The Phases of the Moon The moon revolves around the Earth with an approximate distance of 382,400 Kilometers. One lunar month pertains to 30 days, which is the number of days it takes from one new moon to another. Within this lunar month, the moon encompasses all these different phases. Just the same as the earth, the moon is half lighted by the Sun while its other half experiences total darkness. These phases were caused by the angle made by the moon with the sun as it rotates while orbiting the earth. Moon is seen only because the sun rays reflect back to the earth from its surface. Half of the moon is always lit by the Sun, but this lighted side does not face the earth all the time. As the moon circles the earth, the angle changes and only the lighted part is seen. These changes are what we call the Phases of the moon and it occurs for twelve (12) lunar months to complete one (1) earth revolution. This completes one (1) whole year. During the phase of the New Moon, the moon is aligned just in between the Sun and the Earth. We only get to see one side of the moon and it is not lighted. In other words, we do not see the Moon at all since the lit side phases the Sun and the dark side phases the earth. There are moments when the Moon gets accurately lined up with the Sun. This occurrence is what we call the Eclipse. When the moon goes to the east side, it moves away from the Sun. As this point we see a bit more of the lit side of the Moon. Just a couple of days from the New Moon Phase, a thin crescent can be seen in the Western part of the night sky. This thin crescent continues to expand until it looks to have grown bigger. At the time when half of the moon is already lighted, the current moon phase is called Quarter Moon. The name implies that the Moon is just about a quarter away from the beginning of the lunar month. As we see it from Earth, we can now see the sunlit side of the Moon from off to the side.
As time pass, the moon continues to wax until the half circle of the moon is lighted. It now carries the shape that we call gibbous. This so called gibbous moon looks to grow fatter and fatter every night until the time we see the full view of the lighted moon. The moon is now on its Full Moon Phase. The moon is now half way its lunar month. As the moon reached the half of the lunar month, it shall start to appear thinner each night. The time it takes until it reaches the New Moon Phase again is called the waning. At this point, the shape of the moon is still gibbous however, as said; it is expected to grow thinner and thinner each coming night. The moon will then reach its third quarter point of rotation and the Moon will once again show its one illuminated side. The side that appeared dark during the first quarter is now the lighted part. The Moon shall go on its journey until it reaches its New Moon Phase again.
Understanding the Lunar Cycle - The Moon's Astrological Signs Some people base their everyday lives on astrology signs. They believe that astrology affects their moods and everyday decision making. As they say, the lunar cycle symbolizes the emotional fruition for the whole month. New Moon takes place when the sun and moon are of same sign and implies the union of solar and lunar energies. This occurrence is used to determine the growth point of one’s emotion. Full moon entails awareness of the qualities we can focus on to help us be nurtured. Scientifically speaking, full moon happens as the Sun and moon oppose one another. It is believed that every full moon we are given an opportunity to develop a new quality within our consciousness. It is advised to carry out deepening self-nurture during full moon.
Moon in relation Astrological Signs
Moon – Aries The Relation of Moon in Aries implies us to speak daringly about our desires to achieve emotional fulfillment. Moon in Aries encourages us to fully determine those desires in order for us to present ourselves in totality and be at our best with others. People relationship entails truthfulness and only when we are perfectly nurtured and emotionally defined that we can be our true selves. In this position of Moon and Aries our will is being activated. So if you are working on a certain project it is advised to use the Aries moon energy to get that motivation you need. Moon – Taurus Moon in Taurus emphasizes on paying attention on what our body needs. It makes you internalize when was the last time you did something to relieve stress. When was the last moment you had your spa? Use this relation of moon in Taurus to take note on your needs for feeling, sensuality and physical nurturing and enhancement. It is the time to relieve your body stress. Moon – Gemini The moon in Gemini entails nurturing one’s self through connecting with people. It signifies a great time to be spreading and receiving facts and other information. It is the time to attend different classes to broaden your knowledge. Moon – Cancer Moon in Cancer determines ideas on how to nurture the nurturer. It brings awareness on how to deal with our own needs. The moon in Cancer helps you discover what satisfies your indulgence. Moon – Leo
This is the time to have fun. Bring out the inner child in you. Be creative and lively in everything you do. Moon – Virgo The connection of moon in Virgo focuses on health. It signifies our needs to take care of our body. Enhance diet, promote healing and bring powerful results to your body. Moon – Libra Moon in Libra promotes balance and harmony with your loved ones. It calls our needs for intimacy and challenges our awareness of our vulnerability. It is teaches to consider both the needs of others and ourselves. Moon – Scorpio Moon in Scorpio aids in deepening primary bond with our loved ones. We have to let go of the fear of abandonment and express our desire and intense emotion. Moon – Sagittarius This is the time to feed on our spiritual needs. Formulate a vision of your life. Be positive. Moon – Capricorn Moon in Capricorn creates awareness on emotional safety and security. Wake up and challenge your inner self-sufficiency. Secure the knowledge needed to have a more focused life. Moon – Aquarius Moon in Aquarius helps us not to be too much inclined on emotions in a positive manner. It helps us to present our totality to others without taking for granted the uniqueness of our own selves. Moon – Pisces Moon in Pisces completes the Moon’s revolution among all the astrological signs. It signifies the thought of giving up selfishness to be fully integrated. As this determines the end of the process, it is expected to fully let go emotionally. At this point you are expected to have developed the wholeness of your personality inside and out. You are already full grown emotionally, spiritually and mentally by the end of the Moon Cycle.