Architectural portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

M.Arch : Architecture Applicant

Winter 2018

Faezeh Sadeghi

Faezeh Sadeghi University of Tehran / Faculty of Fine Arts Tel: +989123215434 Email:


Individual | Academic Work |B.Arc. Graduation Thesis |Recrational Complex|


Individual | Academic Work | Design Studio (4) |Electronic Shopping Center|


Team Work | Computational and Fabrication Workshop |Pavilion| % collaboration


Team Work | eVolo Competition |”SpaceScraper”| % collaboration


Team Work | Robotic Workshop |Stair| % collaboration

S E A - V S I S I O N C O M P L E X Work Type: Individual / Academic Work


B.Arch. Graduation Thesis Instructors: Dr. Saghafi Location: Bandar Abbas, Iran



Agenda In my thesis, I tried to use the power of algorithmic procedure to go beyond the ordinary design and design by considering the geographical and cultural aspect of Bandar Abbas where is on the southern coast of Iran, on the Persian Gulf. It has a hot and humid weather. This design tries to be a statement towards our need to understand the climate changes and to face them instead of running away. I decided to design a sustainable recreational to make the atmosphere of the Persian Gulf more lively.

Form finding The harshest time of the year for living in Bandar Abbas is the summer. Due to high humidity, it is really hard to tolerate the heat, thus the comfort zone is either maintained by decreasing the heat or steady rate of wind which is needed to provide the necessary circulation. The formation started with making pottery and 3D designs based on the site analysis and program. At the next stage, using the geografical analysis and designing specific pattern in order to required needs too light, heat, and view were the significant aspect of my design. By using the analysis of the site, the weather and master plan, the main geometry of project was shaped. The way windows expand by using Grasshopper regarding its needs :

Formation B.Arch. Thesis University of Tehran | 2014

SEA-VISION Comlex Theme: Parametric Design | Interior

Adjustment of the windows to control daylight

Wind Rose (Base on Temprature) Annualy Analysis

The orientation of the roof and form were adjusted to block direct sunlight from entering the space, as it would be too sharp in that area and disturbing for the fishing complex›s users, while using the natural lighting with special patterns of windows make the sense of the sea and the reflection of light in water in the building.

Pattern Development Sun-Path (Base of Dry Bulb Temperature) Annualy

No light - Shadow under the Oriented Roof

Temprature - Humidity Annually Analysis

Smaller Windows - Less Direct Light More Windoes More Daylight

Ground Floor 1 2 3 4

Entrance Swimming Pool (for Men) Swimming Pool (for Women) Aquarium

5 6 7 8 9

Sand Ground First Aid Room Storage Sea Sports Praying Room

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Structure The concrete shell structure was chosen for the project. It is composed of a relatively thin shell of concrete. This construction technique is suited for complex curve since, allowing wide areas to be spanned without the use of internal supports, giving an open, unobstructed interior

Concrete Shell Structure Main Shell Form Internal Supporter Floors Arrangement

3D Printed Model

Design Development The services and mechanical spaces are located in the lowest level of the building. The entrance and the public spaces are located in the floor ground. The access to the first floor, museums, galleries and coffe is available through the Ground Floor.

Interior Views toward Sea

Functional Diagram Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

e - C o m p l e x Work Type: Individual / Academic Work / Design Studio Instructors: Dr. Chamran Location: Tehran, Iran



Background In this project, we were asked to design a center for electronic products. The site is located on Valiasr street. Valiasr Street is a tree-lined street in Tehran, Iran, and divides Tehran into western and eastern parts. It is considered as the heart of Tehran’s main thoroughfare and commercial center. It is also the longest street in the Middle East. Valiasr is extended from the Tehran’s railway station in the south of the city to the Tajrish square in the north.

BArch. Design Studio University of Tehran | 2012

e-Coplex Theme:Architectural Design

Design The building has to respond to many types of people, who are visitors from the Valiasr, customers, bussines mans, teenager and etc. In this place people will come to commute, learn about electronics, catch up on hot news, play computer games, buy their needs and repaire electronical devices, and use other facilities such as cinemas. Regarding these elements not only is the building design in different zones for public and semi-public uses, but also by considering the Valiasr features the importance of site plan and garden for passerby should also be underscored.

Exterior Views

Formation Diagram

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Cellphone & Pc Products Game Center

Roof Terrace


Video And Audio

Level +5 | Office + 30.00 m



Level +5 | Office Level +4 | Office + 22.00 m

+ 30.00 m

Level +3 | Cinema + 15.00 m

+ 22.00 m

Level +4 | Office

+ 10.00 m

Level +3| Cinema + 15.00 m

Level +1 | Shopping Center

Level +2 | Store

+ 5.00 m

+ 10.00 m

Level 0 | Shopping Center +- 00.00 m

Level +1 | Store


+ 5.00 m

Level 0| Game Center


Level +2 | Shopping Center

+- 00.00 m Entrance

Plan Ground Floor

The main concept is adopted from the structure of traditional Iranian bazaar and is reinterpreted and translated into the modern lifestyle and electronic world. My concept in this project was formed from electronic itself. Since electronical devises establishes a connection among different part of the world. Virtual bridges have been made by electronic products between everywhere in the world, and have made a connection among the different parts, people, and even their culture. I use this idea in the process of design and my project has four zones of four types of electronic products which appear like islands with the organic form from the Valiasr street and people can commute between these electronic islands with bridges.

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Free-Form Pavilion Work Type: Team Work Instructors: Zubin Khabazi, Mehran Davari Location: Tehran, Iran Team project: (Names at www. My Role: GrassHopper Coding Design Development Diagram Design Fabrication Summer


Agenda The main research agenda was to find out methods of constructing free-form surface structures by using composite materials with the utilization of ‘Flexible Forming’ technique. In this scenario, a double curved surface would be converted into a formwork, through the fabrication of that formwork, the realization of the surface would become possible. The design agenda was to build a pavilion with the limitations in size, material use, internal space conditions and construction technique. Computational and Fabrication Workshop CRAFT| 2014

Free-Form Pavilion Theme: Parametric Design | Material Research | Digital Fabrication

Gyroid Minimal Surface In line with the challenge of the project, the team decided to work with minimal surfaces. In mathematics, a minimal surface is a surface that locally minimizes its area. This is equivalent to having a mean curvature of zero. Minimal surfaces can be defined in several equivalent ways in R3. The design of this project is basically a Gyroid Minimal Surface, with some manipulation to conform to fabrication restriction. The Gyroid is a type of triply periodic minimal surface that was discovered by Alen Schoen in 1970. It can be approximated by a simple isosurface defined by: Cos(x)sin(y) + Cos(y)sin(z) + Cos(z)sin(x) = 0

Design Process By using the Gyroid mathematical equation in grasshopper and attending the domain and preciseness parameters, different prototypes have been achieved. Selecting the proper prototype was based on the architectural specifications of each prototype. A Cloud of the point was the result of running the algorithm, which then formed a mesh. On the next step, different levels of mesh relaxation using Weaver bird and Kangaroo plugins has been applied to achieve the final design.

Point Grid, The domain

Points viable in equation

Mesh from Point

Trimming the suitable part

Design prototypes generated from Gyroid mathematical equation : Cos(x)sin(y) + Cos(y)sin(z) + Cos(z)sin(x) = 0 Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Material Research


In order to fabricate continues curved surface, our choices were narrowed down to the casting materials. Polyester resins was the material we chose for this project, for the controllability it brings, and also its ability to be combined with different layers of reinforcements with fibers, which gives desirable strength and structural stability.

Subdividing the model was necessary due to fabrication limitations: Each panel was supposed to be fabricated in a workspace outside the building with air conditioning suitable for chemical process, and then transferred to the assembling space. With these limitations in mind, we came up with a plan to subdivide model in a way we could benefit from it: slicing the model into horizontal sections eased the process of subdivision, fabrication ,and assembly

1 Fabrication For each panel, we needed a cast to apply the resin on it. Combining a wooden structure and fabric was our idea for optimizing the material usage for building the casts: since the mesh model was relaxed in several steps and has been remodeled in Kangaroo for simulating the physical loads, we were optimistic that by attaching the stretched fabric to wooden structure, we›d be able to simulate the curved surfaces we›ve designed in Rhino for fabrication. The wooden structures were basically boxes encompassing the edges of panels, which were cut from wood sheets with CNC machine. Resin Casting the final step of manufacturing the panels. At this step, layers of resin and fiber were applied on the fabric cast. Depend on the load resistance required for the panels (lower levels required more resistance while for upper-level lightness was a key factor) the number of layers of fiber and resin applied on it were different. The panels were ready to be unattached from the cast after 24 hours.

Assembeling the wooden structure of the cast


Attaching the stretched fabric


Preparation of the resin


Applying the first layer of resin on the fabric

Applying the layer(s) of fiber glass



Applying final level of resin Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

SPACE-JUNK-SCRAPER Work Type: Team Work / eVolo Skyscraper Competition Team Project: Faezeh Sadeghi, Farbod Hamidian, Saedeh Sadeghi, Mohammad Keshavarzi

My Role: Concept Design GrassHopper Coding Design Development Diagram Design Winter


BACKGROUND Space… The circulation path of the universe. This infinite meaning of distance has embraced every single particle of the created world. As an eternal dream, mankind has always struggled to overcome its gravity and fly through its called skies. Space travel and tourism is considered one of the trending activities in 21st century, expecting massive companies throughout the world investing the meaning of the “space industry” creating a new definition of the world economy far above the land we now may call home. Competition University of Tehran | 2014

Space Junk Tower Theme: Algorithmic Design | Coceptual Design

Challenge Estimating the mass production in the future space industry, built environments are able to rise and develop their “space in the new space”, redefining the quality of the zero gravity experience. While following this space revolution, its post-revolutionary quivers await mankind for its travel to world beyond earth. Space debris, or in some cases referred as space junk, is recognized one of the worrying matters of our space future. Unlike earth “junk” that we chose to burn and bury, resulting its disappearance from our visible nature, space debris is” a no way escape”. Orbiting the earth in violating speed up to 17000m/h, exploding in chain reacting sequences, the debris is not only possible to hide, but is considered a major threat for our future life of our dream sky.

“The Increasing Rate of Solar Debris”

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Functional Prediction of The Future Space Industrial

Concept Our approach to this leading challenge and its brutal consequences is to achieve the imperative of a safer and cleaner space for mankind. We propose the construction of an extensive skyscraper-or in better words- space scraper to produce high magnitude of variable and controlled magnetic and electromagnetic fields in order to track, trap and transform the comminuted space debris into a rationalized unified constellation. Large scaled solar-spheres accumulate energy to obtain hyper electric flow throughout the floating structure, resulting variable magnetic fields to absorb the rapid debris to a smooth fluid form. While continuously changing its orbital route around Earth, the space-scraper gradually collects the exploded elements of the industry to a “titanic gathering� floating far above our oceans. Forming an immense invisible magnetic trap for the debris, this controlled structure patrols its way through space to sweep clean back our black infinity.

Estimated Solar Debris

Debris Tracking and Form Development Through Time

We call it a seed. The main core that will turn to a developable tree. This element is sent to space and ready to join the other parts of structure to absorb the solar debris. Tourists, scientists and travelers can settle down in this core with a controlled air pressure Solar panels are installed on the exterior part of the core resulting solar power energy produced for magnitude fields. With self installed motors inside the core, the structure can easily rotate and control its orientation for efficient functionality Sphere aluminum flying magnets float around the core, variable in speed and rotation. While having a highly secured control with the precise data from the space junk, these magnets flow around space to trap the debris into their own hyper magnetic field Mass electric flow circuits through the spheres to produce high density magnetic fields. These feilds change and move through out space resulting exact gathering of target space junk

As the gathered junk expands the magnetic fields grow stronger and stronger and eventually turn to hyper magnetic forces covering the security and cleanness of the dark space.

With all this impending future waiting for our new space life, will technology step through the exact path to prevent all the dangers “up ahead”. Will governments take responsibility of their negative impacts for the “space environment” in the future? Will “space security”, turn into one the most important prospective concerns of mankind? And most of all, will the dream of conquering and illuminating space lead to a nightmare of mass destruction and fateful eradication.

Magnatic Absorbers High voltage electric Wires

The form will develop and extend in progressive years through out the future space industry. Everyday more satilites and devices are launched and places into the earths orbit. The scraper moves collects all the exploded out of order devices with highly logical detection and traping

Aluminum Magnetic Sphere Absorbers

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018



Work Type: Team Work Architectural workshop

/ Tehran Robotic Matters “TRAM”

Instructors: Sina Mostafavi, Hosseini, Hasti

Shabnam Goudarzi

Team project: Faezeh Sadeghi, Ali Dehghani, Parto Jahangiri, Mahshid Moghadasi, Amir Hossein Zarin Rad, Masoomeh Hosseinzadeh My Role: Concept Design GrassHopper Coding Design Development Robotic Fabrication Diagram Design Summer


Stair The stair is not only an element to go up. It is not an element to connect different levels. It is only a rigid element that «HAS TO be there». But in «Platform 28» it cannot be defined in its general format since there is no other level. Therefore, it is considered as an exhibited object, a piece of art that is going to be «watched» not used. Robotic Fabrication Workshop TRAM Studio| 2017

Bezier Stair Theme: Computational Design | Robotic Fabrication


170 cm

170 cm

170 cm

170 cm

A “Bezier� graph initiates the formation of the stair. From a geometrical point of view, a Bezier curve always passes through the first and last control points and lies between the convex hull of the control points. The control points ofpoints the Bezier alter parametrically, thus the nucleus curves are thepath Moving points up the points Moving up treads the points Dividing the line Dividing path totheDividing line path thetoline Dividing path toMoving the line to up theMoving Stair towards Stairuptreads the Stair towards treadsthetowards Stair Using the treads thickness towards Using variation the thickness Using variatio thickne created. according to the according bezier to according the bezier to theaccording bezierat thetoheight the bezier create the steps create the steps create the steps create the steps point point ofatathe man point height at of theaheight manpoint of aat toman the create height theof form toa create man the to form create graph











3 3


4 3




3 170 cm

3 3




170 cm


3 3





170 cm






3 4








4 4





170 cm





Moving points createthe thepoints Moving the points up tothe create theup toMoving up toMoving create the points up middle to create the Dividing the upper Dividing treadthe lines upper tread Dividing lines the upper tread Dividing lines specific the upper Choosing treadspecific lines points Choosing the points Choosing points Choosing specific pointsChoosing specific points Choosing the middle points Choosing control nurbscontrol curvespoints formation control points for nurbspoints curvesforformation for nurbs control curves points formation for nurbs curves formation

Moving the points down the Moving theMoving points down the points down Creating the lower Creating Creating lower th Moving points down Moving points Movingupthe points up Moving Moving points up towards ing the Dividing to thetheline path up to the points path to line path Dividing thevariation tread lines Choosing specific Choosing pointsthespecific points Dividing the tread Dividing linesthe Dividing tread lines theUsing tread lines Choosing specific Choosing pointsspecific points Stair treadsthe towards Stair treads the Stair treads the towards Using Stair the thickness treads Using towards variation thickness variation thickness Using thickness variation with different distances with different with distances different distances power-line power-line powerwith different distances to steps the bezier toaccording bezier according the bezier to thepoint according to the bezier reate the steps according create the ps at the height point of at athe man height point at ofthe a man height of point atoman create at the height the form to create of a man thetoform create the form to create the form graph graph graph graph






3 3



















3 4



4 4















3 3






Moving theup points up tothe create Moving the the points up create the thethe Moving the points Moving upthe topoints create points the up create the e upper tread Dividing lines Choosing the specific upper Choosing tread points lines specific points Choosing specific points Choosing specific Choosing the Choosing middle thetomiddle points middle Choosing middle Moving thetopoints Moving tothe create points up toMoving create the thepoints up toChoosing create Forming the nurbs Forming curves thetonurbs topoints Creating producable Moving points up points to create the thecurves Forming the nurbs curves Connecting Forming to the thenurbs Connecting linescurvesthe to lines Connecting Creating the lines producable Connecting surfaces the lines surfaces Creating p

Moving the points down Creating the lower Moving the points down Creating the lower Moving the points down Creating the lower Moving points down Creating the lower control points for nurbs curves control formation points for nurbs curves formation control points forthe nurbs curves formation control points for nurbs curves formation Dividing tread lines Choosing specific points Choosingthe specific points Dividing the tread lines Choosing specific points read lines Choosing specific points control points for control nurbs points curves forformation nurbs control curves points formation for nurbs curves create formation the hypar-like create steps theformation hypar-like steps control points for nurbs curves create the hypar-like steps create the hypar-like steps withpower-line different distances power-line with different with distances different distances differentwith distances power-line power-line Formation Diagram

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

Design A “Bezier� graph initiates the formation of the stair. From a geometrical point of view, a Bezier curve always passes through the first and last control points and lies between the convex hull of the control points. The control points of the Bezier alter parametrically, thus the nucleus curves are created


Every component was created using iso-curves of each surface of the form in a way that hypar forms resemble the steps, and therefore each component is a step. Components curves of each surface of the were cut independently with hot wire cutter with the ble the steps, and aid of therefore ABB robot after simulating the cuts with grasshopper. Afterwards, the joints were designed and placed in the appropriate ot wire cutter with the aid of positions. grasshopper.

d placed in the appropriate

nents and joints seperately.

Component 5 and 6 Coming Together

Components 5 and 6 Positive and Negative Connection Detail

Component 5 and 6 Coming Together

Faezeh Sadeghi M.Arch. Applicant | Winter 2018

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