The Region’s Premier Lifestyle Magazine Since 2001 2023 Rate Card 37,000 Reach the right year-round.people,

DEDICATED READERSHIP 6 PRINTED ISSUES AND 52 WEEKLY E-NEWSLETTERS provide savvy advertisers with low cost, effective marketing options to the Finger Lakes Region, all year long 2023 ISSUES RESERVE AD BY NOV 5, MAILING DATE DEC 16JAN/FEB ISSUE RESERVE AD BY JAN 6, MAILING DATE FEB 17MAR/APR ISSUE RESERVE AD BY MAR 10, MAILING DATE APR 14MAY/JUN ISSUE RESERVE AD BY MAY 5, MAILING DATE JUN 16JUL/AUG ISSUE RESERVE AD BY JUL 7, MAILING DATE AUG 18SEP/OCT ISSUE RESERVE AD BY SEP 8, MAILING DATE OCT 20NOV/DEC ISSUE CHEMUNGCAYUGA CORTLANDLIVINGSTONMONROE ONONDAGA ONTARIO SCHUYLERSENECA STEUBEN TOMPKINSTIOGA YATESWAYNE LAKE ONTARIO 97% of the circulation is delivered within our 14-county 21,00037,000region.1,0003,00012,000mailedtopaidandprospectivesubscribersE-newslettersubscriberssoldatretailoutletsthroughouttheregionplacedinguestroomsatselectaccommodations Contact Darlene Ryan ◆ ◆ (800) 344-0559 ◆ (315) 789-2475 Reach the right people, year-round.

Rates indicated are per issue and billed after each magazine mails, net 30. Signed insertion orders are required to receive the frequency discounted ad rates. Monthly installment plans are available with credit card. Contact Darlene Ryan ◆ ◆ (800) 344-0559 ◆ (315) 789-2475 DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS 1/6 PAGE (W2.25”Verticalx4.75”xH) 1/4 PAGE 3.5” x 4.75” (W x H) 1/3 PAGE (W4.625”Horizontalx4.75”xH) 1/3 PAGE (W2.25”Verticalx10”xH) 1/2 PAGE (W7”Horizontalx5”xH) FULL PAGE 8.375” x 11.125” (W x H) Trim size: 8.125” x 10.875” Please keep live area .25” from trim 2/3 PAGE 4.625” x 10” (W x H) COVER POSITIONS AND TABLE OF CONTENTS Ad Size 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues 5 issues 6 issues Back Cover 1990 1870 1810 1750 1690 1630 Inside Front Cover 1935 1820 1760 1700 1645 1585 Inside Back Cover 1885 1770 1715 1660 1600 1545 TOC 1925 1810 1750 1695 1635 1580 DISPLAY AD RATES Ad Size 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues 5 issues 6 issues 1/6 page 505 475 460 445 430 415 1/4 page 635 595 580 560 540 520 1/3 page 800 750 730 705 680 655 1/2 page 1065 1000 970 940 905 875 2/3 page 1345 1265 1225 1185 1145 1105 Full page 1680 1580 1530 1480 1430 1380 The magazine consists of six print issues, published bimonthly. Repeating your ad is essential to pursuading customers to purchase from your business, which is why we recommend a year-long advertising campaign. 1/2 PAGE (W3.5”Verticalx10”xH)

Showcase an entrèe, appetizer, dessert, or cocktail in our Delicious Dishes section. This free feature includes the name of your selection, a 50-word description of your dish, and your restaurant’s location and website.

This article represents the area’s finest products to our readers. Your free product feature includes a title, 50-word description, photo, and website. (Limit one per advertiser. Cannot repeat products.)

Reserve a display ad and receive a bonus editorial feature.


Designed to provide a behindthe-scenes look at what makes a dish memorable, Celebrity Chef is an effective,historyofthedish,andphotos.Darlenefordetails.

Rates indicated are per issue and billed after each magazine mails, net 30. Signed insertion orders are required to receive the frequency discounted ad rates. Monthly installment plans are available with credit card. Contact Darlene Ryan ◆ ◆ (800) 344-0559 ◆ (315) 789-2475 ADVERTISINGMARKETPLACE 2 square (W4.625”Horizontalx2.125”xH) 2 square (W2.25”Verticalx4.75”xH) 1 square 2.25” x 2.125” (W x H) 3 square (W7.125”Horizontalx2.125”xH) 3 square (W2.25”Verticalx7”xH) 4 square 4.625” x 4.75” (W x H) MARKETPLACE AD RATES Ad Size 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues 5 issues 6 issues 1 square 170 160 155 150 145 140 2 square 325 305 295 285 275 265 3 square 480 450 435 420 410 395 4 square 635 595 580 560 540 520 REAL ADVERTISINGESTATE REAL ESTATE AD RATES Ad Size 1 issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 issues 5 issues 6 issues Single 235 220 215 205 200 195 Double 460 435 420 405 390 375 Triple 670 630 610 590 570 550 Quadruple 870 820 790 765 740 715 Single 3.25” x 2.375” (W x H) Double 3.25” x 5” (W x H) Triple 3.25” x 7.25” (W x H) VerticalQuadruple 3.25” x 9.75” HorizontalQuadruple 6.75” x 5” (W x H) Marketplace Ads are grouped together by category: • Accomodations • Camping • Communities • Culture & Attractions • Services

Digital ads are invoiced when published and due upon receipt. Monthly installment plans available with credit card. Contact Darlene Ryan ◆ ◆ (800) 344-0559 ◆ (315) 789-2475

$145 per month for full year as low as $73 per month with PrintPlus
$95 per month for full year as low as $48 per month with PrintPlus
$125 per month
Print + 1 = 30% off price of digital ad
$130 per month for full year as low as $65 per month with PrintPlus
SPONSOR AD 250 x 185 pixels
$175 per month
Print + 2 = 40% off price of digital ad
Print + 3 = 50% off price of digital ad

$170 per month for full year as low as $85 per month with PrintPlus
$175 per ad (for 4-week run) as low as $88 per ad with PrintPlus
E-NEWS BOX AD 300 x 200 pixels $125 per ad (for 4-week run) as low as $63 per ad with PrintPlus

LEADERBOARD AD 970 x 90 pixels
DOUBLE BOX AD 300 x 400 pixels
BOX AD 300 x 200 pixels
Our PrintPlus program offers significant discounts (up to 50% off) applied to digital advertising options when added to your print campaign. Integrating digital advertising options with print improves your business’s exposure, and saves money.
$195 per month
22,000+ monthly sessions. Maximum of 5 ads in rotating in each position.
$225 per month
E-NEWS DOUBLE BOX AD 300 x 400 pixels $150 per ad (for 4-week run) as low as $75 per ad with printPlus
More than 12,000 opt-in subscribers. The E-Newsletter is published weekly. The duration of your E-Newsletter Ad is 4 consecutive weeks, with the potential for 44,000+ YOURimpressions.ADWILL