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Package April, 2013


Creative Package Design Magazine 2013


NYC Package Design


Andrew Gibbs Interview

9 - 11

Eco Friendly Package Design by Otilia Erdelye

12 - 14

5 Outstanding Package Design


Interesting Package Design! NYC Spagetti

“I created this spaghetti packaging for a university project last year. The brief was to package one of 5 difficult items i.e. eggs, a rose, custard powder, spaghetti or marbles. I chose spaghetti. The spaghetti sits on a 3d model of the chrysler building that was modelled on CAD by my friend Ben Thorpe. And then modelled out of high density foam at uni. Creating a spaghetti model of the Chrysler building!” -Alex Creamer, in his interview

Receiving second place in the Food B category (breads, pasta, baking ingredients, etc), NYC Spaghetti is a class project designed by UK student Alex Creamer. Interesting to see a student beat out top package design agencies for this award. The spaghetti sits on a 3d model of the chrysler building that was modelled on CAD by Ben Thorpe. And then modelled out of high density foam, creating a spaghetti model of the Chrysler building. …designed to see what can be achieved with shape and form of food and packaging. Whether everyday food can be made to look attractive. Whilst keeping it fun and with a bit of humour along the way.


Product designer of Dieline, spoke to us about the book, his recent move from packaging designer to author, and emerging packaging design trends in 2010.


Since 2007, The Dielinhas collected the most unique and recent packaging designs from around the world. Originally created by designer Andrew Gibbs as a weekend project to stay current in the industry, the blog has since become an authority in the field. Published this month, Box Bottle Bag showcases the best work over the blog’s history, as well as a few new additions. The book is filled with hundreds of inspiring examples, broken down into six chapters: Luxe, Bold, Crisp, Charming, Casual, and Nostalgic. Packages are shown in glorious high-resolution print (the next best thing to holding the actual product in your hands) along with a brief quote from the

design firm or company behind the product. Don’t expect any indepth case studies or industry insight though—Box Bottle Bag lets the visuals do the talking, making for a perfect coffee table book. Q : You started The Dieline in 2007 as a weekend project to collect inspiring work. Today it has become an important voice in the industry, have you been surprised by its quick growth? ANDREW GIBBS : Yes and no. We have grown so large and so fast, it has been incredible. The response from the industry in a short 3 years has been overwhelming and inspiring.


I started The Dieline because there was nothing like it, there was no site for packaging inspiration, nothing to see what was going on in the industry. We have grown from a few readers, to hundreds of thousands of dedicated and passionate people around the world. We filled a huge void in the industry, so I can see why our growth has been as big as it is. We have been very fortunate to have such a dedicated reader base! Q : How do you manage it all? ANDREW GIBBS : It has been a crazy few years, and at times, I have no idea how I did it all. As of now, I dedicate 100% of my time to running The Dieline and all of our endeavors, such as The Dieline Awards, the blog, the book, as well as some other things we have up our sleeve. Thanks to our incredible sponsors, as of the beginning of the year, I have quit my full time job as a package designer, and work solely for The Dieline. Q : Box Bottle Bag is your first published book, what was the experience like in comparison to publishing a blog? ANDREW GIBBS : It was an incredibly different experience. Publishing a book was a much longer and more detailed process. It took way more time than I ever thought it would. The most tedious thing was getting signed permissions for every single image of the book. Overall it was a

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lot of work, but a very fun and exiting thing to do. I am hoping I can do it again with a Box Bottle Bag 2! Q : The book is filled with hundreds of inspiring package designs, what are some of your personal favorites? ANDREW GIBBS : The book is a collection of my personalfavorites. The book gave me the opportunity to cherry pick my favorites from the past few years on the blog, and select several new and never before seen projects that just enamored me. Every project in the book is a personal favorite. Q : Like anything else in design, packaging seems to follow trends. What is the one of the biggest trends you’ve been noticing this year? ANDREW GIBBS : I think one trend that I am starting to see this year, and expect to grow, are barcodes, in two different ways. Novelty barcodes, I see the use of them expanding, especially with the launch of vanitybarcodes. com. Also QR Codes; in Japan, they are the #1 two dimensional barcode, and I expect them to take over here in the coming years and being included on more consumer products. Q : You recently announced the upcoming The Dieline Awards. How did this come about and what can we expect from the first ever competition? ANDREW GIBBS : The Dieline

Awards were a long time coming. I actually had the idea several years ago, and bought the domain name just in case. Debbie Millman was the one who really made it happen. She is co-chair of the FUSE conference, and recommended that we work together to do a Dieline event at the next conference. The awards idea popped up, and the rest is history.

The response to the competition was completely overwhelming, never did I think we

would receive so many entries, and the level of quality that each of them were. You can expect the [competi tion] to be fierce, and can expect top notch winners, truly the world’s best packaging. We are in the midst of the very exciting judging process, and the winners will be announced April 14th at FUSE in Chicago.


Eco-friendly package design

Eco Friendly Egg Carton by Otilia Erdelyi

For years, the cardboard egg carton has remained the same. It has stood as an example of one of the most successful and simple designs ever and has served to keep our eggs (relatively) unbroken. The thought of changing it would seem absurd and redundant except that is exactly what Hungarian design student Otília Erdélyi has done! What’s even more amazing is that Erdélyi has improved upon a design that, in the mind of this writer at least, was near perfect. Her design sees an egg carton made from a single piece of cardboard, that cleanly flips open and closed whilst maintaining a compact footprint. Not only is the new egg carton stackable, but it also uses less material, bringing down costs. Otília Erdélyi is currently studying for her degree at Moholy-Nagy University.

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She hopes that the elliptical cutouts will enable customers to still check their eggs, whilst providing merchants with a more economical and environmentally friendly form of packaging. Of course, there is the concern that the design leaves the eggs exposed to outside elements, which would damage them in transit. However Erdélyi is convinced that her design provides enough protection, especially if it is stored the right way up. Hopefully, we’ll see this eggs-cellent design on our shelves very soon. For our part, it has made us rethink about what could be potentially redesigned. If the egg carton can be improved upon, how about things like the milk carton or margarine tubs? Design students, the gauntlet has been thrown down. Dare you pick it up?




1 Pencil-Set Package Design

2 Sake bottle Package design

3 Record Cover Package Design



Water Bottle Design

Flat shoes Package Design

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