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Gluten Free Diet



7 Major Pilates Moves for All-over Toning 2

MEETime Summer 2014



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Alessandra Ambrosio. Workout Routine and Diet Plan.


19. Just for you..


Gluten Free Diet

Is Gluten Bad for You?

Before you hop on the bandwagon, read this PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 6, 2010 | BY BY KAREN ANSEL, R.D


helsea Clinton’s wedding got a lot of press play for the gorgeous locale, the esteemed guests, and her beautiful dress. But what also took the cake in terms of media coverage was, well, the cake. The gluten-free cake. Just 10 years ago, barely anyone knew what the word gluten meant, let alone gave any thought to avoiding it. But now gluten-free diet menus are all the rage, and high-profile stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Weisz, and Victoria Beckham have been linked to the gluten-free diet lifestyle, which is said to contribute to increased energy, thinner thighs, and reduced belly bloat.

touch: It makes pizza dough stretchy, gives bread its spongy texture, and is used to thicken sauces and soups. Gluten-free eating has a basis in science, and it does help a genuine health problem. To people with a chronic digestive disorder called celiac disease, gluten is truly evil: Their bodies regard even a tiny crumb of it as a malicious invader and mount an immune response, says Alessio Fasano, M.D., medical director of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research in Baltimore. Problem is, this immune reaction ends up damaging the small intestine, which causes both great gastrointestinal distress and nutritional deficiencies. If untreated, these responses can then lead to intestinal cancers as well as complications such as infertility and osteoporosis.

What It Is, Exactly Gluten is a protein found in the grains Experts once thought celiac disease wheat, barley, and rye. Most of us was a rare disorder, believed to affect unknowingly love it, because gluten one in every 10,000 people. But an gives our favorite foods that special

Gluten Free Diet 5

Archives of Internal Medicine study in 2003 suggests that celiac disease is far more prevalent than anyone had suspected, affecting one in 133 Americans. With increased testing and awareness, more people realized why they felt sick after eating a piece of bread, and food companies discovered a new market. Now another problem is emerging, and experts are referring to it as nonceliac gluten sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity can lead to similar celiac symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. But unlike celiac, sensitivity doesn’t damage the intestine. For years, health professionals didn’t believe nonceliac gluten sensitivity existed, but experts are beginning to acknowledge that it may affect as many as 20 million Americans, says Fasano. The Health Hype Thanks to the increase in diagnosed celiac and gluten sensitivity cases, and the corresponding uptick in foods marketed to sufferers, “gluten-free diets have emerged from obscurity, and now the pendulum has swung completely in the other direction,” says Fasano. And with this popularity push, people have latched on to avoiding gluten as a cureall for many conditions aside from celiac, including migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. While some have found relief, that doesn’t mean a gluten free diet will work in all cases. And then there’s the idea that a gluten-free existence is the ticket to speedy weight loss. But, says Mark DeMeo, M.D., director of gastroenterology and nutrition at the Adult Celiac Disease Program at Rush University Medical


MEETime Summer 2014

Center in Chicago, “there’s nothing magical about a gluten-free diet that’s going to help you lose weight.” What’s really at work: Gluten-free dining can seriously limit the number of foods you can eat. With fewer choices, you’re a lot less likely to overeat, says Shelley Case, R.D., author of Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide and a medical advisory board member for the Celiac Disease Foundation. But it can backfire too, because gluten-free doesn’t mean fat-free or calorie-free. “Without gluten to bind food together, food manufacturers often use more fat and sugar to make the product more palatable,” says Case. Consider pretzels: A serving of regular pretzels has about 110 calories and just one gram of fat. Swap them for gluten-free pretzels and you could get 140 caloriesand six grams of fat. Should You Go Gluten-Free? If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the answer is easy: Yes, you have to. But if you just want to give the diet a spin, know this: It’s a giant pain in the butt. Giving up gluten may sound as

basic as cutting out bread or eating less pasta, but this isn’t just another version of the low-carb craze. Because gluten makes foods thick and tasty, it is added to everything from salad dressing to soy sauce to seasonings. Besides the hassle, you can end up with serious nutritional deficiencies. “Gluten-free doesn’t necessarily equal healthy, especially when people yank vitamin-enriched and wholegrain foods from their diets and replace them with gluten free brownies,” says Case. In fact, research suggests that those who forgo gluten may be more likely to miss out on important nutrients such as iron, B vitamins, and fiber. This is where careful meal planning comes in, which may explain why some people feel so good when they go G-free: They’re eating real food instead of ultraprocessed packaged fare. “If you skip the gluten-free goodies and focus on fruits, vegetables, lean protein, dairy, and gluten free grains like amaranth and quinoa, this can be a very healthy way of eating,” says Marlisa Brown, R.D.,

Gluten Free Diet 7

before having a test done, your results author of Gluten-Free, Hassle Free. may come back negative even if you have the disease. “But you can’t just wing it.” Seven Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

“More than 2.5 million people may have celiac disease, yet only an estimated 150,000 have been diagnosed”.

Celiac disease has hundreds of recognized symptoms, according to the Celiac Sprue Association, a nonprofit for those with the disease. Here are some common problems: > Chronic diarrhea or constipation > Abdominal pain and bloating > Unexplained weight loss

> Anemia

That’s because people can be asymp- > Fatigue tomatic for years, and the symptoms > Infertility of celiac disease can also overlap with other medical problems, so it often See if any of these symptoms apply. confuses both patients and doctors alike. That said, if you think you might have a problem, don’t ax gluten from your diet before being screened by a specialist. If you go off gluten entirely

still want to go against the grain?


MEETime Summer 2014

P.M.S. H.E.L.P!!

Cramping? Bloating? Mood Swings? Discomfort?

Cut down salt intake, alcohol consumption.

Try natural remedies.

Eat fruits, veggies, grains...

Get plently of sleep!

Take some vitamins and supplements and



7 Major Pilates Moves for All-Over Toning

Brooke Siler, renowned instructor and author of The Women's Health Big Book of Pilates, created this genius Pilates-at-home routine using workout bands to mimic machines found in top studios. The strong, long, lean body of your dreams is about to become a reality! If you've ever taken a studio Pilates class, you may have climbed onto a bulky, butt-kicking contraption called a reformer, an apparatus that uses pulleys and springs to create resistance. But while taking a few of these classes a week can certainly help you score a long, lean look, their often steep price tag can also drain your wallet. Luckily, there's a budget-friendly, at-home fix: You can use resistance bands to create the total-body toning benefits of a reformer. Did we mention that resistance bands are inexpensive, versatile, and portable? All you need to complete this Pilates workout is a set with handles. Pick bands with medium-to-heavy resistance. (A note for beginners: You can always adjust and amp up the difficulty of any exercise by simply stretching the band farther, which increases the amount of tension.) For the biggest payoff, think of the bands as an extension of your body and maintain tension on them throughout the movements. Translation: Each exercise should be performed in one smooth, controlled movement. Perform these moves as a sequence, three or four times a week. And for more amazing workouts, check out The Women's Health Big Book of Pilates.

- Brooke Siler, author of The Women’s Health Big Book of Pilates, created this genius do-anywhere routine.


MEETime Summer 2014


1 - HUG

Grab b ot and ste h handles, sta nd facin p forw ard g hold yo u when until there is away from th e ancho enough you lea sides, in rp n te li your he ne with your forward; raise nsion on the oint, band to els toge should your ar ers (no ther, to ms out thighs t be es tig to the ward, a htly together facing outwar hind them). Keep s if hug (a). Inh d, and press y ging a ale and positio our tree n. br pattern That's one rep (b); exhale a ing your arm inner s fors you r . Do th (exhali et ng on t r he hug ee, then switc urn to startin ) for th g Quick ree mo h your breath Tip re reps ing der heig : For the firs . t three ht. moves, anchor the ban d at sho ul-



s int, arm chor po ur n a e h t o hy cing you wit s tand fa s and s tly in front of ll your elbow s le d n a h u h p g h t a li u o s p our lm as yo Grab b nd extended Inhale earms until y ther . ) a a ( t h r o straig ur for n toge the flo ting yo e draw g facing palms our sides, twis des should b to the startin s y bla back to our shoulder turn your arm re .Y face up le slowly and eps. u r a h ix x s E fore yo o . t ) (b four and be b o e D h . t n n in positio e tensio hould b s e r e Tip: Th e. Quick cis he exer begin t




VE 3

- SH

AVIN Gra s G ing p the h a a (a). triangl ndles a n S e thro traight by pre d bring en y ssin ugh you g o on t o he e ut the ur elbo your th r hands e x brea w t u thin tension xercise s, main mbs an ogethe ro (b). g pa t a d a n i d n C ttern exh omp ing te index fi verhead Qui a f l n l ,f ng o i et n s r an c othe g on th e three ion on ers tog ormmov k Tip: K eth e t r " e. he eep sh r thre you e re elease, t aves," band er r co p i hen n s. re ti swit haling ght ch y and our back stra ight thro ugh out the 7 Major Pilates 11

MOVE 4 - FROGS Secure the band at a medium-height anchor. Lie faceup on the mat with your head near the anchor point, arms by your sides. Place your feet in the handles, then bend your knees and lift your legs to a 90-degree angle, bringing your heels together and your knees shoulder-width apart (a). Inhale as you press your heels away from you on a 45-degree angle; continue pushing until your inner thighs touch (b). Exhale slowly as you resist the band's pull and bring your heels back to the starting position. Do five to eight reps. Quick Tip: Focus on moving slowly and with control as you return to start.

MOVE 5 - HAMSTRING CURLS Lie facedown with your feet facing the wall and slip the band handles around your arches; rest your forehead on your hands and bend your knees to 90 degrees (a). Squeeze your inner thighs together, draw your abs in toward the spine, and press your pubic bone to the mat, then inhale and pull your heels as close as you can toward your butt; hold for three seconds (b). Exhale as you slowly return your feet to the starting position. That's one rep. Do five. Quick Tip: Squeeze your glutes to help keep your body in proper alignment.

MOVE 6 - CIRCLES Lie on your back with your head near the anchor point, arms by your sides. Place your feet in the handles, then extend your legs so they're raised a few inches off the mat; keeping your heels glued together, rotate your toes and thighs out slightly (a). Make small circles in the air with your legs, moving them out to the side (b), then down (c), then together, then up. Do five circles in one direction and five in the other. Quick Tip: Your upper body and core should remain strong and still throughout the exercise.

MOVE 7 - PULLING STRAPS Adjust the anchor to a low setting. Grasp the band above the handles and lie facedown with your arms stretched to the side at shoulder level, keeping tension on the band and arms off the mat (a). Squeeze your inner thighs together and lift your chest off the mat (b). Inhale and draw your hands back toward your hips (c). Hold for three counts, then slowly release your breath and some tension in the band as you return to the starting position. Do five reps. Quick Tip: Imagine squeezing an orange between your shoulder blades.


MEETime Summer 2014

7 Major Pilates 13





MEETime Summer 2014

Alessandra Ambrosio

Workout Routine & Diet Alessandra Ambrosio 15


keeping the foot in between them and

ictoria’s Secret Angel, Alessan- then swinging the arms in the air will involve the butt movement and hence can dra Ambrosio is no doubt has one lead to shaped booty. She of the sexiest bodies in the world.

She can be frequently seen in the fashion shows wearing lingeries, gracing the covers of countless fashion magazines. Now, she measures around 34-25-35 and can fit in any type of cloth. But, this Brazilian model was not always like that. The story of her success begins 11 years back from now.

performs a dynamic blend of Brazilian dance and cardio.

Capoeira – She also practices Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts that combines elements of dance and music) for her target figure. Carvalho says that this can make your butt rounder and fuller. For that, sit in a crouched position, by sticking out She approached Brazil your butt. Move your based fitness teacher, leg back or behind Leandro Carvalho, who and then return back. has now become famous Now, do this on the with his “Brazil Butt Lift” other leg. For a supidea. Ale (or Alessanport and maintaining dra) demanded that she the body balance, you wants to have long legs, can touch the ground thinner thighs and also with your hand. This a tight buttock. Leandro is 1 repetition. Repeat worked on her query and this many times and as a result, he gave birth to a increase the speed of doing capoeira as great idea called “Brazil Butt Lift”, you gets comfortable. now for which, the models are sailing up There are numerous floor exercises which to him for the same.Majorly, there are you can do. Some of which are shown 3 kinds of muscles in the butt – gluteal here maximus, gluteal minimus and gluteal Ankle Weights – Balance your body medius. He worked on these 3 muscles weight on your both the knees and and have provided with great solutions to elbows. Now, extend one of the leg out Ale, without adding any bulky and touch the floor on the other side in mass to the thighs. This has helped a rainbow style. Take the leg back to its original extended position. Do this on other models also to achieve a butt like both the legs. Do watch the below video her. Though, it requires endless efforts for a clear idea. but surely this can be obtained.

“I do love to eat and I love chocolate. But I do Workout”.

In the following video, she is working on her butt exercises. He insists on keeping a diamond like shape between legs while working out as this will give better shape to your butt muscles. Elastic Bands – Working with elastic bands can give you a better booty. By


MEETime Summer 2014

On the beach – Lay down on the floor. Raise your both the legs, a slight higher. Now, keep the lower leg in that position and lift the upper leg upwards and then downwards. You can do this 20 times. This really works upon your thigh muscles and body balance. This is 1 set. For other set, you have to

Alessandra Ambrosio 17

do just the reverse of the previous one. That is, this time make the to and fro motion of the lower leg by holding the upper leg in that particular position. Now, Ale needs to maintain her toned legs and butt and this can be done by taking proper care of dieting habits. So, let’s see what she eats She likes to have eggs with bacon and eats them daily in her breakfast. Though, her fiance cooks them for her. He makes them in a variety of ways – benedict eggs (Ale’s favorite ones), scrambled or sometimes fried eggs. Besides these, her other items are coffee, muffins, sandwiches, bagels, bread, fruits. That is, she intakes carbohydrates. Afternoon In the lunch, she likes to have salad sometimes with non-veg food like filet mignon, or with chicken breast and with veg food like rice and beans. She also likes to have food from a nearby restaurant called Mishima. She would order miso soup, tuna rolls, california roll, salad. Post which, she likes to have candy sometimes. But, if she is out for a photoshoot, then she simply eats slighter lunch, which consists of a light snack. Evening Ale takes little amount of nuts as her evening snack, and a cup of coffee. Dinner Now, her dinner includes lobster ravioli, salami, caviar, and Italian dessert – tiramisu. Or, she would simply visit the Japanese-barbecue restaurant called Gyu-Kaku where she takes spicy Kalbi soup, filet mignon, different kinds of meat, sweet potato, mushrooms and s’mores as a dessert. So, in nutshell, she is a foodie and hence does not restrict herself in case of eating, unlike other anorexic celebs like Lady Gaga.


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Alessandra Ambrosio 19


MEETime Summer 2014

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