto was already in the mindset of most people who loves Astronomy. Imagine their consternation when they received the news that Pluto was discarded and sentenced to be with other celestial beings in a place called the Kuiber belt. They felt outraged because Pluto was condemned to eternally wander in that place and worse, be eventually forgotten as just another

icy planet. For many other astronomers, the decision was really a crime to the point that they are going to appeal the controversial decision. Astronomers have long been fascinated with the cosmos, studied planets and explored the Universe, but casting off Pluto was deemed as an insult to the sensibilities of the average person on Earth. For all of its perceived “shortcomings” as a planet, Pluto was a planet that people grew up with. It is a distant, but beautiful celestial body in the cosmos and can only be viewed by the most advanced telescopes. Pluto being downgraded was humiliating, but for it to be brushed aside as another insignificant ball of ice and rock, was like adding salt to the wounds. Moreover, it would take years or even decade for the ordinary earthling to accept that it is no longer part of the solar system. What galls people though is the apparent indifference of many astronomers to Pluto’s plight. Like typical elitists, they shrugged off the notion that this tiny planet is significant in people’s lives and they could not comprehend what the fuss is all about. However, the controversy would not go away easily. The number of astronomers who voted to downgrade Pluto pale to the growing number of people and scientists worldwide, who want to put this poor planet to its rightful place in the solar system. For now, the status quo remains and Pluto wanders around its lonely axis, far distant from its neighbors and it only gets close to Neptune of all planets. For now, scientists will study about the mighty Sun and how many billions of years it will last until it ages. It will eventually become a giant star that will happen beyond our lifetime and become a dwarf star when it burns out. Poor Pluto will have to wait for more dynamic discoveries and the growing dissenting opinions of other astronomers for it to be welcomed back into the fold. Hope is not lost though. Nothing in this world is permanent, but change. People thought that the Earth was flat centuries ago. The astronomers who casted off Pluto might be proven wrong in the long run, eventually.

Pluto and It's Largest Moon Pluto is officially no longer a planet. The International Astronomical Union downgraded it as a “dwarf planet.” It was not massive enough to fit into the Union’s standards on how it should clear its orbital neighborhood of similar-sized objects. In fact, Pluto is even smaller than the satellites of other planets in the solar system. Moreover, it is even smaller than another Edgeworth-Kuiper object called Eris, which is only slightly larger than Pluto. Unlike the other planets in the solar system, Pluto’s satellite moon Charon, named after the boatman in Greek mythology, who brought the dead across the River Styx to Pluto’s (God of the Underworld) realm is much larger and is called a double planet. It is possible that Charon was formed after it collided with another celestial body. Pluto rotates the sun in 6.4 days, which is similar as Charon. They rotate synchronously with each other’s orbit, which is not the case with the other planets and their moon satellites. The tidal effects of Pluto and Charon have locked both into a mutual orbit resonance, which makes them for a dumbbell spinning in space. Thus, both are facing one another while rotating. Moreover, they are very close to one another, like Earth and its moon. Pluto was discovered way back in 1930, while Charon was only discovered in 1978 by Jim Christy. The reason is that the two celestial bodies were blurred, while being view by ground-based telescopes. Technological advancements like the Hubble SpaceTelescope made it possible to view Pluto and Charon, which unfortunately was one of the bases of Pluto being downgraded as a “dwarf planet.” Charon is the largest moon in the solar system and also with respect to its primary planet, Pluto. It does not have a significant atmosphere though based on studies. Both, Charon and Pluto are located in the Kuiber Belt, a place that is very dark and isolated, so it is likened to the underworld. These two can be hardly seen

by most telescopes, except for the Hubble Telescope. They are different though when it comes to atmospheric color. Charon’s atmosphere is colored neutral gray and bluer than Pluto’s. The moon’s surface seems to be abundant with water ice, in contrast with Pluto’s which is nitrogen ice. Since both are very distant, the atmosphere temperatures of both are extremely cold. Very little is known though about Pluto and Charon when it comes to the appearance of their surfaces. These celestial bodies are very tiny, fuzzy objects that even the Hubble Space Telescope has trouble in describing their surface features. Certain studies though suggest that the two worlds have contrasting surfaces. Pluto’s surface is composed of ice and rock, which is made up of carbon monoxide and methane. Charon on the other hand is not, but is made up of several ices. Moreover, it has a history of active geology, even with its frigid surface. Astronomers to this day have more questions than answers regarding Charon and Pluto. A future space probe may hopefully prove fruitful in the future and possibly show us unprecedented details about these two dark and unusual worlds. Until then, astronomers can only rely on the Hubble Space Telescope for telescopic data. Be as it may, Both Pluto and Charon remind us how beautiful and mysterious our Universe is.

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