Welcome to Atlanta and EDexpo 2015!
Dear EDexpo Attendee: We are excited to host the most important annual gathering of the educational products marketplace in Atlanta, Georgia. Your elected EDmarket leaders have been hard at work to bring you exciting enhancements to the event designed to improve your productivity and increase your return on investment. In addition to $99 hotel room rates designed to keep the EDexpo community of dealers together, here are just a few of the many highlights:
• A Mobile App to help you plan your show and work your plan! • The Education Blogger Trendsetter Program with their list of Top 10 products from the exhibit floor will help you identify what the next bestsellers.
• Over 150 companies exhibiting the latest and greatest products for educating students and enhancing learning.
• The Main EDvent brought to you by Catalog Solutions, Inc. and their vendor partners. All dealers are invited to enjoy an evening of food, dancing, giveaways and more at the Atlanta Opera House.
• An additional 750 companies exhibiting in the adjoining CAMEX hall (see page 33 for listing).
• Back by popular demand – Rent-a-Box Service to ship your samples back home!
• Hot Trends and Top Picks session that provides bags of product samples to the first 150 dealers. • Content-rich education that is chockfull of ideas you can put to use right away in your business (separate registration required).
With so much to do and see, EDexpo is your place to source new products and build business partnerships that will result in increased sales, market share and profits. Enjoy!
Sincerely, • The opportunity for dealers to win a trip to Turks and Caicos or New York City, or a hotel stay at EDexpo 2016 in Houston as part of the connectED program of booth visits. • A Dealer Speed Dining event Saturday evening for dealers registered for the full conference. • Share the Show Dealer Roundtable – share your favorites with fellow dealers and rate the products you found “buzzworthy”!
Jim McGarry President/CEO
EDexpo Planning Committee EDexpo is planned by member volunteers who work together to develop the optimal show format, and make recommendations on location, dates, fees, etc. to the Executive Committee. Thanks to the following people for making this show successful:
Kent Brings, Chair .............. Educational Insights Carole Bernstein ................................. Get Smart Tim Braden ................... Fahy-Williams Publishing Kevin Casey ...............Essential Learning Products
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Dana Flaherty...........................Catalog Solutions Amy Greene ....................I.P.A. Educational Supply Rachel Lehman .....................................Edupress Jim McChesney ........... The McChesney Group LLC
Show Schedule GWCC = Georgia World Congress Center
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (All events will take place at the GWCC.)
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Registration Open (Exhibitors) Registration Hall Level 4 CAMEX Cyber Cafe Lobby B, Level 4
3:45 – 4:45 PM
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 (All events on Saturday take place at the Marriott Hotel with the exception of exhibitor registration, manufacturer education and exhibit setup.)
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Registration Open (Exhibitors) GWCC Registration Hall Level 4
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM CAMEX Cyber Cafe GWCC Lobby B, Level 4
7:30 AM – 9:00 PM Registration Open (Dealers) Marriot 700s Registration Area
8:00 AM – Noon Committee Meetings Marriott Hotel
1:00 – 2:00 PM General Session: Using Social Media to Predict Future Buying Trends, Marriott A706/707
2:00 – 2:15 PM Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
2:15 – 3:00 PM Concurrent EDsessions: • What’s Trending in ELA, Marriott A702 • How STEM is Changing the Focus of the K-6 Classroom, Marriott A708 • Welcome to the Education Industry, Marriott A703 • Upgrading Your Marketing Plan?, Marriott A704
2:30 – 3:30 PM Manufacturer EDsession: Driving Sales and Market Penetration through Product Content, GWCC 209
3:00 – 3:15 PM Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
New Product Showcase Open Booth 1301-1601
EDmarketdealer.com Lounge Booth 840
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
2:00 PM & 3:00 PM
EDmarket Café Open/ Cyber Lounge Booth 1140
Ice Cream Break EDmarket Cafe, Booth 1140
7:00 PM – Midnight
Manufacturer EDsession: From MAPP to Money – Asset Protection Practices, GWCC 209
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
4:00 – 4:15 PM
2:00 PM & 3:00 PM
Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
4:15 – 5:15 PM General Session: Makerspaces – The New Trend that Can Add Dollars to Your Bottom Line, Marriott A706/707
5:30 – 7:00 PM
EDmarketdealer.com Lounge Booth 840 Ice Cream Break EDmarket Cafe, Booth 1140
Welcome Reception Marriott A601/602
5:30 – 6:15 PM
(All events will take place at the GWCC.)
Annual Meeting B206
7:30 AM – 3:00 PM
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Registration Open Registration Hall Level 4
EDexpo Happy Hour Foyer Level 2
7:30 – 9:00 AM
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Share the Show Dealer Roundtable B211
Registration Open Registration Hall Level 4
8:30 AM – 3:00 PM 7:30 – 9:00 AM
7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Networking Continental Breakfast B207
CAMEX Cyber Cafe Lobby B, Level 4
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDexpo & CAMEX Exhibits Open Exhibit Halls B1-B5
8:00 – 9:00 AM 7:30 – 9:00 AM Networking Continental Breakfast B207
General Session: Hot Tips and Top Products (dealers only), B206
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM New Product Showcase Open Booth 1301-1601
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM 8:00 – 9:00 AM
CAMEX Cyber CafeLobby B, Level 4
General Session: Life Lessons My Students Taught Me, B206
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM CAMEX Cyber Cafe Lobby B, Level 4
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDmarket Café Open/ Cyber Lounge Booth 1140
EDexpo & CAMEX Exhibits Open Exhibit Halls B1-B5
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM EDexpo & CAMEX Exhibits Open Exhibit Halls B1-B5
Networking Continental Breakfast B207
(All events will take place at the GWCC.)
(All events will take place at the GWCC.)
Registration Open Registration Hall Level 4
The Main EDvent, brought to you by Catalog Solutions & Vendor Partners Atlanta Opera House
Dealer Speed Dining Event Marriott Atrium Ballroom BC
7:00 – 8:30 PM
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
3:15 – 4:00 PM Concurrent EDsessions: • Mathematics Education for the 21st Century, Marriott A702 • How to Talk like a Common Core Teacher So You Can Sell to a Common Core Teacher, Marriott A708 • Finding your Niche, Marriott A703 • Creating & Implementing an In-store Event, Marriott A703
New Product Showcase Open Booth 1301-1601
EDmarketdealer.com Lounge Booth 840
1:00 PM 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM EDmarket Café Open/ Cyber Lounge Booth 1140
connectED Drawing EDmarket Cafe, Booth 1140
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
What You Need to Know Exhibits will take place in the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. The Education Conference sessions and Networking events on Saturday will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. A dealer satellite registration desk will be open on Saturday for badge pickup. The Georgia World Congress Center is located at 285 Andrew Young International Boulevard Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30303. EDxpo exhibits are in Hall B1-B2; CAMEX exhibits are in Halls B2-B5.
Attire For your comfort, all events at the EDexpo are “business casual” attire. Come relaxed and comfortable so you can concentrate on business. Please note: the Education Market Association reserves the right to remove persons who are dressed such that they are a distraction to the general business climate of the show.
Badges To gain entrance to the EDexpo and CAMEX exhibit halls, you are required to use the badge and badge holder provided at registration.
Discountt Coupons Di C for f Lunch L h Each dealer will receive three $5 discount coupons for lunch on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. These coupons will be given to you with your badge at the EDexpo Registration Desk. The coupons are good for use only at the convention center concession stands in the exhibit hall. They will not be replaced if lost or be redeemed for cash. Lunch coupons are available only to Full Conference Dealers.
Event Admittance
Clear .................. Exhibitor
Your badge is your ticket to the exhibits, education sessions and networking events at EDexpo. Please wear it at all show functions. Purchase of a Full Conference registration is required to attend the Education Conference, Dealer Speed Dining Event, Continental Breakfast and the Dealer Share the Show Roundtable.
Black .................. Dealer
Exhibit Display Awards
Cream................ Independent Manufacturer Representative Blue ................... Educator Green ................ Press/Guests
Badges must be worn at all times for show events. Any alterations to the badges are strictly prohibited. If your badge is incorrect, please bring it to the EDexpo Registration Desk to be issued a new one. Lending badges to anyone is prohibited, regardless of the length of time they wish to remain in the hall. Companies engaging in this unauthorized practice are liable for the registration fees of persons admitted, confiscation of badges, and loss of the company’s priority points. Dealers and other show attendees are not permitted to wear badges issued by exhibitors. Each person must pick up his or her own badge.
CAMEX Your EDexpo badge provides access to the CAMEX exhibits for FREE! Discover new products that will help position your store as a unique destination for savvy students of all ages. Shop an additional 750+ exhibitors in Halls B2-B5, open the same hours as EDexpo.
Cyber Lounge Check your email, surf the Web, or just stay in touch with your office at the EDmarket Cafe/Cyber Lounge located at Booth #1140 and open during exhibit hours. You can also use the CAMEX Cyber Cafe in the lobby area of Level 4, from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Sunday, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM on Monday, and 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM on Tuesday.
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Judged by the Retail Store Council, exhibit excellence is honored in the following categories: • Best New Exhibitor • Outstanding Exhibit (Single Booth) • Outstanding Exhibit (Multiple Booths) A panel of dealer members who serve on the Retail Store Council evaluates exhibits during the first day of the show on such qualities as design, innovation, and helpfulness of the staff. Awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting/Evening with the Stars event on Sunday evening.
Lost & Found Items for the Lost & Found should be brought to the EDexpo Registration Desk.
Parking The Georgia World Congress Center Authority operates three surface lots and two parking decks. The entrance to the Red Parking Deck is on Andrew Young International Boulevard. Standard daily rate for parking is $10.
Rent-a-Box Service “Rent-A-Box” gives you a “personal storage area” for your convention materials which you can add to throughout the show. Use the coupon provided by EDmarket when you pick up your badge on-site to receive your free box. Then just fill up your box and ship your materials home (shipping is not included). Free box is available only to Full Conference Dealers.
Show Program Supplement
Be sure to pick up a copy of the Show Program Supplement available at the EDexpo Registration Desk. The supplement will include any companies that joined our list of exhibitors after January 16. It will also include any last-minute changes or additions to the show schedule and a complete list of Show Specials.
Shuttle Service Shuttles will be provided to and from the Marriott Marquis Hotel, Hyatt Hotel and the Georgia World Congress Center beginning on Saturday, February 22 through Tuesday, February 24. Shuttle service will also be provided to and from the Main EDvent on Monday, February 23 from 6:30 PM – Midnight.
Social Media at EDexpo Use #EDexpo2015 to connect with attendees, get information from exhibitors, and to see up-to-theminute information about the conference.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
What’s Happening On the Show Floor? EDmarket Mobile App
The EDmarket Café is home to all your Education Market Association information, including the latest EDmarket publications, dates for future events, member services information and a helpful EDmarket staff person to answer all of your questions. Stop by the EDmarket Café, join us for refreshments, and share your feedback!
Download EDmarket Mobile in the Google Play or Apple App store to put EDexpo in the palm of your hand. EDmarket Mobile is available for the Android and iPhone, as well as in a mobile web version. After you open the app on your device, you will be prompted to log in using your User ID. The mobile app enables attendees to: • Browse or search for EDexpo sessions and networking events • View the current list of exhibitors • Add education sessions and networking events to “Add to my Schedule” • Review and respond to messages from other attendees • Keep information about exhibitors handy in the To Do List • Find general event information and late-breaking news • Set up appointments with other participants and create personal calendars
Ice Cream Break – Booth 1140 Enjoy an ice cream break on Sunday and Monday afternoons at the EDmarket Café (Booth 1140) at 2:00 and 3:00 pm, courtesy of Quill.
Thanks to our sponsors: EDmarketdealer.com Lounge – Booth 940 This lounge area will help education officials and SDE attendees learn about the benefits of buying through the educational dealer. Check your listing and take a break in this lounge area, sponsored by the Education Market Association.
Education Blogger Trendsetters Over 50 education bloggers will explore the EDexpo exhibit hall looking for the next hot products. A list of the top products mentioned will be available at the EDexpo Registration Desk, EDmarketdealer.com booth (#940) and EDmarket Café (#1140) by 10 AM on Monday, February 23. Take advantage of this unique resource when making product selections for your business!
connectED Program Pick up your connectED Report Card at registration check-in, then visit your 30 assigned exhibitors at your own pace and have them verify your meeting. Turn in your completed report card to the EDmarket Café to enter the drawing for fantastic prizes including a trip to Turks and Caicos, a weekend getaway to New York City, or a three-night stay at EDexpo 2016 in Houston! The drawings will take place in the EDmarket Cafe (Booth 1140) at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 24, and you must be present to win.
New Product Showcase Find new products, conduct product research, and prioritize your time in the exhibit hall at the New Product Showcase. View the new products on display so you know what booths you HAVE TO VISIT. Dealers who “vote” on their favorite products in the showcase have the opportunity to win $100! As the sponsor of the showcase, Educational Dealer magazine will once again award “Eddies” to the three companies with the highest number of votes. The exhibitor with the most votes at 5:30 PM on Monday will be featured on the cover of the spring issue of Educational Dealer Magazine. Thanks to our Sponsor:
Makerspace Pavillion – Booth 854 The EDexpo exhibit floor will feature a Makerspace where you can see, touch and create just like the students do! Atlanta area Maker communities will participate in a contest right on the exhibit floor to see who can create the most innovative education-related project. The participating organizations will display typical tools found in Makerspaces that capture the spirit of making such as a 3D printer, laser cutter, robotics demonstration, woodworking equipment, and more. Learn about this latest trend in education so you can be a resource to your customers and take advantage of the sales opportunity. Open during exhibit hours, this unique space will give you a place to unleash your creativity and get new ideas for products that sell!
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
EDmarket Cafe – Booth 1140
Find a Rep Directory
EDmarket’s Independent Manufacturers Representatives (IMR) are here to help grow the channel and connect people. They represent several non-competitive product lines to educational dealers and distributors, and serve as a conduit between the manufacturer and the dealer. Below is list of member Rep firms that work with EDexpo vendors and dealers. If you are Independent Manufacturers Representative, and would like to become involved in the IMR Committee, please join us on Monday, February 23 for a brief meeting at 7:30 AM in Room B209 of the Convention Center. All Independent Manufacturers Representatives are welcome!
Akers Business Solutions
Empresas Amy
Midwest Resource Group, Inc.
2406 Peppermill Dr Ste J Glen Burnie, MD 21061-3258 Phone: (410) 541-3005 Fax: (410) 541-3009 Website: www.akersbusiness.com Territory: New England, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virgina and Virginia.
PO Box 9833 San Juan, PR 00908 Phone: (787) 783-1743 Fax: (787) 793-5042 Territory: Puerto Rico, Caribbean, and Panama.
721 Armstrong Dr Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-1885 Phone: (847) 541-7790 Fax: (847) 541-7788 Tollfree Phone: (800) 633-7790 Website: www.midwestreps.com Email: info@midwestreps.com Territory: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
Cameron Marketing Services, Inc. 440 Vista Del Mar Dr Aptos, CA 95003 Phone: (831) 685-0248 Fax: (831) 685-1838 Tollfree Phone: (800) 292-3665 Email: cameronl@pacbell.net Territory: Entire U.S. & Canada.
CK Sales & Associates, LLC 13927 60th St Bloomer, WI 54724-4230 Phone: (715) 568-2166 Fax: (715) 568-2063 Tollfree Phone: (800) 316-7017 Territory: Entire U.S.
Clifton Company 919 N Shore Dr Southport, NC 28461-9578 Phone: (888) 373-2888 Fax: (888) 905-8609 Tollfree Phone: (888) 373-2888 Website: www.cliftonco.net Email: cliftonco@atmc.net Territory: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
Golden Global Sales 116 Springhill Dr Downingtown, PA 19335-4058 Phone: (610) 518-1126 Fax: (610) 518-1127 Website: www.goldenglobalsales.com Email: dfg3754@aol.com Territory: Entire U.S. & International.
Kay Cameron's Educational Sales, LLC PO Box 110 London, OH 43140-0110 Phone: (740) 852-6502 Fax: (740) 852-1873 Tollfree Phone: (800) 842-7118 Email: kaycameronedrep@gmail.com Territory: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Texas.
1329 S Evergreen Ave Arlington Heights, IL 60005-3616 Phone: (847) 364-0173 Fax: (847) 364-0179 Tollfree Phone: (800) 333-7460 Website: www.educational-marketing.com Email: shannon@educational-marketing.com Territory: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
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PO Box 9656 San Juan, PR 00908 Phone: (787) 781-5042 Email: rodriguezgonzalez824@gmail.com Territory: Puerto Rico
RRF & Associates 1405 Abilene Ct Allen, TX 75013-5462 Phone: (972) 396-1996 Fax: (214) 383-4053 Email: rossfrick@gmail.com Territory: Entire U.S.
KSM – Kulics Sales & Marketing
Superior Marketing
340 Arabian Dr Jordan, MN 55352-3413 Phone: (952) 492-3543 Fax: (952) 492-3546 Tollfree Phone: (800) 576-9901 Website: www.KSMTeam.com Territory: Entire U.S. & Canada, Primarily: Midwest
9217 Mountain Shadows Dr Chattanooga, TN 37421-3427 Phone: (423) 499-6435 Fax: (423) 855-0078 Tollfree Phone: (800) 869-8830 Email: rocky@superiormarketing.biz Territory: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
LJR Associates Educational Marketing Service
Rodco Ltd.
5010 Lake Holw Douglasville, GA 30135-2699 Phone: (678) 838-0751 Fax: (888) 722-0313 Email: ljrassociates@mindspring.com Territory: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
The McChesney Group LLC 8521 Preston Mill Ct Dublin, OH 43017-9648 Phone: (614) 205-3909 Fax: (866) 347-7061 Email: dmcchesney@sbcglobal.net Territory: Entire U.S.
Tremain & Associates, Inc. 4409 W Shellee Dr Muncie, IN 47304-9104 Phone: (765) 286-8859 Fax: (765) 288-7910 Tollfree Phone: (866) 286-8859 Email: tremainrep@aol.com Territory: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota and Wisconsin.
Education Market Association Executive Committee Chair
Tom Green
Andy Gattas
John R. Green Co. (859) 655-8709 tomgreen@johngreenco.com
Knowledge Tree (901) 324-9251 agattas@xspedius.net
Chair-Elect Wiebe, Carlson & Associates (559) 294-2228 mjcarlson@wiebe-carlson.com
Todd Mantz
Angela Nelson
USACapitol (254) 939-1853 todd@usacapitol.com
Stages Learning Materials (530) 892-1112 angela@stageslearning.com
First Vice Chair
Doug Jehle
Laurie Uherek
Intersect Educational Solutions, LLC (205) 999-4454 dljoz@yahoo.com
Educate & Celebrate (410) 535-2771 educate2771@verizon.net Second Vice Chair
John MacGregor
Tom Brennan
The Education Station (712) 546-6673 john@theeducationstationinc.com
SchoolOutfitters.com (800) 260-2776 tbrennan@schooloutfitters.com
Chris Petrick Bretford Manufacturing (847) 678-2545 cpetrick@bretford.com
Lee Stapp Officescapes (719) 574-1113 lstapp@officescapes.com
Board of Directors: Retail/Supply Sector Chair Tom Green John R. Green Co. (859) 655-8709 TomGreen@johnrgreenco.com
John MacGregor The Education Station, Inc. (712) 546-6673 john@theeducationstationinc.com
Mark Carlson Wiebe, Carlson & Associates (559) 294-2228 mjcarlson@wiebe-carlson.com
Angela Nelson Stages Learning Materials (530) 892-1112 angela@stageslearning.com
Jim Connelly Creative Teaching Press (714) 895-5047 jim.connelly@creativeteaching.com
Laurie Uherek Educate and Celebrate (410) 535-2771 educate2771@verizon.net
Andy Gattas Knowledge Tree (901) 324-9251 agattas@xspedius.net
EDexpo Planning Committee Seat:
Independent Reps Seat:
Cameron Logan Cameron Marketing Services (831) 685-0248 cameronL@pacbell.net Retail Store Council Seat:
Morgan Womick Education Express (704) 979-1507 eduexp@rfci.net Suppliers Council Seat:
Kent Brings Educational Insights (847) 968-3719
Harvey Berliner Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade (617) 351-5995 harvey.berliner@hmhpub.com
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Mark Carlson
Leadership Meetings
Many Education Market Association Leadership Meetings take place at EDexpo. These meetings are for the elected leaders of each group. If you are interested in attending, please contact the chair or the committee to request permission. A listing of all groups can be found in the EDmarket Membership Directory. Visit the EDmarket Cafe to speak with a staff member for details.
Board of Directors 3:15 – 6:00 PM, Tuesday, February 24 GWCC B209 Group Purpose: Decides on Association policies, and gives final approval for all recommendations from the Education Market Association Committees and Councils.
EDexpo Planning Committee 7:30 – 9:00 AM, Tuesday, February 24 Marriott B209 Group Purpose: Plans and promotes EDexpo, the Education Market Association’s back-to-school buying show.
Independent Manufacturers Reps Committee 7:30 – 9:00 AM, Monday, February 23 GWCC B209 Group Purpose: Examines industry issues and suggests rep member services.
Legislative Committee 12:00 – 1:30 PM, Saturday, February 21 Marriott A708 Group Purpose: Monitors and communicates to the membership government policies, legislative/regulatory issues, and funding opportunities that impact the education marketplace and test member desire for advocacy.
Executive Committee
Retail Store Council 8:00 – 10:00 AM/ 10:00 – 11:00 AM (WITH SUPPLIERS COUNCIL), Saturday, February 21 Marriott A701 Group Purpose: Develops programs and projects to address the needs of school market retailers.
Suppliers Council 8:00 - 10:00 AM/ 10:00 – 11:00 AM (WITH RETAIL STORE COUNCIL), Saturday, February 21 Marriott A702 Group Purpose: Examines industry issues and suggests manufacturer/supplier member services.
8:00 – 11 AM, Wednesday, February 25 Marriott A701 Group Purpose: Decides on Association policies, and gives final approval for all recommendations from Association Committees and Councils.
Show Policies Children’s Admittance Policy For the safety of young children and for the business needs and comfort of exhibitors and attendees: • Any person aged 13 years and older must be registered for the show at the applicable cost. • Children between the ages of 13 and 16 may attend all show events under strict parental oversight at all times. • Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to attend workshops, but may visit the exhibit hall, during exhibit hours only, with strict parental oversight and must stay with a parent at all times. • All parents bringing children under the age of 13 must sign a waiver before entering the hall with them. • For safety reasons no person under the age of 16 is allowed in the exhibit hall during set-up or tear-down.
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• Per Show Management discretion, children may be asked to leave the exhibit hall or any show event at any time for any reason. Please note: CAMEX does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to visit their exhibits.
Press Policy Any outside press representative wishing access to the show must first check in at the EDexpo Registration Desk in order to obtain a proper badge for access to the exhibit hall and other show events. Media registration privileges and credentials are limited to editors, reporters, and photographers. Credentials will NOT be extended to those in management, public affairs, public relations, or marketing. Publications wishing to sell advertising space or other services at EDexpo to exhibitors or attendees must reserve exhibit space.
Education Market Association Staff Jim McGarry
Kathy Balogh
President/C.E.O. (800) 395-5550 ext. 1029 jmcgarry@edmarket.org
Director of Dealer Development (800) 395-5550 ext.1043 kbalogh@edmarket.org
Bill Duffy
Sherron Washington Communications Manager (800) 395-5550 ext. 1034 swashington@edmarket.org
Adrienne Dayton
Samantha LeSesne
Vice President – Marketing & Communications (800) 395-5550 ext. 1031 adayton@edmarket.org
Meetings Manager (800) 395-5550 ext. 1038 slesesne@edmarket.org
Karen Prince Director of Membership (800) 395-5550 ext. 1035 kprince@edmarket.org
Michael Nercesian Exhibit Manager (800) 395-5550 ext. 1032 mnercesian@edmarket.org
Joe Tucker
Odell McCants
CEM, CMP, Director of Meetings & Events (800) 395-5550 ext. 1041 jtucker@edmarket.org
Sales Manager (800) 395-5550 ext. 1025 omccants@edmarket.org
Elizabeth Bradtke Webmaster (800) 395-5550 ext. 1040 ebradtke@edmarket.org
Vice President – Operations & Meetings (800) 395-5550 ext. 1026 bduffy@edmarket.org
Tamara Davis Bookkeeper/ Office Manager (800) 395-5550 ext. 1028 tdavis@edmarket.org
Nicole Whatley Membership Specialist (800) 395-5550 ext. 1030 nwhatley@edmarket.org
Photograph and Video Policy Show participants shall not photograph or record the exhibit or products of any Exhibitor unless authorized by the Exhibitor. Violation may result in the confiscation of the camera or other media and/or participant’s removal from the exhibit hall.
Publicity Photos By registering for EDexpo, you have agreed to have your image photographed and published in the Education Market Association’s membership publications and promotions. If you do not wish for your image to be used, please contact Adrienne Dayton at adayton@edmarket.org.
Smoking Policy Education Market Association shows are nonsmoking events.
FUTURE SHOW DATES EDspaces 2015 October 28-30 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans, LA
EDexpo 2016 March 6-8 George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, TX
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Education Schedule SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1:00 – 2:00 PM
General Session: Using Social Media to Predict Future Buying Trends, Marriott A706/707
Education Full Conference registration is required for dealers to attend the educational sessions. If you are not already registered, please stop by the EDexpo Registration Desk to sign up. The fee is $100 per member and $150 per nonmember and allows access to all education sessions, the Speed Dining Event, Networking Continental Breakfasts, and provides you with lunch tickets. All exhibitor and rep personnel have full conference access with the exception of the Dealer Speed Dining Dinner, lunch tickets, and the Share the Show Breakfast Roundtable.
2:00 – 2:15 PM Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
2:15 – 3:00 PM Concurrent Sessions: • What’s Trending in ELA, Marriott A702 • How STEM is Changing the Focus of the K-6 Classroom, Marriott A708 • Welcome to the Education Industry, Marriott A703 • Upgrading Your Marketing Plan?, Marriott A704
3:00 – 3:15 PM Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
3:15 – 4:00 PM Concurrent Sessions: • Mathematics Education for the 21st Century, Marriott A702 • How to Talk like a Common Core Teacher So You Can Sell to a Common Core Teacher, Marriott A708 • Finding your Niche, Marriott A703 • Creating & Implementing an in-Store Event, Marriott A704
4:00 – 4:15 PM Networking Break Marriott 700s Foyer
4:30 – 5:30 PM General Session: Makerspaces —The New Trend that Can Add Dollars to Your Bottom Line, Marriott A706/707
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00 – 9:00 AM General Session: Life Lessons My Students Taught Me, Convention Center, B206
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM General Sessions: Hot Tips and Top Products (dealers only), GWCC B206
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Special Sessions for Exhibitors SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21
2:30 – 3:30 PM Manufacturer Education: Driving Sales and Market Penetration through Product Content GWCC 209 Dawn Austin, Managing Director, Incomar Services Providing your dealer and end-users with quality content will improve your sales and the market penetration of your products. Hear what features should be added to your content so it stands out from your competitors and can be used by your dealers to sell to end-users. Dawn Austin is the Managing Director of Incomar Services, an integrated content marketing company specializing in video production, image development, social media and copywriting for its clients. Dawn is the Chair of the Education Committee for the Business Solutions Association.
3:45 – 4:45 PM Manufacturer Education:
From MAPP to Money – Asset Protection Practices GWCC 209 Ron Solomon, The Creditors Network Attendees of this informative session will learn simple techniques to prevent late payments and calls from retailers who complain, “Your products are being sold on Amazon at 40-percent off!” Presenter Ron Solomon will discuss: • How to find out if a new or existing customer pays their bills on time. • How to find out if they do business with your peers and how many. • How to create a credit/collection policy that works. • How to find out if they sell on Amazon, eBay or other websites. • How to find out if their online stores violate MAPP or engage in hyper-discounting. • How to create a MAP (Minimum-Advertised-Price) Policy that works. Ron Solomon is CEO of MAPP Trap/The Creditors Network, the largest suppliers’ network for children’s industries in North America. The company’s proprietary system protects markets by safeguarding suppliers’ account receivables, improving their cash flow, generating qualified sales leads, policing MAP policies and more.
Session Descriptions SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 2:15 – 3:00 PM
General Session: Using Social Media to Predict Future Buying Trends
What’s Trending in ELA
Marriott A706/707 Michael Sansolo Social media is one of the most discussed and least understood topics facing business today. Learn how the social web can be used to analyze buying habits and predict future trends. This presentation offers specific details on how to understand the power of social media, who uses it and why, and how to harness the data to benefit your company’s product selection and sales strategy. Michael Sansolo brings a unique and diverse view of the changing nature of trends impacting shoppers, employees, competition, economics, supply chains and management. A senior vice president of the Food Marketing Institute and now a consultant, speaker and author, Sansolo works with companies on adjusting to new market conditions. Sansolo co-authored "The Big Picture: Essential Business Lessons from the Movies", a book identifying creative lessons in leadership, marketing and workplace dynamics and writes a weekly column on wide-ranging business trends for www.MorningNewsBeat.com, a daily blog with nearly 28,000 readers.
Marriott A702 Elizabeth Angeli, Consultant, Everything Education Throughout the Common Core standards, there is a strong emphasis on helping students build strong content knowledge in ELA (English Language Arts) by developing expertise across reading, writing, speaking and listening, and within the various disciplines. The panel will discuss the latest trends in teaching reading, persuasion, and critical literacy in responding to text. Help your educator customers develop units for particular grade levels as they consider texts, writing experiences, content area connections, and language goals by stocking items that fit the needs of the changing curriculum. Elizabeth has been an elementary school teacher for more than two decades. She teaches first grade at Belle Stone Elementary in the Canton City (OH) Schools District, and is co-owner of Everything Education with her husband, Paul.
How STEM is Changing the Focus of the K-6 Classroom
Welcome to the Education Industry Marriott A703 Kathy Balogh, Director of Dealer Development, Education Market Association In need of a crash course on the product categories in education? Confused by terms such as keystoning? Overwhelmed by the idea of navigating the show? This workshop will cover the following: • Overview of the Education Industry • A breakdown of industry categories • Must-do basics as a reseller of education products • Getting the most out of the trade show • Ways the show can pay for itself • Glossary of industry/retail terms An appropriate session for those with new businesses, attending EDexpo for the first time, or anyone in search of tips for working the show. Kathy’s combined experience in the Office Supply and Education Industries adds up to over 17 years! She has broad experience in areas such as category management, merchandising, marketing, custom catalogs, and working with a sales force selling direct to schools and districts. Working with everyone from 'Big Box’ stores to single store owners gives her a unique understanding of the marketplace.
Marriott A708 Russell Fair, Lead Developer, University of Missouri A greater focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning has been a trend in recent years as the jobs of the future and our ability to compete in a global economy are on the line. President Obama has weighed in calling for more emphasis on STEM learning that is reflected in increased federal education spending in these subject areas. Teachers are looking for innovative ways to deliver STEM concepts to students as early as Pre-K as they integrate STEM education alongside teaching the alphabet. Russell is a professional lead developer, technology instructor, open source evangelist, public speaker and multi-discipline maker. He is active with Decatur Makers, a non-profit makerspace that is intentionally kid and family friendly.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Upgrading Your Marketing Plan?
Marriott A704 Dana Flaherty, President, Catalog Solutions Inc. Is your current marketing plan just word of mouth? Would you like to grow your business by opening up your marketing to more potential customers? Diversifying your marketing concepts will advance your name recognition, provide more connections with your customers, and deepen the relationship you have with customers. This session will speak to direct mail, email, and social marketing concepts as ways to diversify your marketing plan and advance your business. If you’re looking to expand your marketing capabilities this is the session for you. Dana is President and Owner of Catalog Solutions Inc., he has extensive experience in the design and printing of school supply catalogs. Prior to founding Catalog Solutions, Dana served as Production Manager for another full service catalog company serving the education market.
3:15 – 4:00 PM Mathematics Education for the 21st Century Marriott A702 Amy Alvis, Teacher Math education in grades K–12 is being shaped by discussions of purpose, performance, instruction, assessment, content, technology, and its impact on today’s students. Hear from a panel as they discuss how the math curriculum is preparing students for higher education and the work force. The panel, made up of a dealer, a teacher, and an exhibitor, will focus on providing you with information that you can pass on to your teachers to become their resource for Math knowledge. Amy Alvis is 5th and 6th Grade Teacher at George Julian Elementary in Indianapolis Public Schools. She is an active blogger, and in her 18 year career has taught all subjects including computer science, math, science and social studies. She has a BS from Ball State University in Elem. Ed. and an MS from IUPUI in Educational Technology.
16 | www.edexpo.com
How to Talk like a Common Core Teacher So You Can Sell to a Common Core Teacher Marriott A708 Janice Malone, Owner, ELA Seminars Dan Lowmiller, Consultant, Everything Education Nothing is having a bigger impact on companies that sell products and services to K-12 schools than the Common Core. With these standards, all learning is linked to ten Career and College Readiness Standards, basically what students need to know and be able to do in order to thrive at the college level and in the career world. The key to selling Common Core products is knowing the language that the teachers are using so they know your products fit what they are looking for. Come to this session to learn how to talk the talk of Common Core. Where else can you have a dealer and a school administrator at your disposal to discuss key subject areas? Janice is currently the owner of ELA Seminars and an alternate route instructor at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. She designs educational products, creates custom seminars, and provides job-embedded professional development for English Language Arts teachers. Janice is an experienced educator who has taught at the upper-elementary, middle, secondary and college levels. Dan Lowmiller has served as a classroom teacher, administrator and retail store consultant. Dan enjoys being able to combine his passions in order to support others in the educational arena.
Finding Your Niche Marriott A703 Michelle Johnson, President and Owner, Loudoun Learning Inc. There are so many directions that you can take your teacher supply store. Do you focus on toys, or educational materials, holiday supplies? No matter what the focus of your store is, it must be something that you strategically decide on and it must be something that you can stick with. In this session you will learn how to look at the competitors around you to find where your stores fits and how to supply your store with products that match your focus. Michelle has been in the industry for over 12 years. She is active in her community and was named the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce Retail Small Business of the Year in 2003 (and nominee in 2006 and 2012) and winner of the 2008 Leesburg Economic Development Commission Innovations Award. She is beginning her term on the EDmarket Retail Store Council this year.
Turn Your Store into a Destination With Awesome In-Store Events Marriott A704 Laura Gurley, The Teachers’ Lounge Want to know how to make your store THE “go-to” place for teachers and parents? Start hosting fabulous in-store events that engage, educate and celebrate your customers! Learn how to find inspiration for fun-filled workshops, sales, promotions and family activities that will keep your customers talking and see how a bit of creativity in your planning, implementation and marketing can help set your store above the rest. Leave this session with ideas for a new teacher workshop that builds loyalty among your best prospective customers. Laura Gurley is the co- owner, with her husband, Scott, of The Teachers’ Lounge, a growing parent/teacher store in St. Louis, MO. Since the opening of their business in 2007, they have combined their experience in teaching, business, marketing and sales to create a store that provides exceptional customer service, the best educational products on the market, and a memorable and meaningful experience for their customers.
4:15 – 5:15 PM General Session: Makerspaces – The New Trend that Can Add Dollars to Your Bottom Line
See you in Houston at EDexpo 2016!
Marriott A706/707 Sylvia Libow Martinez, M.A. Education Technology
Sylvia is the co-author of Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom. She works in schools around the world to bring the power of authentic learning into classrooms, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects. Sylvia speaks, writes, and advocates for student-centered, project-based learning, gender equity in technology, computer programming, and life-long learning. For the past ten years, Sylvia was President of Generation YES, a non-profit with a mission of empowering young people to improve their schools and communities with modern technology.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00 – 9:00 AM General Session: Life Lessons My Students Taught Me GWCC B206 Kimberly Bearden, Ron Clark Academy Co-Founder In this powerful keynote, Kim shares how children can teach the importance of building relationships, abandoning fear, embracing one’s unique gifts, and living with passion. Emotionally compelling, come see how – despite life’s obstacles – your students can help you find joy and significance in both your personal and professional lives. As the co-founder, executive director and language arts teacher of the Ron Clark Academy, Kim Bearden is daily active in all aspects of the educational process. With a teaching career spanning almost thirty years, she has been a teacher, instructional lead teacher, curriculum director, school board member, staff development trainer and middle
The Best Source for NEW Products, NEW Ideas and d NEW Connections
School, libraries, and communities are showing a desire to develop student creativity, expand their knowledge of science and technology, and cultivate thinkers who can solve problems. That is the reason behind the explosion of Makerspaces in learning environments. This session will focus not only on what is the maker movement but it will also focus on how you can incorporate maker products into your product offerings.
· World’s largest selection of products for students and teachers. · Unparalleled networking opportunities to connect dealers and suppliers and share ideas. · Education sessions for new and experienced business owners, managers and category buyers.
March 6-8, 2016 • Houston, TX
school principal. Kim was selected from over 70,000 nominations to be honored as the Disney American Teacher Awards Outstanding Middle School Humanities Teacher. Her bestselling book, Crash Course: The Life Lessons My Students Taught Me, was released by Simon and Schuster this past July.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00 – 9:00 AM General Session: Hot Tips and Top Products GWCC B206 Morgan Womick, Education Express With the vast assortment of new products out there, how do you know what’s best for your store? What in the eyes of parents and teachers makes a product fly off the shelves? In this lively session, we will discuss industry trends and hot products, both new and old, which are a “must” for the successful store. At this interactive session you will have a chance to win free samples of the newest and hottest products, and every dealer will
leave with a bag full of new items for 201516. This session will be filled with a great deal of knowledge and detail on the "must haves" for your store. You will not want to miss out! Along with helping to run Education Express, an EDmarket retail store with three locations in North Carolina and South Carolina, Morgan Womick is a 1st grade teacher at Carl A. Furr Elementary School in Concord, NC. Morgan is Chair of the EDmarket Retail Store Council and a member of the Board of Directors. She also holds a master’s degree in Reading Education. Morgan has been conducting workshops for retail stores and educators from along the east coast.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Exhibitors by Booth Number
Booth # Company
806......................... Everrich Industries, Inc.
1108................................. Melissa & Doug®
Pathways for 807.........................Learning Products, Inc.
1111..................................Flagship Carpets
809........................... Remedia Publications
1115......................... Clearsnap Holding Inc
812................ Foundations Worldwide, Inc.
1117........................................ Hubbard Co.
813.....................Stages Learning Materials 817....................Classroom Innovations LLC
Rose Moon, Inc. 1118............................dba: Moon Products
818....................Teacher Created Resources
1119....................................Guidecraft USA
819......................Suntex International, Inc.
1125...............................Rock 'N Learn, Inc.
821..........................KAPLA Tom's Toys, LLC.
825............................... Educators Resource
1129..........Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
826.............................DSS Distributing, LLC 828......................... C & A Scientific Co., Inc.
Kagan Publishing & 1131.................. Professional Development
831..................................Primary Concepts
1132................................................ Corwin
Eureka School div. 832, 930.................. Paper Magic Group, Inc.
1139............................ Blue Orange Games
905...........................................Crayola, LLC
1143.........................Catalog Solutions, Inc.
1148............................Dallas Pen Company
912.................................. SI Manufacturing
1149......................Ashley Productions, Inc.
913..........................................Italtrike USA
1206...................................Junior Learning
1207.......................SMART Toys and Games
918............................. Secondary Solutions
1211.................................Chenille Kraft Co.
920............................................ RiteCo, Inc.
1212....................... Geomagworld USA Inc.
925.............................Peerless Plastics, Inc. 926....................Wesco North America, Inc.
Houghton Mifflin 1214...................Harcourt Trade Publishing
1218........................................... Didax, Inc.
1007..........................................Sargent Art
1226...............Gallopade International, Inc.
Educational Impressions/ 1012........................... January Productions
1231......................Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc.
1014.............................................Capstone 1015................................ Puppet Company
E-Z Grader/The Original 1233.................................. E-Z Grader Corp.
1018...............................................KSM Ltd
1247....................................Flash Furniture
1019................................Dowling Magnets
1248.....................Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc.
Patch Products, The Makers of 1020.......... Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys
1256............................... Learning Loft, Inc.
Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind
1307..............Teachers First Choice PTY LTD
1026.....................Creatables/Omnicor, Inc.
1308........................... Angeles Corporation
1028....................Carl Sams II Photography
1114................................Firefly Books, Ltd.
1326............................................. ECR4Kids 1327..........................................Storyboard
1553.............. Ed Speldy East Company Ltd.
1330.............................. DM Transportation
1555...................................... Learn in Style
1331............................. Newmark Learning 1332....................................Folkmanis, Inc.
Creative Educational 1556....................Strategies & Services, LLC
1340..................................Replogle Globes
1557............................................... Grid Ltd
1344.................................Trendsetter Rugs
1558........................................ Doodles Ave
1354......................... Hygloss Products, Inc.
1355.............................KTM Industries, Inc.
1610......................Romanoff Products, Inc.
1406..................................... Wood Designs
1407.................... Carpets for Kids Etc... Inc.
1613...........................Charles Leonard, Inc.
1412....................... Creative Teaching Press
1614..........................Pacific Play Tents, Inc.
1413............................Learning Advantage
1617......................Learning Resources, Inc.
1418................ Essential Learning Products
1620.................... Educational Insights, Inc.
1419................................... Jonti-Craft, Inc.
1625..............Westco Educational Products
1425................................... Shell Education
1627...........First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd.
Scholastic Teaching 1426...........Resources and Teacher's Friend
1628.....................................BarCharts, Inc.
1429............................ Golden Global Sales
1631.................................Flipside Products
1431....................................Koplow Games
1634................................ Games Workshop
1432............................................Handy Art
1640................................Brand New World
1434........................Center Enterprises, Inc.
1647.................................... Inspired Minds
1439................................... Logicblock, Inc.
1650............................. Barbour Publishing
1440..........................................Roylco, Inc. 1443........................................Sourcebooks
Holmquist Educational 1652..................................Consultants, Inc.
1446..............North Star Teacher Resources
1655.........DC Canada Education Publishing
1447........................Playing Unlimited, Inc.
1657......................Fortune Web Marketing
1451........................Waverly Publishing Co.
1658...................................Office Snax, Inc.
1505...........................................Insect Lore
1713..........................Learning Carpets, Inc.
Copernicus Educational 1506....................................... Products Inc.
1715.......................................... Pluralsight
1512.................. Steffy Wood Products, Inc. 1518.......................... Critical Thinking Co.™
Hamilton Electronics & 1721....................................Buhl Industries
1526................. School Zone Publishing Co.
1727............ Master Manufacturing Co. Inc.
1528.................. Educational Activities, Inc.
1729....................................... MathFest Inc
Endless Possibilities, Inc. 1530.............................. "Boinks & Fidgets"
1731................................. Stanley-Bostitch
1311..............Educational Dealer Magazine
Zhuhai Cotowins Gifts & 1030.............Crafts Manufacturing Co., LTD
ZOOBOOKS By 1313........................Wildlife Education Ltd.
1531.....................................EDX Education
1749...............Independent Stationers, Inc.
1314.............................Dick Blick Company
1534...............Pepperell Braiding Company
1751...........................BOSS Office Products
1032................Wiebe, Carlson & Associates 1040.....................Maranda Enterprises LLC
1316..................Round World Products Inc.
1044............................Bigjigs Toys USA LLP
1317.....................Preschool Prep Company
1046...............................Creditors Network
1048.................. PLZ Education Supply, Inc.
1322..............................Kimbo Educational
1049................................... PlayVisions Inc.
1325...............Dexter Educational Toys, Inc.
18 | www.edexpo.com
1140.............Education Market Association
1232....................................Time Timer LLC
1305.........................................Yellow Door
1539...........................................Pencil Grip 1540...............................Pacon Corporation 1548.............................................. FeliX Ltd 1550...............................................Booklog 1551............................. Backpack Gear, Inc.
1630......................................... Babalu, Inc.
1719........................Victor Technology, LLC.
1739.................................... Reading Game
Exhibitors by Company Company
Booth #
Angeles Corporation........................ 1308
Educational Dealer Magazine .......... 1311
Ashley Productions, Inc. .................. 1149 Babalu, Inc. ..................................... 1630
Educational Impressions/ January Productions........................ 1012
Backpack Gear, Inc........................... 1551
Educational Insights, Inc. ................ 1620
Barbour Publishing ......................... 1650
Educators Resource ........................... 825
BarCharts, Inc. ................................. 1628
Edupress.......................................... 1126
Barron's Educational Series, Inc. ...... 1129
EDX Education ................................. 1531
Bigjigs Toys USA LLP ........................ 1044 Blue Orange Games......................... 1139
Endless Possibilities, Inc. "Boinks & Fidgets" .......................... 1530
Booklog........................................... 1550
Essential Learning Products ............ 1418
BOSS Office Products ....................... 1751 Brand New World ............................ 1640
Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc. .................... 832 & 930
C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ..................... 828
Evenflo ............................................ 1320
Capstone ......................................... 1014
Everrich Industries, Inc. ..................... 806
Carl Sams II Photography ................ 1028 Carpets for Kids Etc... Inc. ................ 1407
E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp. .............................. 1233
Catalog Solutions, Inc. ..................... 1143
FeliX Ltd .......................................... 1548
Center Enterprises, Inc. .................... 1434
Firefly Books, Ltd. ............................ 1114
Charles Leonard, Inc. ....................... 1613
First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd. ....... 1627
The Chenille Kraft Co. ...................... 1211
Flagship Carpets .............................. 1111
Classroom Innovations LLC ................ 817
Flash Furniture ................................ 1247
Clearsnap Holding Inc ..................... 1115
Flexitoys ............................................ 916
Copernicus Educational Products Inc. ................................... 1506
Flipside Products ............................. 1631
Corwin ............................................ 1132
Fortune Web Marketing .................. 1657
Crayola, LLC ....................................... 905
Foundations Worldwide, Inc. ............. 812
Creative Educational Strategies & Services, LLC ................ 1556
Gallopade International, Inc. ........... 1226 Games Workshop ............................ 1634
Creative Teaching Press ................... 1412
Geomagworld USA Inc. ................... 1212
The Creditors Network..................... 1046
Golden Global Sales ........................ 1429
The Critical Thinking Co.™ ................ 1518
GoldieBlox......................................... 908
Dallas Pen Company ........................ 1148
Grid Ltd ........................................... 1557
DC Canada Education Publishing ..... 1655
Guidecraft USA ................................ 1119
Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. ........... 1325
Hamilton Electronics &
Dick Blick Company ......................... 1314
Buhl Industries ................................ 1721
Didax, Inc. ....................................... 1218
Handy Art........................................ 1432
DM Transportation .......................... 1330
Holmquist Educational Consultants, Inc. .............................. 1652
Playing Unlimited, Inc. .................... 1447
DSS Distributing, LLC ......................... 826
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ............... 1214
Pluralsight ...................................... 1715
ECR4Kids ......................................... 1326
The Hubbard Co. .............................. 1117
Ed Speldy East Company Ltd............ 1553
Hygloss Products, Inc....................... 1354
EDmarketdealer.com ......................... 940
Independent Stationers, Inc. ........... 1749
Education Market Association ......... 1140
Insect Lore....................................... 1505
Educational Activities, Inc. .............. 1528
Inspired Minds ................................ 1647
Dowling Magnets............................ 1019
Jonti-Craft, Inc................................. 1419
Replogle Globes .............................. 1340
Junior Learning ............................... 1206
RiteCo, Inc. ........................................ 920
Kagan Publishing &
Rock 'N Learn, Inc. ........................... 1125
Professional Development .............. 1131
Romanoff Products, Inc. .................. 1610
KAPLA Tom's Toys, LLC. ...................... 821
Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........................ 1118
Kimbo Educational .......................... 1322 Koplow Games ................................ 1431
Round World Products Inc. .............. 1316
KSM Ltd........................................... 1018
Roylco, Inc. ...................................... 1440
KTM Industries, Inc. ......................... 1355 Learn in Style .................................. 1555 Learning Advantage ........................ 1413 Learning Carpets, Inc. ...................... 1713 Learning Loft, Inc. ........................... 1256 Learning Resources, Inc. .................. 1617 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. .................. 1231 Logicblock, Inc. ............................... 1439 Luxor ............................................... 1605 Maranda Enterprises LLC ................. 1040 Master Manufacturing Co. Inc. ........ 1727 MathFest Inc ................................... 1729 Melissa & Doug® ............................. 1108 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ................. 1248 Newmark Learning.......................... 1331 North Star Teacher Resources .......... 1446 Office Snax, Inc................................ 1658 Pacific Play Tents, Inc. ...................... 1614 Pacon Corporation ........................... 1540 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys....... 1020 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ...................... 807 Peerless Plastics, Inc. ......................... 925 The Pencil Grip ................................ 1539 Pepperell Braiding Company ........... 1534 PlayVisions Inc. ............................... 1049 PLZ Education Supply, Inc................ 1048 Preschool Prep Company ................. 1317 Primary Concepts .............................. 831
Sargent Art...................................... 1007 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher's Friend ....... 1426 School Zone Publishing Co............... 1526 ScienceWiz ...................................... 1611 Secondary Solutions.......................... 918 Shell Education ............................... 1425 SI Manufacturing .............................. 912 SMART Toys and Games ................... 1207 Sourcebooks.................................... 1443 Stages Learning Materials ................. 813 Stanley-Bostitch.............................. 1731 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. ............... 1512 The Storyboard................................ 1327 Suntex International, Inc. .................. 819 Teacher Created Resources ................ 818 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD .......... 1307 Time Timer LLC ................................ 1232 Trendsetter Rugs ............................. 1344 Victor Technology, LLC. .................... 1719 Waverly Publishing Co. .................... 1451 Wesco North America, Inc. ................ 926 Westco Educational Products .......... 1625 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ............ 1032 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. ................ 1026 Wood Designs ................................. 1406 Yellow Door ..................................... 1305 Zhuhai Cotowins Gifts & Crafts Manufacturing Co., LTD ......... 1030 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. ................................. 1313
The Puppet Company ...................... 1015 The Reading Game .......................... 1739 Remedia Publications........................ 809
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Doodles Ave .................................... 1558
Folkmanis, Inc. ................................ 1332
Italtrike USA ...................................... 913
Exhibitors = EDmarket Member Company Booth: 1308
Booth: 1044
Angeles Corporation
Bigjigs Toys USA LLP
(800) 346-6313 / Fax: (636) 2575473 See Ad On Page 48 www.angelesstore.com
(866) 459-7829 / Fax: (301) 895-5029
www.bigjigstoys.us Bigjigs Toys, an award-winning toy company in the UK since 1985, offers a wide range: Wooden Rail, Heritage Playsets, Wooden Puzzles, Baby Bigjigs, Role Play and Tatiri letters.
Booth: 1149
Booth: 1139
Ashley Productions, Inc.
Blue Orange Games
Ashley Productions has manufactured unique & low-cost school, office, and home products since 1981.
We create, publish and promote high-quality eco-friendly games. Our catalog of over 40 award-winning products has earned a reputation for high play value, skill development, and continuous fun.
(800) 430-2761 / Fax: (610) 353-8194
Booth: 1630
(415) 252-0372 / Fax: (415) 525-5522
Babalu, Inc.
Booth: 1550
A new line of artfully-designed classic felt storyboards designed to inspire young minds.
(805) 963-8180 / Fax: (805) 456-3613
Booth: 1551 NEW
Backpack Gear, Inc.
(407) 240-2343 / Fax: (407) 240-2342
www.backpackgearinc.com Backpack Gear, Inc. is a wholesaler and distributor for backpacks, shoulder/messenger bags, school supplies, and general merchandise. We also specialize in prepackaged and custom kits for education, homeless, migrant recruitment and disaster relief. NEW
Carl Sams II Photography (248) 685-2422 / Fax: (248) 685-1643
www.strangerinthewoods.com Authors and wildlife photographers’ Carl R. Sams II & Jean Stoick, share gentle lessons of nature in award-winning children’s books, illustrated with beautiful nature photography. Their “In the Woods” series of children’s books is a celebration of seasons that has captured the hearts of children, parents, grandparents and teachers worldwide!
Booth: 1407
Carpets for Kids Etc... Inc.
See Ad On Next Page
(503) 232-1203 / Fax: (503) 232-1394
(800) 977-8212 / Fax: (773) 275-8498 Booklog is the industry’s leading POS/Inventory Management software system, with over 1500 users world-wide. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Booklog provides the most complete and robust system to track your store’s sales, inventory and customers. 110 builtin reports available to help manage your store.
We are the leading children’s carpet manufacturer specializing in high quality educational rugs. With our Quick Ship program, No fault Serge warranty and unmatched color and design, we are the best choice to meet your customer’s needs.
Booth: 1143
Catalog Solutions, Inc.
(386) 775-1070 / Fax: (386) 775-1077
Booth: 1751
BOSS Office Products
(323) 262-1919 / Fax: (323) 262-2300
Booth: 1650
Manufacturer of seating and desk office furniture.
www.catalogsolutions.com From custom shirts and promotional giveaways to custom logo design, business cards, and catalogs, we want to be your TOTAL marketing solution!
Booth: 1434
Barbour Publishing
Booth: 1640
Center Enterprises, Inc.
Brand New World
(800) 446-6240 / Fax: (800) 220-5948
(860) 953-4423 / Fax: (860) 953-2948
Today, Barbour’s frontlist releases number more than 150 titles per year. That, coupled with nearly one thousand stock titles, allows Barbour to provide retailers around the globe with affordable and accessible Christian products for everyone. In its brief history, Barbour has shipped over one hundred million books.
(800) 877-9399 x501 / Fax: (336) 883-0226
Booth: 1628
Booth: 828
Charles Leonard, Inc.
BarCharts, Inc.
C & A Scientific Co., Inc.
BarCharts, Inc. produces five QuickStudy lines - laminated reference guides, flashcards, reference books, posters, and world and U.S. maps. We have a product that meets all your educational needs.
With headquarters in Manassas, Virginia and another office in Shanghai, China, C & A Scientific provides superior Medical/Educational products to the wholesale industry, serving both the domestic and international sectors.
Booth: 1129
Booth: 1014
The Chenille Kraft Co.
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
Publisher of educational books in the following areas: art; business; juvenile; foreign language; school guides; study aids; and test preparation. Also, CDs and software producers.
Helping children develop a love of reading and learning, no matter their ability level, is at the heart of what we do at Capstone.
(800) 226-7799 / Fax: (561) 989-3722
(631) 434-3311 / Fax: (631) 434-3723
www.brandnewworld.com BNW early childhood products: vinyl and Enviro-Child upholstered sofa and chair units (toddler, preschool, school-age); wood furniture accent tables; community helper dress ups; and walking ropes.
(703) 330-1413 / Fax: (703) 330-7510
(507) 385-8478 / Fax: (888) 262-0705
RUBBER STAMPS - New Ready2Learn™ award-winning stampers and creative kits. Washable paint/ink pads in 11 colors and rainbow. 38 alphabet and number sets. New children’s art tools. Full curriculum line.
Booth: 1613 (800) 999-7202 / Fax: (800) 950-2547 In business for over 50 Years, CLI has a huge selection of Office, School and Arts and Craft supplies. New to line for 2015 are Indexes, Pencil Pouches, Dry Erase Boards, Scissors and glue sticks.
Booth: 1211 (800) 621-1261 / Fax: (800) 621-4402 Art & craft supplies: stems, wiggle eyes, felt poms, wood crafts, beads, feathers, WonderFoam, glitter, dough, clay and modeling tools, paint, brushes, cups, smocks, pastels and chalks, whiteboards and erasers.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Angeles is proud to offer a growing assortment of durable, innovative furniture, storage, active and dramatic play and rest products for early childhood classrooms worldwide.
Booth: 1028
= EDmarket Member Company Booth: 817
Booth: 1132
Booth: 1412
Classroom Innovations LLC
Creative Teaching Press
We provide school storage and display products.
Creative Teaching Press (CTP) is a family-owned and teacher-managed supplemental educational publisher for children ages 3–14, grades PreK–8.
Clearsnap Holding Inc
Known for administration, leadership, equity, and STEM resources, Corwin announces Corwin Literacy--a new line to celebrate, enhance, and disseminate the expertise teachers bring to the classroom every day.
Booth: 905
The Creditors Network
Crayola, LLC
(619) 838-0865 / Fax: (619) 838-0302
Booth: 1115
(617) 567-7760 / Fax: (800) 417-2466
(800) 448-4862 / Fax: (360) 293-6699 Finding new ways to help our customers add color to projects is our passion. From our beginnings in a garage workshop more than 20 years ago, we’ve grown into a leading US manufacturer in the craft industry.
Booth: 1506
Copernicus Educational Products Inc.
(519) 848-3664 / Fax: (519) 848-5516
www.copernicused.com From our tech focused products, such as the iRover2, Dewey-the Document Camera Stand, the NEW Tech Tub™ and Tech Tub™ Carts, to our more traditional Easels, Reading/Writing Centers and book carts, we strive to create interactive environments that bring education to life.
22 | www.edexpo.com
Booth: 1046 (303) 670-5111 / Fax: (206) 350-8127
(610) 253-6272 / Fax: (610) 559-9007
www.crayola.com Crayola LLC, is the manufacturer of children’s art products, including crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, modeling compounds and Silly Putty and toys that encourage creativity.
Booth: 1556
(714) 895-5047 / Fax: (714) 895-5087
Creative Educational Strategies & Services, LLC (405) 496-3871 / Fax: (405) 745-3937
www.fiddlefocus.com Our products, the Busy Fingers™ and Busy Hands™, utilize a multitude of fabrics that provide a diversity of touch and textures to rub or scratch. These popular items allow for children to fiddle, focus, talk and learn. A simple solution for use during a child’s challenging times!
Online manufacturers cooperative for the active exchange of credit references, alters, sales leads and MAP Policy violations. The “official” credit group of the EDmarket, ASTRA, GAA, CTA, and JPMA.
Booth: 1518
The Critical Thinking Co.™ (800) 458-4849 / Fax: (541) 756-1758
www.criticalthinking.com We design critical thinking into reading, writing, math, science, and history lessons so students carefully analyze what they are learning. Deeper analysis produces deeper understanding, resulting in better grades and higher test scores. Critical thinking empowers students to be independent, innovative, and helps them succeed in school and in life.
Booth: 1558
Booth: 1148
Dallas Pen Company
Doodles Ave
(214) 350-0444 x131 / Fax: (214) 357-4845 We are a Teacher & Office Supply wholesaler with over 40,000 items from over 350 manufacturers.
Booth: 1655
DC Canada Education Publishing www.dc-canada.ca
DC Canada Education Publishing is an Ottawa-based publisher of educational books, music, and games for children of all ages. Our diverse and passionate team consists of writers, editors, illustrators, and creative directors who are dedicated to the creating uplifting, stimulating, and enjoyable educational materials for students.
Booth: 1325
Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. (305) 931-7426 / Fax: (305) 931-0552
www.dexterplay.com Dramatic play, machine washable, Career and Animal dress-ups for children 3 to 7. Dress ups for Toddlers, also Animal/Career. Multicultural Hand Puppets. Finger Puppets, Ethnic Dolls and Babies. Puzzles.
Booth: 1314
Doodles Ave is a line of educational activity coloring books. It is through our activity books that we foster scholastic exploration, as our mission is to encourage learning through creativity, by using coloring as a road map to aid children in their discovery of themselves and the world around them.
(855) 327-4543 / Fax: (856) 638-1171
www.ecr4kids.com ECR4Kids is committed to developing and distributing the highest quality classroom furniture and equipment. Our focus is on value-added features, functionality and performance with our products while providing optimal service.
Booth: 1553
Booth: 1019
Ed Speldy East Company Ltd.
Dowling Magnets
(800) 624-6381 / Fax: (888) 366-2329
www.dowlingmagnets.com Since 1946, Dowling Magnets has inspired learners to investigate the wonder of magnetism—hands on! Teachers also love using Dowling’s wide range of magnets to keep their classrooms organized.
(905) 358-1688 / Fax: (905) 358-3188
Our collection consists of necklaces, key chains, bracelets, paperweights, desk decorations and specimen mounts all with real insects, flowers, four leaf clovers and oceanic species incased within each piece.
Booth: 940
Booth: 826
DSS Distributing, LLC
(225) 926-4570 / Fax: (225) 923-1650
www.mavalus.com DSS Distributing is the exclusive distributor of Mavalus Tape, the top-selling mounting adhesive. Mavalus tape is used as an adhesive for mounting decorations and artwork on walls. The advantage of Mavalus tape is that it sticks like duct tape and removes like a sticky note.
(301) 495-0240 / Fax: (301) 495-3330 Stop by the EDmarketdealer.com site and discover the best source for all your classroom needs. EDmarket dealers pride themselves on offering the best selection of products to meet the needs of the student and teacher. Search for a dealer near you and take a break in this lounge area, sponsored by the Education Market Association.
Dick Blick Company
(800) 4478192 / Fax: (800) 621-8293
www.dickblick.com Blick Art Materials is the largest provider of artist’s supplies in the United States, with an extensive offering of art materials, classroom furniture, teaching aids, studio essentials, and more. Product selection, competitive prices, and superior customer service make Blick the clear choice for art educators, schools, and students.
Booth: 1218
Didax, Inc.
(800) 4334329 / Fax: (800) 350-2345
www.didaxdealer.com Didax offers books, games, manipulatives and technology products in the areas of math, language arts, character education, science, and art. Packaged for retail, our materials appeal to teachers and parents.
Booth: 1330
DM Transportation (888) 399-0162
www.dmtrans.com DM Transportation is a full service logistics management company that works with clients to reduce costs and enhance service on all phases of their supply chain: inbound, outbound and drop ship. We partnered with EdMarket to offer members 80% discounts on their freight and earn credit towards membership dues.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
(613) 565-8885 / Fax: (613) 565-8881
(214) 673-2901
Booth: 1326
= EDmarket Member Company Booth: 1140
Booth: 1012
Booth: 832 & 930
Education Market Association
Educational Impressions/ January Productions
Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc.
Materials in all subjects for grades K-12 with an emphasis on the middle grades. Among our recent releases are three primary-source books: two for U.S. history and one on world-history topics. In addition to resource books we have 123 educational Bingo Bag Games-all grades and subjects.
Discover all there is to love about Eureka. Our product line focuses on decor and educational tools, featuring the exclusive designs of Dr. Seuss, Peanuts, Hasbro and Disney!
(800) 797-3223 / Fax: (516) 623-9282
Booth: 1620
(877) 783-0444 / Fax: (800) 382-4565
Educational Insights, Inc.
(301) 495-0240 / Fax: (301) 495-3330
www.edmarket.org The Education Market Association (Edmarket) provides events, opportunities, resources and leadership that improve student outcomes by advancing the educational products marketplace. Stop by the EDmarket Café and learn how we can help you!
Booth: 1528
Educational Activities, Inc. The source for award-winning children’s music and movement CDs, DVDs and read-along books. Materials aligned to kindergarten readiness and learning standards; literacy, basic skills, physical education, social studies, math, motor skills, health, nutrition, bilingual/ELL/ESL. Infant-Toddler and pre-school CDs. Artists include Hap Palmer, Frank Leto, Bob McGrath and more.
Booth: 1311
Educational Dealer Magazine (315) 789-0458 / Fax: (315) 789-4263
www.EducationalDealerMagazine.com The oldest and most reliable source of industry information, Educational Dealer is a name that readers associate with quality information and valuable product ideas. Visit out booth to sign-up for a free subscription to the magazine.
(800) 451-7450 / Fax: (201) 644-0907
(800) 995-4436 / Fax: (888) 498-8670
www.educationalinsights.com Educational Insights® is the manufacturer of unique and innovative teacher resources that deliver the highest quality educational content in ways that are relevant and appealing to students and teachers alike.
Booth: 1126
New materials for PreK-8: Exploring Nonfiction Cards; Speaking and Listening Task Cards; Tasty Task Cards; Common Core quick flips, display strips, and decoratives; reading comprehension practice cards; games; and trendy classroom themes.
Booth: 1531
EDX Education
E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp. (800) 732-4018 / Fax: (800) 689-2772
www.ezgrader.com Time-saving Educational charts for teachers. Including “Original” E-Z Grader, available in a variety of popular colors. Large Print version available in Royal Blue or Yellow. Many other charts to choose from including the new That’s Correct! E-Z Grader.
Booth: 1548
FeliX Ltd
EDX Education is an international supplier of quality educational products and teaching materials. We design and develop innovative and quality educational products for early childhood, kindergartens, and primary schools.
Endless Possibilities is a family-owned company based in the USA. We have been selling into Toy, Pet and Education markets since 1987. Our Boinks Products are famous around the world.
Booth: 1418
(425) 269-1556
www.felixfun.com Laugh Outloud Learning.FeliX Ltd presents SayIt!, the level-specific vocabulary game which students, teachers and parents clamor for.
Booth: 1114 See Ad On This Page
24 | www.edexpo.com
We are specialized in producing sporting goods for PE, recreation, dance and Special Needs market for more than 30 years. Our quality products and excellent services enable us to keep growing with our customers. Please rely on us as one of your long terms partners. OEM is welcome.
(248) 594-4408 / Fax: (248) 594-4268
Endless Possibilities 248-594-4408 www.boinks.com
(905) 235-8999 / Fax: (905) 235-9299
Endless Possibilities, Inc. ”Boinks & Fidgets”
introducing Boinks Buddies
For over 85 years, Evenflo has been a worldwide leader in the development of infant equipment. Evenflo began as a company that distributed baby products but has expanded to meet the needs of children from birth to preschool, including products such as carseats, strollers, high chairs, playards and activity products.
Booth: 1233
Booth: 1530
(972) 478-5800 / Fax: (972) 478-5678
(800) 868-2368 / Fax: (800) 868-8801 See Ad On Page 23 www.erdealer.com Educators Resource is the largest national wholesale distributor in the school market with over 25,000 supplemental teaching materials and educational toys & games. No minimum and 24 hour turn around.
Boinks Fidgets™ are great in helping reduce stress. Fidgets™ can help with generalized anxiety disorder, ADD, ADHD,obsessive-compulsive disorder, dementia and autism. Fidgets™ can be used in a classroom, theatre, airplane, office oranywhere one needs to keep quiet hands. Fidgets with carabiners are perfect for anyone on the go
Everrich Industries, Inc.
Educators Resource
(800) 835-7978 / Fax: (800) 558-9332
Booth: 1320
Booth: 806
Booth: 825
Fidgets Carabiners
(866) 394-5047
Firefly Books, Ltd.
(800) 387-5085 / Fax: (800) 565-6034
www.fireflybooks.com Firefly Books Ltd., is a North American publisher and distributor of non-fiction books for adults and children. Firefly also works closely with some of the world’s best publishers to bring an extensive range of books to all ages and reading abilities. Our children’s titles are second to none.
Essential Learning Products
Booth: 1627
(717) 692-8706 / Fax: (717) 692-3422
(800) 357-3570 / Fax: (614) 487-2272
NEW! SDE Core Concepts - 10 New titles for Back-to-School retailers with more on the way. $4.95 SRP each. NEW! Stella Writes from SDE Professional Resources. A unique new approach to help students understand the writing process and become motivated writers for life!
First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd. www.firstcelticlearning.eu First Celtic Toys & Learning Inc. now distributes TOLO Education: providing toy and learning products for educators and special needs kids. An award-winning maker of the best toys for baby through preschool, TOLO is active play! See our NEW & unique Emotiplush that teaches expressions to curious kids!
Booth: 1111
Booth: 1631
Booth: 812 & 814
Flagship Carpets
Flipside Products
Foundations Worldwide, Inc.
Flagship Carpets is a manufacturer of quality Classroom, and office carpets and rugs. We specialize in Custom designs including Logos and school mascots.
Flipside Products stands for value, quality and service. We carry top quality corrugated and foam project boards, dry erase, cork and chalk boards, foam board, certificates, awards, diplomas and more.
We offer a variety of quality, compliant cribs, bedding and mattresses , Multi-child strollers, the only commercial grade glider available on the market and high-quality feeding chairs.
(800) 848-4055 / Fax: (706) 629-0823
Booth: 1247
(800) 926-0704 / Fax: (513) 527-4526
(330) 722-5033
Booth: 1226
Booth: 1332
Flash Furniture
(770) 721-8391 / Fax: (770) 721-8360
Booth: 916
(707) 526-7949 Flexitoys™ has been offering the original line of FunTables™ for building blocks for over 25 years. Do not be fooled by imitations.
(800) 536-2438 / Fax: (800) 871-2979
(800) 654-8922 / Fax: (510) 654-7756
www.folkmanis.com Puppets! Since 1976--Original, innovative, quality designed award-winning hand, stage and finger puppets. Featuring nearly 250 top-selling animals and characters inspired by nature and literature, including top-honors from Dr. Toy, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio and Parents’ Choice Foundation.
Booth: 1657
Gallopade International, Inc.
Folkmanis, Inc.
Gallopade will be presenting NEW State Products for all 50 states; NEW Common Core Lesson & Activity Books, NEW Primary Source Packs, NEW Black Heritage products, NEW Election materials and more!
Fortune Web Marketing (732) 481-4519
www.fortunewebmarketing.com We are full service internet marketing agency. We help our clients with services such as SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media management, graphic and web design.
You Need to See This
This is simply the first value priced entry into the market for a mobile tablet arm desk. In addition to mobility, the chair offers flexibility because the tablet arm can be either left or right. Flash furniture also stocks a wide range of mobile activity tables for the school market. It’s just one of the 3,000 profitable ideas stocked by Flash.
See Us at:
166 Etowah Industrial Ct., Canton, GA 30114 Ph: 770-721-8391 | Fax: 770-721-8360
Booth 1247
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
See Ad On This Page www.flashfurniture.com Flash Furniture stocks value-priced seating and tables for almost any room in a school. Our new stack chairs will be a new standard for the industry. Budgets need Flash.
= EDmarket Member Company Booth: 1634
Booth: 1432
Handy Art
Games Workshop (901) 541-7612
Booth: 1647
See Ad On Next Page
(608) 868-6873 / Fax: (608) 868-6233
Geomagworld USA Inc.
Handy Art, Inc. is a family owned and operated business located in Milton, WI. We have been manufacturing non-toxic, water-based paints, inks and glues since 1974. We use the finest materials in manufacturing our products and pride ourselves in supplying high quality, reasonably priced made in the USA products.
Booth: 1652
Geomagworld USA Construction Toy & Education Company.
Holmquist Educational Consultants, Inc.
Games Workshop makes the best-selling and highest quality plastic kits for kids to build, paint and use in games!
Booth: 1212
(315) 676-3460 / Fax: (315) 676-3480
(813) 759-6500 / Fax: (813) 752-3797
Booth: 1429
Golden Global Sales (484) 432-8244
www.goldenglobalsales.com Golden Global Sales understands the balance between blending innovative new products with reliable staple items consumers need. We’ve put together a lineup of vendors who offer exciting new lines right along with powerful everyday items.
Booth: 908
(310) 467-2087 / Fax: (510) 277-1417
www.goldieblox.com At GoldieBlox, our goal is to get girls building. We’re here to help level the playing field in every sense of the phrase.
Booth: 1557
Grid Ltd
(705) 737-2526
www.griddicegames.com Games that help people become a better thinker. Clean the gears between your ears. Play-based learning games. Fun, fun, fun while you learn, learn, learn. Critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Booth: 1119
Guidecraft USA
www.hecedu.com HEC, Inc. specializes in Career and Technical Education as well as educational products for grades Pre-K through Post-Secondary Education.
Booth: 1214
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing (800) 225-3362 / Fax: (800) 634-7568
www.hmhco.com HMH Trade publishing company fosters passionate, curious learners with renowned and awarded novels, non-fiction, and children’s books, and reference works, from Curious George, The Hobbit, to The American Heritage Dictionary.
Booth: 1117
The Hubbard Co.
(888) 448-2227 / Fax: (419) 782-1662
www.hubbardcompany.com The only source for WARD Teacher Class Record, Lesson Plan, and Combination Class Record/ Lesson Plan Books, Teacher “5-N-1” Book, School Counselor PRN, School Nurse PRN, and Student Assignment Books.
Booth: 1354
Hygloss Products, Inc.
(800) 444-9456 / Fax: (800) 444-7131
Guidecraft distributes many kinds of educational toys and furniture for classrooms, daycare centers and many other uses.
Quality Arts & Crafts, Specialty Papers, Classroom Decorative, Teaching Aids, Adhesives, Home/Office and more! Large variety of fun & colorful products, mostly made in USA. Easy ordering and fast service.
Booth: 1721
Booth: 1749
Hamilton Electronics & Buhl Industries
(317) 845-9155 / Fax: (317) 585-8762
(800) 524-3555 / Fax: (507) 647-3254
(800) 631-0868 / Fax: (800) 398-1812
www.hamiltonbuhl.com Headphones for assesment testing! And much more as Hamilton Buhl are manufacturers for the education market since 1933 of products including headphones, listening centers, media players, Apple™ accessories, PA systems, projector screens, carts, table and computer storage and more.
Independent Stationers, Inc. www.independentstationers.coop Independent Stationers and our members collectively and individually provide your organization with consistent, competitive pricing on thousands of school and office supplies, a robust ecommerce procurement system, and local service from an independent dealer right in your community.
Booth: 1505
Insect Lore
(661) 746-7653 / Fax: (661) 746-0334
www.insectlore.com Insect Lore has been supplying early-learning educators with the “classroom favorite” Butterfly Garden Caterpillar-to-Butterfly Lifecycle Kit since 1969. Insect Lore also produces an array of early learning appropriate Life Science classroom viewers, magnifiers and habitats.
26 | www.edexpo.com
Inspired Minds
(800) 316-7017 / Fax: (715) 568-2063 Inspired Minds, LLC is proud to offer posters with a mission to touch the heart, mind and soul. Our beautiful bright posters come in 30 titles printed on 11x17 glossy paper. A must have for positive thinking and encouragement for all ages and grades!
Booth: 913
Italtrike USA (330) 722-5033
www.italtrike.com/it Italtrike products are designed by quality craftsmen in Italy and are built to withstand the rigorous demands of a commercial environment. We offer a variety of play products to satisfy the needs of all products.
Booth: 1419
Jonti-Craft, Inc.
(800) 543-4149 / Fax: (507) 342-5617
www.jonti-craft.com Jonti-Craft has been the leading early learning furniture provider for over 35 years. Offering more than 3,500 handcrafted pieces, custom-designed furniture, and classroom design — Jonti-Craft has something for everyone!
Booth: 1206
Junior Learning
(714) 907-4441 / Fax: (714) 752-5832
www.juniorlearning.com Junior Learning are leading developers of educational toys, games and technology. Come along and visit our innovative literacy and numeracy ranges. We’ve created Touchtronics®, the world’s first classroom manipulatives to work on an iPad. Plus, look out for our great value new game box sets. All new for 2015.
Booth: 1131
Kagan Publishing & Professional Development (800) 2667576 / Fax: (949) 369-6311
www.KaganOnline.com Kagan Publishing is “All About Engagement!” Kagan’s innovative products are designed to skyrocket active student engagement. Kagan provides a best-selling line of resources for teachers, including books, software, and posters.
Booth: 821
KAPLA Tom’s Toys, LLC.
(843) 720-8943 / Fax: (843) 720-8945
www.kaplaus.com KAPLA, a wooden construction toy game is made up of identical pine blocks. The unique size of the blocks, in the ratio of 1:3:5:15 makes them ideal for building.
Booth: 1322
Kimbo Educational
(732) 229-4949 / Fax: (732) 870-3340
www.kimboed.com KIMBO offers fun children’s CDs and DVDs for all ages that motivate and educate. Award-winning fitness, dances, sing-alongs, and more. Singers RONNO, The Learning Station, Raffi, Michael Plunkett.
= EDmarket Member Company Booth: 1431
Booth: 1617
Booth: 1108
Koplow Games
Learning Resources, Inc.
Melissa & Doug®
Koplow Games presents 1200 different standard and polyhedral dice, math and language manipulatives, sorting chips, pawns, timers, dice bags and dice games-all the items that count.
Learning Resources® is a leading global manufacturer of innovative, hands-on educational products trusted by teachers and parents and loved by children.
Melissa & Doug, the award-winning manufacturer of children’s educational puzzles, wooden toys, magnetic games, puppets, play food, magic, music, plush, baby toys and much more!
Booth: 1018
(617) 428-0411 / Fax: (617) 482-3423
(800) 284-3948 / Fax: (866) 822-0722
Booth: 1231
Booth: 1248
Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc.
Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc.
At KSM Ltd. we work hard to source durable, educational and well-priced preschool toys.
Learning Wrap-ups was founded in 1983 and has been providing hands-on and self-correcting materials that are actually FUN for Math and Reading ever since.
Musgrave Pencil Company is a USA manufacturer and printer of all types of wood-cased pencils. We also carry other school supplies shown on our website.
KTM Industries, Inc.
Booth: 1439
Booth: 1331
Logicblock, Inc.
Newmark Learning
Logicblock offers the most search engine friendly, flexible and scalable ecommerce solution with built-in integrations with the largest Wholesale Distributors in the education and office supply industries.
Newmark Learning is an award-winning publisher of educational materials including teacher resource books, leveled readers, and interactive e-books. Products have been developed specifically for Common Core, STAAR, and state standards!
(905) 403-0710 / Fax: (905) 403-8763
(800) 222-3909 / Fax: (800) 222-0249
Booth: 1355 (517) 703-9140 / Fax: (517) 703-9150 Magic Nuudles are multicolored, Eco-friendly building blocks that are fun for everyone! The original cornstarch building block. Made in the USA.
Booth: 1555
Learn in Style (256) 375-3519
www.sites.google.com/ site/learninstylemathbands Learn in Style was established for the purpose of promotion and sales of “Math Bands for Multiplication.” Owned and operated by a full-time, National Board Certified Teacher, Learn in Style strives to help students learn multiplication and other concepts in a fun and stylish way.
(801) 497-0050 / Fax: (801) 497-0063
(800) 808-2660
Booth: 1605
Booth: 1446
(877) 664-6500 / Fax: (866) 356-0723
(800) 323-4656 / Fax: (847) 244-1818
Learning Advantage
Booth: 1040
(866) 564-8251 / Fax: (866) 715-8316 Learning Advantage is a wholesale company specializing in educational products. Based on the concept of learning through experience, our products enhance development of skills needed in Grades PreK to 9.
Booth: 1713
Learning Carpets, Inc.
(212) 721-4151 / Fax: (212) 721-4708
Booth: 1256
Learning Loft, Inc.
(877) 819-2541 / Fax: (877) 769-7098
American-made classroom decoratives & teacher resources, including bulletin boards, trimmers, accents, study posters, Fill-Me-In activity sheets, printed awards, incentives, language cards. We offer a variety of desk products, name plates, prompts & signs suitable to public or private schools, plus many inspirational products specifically created for the Christian education environment.
Booth: 1658
Office Snax, Inc.
Whether played in groups, 1 to 1 or independently, Maranda GAMES provide interactive Math and Language experiences which increase brain activity…Simple rules, clear goals but depth of strategy and FUN! (Common Core Connections).
(708) 557-5591 / Fax: (877) 789-7629
Booth: 1727
(323) 269-0431 / Fax: (323) 269-2761
Master Manufacturing Co. Inc. (216) 641-0500 / Fax: (216) 641-0537
www.mastermfgco.com Master Manufacturing Company, a certified WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise) is located in Cleveland, Ohio. Master’s products are sold through Office Products Dealers, Superstores, and Distributors.
www.officesnax.us The Leading Provider of Food Snax & Beverages!
Booth: 1614
Pacific Play Tents, Inc. www.pacificplaytents.com
Pacific Play Tents is committed to providing safe play environments as well as exciting places for children to imagine and stay active. PPT Where an imagination is limitless.
Booth: 1540
Pacon Corporation
(800) 333-2545 / Fax: (800) 332-5099
Booth: 1729
MathFest Inc (404) 391-0249
www.mathfest.us Our product helps to improve math achievement while increasing the number of students who will seek math oriented careers in college and future pursuits.
28 | www.edexpo.com
(262) 236-3970 / Fax: (262) 236-3980
www.learning-loft.com Learning Loft designs and manufactures innovative aids for reading, speech, ESL, special education and organization. All of our products are made in the USA.
North Star Teacher Resources
Maranda Enterprises LLC
www.learningcarpets.com Our carpets, cut pile rugs and toys are designed with the help of therapists and parents like you. Each carpet and toy comes with clear instructions in its own attractive retail package, ready to carry anywhere.
(855) 323-1960 / Fax: (877) 280-0375
Luxor has been creating quality specialty furniture in Northern Illinois since 1946. Recognizing the needs of work-intensive environments, Luxor began designing and distributing such products as serving, utility and automotive carts, portable workstations and desks, book trucks, podiums, flat panel TV mounting carts and so much more.
Booth: 1413
(800) 736-2450 / Fax: (931) 685-1049
www.pacon.com Pacon proudly markets over 30 brands that are known and asked for by teachers and artists worldwide. Since 1951, we have been your single source for Paper, Educational Aids and Arts and Crafts.
Booth: 1020
Booth: 1715
Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys
Pluralsight (801) 784-9007
(608) 362-6896 / Fax: (608) 362-8178
We deliver world-class training that’s easy to comprehend and quick to learn. That’s the beauty of being taught by the best. Our course authors are an elite group of tech and creative professionals, innovators and leaders.
www.patchproducts.com For over 25 years, Patch has continually built on its early success. Today, it’s still a family-owned company, leading the toy industry in highquality products.
(704) 540-5252 / Fax: (704) 540-5755
www.pathwaysforlearning.com Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. is dedicated to helping children, parents, teachers, and therapists discover writing success through the development and distribution of our patented products, public speaking, and research. We strive to make writing easier to teach and easier to learn.
Booth: 925
Booth: 1125
(800) 348-8445 / Fax: (800) 801-5481
(312) 685-8885 / Fax: (713) 952-0188
We provide table charging carts and laptop charging carts.
Booth: 1317
Preschool Prep Company
(924) 743-1400 / Fax: (925) 886-4843
(518) 392-8585 / Fax: (518) 392-5938
(800) 660-8646 / Fax: (510) 527-8760
www.primaryconcepts.com Introducing NEW hands-on learning materials and RETAIL PACKAGING for 2015! For 26 years Primary Concepts has manufactured a broad range of educator-designed kits and manipulatives for PreK-3 and special needs.
The Puppet Company
(855) 833-4300 / Fax: (301) 895-5029
Pepperell Braiding Company
The Puppet Company designs, manufactures, distributes a huge range of fine puppets. We have large glove puppets of people and animals plus wonderful finger puppets. Our puppets are designed for retail, education and most of all fun!
Booth: 1739
(800) 343-8114 / Fax: (978) 433-9048
Since 1917 Pepperell Braiding Company is an award-winning leader in innovative products and general crafts. With brands like Stretch Magic, Parachute Cord, Bonnie Braid and Rexlace, we bring new and unique items to market along with craft favorites.
Romanoff Products, Inc. www.romanoffproducts.com
Booth: 1015
Booth: 1534
Kids love Rock ’N Learn. Parents and teachers love the results. Winner of over 150 product awards, plus Edmarekt’s customers service award. Videos and music for fun learning. PreK-5th.
Booth: 1610
The Pencil Grip
The Pencil Grip, Inc. is proud to present quality and innovation in a wide range of proven best sellers. We are debuting NEW products that you can’t afford to miss.
Educational DVDs, books, workbooks, easy reader books, flash cards, and coloring books.
(888) 736-4747 / Fax: (888) 329-4747
Rock ‘N Learn, Inc.
Primary Concepts
Booth: 1539
Supplier of paper products that include art rolls, Raydiant bulletin board decorative rolls, construction paper, drawing paper, tagboard, railroad board, Trim-It boarder trim, ruled paper, chart tablets, presentation boards, sentence strips, etc.
Booth: 831
Complete line of children’s KinderMat rest mats, rest cots, sheets, blankets, smocks, mess mats and playground parachutes. KinderMat products have been proudly made in the USA since 1951!
PLZ Education Supply, Inc.
Peerless Plastics, Inc.
(651) 463-7147 / Fax: (651) 463-8074
(888) 474-8326 / Fax: (920) 738-1851
The Reading Game
Manufacturer and distributor of plastic storage and organizational products including storage boxes, bins, baskets, caddies, chests, magazine files, folding crates, lazy susans and scrapbook storage. Line includes Stowaway® Storage Box, Spintray® Lazy Susan, Creativitray®, RotoReader®, SpaceRacer® and File Flyer®.
Booth: 1118
Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products
(800) 541-3758 / Fax: (888) 359-3200
www.moonproducts.com Manufacturer of quality motivational, seasonal, and everyday decorative pencils. Try-Rex pencils and Swirl grading pens. An extensive line of Rose Art, Board Dudes, and Leap Frog items also available.
Booth: 1316
Round World Products Inc. (317) 257-7352 / Fax: (317) 257-5362
Beginning readers and struggling readers build confidence in reading with The Reading Game. Game format with independent readers. PreK thru 1st grade. Meets Common Core. Award winning.
Publishers, Manufacturers and Distributors of ScrunchMap, Hemispheres Wall Maps, Dino’s Illustrated Wall Maps, Puzzles and Placemaps, Stellanova and Waypoint Globes, Maps International Geography Puzzles and PopAR Interactive Wall Charts.
Playing Unlimited, Inc.
Booth: 809
Booth: 1440
Remedia Publications
Roylco, Inc.
(800) 362-8656 / Fax: (800) 4617328
Booth: 1447 (408) 644-2067 / Fax: (408) 268-4931 Playing Unlimited, Inc. is a North American importer and distributor of high quality educational toys from Europe. Lines we are carrying: PlayMais, Clicstoys, Happy Cube, Fagus Wooden Toys, and Castorland puzzles.
Booth: 1049
(877) 826-3782
(800) 826-4740 / Fax: (877) 661-9901 For over 30 years Remedia has created high-interest/low readability materials for struggling learners in reading, math, language, life skills, and more!
PlayVisions Inc.
Booth: 1340
(800) 621-8086 / Fax: (317) 329-3305
We will continue to stray outside the lines of the traditional toy business by using creativity as our fuel to bring you the most innovative, unique toy designs not seen anywhere else in the impulse novelty world.
Educational globes, gift globes, and globe collections from National Geographic, Discovery, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Plus the interactive Intelliglobe.
(425) 482-2836 / Fax: (425) 482-2842
Roylco makes learning fun! We develop and manufacture early childhood educational products domestically in math, science, literacy, arts & crafts. For over 45 years, we have been helping teachers make education exciting, engaging and creative.
Replogle Globes
Booth: 1007
Sargent Art
(570) 454-3596 / Fax: (570) 459-1752
www.sargentart.com Sargent Art is a one stop for all your art classroom needs. We have high quality products available in many categories.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Pathways for Learning Products, Inc.
Booth: 920
RiteCo, Inc.
Booth: 1048
Booth: 807
= EDmarket Member Company Booth: 1426
Booth: 1207
Booth: 818
Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend
SMART Toys and Games
Teacher Created Resources
Smart Toys and Games, Inc. manufactures the best brands in fun, IQ-building, single-player puzzle games and magnetic building sets. Our brands include SmartGames, SmartMax, Tangoes™, and Twisterz Toys®.
For over 35 years, Teacher Created Resources has produced high quality educational materials for PreK–Grade 8. We also help teachers create stimulating learning environments by producing colorful classroom decorations.
Booth: 1443
Booth: 1307
Teachers First Choice PTY LTD
Sourcebooks stands as one of the leading and largest independent publishers in North America. The eclectic breadth of its list—nonfiction, commercial and historical fiction, college-bound materials, children’s books and more— is unmatched. Sourcebooks distributes for Prufrock Press, the nation’s leading resource for gifted, advanced, and special needs learners.
Teachers First Choice are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of manipulative-based mathematics resources. Our range of over 1100 products is specifically designed to improve teaching and learning.
Booth: 813
(877) 771-TIME / Fax: (513) 561-4699
(888) 724-1872 / Fax: (877) 724-1872
Scholastic Teaching Resources publishes materials that meet the immediate, everyday needs of the mainstream classroom teacher and parent. Our publishing focus is ready-to-use, teacher-tested lessons and activities, as well as classroom decoratives that save teachers time and provide powerful teaching opportunities.
Booth: 1526
School Zone Publishing Co. (800) 2530564 / Fax: (800) 5504618
www.schoolzone.com Focused on educational excellence and emerging technologies! We update products with new content and features that are reflective of changing standards, evolving teaching methods, overall best practices.
Booth: 1611
(415) 931-5600 / Fax: (415) 931-5250
(630) 961-3900 / Fax: (630) 961-2168
Stages Learning Materials
(510) 222-2638 / Fax: (510) 223-6953 Celebrating our 20th Anniversary, Science Wiz is the leader in award-winning Science Kits. New this year is our Sound Kit which allows a child to build their own Edison phonograph. Also new is Cool Circuits Junior, the follow-up to our Puzzle of the Year, Cool Circuits.
Booth: 918
Secondary Solutions
(909) 592-5389 / Fax: (909) 941-0219
www.4secondarysolutions.com Secondary Solutions is the endeavor of a high school English teacher who could never seem to find appropriate materials to help her students master the necessary concepts at the secondary level.
Booth: 1425
Shell Education (877) 777-3450
www.shelleducation.com Shell Education creates supplemental educational resources including practical, classroom-tested ideas and professional development resources to administrators and educators internationally.
Booth: 912
(530) 892-1112 / Fax: (530) 892-0281
Photo-based teaching tools include software, leading Language Builder flash cards, and traditional curriculum for autism & speech/language programs.
Booth: 1731
(401) 244-6344 / Fax: (401) 884-3760
www.bostitchoffice.com Amax Incorporated is focused on developing superior innovative solutions that exceed our consumers’ expectations. We are the exclusive distributors of Bostitch, PaperPro, Black & Decker and Stanley branded office supplies.
Booth: 1512
Steffy Wood Products, Inc.
See Ad On Next Page (260) 665-8016 / Fax: (260) 665-5180
www.steffywood.com From our founding in 1998, our focus has been on designing and building quality wood furniture for children. Our furniture is sturdy. Its lines are clean and simple. The finishes are tough and mar-resistant. From chairs and tables, to storage solutions, to play furniture – our catalog has it all.
SI Manufacturing
Booth: 1327
(720) 208-0611 / Fax: (303) 952-5435
(905) 954-4923 / Fax: (905) 898-6168 SI Manufacturing is dedicated to producing and providing the highest quality, up-to-date classroom materials for wholesale to educational dealers and educational catalog companies worldwide. SI Manufacturing is also the North American Importer and wholesaler for top quality brands of educational materials.
The Storyboard
www.thestoryboard.net The Storyboard designs and manufactures learning products and educational aids that enhance the classroom and learning environment.
Booth: 819
Suntex International, Inc. (610) 253-5255 / Fax: (610) 258-2180
www.24game.com Suntex International provides students the opportunity to improve their math skills through game play with the 24® game series. Ranging from the Add/Subtract Primer through the Algebra/Exponents edition the game series uses a very unique and engaging approach to building math fluency, emphasizing “pattern sensing” and “problem solving” skills.
30 | www.edexpo.com
(888) 441-4826 / Fax: (800) 525-1254
+(61) 38 739 7507
Booth: 1232
Time Timer LLC
www.timetimer.com Time Timer® is a unique visual timer that creates a clear and simple picture of elapsed time. It is used by teachers to empower student independence and manage transitions in the classroom.
Booth: 1344
Trendsetter Rugs
(7067) 695-1060 / Fax: (706) 259-9684
www.trendsetterrugs.com Trendsetter Rugs offers the highest quality in educational rugs for your education environment. Our exclusive TrendTech keeps rugs from moving and crawling on the floor. We make innovative educational rugs.
Booth: 1719
Victor Technology, LLC.
(630) 754-4400 / Fax: (630) 972-3902
www.victortech.com Victor Technology is an American owned and operated supplier of scientific calculators, printing calculators, financial calculators, basic calculators, and desktop accessories. Victor products are sold throughout the U.S, Canada, and Puerto Rico by independent office supply dealers, dot.com companies, and large contract stationers such as Staples, Lyreco, and Office Depot.
Booth: 1451
Waverly Publishing Co.
(319) 352-1534 / Fax: (319) 352-4138
www.waverlypublishing.net We offer school supply dealers the best quality simple, traditional and contemporary style easy-to-use school supplies for todays educators and students.
Booth: 926
Wesco North America, Inc. (819) 364-5602 / Fax: (819) 364-3417
www.wescona.com WESCO has been an international leader in children’s developmental products for over 30 years.
Booth: 1625
Booth: 1406
Booth: 1313
Westco Educational Products
Wood Designs
ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd.
Westco is a musical instrument company specializing in hand percussion and movement products for all ages. We partner with you to select products specific to your market needs and customers. Our goal is to create a collection that meets your goals of product selection, price point, and margin potential.
Wood Designs is a leading manufacturer of high quality early childhood furniture. Be sure to stop by our booth for free shipping specials on select items!
Booth: 1032
(727) 286-3033 / Fax: (727) 538-4237
(866) 657-3450 / Fax: (319) 351-0479
(800) 559-9206 / Fax: (559) 294-1199
www.wiebe-carlson.com Wiebe, Carlson and Associates offer games and activities for the classroom and home. Our various hands on fun products teach math, and language arts in many different formats. Correlated to most standards. Grade levels from K to 12.
Booth: 1026
Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc.
(602) 870-9937 / Fax: (602) 870-9877
www.wikkistix.com Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are a unique, tactile manipulative for PreK through Middle School. Made in the USA.
Booth: 1305
Yellow Door
(859) 261-2556 / Fax: (859) 261-2355
www.wildlife-ed.com ZOOBOOKS — the encyclopedia of animals. Complete line of children’s books on wildlife and nature. Products include 60 English titles in paperback and hardcover; 44 titles in Spanish; teaching units, curriculum, posters, stickers, videos, and more.
Wiebe, Carlson & Associates
(800) 247-8465
Yellow Door offers an exciting range of quality resources for Early Childhood Education from educational games and manipulatives to interactive whiteboard software. Exciting new additions for 2015 include Jumbo Alphabet and Number Stones and our Dinosaur Bones match and measure set - be sure to stop by and play!
Booth: 1030
Zhuhai Cotowins Gifts & Crafts Manufacturing Co., LTD
+(86) 756 38 96279 / Fax: +(86) 756 38 96278
www.towins.en.alibaba.com 7 years of Alibaba Golden supplier. We provide preschool toys, 3D puzzles, promotion gifts, educational toys, jigsaw puzzle,and DIY painting toy.
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
CAMEX Welcomes EDexpo Attendees
Find New Opportunities for Seasonal Endcaps and Point of Purchase Displays Tap into the $10 billion campus youth retailing industry
“We welcome EDmarket members to Campus Market Expo—campus retailing industry’s largest buying and educational event. As EDexpo and CAMEX share locations again, we invite you to see the latest innovations in more than 100 product categories— gift/novelties, office/school supplies, apparel, electronics, and so much more!” Brian E. Cartier, CAE, CEO, National Association of College Stores (NACS)
Top Reasons to Visit CAMEX: • Complement your existing product line with innovative products for students, including technology and gift items. • Attract new customers by being a great resource for teachers and students from Pre-K through Higher Ed. • Explore the New Exhibitor Pavilion for the latest and greatest products and services. • Connect with tech vendors in our CCRA Technology Pavillion. • Order products at deep discounts through CAMEX Show Specials. Low minimums available. • Best of all, your EDexpo registration gets you access to CAMEX for FREE! DO YOUR HOMEWORK! You’ll see everything you need to serve the student from K-12 through college, allowing you to be a one-stop shop for students of all ages.
Top Product Categories to See CAMEX: Gifts and Novelty Giantmicrobes, Inc., Spirit Products Ltd., Beliza Designs, Tervis Tumbler, and many others. Office Supplies BIC, Avery, Staedtler-Mars Ltd., BarCharts, Bloom Daily Planners, to name a few. Apparel and Fashion Cutter & Buck, adidas, Under Armour, Nike, Champion, MV Sport, Glitter Gear, CI Sport, and more. Electronics and Technology 3M Co., Broan-NuTone, HPI International, OtterBox, Wicked Audio, OnHand, plus additional cool tech companies.
All it takes is one or two new end-cap displays to increase your profits.
See the complete list of exhibitors at www.camex.org | m.camex.org 32 | www.edexpo.com
CAMEX Exhibitors Company
Booth #
Banded ............................................ 2348 Barbarian Sports Wear Inc. ............... 4517 BarCharts, Inc. .................................. 4328 Bashful Bliss ..................................... 3565 Bazic Stationery/ Bangkit USA Corp. ........................ 1829 Bed Bath & Beyond .......................... 4118 Beliza Design ................................... 4217 Bell Plantation ................................. 4525 Bell’O International – Bell’O Digital ................................ 3929 Best Book Stand ............................... 3647 Bethel International, Inc. ................. 4153 Better Office Products Co., a division of Dem Holdings Inc. .... 4709 BIC Corp............................................ 3032 Blakeway Worldwide Panoramas, Inc............................. 3215 bloom daily planners ....................... 3132 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories................... 4814 Blue 84 by Lakeshirts ....................... 4248 Blueline/Rediform Inc. ..................... 2541 Blush Lingerie .................................. 3669 Boelter Brands, LLC .......................... 4456 Bondi Band LLC ................................ 3651 Bonitas International LLC ................. 2346 Booklog............................................ 2115 Bootights ......................................... 3707 Boxercraft Incorporated.................... 1848 Brass Reminders Company ............... 2118 BrettHand, Inc. ................................. 2612 Bridgestone Golf, Inc. ....................... 3710 Bruzer Sportsgear Ltd....................... 2144 BSI Products, Inc............................... 5048 Burt’s Bees, Inc. ................................ 3055 C-Line Products, Inc.......................... 2049 C2F Incorporated .............................. 3116 Camp David ...................................... 2340 Campus Crystal Collection ................ 5120 Campus TVs, Inc................................ 4213 Candy Central ................................... 3011 Canyon Outback Leather Goods, Inc........................ 4356 Capri Designs ................................... 3755 Carhartt............................................ 2219 Carolina Sewn Products Corp. ........... 4927 Caroline Hill...................................... 3759 Carson Specialties ............................ 5121 Case Logic ...............................3928, 4527 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ......... 2444 CCRA ................................................ 3927 CDI Corp............................................ 1748
Celerant Technology Corp. ................ 4029 Cengage Learning ............................ 3873 Centon ............................................. 3953 Centurion Technologies, Inc.............. 3910 Century Wire and Cable .................... 2048 Champion Custom Products, Inc. ...... 2528 Charles River Apparel ....................... 1955 Charm14/USA Margins ..................... 3528 Chen International, Inc. .................... 2740 Chicago Importing Company............ 3119 Chicka-d, LLC .................................... 2810 Chrome Domz .................................. 4819 Church Hill Classics ........................... 5020 CI Sport ............................................ 4124 CIRRUS Fitness ................................. 2028 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...................... 2854 CleaRush Prints Inc. .......................... 4167 COKeM International LTD.................. 4270 Colibri Systems North America Inc.... 3768 The College Artisan .......................... 2047 College House/Jac San ..................... 4240 College Kids...................................... 1830 College Team Trains .......................... 4259 The Collegiate Licensing Company, Inc. 2418 Collegiate Pacific .............................. 1916 Colosseum Athletics Corporation ...... 4748 Columbia Sportswear by Outdoor Custom Sportswear.... 3148 Comeco Inc....................................... 3355 Comet School Supplies, Inc............... 2709 ComfyFeet LLC/College Covers .......... 2033 Commencement Group .................... 4665 Compendium Inc. ............................. 4366 Components Design Studio .............. 4318 Concept One Accessories .................. 2714 Concepts Sport ................................. 4825 Connect2One ................................... 4040 Consumer Priority Service ................ 3934 ConTEXT Collaboration Lounge ......... 3866 ConTEXT Presentation Theater .......... 3876 Continental Moulding ...................... 2017 Coopersburg Sports .......................... 5113 Cote/Uniflex ..................................... 4340 Coton Colors ..................................... 2220 Coveroo, Inc ...................................... 2147 Cowbucker ....................................... 4666 Cozy Cover ........................................ 4766 The Crafter’s Workshop ..................... 3855 Craftique Mfg. Co.............................. 3657 Creative Knitwear ............................. 3027 Creative Spaces/Creative Teaching Press................................ 3658
Crunchies Food Company ................. 3856 CSI International, Inc. ....................... 5122 CTI Industries ................................... 4830 Custom Sports Jewelry ..................... 2748 Cutter & Buck ................................... 4427 Cyberdrive, Inc.................................. 4668 D&H Distributing .............................. 3618 D&H Distributing .............................. 3716 D&H Distributing .............................. 3816 D&H Distributing .............................. 3916 D&H Distributing .............................. 4070 Dakine.............................................. 4448 Dane-Elec Corp ................................. 3557 Dead Sea Pavilion/Mishu Designs .... 1918 Denco Sports Luggage Inc. ............... 2718 Deneen Pottery ................................ 4611 Desden ............................................. 1811 Design Source USA ........................... 3655 Diamond Book Distributors .............. 3256 Direct Wholesale Outlet ................... 4165 Divine Creations ............................... 4439 DollarDays Intl LLC ........................... 2955 Dooley Manufacturing Company ...... 1712 Dooney & Bourke ............................. 3712 Dorm Co ........................................... 4821 Dorm In A Box .................................. 2860 The Douglas Stewart Co.................... 3228 Downeast Basics .............................. 2248 Dri Mark Products Inc. ...................... 4816 DTC Mod LLC ..................................... 3769 Duck House, Inc. ............................... 2956 E5 ..................................................... 2551 Eagles Nest Outfitters Inc. ................ 4417 Eagles Wings .................................... 3227 Earthletics by JSI .............................. 4824 Echo Global Logistics, Inc.................. 4941 El Dorado Trading Group, Incorporated ......................... 3732 Elsevier-Health Sciences................... 3972 Emerson Street................................. 4260 Encore Repair Services...................... 2450 EnjoyLife, Inc. ................................... 2021 Escapada Living................................ 4467 Everest Trading Corp. ........................ 3026 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. ................ 2819 EVOCAP by JBREM ............................ 2658 Exaclair, Inc. ..................................... 4334 EYN Products.................................... 3626 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc.......2309, 2910 Fan Creations (Adventure Furniture, Inc.) ........... 2030
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
3M Co. .............................................. 4320 888 Digital Inc. ................................. 3854 A&W Products Co., Inc ...................... 4178 A/M/G-Elektroplate.......................... 4352 Acacia Creations ............................... 4317 ACCO Brands ..................................... 2108 Adamax Inc ...................................... 4174 Adcamp Associates........................... 2754 adidas Group .................................... 2308 Adrenaline Promotions .................... 4917 Aeropen International, Inc................ 3954 AES Optics Inc................................... 4613 AfreSHeet ......................................... 2728 Ahead, LLC ....................................... 4420 Albanese Confectionery Group, Inc. ..... 3667 All American Embroidery ................. 2909 All American Khakis ......................... 2758 All American Supply ......................... 4114 All For Color ...................................... 3648 All Star Dogs..................................... 3906 Alta Gracia, a division of Knights Apparel ........................ 4918 Alumni Group................................... 2140 Alvin & Co. Inc. ................................. 2926 Amanda Elizabeth, LLC dba AE Sport ................................ 4610 Amerasport Inc. ............................... 4913 American Diagnostic Corp. ............... 4321 American Jewel, LLC ......................... 4232 Aminco International (USA) Inc. ....... 3255 AnaJet Inc. ....................................... 4009 Andy Paige Style, Inc./GirlyGoGarter.... 3771 Angelus Pacific Co............................. 2539 AnnaDean ........................................ 2622 The Antigua Group, Inc. .................... 3548 Armflags, LLC ................................... 4324 Asgard Press ..................................... 5334 Atlanta Hosiery Co. ........................... 4348 Atlas Flags Inc. ................................. 3567 Authentic Street Signs...................... 2116 Avery................................................ 4054 AVT Paints ........................................ 3260 AWAKE Caffeinated Chocolate .......... 3952 AWI Fixtures and Interiors Inc........... 3524 Azarhia LLC....................................... 4169 Bacon & Co. ...................................... 3031 Baden Sports, Inc. ............................ 3009 Badge Bomb LLC .............................. 4266 Badger Sportswear .......................... 2518 Baggo, Inc. ....................................... 4355 Baker & Taylor/ Majors Education Solutions .......... 1948 Balfour ............................................. 2840
FanAPeel .......................................... 2750 The Fanatic Group ............................ 2318 Fashion Spy Varsity........................... 4267 FayeBs Reminders ............................ 5105 FBF Originals .................................... 4132 Filexec Products ............................... 4313 FiveLo Sports Inc. ............................. 3670 Flair Hair Div of Concept One Accessories .............. 2716 Flash Sales Inc .................................. 3552 Flirties, LLC ....................................... 2133 Flying Colors..................................... 1730 Follett Higher Education Group ........ 2016 Forever Collectibles/Team Beans ...... 4658 Forsythe Licensing/Color Club/Miss Fanatic ......................... 2816 Forty Seven Brand ............................ 5230 Four Point Products .......................... 3640 The Frame Works Inc DBA Brick House Sports ....................... 3760 Framing Success ............................... 3428 Franklin Fixtures............................... 2034 Freaker USA INC................................ 4466 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc. ................................ 2725 Frocket ............................................. 2454 From The Heart Enterprises .............. 2352 Furniward Co. ................................... 3222 Future Tailgater ................................ 1856 G Wear, LLC....................................... 2620 G-III Sports By Carl Banks ................. 3350 The Game LLC ................................... 5439 Game Day Colors .............................. 2843 Gameday Boots ................................ 3709 Gameday Leggings........................... 4566 GameMaster Athletic ....................... 5044 GameTime Lights, LLC ...................... 4419 Gear For Sports................................. 2230 Gem-Dandy Accessories ................... 1928 Get the Funk Off! .............................. 3022 Giantmicrobes, Inc. .......................... 2731 Gift Trenz/Franklin-Mill .................... 2360 Girl With Pearl .................................. 3668 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ............... 3858 Glitter Gear....................................... 5040 Global Neckwear Marketing, Inc....... 1853 Glory Haus, Inc. ................................ 1823 Gold Medal....................................... 4907 Good L Corp./Big Basket Co............... 4323 Good Work(s) Make A Difference........... 2445 GoPicnic, Inc. .................................... 3014 Grad Caps ......................................... 2933 Great American Products, Inc. .......... 4022 Greensmart/TD Innovations ............. 3420
34 | www.edexpo.com
Hamilton Bell Co. Inc. ....................... 2934 Hartley & Marks/Paperblanks .......... 3766 Hayden Valley Foods Inc ................... 4612 The Haywire Group, Inc. ................... 3758 Herff Jones/LogoArt ......................... 3432 High Point Design LLC ...................... 2722 High Sierra ....................................... 2813 Holland Bar Stool Co. ........................ 2850 Hood Leather Products dba Hood Sports Products................... 4166 House of Doolittle ............................ 4071 Hover Helmets ................................. 3566 HPI International, Inc. ...................... 3609 Hunter Mfg....................................... 3747 ICM Distributing Company ............... 2916 IguanaMed....................................... 4353 Image One ....................................... 5047 INBalance Health Corporation .......... 4051 Independent College Bookstore Association .................. 2825 indiCo ............................................... 4140 Ingram Content Group...................... 3958 International Collegiate Sales, Inc. ... 2549 Isaac Morris ...................................... 2720 J World Sports, Inc. ........................... 1807 J. America Sportswear...................... 4623 J.T.D. Enterprises, Inc. ....................... 4633 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. ........ 4053 Jack Mason Brand ............................ 4957 Jack Rogers ...................................... 3555 JanSport........................................... 4616 Jardine Associates ............................ 5016 Jardine Associates ............................ 5028 JayMac Sports Products, LLC............. 5141 Jelly Belly Candy Co. ......................... 3012 Jenkins Enterprises........................... 1915 1915 Jolly Products LLC ............................. 2349 Jostens, Inc....................................... 3809 JP Designs-Game Time BLING........... 2130 JP Sales, Inc. ..................................... 4332 Jukz Sports ....................................... 2947 KeHE Distributors ............................. 4706 Kencraft Candy ................................. 5014 Keyscaper ......................................... 4923 Kid Agains ........................................ 4915 Kid ‘n Me Sportswear........................ 5126 Kikkerland Design ............................ 4066 Kitty Keller Designs LLC .................... 1922 Klear Image Products, LLC ................ 3861 Know-Wear by DP Design................. 1758 Kodak Alaris ..................................... 1820 Kolder .............................................. 4451 Kompugard/Viva Designs ................. 3020 Kore Design, LLC ............................... 3359
Kornit Digital North America, Inc. .... 3160 KUM-USA ......................................... 4176 LAD Custom Publishing, Inc. ............. 3865 LaDiva Sport LLC............................... 4953 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic....... 5019 Leading Technology Micro Inc .......... 4145 League Collegiate Wear, Inc.............. 1840 Legacy Athletic................................. 1740 LEUCHTTURM1917 / SEMIKOLON...... 2847 Levelwear......................................... 2319 Licensing Resource Group, LLC.......... 2122 Lifefactory........................................ 3456 Lil Fan by Wild Sports ....................... 5248 Lillybee U ......................................... 1954 Little King Manufacturing Company Inc. ............................... 4528 Live Oak Brand ................................. 4465 Logo Chair, Inc. ................................. 4940 Logo Products Inc. ............................ 3025 LogoFit, LLC ...................................... 5123 LogoFit, LLC ...................................... 3231 London 400 by Cambridge Neckwear, Ltd............. 4514 LRT Sales LLC .................................... 2250 Lulu DK Lifestyle LLC ........................ 4914 LuLu Monkey .................................... 3617 LXG, Inc. ........................................... 3322 Maped Helix USA.............................. 4171 Maptote ........................................... 4268 Maryland Screen Printers ................. 2849 Mascot Factory ................................. 1847 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ....... 2240 Mayfair Games ................................. 3250 Mayflower Distributing Co................ 3605 MBS Service Company, LLC ............... 3058 MCM Group, Inc. ......................4924, 4928 Merchandise Inc. .............................. 2448 Merriam-Webster Inc. ...................... 3705 Michael Roger, Inc. ........................... 1724 Midas Chain ..................................... 3623 Minga Fair Trade Imports ................. 3656 Minx/Vintage Home ......................... 4052 Miquel-Rius USA Ltd. ....................... 2543 Miss Ashley Originals ....................... 3134 Mister Snacks ................................... 4806 Mixed Role Productions, Inc. ............ 3019 Mobile Edge ..................................... 3826 Modern China Company, Incorporated. 4426 Moleskine/Chronicle Books .............. 2050 Monogram International.................. 2618 Montezuma Publishing ................... 3970 Monteverde USA, division of Yafa ........ 2616 Moon Shine Inc. ............................... 4214 MTN-RMR......................................... 4925
MV Sport .......................................... 4440 My Fun Colors................................... 2053 My U................................................. 4254 NACS Foundation Silent Auction....... 5447 NACS Volunteer/Platinum Club Lounge powered by the 20/30 Club .......... 5455 NACSCORP ........................................ 3840 The Naked Bee ................................. 2026 Nava New York ................................. 3765 NBC l Neebo ..................................... 3240 Neil Enterprises ................................ 4628 4628 Neves Industries ............................... 4654 New Agenda by Perrin...................... 2225 New England Picture ........................ 4529 New Era Cap Company, Inc. .............. 2449 New Jersey Books Inc. ...................... 5139 New World Graphics ......................... 3466 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. ........................... 2948 Norcom, Inc. ..................................... 3610 Nordic Company Inc. ........................ 5128 The Northwest Co. LLC ...................... 5146 N’Take Custom Reusable Bags .......... 4905 Nursez Choice, a division of Magnum Medical ......................... 4065 NUYU ............................................... 4943 Oak Hall Cap & Gown........................ 2939 OCC Associates, Inc.– Spartan Showcase Co. .................. 3862 Occasionally Made ........................... 5010 OCJ Apparel ...................................... 4948 Ogio International, Inc. .................... 1822 OKA b. Shoes .................................... 2153 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated ......... 2733 Olde School Brand ............................ 4245 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .... 2107 On Campus Marketing ...................... 3549 One Up Bands................................... 2125 OneCoast Collegiate Team ................ 1956 OnHand ............................................ 3121 Ontrion............................................. 2447 OtterBox........................................... 3926 Ouray Sportswear............................. 4012 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ......... 4414 Outdoor Tech .................................... 4818 Outer Stuff Ltd.................................. 2510 Ovation ............................................ 4121 Oxbay, LLC ........................................ 1921 OYO Sports ....................................... 3465 P. Michael ......................................... 3959 Pacific Headwear.............................. 3912 Pacific Silver Inc................................ 2041
Paddle Tramps Manufacturing Company ............. 4331
Spirit Football Jersey ........................ 2241 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..................... 3666 Spirit Products Ltd. ........................... 2940 Sports Licensing Solutions/ FANMATS ...................................... 4920 SportsScarf, LLC................................ 3606 Sportula Products ............................ 2608 Stadium Chic .................................... 2317 Staedtler-Mars Ltd. .......................... 4648 Stahls’ .............................................. 4805 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ............. 3247 Storm Duds Raingear ....................... 3448 Strand Art Co., Inc............................. 4513 Strapworks LLC ................................. 3762 Strathmore Artist Papers .................. 4512 Stride Inc. ......................................... 4560 Summit Sportswear Inc. ................... 4421 Suntime/Linkswalker, a division of MPDirect, Inc. ........................... 4152 Supreme Marketing Inc. dba Wine Things........................... 2752 Swypers LLC ..................................... 1950 Tail Activewear ................................. 5006 Tassel Toppers, LLC ........................... 2356 Team 44 Apparel .............................. 3754 Team Effort, Inc. ............................... 2931 Team Golf ......................................... 5116 Team ProMark .................................. 1754 TechMart .......................................... 3015 Technocel ......................................... 4160 Tempo Framing Systems .................. 2455 Tenzi/Carma Games ......................... 3665 Tervis Tumbler .................................. 2126 Texas Art Supply ............................... 1708 Texas Book Company ........................ 1932 Thermos LLC ..................................... 2548 ThermoServ ..................................... 4524 Third Street Sportswear ................... 2732 Three By Three, Inc. .......................... 5009 Tichenor College Textbook Co. .......... 2440 Timolino Ltd. .................................... 2911 Titlecraft, Inc. ................................... 2650 TLC Sportswear, Inc. ......................... 2442 Top Flight, Inc. .................................. 3140 Top of the World ............................... 4740 Tops Products ................................... 3739 TopSox ............................................. 4919 Total Computing Solutions, LLC ........ 4832 Touchfire, Inc. ................................... 3725 Trademarx Wallcoverings, Inc. .......... 4939 Transcend Information, Inc............... 4255 Tricon Specialty Foods ...................... 2452 True Colors Leather Collection .......... 4815 Tutu Spirit ........................................ 2834 U-Trau Inc. ........................................ 4640
Under Armour .................................. 2324 Unemployed Philosophers Guild ...... 3308 Uniformed........................................ 3021 Unique Batik .................................... 3117 University Accessories Inc. ................ 3830 University Blanket & Flag Corp. ........ 5134 University Frames Inc. ...................... 2134 University Girls ................................. 2726 US Digital Media .............................. 4031 ValoreBooks.com.............................. 2457 Vantage Apparel .............................. 3532 VendorForm by Wobo Inc. ................ 1816 Venley .............................................. 5240 Verba Software ................................ 2254 VerMints, Inc. ................................... 2151 Vesi Inc. Vesi Sportswear Crable Sportswear ........................ 2008 Victory Corps. ................................... 4954 Victory Tailgate ................................ 5220 Vintage Coin Concepts ...................... 2131 Vistar................................................ 2949 Voxx Accessories Corp. ...................... 4518 VSA Accessories, Inc. ........................ 4368 Wakami............................................ 4265 Wallies division of The McCall Pattern Company ......................... 1919 WallPops Wall Art............................. 4416 Wes and Willy, LLC ............................ 4556 Whirlpool Corporation...................... 4168 Whitmor, Inc. ................................... 4175 Wicked Audio ................................... 3630 Wiggles 3D Incorporated .................. 2652 Wild Sports ...................................... 5140 Wiley ................................................ 3867 Wilton Armetale Inc. ........................ 3556 WinCraft Inc. .................................... 4758 Winning Streak Sports LLC ............... 4430 Wishbone ......................................... 2751 Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds – Paramount Farms ...... 3852 World Import Co. .............................. 1925 Worthy Promotional Products .......... 4910 WYR Clothing ................................... 4367 XanEdu ............................................. 3869 YRI Custom Designs.......................... 4922 Yukon Outfitters ............................... 5018 Zebra Pen Corp. ................................ 3356 Zephyr Graf-X ................................... 2554 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...................... 4234 ZooZatZ ............................................ 4447 ZVerse – Inspired 3D Printing........... 2848
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Pan Pacific Plastics Manufacturing Inc........................ 4829 Paparte ............................................ 2127 Papaya Inc ........................................ 2610 PartnerShip ...................................... 3740 Paulson Designs ............................... 2815 Payne Publishers, Incorporated ........ 3751 PC Treasures, Inc. .............................. 3931 Pearson Higher Education ................ 3966 Pentel of America, Limited ............... 3540 Perma Brands Corporation ............... 4828 Peter Millar ...................................... 2960 Petra Industries, Inc.......................... 3726 Pets First .......................................... 4428 Picnic Time, Inc................................. 2027 Pilot Pen Corp. of America ................ 2040 Pine Decals....................................... 4532 Pinemeadow Golf............................. 2744 PING Apparel .................................... 3154 Plushland ......................................... 2708 PODS ................................................ 4768 Point Pong ....................................... 3366 Pomchies, LLC................................... 4211 Poppin.............................................. 3016 Portman Hauser ............................... 4765 Potter Manufacturing Co. ................. 2717 PowerDecal ..................................... 4767 Pressbox by Royce Apparel, Inc. ........ 4455 Prestige International ...................... 2019 Prestige Cosmetics ........................... 3812 Prestige Medical............................... 3440 Pride Sash ........................................ 2054 Prints Charming, LLC ........................ 2927 Pro-Ad Sports, Inc. ........................... 4826 Protos Foods, Inc. ............................. 3057 PVH Corporate Outfitters .................. 4952 R and R Imports Inc. ......................... 4950 R&D Specialty Co. Inc........................ 4028 R.F.S.J., Inc. ...................................... 3410 RadioShack Corporation ................... 4045 Rafter ............................................... 3968 Rafter ............................................... 1716 Rampion USA Inc.............................. 2757 Rapid Ramen, Inc. ............................ 2347 Rapp’s Packaging ............................. 3851 RAREFORM ....................................... 2132 RATEX Business Solutions, Inc........... 1810 REBAL Products, LLC ......................... 2759 Recoil Cord Winders.......................... 3752 Red Carpet Studios Ltd. .................... 4073 RedShelf (Virdocs Software)............. 3870 Regal, Poly-Pak Industries ................ 2239 Renaissance ..................................... 2152
The Republic of Tea........................... 4156 Retro Brands .................................... 4947 Rhinestone U, Inc. ............................ 2215 Rhino Sports and Leisure.................. 5147 Richardson Cap Co. ........................... 2828 Riddell Sports................................... 4112 Rite in the Rain................................. 3059 Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc. ... 3219 Rivalry LLC........................................ 4759 RJEJ Investments LLC dba Star Imports ............................ 3649 RMSA ............................................... 2832 Roaring Spring Paper Products ......... 2640 Robin Ruth ....................................... 3113 Rogers Family Coffee Co ................... 3955 Rome Labels Inc. .............................. 2839 RoomMates, a division of York Wallcoverings ....................... 3810 Row One Brands, Inc. ....................... 2932 The Royal Standard .......................... 3909 RR Designs/MTC Marketing, Inc. ....... 4216 Russell Athletic................................. 3212 Safeware .......................................... 4025 Samsill Corp. .................................... 2540 Samsung Electronics America .......... 3925 Sanford Brands................................. 5106 Saturnian 1 Inc. ................................ 2315 Saunders Mfg. Co., Inc. ..................... 4069 Savory Fine Foods, LLC...................... 2715 SDS Design Associates, Inc................ 4325 Seasons Jewelry ............................... 2216 Sequoia Retail Systems, Inc. ............. 4434 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..................... 2039 Seven Sons ....................................... 4521 Sewing Concepts .............................. 3519 Sherpani .......................................... 4046 Shinola Detroit ................................. 4808 Showbest Fixture Corp. .................... 3608 Sideline Sneakers LLC ....................... 3547 Sidewalk .................................2820, 3877 Sidney Moss Associates/ Greek Is Neat ................................ 3756 Signature Announcements, Inc. ....... 4831 Silver Crystal Sports – Fanzones....... 5152 SIMPLY SPORTY ................................ 2719 SKÜTR Bags by ITOYA........................ 4146 Sleefs Licensing LLC.......................... 3767 Sleep Innovations, Inc. ..................... 4077 Smead Manufacturing Company ...... 5212 Soady Associates .............................. 3128 Southern Book Company.................. 5013 Southern Champion Tray, LP............. 4753 Sphere Time s.a. ............................... 4048 Spikeball Inc..................................... 2358 Spirit Books ...................................... 4365
Exhibitors by Product Category Apparel | CAMEX
Apparel All For Color ...............................................3648 American Jewel .........................................4232 AnnaDean .................................................2622 Chen International, Inc. .............................2740 College House/Jac San...............................4240 Commencement Group .............................4665 Cutter & Buck ............................................4427 EnjoyLife, Inc. ............................................2021 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 Traditions, LLC ...........................................2857 FiveLo Sports Inc. ......................................3670 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 Four Point Products ...................................3640 Game Day Colors .......................................2843 J. America Sportswear...............................4623 Know-Wear by DP Design..........................1758 Kompugard/Viva Designs ..........................3020 Kornit Digital North America, Inc. .............3160 MV Sport ...................................................4440 The Naked Bee ..........................................2026 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Peter Millar ...............................................2960 Pomchies, LLC............................................4211 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Stadium Chic .............................................2317 Summit Sportswear Inc. ............................4421 Team 44 Apparel .......................................3754 Wishbone ..................................................2751
Athletic All American Embroidery ..........................2909 Banded .....................................................2348 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Bondi Band LLC .........................................3651 Camp David ...............................................2340 Colosseum Athletics Corporation ...............4748 Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 EVOCAP by JBREM .....................................2658 Fashion Spy Varsity....................................4267 FBF Originals .............................................4132 G Wear, LLC................................................2620 Gameday Leggings....................................4566 Gear For Sports..........................................2230 MV Sport ...................................................4440 New Agenda by Perrin...............................2225 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 One Up Bands............................................2125 Rampion USA, Inc......................................2757 Russell Athletic..........................................3212 Sleefs Licensing.........................................3767 Tail Activewear ..........................................5006 Third Street Sportswear ............................2732 TopSox ......................................................4919 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556 WYR Clothing ............................................4367 ZooZatZ .....................................................4447
Children’s Banded .....................................................2348 Champion Custom Products, Inc. ...............2528 Creative Knitwear ......................................3027 Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 FBF Originals .............................................4132 Future Tailgater .........................................1856 Glitter Gear................................................5040 High Point Design .....................................2722 Little King Manufacturing .........................4528
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LogoFit, LLC .....................................3231, 5123 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 MV Sport ...................................................4440 New Agenda by Perrin...............................2225 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 Ouray Sportswear......................................4012 Pro-Ad Sports, Inc. ....................................4826 Third Street Sportswear ............................2732 TLC Sportswear, Inc. ..................................2442 TopSox ......................................................4919 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556 WYR Clothing ............................................4367
Footwear Bootights Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 FBF Originals .............................................4132 Future Tailgater .........................................1856 High Point Design .....................................2722 Jack Rogers ...............................................3555 Lillybee U ..................................................1954 Minx/Vintage Home ..................................4052 OKA b Shoes ..............................................2153 Row One Brands, Inc. ................................2932 Sideline Sneakers LLC ................................3547 TopSox ......................................................4919 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234
Hats/Caps/Headwear All American Embroidery ..........................2909 Banded .....................................................2348 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Camp David ...............................................2340 Champion Custom Products, Inc. ...............2528 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 Cowbucker ................................................4666 Custom Sports Jewelry ..............................2748 Fashion Spy Varsity....................................4267 Frocket ......................................................2454 Future Tailgater .........................................1856 LaDiva Sport, LLC.......................................4953 LogoFit, LLC .....................................3231, 5123 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 Minx/Vintage Home ..................................4052 Miss Ashley Originals ................................3134 MV Sport ...................................................4440 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 One Up Bands............................................2125 Ouray Sportswear......................................4012 Tail Activewear ..........................................5006 Vintage Coin Concepts ...............................2131 WYR Clothing ............................................4367 Zephyr Graf-X ............................................2554 ZooZatZ .....................................................4447
Imprinted All American Embroidery ..........................2909 AnaJet LLC .................................................4009 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Camp David ...............................................2340 Champion Custom Products, Inc. ...............2528 CI Sport .....................................................4124 Columbia Sportswear by Outdoor Custom Sportswear .................3148 Connect2One ............................................4040 E5 ............................................................2551 Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 Fashion Spy Varsity....................................4267 FBF Originals .............................................4132 Frocket ......................................................2454
Future Tailgater .........................................1856 1856 Gear For Sports..........................................2230 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858 Glitter Gear................................................5040 IguanaMed................................................4353 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 LogoFit, LLC .....................................3231, 5123 London 400 by Cambridge Neckwear, Ltd. .....4514 MV Sport ...................................................4440 New Agenda by Perrin...............................2225 New World Graphics ..................................3466 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 NUYU ........................................................4943 Ouray Sportswear......................................4012 Ovation .....................................................4121 PING Apparel .............................................3154 Pro-Ad Sports, Inc. ....................................4826 Russell Athletic..........................................3212 SIMPLY SPORTY .........................................2719 Sleefs Licensing.........................................3767 Spirit Football Jersey .................................2241 Storm Duds Raingear ................................3448 Third Street Sportswear ............................2732 TLC Sportswear, Inc. ..................................2442 TopSox ......................................................4919 Vesi Inc. Vesi Sportswear Crable Sportswear ...............................2008 VSA Accessories, Inc. .................................4368 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556 YRI Custom Designs...................................4922
Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 Prestige Medical........................................3440 Red Carpet Studios Ltd. .............................4073 Third Street Sportswear ............................2732 VSA Accessories, Inc. .................................4368 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556
Outerwear Bethel International, Inc. ..........................4153 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 Flying Colors..............................................1730 Future Tailgater .........................................1856 Minx/Vintage Home ..................................4052 MV Sport ...................................................4440 Ouray Sportswear......................................4012 SportsScarf, LLC.........................................3606 Tail Activewear ..........................................5006 WYR Clothing ............................................4367
Sleepwear Earthletics by JSI .......................................4824 Emerson Street..........................................4260 Future Tailgater .........................................1856 NUYU ........................................................4943 VSA Accessories, Inc. .................................4368 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556
Art & Craft Products
Adhesives (glue, paste, tapes)
All American Embroidery ..........................2909 All American Khakis ..................................2758 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Bruzer Sportsgear Ltd................................2144 E5 ............................................................2551 Emerson Street..........................................4260 Escapada Living.........................................4467 Fashion Spy Varsity....................................4267 Flying Colors..............................................1730 G Wear, LLC................................................2620 Gameday Leggings....................................4566 Good Work(s) Make A Difference.....................2445 IguanaMed................................................4353 MV Sport ...................................................4440 New Agenda by Perrin...............................2225 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 NUYU ........................................................4943 Ouray Sportswear......................................4012 P. Michael ..................................................3959 Tail Activewear ..........................................5006 Third Street Sportswear ............................2732 VSA Accessories, Inc. .................................4368 Wes and Willy, LLC .....................................4556 ZooZatZ .....................................................4447
Ashley Productions, Inc. ............................1149 Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 DSS Distributing, LLC ...................................826 ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Handy Art..................................................1432 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
Non-Imprinted All American Embroidery ..........................2909 All American Khakis ..................................2758 Caroline Hill...............................................3759 Downeast Basics .......................................2248 Fashion Spy Varsity....................................4267 Frocket ......................................................2454 Gear For Sports..........................................2230 MV Sport ...................................................4440
Artboard ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Hygloss Products, Inc.................................1354
Canvas Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Sargent Art................................................1007
Chalk (Sidewalk ....... 2820, 3877) The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Crayola, LLC .................................................905
Clay & Modeling Compounds The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Sargent Art................................................1007 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Coloring Books Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
Craft Kits
Pencils (Drawing)
Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 KTM Industries Inc. ....................................1355 Pepperell Braiding Company .....................1534 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248
Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 Sargent Art................................................1007
Flipside Products .......................................1631
Posterboard Hygloss Products, Inc.................................1354 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920
Baden Sports, Inc. .....................................3009 Baggo .......................................................4355 El Dorado Trading Group, Incorporated ...........3732 GameMaster Athletic ................................5044 Hood Leather Products dba Hood Sports Products ...................4166 REBAL Products, LLC ..................................2759 Riddell Sports............................................4112 Saturnian 1 Inc. .........................................2315 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Whirlpool Corporation...............................4168 Yukon Outfitters ........................................5018
Print Making Supplies Handy Art..................................................1432
Rubber Stamps/Kits
Audio/Visual, Technology & Communications
Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115
Cables/Wire Management
Sand Art Supplies
Computer Software
Insect Lore.................................................1505 PlayVisions Inc ..........................................1049 Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610
Essential Learning Products ......................1418 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Scrapbooking Supplies
Digital/Screens Hamilton Electronics & Buhl Industries .....1721
Flipside Products .......................................1631
Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610
Sewing/Quilting Supplies
Cutouts/Paper Manipulatives Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Luxor .........................................................1605 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Markers (Drawing) Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Sargent Art................................................1007
Paint Accessories (Brushes, Cups, Dispensers, Trays) Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 Sargent Art................................................1007
Paints The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Handy Art..................................................1432 Pepperell Braiding Company .....................1534 Sargent Art................................................1007
Paper (Construction) RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920 Sargent Art................................................1007
Paper (Drawing) Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Insect Lore.................................................1505 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920
Pastels Crayola, LLC .................................................905 Dick Blick Company ...................................1314 Sargent Art................................................1007
The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Hygloss Products, Inc.................................1354 Pepperell Braiding Company .....................1534 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
Wood (Balsa, Basswood, Plywood) The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Insect Lore.................................................1505 KAPLA Tom’s Toys, LLC..................................821 Pepperell Braiding Company .....................1534
Art Supplies | CAMEX ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 Alvin & Co. Inc. ..........................................2926 AVT Paints .................................................3260 Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 BIC Corp.....................................................3032 C2F Incorporated .......................................3116 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 Connect2One ............................................4040 The Crafter’s Workshop ..............................3855 Dri Mark Products Inc. ...............................4816 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334 Hartley & Marks/Paperblanks ...................3766 HPI International, Inc. ...............................3609 Maped Helix USA.......................................4171 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 Pentel of America, Limited ........................3540 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059 Saunders Mfg. Co., Inc. ..............................4069 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 Shinola Detroit ..........................................4808 Staedtler-Mars Ltd. ...................................4648
Master Manufacturing Co. Inc. ..................1727
Whiteboards Flipside Products .......................................1631 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539
Automotive | CAMEX All Star Dogs..............................................3906 BSI Products, Inc........................................5048 Carson Specialties .....................................5121 CDI Corp.....................................................1748 Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Holland Bar Stool Co. .................................2850 J.T.D. Enterprises, Inc. ................................4633 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 The Northwest Co. .....................................5146 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated......2733 Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 Sewing Concepts .......................................3519 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ......................3247 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Swypers LLC ..............................................1950 Team ProMark ...........................................1754
Awards/Plaques | CAMEX Campus Crystal Collection .........................5120 Carson Specialties .....................................5121 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Jostens ......................................................3809 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated......2733 Tempo Framing Systems ...........................2455 Titlecraft, Inc. ............................................3650
Capri Designs ............................................3755 Caroline Hill...............................................3759 Case Logic .......................................3928, 4527 Charm14/USA Margins ..............................3528 C-Line Products, Inc...................................2049 Comeco Inc. ...............................................3355 Connect2One ............................................4040 D&H Distributing ....3618, 3716, 3816, 3916, 4070 Desden ......................................................1811 Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860 DTC Mod LLC ..............................................3769 Everest Trading Corp. .................................3026 EYN Products.............................................3626 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 High Sierra ................................................2813 HPI International, Inc. ...............................3609 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 Kompugard/Viva Designs ..........................3020 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ..............2240 Moleskine/Chronicle Books .......................2050 Monogram International...........................2618 Nike/Branded Custom Sportswear, Inc. .....2948 N’Take Custom Reusable Bags ...................4905 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 OnHand .....................................................3121 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 Petra Industries, Inc...................................3726 Picnic Time, Inc..........................................2027 Rampion USA, Inc......................................2757 RAREFORM ................................................2132 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Soady Associates .......................................3128 Tail Activewear ..........................................5006 US Digital Media .......................................4031 WYR Clothing ............................................4367 Yukon Outfitters ........................................5018
Body Art | CAMEX Body Art/Face Painting Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 The Crafter’s Workshop ..............................3855 FanAPeel ...................................................2750 Game Day Colors .......................................2843 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..............................3666
Temporary Tattoos Dri Mark Products Inc. ...............................4816 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 LaDiva Sport, LLC.......................................4953
Books| CAMEX Books Compendium Inc. ......................................4366 Moleskine/Chronicle Books .......................2050 Wiley .........................................................3867
Copyright LAD Custom Publishing .............................3865 Montezuma Publishing .............................3970 XanEdu ......................................................3869
Custom Publishing
Backpacks/Handbags/ Technology Cases | CAMEX ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 All For Color ...............................................3648 Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 Bethel International, Inc. ..........................4153 Canyon Outback Leather Goods, Inc. .........4356
indiCo ........................................................4140 LAD Custom Publishing .............................3865 Montezuma Publishing .............................3970 Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Wiley .........................................................3867 XanEdu ......................................................3869
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Athletic Equipment | CAMEX
Elsevier-Health Sciences............................3972 Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 indiCo ........................................................4140 Ingram Content Group...............................3958 LAD Custom Publishing .............................3865 Montezuma Publishing .............................3970 Wiley .........................................................3867 XanEdu ......................................................3869
General/Trade Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 NACSCORP .................................................3840 Tichenor College Textbook Co. ...................2440
Medical/Health/Science Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 Elsevier-Health Sciences............................3972 Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ..............2240 Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc...................3219 Tichenor College Textbook Co. ...................2440
House of Doolittle .....................................4071 Mixed Role Productions.............................3019 Moleskine/Chronicle Books .......................2050 Papaya Inc. ................................................2610 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059 Roaring Spring Paper Products ..................2640 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 Shinola Detroit ..........................................4808 Three by Three, Inc. ...................................5009
Cameras/ Photo Supplies | CAMEX D&H Distributing ....3618, 3716, 3816, 3916, 4070 Dane-Elec Corp ..........................................3557 DTC Mod LLC ..............................................3769 HPI International, Inc. ...............................3609 Kodak Alaris ..............................................1820 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045 Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Transcend Information, Inc........................4255
Classroom & Office Supplies Backpacks (Students) Backpack Gear, Inc.....................................1551
Elsevier-Health Sciences............................3972 Tichenor College Textbook Co. ...................2440
North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
NACSCORP .................................................3840 Southern Book Company...........................5013
Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Victor Technology, LLC. ..............................1719
Rental Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 MBS Service Company, LLC ........................3058 NBC l Neebo ..............................................3240 New Jersey Books Inc. ...............................5139 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Texas Book Company .................................1932 ValoreBooks ..............................................2457
Text Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 Elsevier-Health Sciences............................3972 Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 Ingram Content Group...............................3958 NACSCORP .................................................3840 New Jersey Books Inc. ...............................5139 Texas Book Company .................................1932 Tichenor College Textbook Co. ...................2440 ValoreBooks ..............................................2457
Used Follett Higher Education Group .................2016 Ingram Content Group...............................3958 MBS Service Company, LLC ........................3058 NACSCORP .................................................3840 New Jersey Books Inc. ...............................5139 Southern Book Company...........................5013 Texas Book Company .................................1932 Tichenor College Textbook Co. ...................2440 ValoreBooks ..............................................2457
Calendars/ Planners | CAMEX ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 Asgard Press ..............................................5334 bloom daily planners ................................3132 Capri Designs ............................................3755 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334
38 | www.edexpo.com
Chair Mats
Storage Boxes
Insect Lore.................................................1505
Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Library Supplies DSS Distributing, LLC ...................................826
Magnets Ed Speldy East Company Ltd......................1553 Hygloss Products, Inc.................................1354
Name Tags Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620
Notebooks Sargent Art................................................1007
Organizational Supplies Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920
Pencil Grips Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539
Pencils Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248
Chalk & Accessories
Ed Speldy East Company Ltd......................1553 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539
Desk Organizers Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Master Manufacturing Co. Inc. ..................1727 Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610 Victor Technology, LLC. ..............................1719
Drafting Supplies DSS Distributing, LLC ...................................826
Erasers (Chalk & Dry Erase)
Plan & Record Books (Teacher) Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 The Hubbard Co. ........................................1117 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
Planner/Agenda (Student) Flipside Products .......................................1631 The Hubbard Co. ........................................1117 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
Flipside Products .......................................1631
Rubber Bands
Fasteners (clips/pins/tacks)
Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539
Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 Hygloss Products, Inc.................................1354 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
EDX Education ...........................................1531 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 Victor Technology, LLC. ..............................1719
Backpack Gear, Inc.....................................1551
Food/Candy/Snacks/Beverages Office Snax, Inc..........................................1658
Knives, Blades, Cutters, Paper Punches & Laminating Supplies Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
Laboratory Supplies/Scales C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828
Binders/Folders ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 Better Office Products Co., a division of Dem Hold ........................4709 bloom daily planners ................................3132 C-Line Products, Inc...................................2049 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334 Filexec Products ........................................4313 Four Point Products ...................................3640 ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Saunders Mfg. Co., Inc. ..............................4069 Smead Manufacturing Company ...............5212 Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Stride Inc. ..................................................4560 TOPS Products ...........................................3739
Flagship Carpets ........................................1111
The Chenille Kraft Co. ................................1211 Dowling Magnets......................................1019
Classroom/ Office Supplies | CAMEX
Scissors The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539 Sargent Art................................................1007 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
Staplers & Supplies The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
Office/School Supplies A&W Products Co., Inc. ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 Alvin & Co. Inc. ..........................................2926 Avery.........................................................4054 BIC Corp.....................................................3032 bloom daily planners ................................3132 C2F Incorporated .......................................3116 Centon ......................................................3953 Connect2One ............................................4040 Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860 Gift Trenz/Franklin-Mill .............................2360 Hartley & Marks/Paperblanks ...................3766 House of Doolittle .....................................4071 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 Kore Design, LLC ........................................3359 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Moleskine/Chronicle Books .......................2050 Monteverde USA, division of Yafa ..............2616 Papaya Inc. ................................................2610 Rapp’s Packaging ......................................3851 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Regal, Poly-Pak Industries .........................2239 Shinola Detroit ..........................................4808 Staedtler-Mars Ltd. ...................................4648 Three by Three, Inc. ...................................5009 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Transcend Information, Inc........................4255
Paper Capri Designs ............................................3755 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334 LEUCHTTURM1917 / SEMIKOLON...............2847 Roaring Spring Paper Products ..................2640 Top Flight, Inc. ...........................................3140 TOPS Products ...........................................3739
Tape/Glue/Staplers ACCO Brands ..............................................2108 Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Maped Helix USA.......................................4171 Saunders Mfg. Co., Inc. ..............................4069
Writing Instruments Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Dri Mark Products Inc. ...............................4816 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. .........................2819 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334
ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Maped Helix USA.......................................4171 Monteverde USA, division of Yafa ..............2616 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 Pentel of America, Limited ........................3540 Pilot Pen Corp. of America .........................2040 Saunders Mfg. Co., Inc. ..............................4069 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 Stride Inc. ..................................................4560 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830
Computer | CAMEX Centurion Technologies .............................3910 D&H Distributing ....3618, 3716, 3816, 3916, 4070 Dane-Elec Corp ..........................................3557 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045
Anatomical (Subject) BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828
Art (Subject)
HPI International, Inc. ...............................3609 Safeware ...................................................4025 Touchfire, Inc. ............................................3725
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Essential Learning Products ......................1418
Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Kornit Digital North America, Inc. .............3160 Safeware ...................................................4025 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877
Supplies/Accessories AES Optics, Inc. ..........................................4613 Centon ......................................................3953 Consumer Priority Service .........................3934 El Dorado Trading Group, Incorporated ...........3732 Get the Funk Off! .......................................3022 NACSCORP .................................................3840 OnHand .....................................................3121 OtterBox....................................................3926 Petra Industries, Inc...................................3726 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Touchfire, Inc. ............................................3725 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830 US Digital Media .......................................4031
Decals/Stickers | CAMEX Avery.........................................................4054 CDI Corp.....................................................1748 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 FanAPeel ...................................................2750 Grad Caps ..................................................2933 LaDiva Sport, LLC.......................................4953 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 Rapp’s Packaging ......................................3851 RoomMates – A Division of York Wallcoverings............................. 3810 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..............................3666 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ......................3247 Team ProMark ...........................................1754 Trademarx Wallcoverings, Inc. ...................4939 WinCraft Inc. .............................................4758
Educational Materials & Resources Activity Books Barbour Publishing ...................................1650 C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 Capstone ...................................................1014 Creative Teaching Press .............................1412
Audio Books
Basic/Motor Skills (Subject) Evenflo ......................................................1320 Learning Advantage ..................................1413 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Wesco North America, Inc. ..........................926 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Behavior/ Classroom Management Corwin ......................................................1132 Creative Educational Strategies & Services, LLC ....................1556 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Edupress....................................................1126 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. ............................1231 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Bilingual/ESL (Subject) Capstone ...................................................1014 Corwin ......................................................1132 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Bulletin Board/Classroom Decor Ashley Productions, Inc. ............................1149 Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920
Career & Vocational (For Students) Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114
CDs (Educational) Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Remedia Publications..................................809 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125
CDs (Music) DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Flipside Products .......................................1631 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. ............................1231 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Character Education (Subject) Capstone ...................................................1014 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Edupress....................................................1126 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Newmark Learning....................................1331 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540
Charts & Accessories BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920
Children’s Books/ Storybook Sets (Fiction) Barbour Publishing ...................................1650 Capstone ...................................................1014 Carl Sams II Photography ..........................1028 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Primary Concepts ........................................831 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026 Yellow Door ...............................................1305 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Curriculum Planning Capstone ...................................................1014 Edupress....................................................1126 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Holmquist Educational Consultants, Inc..........1652 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
DVDs (Educational) Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Preschool Prep Company ...........................1317 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125
Elementary Education (Grades K - 6) BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Capstone ...................................................1014 Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 EDX Education ...........................................1531
FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 Remedia Publications..................................809 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Environmental (Subject) C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 Carl Sams II Photography ..........................1028 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446
Felt/Flannelboard Aids Babalu, Inc. ...............................................1630 The Storyboard..........................................1327
Flash Cards Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Edupress....................................................1126 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Learning Advantage ..................................1413 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. ............................1231 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Remedia Publications..................................809 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD ....................1307
Foreign Languages BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Capstone ...................................................1014 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. ............................1231 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125
Geography (Subject) Capstone ...................................................1014 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Dowling Magnets......................................1019
Gifted & Talented Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 Remedia Publications..................................809 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426
Handwriting/Printing Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 RiteCo, Inc. ..................................................920 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Health/Safety (Subject)
Capstone ...................................................1014 Evenflo ......................................................1320 Shell Education .........................................1425
Health/Sex Education (Subject) Capstone ...................................................1014 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528
History/Social Studies (Subject) The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Learning Wrap-Ups, Inc. ............................1231 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Home Schooling BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Edupress....................................................1126 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 North Star Teacher Resources ....................1446 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Remedia Publications..................................809 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125 Secondary Solutions....................................918 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Incentives/Awards (For Students) Flipside Products .......................................1631 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Interactive Whiteboard Software Essential Learning Products ......................1418 Newmark Learning....................................1331
Language Arts/Reading BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Corwin ......................................................1132 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114
40 | www.edexpo.com
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 Newmark Learning....................................1331 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Remedia Publications..................................809 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526 Secondary Solutions....................................918 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Multimedia Kits
Life Skills (Subject)
Parent Involvement
Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Maps & Globes Doodles Ave ..............................................1558 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Round World Products Inc. ........................1316
Mathematics (Subject) BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Edupress....................................................1126 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Remedia Publications..................................809 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Suntex International, Inc. ............................819 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD ....................1307 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Middle Education (Grades 6 - 8) BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Pacific Play Tents, Inc. ................................1614 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Multicultural (Subject) Corwin ......................................................1132 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 Shell Education .........................................1425
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129
Music/Drama (Subject) Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Westco Educational Products ....................1625
Overhead Teaching Aids SI Manufacturing ........................................912
Parent Communications Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Shell Education .........................................1425
Remedia Publications..................................809 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813
Reading Strategies/Support Corwin ......................................................1132 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Edupress....................................................1126 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Remedia Publications..................................809 Secondary Solutions....................................918
Reference Books (Dictionaries, Text Books)
Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Edupress....................................................1126 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets”....1530 Newmark Learning....................................1331
BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Physical Education (Subject)
Religion (Subject)
Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 Pacific Play Tents, Inc. ................................1614 The Storyboard..........................................1327
Science & Nature (Subject)
Posters (Educational) Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Inspired Minds ..........................................1647 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Round World Products Inc. ........................1316 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD ....................1307
Pre-K Education The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Learning Advantage ..................................1413 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Newmark Learning....................................1331 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Barbour Publishing ...................................1650
C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 Carl Sams II Photography ..........................1028 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 ScienceWiz ................................................1611 SI Manufacturing ........................................912
Secondary Education (Grades 9-12) Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Sourcebooks ..............................................1443 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Software (Educational) Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Kagan Publishing & Professional Development...................1131 Pluralsight ................................................1715 Preschool Prep Company ...........................1317 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Primary Education (Grades 1-3)
Special Needs (Subject)
Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade Publishing ...................1214 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Newmark Learning....................................1331 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 The Reading Game ....................................1739
Corwin ......................................................1132 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Educational Activities, Inc. ........................1528 Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Advantage ..................................1413 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 The Reading Game ....................................1739
Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Teacher/Parent Resources
Testing/Assessment Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Pluralsight ................................................1715 Primary Concepts ........................................831
Theme Units/Kits C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 ScienceWiz ................................................1611 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Therapy Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539
Videos (Educational) Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Preschool Prep Company ...........................1317 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125
Whole Language The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Learning Loft, Inc. .....................................1256 The Reading Game ....................................1739
Workbooks (Student) Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 The Critical Thinking Co.™ ..........................1518 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
Writing Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Pathways for Learning Products, Inc. ................807 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539 Primary Concepts ........................................831 Rock ‘N Learn, Inc. .....................................1125 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
Lab Equipment C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828
Batteries Merchandise Inc. .......................................1640 Ontrion......................................................2447 TechMart ...................................................3015
Lecterns & Risers
TechMart ...................................................3015
Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Luxor .........................................................1605
Cell Phones Coveroo, Inc ...............................................2147 Ontrion......................................................2447 Safeware ...................................................4025
Electronics Dane-Elec Corp ..........................................3557 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045 Swypers LLC ..............................................1950 TechMart ...................................................3015 Transcend Information, Inc........................4255
Radios/MP3 Players/TVs/DVDs Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860
Supplies/Accessories AES Optics, Inc. ..........................................4613 Bell’O International – Bell’O Digital ..........3929 Centon ......................................................3953 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 El Dorado Trading Group, Incorporated ...........3732 EYN Products.............................................3626 Get the Funk Off! .......................................3022 HPI International, Inc. ...............................3609 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 NACSCORP .................................................3840 One Up Bands............................................2125 OnHand .....................................................3121 Ontrion......................................................2447 OtterBox....................................................3926 Petra Industries, Inc...................................3726 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 TechMart ...................................................3015 Technocel ..................................................4160 Touchfire, Inc. ............................................3725 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830 US Digital Media .......................................4031 Voxx Accessories Corp. ...............................4518
Equipment Art Equipment Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119
Bulletin/Chalk/Dry Erase/ Display Boards Classroom Innovations LLC ..........................817 ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Flipside Products .......................................1631 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Luxor .........................................................1605 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118
Clocks & Timers Charles Leonard, Inc. .................................1613 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Koplow Games ..........................................1431 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232
Health Service Equipment Evenflo ......................................................1320
Mobile Carts Copernicus Educational Products Inc. ........1506 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Luxor .........................................................1605 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Shelving & Storage Classroom Innovations LLC ..........................817 Copernicus Educational Products Inc. ........1506 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Hamilton Electronics & Buhl Industries .....1721 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610
Eyewear | CAMEX
Jelly Belly Candy Co. ..................................3012 KeHE Distributors ......................................4706 Mister Snacks ............................................4806 Tricon Specialty Foods ...............................2452 Vermint’s ...................................................2151
Food/Candy/Beverages NACSCORP .................................................3840 Savory Fine Foods, LLC...............................2715 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Vistar.........................................................2949
Snacks AWAKE Caffeinated Chocolate ...................3952 Bell Plantation ..........................................4525 Candy Central ............................................3011 Crunchies Food Company ..........................3856 Hayden Valley Foods Inc ............................4612 INBalance Health Corporation ...................4051 KeHE Distributors ......................................4706 Mister Snacks ............................................4806 Tricon Specialty Foods ...............................2452 Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds – Paramount Farms..............3852
Frames | CAMEX
AES Optics, Inc. ..........................................4613 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858 Get the Funk Off! .......................................3022 Hamilton Bell Co. Inc. ................................2934 Merchandise Inc. .......................................1640 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 Prestige Medical........................................3440
Fixtures/Displays | CAMEX AWI Fixtures and Interiors Inc....................3524 Franklin Fixtures........................................2034 Hover Helmets ..........................................3566 NBC l Neebo ..............................................3240 OCC Associates, Inc. – Spartan Showcase Co. .........................3862 OnHand .....................................................3121 Showbest Fixture Corp...............................3608
Flags/Banners/Pennants Armflags, LLC ............................................4324 BSI Products, Inc........................................5048 Collegiate Pacific .......................................1916 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. .........................2819 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Grad Caps ..................................................2933 J.T.D. Enterprises, Inc. ................................4633 Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 Sewing Concepts .......................................3519 Victory Corps. ............................................4954 WinCraft Inc. .............................................4758
Food/Candy/ Beverages | CAMEX Beverages KeHE Distributors ......................................4706 The Republic of Tea....................................4156 Rogers Family Coffee Co ............................3955
Candy Albanese Confectionery Group, Inc............3667 AWAKE Caffeinated Chocolate ...................3952 Candy Central ............................................3011 Chicago Importing Company.....................3119 Hayden Valley Foods Inc ............................4612
Balfour ......................................................2840 Continental Moulding ...............................2017 The Frame Works Inc DBA Brick House Sports...............................3760 Framing Success ........................................3428 Glory Haus, Inc. .........................................1823 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Paulson Designs ........................................2815 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Tempo Framing Systems ...........................2455 Uniformed.................................................3021 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134 YRI Custom Designs...................................4922
Furniture Art Furniture ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Classroom Angeles Corporation..................................1308 Carpets for Kids Etc... Inc. Copernicus Educational Products Inc. ........1506 Evenflo ......................................................1320 Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Holmquist Educational Consultants, Inc..........1652 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512 Trendsetter Rugs .......................................1344 Wesco North America, Inc. ..........................926 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Computer Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Ashley Productions, Inc. ............................1149 The Storyboard..........................................1327 Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. ................1129 Brand New World ......................................1640 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Firefly Books, Ltd. ......................................1114 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Newmark Learning....................................1331 ScienceWiz ................................................1611 Secondary Solutions....................................918 Sourcebooks..............................................1443 Time Timer LLC ..........................................1232 Trendsetter Rugs .......................................1344 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Electronics | CAMEX
ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Luxor .........................................................1605 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512
Dorm Co ....................................................4821 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920
Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512 Trendsetter Rugs .......................................1344 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Music Room Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Trendsetter Rugs .......................................1344
Office Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Stanley-Bostitch........................................1731
Preschool Angeles Corporation..................................1308 Brand New World ......................................1640 Evenflo ......................................................1320 Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Foundations Worldwide, Inc. ...............812, 814 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Peerless Plastics, Inc. ...................................925 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512 Trendsetter Rugs .......................................1344
Replacement Furniture ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Master Manufacturing Co. Inc. ..................1727
Residence Hall Flagship Carpets ........................................1111 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247
Tables & Chairs Angeles Corporation..................................1308 ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Flash Furniture ..........................................1247 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512
Furnishings | CAMEX Bedding/Linens Dorm Co ....................................................4821
Chairs/Tables Dorm Co ....................................................4821 Flexitoys ......................................................916 Gold Medal................................................4907 Holland Bar Stool Co. .................................2850 Kore Design, LLC ........................................3359
Household Dorm Co ....................................................4821 Gold Medal................................................4907 Holland Bar Stool Co. .................................2850 LRT Sales LLC .............................................2250 Rivalry, LLC ................................................4759 Whirlpool Corporation...............................4168
Lamps/Lights Dorm Co ....................................................4821 Holland Bar Stool Co. .................................2850
42 | www.edexpo.com
Gifts | CAMEX Gifts Aminco International (USA) Inc. ................3255 Baden Sports, Inc. .....................................3009 Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 Banded .....................................................2348 Beliza Design ............................................4217 Canyon Outback Leather Goods, Inc. .........4356 Collegiate Pacific .......................................1916 Commencement Group .............................4665 Compendium Inc. ......................................4366 Cozy Cover .................................................4766 Desden ......................................................1811 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Gameday Leggings....................................4566 GameTime Lights ......................................4419 Giantmicrobes, Inc. ...................................2731 Gift Trenz/Franklin-Mill .............................2360 The Haywire Group, Inc. ............................3758 Hood Leather Products dba Hood Sports Products ...................4166 Hover Helmets ..........................................3566 Hunter Mfg................................................3747 Kid Agains .................................................4915 Kolder .......................................................4451 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 Lulu DK Lifestyle LLC .................................4914 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 Nordic Company Inc. .................................5128 The Northwest Co. .....................................5146 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated......2733 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 OYO Sports ................................................3465 Pets First ...................................................4428 Picnic Time, Inc..........................................2027 Plushland ..................................................2708 Pomchies, LLC............................................4211 R.F.S.J., Inc. ...............................................3410 Rhinestone U, Inc. .....................................2215 Riddell Sports............................................4112 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Savory Fine Foods, LLC...............................2715 Spikeball Inc. .............................................2358 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..............................3666 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Team ProMark ...........................................1754 Uniformed.................................................3021 Vintage Coin Concepts ...............................2131 ZVerse – Inspired 3D Printing....................2842
Imprinted Aeropen International, Inc.........................3954 All Star Dogs..............................................3906 BrettHand, Inc. ..........................................2612 Carolina Sewn Products Corp. ....................4927 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 CDI Corp.....................................................1748 CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Emerson Street..........................................4260 EnjoyLife, Inc. ............................................2021 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. .........................2819 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858
Glory Haus, Inc. .........................................1823 High Point Design .....................................2722 Independent College Bookstore Association .........................2825 Kitty Keller Designs LLC .............................1922 Mascot Factory ..........................................1847 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Midas Chain ..............................................3623 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 New England Picture .................................4529 Paulson Designs ........................................2815 REBAL Products, LLC ..................................2759 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Sewing Concepts .......................................3519 Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920 Storm Duds Raingear ................................3448 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Stride Inc. ..................................................4560 Team Effort, Inc. ........................................2931 Tervis Tumbler ...........................................2126 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134 Wilton Armetale Inc. .................................3556 YRI Custom Designs...................................4922 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234
Non-Imprinted Aeropen International, Inc.........................3954 Capri Designs ............................................3755 Custom Sports Jewelry ..............................2748 EYN Products.............................................3626 Good Work(s) Make A Difference.....................2445 Hartley & Marks/Paperblanks ...................3766 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Jelly Belly Candy Co. ..................................3012 Kikkerland Design .....................................4066 Kitty Keller Designs LLC .............................1922 LRT Sales LLC .............................................2250 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ..............2240 Miss Ashley Originals ................................3134 Monogram International...........................2618 OnHand .....................................................3121 Prestige Medical........................................3440 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Three by Three, Inc. ...................................5009
Glassware/Mugs/ China | CAMEX Campus Crystal Collection .........................5120 Carson Specialties .....................................5121 Connect2One ............................................4040 Glory Haus, Inc. .........................................1823 Lifefactory.................................................3456 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ..............2240 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 Nordic Company Inc. .................................5128 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated......2733 R.F.S.J., Inc. ...............................................3410 The Republic of Tea....................................4156 Roaring Spring Paper Products ..................2640 Soady Associates .......................................3128 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940 Supreme Marketing Inc. dba Wine Things....................................2752 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Vintage Coin Concepts ...............................2131 Wilton Armetale Inc. .................................3556
Graduation | CAMEX Accessories Carolina Sewn Products Corp. ....................4927 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Grad Caps ..................................................2933 Oak Hall Cap & Gown.................................2939 Titlecraft, Inc. ............................................3650
Announcements/Caps and Gowns Jostens ......................................................3809 Oak Hall Cap & Gown.................................2939
Diploma Frames Church Hill Classics New England Picture .................................4529 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134
Graduation Canyon Outback Leather Goods, Inc. .........4356 Centon ......................................................3953 Commencement Group .............................4665 Continental Moulding ...............................2017 Desden ......................................................1811 The Frame Works Inc DBA Brick House Sports...............................3760 Giantmicrobes, Inc. ...................................2731 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Mascot Factory ..........................................1847 Plushland ..................................................2708 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Tempo Framing Systems ...........................2455
Greek Merchandise | CAMEX All For Color ...............................................3648 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 Desden ......................................................1811 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858 Glory Haus, Inc. .........................................1823 Jostens ......................................................3809 London 400 by Cambridge Neckwear, Ltd. .....4514 Miss Ashley Originals ................................3134 Oak Hall Cap & Gown.................................2939 One Up Bands............................................2125 Paddle Tramps Manufacturing Company Plushland ..................................................2708 Point Pong ................................................3366 Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Sidney Moss Associates/Greek Is Neat Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Uniformed.................................................3021 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134
Green/Sustainable | CAMEX BIC Corp.....................................................3032 C-Line Products, Inc...................................2049 Commencement Group .............................4665 Filexec Products ........................................4313 Kornit Digital North America, Inc. .............3160 Lifefactory.................................................3456 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Oak Hall Cap & Gown.................................2939 OnHand .....................................................3121 Picnic Time, Inc..........................................2027 Soady Associates .......................................3128 Tervis Tumbler ...........................................2126 Three by Three, Inc. ...................................5009 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134
Greeting Cards/ Gift Wrap | CAMEX Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 Compendium Inc. ......................................4366 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Papaya Inc. ................................................2610 Rapp’s Packaging ......................................3851
Health/Beauty Supplies | CAMEX Get the Funk Off! .......................................3022 ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Merchandise Inc. .......................................1640
Health Care ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Prestige Medical........................................3440
Health/Beauty Products Adcamp Associates....................................2754 NACSCORP .................................................3840 The Naked Bee ..........................................2026
Balfour ......................................................2840 Jostens ......................................................3809 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 Nava New York ..........................................3765
Watches CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Sphere Time s.a. ........................................4048 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940
Label Equipment/ Signs | CAMEX Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 Rome Labels Inc. .......................................2839
Licensing Agent | CAMEX FBF Originals .............................................4132 Spikeball Inc. .............................................2358 The Collegiate Licensing Company, Inc. ..........2418
Licensing | CAMEX
Marketing | CAMEX Badge Bomb LLC .......................................4266 Components Design Studio .......................4318 Connect2One ............................................4040 Grad Caps ..................................................2933 N’Take Custom Reusable Bags ...................4905 One Up Bands............................................2125
Medical/Dental | CAMEX American Diagnostic Corp. ........................4321 Dane-Elec Corp ..........................................3557 Hamilton Bell Co. Inc. ................................2934 Matthews Book Co./ McCoy Health Science Supply ..............2240 Nursez Choice ............................................4065 Prestige Medical........................................3440
Music | CAMEX All Star Dogs..............................................3906 Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045 TechMart ...................................................3015
Internet | CAMEX E-Commerce/ Internet Centurion Technologies .............................3910 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Total Computing Solutions, LLC .................4832 Touchfire, Inc. ............................................3725 ValoreBooks ..............................................2457
Jewelry | CAMEX Fashion/Trend Aminco International (USA) Inc. ................3255 Bethel International, Inc. ..........................4153 Caroline Hill...............................................3759 Custom Sports Jewelry ..............................2748 Emerson Street..........................................4260 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 Girl With Pearl ...........................................3668 Good Work(s) Make A Difference.....................2445 LaDiva Sport, LLC.......................................4953 Lulu DK Lifestyle LLC .................................4914 Midas Chain ..............................................3623 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 Miss Ashley Originals ................................3134 Nava New York ..........................................3765 Pacific Silver Inc.........................................2041 Uniformed.................................................3021 Wakami.....................................................4265
Jewelry Beliza Design ............................................4217 Game Day Colors .......................................2843 Monogram International...........................2618 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 Prestige Medical........................................3440 Rhinestone U, Inc. .....................................2215 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ......................3247 Vintage Coin Concepts ...............................2131
Pins Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 LaDiva Sport, LLC.......................................4953 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940
Badge Bomb LLC .......................................4266 BrettHand, Inc. ..........................................2612 LRT Sales LLC .............................................2250 Sports Licensing Solutions/FANMATS............4920 Whirlpool Corporation...............................4168
Licensing Charm14/USA Margins ..............................3528 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 Desden ......................................................1811 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 Hover Helmets ..........................................3566 Kolder .......................................................4451 Kompugard/Viva Designs ..........................3020 Saturnian 1 Inc. .........................................2315 US Digital Media .......................................4031 Victory Corps. ............................................4954
Luggage/ Briefcases | CAMEX All For Color ...............................................3648 AnnaDean .................................................2622 Canyon Outback Leather Goods, Inc. .........4356 Carolina Sewn Products Corp. ....................4927 Centon ......................................................3953 Comeco Inc. ...............................................3355 CSI International, Inc. ................................5122 Everest Trading Corp. .................................3026 High Sierra ................................................2813 Kolder .......................................................4451 Kompugard/Viva Designs ..........................3020 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 Rampion USA, Inc......................................2757 RAREFORM ................................................2132 Soady Associates .......................................3128 Team ProMark ...........................................1754 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234
Maps/Globes | CAMEX Maps/Globes BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059
Novelty Items | CAMEX Aeropen International, Inc.........................3954 AES Optics, Inc. ..........................................4613 All Star Dogs..............................................3906 Aminco International (USA) Inc. ................3255 AnnaDean .................................................2622 Armflags, LLC ............................................4324 Baden Sports, Inc. .....................................3009 Badge Bomb LLC .......................................4266 BrettHand, Inc. ..........................................2612 Carson Specialties .....................................5121 Catania Medallic Specialty Inc. ..................2444 Charm14/USA Margins ..............................3528 Chen International, Inc. .............................2740 Clearsnap Holding Inc ...............................1115 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 Collegiate Pacific .......................................1916 Comeco Inc. ...............................................3355 Commencement Group .............................4665 Cowbucker ................................................4666 Cozy Cover .................................................4766 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 Creative Knitwear ......................................3027 EnjoyLife, Inc. ............................................2021 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. .........................2819 FanAPeel ...................................................2750 FBF Originals .............................................4132 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Game Day Colors .......................................2843 GameTime Lights ......................................4419 Giantmicrobes, Inc. ...................................2731 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858 Grad Caps ..................................................2933 High Point Design .....................................2722 Hood Leather Products dba Hood Sports Products ...................4166 Hover Helmets ..........................................3566 Hunter Mfg................................................3747 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Jenkins Enterprises....................................1915 Kikkerland Design .....................................4066 Kolder .......................................................4451 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 LRT Sales LLC .............................................2250 Lulu DK Lifestyle LLC .................................4914
Mascot Factory ..........................................1847 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Miss Ashley Originals ................................3134 Monogram International...........................2618 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 Neves Industries ........................................4654 One Up Bands............................................2125 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 Paulson Designs ........................................2815 Plushland ..................................................2708 Potter Manufacturing Co. ..........................2717 R and R Imports Inc. ..................................4950 REBAL Products, LLC ..................................2759 Rhinestone U, Inc. .....................................2215 Riddell Sports............................................4112 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059 Rivalry, LLC ................................................4759 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 Spirit Books ...............................................4365 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..............................3666 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ......................3247 Strand Art Co., Inc......................................4513 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Swypers LLC ..............................................1950 Team Effort, Inc. ........................................2931 Team ProMark ...........................................1754 TechMart ...................................................3015 Tervis Tumbler ...........................................2126 Three by Three, Inc. ...................................5009 Uniformed.................................................3021 US Digital Media .......................................4031 WinCraft Inc. .............................................4758 YRI Custom Designs...................................4922 Yukon Outfitters ........................................5018 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234 ZVerse – Inspired 3D Printing....................2842
Packaging Materials | CAMEX Pan Pacific Plastics Manufacturing Inc. ...........4829 Rapp’s Packaging ......................................3851 Regal, Poly-Pak Industries .........................2239
Pet Supplies | CAMEX Hunter Mfg................................................3747 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Pets First ...................................................4428 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234
Posters/Prints/ Artwork | CAMEX AnaJet LLC .................................................4009 Blakeway Worldwide Panoramas, Inc. ............3215 The Frame Works Inc DBA Brick House Sports...............................3760 Papaya Inc. ................................................2610 Paulson Designs ........................................2815 University Frames Inc. ...............................2134
Rain Gear/ Umbrellas | CAMEX All For Color ...............................................3648 AnnaDean .................................................2622 Chen International, Inc. .............................2740 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 Merchandise Inc. .......................................1640 P. Michael ..................................................3959 Seven Sons ................................................4521
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Cosmetics/Personal Care/Hygiene
Security | CAMEX C-Line Products, Inc...................................2049 Centurion Technologies .............................3910 Petra Industries, Inc...................................3726 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830
Shopping Bags/ Baskets | CAMEX Connect2One ............................................4040 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 Pan Pacific Plastics Manufacturing Inc. ...........4829 Picnic Time, Inc..........................................2027 Rapp’s Packaging ......................................3851 Regal, Poly-Pak Industries .........................2239 Soady Associates .......................................3128
Stationery | CAMEX Aeropen International, Inc.........................3954 Asgard Press ..............................................5334 AVT Paints .................................................3260 Balfour ......................................................2840 Bazic Stationery/Bangkit USA Corp. ..........1829 bloom daily planners ................................3132 C2F Incorporated .......................................3116 Capri Designs ............................................3755 CDI Corp.....................................................1748 C-Line Products, Inc...................................2049 Compendium Inc. ......................................4366 Exaclair, Inc. ..............................................4334 Gift Trenz/Franklin-Mill .............................2360 Hartley & Marks/Paperblanks ...................3766 Kikkerland Design .....................................4066 LEUCHTTURM1917 / SEMIKOLON...............2847 Maped Helix USA.......................................4171 Michael Roger, Inc. ....................................1724 Minga Fair Trade Imports ..........................3656 Mixed Role Productions.............................3019 Monogram International...........................2618 Out of Print Clothing and Gifts ..................4414 Papaya Inc. ................................................2610 Rite in the Rain..........................................3059 Shinola Detroit ..........................................4808 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830
Sequoia Retail Systems, Inc. ......................4434 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Total Computing Solutions, LLC .................4832
POS Bar Code/Scanners/ Cash Registers Booklog.....................................................2115 MBS Service Company, LLC ........................3058 Sequoia Retail Systems, Inc. ......................4434 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Total Computing Solutions, LLC .................4832
Store Systems G Wear, LLC................................................2620 NBC l Neebo ..............................................3240
Study Aids | CAMEX BarCharts, Inc. ...........................................4328 Mixed Role Productions.............................3019 XanEdu ......................................................3869
Support Services Association EDmarketdealer.com ...................................940 Education Market Association ...................1140 Independent Stationers, Inc. .....................1749
Catalogs (Printing & Design) Catalog Solutions, Inc. ...............................1143 Educators Resource .....................................825 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018
Consulting Connect2One (CAMEX) ..............................4040 Fortune Web Marketing ............................1657 Franklin Fixtures (CAMEX) .........................2034 indiCo (CAMEX) .........................................4140 NBC l Neebo (CAMEX) ................................3240 RMSA (CAMEX) ..........................................2832
Designer Logicblock, Inc. .........................................1439
Insurance Safeware (CAMEX).....................................4025
Storage Bins/ Containers | CAMEX Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860 Filexec Products ........................................4313 Pinemeadow Golf......................................2744 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Whirlpool Corporation...............................4168 Whitmor, Inc. ............................................4175
Store Designers | CAMEX AWI Fixtures and Interiors Inc....................3524 Franklin Fixtures........................................2034 NBC l Neebo ..............................................3240 OCC Associates, Inc. – Spartan Showcase Co. .........................3862
Store Systems | CAMEX Inventory Management General Merchandise/Mail Order/ Store Systems Booklog.....................................................2115 MBS Service Company, LLC ........................3058
44 | www.edexpo.com
Magazines Education Market Association ...................1140 Educational Dealer Magazine ....................1311
Promotional Items Catalog Solutions, Inc. ...............................1143 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118
Retail Bags Primary Concepts ........................................831
Retail Computer Systems Booklog.....................................................2115 Educators Resource .....................................825
Educators Resource .....................................825 Fortune Web Marketing ............................1657 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018 Logicblock, Inc. .........................................1439 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
Tailgate Supplies | CAMEX Armflags, LLC ............................................4324 Baden Sports, Inc. .....................................3009 Baggo .......................................................4355 BrettHand, Inc. ..........................................2612 BSI Products, Inc........................................5048 Campus Crystal Collection .........................5120 CDI Corp.....................................................1748 Charm14/USA Margins ..............................3528 Craftique Mfg. Co.......................................3657 Desden ......................................................1811 Dorm-In-A-Box .........................................2860 EnjoyLife, Inc. ............................................2021 Evergreen Enterprises Inc. .........................2819 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Game Day Colors .......................................2843 GameTime Lights ......................................4419 Get the Funk Off! .......................................3022 Glass-U, A subsidiary of The Fine Companies LLC ......................3858 Glory Haus, Inc. .........................................1823 Hover Helmets ..........................................3566 Hunter Mfg................................................3747 J.T.D. Enterprises, Inc. ................................4633 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Kid Agains .................................................4915 Kolder .......................................................4451 Kompugard/Viva Designs ..........................3020 Laser Creations dba Laser Magic................5019 Lillybee U ..................................................1954 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Neil Enterprises .........................................4628 Neves Industries ........................................4654 The Northwest Co. .....................................5146 Olde Country Reproductions Incorporated......2733 OneCoast Collegiate Team .........................1956 Picnic Time, Inc..........................................2027 Point Pong ................................................3366 R and R Imports Inc. ..................................4950 REBAL Products, LLC ..................................2759 Rivalry, LLC ................................................4759 The Royal Standard ...................................3909 Saturnian 1 Inc. .........................................2315 Savory Fine Foods, LLC...............................2715 Southern Champion Tray, LP......................4753 Spikeball Inc. .............................................2358 Spirit Gear Central, LLC ..............................3666 Spirit Products Ltd. ....................................2940 Stockdale Technologies, Inc. ......................3247 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Tervis Tumbler ...........................................2126 Uniformed.................................................3021 Victory Corps. ............................................4954 Victory Tailgate .........................................5220 Wilton Armetale Inc. .................................3556 WinCraft Inc. .............................................4758
Shipping/Freight Solutions DM Transportation ....................................1330 Echo Global Logistics (CAMEX)...................4941
Store Fixtures & Furniture Educators Resource .....................................825
Website Services Catalog Solutions, Inc. ...............................1143 EDmarketdealer.com ...................................940
Technology | CAMEX Digital Content Services EYN Products.............................................3626 indiCo ........................................................4140 Montezuma Publishing .............................3970 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Wiley .........................................................3867 XanEdu ......................................................3869
E-Business Solutions/Services Dorm Co ....................................................4821 indiCo ........................................................4140 NBC l Neebo ..............................................3240 Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc...................3219 Sidewalk .........................................2820, 3877 Touchfire, Inc. ............................................3725
Print-On-Demand Services Coveroo, Inc ...............................................2147 Montezuma Publishing .............................3970 XanEdu ......................................................3869 ZVerse – Inspired 3D Printing....................2842
Technology Bell’O International – Bell’O Digital ..........3929 Centon ......................................................3953 Centurion Technologies .............................3910 Connect2One ............................................4040 D&H Distributing ....3618, 3716, 3816, 3916, 4070 Kodak Alaris ..............................................1820 Kornit Digital North America, Inc. .............3160 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045 RMSA ........................................................2832 Service Wholesale, Inc. ..............................2039 University Accessories Inc. .........................3830 -
Toys, Games & Manipulatives
Blocks (Wooden, Plastic, Soft) EDX Education ...........................................1531 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd. .................1627 Flexitoys ......................................................916 GoldieBlox...................................................908 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 KAPLA Tom’s Toys, LLC..................................821 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 Pepperell Braiding Company .....................1534 Romanoff Products, Inc. ............................1610 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 Wood Designs ...........................................1406
Construction Toys Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 EDX Education ...........................................1531 First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd. .................1627 Flexitoys ......................................................916 Geomagworld USA Inc. .............................1212 GoldieBlox...................................................908 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Roylco, Inc. ................................................1440 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 SMART Toys and Games .............................1207
Dice (Educational) Blue Orange Games...................................1139 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Koplow Games ..........................................1431 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD ....................1307
Dolls Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 The Storyboard..........................................1327
Dress-Ups (Dramatic Play) Brand New World ......................................1640 Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 ECR4Kids ...................................................1326 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Jonti-Craft, Inc...........................................1419 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512
Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Holmquist Educational Consultants, Inc..........1652 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Pluralsight ................................................1715 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426 School Zone Publishing Co.........................1526
Musical Instruments Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020
Plush Carl Sams II Photography ..........................1028 Folkmanis, Inc. ..........................................1332 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108
Puppets & Theaters Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 Flipside Products .......................................1631 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 The Puppet Company ..................................946 Steffy Wood Products, Inc. .........................1512
Games (Board Games, Cards, etc.)
Ashley Productions, Inc. ............................1149 Blue Orange Games...................................1139 Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Educational Impressions/ January Productions ............................1012 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 Edupress....................................................1126 Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 FeliX Ltd ....................................................1548 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Games Workshop ......................................1634 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Advantage ..................................1413 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 Primary Concepts ........................................831 The Reading Game ....................................1739 Remedia Publications..................................809 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426 SMART Toys and Games .............................1207 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813 Suntex International, Inc. ............................819 Teacher Created Resources ..........................818 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032
Babalu, Inc. ...............................................1630 Bigjigs Toys USA LLP ....................................839 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 Eureka School div. Paper Magic Group, Inc....................832, 930 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 The Puppet Company ..................................946 Round World Products Inc. ........................1316 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426 ScienceWiz ................................................1611 Stages Learning Materials ...........................813
Manipulatives Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Educational Insights, Inc. ..........................1620 EDX Education ...........................................1531 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Essential Learning Products ......................1418 Gallopade International, Inc. .....................1226 Junior Learning .........................................1206 Kimbo Educational ....................................1322 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018 Learn in Style ............................................1555 Learning Carpets, Inc. ................................1713 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020
Ride-On Toys Angeles Corporation..................................1308 Italtrike USA ................................................913 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018
Toys (Educational) Bigjigs Toys USA LLP ....................................839 Blue Orange Games...................................1139 C & A Scientific Co., Inc. ...............................828 Center Enterprises, Inc. ..............................1434 Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Dexter Educational Toys, Inc. .....................1325 Didax, Inc. .................................................1218 Dowling Magnets......................................1019 Endless Possibilities, Inc.”Boinks & Fidgets” ....1530 Everrich Industries, Inc. ...............................806 First Celtic Toys and Games Ltd. .................1627 Flexitoys ......................................................916 Folkmanis, Inc. ..........................................1332 Games Workshop ......................................1634 GoldieBlox...................................................908 Guidecraft USA ..........................................1119 Insect Lore.................................................1505 Junior Learning .........................................1206 KAPLA Tom’s Toys, LLC..................................821 KSM Ltd.....................................................1018 Learning Resources, Inc. ............................1617 Maranda Enterprises LLC ...........................1040 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108
Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 The Pencil Grip ..........................................1539 Primary Concepts ........................................831 ScienceWiz ................................................1611 SI Manufacturing ........................................912 SMART Toys and Games .............................1207 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026 Yellow Door ...............................................1305 ZOOBOOKS By Wildlife Education Ltd. .............1313
Travel Games Blue Orange Games...................................1139 Creative Teaching Press .............................1412 E-Z Grader/The Original E-Z Grader Corp........1233 Grid Ltd .....................................................1557 Melissa & Doug® .......................................1108 Patch Products, The Makers of Smethport Specialty/Lauri Toys ...........1020 SMART Toys and Games .............................1207 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032 Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables/Omnicor, Inc. .....................1026
Toys/Games | CAMEX Baden Sports, Inc. .....................................3009 Baggo .......................................................4355 Baker & Taylor/Majors Education Solutions ....1948 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 College Team Trains ...................................4259 Fabrique Innovations Co. Inc............2039, 2910 Flash Sales Inc ...........................................3552 Fremont Die Consumer Products Inc..........2725 Giantmicrobes, Inc. ...................................2731 Holland Bar Stool Co. .................................2850 Hood Leather Products dba Hood Sports Products ...................4166 ICM Distributing Company ........................2916 Jelly Belly Candy Co. ..................................3012 Kid Agains .................................................4915 Kikkerland Design .....................................4066 Mascot Factory ..........................................1847 Mayfair Games ..........................................3250 MCM Group, Inc. ..............................4924, 4928 Monogram International...........................2618 OYO Sports ................................................3465 Plushland ..................................................2708 Point Pong ................................................3366 RadioShack Corporation ............................4045 Saturnian 1 Inc. .........................................2315 Spikeball Inc. .............................................2358 The Haywire Group, Inc. ............................3758 Victory Tailgate .........................................5220 Wiggles 3D Incorporated ...........................2652
Lifefactory.................................................3456 Olympia – Luggage America, Inc. .............2107 Petra Industries, Inc...................................3726 Pomchies, LLC............................................4211 Rampion USA, Inc......................................2757 RAREFORM ................................................2132 REBAL Products, LLC ..................................2759 Recoil Cord Winders...................................3752 Soady Associates .......................................3128 Strapworks LLC ..........................................3762 Timolino Ltd. .............................................2911 Voxx Accessories Corp. ...............................4518 YRI Custom Designs...................................4922 Yukon Outfitters ........................................5018 Zeppelin Products Inc. ...............................4234
Video/DVD | CAMEX El Dorado Trading Group, Incorporated ...........3732
Wholesaler Art and Craft Products Dallas Pen Company ..................................1148 Educators Resource .....................................825 Golden Global Sales ..................................1429 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118
Classroom & Office Supplies Babalu, Inc. ...............................................1630 Dallas Pen Company ..................................1148 Educators Resource .....................................825 Golden Global Sales ..................................1429 Musgrave Pencil Co., Inc. ...........................1248 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118 Teacher Created Resources ..........................818
Educational Materials & Resources Dallas Pen Company ..................................1148 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Golden Global Sales ..................................1429 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118 Teacher Created Resources ..........................818 Waverly Publishing Co. ..............................1451
Equipment & Furniture Dallas Pen Company ..................................1148 Educators Resource .....................................825 Pacon Corporation .....................................1540 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118
Financial Services The Creditors Network...............................1046
Toys, Games & Manipulatives
Travel Accessories | CAMEX All For Color ...............................................3648 Aminco International (USA) Inc. ................3255 Blubandoo Cooling Headwear & Accessories ......................4814 Capri Designs ............................................3755 Carolina Sewn Products Corp. ....................4927 Chen International, Inc. .............................2740 COKeM International LTD...........................4270 Cozy Cover .................................................4766 DTC Mod LLC ..............................................3769 Everest Trading Corp. .................................3026 EYN Products.............................................3626 J.W. International Imports, Ltd. .................4053 Kolder .......................................................4451
Babalu, Inc. ...............................................1630 Dallas Pen Company ..................................1148 DC Canada Education Publishing ...............1655 Educators Resource .....................................825 MathFest Inc .............................................1729 Rose Moon, Inc. dba: Moon Products ........1118 Teacher Created Resources ..........................818
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |
Electronic Learning Aids
PlayVisions Inc ..........................................1049 Primary Concepts ........................................831 Scholastic Teaching Resources and Teacher’s Friend ............................1426 Teachers First Choice PTY LTD ....................1307 Wiebe, Carlson & Associates ......................1032 Yellow Door ...............................................1305
CAMEX Exhibitor Map
Exhibit Halls B2-B5
Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, Georgia February 22-24, 2015 Trade Show Hours: Sunday 2/22 – Monday 2/23 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Tuesday 2/24 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
46 | www.edexpo.com
EDexpo Exhibitor Map
EDexpo 2015 Show Program |