Toy Times September 2024

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We are here to Engage, Elevate, and Promote our membership.

September 2024 •

features departments

Toy Times Magazine Mission Statement

Our mission is to act as a channel of communication for the general membership of

decided upon by the board of directors, various committees, and Astra

We strive to provide useful and timely information & support for and about Astra members in accordance with the Astra mission statement.

We are always looking for good articles and input for the magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome. Please forward letters, comments, ideas, etc., to the Astra office at

Board of Directors

chair Theresa Duncan

past chair TJ Simmons

chair elect Darby Zahradnik

treasurer Maryam Al-Hammami

secretary Sandra Malott

directors Brice Elvington, Ryan Hamilton, Patrick Holland, Rachel Jones, Kim Lannan, Gene Murtha, Stephanie Sala, Cassidy Smith, Azhelle Wade, Sari Wiaz


editor Tom Savage

graphic artists Maia VanOrman, Mark Stash, Tammy Spear

Editorial Advisory Committee

chair Tom Savage

Villa Villekulla Toy Store Theresa Duncan

Genius Expert Amanda Gummer

Grand Prix International Tami Murphy

KidStuff PR Lisa Orman

Ravensburger North America Phil Wrzesinski

4 Kids Books & Toys Cynthia Compton

Astra Staff

president Sue Warfield

Direct Line: 312-283-9393 Email:

director of operations Kathy Trivisonno Direct Line: 773-261-8707 Email:

special projects and events manager Michael Foldeak Direct Line: 312-283-4255 Email:

marketing manager Victoria Weatherspoon Direct Line: 773-352-0261 Email:

membership specialist Ashlee Sawyer Direct Line: 312-238-9887 Email:

education specialist Katie Cooley Direct Line: 312-414-1546 Email:

relationship specialist Dan Guzman IV Direct Line: 773-536-9927 Email:

support specialist Ashley Kreisman Direct Line: 312-238-9845 Email:

social media specialist Olivia Camacho Email:

Toy Times Magazine is published by the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association, 312-222-0984,, Copyright © 2024 American Specialty Toy Retailing Association. All rights reserved.

Advertisements are accepted. For more information, contact Rick Kauder, FahyWilliams Publishing,, 315-537-8701. All articles for Toy Times are supplied by Astra and its members, with Fahy-Williams assembling the magazine, and managing the advertising sales function.

Astra reserves the right to accept, reject, or alter all editorial and advertising material submitted for publication. Advertising in Astra does not imply endorsement of products and services. Opinions expressed in articles contained herein are those of the authors, not necessarily of Astra or its individual members. The information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable.

Holidays and Memories Keeping it Magical

Iam often asked to name a favorite. Things like, “What’s your favorite food, city, color, etc.”

I always say, “I don’t have a favorite. I like so many things for different reasons”.

However, as I think further, I believe I do have one favorite – a favorite “season”, and it is the fall leading into the holidays.

I have loved the retail environment my entire life. As a kid, the memories of shopping to figure out a Halloween costume, grocery shopping with my mom for Thanksgiving, to shopping with my parents for Christmas gifts, they all make me smile. As a student, I worked part-time in retail and loved the buzz of shoppers in the store.

As I entered the ‘adult working world’ I ended up back in retail. Working for an independent retail chain, the holidays, though exhausting, were also electric with all the fun of decorating the stores for the season and working with staff to keep up the ‘holiday spirit.’ As a store owner for 10 years in the small town in which we live half of the year, there was a holiday tradition to be open

on Thanksgiving night. The store was packed. We served wine, cider, crackers and cheese and it brought joy to all who came out to get some fresh air and meet with others after filling up on Thanksgiving dinner.

When December arrived, the fun of store windows decorated for the holiday season lit up the late afternoon and early evening as the days gave way to the December darkness of shorter daylight hours.

As a mom, I did all the fun craft things for Halloween, Thanksgiving and the December holidays with my kids and they were stuck on our refrigerator or on our front windows.

As a rep, I loved visiting the stores throughout the season. From hearing the concerns of “Will we sell all this stock that is coming in” and “I need more help” to watching the relief on customers’ faces as the perfect gifts were chosen and wrapped, it was magical. I still love it all!

For Astra and our members, this is what makes us so very ‘special’ – making these holiday memories for our communities. This is our time. It’s the pre-planning that can help make the holiday season still feel magical, not just to the consumers that come to us, but even more importantly, for all of us working it, owners and staff alike. We need to feel it if we are going to help make these

memories for our communities and those that walk in our doors.

Astra has its annual Holiday Decorating Contest. Enter it this year and we will post entries on social media to help build the excitement!

It is vital that we all support one another through these next few months. Find a buddy or two and share texts with them. Joys, frustrations, words of encouragement, a simple text from someone who ‘gets it’ can make a world of difference to boost the spirit. Think of ways to keep your staff in the spirit of the season and share ideas with others in the Astra community. Small things can make a huge impact.

I am available to be a buddy for anyone that needs one. I miss running a store, I miss being out calling on stores like I did as a rep, I miss the craziness of the season on the front lines. So watch for me if I pop in here and there (I’ll be in Colorado over most of the holiday season). I do like to gift wrap!

Enjoy and remember, you are making memories and you do make a difference to the world around you.

To me, what sets “specialty” apart from our “less special” counterparts in the world of toys is our unique ability to adapt and think quickly. When the world shifts, as it so often does, we have the ability to respond to new challenges and seize opportunities. Perhaps this skill comes from the fact that we are toy people - we know (at least those of us who have completed the Certified Play Expert course) that playing makes us more creative.

It’s no surprise then, that as a Board of Directors comprised of “toy people” from all aspects of the industry, one of our core focuses is finding ways to support unique value to our members and foster creativity throughout our industry.

Innovating doesn’t come without challenges, but the rewards can be incredible. Rumor has it that some thought we were crazy for launching the Toy Boat, which turned out to be an incredible experience for all who went on the journey. The Innovation Council worked tirelessly over many months reimagining what a trade show floor could look like.

This council, which has served Astra members as an industry think tank, invested in an exceptional consumer report and extensive education, teaching us how to leverage these insights. The Certified Play Expert program has been transformed into an interactive and widely accessible curriculum. Astra has partnered with People of Play to bring their Young Inventors Challenge to communities across North America, opening doors for the next generation of toy inventors.

I’ve had some of the most eye-opening educational experiences of my life thanks to Astra. One was on the maiden voyage of the Astra Toy Boat, where James Howard, renowned educator, inventor of more than 300 patents and executive director of the Black Inventor Hall of Fame, taught a class on creative thinking. If I had to row a canoe to the middle of the ocean to take that class, it would have been worth it. Fortunately, I only had to sail on a luxury cruise ship! The notes I took in that class are ones I still use daily, including in the curriculum I developed to help prepare kids for the Young Inventors Challenge. My willingness to take a risk and be on the Toy Boat also introduced me to the Young Inventor Challenge. Without this introduction, I wouldn’t have been able to pilot the “Neighborhood Toy Store Edition” last year with a small number of other forward-thinking stores.

Another transformative experience was taking the Certified Play Expert course in person. Not only did I learn numerous strategies to help my customers, guide my buying decisions and become a stronger advocate for play, but I also learned so much about myself. I brought along a staff member who was a senior in a college Early Childhood Education program. She remarked that she learned more hands-on, practical strategies in those two days than she had in her entire college program.

Astra is deeply committed to nurturing innovation and supporting the creative endeavors of its members. Through partnerships like the Young Inventors Challenge and events such as the Toy Boat, we strive to provide platforms that inspire new ideas and foster collaboration across the toy industry.

By encouraging creativity and providing valuable educational opportunities, Astra plays a vital role as the guiding star of the specialty toy industry. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey, sign up for the Toy Boat, and experience firsthand how Astra can help you elevate your business and drive innovation.

Back to School


Not All About Numbers and Letters

As the back-to-school season approaches, toy retailers have a unique opportunity to support parents and educators in providing a holistic educational experience for children. Beyond the traditional focus on academic subjects like math and science, there’s a growing emphasis on developing emotional and social skills, which are crucial for a child’s overall growth and well-being. Retailers can play an important role by offering products that foster both academic and character development.

Understanding the Shift in Education

Recent trends show that schools are incorporating lessons on perseverance,

gratitude, and other character traits into their curricula. These skills are essential for preparing children for adult life and ensuring they have a happy, healthy childhood. Schools are vital in this endeavor but they cannot do it alone. Families and the wider community, including retailers, can contribute to helping children thrive.

The Role of Toy Retailers in Supporting Education

Toy retailers can carefully select and promote products that enhance both academic learning and softer skills. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Promote Educational Games and Toys: Stock a variety of educational games

and toys that not only teach academic concepts but also promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and perseverance. For example, puzzles and building sets require patience and persistence to complete, helping children develop these essential traits.

2. Highlight Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Products: Introduce products that support social and emotional learning. This can include board games that encourage teamwork, empathy, and communication, as well as books and activities focused on emotions and relationships.

3. Create Themed Sections: Designate specific areas of your store for back-to-school products that align

Back to School

with different aspects of learning. For example, have a section for ‘STEAM Learning’ and another for ‘Character Building’ to make it easier for parents to find what they need.

4. Offer Customizable Kits: Develop customizable back-to-school kits that include a mix of academic supplies and SEL tools. This not only provides a comprehensive package for parents but also showcases your understanding of the holistic educational needs of children.

Educating and Engaging Parents

To effectively support parents during the back-to-school period, retailers should also focus on education and engagement. Here are some ways to achieve this:

1. In-Store Workshops and Events: Host workshops and events that educate

parents about the importance of SEL and how to incorporate it into their children’s daily routines. These events can feature demonstrations of products and guest speakers such as child psychologists or educators.

2. Informative Displays and Signage: Use informative displays and signage to highlight the benefits of various products. Explain how certain toys and games can help develop perseverance, confidence, and other character traits, providing parents with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

3. Online Content and Social Media: Create and share content on your website and social media platforms that focuses on the importance of SEL and holistic education. Blog posts, videos, and infographics can provide valuable tips and product recommendations for parents.

4. Collaborate with Schools and Educators:

Partner with local schools and educators to understand their needs and preferences. This collaboration can inform your product selection and marketing strategies, ensuring that you offer relevant and supportive tools for the back-to-school season.

Ensuring Inclusivity in Educational Products

Inclusivity is another crucial aspect of modern education. Retailers should ensure that their product offerings cater to children with diverse needs and abilities:

1. Adaptive Educational Tools: Stock adaptive educational tools and toys designed for children with special needs. These can include sensory toys, communication aids, and inclusive games that accommodate various abilities.

2. Inclusive Play Options:

Promote toys and games that encourage inclusive play, allowing children of all abilities to participate. Highlight products that foster empathy and understanding among children.

3. Consult with Experts:

Work with experts in special education to curate a range of products that genuinely support the development of all children. This ensures that your offerings are not only inclusive but also effective. The back-to-school period is an excellent opportunity for toy retailers to support holistic development and learning by offering products that nurture both academic and social skills. By providing a diverse range of supportive tools, retailers can help parents and educators prepare children for a successful and well-rounded school year.

As part of our mission to Elevate, Engage and Promote our members, Astra has been working diligently to ensure the Certified Play Expert (CPE) program is accessible to Play Professionals of every kind.

With in-person and online options available, it’s now easier than ever to complete your certification and join this vibrant community of Play Advocates, build your network and leverage your new certification to work for you!

With an international network of over 375 Certified Play Experts, the CPE program has already welcomed over 76 new graduates in 2024 alone, with

Play from Day One

See How the Certified Play Expert Community is GROWING!

an additional 35-plus enrolled in the online course, thanks to the innovative CPE Starter opportunity offered at Marketplace & Academy in St. Louis.

From the day we are born, play is essential to our well-being and mental health. The CPE program teaches the scientific evidence of the need for play and the detrimental effects of play deprivation, encouraging play advocacy throughout our lives. Through the Certified Play Expert Program, you will delve into the intricacies of child development to gain insight into the profound significance of play at every stage of growth.

Parents and buyers depend on the specialty toy industry for toys that are loads of fun for kids and simultaneously promote healthy, developmentally appropriate play. Becoming well-versed

in the art and science of play is an important business strategy for retailers, manufacturers and sales reps.

On the manufacturer side, it gives you the edge to differentiate your products and elevate your brand. For retailers, the knowledge learned often leads to more strategic purchasing and staff training opportunities, both of which set our Astra retailers apart from the competition and build trust and genuine connections with customers. For sales reps, deepening your understanding of play with not only benefit your business goals but your clients as well.

Earning the Astra Certified Play Expert credential will deepen your knowledge about

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child development and the importance of play – through all ages! Participants will get top-quality, research-based instruction in several core areas, including:

• Theories of child development

• Characteristics of major development stages

• Types of play and their benefits

• Advocating for play and

• Making sense of play

Bringing CPE to a City Near You!

We understand the value of collective learning and the importance of group dynamics in fostering a thriving learning atmosphere. If you have a group of 15 or more people who are eager to participate in our Certified Play Expert Workshop, we will bring the workshop to your city at a location near you!

By taking the course in person, you will learn the art and science of play alongside like-minded individuals in the industry and form lasting connections with fellow Play Experts. Becoming a Certified Play Expert is not only a vital business strategy, it also grants you access to this international community where you can exchange ideas, share information, and receive tips for leveraging your newfound knowledge for years to come.

Flexible Learning Options

Flexibility is one of the biggest advantages of the online CPE workshop. A game-changer for those with busy schedules or travel constraints, with the online course, you can earn your certification at your own pace, from the comfort of your couch! Designed with the busy play professional

in mind, this option can accommodate your lifestyle without compromising on the quality of your education. The online course includes 10 modules, consisting of one to seven videos, with seven online reviews to help you make sure you are getting all you can out of the course. Participants delve deep into the details of child development, unraveling the profound significance of play at every stage of growth. Explore theories of child development, uncover the diverse types of play and their benefits, advocate for the importance of play, and decipher the nuances of making sense of play with the CPE Online course today!

Level Up Your Marketing by Leveraging Your Certification!

Becoming a Certified Play Expert isn’t just about acquiring a title, it’s about opening doors to new career opportunities. Whether you’re looking to advance in your current role or transition into a play-related profession, your CPE certification can be a powerful tool. Employers recognize the value of individuals who are dedicated to understanding the importance of play in human development and well-being.

Join the Movement

So, are you ready to take the leap and become a Certified Play Expert? Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the field or someone with a passion for play looking to expand your knowledge and skillset, the CPE program welcomes enthusiasts from all walks of life. Embrace your love for play and turn it into a rewarding journey of learning, growth, and impact.

For more information on how you can become a Certified Play Expert, visit or contact Katie Cooley at

Let’s unlock the power of play together!

2024 CPE class in St. Louis

WOW! It was amazing.

Saturday evening’s meet and greets were packed; the opening session round tables provided valuable feedback our staff will use when planning future programs and communications; the education sessions with a mix of speakers and round-table discussions were packed; the party on Sunday night (“Best Party Ever!”) far exceeded expectations; topped off with the exciting trade show and the First Annual Awards Gala – all of it raised the bar.

As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words, and they definitely tell the high-energy story of our time in St. Louis!

Now, on to planning our 2025 Marketplace & Academy taking place June 1-4 in San Antonio, Texas.

Dust off those cowboy hats and mark your calendar!

Reasons Why You Should Get Your Holiday Shopping Done Sooner Rather Than Later 5

Iknow it may sound self-serving for a manufacturer to tell a retailer to order early and order often, but there are five solid reasons that benefit retailers when you get those orders in over the summer instead of waiting until October or later.

1 More Time for Your Customers to See the Product

We all know of certain items that sell better in Q4 than any other time. Big-ticket, big-splash items are more often sold for Christmas than for birthdays. But if you wait until October to put that product on your shelves, your customers coming in this summer and early fall won’t see it at your store and may very well decide that you aren’t going to carry it. If they do not see it now, they won’t think of you later when it comes time to buy.


More Time to Cash in if Something Goes Hot

One big frustration retailers face is when something starts selling right off the bat but when you go to reorder, the manufacturer is out of stock. Or worse yet, there just isn’t enough time to get more stock and take advantage of the hot seller in the season. Ordering early helps you in two ways. First, it helps you identify the hot items more quickly. Second, it helps your manufacturers do the same so they can try to restock more quickly.

5 More Time to Train Your Staff

3 More Time to Stock/Rearrange the Shelves

October is busy enough. You are planning events. You are planning promotions. You are planning advertising and marketing. You are hiring and training seasonal staff. You are ordering, receiving, merchandising and even rearranging the store. That is a lot. Order early and you can do that receiving, merchandising, and rearranging during the slower summer and early fall months.

4 More Time for Your Manufacturers to Support You

Manufacturers are busy in October, too. We are crunching numbers. We are chasing sales. We are evaluating products. We are ordering samples, proofing catalogs and creating sales tools for the following year. When you order early, we have more time to send you sales tools, samples, social media posts, etc. to help you make sales.

You are busy in October. We are busy in October. If you wait too long to bring in the new stuff, you have less time to train your staff on what it is and how to sell it. If you order early, not only do you have more time to train on the product, you have more time to get feedback from your customers to see if your sales techniques are working. As with No. 4, you give us more time to help you train your staff.

As you can see, there are solid reasons why it is better for you to place those orders now. And we didn’t even discuss shipping delays, damages and mis-ships that could derail your Q4 orders.

The only thing left to address is cash flow. If you are on credit card terms or only getting Net 30, you may have to pick and choose your early buys more carefully. Focus on the new for all the advantages listed above. The evergreens are typically better stocked by your manufacturers and need less sales and training support. But just remember, Net 90 for a Sept. 1 order is due Nov. 29, which is Black Friday this year.

Many manufacturers would love to extend dating to get your orders booked and shipped earlier. Take the time now to have more time to make this your best holiday season ever. Think of it as a win-win-win for retailers, sales reps, and manufacturers.

New or Tried-and-True How to Balance the Shelves for a Profitable Selling Season

The long-anticipated trade show orders are rolling in.

Or in many cases, stacking up on the sidewalk, for the 1,000th time with the phrase “No loading dock available” printed on every order. And now, we are now face-to-face with all the buying choices we made in the spring.

Well, we’re almost face-to-face. We’ve discovered, as usual, that some of the new products we ordered won’t be available, and now none of the old stuff seems to fit in the floor plan quite the same way. While the receiving team and floor sales staff squeals over every new item, buyers and store owners must quickly take stock of the new inventory situation and make some adjustments to prepare for fourth quarter.

As in many cases, if the receiving team, floor sales staff, buyer and store owner is all YOU, then pay attention. Your time is valuable and a well thought out inventory strategy is key.

Most of those needed adjustments in inventory will require more purchasing, and there’s some homework to be done right away to help guide what to buy and when. Let’s pull some reports and ask some questions first, and then allocate our dollars where they can give us the most return.

Our first task is to celebrate what has done well in the last 12 months, and create a list of our top selling items in the store. Depending on your patience and spreadsheet savvy, this list can be the Top 20, Top 50, Top 100 or even a ranking of every single SKU in your store, but for most businesses there will be an obvious grouping of year round top sellers. On those items that hit the top 25-50, check to see how many of

them sold each month over a 12-month period, as we want to avoid reordering one time trend or seasonal items.

Pay close attention to the fourth quarter sales of these year round all-stars, because that’s the first set of orders you need to build. Plan on strong, year-round sellers to continue to perform well in the months ahead, and build orders that prevent out-of-stock situations at the busiest time of year. If storage space is an issue, break up those orders into multiple ship dates, working with your sales rep to meet any freight allowances or discounts. These reorders will be the base of any refill and replenishment orders you will need on new merchandise, and having them scheduled early will prevent headaches and lost sales later.

After looking at your individual item sales for the last year, develop a report showing sales by section or department in your store. By looking at third and


fourth quarter sales in each department, you can determine which areas are likely to generate the most dollars, and compare that to the inventory you have on hand and on order. It’s the chance to add more new items, additional SKUs from strong-performing brands or perhaps test the water with a new vendor partner.

Again, multiple orders stretched over the holiday season will give you the most control, allowing deliveries to continue throughout the busy season and provide

the opportunity to adjust as needed.

Is there a best practices guideline for new versus repeat items in specialty? Like all good questions, the answer is “it depends.” In this case, the answer is usually found in your past sales numbers. Strong departments or sections in your store can usually support a higher number of new items in that same category. If a store sells building toys, art supplies or games really well for example, they are more likely to be successful with new items in those

categories. If a category is new to your store this fourth quarter, it’s often helpful to introduce customers to established brands or items alongside anything new. This is another place where good sales rep conversations are invaluable, and you should seek out their advice.

Reps can share regional sales trends for brands and categories, and help build a profitable selection from scratch if you are itching for a new department.

While we celebrate the winners in our stores, we have to come to terms with those items that did not perform as well, and move them out to create spaceand dollars - for new options.

There is some truth to the adage that “everything sells in December,” but it’s corollary is that “everything in the store should pay rent in the other months.” Holding onto full-priced merchandise in hopes that it will move when other options are scarce and customers are desperate is just not fun, and it’s


definitely not as profitable as creating raving fans for new merchandise.

In the words of Monty Python, “Bring out your dead!” and make a plan for getting rid of under performing inventory. That strategy might include a special sale, a bundling of items at a reduced price or even a swap with another retailer. It’s another chance to call your rep for advice. Make the discount big and the sale short, and then move on. There’s fun new stuff to buy, and you don’t need to be weighed down by more items that require dusting.

With the strong departments now supported through future orders, and the brand new items grouped into sections where they are most likely to succeed, you can now look at the buying dollars left at your disposal. This is where the art of specialty meets the science of buying and you can experiment a bit.

Be sure that you are supporting any programs, catalogs or events that you have planned for the holiday season with

adequate products. The Astra Play Award winners should be on your shopping list if they are not currently in stock at your store!

Check with your best vendor partners for any late releases or special promotions, and keep those conversations going through December, as delayed shipments and early January arrivals can create buying opportunities and welcome last minute boosts to your inventory.

Most importantly, play with the new stuff! Our customers shop in specialty toy stores for curated selection, quality, service and fun. Create demos and play stations of the brand new items, track customer feedback and sales numbers, and respond to early success with re-orders while stock is still available.

Make the most of your investment and staff training time by engaging with those new items, and display them front-and-center. When the thousandth customer asks “What’s new for Christmas?” or “What’s the hot holiday toy?”, have your Top 10 New Items list ready to show, and let them play. Their feedback will drive next year’s buying decisions and help fund that long winter nap that we’re all looking forward to in January!

a BLAST exploring the fiery forces that fuel volcanoes in the fact-packed activity sheet and bonus sticker sheet!

Demonstrate tectonic plate movement with 3 interactive paper pop-ups!

Test eruption reactions like a real scientist!

Build and blast mini-volcanoes that sizzle and fizz, spew lava, and BLOW THEIR TOPS!

Mix multi-colored magmas for streams of rainbow lava!

Maximizing the Potential of Sales Reps During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a crucial period for independent toy retailers, often making up a significant portion of their annual revenue. Leveraging the expertise and networks of your sales reps can be a game-changer. Here’s how independent toy retailers can best utilize sales reps to grow and support their holiday season business.

Building Strong Relationships

A successful partnership with a sales rep begins with a solid relationship built on trust and communication. Retailers should ensure regular interactions with their reps, discussing business goals, target demographics and feedback on past sales. By understanding each other’s needs and objectives, both parties can work more effectively. A rep who is well-informed about

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“Effective inventory management is crucial during the holiday season to ensure that popular items are always in stock and shelf space is maximized.”
- Cynthia Compton

a retailer’s specific market can tailor their recommendations, ensuring the product mix aligns with customer preferences.

Leveraging Industry Insights

Sales reps have their fingers on the pulse of the toy industry. They can provide valuable insights into emerging trends, hot products and potential shortages. This information is particularly critical during the holiday season when demand

can be unpredictable. By tapping into their knowledge, retailers can stay ahead of the curve, stocking items that are likely to be in high demand while avoiding those that may not sell as well.

Accessing Exclusive Deals and Promotions

Manufacturers often offer special deals, discounts and promotions through their sales reps, particularly during the holiday season. Independent retailers can benefit from these opportunities to secure popular products at better margins. Sales reps can also provide information on exclusive releases or limited editions that can draw customers into the store. By capitalizing on these deals, retailers can offer competitive pricing and unique products, enhancing their appeal to holiday shoppers.

Efficient Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is crucial during the holiday season to ensure that popular items are always in stock and shelf space is maximized. Sales reps can assist by providing accurate sales forecasts based on industry trends and historical data. They can also help manage reorders and advise on optimal stock levels, reducing the risk of overstocking


Confluxion Collection

Check out our radically fun new “confluxion” toys (construction toys that move and flex). There are endless options, surprising outcomes, and hours of 3-dimensional adventure!

Contains 44 plates, 20 hinges and 6 keystone plates

Includes 48 Tiles, 80 Connectors, Storage Bag & Instruction Sheet

Create more than 50 kinetic structures out of interlocking, movable cubes with built-in hinges that are scalable, modifiable, and easy to disassemble. Combine sets to build superstructures!

HyperTiles® are simple, super-versatile shapes – based on a mathematical shape called a hyperbolic paraboloid –that can be linked together in an infinite number of combinations that flex and move into fun and unique shapes!

NocklesTM are a fantastically fun collection of soft, bendable, funstruction and fidget toys that snap together and morph into amazing shapes. You can expand ‘em, collapse ‘em, snap ‘em, pull ‘em, bend ‘em, and pop ‘em. Connect them to other NocklesTM to make even more shapes!

To learn more about all of our incredible toys, contact

or out of stocks. This support allows retailers to maintain a balanced inventory, ensuring they have enough products to meet demand without tying up too much of their open-to-buy dollars in unsold goods.

Enhancing Marketing Efforts

Sales reps often have access to a wealth of marketing materials and resources from manufacturers. Retailers can utilize these materials to create eye-catching displays, run promotions and engage in effective social media campaigns. Sales reps can also share successful marketing strategies, offering ideas that can be adapted to local markets. As social media has become the number one way a retailer can attract customers, many manufacturers have developed databases of ‘plug and play’ social media content that simplifies and engages the consumer in that brand’s products and gets them in the store.


Training and Support

A well-informed sales team can significantly enhance the customer experience. Sales reps can provide training sessions for store staff, educating them about the features and benefits of new

An eye-catching store window display

products. This knowledge empowers staff to make informed recommendations, improving customer satisfaction and increasing sales. Additionally, sales reps can offer support during peak shopping times, assisting with in-store events or gift wrapping.


The best sales reps understand that their own success is driven by the success of their retailers, so lean on them to ensure growth for both of you. By building strong relationships, leveraging industry insights, accessing exclusive deals, managing inventory efficiently, enhancing marketing efforts and providing training and support, retailers can not only boost their sales but also provide a superior shopping experience for their customers. Embracing the expertise of sales reps transforms them from mere intermediaries into invaluable partners in holiday retail success.

Happy selling!

Embrace Your Superpowers Leveraging Specialty

Shopper Insights for Independent Toy Stores

Picture this: You’re in the toy store aisle of a big-box retailer and are watching a mom looking overwhelmed as she picks up and puts down toys and games, clearly unsure of what to buy for her child. You feel a twinge of frustration because you know that if she were in your store, you or one of your staff could guide her to the perfect choice with ease. That image stays with you all day, driving your passion to better serve your customers.

The good news is that you’re not alone in wanting to understand and reach that specialty shopper. The Specialty Shopper Insights Report funded by Astra is an invaluable resource for you and your team. The Astra Innovation Council encourages you to spend time this quarter

reading and analyzing this report with your staff, preparing to leverage its findings to make Q4 truly outstanding.

Here are three key insights from the report to get you started:

1. Shoppers Choose Specialty for Guidance Specialty shoppers come to you because they want expert advice. Unlike online shopping or visiting large big

box retailers, these customers expect your team to be the play specialists. Your staff’s knowledge and enthusiasm are what set you apart. Embrace this role with pride, and ensure every team member is trained to offer personalized, insightful recommendations. This personal touch is your superpower, and it’s what keeps customers coming back.

2. Experiences Drive Loyalty

For your loyal customers, the in-store experience is more important than minor price differences. Hosting

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Embrace Your Superpowers (continued from page 36)

product demos, educational sessions and hands-on activities enhance their shopping experience and makes your store stand out from the competition. These events not only drive sales during the season but also encourage repeat purchases and foster a deeper connection between your shoppers and your store. As the year wraps up, you’ll find that customers who have had enriching experiences are more likely to choose you over competitors.

I Support Local!

3. Bridging the Gap: Shopping Local vs. Convenience

The report highlights a gap between where customers want to shop and where they actually end up shopping. Convenience often drives shoppers to Target or Amazon, even when they

(continued on page 40)

prefer to support local stores. Initiatives that celebrate and benefit local shoppers, especially during the holiday season, can help bridge this gap. Consider creative ideas like “Keeping Christmas Local!” wrapping paper, collaborative promotions with other neighborhood stores, or “I support local!” stickers. You could host a donation bin inside your store for a local cause and demonstrate your support for the community with a toy drive for families in need. These initiatives not only boost sales but also build community spirit and customer loyalty.

Action Steps:

Access the Report: Astra members have access to this valuable information in the Specialty Shopper Insights Report for FREE! Make sure to download your copy and share it with your team.

Hear the Conversation: Scan the QR code on the next page to review the three Zoom conversations hosted by the Astra and the Innovation Council that took place earlier this year.

Plan for Q4: Use the insights from the report to develop a strategy for Q4 that leverages your store’s unique strengths. Focus on enhancing the customer experience, promoting local shopping and training your staff to be the best play specialists they can be.

Mass market and online retailers will always have certain advantages, but independent local stores possess unique superpowers. Let this report help you tap into those strengths to attract new shoppers and transform your loyal customers into passionate evangelists for your store. Embrace the insights, take action and make this holiday season your best one yet!


with Astra

A celebration of community, creativity, and the joy of play, Neighborhood Toy Store Month (NTSM) is a chance to honor the local toy stores that bring magic and wonder to our neighborhoods year-round.

Here are the answers to some of your frequently asked questions and concerns:

Do I have to sign up to participate?

You don’t need to formally sign up to participate in Neighborhood Toy Store Month. Participation is open to all toy stores and manufacturers, whether you choose to actively promote the month or simply celebrate in your own way.

While you do not need to sign up, registering your store or company will allow you to get the most out of NTSM by being included in promotional materials like the Manufacturer Offerings Directory, the curated customer list on our website or various Social Media posts throughout the campaign.

(continued on page 44)

SHINE with Kala Ukulele make the holidays

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This year, we’re heading back to our roots and revamping the NTSM Theme to be the more widely encompassing and evergreen Small Business SupportCommunity, Make Memories: Neighborhood Toy Store Month.

For social media, any member who tags @astratoy on social media or uses the hashtag #neighborhoodtoystoremonth will have the chance to get their posts re-shared, amplifying their visibility during this special month. Remember, NTSM promotions are exclusive to participants, including manufacturer specials designed to support local toy stores.

It feels like NTSM focuses mainly on retailers. That’s because it does! Originally Neighborhood Toy Store Day, this promotional initiative was created to coincide with Small Business Saturday as a way to bolster engagement and traffic to our Astra retailers, uplifting and highlighting our Neighborhood toy stores together!

But NTSM isn’t just about retailers, it’s a celebration that extends to manufacturers, sales reps, and everyone who supports local toy stores. Manufacturers are encouraged to join in the festivities and show their appreciation for neighborhood toy stores.

Sales reps play a crucial role too, whether by providing materials, assisting with events or promoting local retailers. Their efforts help enrich the NTSM experience for both store owners and customers alike.

It felt easier when it was just one day. Do I have to fill the whole month with activities?

Not at all! We expanded NTSD to a whole month so there are more opportunities to participate in any way that works for you, as opposed to being forced to make it work on just one day of the month. There’s no requirement to host events or fill your calendar with activities. NTSM is about highlighting the unique offerings of local toy stores, fostering community

engagement, and spreading the joy of play.

Do you already have lots of fun events and activities planned for November? Wonderful, let us know! Do you only have one event for the month? Fantastic, let us know that too!

What kind of resources are available when I sign up?

Have you heard about the Make Way for Play guide? It’s a valuable resource designed to inspire and assist toy stores during NTSM and beyond. Whether you’re looking for marketing tips, event ideas or ways to engage your community, this guide is your go-to companion.

You will also get access to digital and social media assets, including out of the box items that you can Post-and-Go, access to the Manufacturer Offerings Directory, a PR Kit and event ideas to help make your Neighborhood Toy Store Month the best it can be!

As November approaches, now is the perfect time to start planning how you’ll celebrate Neighborhood Toy Store Month. Whether you’re a toy store owner, a manufacturer, a sales rep or a passionate supporter of local businesses, NTSM is your opportunity to shine a spotlight on the magic of play and the importance of community.

For more information on how to participate or access your NTSM Resources, visit Join us as we celebrate the heart and soul of our neighborhoods - our beloved neighborhood toy stores!

Let’s make this November a month to remember with Neighborhood Toy Store Month!

Give the gift of imagination!

FREE Character Bag with purchase of a Starter Set

Scan QR code to enroll in the program and place the opening order today!

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