Presentation final professional practise

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Client Management DANIEL SLADE

CLIENT MANAGEMENT THE PROJECT Following a successful project at Aston Villa, Bournemouth Manager Edward “Eddie” Howe has appointed the company to design plans for a refurbishment of Dean Courts stadiums facilities including: >on-site retail >catering facilities >conference and hospitality suite

WHY IS BOURNEMOUTH A GOOD CLIENT? >The project is the same as the last project issued to the company. >The project is what the company specialise in (sports retail)


CLIENT MANAGEMENT HOW DO WE CREATE A GOOD CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT? Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy, the business can create a stronger connection between the client and its self. Setting up regular meetings with client Updating the existing brief to meet new needs

Making the client know their rights and obligations.

HOW DEAL TO MANAGE THE EXTRA WORK WITH CLIENT MANAGEMENT Due to extra work, the project will not be finished in time for the start of the football season (August) Give the Clients options: What does the Client want completed First?

OUR BUSINESS SHOULD AIM TO ACHIEVE: Providing an excellent service so client will promote us and come back ‘buy again’ This can lead us to develop new connections with new clients

Customer Relationship Management ‘a strategy used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. Good customer relationships are at the heart of business success.’

Communications FAHEEM SUMRA

Communication in the work place Why is it important to communicate? Communication is a very important aspect in the work place and brings many advantages such as: • Preventing Conflict between colleagues • Have stronger relationships • People will understand you better

“Communication – the human Not communicating within a team can lead to miscommunication. connection – is the key to personal Miscommunication can lead to arguments. In the workplace, the repercussions can be far more serious. Poor productivity, unmotivated employees -- even lawsuits -- can result from communication breakdowns and career success” Ways to communicate effectively in a workplace..

Open meeting


Communication via training Use visuals

Display confidence and seriousness

Listen to your team members

Act out your message Be articulate

ones Use presentations PaulOneJ.on Meyer

Use simple words

Use body language

Be humorous Use the appropriate tone of voice Encourage feedback Create a receptive atmosphere

Communication throughout the project Communication between you and the client Why is it important to communicate with the client?

Communication between you your team Why is it important to communicate within your team?

Changes throughout the project with phase 1-2 How will this be communicated in terms of keeping up to date with the client, with your team, finance issues any delays etc.


Marketing and Development Marketing “Taking a position for the future within an industry and finding the most cost effective way of telling clients about it, in order to find leads.” • Proven success in current market

Brand Strategy Need for smaller more frequent projects. • To adopt the existing marketing branding developed by the main company. reputation andlarge credibility the existing firm. •• Incorporate Establishedthe reputation with scaleofsports facilities • Previous project portfolio can be used to our advantage as small branch of • large Gained transferable skills required to complete smaller scale sports company. design and projects. • Costs can be redevelopment reduced by achieving leads from existing clients. •

Marketing strategy must redeveloped.

Considerations • Current Creating leads from new clients can cost up to 16 times more then Market Position for similar projects • Market position projects of aclients!! smaller nature securing leadsfor from existing

Marketing and Development Measurement of Strategy Success Regarding Marketing 1 hour meetings, once a week, dedicated to marketing! Communication (how we get our business across to potential Conclusion clients) • Toare set goals • We to useofthe Quality Management System (QMS) Each aspect marketing has been carefully considered and •thought Use ofout open source information to networking identify how we as amedia small • Organise events

branch larger firm will of Set out as a set of questions for clients coverage to fill out of as a part of our terms incorporate each aspect of our market strategy in order to make our engagement. Social member Media, •• Every of the team is to contribute to marketing. •

new branch successful within the current market in the most cost • Questions will relate to all aspects ofgiven the specific project • Advertising, • Carrying out specific marketing tasks to them and agreedand uponmore within effective way to our company. the meetings. general terms to do with the business. • Separate page of existing website

• Specific marketing section will allow us to identify strengths and Business development and networking weaknesses with regards to our marketing strategy. Funding • Direct contact with possible clients, • Questionnaires will be reviewed within the meetings set aside for • Percentage from profit of previous month put aside for marketing • Social networking events held by ifthe company, marketing. It will then be agreed certain changes to the marketing purposes. strategy would need to be carried out as a result of the • CPD events • Approx 1-3% of profit of previous month, but decided by finance department questionnaires. dependant on turnover • Conventions

Programme and Progress PHILIP BARNES

Original Schedule

Procurement – Traditional Procurement used here.

Planning of up to 13 weeks as a large project.

Construction of Project starts during the previous football season.

Football Season early August to end of May approx. meaning 2 months clear working July-August.

People allocated to tasks.


Financial overview on our project 

10% fee – RIAS fee scale

Staff cost to company - £18,800.83 p/m for 6 staff

Indirect costs and overheads - £4,605 p/m

Office - £1410.00 p/m as part of indirect costs and overheads

20% payment on instruction prior to Stage C

Percentage charge for the rest of the project

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PPI) – required by CIAT code of conduct

Clause 4 Professional Indemnity Insurance, a)

Original Schedule with Additional

Additional Programme starts middle of February and rolls into original project at tendering stage.

No extension in the tendering time needed in incorporating the additional work into tendering.

No Planning needed for additional work so allows for catch up with original programme.

£250,000 Average Monthly Build Cost breached to achieve 10 month Construction Schedule.

Terms and Conditions of Engagement needed to reflect this new contract rolling into the Original Contract.

Contractor to decide sequence of Work for practicality, leaving least commercially essential and finishing work till last i.e. deadline.

Temporary Provision made for Stadium Entrances and access to facilities during work crossing over to new facilities when practical.

Phase 2 implications on finance

(£100,000.00) (£150,000.00) (£200,000.00) (£250,000.00)










£0.00 July ‘15 onwards – large scale



March ‘15 to May’15 - small scale £50,000.00 42309


Our cash flow is much better in first year than second – need to acquire more work from large and small scale projects £100,000.00



Resources managed to suit the schedule – Resource management planning



C-L percentage charged



A and B – time charged additionally to the 10% fee



Has a positive effect on our cash flow - + £100,000


Net cashflow Bank balance

Any questions?

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