T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E A M E R I C A N S P E C I A L T Y T O Y R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N • M AY 2 0 1 3
“All Roads Lead to Nashville” Join us at ASTRA’s Marketplace & Academy
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Message From the Chair
Serve More Faithfully by Linda Hays
t’s 7:00 a.m. I am sitting at a childsized picnic table, which was built by a local 12-year-old boy, in the middle of my store. The sun is pouring in through the east-facing windows, which is a rare treat in Oregon in March. The traffic on the street in front of my store is picking up, and I am in love. In love with my store, my community and the life that I live within them. For me, and for so many retailers out there, there are few greater pleasures than being in the shop before it opens, or late at night when everyone has gone home, and looking at everything we have put into place when it is quiet and still, bathed in natural light and shadows. Knowing that I am addressing the entire ASTRA membership has me wondering when the reps and manufacturers experience this, or if they do? Walking through a warehouse, thumbing through a catalog, seeing all of their lines displayed for a big show? Today, there is a sense of accomplishment. We are still here. We have adjusted, adapted and nurtured our small businesses through the hardest economic times our generations have known. This week, all economic indicators are up. The “Great Recession” appears to be rolling on like a massive storm, spitting drops of this and that acrid stuff as it goes to take its place on the historical timeline with all of the other disasters that have befallen business people throughout the ages. As with all of those other events, we find ourselves looking at a changed landscape. A new frugality has permeated the mindset of the consumer. Customers that once came to the counter with their credit cards are pulling envelopes out of their purses, looking for the one that says “gifts” or “entertainment” or “mad money.” It has never been clearer to me that the budget line upon which specialty toys falls is “luxury.”
This has made me keenly aware of our need to maintain relevancy in the lives of our customers. We have to do everything that we can to be important to them, to become a thread in the fabric of their community that they don’t want to pull out. We have to make sure that they can see a direct correlation between the few stitches that they throw in and the strength of the weave. We have to thank them, over and over and over, for the choices they make that keep all of us open, make our communities better and childhoods richer. How do we do that on a big picture, broader scope? Where do we find the words and actions to articulate our relevancy? In reading Ellen Metrick’s article for this newsletter (it is truly brilliant, be sure to read it), I had an epiphany. She presented the Value = Benefits/Cost equation that we have all seen a million times before, and I experienced a new sense of simplicity. The costs of doing business with us have risen dramatically in the eyes of an overtaxed consumer. Yes, our prices have risen, but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the time it takes to come to our not-one-stop-shopping stores, the shrinkage in our customers’ discretionary spending budgets and, consequently, the increased percentage of that spent at our stores. We need to be more vigilant than ever to be stacking up the benefits to make sure our customers realize the value. It is, of course, their value of us that keeps us relevant to them. It is our relevance that ensures us a future in the business of specialty toys. Based on my desires to maintain relevance, I have started making three lists. One is a list of benefits my store currently does a good job of providing to my customer. The second is a list of benefits my store provides but
needs to do a better job at to be the toprate retail experience that I feel will make it deserving of a long, healthy retail life. The third is a list of things I know I should be doing, processes and programs I have wanted to put into place, and things I have heard about from other retailers or speakers that I feel will make my business more serviceable to its community. I feel certain that polishing up the items on these lists will keep the cost/benefit analysis weighing in my favor. I urge you take your own personal inventory. Make your lists. Fight for relevance in your market because none of us is given a pass anymore. Seek the tools that will make you capable of feeling confident in the benefits you offer your customers. Come to Marketplace, attend the full conference, learn as much as you can from the speakers and from each other. Take advantage of the educational materials the ASTRA office has to offer. There is a Laundromat across the street from my store. The couple that owns it is first generation Korean, so I thought it was really cute when earlier this year they extended their hours, and put a handwritten sign on their wall that says, “To serve more faithfully, now open until 9:00.” Honestly, though, every time I see that sign, it seems more and more perfect. “To serve more faithfully.” Isn’t that the key to all of it?
Linda Hays hopscotch toys 103 SE Baker St. McMinnville, OR 97128 (503) 472-3702 linda@hopscotchtoys.com astratoy.org
May 2013 5
Board of Directors Chair Linda Hays
May 2013 • astratoy.org
F E A T U R E S 10 11 12 14 18
Chair-Elect Michael Levins Past Chair Michael Ziegenhagen
Board Update ASTRA’s Webinar Series Best Toys for Kids Dig Deeper With a Retail Expert Sharing the “Shop Local” Message With Customers
Treasurer Dana Barnes
ASTRA’s 2013 Marketplace & Academy 20
The Keynotes
A Guide to the Music City
Manufacturers’ Specials
Directors Steven Aarons Bob Breneman Lea Culliton Lillian Davis Ann Kienzle Mike Klein John MacDougall Dean May Ted McGuire Robin McLane
Newsletter Editor Mary Sisson Assistant Editors Alyssa LaFaro Tina Manzer Graphic Artist Lindsey Williamson
ASTRA Staff President Kathleen McHugh Membership and Communications Manager Caryn Giznik
5 7 8 52 56 68
Message From the Chair President’s Letter Ready, Set, PLAY …for Children With Disabilities ASTRA News From the Industry ASTRA Welcomes Its Newest Manufacturer Members New Members
ASTRA Newsletter Mission Statement Our mission is to act as a channel of communication for the general membership of ASTRA and to provide information about current happenings and future goals as decided upon by the board of directors, various committees, and ASTRA staff. We strive to provide useful and timely information and support for and about ASTRA members in accordance with the ASTRA mission statement. We are always looking for good articles and input for the newsletter. Letters to the editor are welcome. Please forward letters, comments, ideas, etc., to the ASTRA office – fax 312-222-0986, email kmchugh@astratoy.org.
6 May 2013
Membership Coordinator Alisa Clifford Meeting and Exhibit Manager Amanda Zawad Membership and Meeting Coordinator Natalie Hinman The ASTRA Newsletter is published by the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association, 432 N Clark St., Suite 205, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-2220984, fax 312-222-0986, email info@astratoy.org. Website: www.astratoy.org. Copyright © 2013 American Specialty Toy Retailing Association. All rights reserved. Advertisements are accepted. For more information, contact Rick Kauder, Fahy-Williams Publishing, 800-344-0559; email rkauder@fwpi.com. All articles for the ASTRA Newsletter are supplied by ASTRA and its members, with Fahy-Williams assembling and editing the newsletter, and managing the advertising sales function. ASTRA reserves the right to accept, reject, or alter all editorial and advertising material submitted for publication. Advertising in ASTRA does not imply endorsement of products and services. Opinions expressed in articles contained herein are those of the authors, not necessarily of ASTRA or its individual members. The information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable.
President’s Report
From New York to Nashville by Kathleen McHugh
e kicked off Toy Fair with a tightly focused consumer campaign on the Discover the Woohoo! Factor website called “Love Your Toy Store,” appropriately themed for Valentine’s Day. The idea of the campaign was simple: share the love with your followers and friends on Facebook and Twitter, and encourage them to “love their toy store” by sharing and posting with their friends. The incentive was a $100 gift card to their favorite ASTRA toy store. It was simple for anyone to take part in the campaign, since all the tools one needed were available a mouse click away: Facebook and Twitter graphics, website graphics and a PDF flier that could be printed and posted in a store. We also shared sample posts and tweets to make the entire campaign turnkey and simple. A turn-key campaign like this one could cost an individual store hundreds of dollars (if not more) to create on your own. The campaign resulted in 2 million impressions, not a bad number on its own, but of significant interest to us was with whom connections were made. We observed more consumers/shoppers engaging with toy stores on this campaign than in previous campaigns. We also noted more stores are participating, which tells us the more stores that participate in campaigns, the more successful the website becomes for everyone. At Toy Fair, we spread the word about how our members can use the Discover the Woohoo! Factor website, and how anyone can get involved. Maybe you haven’t seen the site yet. Start by visiting YourNeighborhoodToyStore.org.
After you’ve looked around the site, “like” us, leave a comment under an article that interests you and/or maybe even share an article you like with your customers. Sharing articles is the best way to engage with your customers, demonstrate your toy and play expertise, and give you instant credibility. It also raises your SEO (search engine optimization) and the site’s SEO ranking, so it’s a win-win for everyone. Then update your profile. Most importantly, include your web address and post your store events. Articles are mainly written by our members, but maybe you have a specific area of interest in play or expertise in development, or you invented a unique play category. Contact us – we are always looking for content writers. In the next few months, we will be developing our marketing and PR strategy for the months leading up to Neighborhood Toy Store Day. A number of interesting ideas are percolating. Watch e-bulletins and newsletters for more information, or call me at the office anytime. At the ASTRA Board’s regular meeting in New York, one topic of major interest was Neighborhood Toy Store Day timing. We promised to review the timing each year to decide if any changes were necessary. Based on the feedback from members, the board decided not to make any changes this year. November is clearly not convenient for everyone, but the majority of you support the date remaining the second Saturday of November. In a few short months it will be summer and time to visit Nashville, Tennessee, and ASTRA’s annual convention. We’re thrilled by your enthusiasm
for Nashville. The exhibit floor is sold out with over 85 first-time and new exhibitors. Retail registration has already surpassed last year at this time, and hotel bookings are way up. We’re off to a record-breaking start. There are several new things to share about the convention. This year, we tossed out the planned lunch in favor of a coupon to the food concessions, where you can make your own selections at your own pace. Also included in the schedule this year is an all-member session Sunday from 5 to 6 p.m. to discuss how the Internet and new Internet advertising policies are impacting all of us. The panel will be led by attorney Todd Seelman, who will explain the legalities of policy making. Panelists will include several member manufacturers and retailers, as well as Ron Solomon from the Credit Collective. It is the must-attend session for everyone. Watch e-bulletins each week to learn more about what’s new this year. Don’t wait – make your plans to attend early. See you in June.
Warmest regards
Kathleen McHugh President astratoy.org
May 2013 7
R e a d y, S e t , P L AY. . . f o r C h i l d r e n W i t h D i s a b i l i t i e s
It’s All about Adding Value By Ellen Metrick, Director of Industry Relations & Partnerships, National Lekotek Center, emetrick@lekotek.org
he National Lekotek Center is excited about presenting at the ASTRA Marketplace & Academy this summer. There are many reasons to attend, and you can read about eight big ones on the ASTRA website link to this event. Goal number seven on the list is what we’re going to focus on – tips for increasing sales or expanding product lines by adding toys to your retail mix. Let’s explore some ways to make product choices that could increase your sales. Increasing sales has a lot to do with the value a consumer places on an item, and if you change the value, you change what people will spend on something. Finance guys have even come up with a mathematical equation for this process: Value = Benefits/Cost. The main thing to remember is that value is subjective.
Another way to look at this is that consumers have different pockets, and in each pocket they allot a certain amount of money. Influencing the pocket that something comes out of is an important aspect in how a person makes a buying decision and what they are willing to spend on something. That equation and perspective can be applied to toys. It has a lot to do with the psychological value a consumer puts on an item. Toys are also a great example of the “pocket” concept. If you have a child with a need to develop a certain skill, and a toy can help him or her develop that skill, then you’re changing the pocket that a consumer is pulling from and increasing the perceived value of this product. I will give you a concrete example. Trampolines are great fun, and most customers would consider such a purchase coming from their “recreational budget.” Trampolines are a relatively expensive play product. If, however, you as a consumer had a child on the autism spectrum, and this same trampoline allowed your child to be active, release tension, develop body awareness, enhance mood and increase inclusive play opportunities, then all of a sudden, you’re drawing from your “health and welfare” pocket. My guess is that pocket would be a lot deeper than one for just recreation. The questions become: Why not choose toys for your retail mix that draw from both a consumer’s recreational and health and welfare pockets?
Why not carry toys that have more perceived value? A lot of manufacturers are discovering the importance of getting information on the developmental benefits of their products out there, along with how they can be used by children who have special needs. And that’s a great reason to attend our ASTRA Marketplace & Academy presentation. We will cover three areas: ✓ disability awareness – a brief introduction to understanding this special population; ✓ categories as they relate to toys – an overview of how to view toys in relation to their physical, cognitive, communicative and sensory benefits; and ✓ characteristics of toys to look for – examples of elements in toys and play products that can make them accessible, beneficial and valuable to children who have special needs. The most important thing for you to remember is that you can offer options to parents, relatives, friends and professionals who work with children who have special needs; ideas and actual products that will improve the life of their children. By doing so, you are increasing the value not only of the product, but of your store. You are differentiating yourself from the others. You are making a difference to children who want, need and crave toys and play products that make them feel like every other child feels when they can access the incredible experience of play. That’s exactly what specialty toy retailers are about. That is what makes you unique, and what gives you an advantage over all the other purchasing options out there. I look forward to seeing you at the ASTRA Marketplace & Academy and making my presentation as valuable to you and your store as possible. ASTRA
8 May 2013
Board Update State of the industry and plans for the future hat’s the state of the industry in 2013? That question shaped the discussion at the ASTRA Board of Directors meeting in New York following Toy Fair. The number of doors has remained consistent for the last few years, report manufacturers. Despite store closings and retirements, new stores are opening to fill the void. Age compression continues to move downward and is having a direct impact on the sale of toys. Large purchases appear to be going to the Internet rather than bricks-and-mortar stores. Internet sales continue to grow each year.
10 May 2013
Consumers are more aware of the “shop local” message than in previous years. How can ASTRA keep the industry thriving in an online environment? The Board discussed the following suggestions. • Continue to use the Discover the Woohoo! Factor site to connect with consumers about shopping local, good toys and good play values. • Find new ways to use the website to connect members with consumers. • Explore investment in increased SEO (search engine optimization) for the Discover the Woohoo! Factor website.
Research Google’s advertising benefits versus cost, and investigate negotiating rates with Google for ASTRA and for members. • Research geocoding for YourNeighborhoodToyStore.org to automatically link to the consumer’s local ASTRA toy store. • Use the Discover the Woohoo! Factor website to champion developing creativity in children and less screen time. Create a “local” label national campaign with a logo and possible window cling.
The strategic plan After reviewing the accomplishments of the last strategic plan, the board decided it was now time to create a new plan to guide the organization for the next few years. Next time the board meets, September 15 and 16 in Arizona, their goal will be to develop a creative and actionable strategic plan. They made the following recommendations. • Invite past board and regular members in the area to attend the planning session. • Provide board members with statistics on retail trends. • Invite a retail strategist or expert. • Invite a technologist.
Membership update The board decided to enhance the current Meet and Greets at the ABC Kids Expo and the Las Vegas Sales Meeting. The Las Vegas event will be held in a private setting and include food. ASTRA will contact the Brixy organization to co-host a happy hour with their members and ASTRA members during the ABC Kids Expo.
Convention update Two new sessions will be added to the 2013 convention program. The new sessions will be designed for the interests of new inventors in cooperation with Mary Couzin of CHITAG. Marketplace exhibitors will be invited to attend.
ASTRA’s Webinar Series Save the date for two webinars on social media you don’t want to miss
It’s All About the Image: Maximizing the Visual through Social Media April 23, 11 a.m. Central As social media networks continue to evolve, images and graphics are becoming increasingly important. We’ll look at innovative ways to integrate image sharing into your social strategy – including designing your Facebook and Twitter pages, using Pinterest effectively and tips for taking great photos with your mobile phone.
Neighborhood Toy Store Day Based on the Neighborhood Toy Store Day survey, the board decided to keep the second Saturday in November as the date for 2013. After discussing the Best Toys for Kids program, the board agreed to one round of member voting to determine the winners. The next Board of Directors meeting is Saturday, June 15, at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel.
Getting to Local – Engaging Your Community through Social Media August 6, 11 a.m. Central Social media is about finding and engaging a community network around your brand. For independent toy stores, that also means using social media as a way of increasing foot traffic into your store. During this webinar, learn how to create loyalty programs for customers through social media networks, tips for engaging your colleagues and other local business owners in your outreach efforts, and how to launch a successful “local” social media campaign.
May 2013 11
Best Toys For Kids We are a manufacturer not a jobber!
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First play, then vote tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only April, but if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a retailer, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re already looking ahead to fourth quarter and whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to wow your customers for the holidays. That makes you the perfect person to help choose ASTRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2013 Best Toys For Kids. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The biggest misconception is that you have to have seen it, and have a proven sales record in order to vote for it,â&#x20AC;? says Gwen Ottenberg, chair of the Best Toys for Kids Committee. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just like choosing all of your inventory. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How do you forecast for Christmas? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blind faith. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good? Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to sell?â&#x20AC;? For ASTRA retailers at Marketplace, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not so blind. Every finalist â&#x20AC;&#x201C; four to six per category â&#x20AC;&#x201C; will be on display, out of the package and ready for retailers to play with, test and gain good hands-on experience with. The process, which began with Share the Fair at Toy Fair, moved into product nominations in March. Anyone â&#x20AC;&#x201C; rep, retailer or manufacturer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; could nominate a product, even their own. Members were asked to nominate engaging, innovative and significant toys that will turn heads, create buzz and drive traffic. Nominations closed March 15. From there, the Best Toys for Kids Committee winnows down the list, measuring each toy against four questions: Is it new? Is it unique? Is it available? Is it significant? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The cream always rises to the top,â&#x20AC;? Ottenberg says, quoting longtime retailer and former committee chair Nancy Stanek of Toys Et Cetera in Chicago. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is one of the only awards thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free,â&#x20AC;? she points out. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no cost to the manu-
facturer.â&#x20AC;? But there are benefits. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most vendors love the opportunity to showcase their product, talk about their product and get it in the hands of people like this. I know they enjoy being a finalist as well as winning.â&#x20AC;? She sees the Best Toys criteria making a difference in toy development. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love the sales managers who ask me, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gwen, what do you think of this?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; I had manufacturers pull me off the aisles at Toy Fair.â&#x20AC;? The program gives retailers a wealth of resources to promote their stores along with the winning toys. â&#x20AC;&#x153;ASTRA puts a ton of money behind it,â&#x20AC;? explains Ottenberg, who says they also help with fliers, blog posts, professional public relations and online exposure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t buy that for a small store. We need to utilize the tools weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re given.â&#x20AC;? She hopes her committee of six will expand before Marketplace. Members split up Best Toys categories to research. Stanek and Steven Aarons of Barstons Childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Play in Washington, D.C., offer the perspective of longtime toy sellers, but the entire committee works together in conference calls to whittle down the list. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a big job, which is why we need solid retailers on the committee.â&#x20AC;? Besides, she says, this is her last year of being in charge. Ballots will be available about two weeks before Marketplace, so retailers who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t attend can still vote. Those heading to Nashville, though, will want to wait until they get to the showroom floor so they can do just what kids will do: play with the toys. And then vote.
12 May 2013
Dig Deeper With a Retail Expert by Mary Sisson, Kazoodles
he Academy part of the ASTRA convention fills your brain with ideas and makes your heart thump with excitement at the prospect of remerchandising your store, retraining your staff or reinventing your business. And then you get home, and the Marketplace shipments start arriving, the store toilet gets clogged, an employee suddenly quits or the computer crashes. Your notebook full of great quotes and game-changing ideas gets buried under a pile of catalogs and bills. Life moves on … the same old way. How can you keep the momentum going? Some ASTRA retailers who liked what they heard have gone a step further with a motivating speaker by inviting that person as a consultant, heading to a seminar or boot camp, or bringing the tutorials home on video. Here are three who did.
Terry Myers’ personality shines through at the grand opening of her new location.
14 May 2013
▲The long row of shelving
created a barrier between one side of the store and the other at Children’s World Uniform Supply.
After Children’ s World Uniform Supply
When Tim Holliday of Children’s World Uniform Supply in Sarasota, Florida, heard Bob Phibbs for the second time at an ASTRA convention, he nabbed the opportunity to talk with him one-on-one as Phibbs tore down after the presentation. Then, “I had him fly down and do a whirlwind training with the store,” he said. Phibbs taught his Five-Step Sales Process to the entire staff, drawing employees into acting out situations like those they encounter every day and teaching them new ways to work with customers. The method has become integral to new hire training and gave the store a new way of approaching sales. “It’s integrated into our being,” Holliday said. Children’s World had moved the previous year, in 2010, after 45 years in the same location. While school uniforms had been the primary business with a small section of toys, the new 7,000-square-foot space offered room to expand half the business into a real toy store. “In the uniform side of the store, it’s very hands-on. Each school is different,” Holliday said, and the sales staff works closely with each customer from start to
At Bob Phibbs’ suggestion, shelving is turned sideways to invite customers from the uniform section to the toy section in the store.
finish. Children’s World had won awards for customer service, but wanted to take it to the next level. “What we found with the toy and educational side was, we want to be there, connect and have a conversation, but we have to back off a little so they can explore.” Phibbs taught them the art of a welcome and introduction, letting customers go, then circling back to see how they’re doing. He also taught them that the sale is never over until the customer says it is, and sometimes sales continue in the parking lot. Salespeople learned to take customers to the toy side, take their basket of uniforms to the counter and free them to look at the toys. As Holliday and staff stuck their toes into the uncharted waters of toy selling, Phibbs gave them a high-level overview of the business. And he also gave them the view from the front door. It wasn’t on the agenda, but when Phibbs saw the long fixture dividing the uniform side from the toy side, he broke it up, turned four-foot sections sideways and totally changed the feel of the store. Investing in Phibbs’ visit has “paid for itself a million times over,” Holliday said. “I’d say that in short, the idea of having an outsider come in with fresh eyes and ideas is one of the best reasons to bring in someone like Bob.” (continued on page 16)
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(“Dig Deeper With a Retail Expert” continued from page 14)
Kaleidoscope Toys
When Terry Myers opened Kaleidoscope Toys in a new location in January, shrinking from 4,915 square feet to 2,217, she had a solid sounding board as she laid a detailed plan for the grand opening. Consultant Cathy Wagner, known as the Retail Maven, had been coaching Myers since the previous June.
▲ Merchandising is her forte, as Terry Myers shows at Kaleidoscope Toys’ new location. She turns to Retail Maven Cathy Wagner for help with numbers.
“She’s not afraid to tell you when you’re off base, but she does it in a very loving way,” Myers said. She’d known Wagner as a friend through ASTRA, but at the Dallas Market in 2012, Wagner presented a seminar that left a big impression on Myers. So Myers brought in Wagner to coach her. Myers sends her numbers – profit and loss, balance sheet, sales, on order, received, markdowns and returns to vendors – to Wagner, who crunches them to help her make projections, plan her open to buy and interpret reports. “She helps me see where I’ve not been buying smart,” Myers said. In twice-monthly phone calls, Wagner “puts my mind at ease and helps me focus on the big things.” Myers also joined one of Wagner’s MasterMind groups, 12 to 15 independent retailers from around the country who meet in August and again in February to share problems and ideas. Wagner, from Illinois, has never been in Myers’ Round Rock, Texas, store. “Her job is not to tell me something’s not displayed correctly,” she said. “I’m pretty good at laying out a store. She’s a numbers person.” After 24 years in toys, starting in her garage-saleing days, Myers knew what kind of help she needed. “I’ve regained my confidence,” she said. MudPuddles Toys & Books
When Eddi Miglavs was owner of MudPuddles Toys & Books in Sherwood, Oregon, Bob Negen of WhizBang! Training helped her in a couple of ways beyond his sessions at ASTRA conventions. She took his Marketing Mentor program, an online course with lots of homework. She gained from the discussion 16 May 2013
(continued on page 54)
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Sharing the “Shop Local” Message With Customers The following is excerpted from Janet Pillsbury’s weekly blog for her store, My Toy Garden, in Carmel, Indiana. The “Kathy” she refers to is former ASTRA member Kathy Jenkins of Toys in the Attic, which recently closed its doors in Dalton, Georgia. athy is job hunting again. Writing her resume. Collecting her references. Looking at the “Help Wanted” ads. This was not her plan. Like many out-of-work adults, life handed her a twist, and she finds herself unemployed, worrying about the future for her husband and two children. Kathy’s employer was not a large company. Her employer didn’t downsize. Her employer didn’t merge with someone else and eliminate her job. Once upon a time, Kathy was a teacher. An elementary teacher, and she loved her job very much. She poured her time and talents and compassion into her students. She wanted something more.
18 May 2013
She wanted to make an even bigger difference. So she started to put her dreams into action. It took a few years to put the gears into place and be ready to flip the switch, but in 2007, it happened. She and her husband celebrated the grand opening of Toys in the Attic! What a joyous time that was! Old and new friends came to play, to connect, to be inspired. The first year or two were all she dreamed them to be. Then the economy began to shake and stumble. The town she lived in had its fingers dug deeply into the new housing market. As dollars got tighter, fewer homes were built. The local families saw their paychecks shrink. People visited
Toys in the Attic less and less. Kathy did what she could to let people know she was there for them. She carefully selected unique products that were affordable, yet allowed her to pay her bills. She was there with a listening ear, a hug, a parenting tip for the puzzled parent. She gift wrapped for free. She offered community events that provided much-needed distractions. It wasn’t enough. People turned to online websites and big box stores to make what purchases they could. Their dollars left the local economy of Kathy’s small town, impacting Kathy’s budget and sending a ripple effect out to the schools, public safety
sive Exclu rger a New L m o Lo
departments and other groups that counted on sales tax dollars to fund their efforts. A few weeks ago, after many months of doing everything she could, Kathy very sadly hung the “Out of Business” sign on the front door. She posted the picture on her Facebook page simply captioned, “And then there’s this...” Please send a prayer for her and her family as they seek the next steps of their journey. I wish I could report to you that this does not happen in our own backyard. It does. My heart breaks to see KissZCook on 116th now with darkened windows and empty floor space. Mudsocks Books on 116th and Allisonville announced two weeks ago that they are closing. Anyone who did not go visit their charming bookstore with treasures tucked here and there, complete with a store cat, missed a very special experience. An experience I guarantee your Kindle or Nook will never provide. After several emails clearly stating their plight, they will soon hang up an “Out of Business” sign as well. As I hear stories such as these, my prayers are said for My Toy Garden. I’m so very thankful for your support and love in our first year and half, and I know that it is only through your continued love and support that we will be here for many years to come, making a difference in every way we can. Please keep us and other locally owned stores in mind as you choose where to spend those precious, powerful dollars that you have. Only you can prevent “Out of Business” signs.
If you enjoy making traditional potholders you’ll love making these!
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harrisville.com Booth 315
Introducing . . . Something New & Different from Harrisville Designs
Playfully, Toylady Janet
May 2013 19
The Keynotes What If You Could Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary? Presented by Jon Acuff
and nothing ordinary about your opportunities at
ASTRA’S MARKETPLACE & ACADEMY June 16 through 19 Nashville Convention Center and Renaissance Nashville Hotel Specialty toy manufacturers and industry experts plant the seeds for a successful fourth quarter at the year’s largest gathering of the specialty toy industry. ASTRA’s Marketplace & Academy is one of the best investments you can make toward your success. • Take advantage of show-only discounts • Learn from industry experts to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary. • Develop strong relationships with manufacturers. • Cultivate actionable skills offered at workshops. 20 May 2013
“What if?” he asks. The answer is surprising. With a blog that is read in more than 97 percent of the countries in the world, Jon Acuff has spent the last three years exploring what it means to take ideas to unexpected places. Touring the country as a sought-after speaker, he’s worked with everyone from dairy farmers to CEOs of billiondollar companies to turn ideas into action. And it all started with two words: What if? What if you took a dozen years of branding expertise and combined it with a visionary approach to social media? What if? Two small words, one great start to a new career. Called “hilarious and insightful” by Group Magazine and featured as a regular contributor on CNN.com, Jon Acuff has a wealth of ideas to share with individuals and companies of all sizes. With two books under his belt, conference keynotes throughout the year, and one of the most popular blogs in the world, he’s just getting started. What if? A great place to begin and a great place to go. Are you ready to explore those two words with Jon?
Financial Optimism Presented by Chris Hogan Chris Hogan might have been the most unlikely person to wind up working as a financial speaker. Why? Years ago, Chris was an All-American college football player who pushed future NFL players all over the field – far removed from the world of helping others find financial peace. While helping clients manage all phases of their businesses, he realized how so many families, marriages and children were being affected by money issues. He felt powerless as he sat behind his desk and watched his clients throw away their financial futures. That’s when he met Dave Ramsey, and his career found a new direction. Today, he helps spread Dave’s message of financial hope to audiences everywhere. An engaging and humorous speaker, Chris is an expert on subjects like mortgages, health care and investing. (continued on page 22)
SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE All events will be at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel and the Nashville Convention Center. ASTRA Academy Session Levels A – All B – Beginner C – Advanced
11 A.M. to Noon ASTRA Academy Sessions “Staff Meetings Everyone Wants to Attend” presented by Phil Wrzesinski, Toy House and Baby Too For retailers, session level A + B
“The Five Cs of Social Media Dominance” presented by Jon Acuff For retailers, session level C
SATURDAY, JUNE 15 6 to 8 P.M. Meet and Greet, Bridge Bar, Renaissance Nashville Hotel The fun and networking start here. No registration, no reservation – just show up and relax at this casual preconference gathering. Enjoy old friends and make new acquaintances before the convention begins.
“How to Create Beautiful Store Windows and Effective Displays” Moderated by Janet Pillsbury, My Toy Garden; with panelists Gaetana Schueckler, The TreeHouse Inc. and Elizabeth Royal, Wonder Works For retailers, session level A + B
“Improve Inventory Performance and Increase Profitability” presented by Paul Erickson, RMSA Retail Solutions For retailers, session level B
SUNDAY, JUNE 16 7:30 to 8:30 A.M. New to ASTRA and Marketplace? Then the breakfast is on us! The topic is ASTRA and what it can do for you – how you can get the most out of your membership and your attendance at the show. Join us for breakfast and sit back and relax while we discuss ways you can save money, build valuable business relationships, source products and share insight – all benefits of joining the largest trade association serving the specialty toy industry.
NEW! for ASTRA Exhibitors – Inventors and/or Manufacturers If this is your first exhibit experience or your fifth, these sessions are designed to help you navigate the toy industry for fun and profit by focusing on three core competencies: packaging, marketing and sales. The sessions are brought to you by ASTRA, in partnership with the Chicago Toy and Game Group, Inc., a family of industry initiatives designed to encourage and promote the power and joy of invention in social, educational, and professional environments.
For all new members, session level A.
7:30 to 8:30 A.M. Continental Breakfast Provided by ASTRA 8:30 to 10:30 A.M. Opening Session: “Escape Ordinary and Choose to be Extraordinary” If you’re on the same business path you’ve always followed but expect the results to be better, Jon Acuff says you need to change course. He can show you how. Businesses today are finding they can’t sustain former levels of success by doing business as usual. Conventional wisdom has had to be replaced with innovation and reinvention. We all go through life phases – Jon will show you how they correlate to growing your businesses. For all members, session Level A Sponsored by
NEW! Inventors and Manufacturers – “The Basics: Packaging, Production, Trends, Working with Retailers and Reps” Moderated by Mary Couzin, Chicago Toy & Game Group, with expert panelists Matt Nuccio, Design Edge; Peggy Brown, Peggy Brown Creative; Ann Kienzle, The Toy Business, *play; Katherine McHenry, Building Blocks. In this first of two sessions we will briefly cover how great graphics and appropriate package design gives your product visibility. We’ll also cover packaging trends, producing domestically vs. overseas, and working with retailers and sales reps For inventors and manufacturers, session level B
Noon to 1 P.M. Lunch Sponsored by 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. New Inventors and Manufacturers – “Next Steps: Licensing, Social Media, Gamification, Marketing and International Markets” Moderated by Mary Couzin, Chicago Toy & Game Group, with expert panelists Lisa Orman, KidStuff Public Relations; Anna van Slee, OtherDoor Entertainment; and Michelle Spelman, Flying Pig Games. In this second session we will briefly cover what to do if a company is interested in licensing your product from you, as well as how to market your products using traditional and social media. We will also touch on the importance of international markets and fairs For inventors and manufacturers, session level B (continued on page 24)
22 May 2013
SUNDAY, JUNE 16 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. “Connect Children with Special Needs to Toys and Games on Your Shelves” Presented by Ellen Metrick, National Lekotek Center For all members, session level A
“Establish Your Online Storefront” Presented by Don Hays, Specialty Toys Network For retailers, session level B
“Technology and the Balance of Power Between Retailers and Consumers” Presented by Paul Erickson, RMSA Retail Solutions For retailers, session level C
“Understanding Your Brand,” Presented by Phil Wrzesinski, Toy House and Baby Too For retailers, session level A + B
3 to 4 P.M. Roundtable Discussion – “Leading from the Middle” Moderated by Lillian Davis, Diverse Marketing and Nicole Bortnick, BGN Sales Group For sales reps, session level A
3 to 5 P.M. Kits, Kits and More Kits This popular session lets you see for yourself why kits provide children with hours of fun. Join us for an afternoon of hands-on exploration inside the box. Learn direct from the manufacturer the best way to demonstrate and sell these creative kits. Only new-to-the-market kits in this session For retailers. Sponsored by
24 May 2013
5 to 6 P.M. NEW! All-Industry Session: “MAP, MSRP and RPM – What’s Legal and How Do You Enforce It?” Moderated by Todd R. Seelman, Lathrop & Gage LLP, with panelists Dee Farrell, NeatOh! International; Mike Varda, International Playthings; and Ron Solomon, The Creditors Network. Learn from several ASTRA members about the issues they face due to the vertical restraints of trade. This all-industry session will familiarize you with the antitrust laws applicable to vertical restraints of trade including price fixing; exclusionary conduct: resale price maintenance (RPM); manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) programs and manufacturer's advertised price (MAP) programs. Learn directly from your toy industry peers and their experiences For all members, session level A
7 to 10 P.M. The Opening Reception Grab your friends and head to our casual reception for food and drinks. On your way in, grab a moustache card and find your matching moustache while meeting new and old ASTRA friends. Make sure to stop by the photo booth to snap a quick picture. Dress in cowboy attire for Nashville-style entertainment that will keep you tapping your feet all evening long For all members. Sponsored by (continued on page 26)
MONDAY, JUNE 17 7:30 to 8 A.M. Breakfast Buffet Sponsored by 8 to 9:30 A.M. ASTRA’s Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation Sponsored by
2:30 to 3:30 P.M. Ice Cream Break Sponsored by
5 to 6 P.M. Cocktail Reception Sponsored by 7 to 10 P.M. Game Night If you play a game yourself and have fun with it, your ability to sell it to someone else will increase dramatically. This roundrobin game fest gives you plenty of time to experience many great new stars for the holidays For retailers. Sponsored by
9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. MARKETPLACE This year, the ASTRA Marketplace exhibit hall features 85 new and first-time exhibitors with product so new, they’ve never been exhibited before anywhere. Many regular ASTRA manufacturers are showcasing their product only at ASTRA Marketplace. Visit astramarketplace.org for a full exhibitor list. Write Orders – Win Prizes! For every order you write on the show floor, make sure to fill out a coupon from the vendor and drop it in the raffle drum at the ASTRA membership booth, #722, to win fun prizes! Prize winners will be drawn during the closing keynote session Wednesday, June 19, at 10 a.m. You must be present to win.
9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Best Toys for Kids 2013 Finalists Display & Voting Stop by to see products nominated by your fellow retailers for this honor, and vote for your top picks right at Marketplace!
NEW! Lunch in the Exhibit Hall The lunch voucher program offers attendees and exhibitors a variety of lunch options in the exhibit hall during ASTRA’s Marketplace. Every attendee and exhibitor will receive a lunch voucher worth $11 to redeem on Monday and Tuesday at the concession stands or satellite stations. Tickets cannot be redeemed for cash and will not be replaced if lost Sponsored by
(continued on page 28)
26 May 2013
TUESDAY, JUNE 18 8 to 9 A.M. Continental Breakfast provided by ASTRA 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. MARKETPLACE
“Master Self-Promotion for Your Store” Presented by Tim Holliday, Children’s World & Children’s World Uniform Supply For retailers, session level A
“Shifting Opinions: Buy Local Campaign 101” Presented by Lily Brislen for the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) For retailers, session level A. Sponsored by
9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Best Toys for Kids 2013 Finalists Display and Voting Here’s another chance to see the products nominated by your fellow retailers for ASTRA’s 2013 Best Toys for Kids list. Check them out and vote for your top picks right at Marketplace!
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall Provided by ASTRA *Don’t forget to bring your lunch voucher.
“Tactical Steps for Strategic Success” Presented by Chris Hogan, The Lampo Group For retailers, session level A
Free evening to explore Nashville nightlife
10 A.M. to Noon Closing Session: “Playing, Leading and Succeeding”
In his keynote, Chris Lampo will teach you how to define what success means to you, plan the steps you need to take in order to achieve that success, remain true to yourself, avoid getting sidetracked by what others think you should be doing, and establish a culture of fun in order to motivate your employees to help you accomplish your goals For all members, session level A
8 to 8:30 A.M. Continental Breakfast provided by ASTRA 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. “Small Store Roundtables – Good Ideas That Are Just Your Size” Moderated by Idanna Smith, The Good Toy Group For retailers, session level A + B
For the latest information about ASTRA’s Marketplace & Academy please visit astramarketplace.org or call 312-222-0984. Tweet using #ASTRA13 Follow us @astratoy
28 May 2013
Smart Toys and Games 2822 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94109 * iÊnää®Êx{Ó ÈÎÇxÊUÊ >ÝÊ{£x®Ê Σ ÈÎÇx -> iÃJ- >ÀÌ/ ÞÃ> ` > iðV
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ASTRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marketplace & Academy is generously sponsored by the following companies: Diamond Level Sponsors
Platinum Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsors
30 May 2013
Gold Level Sponsors
Bronze Level Sponsors
e h t o t e d i A Gu
y t i C c i s u M
Conde Nast Traveler named Nashville one of the top five best places to visit in 2013, so ASTRA timed it right to schedule Marketplace & Academy there this year. Offering music all day long, 365 days a year, Nashville is sure to hit a high note with visitors to the music city. If you plan to extend your stay or arrive early, be sure to check out some of Nashville’s special places. At 533 square miles, it’s the secondlargest metro area in the U.S. Tucked within that space are many funky, trendy and elegant neighborhoods. Just south of 8th Avenue, the Berry Hill Neighborhood is home to 400 businesses and 40 recording studios. Known to many residents as a crafter’s paradise, its independent specialty shops offer beads, fabrics and even sewing classes. If you’re hungry, plan a trip to Hillsboro Village located near Vanderbilt and Belmont Universities. This quaint Nashville neighborhood attracts young professionals with an eclectic collection of shops, boutiques and restaurants in the four-block radius. It’s home to a Nashville staple, the Sunset Grill, offering a cool atmosphere with California cuisine given a Southern touch. Looking to stay close to the hotel and convention center? Downtown Nashville is the hub of entertainment in the Music City. Within blocks of the Renaissance Nashville Hotel, you’ll see for yourself why Nashville is proclaimed the “Live Music Capital of the Country.” Visitors can experience free live music offered 24/7/365 at one of the city’s many honkytonks that line Broadway, including
Tootsie Silver Dollar Saloon, Robert’s Western World, The Stage and Layla’s Bluegrass Inn. Other places not to miss include:
Hatch Show Print Downtown – 316 Broadway countrymusichalloffame.com/hatch One of the oldest-known letterpress poster shops in America, Hatch Show Print has been in business since 1879, and still continues to use the same techniques they used over 150 years ago. Now owned and operated by the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Hatch has been a leading poster printer for vaudeville, circuses and sporting events. However, Hatch is probably best known for posters of the Grand Ole Opry stars.
Savannah’s Candy Kitchen of Nashville Downtown – 310 Broadway savannahcandy.com Savannah’s Candy Kitchen of Nashville offers traditional fresh-made candies, ice cream, gelato and treats that are created daily right within the store. Hot fresh pralines are scooped onto a thick marble slab to cool, and then given as samples. Enjoy salt water taffy that is made on an authentic, oldfashioned taffy machine. Caramel and chocolate hand-dipped apples, chocolate and caramel gophers, nostalgic candies and some of the most scrumptious chocolates will make your visit to Savannah’s Candy Kitchen of Nashville a sweet treat. (continued on page 34)
32 May 2013
e h t o t e d i A Gu
(continued from page 32)
y t i C c i s Mu Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum Downtown – 222 5th Avenue South countrymusichalloffame.org Follow the rhythm of country music past and present to the home of priceless artifacts, dynamic exhibitions, Nashville’s most legendary recording studio and more. Be our guest and experience true Southern hospitality and a journey you’ll never forget.
Historic RCA Studio B Music Row countrymusichalloffame.org Visit Historic RCA Studio B, “The Home of 1,000 Hits,” and get an up-close look at what was once the second home of music legends Elvis Presley, Chet Atkins, Dolly Parton and more. For more information on Nashville, visit www.visitmusiccity.com. ASTRA
34 May 2013
ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials 2013 Marketplace & Academy (Members Only Specials) Adora – Charisma Brands Booth 1015 $250 - $500 choose 1 term $750 - $1000 choose 2 terms $1200 > choose 3 terms 1. 100% FFA 2. 60 days 3. 2.5% off invoice Aladine – Vilac Booth 440 5% discount Net 60 Vilac free freight $500 - $1,000 + Net 30 Vilac + $1,000 free freight + 5% discount Net 60 Ann Williams Booth 634 $500 = FFA Asmodee Editions Booth 934 12 games for the prices of 11, plus 50% off demo copy. Free shipping for orders over $500. Brand 44 Colorado Booth 344 Free freight on all show orders! 5% off for holiday booking orders Calliope Games Booth 1006 No minimum order – mix & match titles. Free demo copy with each title ordered! Free freight! All major credit cards. Constructive Eating Inc. Booth 242 $150 = FFA, 5% discount
Creative Education of Canada Booth 1100 $750 = FFA, Net 30 $1,200 = FFA, Net 60 For orders written at the show only. Crorey Creations Inc. dba Choose Friendship Co. Booth 1308 Free shipping on orders over $300. Stop by to see a demo of our new products and receive a free gift! Diggin Booth 1038 $500 = 5% $750 = FFA $1500 = FFA, Net 60 FFA cannot be combined with discounts Do-A-Dot Art Booth 1033 $350 = Net 60, less 5% $550 = Net 90, less 10% $1200 = Net 120, free shipping Free play days on orders over $550 Fat Brain Toy Co. Booth 1222 FFA on show orders $500 or more. Free demos available when ordering case packs. Orders must ship by June 30 or as available. Geared for Imagination Booth 841 Get a free Plus-Plus play day kit and a 5% discount on Plus-Plus orders of $500 or more. Ship it ASAP from Marketplace for free freight.
High IntenCity Booth 319 Orders of $500+ = FF Orders of $840+ = FF + 40 Charm It! pouches Orders of $1200+ = FF+ 40 Charm It! pouches + 6 Charm It! gift boxes Hotaling Imports Inc. Booth 625 Order $1,250 or more of any combination of our products and receive N90/FFA terms* *upon credit approval INI LLC Booth 540 $150 = 5% discount $300 = 10% discount $500 = 15% discount Free demo units & credit cards accepted International Playthings Booth 603 At once orders $750 or more receive a 5% discount. Net 60 terms. IPL pays the freight. JC Toys Group Inc. Booth 1120 $500 = FFA, Net 30 Jeannie’s Enterprises Booth 100 $500 = FFA Kettler International Inc. Booth 1305 $800 = half freight, Net 30 $1300 = FFA, 1% disc., Net 60 (1 free item) $2500 = FFA, 3% disc., Net 60 (2 free items) Free items to be announced at show
(continued on page 38)
36 May 2013
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 36)
2013 Marketplace & Academy (Members Only Specials) Kids Done Right Booth 1335 $400 = FFA, Net 30 Credit card payments accepted for all orders Kids Preferred LLC Booth 1124 $750+ order = FFA, Net 90 $1500+ order = FFA, 5% discount, Net 90 Kristins Gifts Inc. Booth 120 $500 = FFA, Net 30, 3% discount Magicforest Booth 442 $400 = free gift! A $40 retail value $500 FFA, Net 30. $750 FFA, Net 60. $1,000 FFA and reorders of $350 FFA. Mag-Nif Booth 122 $250 = Net 30, 5% discount (freight allowance) $500 = Net 30, 5% frt disc., 1 free display under $15 $1000 = Net 30, FFA, 1 free display under $15 Credit card payments accepted for all orders. Magnote Booth 1324 Free shipping on order over $500 Display offset on show special starter kits Net 30 terms available with credit sheet Credit card payments accepted for all orders Mark-My-Time Booth 1220 Mix and match any 3 case packs for free freight! Offer expires July 1, 2013 **ASTRA members only can place show special orders for delivery through October 15!!** Mindtwister USA Booth 507 $150 1/2 off freight $300 Free Freight Demos available
MindWare Booth 633 $750 = FFA, N60 $2000 = FFA, N60, 10% discount Show only promotion Monkeez Makes a Difference Booth 219 Free freight on all orders over $250 Free Monkeez fixture on orders over $500 Free Goofballz Fixture on orders over $500 90 day terms on orders over $1,000 My Funky Planet Corp. Booth 1317 Buy 5 Skus of 1 item, get 6th of same Sku Free FFA for show orders above $500 Special price list for ASTRA show orders National Sporting Goods Booth 539 $500 = FFA, Net 30, (NA Explorer & Toy Monster) $1,000 = $1,999.99 = FFA, Net 30, 3% discount $2,000+ = FFA, Net 30, 5% discount The Orb Factory Booth 906 $250 = FFA, Net 30 $1,000 = FFA, 5%, Net 60 $1,500 = FFA, 5%, Net 90 $2,500 = FFA, 7%, 1/1/14 Dating The Original Toy Company Booth 206 $500 = FFA , Net 30, excludes Rockers $800 = FFA, Net 30, -3%, includes Rockers $950 = FFA, Net 60 ,-5% Orders must be written at the show Out of the Box Booth 807 Free freight when you purchase a case of Snake Oil Pacific Play Tents Booth 639 $500 - FFA $750 - FFA + 5% discount $1000 - FFA + 5% discount + Net 90 This offer does not apply to any other promos
Party Animal Inc. Booth 124 $250 = 10% discount $750 = FFA and 5% discount 10% off all credit card orders Net 30 terms available Pechter Play dba Modular Toys USA Booth 443 $250 half FFA/Net 30 $500 FFA/Net 30 $1,000 FFA/Net 60 Discounts for paying with credit card at show Plasmart Inc. Booth 309 $500 = FFA Buy 12 Plasmacars, pay for 11 Plasmacars Pomchies LLC Booth 126 6 Free pieces with any 100 pieces written at show Free display with 50 pieces Radz Booth 205 5% discount @ $175 10% discount @ $350 Ringstix (System Enterprises LLC) Booth 145 24 games = free demo game. $500+ = free 8” LCD Display with Steel OR 50% off shipping if no display is required RoosterFin Inc. Booth 204 $200 = FFA $300 = FFA, Net 30 Free demo game included Safari Ltd. Booth 823 $350 Net 30 FFA $750 Net 90 FFA Extra show special: $100 - FFA Saturnian 1 Inc. Booth 1200 $150 = 5%, Net 30 $500 = 6%, Net 30 $1,200 = 10%, Net 60 $1500 =12%, Net 60 (continued on page 42)
38 May 2013
is a domestic, 3rd party independent testing laboratory specializing in CPSIA, ASTM F963, Canadian CCPSA Toys Regulations, and California Proposition 65 compliance testing. ToyTestingLab is accredited by A2LA and is accepted by the CPSC as an accredited laboratory. We provide compliance testing services for toys and games, jewelry, and a wide range of consumer products.
CPSIA TEST METHODS: CPSC-CH-E1003-09 Determining Lead in Paint and Surface Coatings CPSC-CH-E1002-08 Determining Total Lead in Non-Metal Children’s Products CPSC-CH-E1001-08 Determining Total Lead in Children’s Metal Products CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3 Phthalate Analysis
ASTM TEST METHODS: ASTM F963-11 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety
Accurate Results, Knowledgeable Staff Our state-of-the-art laboratory offers all the capabilities you’ll need to ensure that your products are safe for children. You’re in good hands with over 75 trained technicians on staff to analyze raw materials, intermediary parts or finished goods.
has assembled a team of experts who are always available by phone or email to answer your questions. Our guidance and support will provide you with a better understanding to resolve problems and provide ideas which lead to solutions.
ASTM F2923-11 Standard Specification for Consumer Product Safety for Children's Jewelry - including total cadmium analysis and soluble cadmium methodologies. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 Including Lead & Phthalates TPCH - Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (CONEG) Illinois Lead Poisoning Prevention Act
www.ToyTestingLab.com • 401.737.8500 x136 Accepted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) as an accredited laboratory. ID Number: 1097 • A2LA Accredited (ISO 17025) Number: 2815.01 & 2815.02
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 38)
2013 Marketplace & Academy (Members Only Specials) Sentosphere USA Booth 238 Free freight between $350 and $700 Free freight + 5% discount over $700 Speed Stacks Booth 1219 $500 = FFA, Net 30 OAC Speed Stacks Inc. Spooner Inc. Booth 343 $450 = FFA with cc $650 = FFA, Net 30 $900 = FFA, Net 45 $1200 = FFA, Net 45, -5% TOMY Booth 403 $1,500 = FFA, Net 30 $2,000 = FFA, Net 60 $5,000 = FFA, Net 90 5% off order when placed at ASTRA Marketplace Unitech Toys Booth 1140 $300 = FFA (except AK, HI, PR get 10% discount) Free samples with order on selected items Visa, MC, or Discover accepted for all orders Net 30 terms available Waboba Inc. Booth 1322 $300 = FFA, Net 30 $500 = FFA, 10% discount, Net 30 ASTRA show specials valid 5/15 through 6/21/13. Wiggles 3D Incorporated Booth 1301 Four titles = free freight New 12-game order = one free demo game Winning Moves Inc. Booth 432 1% for each item you order up to 10 items. Order 6 cps. of puzzles get 4% on the entire order. Max you could earn is 14%. Must be As Ready. $125 = Net 30, $300 = Net 60, $600+ Net 90.
X Plus Products Booth 346 Buy 11+ games and get 1 free to demo at your store. $400 = FFA, Net 45, 5% discount. Free Commander-In-Chief 3’ x 2’ wall posters. Free Po-Rum-Bo mini decks of playing cards. Xonex Booth 404 Orders over $250 receive a 5% discount. Orders over $500 receive a 10% discount. Credit card payments accepted for all orders. Net 30 terms available. Zazzy Pals Booth 1138 Order 10 games, get 2 additional free! Show special extends to 7/3/13. Enter drawing at booth #1138 to win a custom pet painting by creator of Zazzy Pals. Zoobies Booth 1034 $450 = FFA, Net 30, 3% discount. Must ship by July 15. $1,000 = FFA, Net 60, ship by July 15. 3% ongoing for ASTRA members.
2013 Marketplace & Academy (All Attendee Specials) Aeromax Inc. Booth 517 Orders $250+ = 5% disc. & Net 30 Orders $500+ = FFA & Net 30 Orders $600+ = FFA & Net 60 Orders $900+ = FFA & Net 90 AG Industries Booth 836 $400 = FFA. Buy WhiteWings Flight Center = FFA for all of 2013. Free demo planes to display in your store. Aliquantum International Booth 243 Play DartBall for the chance to win free freight!
All The King’s Games Booth 1207 $300 = FFA $200 = 1/2 FFA Plus... Try a WordZeki puzzle and enter a drawing for an exciting prize! American Educational Products LLC Booth 342 10% off an order over $200 net. Use code COUPON1 Free Freight on order over $300 net. Use COUPON2 15% off an order over $500 net. Use code COUPON3 Free Freight on order over $500 net. Use COUPON4 AREAWARE Booth 445 10% off $150 and up. Artec Educational Booth 536 Free freight. 5% discount for ASTRA member. Babalu Booth 1127 All new from Babalu! Free shipping for at once orders at show. Includes Babalu and Roundabout. See www.roundabout.US and www.babaluinc.com. BANANAGRAMS Inc. Booth 1024 $180 = 3 free games $360 = free shipping $720 = free shipping + 6 free games Be Amazing! Toys Booth 609 $750 = FFA and Net 60 $400 = 1/2 FFA and Net 30 All orders must be in full case packs and delivered to one address. Beezer Playhouses Booth 324 $500 = 5% discount $1000 = 5% discount + free decals with each house.
(continued on page 44)
42 May 2013
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 42)
2013 Marketplace & Academy (All Attendee Specials) BEKA Inc. Booth 915 Celebrating 40 years with $40 Easels. Made in USA “Deluxe” & “Ultimate” Easels - $40. 5% discount on everything else! $500 = Net 60; $1,000 = 1/2 60 days, 1/2 90 days. Best of Best Toys Booth 933 $500 paid via CC = 5% discount OR $750 = Net 30 and FFA (IF invoice is paid on time). Specials cannot be combined - Valid June 17-21. FFA applies to 48 contiguous states. Bike Brightz Ltd. Booth 341 Free freight for all orders placed at show. Blue Orange Games Booth 733 $750 = FFA, Net 30 $1,000 = FFA, Net 60 Borgfeldt (Canada) Limited Booth 223 LiteHawk – $500+ = free $120 Fliteschool, FFA Micador – $550 = $50 credit, FFA - $1100 = $100 credit, FFA Chicago Toy & Gift Co. Booth 837 Sampler – Order 3 each of any 20 different skus = FFA $400 = Receive extra $50 free merch – new customers. $2000 = FFA, Net 60 No minimum quantity order. Order in ones or twos! Citiblocs LLC Booth 520 $300 = 1/2 FFA $750 = 1/2 FFA and Net 60
Cleveland Kids LLC Booth 1147 5% off all orders placed at Marketplace & Accademy. Free game with minimum two-case order. $500 = Net 60. Credit cards accepted. Cloud B Booth 424 FFA>$600 + 6 Twilight Carz 1 free shelf >$1k + case of Twilight Carz reorder Continuum Games Booth 418 For orders of $500+ that include 24 pieces of our new products featured at the show, receive FFA. New products include: Lightning Fast Math, Perfect Timing, Games on the Go, DinnerTime Games & more. Crazy Aaron’s Puttyworld Booth 1300 $200 = FFA Free shipping on retail packs with new displays! Curious Chef Booth 620 Receive free freight with $500 purchase or more DARON Worldwide Trading Booth 133 Orders written at show get 5% show discount FFA on $600 Daydream Toys LLC Booth 926 $300 = 1/2 freight $500 = FFA Special show price for Skytrix $8 DeAgostini Publishing Booth 1340 $600 = FFA, 3%, Net 30 $1000 = FFA, 5%, Net 60 Eat to Win LLC Booth 1246 $500 = FFA USA, Net 30, 3% discount
Education Outdoors Inc. Booth 521 $550+ = FFA, Net 30 and free POP display Buy 2 cases of product, get a free demo! Terms are Net 30. Visa and MasterCard accepted. ELENCO Booth 1001 Orders of $800 or more written at the ASTRA show qualify for a 5% discount off list cost, Net 60 days dating and free freight. Terms cannot be combined with any other special allowance or discount. Elf Magic Booth 316 New Stores $360 = Jingle & Jangle Welcome Kit Increase to $500 will add a 36” Elf black hair Current stores $800 = 36” Elf black hair per order The Elf on the Shelf Booth 401 1/2 off shipping 1st delivery Endless Games Booth 619 Less 5% on all orders written at the show! $500 = half freight European Expressions Booth 140 FFA with $350 order, must ship within the month Family Games America Booth 1242 $500+ Net 60 dating $750+ Net 90 dating $1000+ Net 60 dating & 5% discount $1500+ Net 90 dating & 10% discount Four Esses Aps Booth 1323 Free delivery on order over 400 USD. 10 for free when ordering 60 Little Storm’s Zoo. 10 for free when ordering 60 Little Storm’s Farm. 4 for free when ordering 27 MimiQ.
(continued on page 46)
44 May 2013
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 44)
2013 Marketplace & Academy (All Attendee Specials) Foxmind Booth 1008 Free demos for initial case pack orders. 2% discount offer to all orders paid by CC. $500 = freight cap 5% ; $750 = FFA + Net 30. $1,000 = FFA + Net 60 + 4% discount. FS-USA/Mega Marbles Booth 916 $250 order = 10% discount $450 order = 15% discount or free freight Buy 12 Bouncers, get 1 free Fun Horizon Limited Booth 941 $500 = FFA, Net 30, 3% discount for new account $1000 = FFA, Net 60, 5% discount for new account Fun Q Games Booth 109 $100 = FFA, Net 30, 5% discount $250 = FFA, Net 30, 10% discount $500 = FFA, Net 60, 15% discount Global Game Changers Booth 1240 ASTRA Show Specials $500 = 5% discount, Net 30 with approved credit. FFA (USA) off any min order paid with credit card. Orders must ship within 30 days. Gollnest & Kiesel Booth 1332 $500 = 5% discount $750 = 7.5% discount $1,000 = 10% discount Gorgeous Products Inc. Booth 117 No minimum 5% discount for orders of $500 or more 7% discount for orders of $750 or more Free freight for orders of $1,300 or more Great Circle Works Booth 435 10% discount - Zipfy 10% discount - Oblo Spheres 10% discount - Logiq Tower 46 May 2013
Green Toys Inc. Booth 1215 FFA on all orders over $250 FFA/Net 60 on orders over $1000 with approved credit Greenpoint Brands LLC Booth 736 Teether Special: Purchase 3 cases of Eco Teethers plus 3 cases of Knit Teethers (total of 24 pieces) to receive free shipping on entire order. Disney Promo: 5% off on all Disney items + FFA Grouchy Dog LLC Booth 939 Free freight on show orders of 3 cases or more. We are happy to mix and match. 1 case = 6 units. Visa and MC accepted. Colorful Rainbow Math will pop off your shelves! Group Sales Inc. Booth 338 Receive 5% off on all orders $250 or more if received by 7/1/2013. Credit cards accepted, Net 30 terms available upon credit approval. Come see our awardwinning product lines! Grow Studio Booth 132 $500 orders receive 5% discount. $1000 receive 10% discount and free displays. $2000 receive 20% discount and net 30 terms. Free displays for all preorders on new items. HABA USA Booth 1106 $500 = FFA Harrisville Designs Booth 315 1. $400 = FFA 2. Potholder Bundle: 10% savings and FFA 3. Custom friendly loom product display unit $750 Value only $550 and FFA
Improv Electronics Booth 220 5% discount on orders of 24 units or more Free POP on orders of 24 units or more innovativekids.com Booth 506 Order $250 net (Special Code: IKGS60), receive 50% discount, 60 days dating, free freight. Order $500 net (Special Code: IKSS13), receive 53% discount, 90 days dating, free freight. Jacquard Products Booth 1223 10% off new Color Magnet Dye Kits. 10% off new Cernit Phthalate-free Clay Sampler. 10% off new Exciter Packs. Free freight on all orders placed over $500. Jax Ltd. Inc. Booth 709 10% off of all orders written at the show Jungo Toys Booth 1046 FFA on Video Bundle FFA on orders of $400 or more Kid Galaxy Booth 1004 15% off Kid Galaxy licensed RC - details at show 20% off Go Go City - details at show 25% off Nitro Micros - details at show Kid O Products Booth 1132 $500 = FFA $1000 = FFA and 5% LeftSide-RightSide Games Booth 1321 Free freight for all and a free sample game with minimum order (18 games) and credit card payment. Legendary Games Booth 1025 $300 order/FFA shipping to one location
The Haywire Group Inc Booth 519 $200 = 1/2 Freight, Net 30 $300 = FFA, Net 30 (continued on page 48)
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 46)
OgoSport LLC Booth 1014 $350 = FFA
2013 Marketplace & Academy (All Attendee Specials) Leisure Learning/MightyMind Booth 1315 Pick up a free $70 MightyMind Continuity Cert. We’re also repeating 20% off 5 SKU special! $10 off coupons honored Luna Star Naturals Booth 437 $250 = FFA $500 = FFA, 3% discount $1,000 = Free FFA, 5% discount Marshmallow Fun Co. Booth 1208 10% discount for an order of $300 or more Mason Corporation Booth 938 New store special: Buy 8, receive free display and half-price Flying Turtle for demo Net 30, quantity discounts available Introducing PINK in 2013 My Princess Academy Booth 1314 $500 = FFA, Net 30 $1000 = FFA, Net 60 $1500 = FFA, Net 90 Visit the booth for additional specials Neat-Oh! International Booth 414 Single order $300 1/2 FFA net 30. Single/combination orders total $650 FFA* net 60. Single/combination orders total $950 FFA* net 90. *Freight comes off final invoice. NumbersAlive! Booth 839 Free freight on orders over $200. Net 30 terms available. Net 60 on orders greater than $1,000. Credit cards accepted on all orders.
48 May 2013
Ohio Art Company Booth 400 $750 = Net 45, FFA 3% discount. $1500 = Net 60, FFA 5% discount. POs cannot be combined to achieve program. POs must be submitted to OA by June 30. Patch Products Booth 1342 Stop by Patch Products booth 1342 to find out how you can save 20+% on our exciting new brands, Mirari and Planet Sock Monkey! Additional specials available also! Penny for Your Thoughts Booth 1341 Free shipping on 12 games or more, any combination. Free game + shipping with 24 or more game units. Perisphere & Trylon Inc. Booth 739 5% off all orders over $200 10% off all orders over $500 Playdin LLC Booth 134 10% off orders over $250 Free freight on orders over $500 8 free Zip-Itz Pillowz with orders over $300 Playroom Entertainment Booth 606 $300 = 3% off, Net 30 $500 = 5% off, Net 30 $1000 = FFA, 5% off, Net 45 $1500 = FFA, 8% off, Net 60 Pop-In-Kins Ltd Booth 202 Special pricing for brick-and-mortar stores. $10 Whsl on Book and Elf Sets, Reg. $12.50. MSRP: $24.95 MAPP: $19.95. Set includes Elf, Book, and Storage Case.
Popular Playthings Booth 636 $400 = FFA $750 = FFA + Net 60 Prepay at the show for a 10% discount! Broken cases are ok! Promise Monsters Inc. Booth 638 Free display materials with $50 order Net 30 terms available Credit card payments accepted for all orders Pure Play Kids Booth 1343 $500 = 5% discount, free smiles Ravensburger Booth 1002 $100 - $499 Net 30 freight added. $500 - $999 Net 60 freight prepaid. $1000 - Net 90 freight prepaid. Red Hen LLC Booth 1136 FFA + free displays for Kaleidograph orders. $300 = FFA or $500 = FFA + 5% discount. Credit card payments accepted for all orders. Net 30 terms available. Rich Frog Booth 305 Orders of $350 and above get free freight. Round World Products Inc. Booth 425 $250-$499.99 half free freight. $500+ free freight & 60 days. Excludes Waypoint Globes. Valid only in the contiguous U.S. Rubbabu Inc. Booth 334 $300 = 5% discount $500 = FFA $1000 = FFA, Net 60 School Zone Publishing Booth 114 $100 net = 5% freight allowance. $250 net = Free Freight when prepaid via CC. $250 net = Free Freight at the show only. June 16-30, 2013 only contiguous USA. (continued on page 50)
(“ASTRA Marketplace Manufacturers’ Specials” continued from page 48)
2013 Marketplace & Academy (All Attendee Specials) Schylling Toys Booth 500 $500 = FFA & Net 60. $1000 = FFA, Net 60, 5% discount. Orders must be placed at the ASTRA show. Science Wiz Booth 527 $360 - Retail freight offset* $500 - Retail freight offset and Net 60 $960 - Retail freight offset, Net 60 & 5% discount *free product in shipment@retail value of product Set Enterprises Inc. Booth 1042 $250 = 5% discount $500 = 5% discount, FFA $1000 = 10% discount, FFA Buy a demo pack of 11 games, get a free demo game. Skullduggery Inc. Booth 225 $250 = 1/2 FFA $500 = FFA $1000 = Free video monitor, FFA Smart Play LLC Booth 218 $250 = FFA, Net 30 $500 = FFA, Net 30, 3% discount $1,000 = FFA, Net 60, 5% discount SmartNoggin Toys Booth 118 Free shipping. Free demo NogginStik for all new stores. Net 30 terms available. Smarty Parents Inc. Booth 1142 $300 = FFA Shelf-talkers included for all orders Credit card payments accepted for all orders Specialty Toys Network Booth 427 Free membership & hosting through end of 2013! Give away contest - details to come! Attend Retail Session 1:30 p.m. Sun. 6/16: Establish Your Online Storefront - Level B. 50 May 2013
Spin Master Toys Booth 300 10% discount, minimum order = $250. FFA = $1,500 (net of discount). Offer valid from show through June 30, 2013 Squishable.com Booth 920 $350 = FFA Storytime Toys Inc. Booth 1137 $500 = 5% discount, Net 30 $1000 = 10% discount, Net 30 Credit card payments accepted for all orders. Talicor/Aristoplay Booth 326 $250= FFA, Net 30 OAC, 10% off wholesale ***Certain restrictions will apply*** Tenzi from Carma Games Booth 534 FFA on all Tenzi orders for immediate ship. Stop by booth 534 and play to win more discounts! Thames & Kosmos Booth 724 $500 = Net 60, 1 free E&M ($50 retail value) $1000 = Net 60, 2%, free E&M ($50 retail value) $2000 = Net60, FFA, 2 free E&M ($100 retail value) Plus: FFA on reorders $500+ through 12/31/13 The Puppet Company LLC Booth 1204 Free freight on orders over $350 The Wonder Forge, I Can Booth 525 $350 free freight TOYOPS Booth 1019 $300 = 10% Net 30 $600 = 10% Net 60 50% freight Tree Hopper Toys Booth 136 Free demo set of Match Stacks with any order. $300 = free freight. $550 = free freight and 5% off prepaid orders. Credit card accepted for all orders
Try Try A Game Booth 116 FFA on all first orders $150 = FFA, 10% discount $300 = FFA, 15% discount Tynies Booth 1047 10% off all orders Tynie deal: 6 of each of 40 Tynies ($360) Small display for $25, N30, & free freight Big deal: 12 of each 40 Tynies, free large display U.S. Games Systems Inc. Booth 835 $200 order = free freight $500 FF and 5% off $1000 FF and 10% off Ask about our new customer special. Huge savings. WABA Fun LLC Booth 522 10% off orders of $750 or more Wiggity Bang Games Booth 320 Free shipping on orders placed at the show! (Continental U.S. only) Free demo game with the first case order of any Wiggity Bang game! Woolpets Booth 339 FFA on all show orders. $200 = 3% discount. $500 = 5% discount. Free sample kits sent with all new orders. WordTeasers Booth 922 Buy 12 games (mixed titles okay); get 13th free Buy 24 games; get 2 games free plus FFA The Young Scientists Club Booth 1117 $400 1/2 freight, Net 30, 5% discount on show orders. $800 FFA, Net 30, 5% discount on show orders. $1000 FFA, Net 60, 5% discount on show orders.
ASTRA News From the Industry Maple Landmark Tapped for Inaugural Toy In the midst of President Obama’s inauguration was an official toy created by ASTRA member Maple Landmark of Middlebury, Vermont. The manufacturer of wooden toys got the call December 28 to produce a limited edition presidential limousine in time for the January 21 inauguration. Since all manufacturing is done in Middlebury, the company was able to handle a quick turnaround on design, production and delivery in time for the festivities. The limited edition limo is only available through the official inauguration committee, which raises money to pay for inaugural activities. This wasn’t the first time Maple Landmark was involved in the President’s oath of office. Four years ago, the company was selected to design a train to represent the trek of both Obama and Abraham Lincoln from Illinois to Washington, D.C.
SCORE Selects Toy Store for Seminar Carolyn Miye of Oodles 4 Kids in Portland, Oregon, was one of 102 small business owners – two from every state and the District of Columbia – chosen for a two-day High Speed Growth Seminar, a special training program on attracting customers, branding, online marketing and developing a sales plan. The selection came with a $1,000 gift card to Sam’s Club to purchase merchandise critical to running the business. Miye was nominated by her SCORE counselor for the program, based on need and a commitment to ongoing learning and growth. The grant covered travel to Texas and a follow-up regional workshop hosted by SCORE. Sam’s Club provided $547,000 to SCORE for the alliance. Miye opened Oodles 4 Kids last fall.
Roberts Blumberg Awarded Rep Group of the Year Reeves International awarded Roberts Blumberg Corporation, a New England-based manufacturer representative group, the 2012 Sales Rep Group of the Year Award at the December sales meetings in Las Vegas. They received a goldemblazoned model horse award. Reeves International is best known as the manufacturer of Breyer Animal Creations, with more than 60 years of creating realistic, collectible, play horses. Reeves International distributes Tolo Toys, Enchantmints, Geomag Kids, Gbaby by Geomag, Tonka metal trucks, The Big Dig, Red Toolbox and Gazillion Bubbles to the specialty trade in the U.S. Roberts Blumberg started their sales rep group in 1999, and has grown to include seven reps in the field and two support people in their Connecticut offices. “We have always felt a strong allegiance to both the vendors and the accounts,” said Alan Blumberg, co-principal of the group. “Our obligation is to increase our distribution by opening more accounts and growing the business, while maintaining loyalty to our customers.” 52 May 2013
Christine Blumberg, co-principal, added, “We don’t sell toys; we sell service. Our accounts need to feel that we bring value to their stores by more than submitting their orders. We keep them informed of deals, set up racks, help create store windows and teach staff how to play games. We try to be ‘all service’ to our customers.”
Santa’s Helpers Serve at Sandy’s Toy Shoppe When Super Storm Sandy hit the New Jersey shore, Margaret Spicer did what she does best: she opened a toy store. Not just any toy store, though. This was Sandy’s Toy Shoppe, a place where families devastated by Sandy could shop for ageappropriate toys for their kids – for free. Owner since 1984 of Distinctive Toys, a 1,400-square-foot shop in Fair Haven, New Jersey, Spicer used the ASTRA Discussion Board to solicit help, and it poured in from ASTRA member manufacturers across the country. Spicer figures more than 7,000 toys were donated from ASTRA members, including about 1,000 stocking stuffers. Charlie Hoopes from Hoopcat Games and Nancy Messina from GUND donated an entire day of service. Spicer also solicited money to buy more mass market toys like Barbie, Hot Wheels and LEGO. Sales reps gave $550 in gift cards, and another $3,000 came from friends and family busy with their own cleanup but wanting to help. She figures all the donations totaled well over $100,000. One more figure: the volunteers wrapped 8,000 gifts. Spicer teamed with the Knights of Columbus, Life Guard Ecumenical Foundation, Junior League, her son’s school and rebuildrecover.org, a grassroots organization formed in Sandy’s aftermath to raise money and connect volunteers and resources with those who need it most. Word about Sandy’s Toy Shoppe was spread through churches, schools, community centers, social service agencies and relief organizations. Families needing help were invited to participate. If they agreed, their name was put on a list. If they were hesitant about asking for help, they could still get help through their churches or organizations. “These are people who have never had to ask for anything before,” Spicer told a local reporter. “We don’t want to embarrass them. We just want them to receive the toys so the children can have them.” The volunteers set up shop at Grape Beginnings, a local winery. The owner opened his warehouse to them and was there to help. “Every family that came was awestruck by the quality of the toys and the idea that we just wanted them to ‘shop’ for their families as if they were in a local toy shop,” said Spicer. “One young family sticks out most in my heart. They have a beautiful young boy of about 2-1/2. They lost their home and (continued on page 54)
ASTRA News From the Industry (continued from page 52)
WTHRA Recognizes Toy Leaders
everything in it. To add to their misery, their son is very ill with special needs since birth and now has a cancer diagnosis. They didn’t complain, they just explained that their holiday was about the child and were so happy they could give him presents.” A woman pulled up in a Mercedes with two life-size Barbies in the front seat and so many huge bags of toys it was like emptying out a clown car, Spicer recalled. Asking what else she could do, she opened her wallet and gave money, plus a full day of service at Sandy’s Toy Shoppe. After giving three to five gifts per child, plus stocking stuffers, to more than 2,000 children from 800-plus families, Spicer returned to Distinctive Toys for what was left of the holiday season. She hadn’t had damage to her store, but lost power for more than two weeks and didn’t expect much of a season. To her surprise, she ended December up 5 percent from 2011.
ASTRA members Bill and Nancy Smith of Toysmith, Kathleen Milne of the Kathleen Milne Company and Brian Miller of Geppetto’s were inducted into the Western Toy and Hobby Representative Association (WTHRA) Hall of Fame at the Toy Fest West show’s opening night gala March 10. Bill Smith founded Toysmith in 1981, joined by Nancy in 1987. The company has grown from their garage to a 300,000-squarefoot building in Sumner, Washington, distributing in more than 50 countries. Milne started in the toy business as a rep in 1985, and founded her own company two years later. Based in Alameda, California, the group has served specialty toy retailers for more than 25 years. Retailer of the Year Brian Miller and his mother purchased Geppetto’s, their neighborhood San Diego toy store, in 1992. Now, Geppetto’s boasts eight locations with a ninth slated to open this year. WTHRA also honored Rich Brady, vice president of sales for Brainstorm Products.
Wonder Works Works Wonders in Charleston Wonder Works toy stores in Charleston, South Carolina, organized Wonderfest, an annual summer kick-off festival that drew as many as 4,000 kids and parents for a day of free fun. This year, Wonder Works owner Christine Osborne joined forces with the Cooper River Bridge Run to create the largest children’s event in the Lowcountry. The 2013 Kids Run & Wonderfest on April 5 drew thousands of families for a day of exercise, games, toys and activities to raise money for local children’s charities. Thanks to Osborne’s contacts, the event included child entrepreneurs displaying their products, children entertainers and musicians, a Wonder Works toy play zone with the store’s most popular toys and games, and a free toy for every child in attendance. Top national toy manufacturers, including Toysmith, Waboba, Schylling, Spooner, Glimmer Body Art, Monkeez Makes a Difference and Y’all Ball, displayed summer toys. “Christine is so connected to our community’s child entrepreneurs, philanthropists and entertainers,” said Julian Smith, executive director of the Cooper River Bridge Run. “I was blown away by the work of these amazing children. They are the heart of Wonderfest.” As kids indulged in face painting, caricature drawings, glitter tattoos and more in the designated charity tent, they had the option to donate to one of five chosen charities. Free activities ranged from Mad Science to pony rides and physical activities, such as rock climbing, obstacle courses, a mechanical bull and jump castles. The day ended with the Kids Run. Founded in 1990, Wonder Works has four locations in the Charleston area. 54 May 2013
Dig Deeper With a Retail Expert (continued from page 16)
generated by participants from a variety of retail businesses, and in the end, she had created a very elaborate marketing plan specifically for her store. Miglavs and a group of other ASTRA members in her area pooled their dollars to buy Negen’s Retail Mastery System, covering 11 essential retail skills and how to use them to improve performance. The group would gather on a regular basis to watch a DVD, often stopping it mid-sentence to discuss a point and how to apply it in their stores. They’d come up with projects to try at their stores and discuss at the next meeting. “I watched (the videos) before we watched together … some I watched three or four times,” Miglavs said. “It got into me. Sometimes I felt like I had quotes of his that came right out of my head.” In the Marketing Mentor program, one of the first things Negen had participants do was write a mission statement and an exit strategy. “It impacts the way you market,” Miglavs said. She used that exit strategy in February 2012 when she sold the store to Kate Noreen, a former employee. Miglavs handed over the marketing plan with the keys to the store. “It served as a guideline, a jumping off point,” Noreen said. “I could carry on what customers see as MudPuddles traditions.” With that framework in place, the transfer of ownership appeared seamless to MudPuddles’ loyal customers. ASTRA
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Young minds revel in stacking, toppling, and the discovery of endless ingenuity with Tobbles Neo. Six uniquely weighted pieces balance, neatly nest, and incessantly spin beyond your expectations.
FREE Freight on Orders $500+ Mention promo code: ASTRA-1 *Expires June 24th, 2013
ASTRA Welcomes Its Newest Manufacturer Members American Fashion World Greensboro, North Carolina www.americanfashionworld.com American Fashion World offers an exclusive selection of 18-inch doll clothes, outfits and accessories at unbeatable wholesale prices. Our diverse collection includes luxurious fabrics and unique designs that contain an array of trendy colors. We hope to give the 18-inch doll a wonderful, fashionable wardrobe that will last a lifetime.
Beezer Playhouses LLC Robbinsdale, Minnesota www.beezerplayhouses.com Beezer Playhouses introduces the ultimate indoor playhouse that transforms eco-friendly cardboard into a fun-to-build, easy-to-store and long-lasting playhouse that inspires creative play. Kids and parents can agree – the Beezer Cottage Playhouse is the ultimate indoor play house!
Beach and Nature Salem, Massachusetts www.beachandnatureco.com Beach and Nature Company is a small manufacturer of children’s outdoor activity kits. All of our products are designed to promote interaction with both nature and creativity, and we proudly make them in the USA.
Brictek (Brmb Inc.) Saint Euspache, Quebec, Canada www.bricteck.com Brictek is a new construction toy line fully compatible with and much more affordable than the leading brands, made available exclusively to specialty stores and independents like you. Over 200 sets are presently available for both boys and girls, including radio-controlled sets and some hard-to-find accessories.
56 May 2013
Cleveland Kids LLC Santa Barbara, California www.donkeythegame.com Laughter was the goal when Cleveland Kids created “Donkey It’s A Kick!” The cards race by and the pucks will fly in this fast-paced, funfilled, all-play “Puck Ruckus,” where every round is played differently and losing is as much fun as winning! For 3 to 8 players ages 8 and up.
Cubiciti Company LLC Palm Bay, Florida www.cubiciti.com Cubiciti Company is a wooden toy manufacturer that creates modular cityscape blocks for young kids. Each of our blocks is hand-crafted in the USA, and designed to be both eco-friendly and educational. Cubiciti encourages planning, building and playing cityscapes that build fine motor skills and stimulate imagination and creativity.
College Savings Dolls Inc. Schaumburg, Illinois www.collegesavingsdolls.com College Savings Dolls are 15-inch play dolls with realistic body images that promote future career choices for young girls. These unique concept dolls and their separate career clothes have been created by awardwinning designers. Purchase a doll and receive our free “PlayAnytime” backpack and entrance into our scholarship drawing.
Dreams USA Inc. Providence, Rhode Island www.dreams6.com Our goal at Dreams USA is to provide bright, energetic and unique products. Dreams’ products are designed to make you smile and add pleasure to your everyday life. From bath lights to our S-planet space items, the creativity of the Dreams product team is evident in every item we develop. Eurographics Montreal, Quebec, Canada Eurographics offers a wide selection of children’s and adult jigsaw puzzles, as well as posters. All of our products are made in the USA with recycled materials. Most of our adult puzzle line comes in a 10- by 14-inch box to help differentiate from the mass market. Will customize poster header display with your name/logo at no cost.
58 May 2013
Join the Fun! International Playthings Booth #603
...and many more!
Come Visit Us in Nashville, Booth #603! ASTRA Show Special At Once Orders over $750 receive 5% discount, Net 60 and IPL pays the freight Register for marketplace & academy for a chance to win an iPad sponsored by IPL
International Playthings LLC Toys... that make a difference!ÂŽ
1.800.631.1272 www.intplay.com
Explorers Playground Agoura Hills, California www.horndribbles.com Explorers Playground Inc. is the creator of The Horndribbles, a friendly and fun-loving group of monsters who live on Horndribble Island, a wild land full of endless places to go exploring. Our products show those children in your life how to learn through being creative, passionate and unafraid to explore the world. Check out our plush characters, children’s book and other products at www.horndribbles.com. Four Clowns Game and Toy Co. Scottsdale, Arizona www.CodigoCube.com Four Clowns Game and Toy Co., makers of the world’s first hybrid of a traditional board game and a smartphone game, Codigo Cube Trivia, are expanding their product line in 2013 with the launch of five new games: Codigo Cube Kids, Sports, Entertainment, Teen and RPG Trivia.
Four Esses Aps Juelsmide, Denmark www.four-esses.dk At Four Esses, we believe that children can and should learn to cooperate and to develop this ability through fun and interaction with others. We believe that children need well thought-out, rule-based games that help develop social awareness. Global Game Changers Louisville, Kentucky www.theglobalgamechangers.com Award-winning Global Game Changers Superhero products inspire kids to find their very own superpowers! Our fictional and real-life superheroes come alive with our Make Me a Superhero Activity Kits, Books, Ignite Good! Capes, Wristbands and more. Nurture a lifetime of giving back in your children today! GoldieBlox Oakland, California www.goldieblox.com It’s time we gave girls more options. GoldieBlox is a series of interactive books plus construction toys starring Goldie, a curious girl with a love of engineering. Goldie’s stories encourage girls to build, developing the spatial skills that are fundamental to engineering. While the story unfolds, girls get to build what Goldie builds.
60 May 2013
Visit us at Booth #232
Classic Personalities… Timeless Appeal www.DouglasToys.com
Hygloss Products Inc. Wallington, New Jersey www.hygloss.com Hygloss Products stands for quality, USAmade products, which include arts and crafts items, specialty papers, art kits, educational products, decorative items, adhesives, home and school items, and more. Ivy Street Distributing Inc. Chico, California www.ivystreetdistributing.com The 4KIDS collection from Lassig offers adorable, well-made gear for children. It features bags for school, travel and adventure, as well as bibs, soft toys and natural rubber teethers for infants. Designed in Germany, all Lassig products are free of PVC, nickel, AZO dyes, cadmium and phthalates. Kendama USA Smyrna, Georgia www.kendamausa.com Kendama is spreading like wildfire! Kendama USA is the most trusted brand with the largest selection of this highly addictive Japanese skill game. Great for training hand-eye coordination, balance and focus, it’s a welcome refuge from the digital distractions that surround us. When it comes to Kendama, trust the pros.
62 May 2013
Lego Systems Enfield, Connecticut www.LEGO.com LEGO Systems Inc. is the North American division of The LEGO Group, a privately held, family owned company based in Billund, Denmark, and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of creatively educational play materials for children. The company is committed to the development of children’s creative and imaginative abilities, and its employees are guided by the motto adopted in the 1930s by founder Ole Kirk Christiansen: “Only the best is good enough.” Miniland Educational Miami, Florida www.minilandeducational.com We offer quality, educational toys for early childhood through age 12, including multicultural dolls, construction sets, puzzles, manipulatives and games to develop readiness for motor, basic math and language skills. Made in Spain. Perfect for classroom and home use.
2013Š Mind Candy Ltd, Moshi Monsters is a trademark of Mind Candy Ltd, Moshlings is a trademark of Mind Candy Ltd. All rights reserved. Š2013
Penny for Your Thoughts North Prairie, Wisconsin www.pennyforyourthoughts.com Want to learn new, interesting things about those you’ve known for minutes or years with a lot of laughs along the way? Penny for Your Thoughts social party games are new, unique and simple, award-winning games that spark great, dynamic interaction between players. Three versions are available – there’s something for everyone.
RETROPlay Mission Viejo, California www.reversecharades.com Reverse Charades is fast-paced, unforgettable group fun! Featured on NBC’s “Today” Show and “Fox & Friends,” the award-winning game is a hilarious twist on charades where your team has 60 seconds to act as many words as one person can guess! (Original, Junior, Girls’ Night In, Sports and Holiday editions.)
Playing Grounded Lebanon, Pennsylvania www.playinggrounded.com We at Playing Grounded hope you will find our ideas to be refreshing, unique and thoroughly enjoyable. Our feature products are the Flow Stick, The Mystical Flying Dragon and Pocket Pals (coming soon). So, if you are looking for whimsical, anything-but-ordinary fun and games, we’ve got your therapy.
Toys‘NTales Bethel, Connecticut www.toysntales.com Parents and children discover life lessons through books, toys, board and card games. At Toys‘NTales, we have a team of top-notch child specialists who’ve created all sorts of ideas for helping kids handle the tough stuff of growing up. From dealing with shyness and family responsibility to healthy eating and communication, we’ve secretly stashed helpful tips into all our educational books, toys, board and card games.
Weave, Hook & Scribble
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64 May 2013
Scribble Down Activity Transfer Pack
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Visit us at our Booth #703 at 2013 ASTRA Marketplace & Academy Š 2013 Corolle, Inc. - PO Box 628008, Middleton, WI 53562-8008 - USA - 1-800-214-9711 - www.corolle.com Corolle and associated trademarks and trade styles are owned by Corolle, Inc.
Try Try A Game Pasadena, California www.trytryagame.com Created by sitcom-writer-turned-gameinventor Jon Vandergriff, Try Try A Game introduces A Way With Words, the reverse word search game where creating words – any word, any way with just one letter – is how you score, and Flick Your Chip, the multi-generational icebreaker game in which “you never know which way you’ll go.”
Via E Inc San Clemente, California www.via-e.com Via E offers toys and educational systems for girls ages 5 to 12. At the center is a highquality, 18.5-inch character doll named Alex, all vinyl with realistic features, elbows and knees that bend for action play. Alex books and accessories provide hours of value-centered play.
uKloo Kids Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada www.ukloo.com With uKloo Early Reader Treasure Hunt, kids will be reading without even realizing it! Children playing uKloo develop skills in sight reading, first research and basic sentence structure as they have fun seeking a surprise. Watch for uKloo 2: The Riddle Edition coming soon!
Wood Expressions Inc. Gardena, California woodexpressions.com Wood Expressions Inc. has been manufacturing, importing and distributing games from around the world for over 30 years. Chess is our specialty and we carry a wide selection of styles that are manufactured in a variety of materials, from the very traditional hand-carved and hand-polished Staunton Chess pieces to the Elvis Presley Chess set.
UrTown LLC Saint Charles, Missouri www.pickurtown.com UrTown LLC produces the industry’s first real-world, high-resolution playmat sets. We manufacture and distribute our unique playmats via wholesale channels around the globe. UrTown playmats include two vehicles and 14 signs, providing parents and children dynamic learning with interactive and imaginative play on real-world locations.
66 May 2013
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New Members If any of the information below is incorrect, ASTRA truly apologizes. Please contact us immediately at info@astratoy.org.
RETAILERS ANB Baby Alex Stolyar 2002 Coney Island Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11223 (347) 587-5444 Fax: (347) 587-5443 anbbaby@gmail.com www.anbbaby.com Bambini Shannon Arm 205 W. 5th Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 513-9811 Fax: (541) 513-9811 bambinieugene@yahoo.com www.bambinieugene.com
68 May 2013
Bella-Inizio Jim Louise 2525 Harding Lane, D Woodstock, IL 60098 (630) 717-9748 jiml@bella-inizio.com Candy World – Trumbull Saurabh Shah 5065 Main St. Unit 136 Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 371-7097 saurabhcs@yahoo.com Carolina Rojas Carolina Rojas 711 Angelus Place Venice, CA 90291 (415) 609-4100 Carolinarojasus@yahoo.com
Checkmate Int’l Khanna Kam PO Box 270789 Littleton, CO 80127 (303) 292-1000 Fax: (303) 298-8220 khannakazi@msn.com Comfy Baby on the Go LLC Andreea Paun 813 NE 2nd Court Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 (954) 456-6564 comfybaby@live.com www.comfybabyonthego.com
Contagious Toys LLC Michael Onsfad 1201 Gilmore Ave. Ste. F-6 Winona, MN 55987 (507) 313-2400 mike@contagioustoys.com www.contagioustoys.com Coppin’s Hallmark John Coppin 15 North Main Logan, UT 84321 (435) 915-4156 Fax: (435) 216-9374 shopcoppin@msn.com www.coppinsgifts.com
The Corduroy Button Alison Schuch 858 Kenilworth Dr. Towson, MD 21204 (410) 823-5437 fpsurfco@yahoo.com Detroit Toy and Book Kurt Spieles 1944 Edison St. Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 580-4536 kurt.spieles@gmail.com Dollhouses, Trains & More Linda Becker 300 Entrada Dr. Novato, CA 94949 (415) 883-0388 Fax: (415) 506-0303 dollhouselady1@yahoo.com www.dollhousestrainsandmore.com
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BuildingForFun - 8% BFFshop - 12%
EcoBaby & Home Kim Meador 2355 Vanderbilt Beach Rd. #150 Naples, FL 34109 (239) 596-2661 kim@ecobabyandhome.com www.ecobabyandhome.com Flora Ottimer Children’s Boutique Mary Welker 2348 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 463-2292 Fax: (954) 565-0927 floraottimer@aol.com www.floraottimer.com
NiftyGifty - 8%
WeSellEverything - 8%
BuyOnline.com - 20%
BuyersEmporium - 8%
For more information visit www.creditorsnetwork.com, email ron@creditorsnetwork.com or call 303-670-5111
Flying Circus Toys Inc. Jessica Persons 6500 Labeaux Ave. Ste. E140 Albertville, MN 55341 (763) 639-2056 Fax: (763) 444-1591 mnpersons@comcast.net www.flyingcircustoys.com The Gingerbread House Nikki Hall 603 South Hannah St. Bloomington, IL 61701 (309) 827-8811 nicolemgreene@gmail.com Horton Toy Zina Rasekh 35 Horton Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 232-3004 info@eztoys.com www.eztoys.com
edplay’s Fabulous Awards To vote, watch for the next issue of edplay 70 May 2013
J & M Kool Ltd dba Kool & Child Carolyn Kool 2517 Bowen Rd. #102 Nanaimo, BC V9T 3L2 Canada (250) 585-1778 Fax: (250) 585-1779 carolyn@koolandchild.com www.koolandchild.com
Kay Jay’s Doll Shoppe Katy Himes 737 Asbury Ave. Ocean City, NJ 08226 (609) 399-5632 katyhimes@yahoo.com www.kayjaysdollshoppe.com Kazoo Toys of Buckhead Joe Novak 3718 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, GA 30342 (404) 250-9109 joenovak@kazoofuntoys.com www.kazootoys.com Kids Done Right Jim Feisthamel 1748 E Sapphire Dr. Hudson, OH 44236 (440) 610-8351 Fax: (330) 653-9002 partners@kidsdoneright.com www.kidsdoneright.com Learning Headquarters Amy Coacher 2283 S 67th St. Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 763-8455 amy@learninghq.com www.learninghq.com Learning Railroad Bethany Wyatt 2965 Jackson St. Paducah, KY 42003 (270) 444-9986 learningrailroad@hotmail.com thelearningrailroad.com Liev Inc. Viengkham Liev 4510 Ridgecove Dr. Rowlett, TX 75088 (972) 463-1275 admin@costumecornershop.com www.costumecornershop.com Lions & Tigers & Toys Stacy Winegar 4301 W William Cannon Dr. #E-220 Austin, TX 78749 (512) 892-7627 Fax: (512) 892-7600 stacywinegar@me.com
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© TOMY © 2013 Pokémon. © 1995-2013 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ®, and character names are trademarks of Nintendo. Pajanimals ™ & © Henson © Ludorum plc, 2012. Chuggington™ is a trademark of Ludorum plc.
Lotus Export Ltd. Anatoliy Blinetskiy 1204 Avenue U Ste.1134 Brooklyn, NY 11229 (646) 441-7070 Fax: (646) 395-0395 lotusexportltd@gmail.com
Publicity That Counts!
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Natural Selection Bath & Body Jean Javra 7370 Opportunity Rd. Ste. O San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 576-9767 Fax: (858) 576-9777 jean@shopnaturalselection.com www.shopnaturalselection.com Nolensville Toy Shop Mark Bell 2755 Henry Allen Ln. Nolensville, TN 37135 (615) 395-0136 mark.bellalexander@comcast.net Nordica Marie McCarthy 7 Main St. Ste. D New Milford, CT 06776 (860) 355-2034 Fax: (860) 210-0408 hmccarthy@snet.net www.nordicatoys.com Olde Towne Toys Jennifer Ellen-Ellis 113 King St. St. Augustine, FL 32084 (904) 814-8710 Fax: (904) 814-8710 oldetownetoys@gmail.com www.oldetownetoys.com Play World Toys Alicia Smith 35307 SE Aspen Ln. Ste. 1104 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 (425) 281-5583 alicia@playworldtoys.com
72 May 2013
The Purple Bear Jill Eder 63 Whitfield St. Guilford, CT 06437 (203) 458-8697 jilleder@snet.net The Purple Platypus Jody Geise 335 Market Street Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 524-0199 thepurpleplatypustoysandgifts @gmail.com www.thepurpleplatypusonline.com Rainbow Ace Hardware Ariana Elezaj 1449 First Ave. New York, NY 10021 (212) 517-7500 Fax: (212) 288-4868 rainbowace@hotmail.com Rainbowacehardware.com Red Balloon Toy Shop Paul Jeffrey 114 Rt. 6a Orleans, MA 02653 (508) 255-4208 rbtoyshop@gmail.com redballoontoyshop.com School Days Jo Ellen Welch 3110 Jefferson Ave. Midland, MI 48640 (989) 636-7604 schooldays@sbcglobal.net SD Nuts & Ice Cream Inc. Sujan Datta 888 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 (917) 400-1169 dattasujan1234@gmail.com Silly Goose Kids Inc. Shamie Ramgoolam 2054 Danforth Ave. Toronto, ON M4C 1J6 Canada (647) 341-4400 Fax: (647) 341-4433 sillygoosekids@hotmail.com www.sillygoosekids.com
Specialties Games, Toys, Gifts Linda Bell 2011 Knickerbocker Rd. San Angelo, TX 76904 (325) 947-5234 lcbgb@aol.com specialtiesgamestoysgifts.com Tortue Josianne Gagnon 168 rue de la Rotonde Verdun, QC H3E 0B6 Canada (514) 508-6033 josiannegagnon@videotron.ca Toy Mania Yishai Habshush Southpark Mall 4400 Fharon Rd. Charlotee, NC 28211 (954) 608-6830 toymaniausa@gmail.com The Toy Place Downtown Susan Blevins 110 Cleveland Ave. Huntsville, AL 35801 (256) 213-7069 Deltadash35801@aol.com Toy Sense Darryl Boyer 447 North May St. Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3R4 Canada (807) 624-2765 Fax: (807) 622-2785 dboyer@tbaytel.net www.toysense.ca ToyLand Emporium Chris Knuth 8045 Stonebrook Dr. Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 712-2178 chris.knuth@hotmail.com Versed Kids LLC Ludmila Kalaydzhan 1102 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA 01602 (508) 926-8710 versedkids@gmail.com
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Whirlygigs Toy Shop Geoffrey Pendexter 107 Water St. Exeter, NH 03862 (603) 772-4923 Fax: (603) 772-5119 whirlytoy@gmail.com www.whirlygigstoyshop.com Wonder Toys Jody Carnaggio 311 Saint John St. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 939-4525 Fax: (410) 939-4526 wondertoysjcar@yahoo.com The World’s Only Curious George Store Louisa Harriman 1 JFK St. Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 461-6775 louisa@thecuriousgeorgestore.com
MANUFACTURERS Aliquantum International Inc. Ashley Frystak 14771 Carmenita Rd. Norwalk, CA 90650 (714) 686-3818 Fax: (888) 696-3389 ashley@aliquantum-international.com aliquantum-international.com American Educational Products LLC Candace Coffman 401 Hickory St. Fort Collins, CO 80524 (800) 289-9299 Fax: (970) 484-1198 ccoffman@amep.com www.amep.com
74 May 2013
American Fashion World Jackie Landreth 4215 High Point Rd. Greensboro, NC 27407 (336) 430-8346 jackie.landreth@gmail.com Amrapur Overseas Inc. Vishnu Samtani 12621 Western Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 893-8808 Fax: (714) 754-0733 vishnu@amrapur.com www.amrapur.com Anagram International Heather Moseley 7700 Anagram Dr. Minneapolis, MN 55344 (952) 949-5674 Moseleyh@anagramintl.com Beach and Nature Company Derek Thomas 92 Jackson St. Salem, MA 01970 (978) 594-5798 Fax: (978) 336-0239 derek@beachandnatureco.com www.beachandnatureco.com Beezer Playhouses LLC Ben Lindaman 4100 Zane Ave. N. Robbinsdale, MN 55422 (715) 410-0028 ben@beezerplayhouses.com www.beezerplayhouses.com Bike Brightz Ltd. Ron Finch 2700 Centennial Rd. Toledo, OH 43617 (419) 517-0049 Fax: (419) 842-0914 ronfinch@bikebrightz.com www.bikebrightz.com
Brictek (Brmb Inc.) Claude Alary 740 Industrial Blvd. Ste. 34 Saint Euspache, QC J7R 5V3 Canada (450) 473-5626 Fax: (450) 473-5622 sales@brictek.com www.bricteck.com The Children’s Group DBA Rubens Barn Beverly Fries Plow and Hearth 7021 Wolftown-Hood Rd. Madison, VA 22727 (540) 948-7340 bfries@plowandhearth.com www.rubensbarn.com Cleveland Kids LLC Claudia Cleveland-Fields PO Box 60110 Santa Barbara, CA 93160 (805) 680-8756 Fax: (805) 680-8756 Claudia@donkeythegame.com www.donkeythegame.com Click on House Jeff Whittaker 849 S. Claremont Dearborn, MI 48124 (313) 204-2374 jeff@clickonhouse.com www.clickonhouse.com College Savings Dolls Inc. Sarah Dugo 531 E. Hillcrest Schaumburg, IL 60193 (704) 302-4711 Fax: (704) 302-4711 sarahdugo@collegesavingsdolls.com www.collegesavingsdolls.com
Cubiciti Company LLC Addy Widjaja 1363 Prospect Circle NE Palm Bay, FL 32907 (321) 804-2824 addy@cubiciti.com www.cubiciti.com Dreams USA Inc. Alan Buff 3 Acorn St. Providence, RI 02903 (401) 331-5729 Fax: (401) 831-0914 alan@dreams6.com www.dreams6.com E&M Labs Michael Woods 170 S Whisman Rd. Unit D, Ste. A Mountain View, CA 94041 (650) 423-2152 contact@em-labs.com www.em-labs.com
Eurographics Erich Fellinger 9105 Salley Montreal, QC H8R 2C8 Canada (514) 939-0310 Fax: (514) 939-0341 erich@eurographics.ca European Expressions Ronald Peeleman 4525 Carpinteria Ave. Ste. D Carpinteria, CA 93013 (800) 779-2205 eurotoys@xmission.com www.europeanexpressions.com Explorers Playground Devon Braun PO Box 1006 Agoura Hills, CA 91376 (818) 575-9380 Fax: (818) 575-9385 devon@horndribbles.com www.horndribbles.com
Flaky Friends Sarah Flake 330 E. Rancho Dr. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 743-5723 info@flakyfriends.com www.flakyfriends.com
Glitter Toos Liana Bergman PO Box 1650 New York, NY 10021 (212) 249-1585 glittertoos@gmail.com www.glittertoos.com
Gutzy Gear Jacqueline McKillop 3203 Harrington Dr. Boca Raton, FL 33496 (206) 930-1309 jmckillop@gutzygear.com
Four Clowns Game and Toy Co. Steve Huscher PO Box 15152 Scottsdale, AZ 85267 (602) 317-5020 Steve@fourclownsgameandtoy.com
Global Game Changers Kristy Schmitt PO Box 39337 Louisville, KY 40233 (502) 457-2207 kschmitt@pixelentertainment.com www.theglobalgamechangers.com
Hanz Nicholas Webb 16314 Texas Springs Rd. Redding, CA 96001 (530) 244-6686 Fax: (530) 244-6686 nick@nickwebb.com www.hanzinnovation.com
Four Esses Aps Freddy Andersen Sandbjergvej 2 Juelsmide, Denmark +(45) 27212123 Fax: +(45) 44212103 freddy@four-esses.dk www.four-esses.dk
GoldieBlox Lindsey Shepard 224th St. Ste. 200 Oakland, CA 94607 (650) 269-5754 Fax: (510) 227-1417 lindsey@goldieblox.com www.goldieblox.com
The Happy Kid Company Katherine Huck 55 Mirick Rd. Princeton, MA 01541 (978) 808-4721 katherine @thehappykidcompany.com www.thehappykidcompany.com
May 2013 75
Radz Brands Scott Wall 1310 NW Naito Pkwy. Unit 503 Portland, OR 97209 (503) 5392394 scott@radzbrands.com www.radzworld.com
Stephen Joseph Gifts Carly Swackhammer 4302 Ironton Ave. Lubbock, TX 79407 (800) 725-4807 Fax: (877) 828-0380 carlys@stephenjosephinc.com www.stephenjosephgifts.com
RETROPlay Bryce Porter 15 Royalston Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 303-3082 sales@reversecharades.com www.reversecharades.com
Storytime Toys Inc. Kara Dyer 1079 Main St. Concord, MA 10742 (617) 233-9647 kara@storytimetoys.com www.storytimetoys.com
Seamless Toy Company – ATOMS Express Toys Michael Rosenblatt 3644 Hazelwood Court Boulder, CO 80304 (617) 504-8227 mrosenblatt@mac.com atoms-express.com
Summit Products LLC Rhonda Sisson PO Box 55806 Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 617-8104 Fax: (205) 588-8616 rhondasisson@summittoy.com www.summittoy.com
Shoulder Fun-Shoulder Buddies Kevin Muller 4811 Lyons Technology Pkwy. # 21 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 520-6594 Fax: (954) 227-3927 Shoulderbuddies@gmail.com www.shoulderbuddies.com
Super Sprowtz Radha Agrawal 205 N 9th St. 2N Brooklyn, NY 11211 (917) 687-7352 Fax: (646) 224-8910 radha@supersprowtz.com www.supersprowtz.com
Spinosa Game Concepts Tim Spinosa 12639 Old Jefferson Concepts Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 603-8013 tim@spinosagames.com Sports Images Matt Lane 2- G Gill St. Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 938-4340 Fax: (781) 937-9638 mattlane@spimages.com www.spimages.com
Teeboo USA Shaun Pittman 415 Montana Ave. Suite 303 Santa Monica, CA 90403 (310) 310-2386 Fax: (866) 316-8224 shaun.pittman@teeboousa.com www.teeboousa.com TMC Imports Phillip Calhoun 2900 Lowery St. Winston Salem, NC 27101 (336) 345-0788 pcalhoun@purplecrow.net www.purplecrowkids.com
May 2013 77
HZZ ndj ^c CVh]k^aaZ We’ll have a Grand Ole time
Toys’NTales Niky Itzhaki 211 Greenwood Ave. Ste. 191 Bethel, CT 06801 (888) 869-7682 Fax: (888) 869-7682 niky@toysntayls.com www.toysntales.com Tree Hopper Toys Eric Siegel 603 Country Club Dr. Ste. C Bensenville, IL 60120 (847) 420-3286 Fax: (866) 519-6908 eric@treehopppertoys.com www.treehoppertoys.com
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find us on Facebook
Try Try A Game Jon Vandergriff 780 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106 (626) 407-5166 Fax: (866) 203-7628 trytryagame@gmail.com www.trytryagame.com uKloo Kids Inc. Doreen Dotto 10 Glenmount Park Road Toronto, ON M4E 2M9 Canada (416) 691-4071 sayhello@ukloo.com www.ukloo.com Unitech LLC Olga Ousherovitch PO Box 4745 Foster City, CA 94404 (650) 574-2474 Fax: (650) 475-5604 sales@unitechtoys.com www.unitechtoys.com Universal Specialties Jeff Nichols 919 Cedar St. Cedar Hill, TX 75104 (972) 291-0383 Fax: (972) 291-3730 jeff@universalspecialtie.biz
78 May 2013
Upside Down Games Corp. Matt Gutierrez Moyano 4026 Coldwater Canyon Ave. Studio City, CA 91604 (424) 333-8688 Fax: (818) 762-4546 matt@upsidedowngames.us www.upsidedowngames.us
X Plus Products Inc. Paul Miller 4909 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34209 (800) 930-1814 Fax: (800) 930-1815 paul@agentmiller.com www.xplusproducts.com
UrTown LLC Paul Baue PO Box 1693 Saint Charles, MO 63302 (636) 493-1789 Fax: (636) 493-0610 info@pickurtown.com www.pickurtown.com
Via E Inc. Ellen Callen 114 Corte Tierra Bella San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 429-3968 ellen@via-e.com www.via-e.com Whole Wide World Toys Inc. Laura Barta 140 S. Hills Dr. Hershey, PA 17033 (717) 756-5705 ljbarta@wholewideworldtoys.com www.wholewideworldtoys.com Wicked Cool Toys Michael Rinzler 9 Mallard Pond Circle Newtown, PA 18940 (310) 770-5160 rinz@wickedcooltoys.com wickedcooltoys.com
Little Partners Carol Gamble 253 N. Common St. Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 220-7005 Fax: (318) 220-7010 carol@littlepartners.com www.littlepartners.com Total Biz Fulfillment Inc. Gary Ruddell 1 Corporate Dr. Grantsville, MD 21536 (301) 895-3889 gruddell@totalbizfulfillent.com
MANUFACTURER SALES REPRESENTATIVES Gary Breitling GB sales 41 18 Rys Terr. Fairlawn, NJ 07410 (201) 797-0999 Fax: (201) 797-0999 toysax@aol.com
Wood Expressions Inc. Ron Reyes 16719 Gramercy Pl. Gardena, CA 90247 (310) 329-9143 Fax: (310) 327-7772 sales@woodexpressions.com woodexpressions.com
Visit us at ASTRA Booth #707
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