Sustainability A1 Sheet

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Cobblestone walling, a locally sourced material, are very cheap and fits into the rural aesthetics of the New Forest country side. Affixed using lime mortar, the cobbles need to be on a larger scales to be suitable to form a structural wall. Lime mortar also a sustainable material and a lot cheaper now that its being widely used again. The use of cobblestone walling in a sustainable development means for our client longevity and self maintenance. The cobbles can be sourced locally and is a brilliant material for low carbon technology.

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. Its uses include water for garden, water for livestock, water for irrigation, water for domestic use with proper treatment, and indoor heating for houses etc. In many places the water collected is just redirected to a deep pit with percolation. The harvested water can be used as drinking water as well as for storage and other purpose like irrigation. With a building set around a 360 degree view, it is important to make use of all views without any heat lose. The northern elevation of the building will benefit from an Argon filled double glazing. Argon, a colourless, odourless, non-flammable, non-reactive, inert gas is the favoured choice as it is far less expensive alternative to Xenon and Kyrpton. The gas is set into the cavity of a double glazed unit reduces the heat conductance between the panes, helping to keep more heat in during the winter and out in the summer.

The best form of construction for this development would be Timber Frame. For a sustainable building its advantage would be its speed of construction, thermal performance, green construction and cost. The use of timber as a building material encourages the growth and expansion of the forests that provide the supply, which absorb C02 and therefore help reduce the level of global warming. Timber is said to be renewable because in order to replace it, another tree is planted. Provided that a similar tree is planted for every one that is felled, the supply is infinite.

Sheep wool insulation to be occupied for the fill of the timber frame and stud walls. Can be locally sourced and has a unique advantage of breathability. Its benefit is to absorb and release moisture from the air without comprising its thermal efficiency. The fibres in the wool absorb moisture they form tiny areas of heat. It is these tiny amounts of heat which prevent condensation in the construction cavities. This reduces the need to alter heating and cooling levels as sheep wool insulation will keep our client building cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter.

The use of timber wood stud, inner cavity walls and partitions is a brilliant method of low cost room layout and development. Timber as a sustainable material, can be locally sourced close to the New Forest: (Totton Timber) easy to work with and a fast construction rate. The overall cost of timber in construction is very low due to stud work.

Where appropriate the thermal insulation can be further improved by using a Low e energy saving glass on one side of the sealed unit.

Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of converting solar energy into direct current electricity usingsemiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. A photovoltaic system employssolar panels composed of a number of solar cells to supply usable solar power. Power generation from solar PV has long been seen as a clean sustainable energy technology which draws upon the planet’s most plentiful and widely distributed renewable energy source – the sun.

A heat pump uses refrigeration technology to extract heat from the air, soil or flowing water. By careful choice of the refrigerant gas, and design of the heat absorbing components, heat pumps will continue to extract heat down to outside temperatures below -15oC. Heat pumps act as heat ‘multipliers’. They use a small amount of electricity to harvest outside heat and ‘concentrate’ it to a useful temperature; capable of running radiators, underfloor heating and producing hot water. Two types of heat pumps are suitable for domestic use; Air Source and Ground Source.

Financially beneficial and environmentally friendly. The green roof will provide vegetation, insulation, agriculture space and is seen aesthetically pleasing.

A system that combines heat recovery with ventilation (a mechanical heat recovery ventilation system) will provide additional benefits and efficiencies.

Green roofing can extend the lifespan of a roof by over 200% by covering the waterproofing membrane with growing medium and vegetation, this shields the membrane from ultra-violet radiation and physical damage.

This system works by drawing air out of warm, moist rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. The heat in this exhaust air is transferred to incoming fresh, filtered air in a heat exchanger. This prewarmed, fresh air is then blown into the habitable rooms such as living rooms and bedrooms, giving a constant supply of clean, fresh air which contributes to a healthy, comfortable living environment.

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