Geneva Light Opera p. 32 ON’S PR GI
The Magazine for People Who Love New York State’s Wine Region
Vote for the Finger Lakes Big Five p. 74
July/August 2016
Waterfalls on a hot summer day page 42
JULY/AUGUST 2016 • VOL. 16, NO. 4 GREAT PRICE! $3.95
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The Good Life in the heart of the
Finger Lakes “We’d always lived in a big house and never thought of living in an apartment, but then we found Ferris Hills, and life is even better.”
Mary Lou
Independent and Enriched Senior Living
Let us wine & dine you. Please call today to schedule lunch and a tour. 4 Cover pages.indd 2 Cover2and3.LIFL_JULAUG2016.indd 2
An Affiliate of
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Cover: Photographer Derek Doeffinger enjoys the cooling effects of water at Grimes Glen Park in Naples on a hot, summer day.
Volume 16, Number 4 • July/August 2016
This page: Ralph DeFelice and his wife Cynthia love to experience Seneca Lake on their stand up paddleboards. Apparently Gabby, their German shorthaired pointer, is having a great time too. Photo by Vince Press
Enjoying the region’s waterfalls on a hot summer day. by Derek Doeffinger
A butterfly adventure by Phillip Bonn
A new and overlooked of nostalgia) subject to photograph on Route 96 is really a beauty to Soft serve ice cream behold. and a vintage by Derek Doeffinger restaurant by Cindy Ruggieri
Hot Sun, Cool Waters
How to Raise Wonderful a Monarch Weeds
Get Your Kicks Finger Lakes (and a serving “Big Five” What animals from the region are your favorites? by John VanNiel LIFL
1 JJ aa nn uu aaJrruyyl// yFF/eeAbburr guu uaa rsr tyy To Subscribe, visit or call 800-344-0559
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2016 5 ~ ~
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D E P A R T M E N T S 4 My Own Words
thoughts from the editor
5 Letters reader feedback 6 Finger Lakes Map
areas of interest in this issue
8 Happenings
news and events
12 Making a Difference
the important things The new Bath SPCA
How-to be a better photographer Photographing wildlife, Part III
82 Book Look
16 Outdoors
reading reviews
87 Fruit of the Vine
in the open air Amazing ectotherms
wine, spirits and brews Nathan Kendall - independent winemaker
90 Finger Lakes Tourism
explore and discover Community comes together for the Finger Lakes Museum
Live the Magic
October 28-30, 2016 Journey to Ithaca NY for a magical weekend inspired by the Harry Potter book series! Part street festival, part fantasy con, Wizarding Weekend takes over downtown Ithaca in a family-friendly way! Wizarding Weekend is non-profit, community based celebration of the spirit and artistry of Harry Potter. Warner Bros. Entertainment and JK Rowling are not associated with or responsible for the event in any way. Presented By:
Follow the Magic on:
~ LifeintheFingerL
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20 Nooks & Crannies
a little bit of everything Irene DeVere: World’s Greatest Aviatrix and Parachute Jumper
24 Gardening
growing and landscaping Healthy gardening
32 Cultured
the better things in life Geneva Light Opera
111 Index of Advertisers 112 Off the Easel creating art Artist Nancy Lane
Download the DIGITAL MAGAZINE to see
videos of Chimney Bluffs State Park
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My Own Words
thoughts from the editor
Weeding Out
eeds. There are few things in my life that I dislike as much as these pests with leaves. I am almost compelled to yank them out of the ground when I see them taking root in an otherwise nice and formal garden setting. It doesn’t matter if the gardens belong to me or someone else – I have to pull that weed! I believe that I was taught to eradicate weeds from a young age. One of my chores around the house was weeding flower beds. At the time, I didn’t know that gloves were an option, so I performed my duties with bare hands. To this day, I’m not fond of getting dry dirt all over my hands. I know, sounds strange for a kid growing up in the country, but there it is. Actually, I think it’s the texture of the soil that I never really liked. Now, when I work outside I generally use gloves. But getting dirt all over my hands these days is not that big a deal. When I moved into my Finger Lakes home over 20 years ago, there was a weed called garlic mustard that was taking over portions of my backyard. It grows tall very early and quickly in the spring. Once it blooms, it’s already too late because it will spread its seeds soon enough. I sought to eliminate these weeds every spring by pulling every one that I saw. Believe it or not, over the years I actually saw that I did make a dent in their numbers. But I have to be diligent about it because it just takes one
year of not pulling them out, and they proliferate again. This year a new weed has taken over many of my flower beds and gardens. I don’t know the name of it. It’s vine-like, has short leaves every 5 inches or so, and it sort of sticks to your hand when you touch it. The redeeming quality is that it can be pulled from the ground easily. So, like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, I will attack my imaginary enemy – or maybe it’s a real nemesis – that is inundating my gardens. With all of this negative talk about weeds, you’ll be surprised to learn that in this issue there’s a feature article on page 58 that actually celebrates the beauty of weeds. Derek Doeffinger has captured the delicacy of these plants employing a classic photography style using a plain white background that showcases the intricacies of the stems, leaves and flowers. As someone once said, a weed is a plant in the wrong place. The very weeds I’m trying to rid my gardens of are probably at home and actually beautiful in their native setting. Maybe this is a lesson for me – to see the beauty of everything around me. Sometimes I may view something that’s disagreeable and perhaps ugly to me, but in the right context, it can be beautiful and beneficial.
Need an idea for a great gift? Why not share the beauty of the region with a gift subscription to Life in the Finger Lakes?
~ LifeintheFingerL
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SIX issues • 800-344-0559
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Please direct your responses to
am writing to you regarding an error which appeard in the May/June 2016 edition. On page 59 there is an article about the RPO summer concerts, and the photograph that accompanies the article is described as the “Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra playing at the Penfield Country Club.” The venue pictured is actually the concert shell at the Town of Perinton Community Center. I am a long-time resident of Perinton and have attended many concerts at the shell, so I knew right away that there was a mistake. Please don’t take this as harsh criticism. I love your magazine and read it cover to cover each time it comes into the house. But I just couldn’t let that mistake go by without comment. – Antoinette Thompson, Fairport
ark, please extend my sincerest thanks to Elizabeth Weinstein for the article she wrote that appeared in the May/June 2016 issue (How we lived: A survivor remembers the Holocaust). The story is about my dad, who I couldn’t be prouder of (as well as my mom). Even though it’s about my parents I found the story extremely well-written and even learned new things about him. Thank you to both of you for publishing this. — Fred Cyprys, Rochester
reader feedback
ecently I read the article on Pierre the Partridge in the January/February 2016 issue. For about two weeks now, everytime I take my tractor out into the woods, I have a partridge keeping me company. I talk to it and he has become so friendly that I feel I almost can touch him. Each day he comes closer and closer to me and follows me from my house into the woods and back again. I’ll sit on a log and he will sit within a foot of me on the same log. When I’m cutting firewood he stays right there close to me. I am amazed with all the other wild animals and cats in the area that this lovely bird is still here to accompany my working in the woods. Here’s a photo of my friend, “Ernie” the partridge. – Rodney G. Palmer, Ithaca
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Finger Lakes Regional Map 1 Bath (p. 12) 2 Branchport (p.90) 3 Canandaigua (p.112)
4 Castile (p.47) 5 Dansville (p.97) 6 Geneseo (p.8)
areas of interest in this issue
7 Geneva (p.32) 8 Ithaca (p.47) 9 Moravia (p.47)
10 Owego (p.66) 11 Pittsford (p.8) 12 Skaneateles (p.95) 104 04A 4A
Lake Ontario 255 250
Irondequoit Bay State Marine Park
386 8
259 5
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33 490 33A 3
383 833
38 386
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22 224
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215 15 13
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Mark Twain State Park
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8 Cayuga Heights
Painted Post
Corning Rexville
1 86 4415
1 13
Montour 228 Falls Odessa
144 17
The Finger Lakes Region of New York State
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14 14
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86 17
From Binghamton
427 277
Editorial & Production Editor......................................................................Mark Stash .........................................
Contributors................................................ John Adamski ..................................................................... Derek Doeffinger
Editorial Office..............................................315-789-0458 Director of Advertising................................ Tim Braden .............................................
................................................................................Phillip Bonn
Senior Graphic Artist...........................Jennifer Srmack
...................................................................K.C. Fahy-Harvick
For Advertising Inquiries - 800-344-0559
............................................................................Jason Feulner
Graphic Artist...........................................Danielle Valente
..................................................................... James P. Hughes
Online Sales
Associate Editor..............................................Tina Manzer
.................................................................Nancy E. McCarthy ......................................................................... Richard Reiben
Assistant Editors........................................ Jenn Bergin
..........................................................................Cindy Ruggieri
.............................................................................. J. Kevin Fahy
.................................................................................John Ulrich
............................................................................Carol C. Stash
.............................................................................John VanNiel .....................................................................Laurel C. Wemett
Life in the Finger Lakes is published by Fahy-Williams Publishing, Inc. and owned by Eleven Lakes Publishing, Inc. Co-owners: Mark S. Stash; Timothy J. Braden. Copyright© 2016 by Eleven Lakes Publishing, Inc. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without written permission from the publisher. TO SUBSCRIBE, RENEW OR CHANGE ADDRESS: write to Life in the Finger Lakes, P.O. Box 1080, Geneva, NY 14456, or call 315-789-0458. Subscription rates: $14.95 for one year. Canada add $19 per year. Outside North America, add $37 per year. For renewal or change of address, include the address label from your most recent issue of Life in the Finger Lakes. For gift subscriptions, include your own name and address as well as those of gift recipients.
For Subscriptions Tricia McKenna.............................................315-789-0458 Business Office............315-789-0458, 800-344-0559 Business Fax...................................................315-789-4263 Life in the Finger Lakes 171 Reed St. • P.O. Box 1080 • Geneva, NY 14456 Serving the 14 counties of the Finger Lakes Region
~ LifeintheFingerL
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WINF O AR SLAKE HOUSE UMMER 2017 del Lago Resort and Casino is proud to be part of the Finger Lakes community. By signing up for del Lago Rewards you’ll be entered into our exclusive “WIN A LAKE HOUSE FOR SUMMER 2017” giveaway! The perks don’t stop there - as a member, you’ll earn valuable points that can be redeemed throughout the del Lago Resort and community partners all over the region.
Sign up today at
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E X I T 4 1 N Y S T H R U W AY, T Y R E , N Y
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news and events
JULY July 3…Third of July Extravaganza Enjoy a hot breakfast outdoors overlooking Lake Ontario for $8, with proceeds helping to maintain the beautiful lighthouse. Registration for the Lighthouse 5-K Run presented by Fleet Feet Sports and Sodus Bay Lighthouse Events Sponsors, will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the race will start at 9 a.m. The Lighthouse Art & Craft Show will begin at 8 a.m. with artists and craftspeople selling pottery, jewelry, clothing, paintings, photographs, greeting cards, and much more on the lighthouse lawn. At 2 p.m. there will be a concert featuring Gap Mangione Big Band playing swing and Big Band favorites. Lastly, at 10 p.m. there will be a Village of Sodus Point fireworks display. Sodus Bay Lighthouse Museum 7606 North Ontario Street, Sodus Point, NY 14555 July 4…Penn Yan Flying Club Fly-in/Drive-in Breakfast This is one of the biggest and longest running breakfasts anywhere in the country. We expect at least 2,500 attendees and 100 aircraft to visit. Adults $10, children $5, serving 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. In addition to food, we will have scenic rides, static displays, and musical entertainment. 2487 Bath Road, CR-17, Penn Yan, NY 14527 July 7-10…Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival Bluegrass music festival with 22 bands! Family oriented with activities for the kiddies. Music workshops, onsite camping, food concessions and various craft vendors. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Busy Bird Bluegrass Field 231 Ketchumville Road, Berkshire, NY 13736 607-642-8925 July 8-9…Shrimp & Chardonnay Enjoy a vertical tasting of award-winning Keuka Spring Chardonnay wines with a shrimp cocktail hors d’oeuvre plate. Learn as our winemaker guides you through the wines on our patio over looking Keuka Lake. Library vintages of Chardonnay are available for purchase at this event only. Friday’s tastings are at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., and Saturday’s tastings are at 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. $20 per person. 243 Route 54, East Lake Rd., Penn Yan, NY 14527 315-536-3147
Walnut Hill Driving Competition Features 19th Century History, Romance and Sporting Tradition
very summer since 1971, a little oasis just south of Pittsford Village transforms into a Victorian country fair. It’s the Walnut Hill Carriage Driving Competition and this August 10-14 it celebrates its 45th anniversary. As the country’s largest pleasure driving competition, Walnut Hill attracts hundreds of competitors from throughout North America to compete in wide-ranging divisions and classes that number more than 100, while spectators come to enjoy a slice of late 19th century horsepower and sporting tradition. “We are a family-friendly venue with multi-age competitors,” notes Walnut Hill Chairperson Tricia Remley-White. “Every day we have special demonstrations and presentations which are always fun to watch.” Spectators are also free to visit the on-ground stables to watch horses being bathed and groomed, and carriages and harnesses cleaned and polished. Visit for more information.
July 9-10…Annual Corn Hill Arts Festival Enjoy the 48th Annual Corn Hill Arts Festival, Rochester’s premier summertime Festival! Experience over 375 juried artists, four stages of live music, two beer & wine gardens, food and The 4th Annual Fairy Houses Tour. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Corn Hill District 133 South Fitzhugh Street, Rochester, NY 14608 (Continued on page 10)
Finger Lakes Opera Season to Feature “La Traviata” and “I Love a Piano”
eason three of Finger Lakes Opera, the resident professional company at SUNY Geneseo, brings to the stage one of Giuseppe Verdi’s most beloved works, “La Traviata,” complemented by this year’s lightly-staged production of Irving Berlin’s musical “I Love a Piano.” “We’re looking forward to another captivating season of outstanding performances in the grand setting of the Finger Lakes,” said Finger Lakes Opera Artistic Director Gerard Floriano. “Magnificent sets and costume design combined with professional singers and musicians will be
an enticing attraction for our patrons.” “La Traviata” will be on the main stage August 12 at 7:30 p.m. and August 14 at 2 p.m. in Wadsworth Auditorium. In the lead role of Violetta will be soprano and international recitalist Danielle Talamantes, who recently returned to Metropolitan Opera in “Carmen.” “I Love a Piano” will be in Brodie Hall’s Alice Austin Theatre Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. and Aug. 13 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The concert-style music celebration follows the journey of a piano as it moves in and out of American lives from the turn of the 20th century to the present. The duo Aaron McAllister and Gary John LaRosa return this year as music director and stage director, respectively. Tickets for both productions are available at or by calling 585-245-5650.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Find yourself at Farm Sanctuary.
Farm Sanctuary offers 175 acres and hundreds of animal friends to visit. Connect with some of the 500 rescued farm animals that call the rolling green pastures of Farm Sanctuary’s 175-acre New York Shelter home. Open May through October. For tour hours and directions, please visit or call 607-583- 2225.
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Happenings July 15-17…Finger Lakes Wine Festival The Finger Lakes Wine Festival offers the largest showcase of wines produced in New York State with over 80 wineries paired with regional artisans, live music, culinary classes and cooking demonstrations. Friday, 5 p.m., Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2790 County Route 16, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 607-535-2486 July 16…Varick Winery’s Chocoholics Celebration Celebrate National Milk Chocolate Day and indulge your sweet tooth with complimentary milk chocolate treats. Admissions are free and $4 to taste six wines. 9:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. 5102 Route 89, Romulus, NY 14541 315-549-8797 July 21…Taste of Summer in Corning’s Gaffer District Join us on Corning’s Bridge Street to celebrate summer in our downtown. In an effort to showcase small businesses within the community, event participants will get to sample a “taste” of many Gaffer District food vendors and merchants onlys, as the street will be closed. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bridge Street ,Corning, NY 14830 607-937-6292 July 23…5th Annual Finger Lakes Cheese Festival You’ll have the chance to taste all the cheeses of the farms of the Finger Lakes Cheese Alliance in one place, and enjoy plenty of local foods and beverages provided. Admission is $5 per adult, kids 12 and under free. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4970 County Road 14, Odessa, NY 14869
ELM Philadelphia
Atlanta St. Petersburg/ Clearwater
Orlando/ Sanford
July 23…19th Anniversary Classic Car Show Enjoy the beauty of classic cars along our lake view vineyards in addition to live music, arts and craft vendors, lawn games, and a special sale on select wines. Admission is free with wine and BBQ food for purchase. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 5480 State Route 89, Romulus, NY 14541 315-549-2599 July 23-24…Ganondagan Native American Dance & Music Festival Experience the incredible diversity of our living Native American culture featuring Darryl Tonemah. You’ll also find our ever-popular Iroquois Social Dancers, traditional hoop dancers, fascinating Native American Arts Market, Native foods, Iroquois storytelling, guided trail and longhouse tours, and much more. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7000 County Road 41, Victor, NY 14564 (Continued on page 93)
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Central New York
LIVING HISTORY CENTER Brockway Museum • Homeville Museum • Tractors of Yesteryear
Open Tuesday through Saturday: 10am - 5pm Located at 4386 US RT. 11, Cortland, NY 13045
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Enjoy a Walk Through History.
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Making a Difference
The new FLSPAC Shelter
the important things
Photo courtesy Craig Pruden
Photo courtesy Gary Brown
Never underestimate the power of a good dog story
by Laurel C. Wemett
n a hot summer day in 1998, “Willy,” a black English Cocker Spaniel, was running along Route 54 overlooking Keuka Lake. He was spotted by Gary and Martha Brown and their son, who brought him to their home. The true story of that rescue – and the transformative power of a loving home on a young dog’s life – is told in a new children’s book, Willy of the Crooked Lake. Proceeds from the book’s sales are among the fundraising initiatives supporting the completion of a new animal shelter in Bath. “The book was a rather sudden inspiration, simply based on the experience of finding Willy, and then watching him get healthy and become a part of our family,” recalls first-time children’s book author Gary Brown, a retired Congregational minister and Corning native. “I intended to make this
a fundraiser for the Finger Lakes SPCA from the beginning, but by the time the book was ready to be published, the FLSPCA had developed this new farm and ambitious new shelter facility that required lots of fundraising. By then, both my wife and my dog had died, which made the book project a perfect memorial for Martha and for Willy.” After rescuing the dog, the Browns called a Bath radio station that alerts listeners to missing or found animals, and Willy’s owner was located. The dog, less than 2 years old, needed more care than his owner could provide so the Browns bought him. Willy enjoyed a happy life at their lakefront home and lived close to 16 years. Artwork and text portray a profound bond Through the author’s simple prose and the captivating illustrations
of Bonnie Brooke Mitchell, the book shows how Willy survived and thrived. “The artwork and text fit together well,” says Brown, who, along with Mitchell, underwrote the book’s production costs. “It was a perfect collaboration,” agrees artist Mitchell. A longtime family friend of the Browns from White Plains, New York, she met them in the 1970s at a church where she worshiped and Gary ministered. When Gary began to plan a storybook about Willy, he and his wife approached Mitchell to illustrate it. Visits to Keuka Lake fueled Mitchell’s familiarity with Willy’s life at the “Crooked Lake.” “I enjoyed being with them and taking long walks along the lakeside road when I was a very happy house guest, and I took many photos then,” she explains. Her drawings reflect how Willy was adored by Martha. “The bond
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Left to Right: Martha, Gary, Emily Brown with Willy
was profound. Willy was super-sweet and returned Martha’s love completely.” Martha is described in the book as “the woman with the kind face.” Vicki Mosgrove, FLSPCA’s executive director, has been with the organization for 25 years, and loves the book’s theme. “The story of Willy does so much to teach compassion and empathy to young children, and that, to us, does much to prevent the potential of animal cruelty.” Book sales have been robust. By early spring, 500 copies had been distributed with $12,000 in donations. The response helped meet the challenge of a $25,000 matching grant to the new shelter campaign. The book is suitable for children aged 4 to 6 years, but is enjoyed by many adults, especially at Brown’s book signings. As a minister, he developed strong communication skills by writing church newsletters, sermons, prayers and other worship materials. Storytelling for youngsters was often incorporated into his
Photo courtesy Gary Brown
sermons and worship services. The book went through revisions as it gathered feedback from Brown’s children and grandchildren. Mercury Print in Rochester handled the desired wide layout with pages measuring 22 inches across when open. “The importance of the road in the story led me to choose the landscape format with pages opening to feature a long stretch of road,” explains Mitchell. The New Shelter “We couldn’t be more grateful,” says Mosgrove of the book’s contribution to the new shelter. The FLSPCA campaign has raised over $1.7 million, reaching approximately 67 percent of its goal. It has allowed for the purchase of River’s Edge Farm and the construction of a handsome insulated shelter with red steel siding, white window frames, and gray panelized stone masonry wainscoting. The heating system and septic system are installed, all the wall studs are in place, but nearly $500,000 is still
Wags to Riches
All Proceeds Benefit Humane Society of Schuyler County 313 North Franklin Street Watkins Glen, New York 14891 (607) 210-4263
The old FLSPAC Shelter Photo courtesy Finger Lakes SPCA
New and gently used designer and brand name clothing, jewelry, accessories, antiques, collectables, furniture, decorative items, pet boutique — and more! Monday-Saturday:10:00 am - 5:30 pm Sunday: 11:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Find us in Facebook
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Where to find Willy of the Crooked Lake: Both FLSPCA locations in Bath 7315 State Route 54 and 72 Cameron Street, Bath Veterinary Hospital 154 E. Morris St., Bath Two shops in Hammondsport Shethar 57, 57 Shethar Street and Finger Lakes Fiber Art, 67 Shethar Streets At Use PayPal or print the order form. Enclose a $15 donation for each book, or credit card information, and mail to FLSPCA, 72 Cameron St., Bath, NY 14810.
From 1863 to 1890, the Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka carefully crafted glass models of deep sea creatures in their Dresden, Germany studio. Admire these stunning glass models and explore efforts to conserve both the delicate objects and the fragile marine creatures they represent.
Credit: Specimen of Blaschka Marine Life: Chryssora mediterranea, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka, Lent by Cornell University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Blaschka Nr. 232.
needed for the interior finish out. Until then, the society’s current shelter on State Route 54 continues to house homeless animals from around Steuben County, one of the state’s largest counties, as well as those from the surrounding Finger Lakes Region. Built more than 60 years ago as a veterinary clinic, it was designed to accommodate an animal for one to three days. Today, as a shelter, the small enclosures are too cramped for the length of stays that average 30 days or more. The facility holds 40 to 50 cats plus 20 dogs, but with limited separation between their housing areas. The small building has little Vicki Mosgrove (left), Executive Director, Finger Lakes SPCA and Gary Brown, author of Willy of the Crooked Lake. Photo by Laurel C. Wemett
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Making a Differemce parking and is difficult to maintain. It also lacks soundproofing and air conditioning which hinders visitor and animal interaction – key to finding new owners. Despite the challenges, there is optimism. The River’s Edge Farm with 33 acres was bought in 2008 and FLSPCA moved its administrative office into an existing farmhouse a little over a year later. The historic location has links to Bath’s founding families, the Camerons and the Davenports. From the post-Civil War era to the 1950s, a home for female orphans was located on Cameron Street, and the farm provided provisions for residents. In more recent times, D.H. Rumsey, whose name is still visible on the gambrel barn, used the buildings for various animals. The new shelter, nearly 6,000 square feet, has been designed for efficiency, featuring more spacious and home-like animal enclosures to accommodate an increase of 20 percent more animals. Its architect, (Continued on page 99) Dog agility classes at River’s Edge Farm Photos courtesy Amy Brandes
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in the open air
Red-Spotted Newt
Ectotherms story and photos by Jon Ulrich
he Finger Lakes Region is home to some of the world’s most-diverse amphibian and reptilian life. From the common spring peeper to the elusive coal skink, these animals inhabit every facet of our ecosystem – woodlands, meadows, hills and valleys. Otherworldly in appearance, ectotherms are distinct from other members of the animal kingdom in that they regulate their body temperature by absorbing heat from the surrounding environment. Taken from the Greek words ektós, meaning “outside,” and thermós, meaning “hot,” these organisms are often most visible when the sun is at its peak angle of intensity. As a lifelong resident of Upstate New York, last year I set out to photograph as many native species of ectotherms as I could find. Not only did I succeed in capturing a number of these on film, but I returned with some interesting stories to tell.
Painted Turtle
Black Rat Snake Driving home one afternoon on Route 327, a winding two-lane thoroughfare that parallels the 1,070 acres of Robert H. Treman State Park in Ithaca, I noticed something on the shoulder that resembled a piece of shredded rubber – the remains of a tire blowout, perhaps.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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3907 West Lake Rd. Canandaigua, NY
585-394-4000 Boat Sales
We have a large inventory of new Cobalt Boats, Crest Pontoons and Sunfish, as well as many other previously enjoyed watercraft.
Call it intuition, but I turned the car around to investigate. It turns out that it wasn’t rubber at all, but the largest reptile in all of New York State – the black rat snake. Reaching lengths of 6 feet or more, these constrictors are a boon to area farmers because of their ability to control rodent populations. This one, though not the largest I’ve seen, was still an impressive specimen – a good 5 feet from head to tail. Mountain Dusky Salamander On a cool, sunny day in July, my younger son, Elliott, and I visited Stevenson Preserve in Enfield in search of salamanders. This is an area rich with amphibian life. On more than one occasion I have encountered the slimy salamander, a rare terrestrial species that can reach lengths of more than 6 inches. The preserve is graced with a smattering of vernal pools; these diminutive breeding grounds provide a safe haven for frogs, toads, newts and salamanders to deposit their spawn. Because these reservoirs dry up by mid-summer, they are not capable of supporting larger, predatory species such as fish. Elliott and I turned over rocks, downed trees and forest debris near the path. On this afternoon, we identified three distinct species of woodland salamander, each retreating to the intricate web of tunnels beneath the leaf litter on the forest floor: the mountain dusky, the red-backed, and the northern two-lined. This one was holed up under a rock near the bank of the preserve’s creek. Midland Painted Turtle One afternoon I was loping along the shores of Coleman Lake at the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve in West Danby when I came across a female painted turtle depositing her clutch by the water’s edge. What intrigues me most about this preserve is that I always find something new; the variation in landscape seems to court unique encounters. The midland painted turtle is distinguished from its relative, the eastern painted turtle, by the alternating arrangement of scutes on the carapace, or upper portion of its shell. Both, however, are adorned with bright splashes of red, yellow and orange, as if nature had commissioned
We have a full service department to help you any day of the week!.
You’ll find a vast inventory of safety and watersports equipment to add a little more fun to your summer on the lake.
Boat Rentals
Enjoy a day (or a half day) on the lake in a new Pontoon boat.
Black Rat Snake
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Monet to ornament one of its most endearing works of art. The turtle retreated to the sanctuary of her shell, but over the ensuing moments gingerly crept out, enabling me to capture this photograph. She eyed me with caution before making an abrupt turn and vanishing into a forest of cattails.
Mountain Dunky Salamander
Pickeral Frog
Pickerel Frog In his poem Pied Beauty, Gerard Manley Hopkins professed his love for “dappled things,” and with good reason – nature disguises some of its most arresting subjects with mottled patterns, rendering them virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding landscape. To see them at all is to be blessed with good fortune. Similar to its cousin, the leopard frog, this member of the amphibian family is distasteful to predators because of its toxic glandular secretions. Distasteful, that is, if they can find it – the frog’s speckled coloration and bright lateral ridges give it the appearance of the shadowy recesses between grasses and sedges. This one was hiding off the main trail near the meadow at Texas Hollow State Forest. Snapping Turtle Some of life’s greatest discoveries are so obvious as to go almost unnoticed. So it was with this snapping turtle, which was basking near the entrance of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Sapsucker Woods in Ithaca. Near the observatory’s parking area is a large stone bridge that overlooks a swamp. I hadn’t been walking more than five minutes when I glanced into the water and saw this dark aberration rising up from the murk. No doubt immune to my presence because of the daily multitudes of people walking in and out of the observatory, the turtle paused, lifted its head out of the water, and regarded me with an air of curiosity. He then dipped beneath the surface and continued on his way.
Gray Tree Frog
Red-Spotted Newt Upstate New York saw an unprecedented amount of rainfall in June of last year. In Newfield, where I live, flash flooding washed out roads, bridges and railroad beds. As devastating as this was to area homeowners, such conditions can serve as a windfall to the enterprising naturalist – animals that might otherwise go unseen move to higher ground to escape the threat of rising waters. While walking the Abbott Loop in Danby State Forest one afternoon, the damp climate prompted hordes of these colorful members of the salamander
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Outdoors family to emerge en masse. Seemingly everywhere I looked, they were crawling over leaves, rocks and logs. Despite its fiery orange tincture, the juvenile red-spotted newt is not always so easy to find. Known colloquially as the “red eft,” this amphibian is notable in that it undergoes three distinct metamorphic stages: the larval stage; the terrestrial, or land-dwelling, stage; and the adult stage, when it assumes an olive complexion and returns to the water to live a semi-aquatic existence. Gray Treefrog By mid-September, I was on the lookout for a season-specific north woods phenomenon: the monarch chrysalis. Because every species of butterfly is allied with its companion host plant, these can be relatively simple to identify – if you know what to look for. The monarch’s favored plant, milkweed, grows in abundance in the lush meadows of Upstate New York. Toward the end of my walk at the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, I noticed something possessing a glossy sheen; thinking it was a chrysalis I stopped for a closer look. To my surprise, it was one of the smallest species of amphibian in the Northeast – the grey treefrog. This one was so tiny, in fact, that it made the stalk on which it was perched look like a giant California redwood. Because of their size, penchant for camouflage, and arboreal (tree-dwelling) nature, it’s possible to go a lifetime without ever seeing one. They are a proliferate species, but rarely seen. I considered myself fortunate to have shared the company of this diminutive amphibian on a balmy late-summer afternoon.
To learn more about these and other amazing Finger Lakes ectotherms, visit
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Nooks & Crannies
a little bit of everything
A crew member helps Lina climb aboard the Curtiss “Jenny.”
by James P. Hughes
ou might be interested in seeing this,” Lina said, handing me a 1920s sepia-toned postcard she’d been using as a bookmark. A pleasant lady in her 70s, with curly gray hair and large round glasses, Lina
Robertson had been my neighbor for five years or so. The card’s photo showed a girl, no more than 18 or 19, smiling demurely and standing next to a classic biplane – a “flying machine.” Her head cocked slightly, she was dressed in a belted jumpsuit
topped with a leather flier’s helmet and goggles. The vintage card had an inscription in the lower left corner: Irene DeVere World’s Greatest Aviatrix and Parachute Jumper
~ LifeintheFingerL
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ys a weekfo!r a live a d 7 n e p m O
enu. .Kilpatr Visit www ule and complete m d music sche
A 1920s vintage postcard of Lina in her jumpsuit, and standing next to a Curtiss JN-4 (“Jenny”).
I stared, said nothing for a moment, and must have looked confused. “That’s me,” she said with a chuckle. “What … that’s you?” I asked, still confused. The elderly Lina I knew and the girl in the jumpsuit … it didn’t quite register. Ah, but I’m getting ahead of my story … let’s take a step back. With our young children, my wife and I moved to a new home in 1976. It was a great location, a street away from my parents and much closer to my work. Shortly afterward, I met Lina and her husband, Al. Our backyards adjoined and Lina insisted that we cut through her yard when visiting my folks who lived directly across from her home. “It will be a much easier and safer walk-through with the kids,” she suggested. I learned quickly that when Lina suggested it was wise to listen. She could comfortably take command of a conversation, not with undue authority but with a combination of assurance, knowledge and experience. Now retired, both Lina and Al had been respected accountants. In an earlier time when there were few “career women,” Lina had been a bit of a pioneer. One photograph shows her sitting confidently at her accounting LIFL
firm’s board meeting, the only lady present at the table. Both Lina and Al had many retirement interests: music (Al played the banjo and organ), coin and antique collecting, and considerable civic and charity work. Lina Mae Freese was born in 1903 in Elmira and raised by her grandmother on a farm in nearby Big Flats. Her mother had died when she was very young and her father was never present as she grew. Perhaps the rugged and demanding farm life established a strong will in Lina, a passion to seek adventure. At any rate, determined and unafraid, at age 18 she signed on with a promoter under the name “Irene DeVere.” Always resolute, in a short time she managed to acquire the skills of a capable parachutist, wing walker and pilot. Post World War I became the age of barnstorming – stunt flyers and daredevils performing in a series of “flying circuses.” Surplus Curtiss JN-4 aircraft (“Jennys”), available after the war at very reasonable prices from the Curtiss Aeroplane Company in nearby Hammondsport, encouraged the post-war fad and its air of excitement. Lina (or Irene) was frequently advertised even more colorfully as “Daring Dolly DeVere” as she prepared,
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practiced, and performed at county fairs, local events, and private affairs from 1921 through 1924. Petite at only 95 pounds, she fearlessly flew, wing walked and parachuted as her troop traveled throughout northern Pennsylvania, New York’s Southern Tier, and the surrounding Finger Lakes Region. In July of 1921, she scribbled a simple, direct message on a postcard sent to relatives in Florida: Dear Auntie & Uncle, I am jumping from an aeroplane. I jumped 2,600 feet yesterday. – Lina The postcard’s note illustrates how Lina took her barnstorming experiences in stride, never boasting of her unusual exploits but instead speaking of them almost matter-of-factly. In the years following my discovery of Lina’s escapades, I could never draw her into a detailed conversation about those extraordinary days. She would laugh and talk about it in an off-handed way, then inevitably turn our chats back to topics she found of more interest – her work with the Girl Scouts, gardening, a camp the Robertsons had once owned on Skaneateles Lake, their winter place in Florida, my children, and the like. As intriguing as her adventures of the past might have been to others, those bygone days never defined Lina. Others close to her felt the same. Both Mary Lou Thompson and Casey Bobowski had become acquainted with Lina long before the stories of her barnstorming days ever surfaced. Mary Lou was a young neighbor when the Robertsons owned their
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Nooks & Crannies
camp on Skaneateles Lake from the late ‘30s until the early ‘50s, a period that Lina once called “the best 15 years of my life.” Mary Lou remembers her as a woman of definite opinions who strolled about in a bathing suit, always with a flower in her hair. “She was like no woman I had ever met at that point in my life,” says Mary Lou. “To a young girl, she was a fascinating character.” Now a Skaneateles optometrist, Dr. Casey Bobowski has early memories of Lina taking him under her wing at age 10 or 11. Casey quickly acquired a work ethic doing paid odd jobs for his neighbor, both outside (mowing and gardening) and inside (washing and polishing floors). With Lina leading the way, Casey became immersed in some of the same hobbies that had so interested her for years. “I admired Lina for her strong personality and accomplishments,” says Casey. “She became a lifelong friend.” Lina Mae Robertson died in 2001 at the age of 98. Both she and her husband rest in a rural cemetery close to Al’s boyhood homestead in New Hope, a rural hamlet situated on the high ground between Skaneateles and Owasco Lakes. Lina sold her home in 1988 and moved permanently to Florida where she lived out her remaining years. “Here’s a small gift – a book you might like to keep,” she said to me, shortly before the move. It was a worn copy of “WE” authored by Charles Lindbergh. Published in 1927, the best-selling book detailed the famed aviator’s personal account of his legendary transatlantic flight. Coincidentally, Lindbergh’s early flying experience included extensive barnstorming … much of it in a Curtiss “Jenny.”
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growing and landscaping
1. Perennial Spade
Healthy Gardening Tools and Techniques for Gardening Longevity
story by K.C. Fahy-Harvick photos by Mark Stash
n the Finger Lakes area, we have a limited amount of time to get our gardens ready for summer enjoyment. The long winter months find us spending a lot of time inside, then as soon as spring breaks
in April, we start the mad dash to Memorial Day. Hurrying to get all of our garden chores done, trying to plant our annual plants after the elusive last-frost date, and attempting to get a leg-up on the weeds – all because
summer seems too short to enjoy our outdoor spaces. Time constraints and physical stresses combine in the spring, creating the perfect recipe for pain and injury. Gardening is certainly good for
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Connect . Learn . Fitness . Happiness . Purpose . Nature . Peace
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Neighbors and our Community After raising our family on a quiet cul-de-sac off Knickerbocker Road, we couldn’t be happier to have established close-knit friendships with our neighbors at The Cottages.There’s a wonderful sense of camaraderie among us all. It’s also great being a hop, skip, and a jump from our favorite restaurants, shops, and golf club!
~ Don, heading out to lunch and golf with the guys since 2012
Rochester’s Only University-based Retirement Community
100 Hahnemann Trail, Pittsford, NY 14534 (585) 586-7600
Seven Dimensions of Wellness
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2. Buckets Trugs
Two-Wheeled Barrow
4. Diamond Hoe
our health. In fact, it is considered one of the healthiest activities because gardeners use every muscle in their bodies as they walk, lift, reach, bend, kneel, squat, lunge and climb. Since most of us garden on the weekends or after work, the label “weekend warrior” comes to mind, and it’s catchy. But we may lose the battle if we overdo it – causing aches, pains, or possibly serious damage to our bodies. Such injuries are more likely if you already face conditions like arthritis, bursitis, or one of the many issues our bodies suffer from as we age. In my case, my brain thinks I’m still in my 30s, while my body gives me sharp reminders of my true age and ability. There are many good rules of thumb to follow when creating a garden, such as soil preparation, plant selection and after care. These rules are very helpful to gardeners young and old, but for someone just starting out, it can be a game changer to start out on the right foot. Now that I’ve been gardening professionally long enough to wear out two hip joints, the importance of gardening ergonomics has come to light. Knowing what to do is important enough, but knowing how to do it without hurting yourself is even more vital to your gardening longevity. These tools and techniques will help veteran gardeners continue to enjoy their activities, while showing new gardeners how to work comfortably from the start. As these ideas bring more efficiency and physical comfort to your garden work, they will create more time for the actual enjoyment of your outdoor space. Preventing injuries and
Photos by K.C. Fahy-Harvick
5. Folding Rake
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Download the DIGITAL MAGAZINE to see videos of these tools being used wear and tear to joints will help make gardening an enjoyable life-long activity. After all, it’s not just about the passion for flowers and fresh air, gardening is about enhancing the health of body, mind AND spirit! Stand up to the challenge: Backs Diamond Hoe (photo 4) – The secret to this tool is the length of its handle and the sharpness of its diamond-shaped head. It allows you to stand up straight while weeding by cutting off the weeds at soil level, then gently picking them up.
Summer Sale
1936 Hudson Ave. in Irondequoit 877-409-6555 •
Haws Watering Can
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Post and Beam Homes Locally crafted in our South Bristol New York shop 7.
Rotating Handle Pruners
5557 Rt. 64, Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-374-6405 Building the Finger Lakes since 1977
Folding Rake (photo 5) – This rake can be wide or narrow, so it gets into small spaces and is gentle enough to rake around plants and shrubs – no bending over necessary. It eliminates the need for a hand tool and getting up and down. Border Spades – Having a spade with a smaller digging head and shorter handle (39 inches) gives you a distinct advantage when working in an existing garden. It makes digging, dividing and planting much easier. The short handle with end grip allows you to put your body into it, for more force without strain.
With the Haws Watering Can, K.C. is able to do her daily watering without the strain on her wrists and elbows.
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Buckets Trugs (photo 2) – These buckets are not expensive and they help to carry debris and supplies at a healthy level, up closer to your waist – which takes a lot of pressure off your back. Two-wheeled Barrow (photo 3) – This wheel cart will save you from yourself! It is easy to wheel without balancing issues, even with 200 pounds in it – unlike a wheel barrow, which is hard on the shoulders and back.
Strap-On-Knee Pads
Stay down to earth: Knees and Elbows Strap-on Knee Pads (photo 8) – Unlike kneeling pads, these stay with you. They have saved my knees from a lot of pain.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Gardening Perennial Spade (photo 1) – This short-handled, sharp tool will dig, plant, weed and divide – all while you’re down on your knees. It prevents the need to get up and down while doing all of these tasks. The handle shape gives you more force, without strain. Get a grip: Hands, Fingers and Wrists Gloves – Nitrile gloves do not wear out and are thin enough to feel what you’re doing while weeding and planting. The rubbery textured Mudglove helps to grip things like bags of mulch and tools, so it reduces the strain on your hands and back when carrying heavy items or using tools. I use both types.
Rotating Handle Pruners (photo 7) – The Felco #7 Pruner has a rotating handle. It was designed for professionals, but I find it helps reduce the arthritis pain in my fingers. Once you get used to it, you will love it. I recommend Felcos because they work easily, sharply, and last forever. Using a dull or awkward pruner increases the strain on your hand and wrist joints. Haws Watering Can (photo 6) – This may seem like a minor thing, but when you think about how much you use your watering can throughout the summer, it almost becomes a repetitive motion issue. This watering can is ergonomically designed to relieve the strain on your wrist and elbow, and is worth every penny.
K.C. Fahy-Harvick A perennial and aquatics expert specializing in garden design, install and maintenance. For more information, call 585-729-1419 or visit
Exclusive stores Luxury brands More than 170 specialty shops Athleta Brooks Brothers L.L. Bean Madewell Von Maur
Route 96, Victor (585) 223-4420
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the better things in life
The principal actors in Cosi.
See the humorous results of revenge when Geneva Light Opera presents “Die Fledermaus”
story by Richard Reiben, photos by Kevin Schoonover
icture yourself in a Viennese ballroom circa 1874. It’s a New Year’s Eve masquerade party, the perfect excuse for intoxication and indiscretion. The party has been thrown by a Russian prince who sounds suspiciously like a Russian princess, and makes every effort to sow bedlam and see what happens – all to alleviate his boredom. As the magnums of champagne flow, things get further and further out of control, except for the music, which just gets more and more scintillating. This is hardly one of those “Drink Responsibly” commercials. It’s the beloved Johann Strauss, Jr. operetta “Die Fledermaus,” or “The Bat,” sung in English. On July 21,
23 and 24 it will be performed at the historically appropriate and acoustically spectacular Smith Opera House in Geneva. “Die Fledermaus” actually played The Smith just a couple of decades after its Vienna premier in 1874. It’s in the top 20 of all operas presented worldwide, and certainly one of the funniest. But do take note: the humor is particularly European, a spoof on a Victorian-era, Vienna upper class that takes itself all too seriously and then gradually loses its bearings as the evening progresses and the bubbly flows. Since it’s a comic farce, no matter how close the characters come to disaster, we know they’ll somehow get through. Every time things
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Jimi James and Sarah Caldwell Smith in the final moments of The Magic Flute.
“Geneva Light Opera provides accessible and uplifting experiences by using great voices, musicians and actors who are able to reveal the humorous side of a great art form,” – Gena Rangel, American Landmark Festivals director
seem to get particularly difficult they (and we) are rescued by an incandescent Strauss song or a familiar waltz – the popular “Fledermaus” overture alone contains four or five great waltz tunes. While the songs seem to stem directly in spirit from the music-hall tradition, the incredible bonus is those luscious and lilting Strauss melodies. GLO, with gusto It was all brought back to life in the Finger Lakes by a movement that started nearly 20 years ago, after the Smith Opera House was saved from the wrecking ball. Francis Heilbut, founder of American Landmark Festivals (ALF), brought distinguished Metropolitan Opera stars to The Smith starting in 1999. A pupil of legendary conductor and teacher Pierre Monteux, Heilbut also conducted Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” there in 2001, and “The Sunset Trail,” a rare opera by American composer Charles Cadman, in 2003. As a tribute to Halibut, ALF, a nonprofit organization that brings classical music to landmarks in New York City and elsewhere, produced a comic opera at The Smith each summer from 2008 to 2014. Under the direction of Gilbert and Sullivan expert Albert Bergeret, those included such favorites as Rossini’s “The Barber of Seville” in 2012 and Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” in 2014. Two years ago, steps were initiated to form a regional company from ALF’s ongoing opera project. Its goal was to produce light operatic works in the Finger Lakes under its own, new name, “Geneva Light Opera” or GLO. A steering committee, composed of volunteers with LIFL
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From Mozart’s “Magic Flute”: At the Temple of Wisdom: Pamina & Sarastro, Papageno at left, chorus of priests. (Sara Gilbert, Ryan Allen, Jimi James, chorus members)
expertise and experience in performing arts, was gathered to explore fundraising opportunities and conduct long-term planning. A mission was drafted: To inspire, educate and entertain audiences in the Finger Lakes Region by presenting operatic productions of high quality through collaboration of emerging young performers, local professionals and nationally known artists. Its not-for-profit 501(c)3 status is currently pending with the IRS.
GLO’s inaugural production was “Cosi fan tutte” in 2015. This summer’s “Die Fledermaus” is its second. A place made for opera A favorite of American opera fans, baritone Jimi James heads the first-rate “Fledermaus” cast that includes sopranos Alexis Cregger and Michelle Seipel, baritones John-Andrew Fernandez and Nicholas Kilkenny, tenor Cameron Smith and mezzo soprano
This summer explore Seneca County, the Northern Gateway to the Finger Lakes, and share your stories with us as you experience world class wines, breathtaking views, pet friendly activities and summer concert series.
Photos: Kristian Reynolds, Craig Griffin, Justin Hausner
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Cultured Sarah Nordin. Phil Lauriat, a fixture on the New England opera scene for over a quarter-century, will stage the performance, while James Blachly will conduct a 13-piece chamber orchestra, following his brilliant performance in “Cosi ”at the Smith last summer. “Geneva Light Opera provides accessible and uplifting experiences by using great voices, musicians and actors who are able to reveal the humorous side of a great art form,” noted American Landmark Festivals’ Director Gena Rangel. “With singers and musicians of the highest caliber in a nationally recognized venue built specifically for opera, GLO intends to grow and nurture a lasting enthusiasm for opera, with a focus on the Smith Opera House.” With outstanding acoustics and perfect sightlines, performers can be seen and heard from every seat in the historic 1894 theatre, with no amplification, and on a stage graced by numerous operatic luminaries of the 19th and 20th centuries including Alma Gluck, Frieda Hempel and Jerome Hines.
More Information
About Geneva Light Opera Ticket prices are moderate, especially for world-class entertainment. Escape into the fun, the costumes, the dancing, the lives of another time and place. Above all, the music is just as bubbly and intoxicating as any product of the south of France (or the south of Seneca Lake, for that matter). A “champagne” reception for VIP guests will feature some of the area’s best white wines. Visit or for details, or call (315) 789-8660.
If you think this all sounds perfect for July in the Finger Lakes, you may be right. The masquerade element will appeal even to children a little young to catch the more subtle vibes, and who, by the way, get in free until they graduate from high school. It’s a great introduction to opera and live musical theater in general; something no flat screen can ever really emulate.
Sotheby’s International Realty is now servicing the Finger Lakes!
Our centuries old tradition of exceeding expectations and developing the most significant luxury brand in the world is now represented by our local brand ambassador,StacieWhitbeck.Contact Stacie for a private discussion about selling your lakefront property. Equal Housing Oppor tunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.
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A truly memorable photo experience: Eye-to-eye with a wild ruffed grouse.
Wildlife, Part III story and photos by John Adamski
he Finger Lakes Region is blessed with dozens of nature preserves, state forests, parks and wildlife management areas, as well as the Finger Lakes National Forest and Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. Many of my photos are taken in public places like these. In some areas, where wildlife is accustomed to human presence, it can be somewhat easier to get that special shot. But it is still important to become familiar with the
habits and habitats of the creatures you want to photograph. Learning the natural history of wild animals and birds beforehand will help you to find them more easily by showing you where to look, what to look for, and when to look there. Understanding wild animal and bird behavior is the most important part of being able to consistently and successfully photograph them. Resources include biology texts, field guides, outdoor
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Lakes, ponds, marshes and wetlands all provide habitats for water birds ranging from puddle ducks to great blue herons.
Fox kits, born in mid-March, won’t emerge from their dens until their eyes open when they are three weeks old.
Whitetail fawns—usually twins—are born near the end of May and are left alone by their mother for the first week or so.
Download the free DIGITAL MAGAZINE at
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How to be a better photographer Rochester 585-467-4020 Conesus 585-346-2060 Canandaigua 585-374-2384 Boat Rentals
Sea Ray
Smith Boys
(Conesus & Canandaigua only)
magazines, and nature photography websites. Hunting books and periodicals provide a great deal of behavioral insight into game birds, game animals and waterfowl. Just like a hunter, a photographer can use hunting strategies to locate and photograph his or her quarry but without the restrictions of closed seasons or bag limits. Study as much as you can ahead of time. If you’re an experienced hunter, you already have many of the skills necessary to become a successful wildlife photographer. One Species or Many You may choose to photograph a variety of wildlife species, as I do, or specialize in a particular kind. My friend and fellow outdoor writer and photographer, Charles Alsheimer, has been fascinated with whitetail deer since growing up on his family’s farm in the Southern Tier. Although Charlie, a longtime field editor for Deer and Deer Hunting magazine, has also photographed bighorn sheep, caribou, elk, moose and grizzly bears, his specialty is whitetail deer. He has authored and photo-illustrated a number of books on the subject and is a leading authority on whitetail deer
behavior, with dozens of magazine cover photos to his credit. If your goal is to photograph whitetails, any of Charlie’s books would be a good place to start learning about them. You can find them online. The late wildlife photographer Bill Silliker, Jr., dubbed “the Mooseman” because of his expertise in moose behavior, authored several photography books on moose and contributed articles and images to many other publications. Even though he traveled extensively to photograph other wildlife species, Bill’s philosophy was, “to be more productive, wildlife photographers need to focus— literally—on one species at a time.” By following that advice, you can study whatever species has captured your interest and work toward developing an expertise of your own. Surprise Encounters This doesn’t mean that unplanned photo opportunities won’t happen. I photographed a coyote while I was stalking pronghorns in Wyoming; a bald eagle when I staked out a marsh looking for waterfowl here at home; and foxes in my own woods on two different occasions while trying to call
Antler growth in adult bucks begins in late spring and continues until September when they shed their velvet.
Carolina Skiff
Bayliner Canandaigua only 38
~ LifeintheFingerL
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dishing up delights l
Waterfront views l
Local Ingredients
Buck rubs on saplings and small trees in the fall are an indication of whitetail buck rutting activity.
wild turkeys to my blind. But to target a particular species on a regular basis, you must have an intimate knowledge of its behavior, habits and habitat. You have to know where to look, what to look for, and when to look there. And, depending on the species you’re seeking, it’s not always that difficult to find them. Today people and wildlife share more habitats than ever before, greatly increasing the opportunities for wildlife encounters.
Open Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
770 South Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 1.800.228.2801 l
Finding Wildlife Finding wildlife is simply a matter of taking what you’ve learned and applying it to what you observe in the field. Animal tracks, droppings, browsed vegetation or remnants of a kill can all provide evidence that indicates what kind of animal or bird inhabits an area. Small hand-like prints in the mud point to raccoons; scratched-up leaves and j-shaped droppings indicate wild turkeys; nibbled buds and twigs are proof of deer; and bones and feathers in front of a burrow identify it as a coyote or fox den. I was once puzzled by a dozen bullhead carcasses littering the shore alongside a marsh. Only the head and skin of each fish remained. The next day, after setting up a portable blind,
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I photographed a bald eagle as it snatched a bullhead from the pond, landed in a tree, fed on the fish, and dropped the remains to the ground when it had finished. Observing nature’s clues is an important part of finding wildlife. Wild animals that have been antagonized by man over time have evolved to become crepuscular – mostly active at dawn and dusk – or entirely nocturnal. This means that many of your wildlife photo opportunities will occur early or late in the day. In places where hunting is not permitted, like state or national parks and nature preserves, those windows of opportunity stay open longer and can sometimes last all day. Although the lighting at dawn and dusk can present some challenges, especially when using a light-hungry telephoto lens, the majority of your wildlife photo opportunities will likely occur during those periods. The first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset, when there is little harsh contrast or dark shadows, are called the “golden hours” and can provide the best lighting conditions for most outdoor photography. Slightly overcast days are good for the same reasons. What’s in Season? Seasonal timing is another consideration. Spring is the time of year for babies. Fox kits, born in mid-March, won’t emerge from their dens until their eyes open when they are three weeks old. By that time, both parents are out hunting and the kits begin to explore the area surrounding their den. Fox dens are more common than you’d think and it’s the curious kits that usually give them away. Ruffed grouse and wild turkeys mate in April and you can often find the males of both species strutting around with fanned tails in an attempt to impress the ladies. Sometimes a tom turkey
Great blue herons are always a popular wildlife subject to photograph.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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How to be a better photographer
Finger Lakes Tram Enjoying God’s Creation
can be called to your blind by using the same wild turkey calls that hunters use. Since turkeys are wary, you need to be discreet with your setup. Whitetail fawns – usually twins – are born near the end of May and are left alone by their mother for the first week or so. The doe returns several times a day to nurse her babies and then leaves them again. Finding a fawn is like looking for a needle in a haystack but it is possible if you spend enough time in the woods. If you find one, remember to keep your distance and stay just long enough to take a few photos. Wear knee-high rubber boots to prevent leaving human scent that could attract a predator to the fawn’s location. Antler growth in adult bucks begins in late spring and continues until September when they shed their velvet. Buck rubs on saplings and small trees in the fall are an indication of whitetail buck rutting activity. During the “chase phase” of the rut in late October, amorous bucks are constantly on the move, offering the best opportunities to photograph them during the day.
Trail Cameras
Motion-activated trail cameras are another reliable way to find wild creatures when you can’t be out in the woods. Hunters use them to locate game animals in order to determine where to set up their stands. Most trail cameras will date and time stamp your images so that you know what animals are present and when they are active, which can be helpful in deciding where to set up your blind and when to be in it.
We build elegant and rugged tram systems to provide years of enjoyment on your lake property
2052 O’Neil Road • Macedon, NY 14502 315-986-1937
Focus on Water All species of wild animals and birds need water and focusing on watery places will increase your odds of finding wildlife. Lakes, ponds, marshes and wetlands all provide habitats for water birds ranging from puddle ducks to great blue herons and for mammals like mink, muskrats and beavers. Many state wildlife management areas contain beaver ponds that attract beautiful but timid wood ducks. And larger animals like coyotes, foxes and deer will stop by any water source for a drink. These are some of the methods that I use to find and photograph wildlife and I know that they’ll work for you. J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
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A quarter mile into Grimes Glen in Naples, the trail leads straight across a ledge on the lower portion of French Hill Falls and then ends, forcing you into the streambed to reach the next falls. Photo by Gary Whelpley
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Hot Sun,
Cool Waters Story and photos by Derek Doeffinger
Ludlowville Falls offers a huge boulder at its base that is perfect for sitting in the spray.
aris has its outdoor cafes, Switzerland its Alpine peaks, New Jersey its boardwalks, beaches and hordes of sunbathers, and New York its throngs of tourists pacing the pulsating streets night and day. Here in the Finger Lakes, what do we have? We have waterfalls galore. And the knowledge that none of those other, seemingly more sophisticated experiences can exceed the simple pleasure of waltzing through a waterfall on a hot summer day. Do you doubt this? Well, don’t until you’ve tried it. Whether you stand, sit or walk under the waters, it’s a feeling unlike any other. To become one with the stream, as the water curls around and envelops you like an ancient rock, is a sensation that’s hard to describe. Having a partner by your side makes the experience even more memorable. The act of immersing one’s self in a waterfall could be called ineffable, so beyond words that you may need the help of a thesaurus to describe your encounter to others. Depending on the waterfall you choose, you may find the experience: effervescent, intoxicating, invigorating, sublime, exhilarating, blissful, heavenly, delightful, tranquil, transporting, tingling, or even tickling. But, above all – refreshing.
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Carpenter Falls often flows all summer long. It’s a steep, sometimes slippery hike to its base, so be careful if you decide to descend the hill..
~ LifeintheFingerL
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important precautions:
don’t climb on the falls In the Finger Lakes, it’s almost a constitutional right that you can befriend a waterfall. But not everybody agrees, most notably the state. State parks may offer a few swimming areas near or beside waterfalls, but discourage people from having waterfall fun in non-designated areas. So on a hot summer day in a regulated area, if you can’t resist the lure of an off-limits waterfall, don’t be surprised if you’re shooed away – or worse, ticketed. Still, you can enjoy many other waterfalls with a clear conscience. When you do find a waterfall to enjoy,
make sure you do it safely. Avoid climbing on them, as their slipperiness can send a person plunging to injury without warning (and especially keep your daredevil kids off them). Even dry rocks coated with algae can suddenly become slippery if you step on them with wet shoes. And do wear shoes, as you never know when you’ll encounter broken glass or an old fish hook. Avoid streams or falls swollen by heavy rains, and don’t venture into narrow gorges when thunderstorms threaten. (Every few years, someone drowns when surprised by a flash flood that started some distance away.)
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Using the trail (not the streambed), Angel Falls is a quarter mile or so downstream from Carpenter Falls—at the base of an even steeper and more slippery hill.
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best local waterfalls in the finger lakes region Letchworth State Park 1 Letchworth State Park Castile, NY 14427
Taughannock Falls State Park 2221 Taughannock Park Rd Trumansburg, NY 14886
Watkins Glen State Park 1009 N Franklin St Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Buttermilk Falls 112 E. Buttermilk Falls Rd Ithaca, NY 14850
Robert H. Treman State Park/ Lucifer Falls 105 Enfield Falls Rd Ithaca, NY 14850
Fillmore Glen 1686 St. Rte. 38 Moravia, NY 13118
Ithaca Falls Natural Area 399 Lake St, Ithaca, NY
Pratts Falls County Rd 218 Onondaga County, NY
This New Jersey couple comes to the Glen to race their Porsche but always finds time to enjoy the waterfalls.
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how-to raise a
monarch Story and photos by Phillip Bonn
found some!” my friend Maureen called out. I glanced over to where she was squatting by a common milkweed plant and asked, “How many?” “Three!” she replied. A jackpot. We were in a field alongside the Erie Canal last summer, searching for one thing: eggs from monarch butterflies. You might think that taking them from the wild would have an adverse effect on the butterfly population, but according to our research, less than 10 percent – some say less than 5 percent – manage to become adult monarch butterflies in the wild. We collected the egg-laden leaves from the milkweed plant and headed home. Our butterfly-raising adventure actually began the summer before. We had sent away for a kit of caterpillars, or “cats” as they are called by those who raise them, and bought other necessary supplies as suggested. Unfortunately, the project was a disaster. We somehow lost several cats, and several more died. We were disappointed to say the least! Lessons learned and all that, we were determined to try again the following year. We spent copious amounts of time researching how to raise monarchs, and discovered our best sources on Facebook and YouTube. Helpful websites included, and We were ready when the time came. Once we were home, Maureen carefully snipped out three small pieces of the leaf, each with an egg on it, and placed them on a paper towel on the bottom of our egg hatchery (nothing more than a small 10-gallon tank normally used for reptiles). We waited for them to hatch; four to seven days, more or less.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Female Monarch on Bee Balm
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raising monarchs Larvae When they were about to hatch, the top of the eggs turned dark, almost black. If the entire egg turns black there is something wrong. Maureen was the first to notice they had hatched. Monarch larvae are tiny things when they first emerge, just 2.5 mm or 1/10 of an inch. Miss Eagle-eye transferred the small leaf pieces, each with a larva on it, onto fresh, full-size milkweed leaves. Larvae feed exclusively on milkweed, which contains cardiac glycosides. These compounds become concentrated in their bodies, making the larvae distasteful and potentially toxic to predators. In Upstate New York, there are three commonly found milkweeds: common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), butterfly weed (A. tuberosa) and swamp milkweed (A. incarnata). Many people confuse milkweed with dogbane, and monarchs will not
Common milkweed
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Milkweed seeds
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Finger Lakes Cheese Alliance 3.25 x 4.75
Tips: Milkweed cuttings work best
Make sure you have plenty of milkweed cuttings or plants on hand. Two or three caterpillars will devour a plant in no time!
Make sure that the milkweed is chemical free. Feeding caterpillars with milkweed that has been sprayed with a systemic pesticide will kill them in short order.
(ABOUT 15 MILES FROM I-86, EXITS 53 & 54)
Examine the cuttings carefully to make sure there are no eggs on them, and then wash them. Cut them to fit your containers. Clean the milky sap that accumulates on the ends by running them under warm water. Place the stem of the cuttings in small bottles or jars weighed down with small rocks or marbles to keep them from tipping. Fill with water. This will ensure that the cuttings won’t wilt too soon. You want fresh leaves for the caterpillars to munch on! Cover the mouth of the container with foil, plastic wrap or duct tape to prevent the caterpillars from crawling inside and drowning.
Check on cuttings several hours later. If they are starting to wilt, cut the stem again. Leaves will keep longer if the stem is wrapped in a moist cotton ball and then covered in tin foil or plastic wrap. Periodically empty the containers of frass (larva poop) to prevent disease.
eat dogbane! Here are three ways we use to tell the difference. 1. Dogbane tends to branch toward the top of the plant. Milkweed (with the exception of butterfly weed) will not. 2. Dogbane flowers form in flat clusters. Milkweed flowers form in roundish clusters. 3. The stems of dogbane tend to be smooth. Milkweed stems are hairy. It is during the larva stage that monarch butterflies do all of their growing. They begin by eating their eggshell for nutrients, and then start to eat the leaf it is laid upon. This is the first “instar” or stage, out of five instars total. After they munch for a while, the larva will get too large for its skin. It will stop and molt. During the stages, monarchs will grow from 2 to 6 mm up to 24-45 mm. Once the larvae reach the third (Article continued on page 54)
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Caterpillar Eating
~ LifeintheFingerL
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raising monarchs
Monarch Chrysalis
Tips: Be a good caretaker Before you set out to raise monarchs, study up. Good resources include Facebook and YouTube, plus, and Female monarchs begin laying eggs right after their first mating. Adults in the summer live from two to five weeks, giving you time to find more eggs and raise a new batch of butterflies. The last generation, which emerges in late summer/early fall, will migrate to the overwintering grounds in central Mexico (eastern monarchs). These adults can live up to eight or nine months before heading north again. If you want to tag that last generation to see if any make it to Mexico, check out for tagging kits. Tagging is easy and will not harm the butterfly. You can help monarch butterflies by planting a habitat garden for them. Planting milkweeds native to your area provides a food source for larva and a source of nectar for the adults. Check out to find milkweed plants or seeds. Various predators attack monarch butterfly eggs and either eat them or parasitize them, despite the taste. They include ants, paper wasps, leaf-rolling spiders, assassin bugs (employed by farmers to keep their crops caterpillar free) and some birds. It’s a wonder that any monarchs survive to adulthood! J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
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Male Monarch on Aster
instar, we switched from milkweed leaves to whole plant cuttings in a larger enclosure. As the progress through their five instars, monarchs grow from approximately, 2-6mm all the way up to 25-45mm. By the time it reaches the fifth instar, the caterpillar is nice and plump with beautiful velvety-looking black, yellow and white striping. It is estimated that a single monarch caterpillar needs around 20 entire leaves to grow large enough to successfully pupate, according to Cornell YardMap ( Pupation Larvae are ready to pupate at the fifth instar. They crawl to the top of their container and attach themselves to it with silken thread, and then hang there in a “J” shape for awhile. You can tell they are getting ready to shed their
~ LifeintheFingerL
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raising monarchs skin when their tentacles hang very limply and their bodies straighten out a bit. Then, the process of forming the chrysalis begins. It results in a fanciful, jade-colored jewel flecked with gold and trimmed in black. The chrysalis must hang freely for the butterfly to form properly, so make sure it is not pressed up against anything. If it is, you can move it – just wait until the chrysalis is hard and dry. Maureen did it by holding onto the chrysalis stalk, called the cremaster, with tweezers. Then she carefully teased away the silk where it was attached to the container. With the silk still attached to the chrysalis, she used a clothespin to hang it in a new spot, out of direct sunlight. Adult An adult emerges in 10 to 14 days. When it is ready to emerge, the
1911 Spirits
. Mid Co dle Ages Brewing
Em p
orange and black wings become visible through the pupa covering. Finally, all your work and patience have paid off as a gorgeous Monarch butterfly ecloses (emerges) from the chrysalis. It takes several hours for the wings to harden, so don’t release them until then. They do not need to feed for 24 hours. If you plan on keeping them for awhile, experts recommend fresh-cut slices of oranges, watermelon or nectarine; honey water (one part honey to nine parts water); non-red colored Gatorade or Juicy Juice. The butterfly’s feet and abdomen must remain dry, so for a feeding station, we placed a plastic, chemical-free pot scrubber into a small, shallow container. Male and female monarchs can be distinguished easily: males have a black spot on a vein on each hind wing that is not present on the female.
Helping Monarchs: You can help Monarchs by planting a habitat garden for them. Planting milkweeds native to your area helps in several ways; as a food source for larva and as a source of nectar for the adults. To see more Milkweed plants or seeds, check out Monarch Watch’s website:
Male Monarch on Goldenrod
ire Brewing Co.
Blue Tus
Explore the brew communities of Central New York, where the stories, traditions and tastes of craft beverages meet savory dishes, exciting events and endless adventure. Experience America’s Craft Brew Destination in places like Syracuse, where you can sip a hard cider among scenic vistas, tip an imperial pint at one of the world’s best pubs or sample the finest locally sourced beers. Get a taste of Brew Central and craft your own adventure at
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TASTE wine that’s earned over 6,000 national and international medals SEE breathtaking views of Cayuga Lake, Taughannock Falls, and rolling vineyards VISIT wineries, cideries, distilleries, a meadery and a brewery—all along America’s first wine trail 800.684.5217
Montezuma Winery & Hidden Marsh Distillery We are proud to serve you award winning fruit, honey and grape wines since 2001. With over 30 wines, ranging from dry to sweet, there is something to suit everyone’s palate. Hidden Marsh Distillery, winner of NYS Best Spirit, for their Corn Whiskey, has premium liquors, brandy, whiskey, bourbon and vodka. Enjoy our extensive gift shop, homemade fudge, picnic area and more. Visit our website, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to learn about our upcoming events. A
Swedish Hill Winery Celebrating our 30th anniversary, Swedish Hill Winery is consistently one of the region’s most awarded wineries, with three Governor’s Cups awards in addition to five ‘Winery of the Year’ honors since 2012. Experience over 30 different wines ranging from classically produced Rieslings and Cabernet Francs to delicious blends that showcase the flavors of the region. Enjoy a winery tour from Memorial Day through October, picnic facilities, and meet our pet miniature donkey, Doobie! Open year-round! B
Varick Winery & Vineyard At Varick Winery, experience wines paired with complimentary fare. Sample over 100 complimentary food items at the country store. Enjoy scenic views of the vineyard, cherry orchard and Cayuga Lake. At Varick Inn, relax and rejuvenate at an 1833 historic home. Stay includes breakfast, afternoon tea and cookies, evening cocktails with hors d’oeuvres, a gift basket and discounts at the winery. Event rentals. Open year-round. C
Goose Watch Winery Be captivated by Goose Watch Winery from our nationally recognized innovative wines to the winery’s picturesque setting overlooking beautiful Cayuga Lake. From hard to find highly acclaimed premium wines such as Viognier, Traminette, Aromella, Chambourcin and Lemberger, to traditional favorites Pinot Grigio, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir Brut Rosé (sparkling), visitors will find wines for most every occasion as well as palate. Accessible by car, bus and boat. Open year-round. E
Buttonwood Grove Winery Experience Buttonwood Grove! Come explore our beautifully landscaped grounds and lake view while tasting some of our many award winning wines. Live music and BBQ all summer—check our website for dates, times, and entertainers. A renowned venue for weddings, we also have on-site cabins for overnight lodging. Our friendly staff and Melody, our Scottish Highland Cow, can’t wait to meet you! F
Toro Run Winery Toro Run Winery sits on 64 acres 530 feet atop a glacier-carved hillside overlooking Cayuga Lake. We serve World Class Finger Lakes wines, including our Signature Estate Grown Grüner Veltliner. Toro Run Winery offers all the beauty of the Finger Lakes with a Spanish flair—“where the good life demands grape views.”
Six Mile Creek Vineyard Nestled on the southwest slope of one of Ithaca’s most picturesque settings, Six Mile Creek Vineyard is a boutique winery and distillery specializing in the production of premium Finger Lakes wines and spirits. The Dutch reform barn offers a comfortable venue to taste memorable wines styles to suit all preferences. Panoramic valley views capture the beauty of the vineyard, pond, and gardens, perfect for a walk after tasting or a picnic with wine and cheese from the shop. Such a lovely spot so close to town makes this an ideal choice to host a wedding or special event.
Hosmer Winery Founded on the principle that great wine starts in the vineyard, the first vines Hosmer were planted on the family farm in 1972. Cameron and Maren Hosmer established their winery in 1985 and were among pioneers in the blossoming industry. Today, 70 acres of vineyards are producing some of the finest fruit in the Finger Lakes, used to make 100% estate grown, award winning Hosmer wine.
Treleaven at King Ferry Winery The oldest winery on the east side of Cayuga Lake, Treleaven has been crafting fine vinifera wines and fun proprietary blends since 1988. Experience our 20 wines ranging from Chardonnays and Rieslings, to hearty reds and fruity blends. Treleaven also offers local craft beer on tap. Enjoy our extensive gift shop, spacious outback and family-friendly events. Visit our website or like us on Facebook for winery happenings.
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Lucas Vineyards Three generations of the Lucas family invite you to experience Cayuga Lake’s oldest winery. Four decades of grape growing and wine making have won the Lucas family International and Regional acclaim since 1980. The famous, nautically-inspired “Tug Boat” and “Nautie” wines sport colorful bottles and spectacular labels, completing a diverse collection of estate-grown vinifera, method-champenoise sparkling and Iced wines. Enjoy impressive views, beautiful gardens and shop in one of the area’s most unique gift shops. Wine slushies available. 800–682–WINE(9463). K
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Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
Auburn Seneca Falls
Cayuga Lake State Park
Union Springs
Cty. Rd. 124
Ogden Rd.
Ernsberger Rd.
e h er
Cayuga Lake
Did you know you are only 15 minutes from the Cayuga Lake Wine Trail from here?
. . . a nd
Long Point State Park
Montezuma Winery
Swedish Hill Vineyard
Varick Winery & Vineyard
Knapp Winery & Vineyard Restaurant
Goose Watch Winery
Buttonwood Grove Winery
Toro Run Winery
Cayuga Ridge Estate Winery
Hours: April–November 11am–5pm daily
he r e
King Ferry
Lak e
ga yu
Interlaken Lodi
Thirsty Owl Wine Co. Hosmer Winery
Lucas Vineyards
Bellwether Hard Cider & Wine Cellars
Americana Vineyards & Crystal Lake Café
Six Mile Creek Vineyard
Trumansburg Taughannock Falls State Park
Treleaven by King Ferry Winery
Long Point Winery
Stewart Park
Alan Treman State Marine Park
Watkins Glen
Ithaca Cornell University
Cass Park
Robert Treman State Park
N Buttermilk Falls State Park
Ithaca College
Download our free app Make planning your trip even easier. Get the most out of your Cayuga Lake Wine Trail experience. Access winery details, transportation and accommodation information and a list of winery events when you use our mobile application to navigate the Trail. Available on
Mardi Gras Beads, coins and a scavenger hunt February 20–21
Bacon on the Lakein The perfect event for bacon lovers March 19–20
Wine & Herb Festival Potted herbs and veggie plants April 22–24 and April 29–May1
Holiday Shopping Spree Wreath, ornaments and shopper’s card November 18–20 and December 2–4
r .
The Copper Oven at Cayuga Ridge Estate Winery Wood-fired pizzas at the copper oven are a mouthwatering delight. Our pies cook next to a crackling wood fire at 750 degrees in two minutes. Winner of the 2012 Finger Lakes Foodie award for best main course, the 2013 Nature Conservancy’s Nature’s Plate award also a 2013 Trip Advisor Excellence award! Check our website for up to-the-day menu planning and special events throughout the 2016 season. Call 607–220–8794 or visit for restaurant hours. H
Thirsty Owl Bistro The Thirsty Owl Bistro overlooks Cayuga Lake, offering indoor, outdoor and private seating for larger groups. Enjoy award-winning wines and delicious local fare. Live music on Saturdays from June to September. Boat access is available. Please call for restaurant hours, as they vary in April, November and December. For reservations and information call (866) 869–5805. I
Cty. Rd. 142
Knapp Vineyard Restaurant A visit to Knapp Vineyard Restaurant is a must. Sit inside or on our vineyard trellised patio overlooking our landscaped gardens and vineyards. Our hearty dishes include classic burgers with unique flavors, alongside special entrées using regional products. Combine this setting with Knapp’s premium wine for an authentic Finger Lakes experience. Five-course wine dinners featured monthly. Available for private parties, weddings, receptions and business functions. Call for reservations (607) 869–9271. D
Lunch Hours: April–December 11:30am–5pm daily Dinner Hours: July–August 5–7pm Friday and Saturday Crystal Lake Café at Americana Vineyards The Crystal Lake Café offers fresh, locally sourced, from-scratch gourmet comfort food in a laid-back casual atmosphere year-round—inside or out, when the weather’s nice. Enjoy lunch, dinner, Friday Nite Pizza Party and a Sunday brunch not to be missed! (888) 600–8067. M
May–October Hours: Monday–Wednesday 12–6pm Thursday–Saturday 12–8pm Sunday Brunch 11am–3pm Sunday Dinner 4pm–8pm
November–April Hours: Thursday-Saturday 12–8pm Sunday Brunch 11am–3pm Sunday Dinner 4–8pm
Tra n sport ation a n d a cco m modation pa ck a g e s a re a va ila ble i n It h a ca, A u bu rn a n d Se n e ca Fa lls for a ll fou r eve nts
Purchase tickets at or by calling 800.684.5217
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Story and photos by Derek Doeffinger
s a photographer, I’m always looking for something new and different to photograph. That’s quite a challenge nowadays when everybody takes pictures of anything and everything with their cell phones. But the light finally went on. I discovered a new and overlooked subject to photograph. And it only took a few decades to realize it had been right in front of me all along – some might say I was ahead of schedule. It all started with butterflies. I’ve been photographing them forever. And the best way to photograph butterflies is to go to their food source – plants. The ever-popular monarchs love milkweed, and its cousin butterfly weed. Other butterflies enjoy Joe Pye weed and ironweed. And many butterflies love thistles – the bane of farmers everywhere. When photographing butterflies in late summer, I sometimes became covered with burdock seed heads that were only slightly less dangerous than the medieval weapons (morningstars) they resembled, or the equally annoying beggar tick seeds. And if the dog was along – well that meant
an evening of untangling furry burr snarls. Clearly, a message was being sent to me. But as the dog aged and went to doggy heaven, and I progressed from a Beatles mop to a hairless dome, the message remained unopened. Oblivious to the obvious, I continued photographing butterflies. One day, out of the blue, the message finally broke through the skull bedrock. It dawned on me (do you now understand that I can be a bit slow?) that the plants the butterflies were feeding on were more interesting than the butterflies – and that many of them had the word “weed” in their names. So, I began to research other weeds – mainly big ones, waist high or taller. So for the past couple of years, instead of butterflies, I have been photographing weeds. Often I take a four-foot piece of white foam board with me into the field, but only if the sought after weeds are near a road and the weather is cooperating. Sometimes I bring the weeds indoors, where I can better control the situation. Now I’m left to wonder what other “weeds” in my life I’ve been overlooking.
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Horse Nettle
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Joepye Weed
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Dandelion Roots
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Weed Lettuce
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Behind the Scenes camera set to a 10-second delay, I pressed the shutter button, grabbed the foam board, quick-stepped into position behind the thistle and held up the foam board behind it until the shutter fired.
arrying a large white background board and camera gear, I entered the pasture to photograph bull thistles — not to entertain cows. The cows were distant, so I ignored them. I mounted my camera on the tripod and composed the bull thistle picture. With the
I repeated this dance several times. I was in the zone, so engrossed I completely shut out external distractions. Eventually, I returned to reality and looked up to discover I was in the center of a cow circle. Unbeknownst to me, a small herd of cows had snuck up, completely encircled me, and watched as I took pictures. I had become their morning entertainment. Not one to cut short a show, I quietly removed my camera from the tripod and stepped back. Most of them stepped forward to inspect my foam board and tripod. A few checked me out, too.
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Get Your Kicks and a serving of nostalgia
on Route 96 Story and photos by Cindy Ruggieri
n 2002, Rick Fiacco retired after working more than 30 years for IBM/Lockheed Martin. Not one to take it easy, Rick purchased an all-glass ice cream stand built in the 1960s on Route 96 in Owego and opened for business. Owego Soft Serve’s menu includes ice cream and other frozen treats, plus delicious espresso for folks who want something else. Traditionally, it opens earlier in the year than most others
– in time to serve Shamrock Shakes; and stays open longer so that autumn leaf peepers can stop for Pumpkin Ice Cream. But the ice cream stand was just the beginning. “I just keep going on this, and I’m having a ball,” Rick says with a smile. He’s added an old tin-can barbeque stand and a 1940’s-style steel diner with counter seating and picnic tables outside. The menu features family affordable
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Rick Fiacco surrounded by a bunch of his antique collectables.
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Get Your Kicks and a serving of nostalgia
on Route 96
I love a unique roadside attraction, and that’s exactly what I found at the Owego Soft Serve Ice Cream Park and Route 96 BBQ. It offers good food, neat sweets and family fun – with a side-order of nostalgia.
barbeque fare and some signature items. I haven’t been adventurous enough yet to try the famous Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburger with Fried Egg, but I have enjoyed the huge sausage-and-pepper sandwich and the tasty chicken barbeque. There are no shortcuts on the food here: the chicken is pulled off the bone and the rolls are fresh from the bakery. Many of Rick’s recipes come from his parents. As I chatted with Dave the Cook (aka Rick’s nephew) about the seasonal specials, he pointed to the yard and reminded us to play some bocce while we were there.
Get your kicks here At the same time he opened the soft serve, Rick renewed his interest in collecting antiques. “They are memories of my growing up years,” he explained to me. “I always liked old gas pumps and signs, and thought it would be a lot of fun to recreate an old-time gas station right here behind the ice cream stand.” Rick installed a vintage Texaco gas station with pumps from both Texaco and Sky Chief, and re-created the inside of the building complete with advertising signs, oil cans, vintage coke bottles, and a game of checkers ready
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Left and below: Antique “Texaco” gas station Rick purchased and renovated. He also added a working lighthouse, complete with a beacon that lights up the location when the sky turns dark.
The antique boathouse was restored from the inside-out.
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Get Your Kicks
and a serving of nostalgia
on Route 96 for play. Outside, there’s a walk-in red phone booth and a coca-cola cooler. All in all, it’s very eye-catching and cool. Brightly colored signs shout out “Get your kicks on Route 96,” a take-off on the well-known Route 66 slogan. “It inspires me,” says Rick. “Along this route, we get a lot of travelers headed to the Finger Lakes. We are a gateway to the Finger Lakes Region. I like to call us “The Port of Owego”; the starting point on the road to all points west.” With that in mind, he added a lighthouse to his park, “to light the way through the port for our travelers.” The beacon works, and lights up after dark. Every port needs a boat, so he added an antique houseboat, which he completely restored from the inside out. Visitors can walk the deck and peek into the windows at the pristine living quarters and the captain’s navigational equipment in the front. To accommodate his younger guests, Rick installed a swing set nearby. “These are my memories,” he explains. “I spent a lot of time as a youth with my aunt and uncle on their
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houseboat, cruising along on Cayuga and Seneca Lakes. This boat reminds of those good times.” More to come Rick is a man in constant motion, and always has a ready smile and time to chat with his visitors. His goal continues to be family enjoyment and very affordable prices. Ask him about the attractions and he’ll share tales of antique hunting, along with the memories of his youth that motivate him. Rick’s enthusiasm is infectious. Recently, I asked him, “What’s next?” He pointed behind the gas station and said, “See that big tree over there? I have plans to build a tree house!” And not just for the youngsters, he adds.
It will feature a ramp. “I want everyone to be able to experience it.” I recently took my niece and nephew on an outing, and stopped at the Owego Soft Serve on the way home. After paying for their double-scoop cones (and getting change back from my $5), they wandered around studying the antiques and walking the deck of the boat. They spent time swinging on the swings and hanging from the monkey bars. Afterwards, they grabbed the hula-hoops Rick keeps on hand for his guests, and showed me their skills. When we finally left, my niece exclaimed, “Oh that was so much fun!” High praise indeed from an 8-year old. Everyone seems to agree. Last summer, Rick’s place was the starting point for an antique car road rally through Tioga County to the
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Get Your Kicks and a serving of nostalgia
on Route 96 Tioga Downs Casino. It was also a banana-split stop for four busloads of seniors from the local high school, on their way home from their class trip. “Four busloads with a great bunch of students,” Rick says. He estimates that 50 percent of his customers are locals, and 50 percent are travelers along Route 96. With Rick’s two additional ice cream locations, one in downtown Owego and the other at Tioga Downs Casino, “I’ve served around 4 million people. That’s a lot of ice cream!” The next time you drive along Route 96, take time to stop at the Port of Owego. Enjoy some great barbeque and ice cream, play some bocce ball, and check out Rick’s memories in the form of some beautifully restored antiques. Be sure to “Get Your Kicks on Route 96!”
Belhurst Castle
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Photo: Your Story By Us
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The Finger Lakes
“Big Five” by John VanNiel
Which animals from the region are your favorites?
have always been an avid reader. In my youth, I was fascinated by tales of high adventure and exploration. I devoured books and magazine articles that recounted the stories of travelers to far-off, wild places; my favorites involved animals. At the time, the idea of packing a gun and provisions and traveling to remote corners of the globe to hunt big game held great appeal; I was particularly keen on bagging the “Big Five” African trophies. The Big Five (rhino, lion, elephant, Cape buffalo and leopard) were considered to be the most dangerous animals to hunt on foot. Such are the goals of an 11-year-old boy. Decades later, I find my appetite for travel has not diminished, but I photograph animals abroad rather than reduce them to possession. While researching our family safari to Africa a few years ago, I discovered that the concept of the Big Five was alive and well … and so were the animals. In African nations with no sport hunting, the Big Five are now pursued with a camera and binoculars. Other wildlife destinations have adopted the concept – our guides in Europe, Brazil and Borneo all spoke of their own versions. Since these modern Big Five lists were created with wildlife watchers in mind, rather than hunters, inclusion on the list no longer means an animal is dangerous. They are usually large and exciting (“charismatic megafauna,” if you will) and representative of the area being visited. Europe’s Big Five includes the brown bear and wolf, while Brazil’s list has exotic-sounding creatures like tapir and giant otter, and in Borneo we searched for the likes of orangutans and pygmy elephants. This got me thinking. What would the Finger Lakes Big Five be? I had my own ideas, but I wanted to hear from other wildlife professionals in the Finger Lakes. I reached out to biologists, technicians, educators and wildlife photographers, both active and retired, and asked them what five species would best represent the Finger Lakes Region. If we were to promote wildlife to visitors, what would be the “sought after species” for wildlife watchers? The response was overwhelming, and I quickly had nominations for over 30 animals across several groups. So, it is with great deliberation that I present you this pared down list (in alphabetical order) of my top 10 nominees for the Finger Lakes Big Five.
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Great Blue Heron Photo by Fred Bertram
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“Big Five” Bald Eagle Only 50 years ago, New York was down to a single nesting pair of bald eagles. In 1976, the Bald Eagle Restoration Project brought nestling eagles from as far away as Alaska and “hacked” them at places such as the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. These eagles grew up thinking of New York as home, and many contributed to the successful rise in population of this magnificent bird. Today, there are dozens of nests in the Finger Lakes Region alone, and eagles are relatively easy to locate throughout the year if one knows where to look.
Andrea VanBeusichem, visitor service manager at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge reports that bald eagles are the most sought after species among tourists. “Visitors come to the Refuge from all over the United States and other countries,” she explains. “It is now known that bald eagles are commonly seen here, and people visit expecting to see them. I would think the bald eagle would be an obvious choice for the Finger Lakes Big Five.”
Beaver Photo by John VanNiel
Bald Eagle Photo by John VanNiel
Black Bear Photo by John VanNiel
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Download the Digital Magazine to take our online survey! and vote for the five species you would choose to represent the Finger Lakes!
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Beaver The largest rodent in North America, the beaver can weigh over 60 pounds. Art Kirsch, senior biologist for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DES) was one of several people who nominated the beaver. “I picked the beaver because they toil in relative anonymity, but create wonderfully rich wetland habitats – one of a very few wildlife species that alters their own habitat so profoundly,” he explains. “They also have a work ethic we should all aspire to!” Beaver are abundant in the Finger Lakes and their dams, lodges and felled trees are easy to find.
With over one hundred artists! Saturday & Sunday • August 20 & 21 10am to 5pm each day Admission $6 • Children under 12 are free • Free parking and access to the historic and beautiful Sonnenberg Mansion and 9 themed gardens •Sculpture Garden • Live music, dance and performance art • Local wines & microbrews in the Wine & Beer Garden • Raffles featuring work from exhibiting artists
Black Bear Although this species is difficult to encounter in the wild, I agree with the sentiments of Jim Eckler, wildlife biologist at the Northern Montezuma Field Office for the NYS DES. Eckler told me black bears “might be the easiest one to add to the Finger Lakes Big Five list according to the qualities used in the African list. They are big. They are game animals, and if you’ve ever encountered them in the woods, you understand what the word ‘wild’ really means.” The Finger Lakes Region today has more forest than farmland, and that habitat change favors species like black bears. Currently, bears are most common in the southwestern part of the Finger Lakes, but are increasingly seen in other areas as well.
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Great Blue Heron If you’ve sat on the porch of a lake cottage or canoed a Finger Lakes inlet or outlet, you know the great blue heron. I nominated the great blue because it’s common in our area throughout the snowless months (a few may be found where shallow, open water exists in winter), and is tied to water for both feeding and nesting. This bird is large, with a wingspan of 6 feet or more. Linda Ziemba, wildlife biologist for
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Sandhill Crane Photo by John VanNiel
River Otter
“Big Five” the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge went so far as to call them majestic. “The great blue heron is emblematic of the Finger Lakes, as it relies on our beautiful waterways and wetlands,” she explains. “It is usually seen alone, walking slowly and quietly, stalking prey; or standing statue-like, waiting to ambush a small aquatic animal for its next meal. However, when nesting, great blue herons gather in large flocks, high in trees. It can be comical to experience these “heronries,” as the birds’ normally graceful appearance along the water gives way to a raucous, clumsy party of gangly, noisy birds.”
Lake Trout I must confess, I am not much of an angler and I never even thought of a fish when I came up with my nominees for this list. But several people nominated fish, with lake trout being mentioned the most often. I asked Scott Smith, a NYS DEC biologist, why he considered this species for the list. “I'm just intrigued by the history of lake trout fishing in the Finger Lakes,” he explains. “There are old guys that still fish without a rod – just holding on to a copper-wire ‘Seth Green’ rig, giving it just the right twitch to activate the
Lake Trout
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Sutton spoons (developed in Naples). Or you can catch them through modern trolling, vertical jigging and even with bait off the dock. The season is open year round and they can be caught through the ice. You can go after big ones on Cayuga or Seneca, or fill the freezer with better tasting, smaller ones from Keuka.” Geneva hosts the National Lake Trout Derby each year and entrants come from far and wide to participate.
River Otter Although this is another hardto-spot species, I nominated the river otter because it’s also another management success story. Extirpated from the Finger Lakes for decades, the otter is again a resident due to the combined efforts of several groups and scores of individuals. In the 1990s, the New York River Otter Project was responsible for translocating hundreds of otters to the Finger Lakes. Dennis Money, president of the non-profit organization Seneca White Deer Inc., played a pivotal role in bringing the otters back to the Finger Lakes. “The return of the river otter to Central and Western New York marks one of the final chapters in restoring wildlife which was so abused prior to regulations and the formation of the Conservation Department in the 1930s,” he explains. “The river otter symbolizes a free spirit which links the terrestrial and aquatic environments of our state, bringing joy to the faces of the young and young at heart.”
Sandhill Crane Superficially, sandhill cranes look like great blue herons. They both are long-legged birds with long necks. But the similarities end there. Cranes fly with their necks straight out, feed mostly in upland habitats, rather than in the water, and are not really closely related to herons. Sandhill cranes make an excellent representative of the Finger Lakes. The very first sandhill crane nest in New York’s history was discovered in the Finger Lakes in 2003. Since then,
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There is another way to tell us what your favorite five are. Simply list them. E-mail: U.S. Mail Life in the Finger Lakes Magazine “Big Five” PO Box 1080 Geneva, NY 14456
“Big Five” several more nesting pairs have become established, and migrating flocks are seen each fall. I often hear cranes before I see them. They have a musical trumpeting that is unmistakable. A visit to the Finger Lakes offers the best chance to see sandhill cranes in New York State.
Snow Goose
Snow Geese
Almost every person I surveyed mentioned one species of waterfowl (to an ornithologist that means swans, geese and ducks) or other. And rightfully so. The Finger Lakes are home to several species of breeding waterfowl. Canada geese are found here all year long, along with other nesting species such as mallard ducks. But it’s during the spring and fall migration that the lakes and skies are alive with a tremendous variety of species occurring in fantastic numbers. I chose to narrow the nomination to a single species: the snow goose. Chris Lajewski, director of the Montezuma Audubon Center agrees with me. “On mild days in March,
Whitetail Deer
Wild Turkey
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COTTONE AUCTIONS 120 Court Street, Geneseo, New York 14454
hundreds of thousands of snow geese ride the southerly winds and stop at the Montezuma Wetlands Complex during their long journey to their breeding grounds in the Arctic tundra of northern Canada,” he explains. So although snow geese are not year-round residents in the Finger Lakes, they provide wildlife watchers with the largest single-species wildlife spectacle each year. That earns them a spot on this list of nominees.
White-tailed Deer Another obvious candidate, the white-tailed deer, or whitetail, is large and common. Each season of the year holds special significance: small spotted fawns in the spring, antlered males in the fall, dark-brown winter coats that contrast with light-reddish pelage in summer. Deer play out the drama of their lives in full view of anyone who cares to see. At the time of this writing, there is a truly unique opportunity to view white deer in the Finger Lakes. That particular color variation of the white-tailed deer occurs throughout their entire range, but the circumstances of deer restricted by the high fences of the former Seneca Army Depot, and the protection of the white deer that were born inside that fence, combined to create a herd that numbers in the hundreds.
Wild Turkey Wild turkeys are large and loud; and because they are non-migratory, they stay in the Finger Lakes throughout the year. Dr. Frank Smith, professor emeritus at Finger Lakes Community College had the wild turkey at the top of his list and noted that they “typically occur in small- to medium-sized flocks that allow one to enjoy the behavior and interaction among individuals.” When asked if he had a favorite behavior in mind, Dr. Smith said “the strutting display of the males in spring – with sunlight reflecting off their bronze feathers and the vivid red, white and blue hues of their head – is a truly beautiful reminder that winter is almost over.”
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FINE ART AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Seeking: Fine Art, Tiffany, Paintings, Sculpture, Sterling Silver, Asian Art, Oriental Rugs, Artglass, Native American, Jewelry, Folkart, Clocks, Firearms, etc. NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CALL FOR COMPLIMENTARY EVALUATION
2016 PHOTO CONTEST Deadline: August 31, 2016 Categories: First, Second and Third Place prize plaques, plus publication in the November/December 2015 magazine issue, are awarded for: • Color • Black-and-White • Digitally Altered*
• There is also a Grand Prize to best overall color or black-and-white photograph • Honorable Mentions are also awarded for color, black-and-white, and digitally altered. • Entries are limited to: – 5 for Black-and-White – 5 for Color – 5 for Digitally Altered* See below for the definition for “digitally altered.”
• Identify each photo and/or digital image. On a separate sheet that is typed, not • Submit photos by e-mail: hand-written, please include the following: – Please send the highest – photographer’s name, resolution photo that you have. address, phone, e-mail address Be careful when e-mailing – – the image name sometimes e-mail programs will – the category each image is to try to downsize the image to be judged make mailing faster. – where the image was taken • Submit photos as prints (if no (all photographs must be taken digital version is available) All in the Finger Lakes Region) entries should be sent through – any other information you’d U.S. postal mail or parcel post. like to include about that image Prints and CD/DVDs will not be returned. • Photographs that have already been published in other Life in the Finger Lakes magazines or newspapers, Photo Contest either online or in print, are not P.O. Box 1080 eligible. This does not include Geneva, NY 14456 postings on social media.
• Only winners will be notified before the November/ December Issue is published. Please refer to that issue to see the results of the photo contest. * Digitally Altered images are those that have used digital manipulation using the following methods: excessive dodging and burning; excessive color saturation; filtering using solarization; messotint and duotone; stitched panoramas; high dynamic range (HDR) images. Send submissions no later than August 31, 2016
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Book Look
reading reviews
Refreshing Reads Sat. & Sun., Sept. 17 & 18, 2016 At Punky Hollow Farm 10 am - 6pm - Rain or Shine!
Admission $10 per day, Children under 10 are free.
MAIN STAGE HEADLINERS: Bobby Henrie & the Gonners Brothers Blue Howie Lester & Friends Lil Anne & the Hot Cayenne The Buddhahood The Crawdiddies The Dady Brothers Watkins & the Rapiers
for a
ere is a fresh collection of new books that cover a diverse range of topics. Whether you are looking for religion and spiritualism, one city’s entrepreneurial past, a fictional winery, 200 years of real-life public safety, or a collection of trout boats, we’ve got them all covered right here!
by Laurel C. Wemmett
This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Livingston Arts, a member supported organization.
Auburn, New York: The Entrepreneurs’ Frontier by Scott W. Anderson Auburn is located near Owasco Lake, one of the smaller Finger Lakes. Early on in its history, this Central New York city prospered, thanks in part to the waterpower of the Owasco outlet and the convergence of Indian trails that later became highly traveled turnpikes. Beginning with the land speculation following the Revolutionary War and Auburn’s founding in 1793, Scott W. Anderson has written a detailed account of
how the geographical and economic influences shaped the city. The author, an associate professor and chair of the Geography Department at SUNY Cortland, “follows the money” – who and how it was made, and then what they did with it. Entrepreneurs and capital are studied through the period of commercial and industrial maturation of the 1880s. Through detailed tables, charts, maps and photographs, the overview covers the city’s prosperity and growth before ultimately, lacking visionaries, it faced stagnation. Topics range from the differences in early development between Auburn and Seneca Falls, to the ingenuity of the Oswego Starch Factory and the economical impact of the Auburn Prison. Illustrations of the city’s grand 19th-century homes recall the wealth achieved by enterprising families. The author examines if such prosperity trickled down to the working classes. Publisher: Syracuse University Press Website: Edition: Hardback
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The Public Universal Friend Jemima Wilkinson and Religious Enthusiasm in Revolutionary America by Paul B. Moyer Jemima Wilkinson is one of the most intriguing figures in the Revolutionary War era. Wilkinson was born in 1752 to a Rhode Island Quaker family. After suffering a grave illness in 1776, she proclaimed she had died and was reincarnated as a prophet: the Public Universal Friend. The Friend took on a gender-neutral persona, and her ministry spread throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic states. Later, she founded a religious community with her followers in the frontier of New York near present-day Penn Yan. The biography is notable for its scholarly examination of the life and influence over a period of 40 years of “the Comforter,” as Wilkinson referred to herself. Among the topics explored are her beliefs and ministry, her appearance and demeanor, the challenges she encountered as a female religious leader, and conspiracies to rob her of her land holdings during America’s formative period. Paul B. Moyer, an associate professor of history at The College at Brockport (SUNY), places Wilkinson’s ministry in the context of contemporary religious movements like the Shakers. Both espoused celibacy, which contributed to their decline. Replete with chapter notes and bibliography, this title is carefully indexed. It is an important contribution to the subject. Publisher: Cornell University Press Website: Edition: Hardback
Rochester Knockings by Hubert Haddad; translated from the French by Jennifer Gortz Open Letter, the University of Rochester’s press for translated literature, published this novel about the Fox sisters and the spiritual movement in America. Translated by a poet and English professor at the university, this fictional work is set during a period when the Finger Lakes Region saw the birth of several important religions. LIFL
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The two younger Fox sisters grew up in Hydesville, near Newark, where their family had moved from Monroe County. In 1848, sisters Kate and Margaret heard strange “rappings” or “knockings” in the floors and furniture of their farmhouse. At age 12, the youngest Fox daughter, Kate, began communicating with a spirit she called “Mister Splitfoot.” Soon the pair’s experiences with the spirit world became known. Steered by their older sister Leah, they relocated to her Rochester home to give performances for large audiences. Later, they went on tours and met many 19th-century American luminaries. The sisters’ ascendance to the forefront of the Modern Spiritualism movement and their subsequent fall are widely known. This fictionalized account, told evocatively by Tunisian-born author Hubert Haddad, focuses on American society when death and the afterlife were ever – present in daily life. Occasional overly long sentences thwart the narrative’s flow, but the book is successful at humanizing these intriguing women. Publisher: Open Letter at the University of Rochester Website: Edition: Soft cover
Frackin’ Lives by Art Maurer This sequel to the author’s first novel Twisted Vines (Winter 2012, Life in the Finger Lakes) will attract more readers who enjoy a tale of love and ambition set in Finger Lakes wine country. The romance has now heightened between Jacqueline (Jackie) Beaveau, a young French woman raised in the Médoc winemaking region following her parents’ death; and Joey O’Donnell, an American whose winemaking aspirations for his ancestral land are marred by bitter family claims. One underlying conflict involves Jackie’s plans to marry Joey and devote herself to his plans for a winery, despite the objections of Chloé, her controlling French grandmother. Serious arguments arise over speculation that land near Joey’s future vineyard will be subjected to hydrofracking,
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Book Look the controversial drilling for natural gas and its extraction. As Joey’s winery begins to take shape, disputes permeate not only business, but also personal relationships. Matters are complicated by conflicts over gun ownership and the influence of the Catholic Church. Dramatic events escalate and ultimately threaten the lives and sanity of these multi-generational inhabitants of the idyllic lake country. The steady love and calming nature of Jackie’s American grandmother, Emma, and her spouse, Will, offers balance to those around them, hope for the future, and maybe even a sequel. Website: Edition: Soft cover
The Gates Police Department: Two Centuries of Public Safety by William A. Gillette and John M. Robortella This attractive, well-organized, and copiously illustrated title begins 200 years ago with the constables who first
protected Gates, just west of Rochester. It covers the history of the town’s full-time police department, founded in 1960, and its growth as one of the most progressive police agencies in the state. Like other local history titles authored or co-authored by John Robortello, it contributes significantly to the subject. He and retired Gates Police Officer William Gillette drew on town board minutes and records dating to 1809, along with an extensive archive of photographs and newspapers. The book offers overviews and personal memories. Fans of true crime stories will enjoy “On Patrol: Cases in the Town of Gates,” which recounts murders, burglaries, a home invasion, and a fire in 1923 in which two children were killed. This last tragedy led to the formation of the Gates-Chili Fire Department.
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Book Look Sales of the book benefit Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), a nonprofit group that supports relatives of police officers killed in the line of duty. Publisher: Finger Lakes Historical Press (Canandaigua) Website: Edition: Hardback
Finger Lakes Trout Boats by Bill Oben
Come have the
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Before rowboats were made of fiberglass and aluminum, they were handcrafted of wood. A self-described “amateur historian about boats and boat building,” Bill Oben began looking for wooden rowboats in the 1970s. He became a founder and president of the Finger Lakes Boating Museum in Hammondsport. As chairman of the collection committee during the museum’s first 15 years, Oben acquired 115 boats and researched them and their builders. Trout fishing boats are round-bottomed wooden vessels measuring 12 to 14 feet long. They are designed for ease of trolling fish by trailing a baited line along behind the boat for extended periods. Eleven individual builders, many active around Keuka Lake, are featured. Some of their family members, plus old newspaper articles, provided the author with details of these “elegant, handmade marine artifacts from a largely bygone era.” Photographs of watercraft and their makers are accompanied by biographical details, measured diagrams of the boats, and clues to identify individual makers. In its introduction, the book describes the development of trout fishing in the region. The nation’s first fish hatchery, established in Caledonia, led to fish stocking in the Finger Lakes. As fishing grew and lakeside cottages and resorts multiplied, so, too, did the need for boats. Edition: Soft cover
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6/3/16 10:58 AM
Fruit of the Vine
wine, spirits and brews
Nathan Kendall An independent winemaker stays small, but sets his sights high Story and photos by Jason Feulner
competition associated with starting here’s a phenomenon in one’s own “winery.” When I recently sat Europe’s most famous wine down with Nathan Kendall to discuss regions called Le Garagiste – a his most recent wine project, I asked winemaker who works out him whether he considered of a garage. It’s not always himself a Garagiste. He literally a garage, but at laughed at first, but after times it’s pretty close. some thought agreed Basically, Garagistes that the designation work out of any is not far off. available space Soon after launching his inaugural Nathan to make wine, lineup of wines, Nathan realized that his Kendall always and much of last name too-closely resembled a major knew he wanted to the wine they wine brand. To avoid conflict, he will be part of the wine produce can be soon brand his wine as Nathan K. – industry. A native of good to excellent. but the labels will look the same. Dundee, his mother There’s a subset worked in various of wine enthusiasts capacities at Hermann J. who travel Europe, and Wiemer, when the potential places like Napa, seeking of vinifera wines in the Finger out the best Garagiste wine. Lakes was still a matter of debate. The presence of a Garagiste class “My parents were local wine people signifies maturity in a wine region. before it was cool,” he jokes. The wine Such practitioners are the result of a bug also bit Nathan’s brother, Aaron deep pool of experience and talent, Kendall, who works in Oregon as the coupled with increasing costs and
What’s In a Name?
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HOW TO GET THE WINE As a hand-sold product, Nathan Kendall wines are only available at select locations in New York City and in Hector (Stone Cat Cafe), Geneva (Red Dove Tavern, Kashong Creek), Watkins Glen (Graft), and Ithaca (Cellar d’Or).
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Interested customers can set up tastings or purchase wine directly from Nathan at his website:
assistant winemaker at Harper Voit. At first, Nathan didn’t imagine himself in production. After majoring in business in college, he took a five-year “world tour,” following the harvests in California, Oregon, Germany, New Zealand and Australia, and discovered his passion for not only wine, but winemaking. Nathan found himself most intrigued by the cooler regions, especially those that produced Pinot Noir and Riesling, and realized that the Finger Lakes had the winemaking challenges he sought. Nathan’s journey back to the Finger Lakes first brought him to Chateau Frank – the sparkling wine arm of Dr. Konstantin Frank – then to Ravines, where he worked for three years on many of the winery’s most-celebrated lines. He then served at Villa Bellangelo as winemaker for two years, before deciding to strike out on his own
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Tasting Notes
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True to his word, Nathan doesn’t make his wines the same way every year. His 2012 Riesling, heavily aged on lees and never racked, is entirely different in style from the 2013 Riesling which was made with 25% botrytis grapes. Both wines are delicious, but carry nearly entirely different profiles. The 2012 Pinot Noir has great structure, with balanced tannins ready to keep developing. Wine lovers who are looking for something interesting and fun should seek out these wines.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Fruit of the Vine
“I’m not a formula-driven winemaker,” says Nathan, explaining his decision to make his own wine. “I wanted to approach each vintage differently and push quality over all else. I want to make what I feel is right with the grapes I have on hand.” As an expression of his own winemaking philosophy, Nathan decided to name the wine project N. Kendall (soon to be re-branded as Nathan K. – see below). The label he chose for his bottles has a design that is reminiscent of a pattern familiar to décor found in Arts & Crafts architecture and furniture; a homage to his father’s career as a craftsman and carpenter. Nathan purposefully avoided founding a winery with a tasting room. Therefore, all of his wine is hand-sold to local restaurants and shops, as well as locations in New York City. He makes his wine at the facility at Shaw Vineyard on Seneca Lake, a site he selected after carefully observing facilities and winemakers throughout the region. “You couldn’t ask for a better friend or mentor in the industry,” Nathan says of Steve Shaw. “He has the best equipment in the Finger Lakes and is one of the best grapes growers around. It’s a full package here for a quality-driven winemaker like me.” At this point, Nathan is focusing exclusively on Riesling and Pinot Noir, two grapes that he believes can find full expression in the Finger Lakes. He is a proponent of long, cool fermentations, extended skin and lees contact, no fining and careful filtration. By staying small and independent, Nathan hopes to remain nimble, allowing the qualities of each vintage to drive the style of the wine. “It’s great to be part of an up-and-coming region like the Finger Lakes that’s gaining notoriety,” Nathan says, reflecting on his journey through the local wine industry. In many ways, Nathan’s self-named label demonstrates just how far the region has come in recent years.
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Finger Lakes Tourism
explore and discover
It Takes a Village How the community is coming together to transform the Finger Lakes Museum & Aquarium story and photos by John Adamski
fter Natalie Payne was appointed executive director of the Finger Lakes Museum & Aquarium (FLM&A) a year ago, she presented the Board of Trustees with an initiative that she called “Moving the Museum Forward.” Her plan laid out incremental steps for progress in bite-sized pieces, rather than attempting to tackle the entire project in one big chunk. That plan is working and progress is being made, although it’s not always obvious. Case in point: last July, with much public acclaim, New Energy Works of Rochester, Inc. raised the timber frame from a 19th-century barn that had been donated to the FLM&A, alongside Sugar Creek on the museum’s Branchport campus. The barn, which will be known as the Creekside Center, will be used as a canoe and kayak livery. In
addition to boat and equipment storage, the barn will also be available for museum and community events once bathroom facilities are in place. A metal roof was added when the frame was raised, but when it came time to install the barn’s original siding, something of a nightmare unfolded. After the steel strapping that bundled the boards together was removed, colonies of carpenter ants were discovered in the siding and the infestation brought progress to a standstill. Another fundraising campaign would be needed to raise money for new siding – an expense that had not been included in the project’s budget. When Kevin Kilbourne, who owns Rogers & Tenbrook Lumber Company in Dansville and Wayland, heard about the
From left to right: Jim Weld, Jim Higgins, Mike Saxton, and Dean Hitchcock teamed up to voluntarily install the framing and siding on the Creekside Center.
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Upstate At Its Most Gorges.
All of the building materials needed to enclose and secure the Creekside Center were donated by Rogers & Tenbrook Lumber Company.
dilemma, he made a generous offer. Kevin donated not only all of the siding needed to enclose the barn, but also doors, windows and hardware to make the barn weather-tight and secure. As a result, construction has resumed and the Creekside Center opened on schedule in June. (See sidebar.) Making a match Natalie has been busy successfully renegotiating terms on some of the museum’s finances, including grant awards from New York State and a line of credit with Lyons National Bank. In addition, the FLM&A received an anonymous $200,000 gift, on the condition that matching funds could be raised. Thanks to secured funding from the Finger Lakes Economic Development Center, that match has been made. While on the subject of matching funds, it’s important to know that each of the FLM&A’s grant awards from New York State – over $3 million to date – comes with a requirement to raise about half that amount in matching funds. So far, the museum has only been able to access just over half of those grant awards because matching funds are still needed to finance ongoing construction. Here’s how it works: Once a portion of the project is completed and paid for, the state reimburses the FLM&A for money spent to complete that portion of work. So essentially, for each
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Different Ways to Give
here are many ways to help move the museum forward. In addition to a generous cash contribution from Kevin and Mary Alice Kilbourne several years ago, the Rogers & Tenbrook Lumber Company owner recently donated all of the building materials needed to enclose and secure the Creekside Center. And Mike Saxton, Dean Hitchcock, and Jim Weld volunteered to work with FLM&A Project Manager Jim Higgins to install the materials provided by Kevin. Hats off to all of them! If you have a gently-used canoe or kayak that you would like to donate, or if you prefer to make a cash contribution, please visit Cash and material donations are tax-deductible. See the website for more details.
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Finger Lakes Tourism
$1 contribution, the museum gets $2 to work with – but not until after the work is done. All donations are tax-deductible. The next step in moving the museum forward is to transform the gymnasium into an auditorium and meeting space, which will be used to hold educational programming and community events. A capital campaign to raise the funds for that phase of work is currently being designed, and will be launched later this summer.
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SIX issues
Bringing water to life The golden thread of the Finger Lakes Museum & Aquarium is water, and a unique water exhibit is being considered as part of the transformation of the former Branchport Elementary School building into an exhibit hall. By removing part of the existing floor, a new one can be built that gently ramps downward from north to south and follows a cascading stream, which originates from a melting glacier at the north end of the building and becomes a Finger Lake tributary at the south end. The stream would follow a geological timeline that begins with glacial recession and aboriginal occupation, and culminates with the grape and wine industry and Old Order Cultures. Along the way, visitors would see the story of forest to farmland to forest, plus wildlife exhibits – including bald eagles, black bears, river otters, and more – that explain how these wild animals and birds relate to their freshwater habitats. Visitors would also be able to watch live brown and rainbow trout ford the shallow cascades and congregate in the pools. All of these exhibits would be designed to build into a crescendo toward a future exhibit: The Finger Lakes Aquarium building, which would be built and attached diagonally to the south end of the existing building. In other news, Life in the Finger Lakes magazine editor Mark Stash has been elected to a three-year term on the Finger Lakes Museum & Aquarium’s Board of Trustees. We are excited to have Mark on board and look forward to working with him.
~ LifeintheFingerL
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Happenings (Continued from page 10)
Art as Therapy
uring high school, artist Dana Pastusec developed anxiety and panic disorder. She used art to help her cope with events in her life where she had little to no control. Her recent work employs coping methods she has come to rely on – training herself to focus on the details of color, shape and composition – anything that can be controlled directly. Dana states, “There are so many people who struggle with anxiety and I want my art to be proof that there are positive avenues to channel their minds towards, rather than seek out something destructive.” Dana was inspired to paint this particular piece when she was considering how to portray the Finger Lakes in a new, abstract way. She first sketched out the shape of the lakes and knew that she wanted to have the sharp, cubist shapes behind the lakes follow suit with the style she had been experimenting with for the past year. Dana wanted to keep the color scheme recognizable – blue for the lakes, and green and tan hues for the area surrounding them. To see more of Dana’s work, visit or e-mail
July 28-31…Oswego Harbor Fest A 4-day/night admission free festival held annually featuring the Strates Midway, live music and entertainment, the Harborfest Family Park featuring the Children’s Musical along with programming and activities for families. Saturday evening will feature Entergy sponsored Fireworks Display produced by the internationally known Grucci family. Thursday 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., Friday & Saturday 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 41 Lake St., Oswego, NY 13126 315-343-6858 July 29-31…Skaneateles Antique and Classic Boat Show Ninety antique and classic boats and motors will be on display in the water and on land at the 38th annual Antique and Classic Boat Show, organized by the Finger Lakes Chapter of the Antique and Classic
Boat Society and the Skaneateles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Enjoy concerts, a boat parade at 3 p.m. Saturday, a photoshoot at 10 a.m. Sunday, children’s activities, demos, shopping, raffles and more. Awards presented in 35 categories, including the highly coveted People’s Choice Award. Free admission. 5102 Route 89, Romulus, NY 14541 315-549-8797 July 30…Krossin’ Keuka A .67 mile fun swim across Keuka Lake, off the shore of Keuka College. Swimmers are escorted by paddlers and marine patrol and greeted with breakfast on the shore. We swim to support the Keuka Comfort Care Home through fundraising in the form of sponsorships. 6:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Keuka College Point Neamo 141 Central Ave, Keuka Park, NY 14478 (Continued on page 95)
Labor Day Weekend September 2, 3, 4 Featuring: Friday- Budweiser International Classic Pole Day Time Trials & Party in the Pits with DirtRoad Ruckus Saturday- The RETURN of the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour ‘Toyota Mod Classic 150 pres. by McDonald’s’ Sunday- The 60th running of the $100,000 Budweiser International Classic 200 for Novelis Supermodifieds PLUS - ISMA Supermodifieds Saturday and Small Block Supers Sunday For detailed information visit online For Tickets call: (315) 342-0646 Weekly Racing Saturday, June through September 300 E. Albany St. Oswego, NY 13126 LIFL
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082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 94
6/3/16 2:06 PM
Happenings (Continued from page 93)
July 30…The Best of Seneca West Wine Tour The western shores of Seneca Lake are home to some of the most well-respected wine-makers in the Finger Lakes. On this tour, you will learn their stories and taste the outcome of their commitment and passion to their craft. $145.00 per person including transportation, tasting fees, lunch, and special food pairings. 9:30 to 5 p.m. Three pick-up locations: 16 N Franklin St, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 1001 Lochland Rd (Rte 14), Geneva NY 14456 4069 Westlake Rd., Geneva NY 14456 607-233-4818
AUGUST August 4-5…Ganonda-JAM Join us for the first ever open-mic and coffee house night series at Ganondagan’s Seneca Art & Culture Center! This free musical event is family friendly & open to the public. 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Seneca Art & Culture Center at Ganondagan 7000 County Road 41, Victor, NY 14564
August 5-7…Phelps Sauerkraut Weekend Celebrating their 50th anniversary, Phelps, has held a Sauerkraut Festival to commemorate the time when they were the sauerkraut capital of the world. The festival features everything sauerkraut (and cabbage) as well as activities for the whole family. Route 96, Phelps, NY 14532 315-548-8900 August 6...Paddle Keuka 5K Canoe or kayak your way across Keuka Lake and back in this exciting new event benefitting the Finger Lakes Museum. Medals will be awarded in the following categories: Overall Male, Female & Mixed Canoe and Kayak Overall Male, Female & Mixed Canoe & Kayak Masters. T-shirts will be available for participants registered by August 1, 2016. 3369 Guyanoga Road, Branchport, NY 14418
(Continued on page 97)
Mid-Lakes Navigation Launches New Mailboat A Real Coin shop!
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tarting July 1, a new “lady” will deliver the mail on Skaneateles Lake. The Barbara S. Wiles, which has served as Mid-Lakes Navigation’s mailboat for 34 years, delivering mail under contract with the U.S. Postal Service, has been retired. She will be replaced by Spray, a 49-foot single-decked catamaran that, like its predecessor, will also be available for sightseeing cruises and special functions. Spray, named for the first mailboat that operated on the lake in the 1940s, is being built by Sightseer Marine in Hudson, Florida. Powered by two fuel-efficient, low-emission Tier 3 inboard diesel engines, Spray will have a seating capacity of 48 (as compared to 36 on the Barbara). The boat’s main cabin features 40-inch-high side walls, and open upper sides with clear vinyl side curtains similar to those on the upper deck of the Judge Ben Wiles, Mid-Lakes Navigation’s flagship. Spray will be handicapped accessible and will be equipped with a six-speaker sound system. “We know the Barbara will be missed by those in our community who have come to know her as a familiar and integral part of their summer landscape. We will miss her too,” says Sarah Wiles, co-owner and director of marketing for Mid-Lakes Navigation. “She has been a productive asset to the business and truly a beloved member of the family. Mailboat cruises on the Spray begin July 1; cruises run Monday through Saturday (except holidays), 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., through September 3. For more information, call 315-685-8500 or go to or the Mid-Lakes Navigation page on Facebook.
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6/3/16 11:00 AM
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Key Dreamers Popular duo who perform at various wineries and venues in the Finger Lakes region. Check out their schedule at...
Live Music !!! 96
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6/3/16 11:00 AM
Award Winning Fruit-Based Spirits & Hard Ciders. Come Visit Us
Dansville ArtWorks will host Chalk Walk & ArtsFest 2016 on Saturday, August 6 in historic downtown Dansville. This summer festival in its fifth year features sidewalk chalk art, live music by returning Steel Alchemy Community Steel Band, and a juried arts and crafts show and sale. Calls for artists – juried chalk artists and exhibitors/vendors for the arts and crafts sale – have been announced. Details and forms can be found at or e-mail your request to
Chalk on the Sidewalk
August 6…Cortland Arts and Wine Festival The Festival hosts 16 wineries representing the finest that New York State has to offer. Over 40 artists will set up on the lawn throughout the park for the show at very reasonable prices. Food is also an attraction at the festival and there will be numerous vendors offering choices for every taste. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wine Tent: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Courthouse Park, Downtown Cortland, NY 13045
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August 6-7…Park Avenue Summer Arts Festival The Park Avenue neighborhood is transformed into a one-of-a-kind shopping mecca, filled with original creations from more than 350 artists, craftspeople and exhibitors from the U.S. and Canada. Also enjoy great music and food! 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Park Ave, Rochester, NY 14604 585-473-4482
August 20…Canal Crawl: Paddling Poverty Paddle down the Cayuga/Seneca Canal from the Waterloo Lock to the Seneca Falls Community Center to benefit the Seneca County House of Concern. Like a walk-a-thon, kayakers and canoers will be raising money by collecting donations through pledges. There will be a few stops along the way for snacks and a scavenger hunt. When you disembark at the Seneca Falls Recreation Center there will be a reception with food, music, awards and raffles. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oak Island, Oak Street, Waterloo, NY 13165 315-568-2433 August 20-21…Arts at the Gardens Fine art and crafts show and sale held on the grounds of Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion State Historic Park. Over 110 artists from across the nation. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. $6 admission fee. 151 Charlotte Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424 716-378-6679
August 7…Music & Wine: Distilled and Heintzelman’s Marinade Magic August 21…Friends Annual Pig Roast Relax and enjoy the afternoon with a glass of wine Fundraiser overlooking Keuka Lake. Distilled, an experienced The Friends of Sterling Nature Center’s annual will © westword creative 2016 keyboard & guitar duo, plays soft rock hits from 5/23/16 be held from noon to 4 p.m. or when the food the sixties to the present. Savour lunch with is gone. Menu: Roast Pork, salt potatoes, baked Heintzelman’s Marinade Magic food truck. The beans, coleslaw, applesauce, beverage and dessert. event is free and open to the public. Take-out and pre-sale tickets are available. A 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Vegetarian Chili will be available as an alternative to Keuka Spring Vineyards pork for those wanting a meatless option. 243 Route 54, East Lake Road, Penn Yan, NY 14527 Sterling Nature Center 315-536-3147 15703 Jensvold Rd, Sterling, NY 13156 August 13…3rd Annual Art Flaire August 21…Jazz Greats at Glenora A fine arts and crafts show by regional artisans, Spend the day listening to great jazz musicians, crafters, and vendors who will be exhibiting and overlooking the vineyards and Seneca Lake. selling their works. There will also be live music, Featuring: Four80East with special guests, soul novelty food items, a bake sale, silent auction, and saxman, Jackiem Joyner and guitarist, Matt Marshak. more! Proceeds benefit Unity House programs and services for people with disabilities. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets go on sale on May 16th, $30.00 per person. Food and Beverage will be available for purchase all 1 Genesee Street, Auburn, NY 13021 day. 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 315-253-6227 5435 State Route 14, Dundee, NY 14837 800-243-5513 or
J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 97
6/3/16 1:12 PM
Shopping & Services
Buying Coins Old Time Collections & Estates Safe Deposit Box Visits Made References at: E-mail at:
Gene Lane PO Box 221 Burdett, NY 14818 607-342-3606 I have collected coins for 57 years.
Visit our locations. Farmington Pittsford Plaza Corner of Routes Monroe Ave. 96 & 332 (CVS Plaza) (Next to Shear Ego) 585-742-6218 585-385-0750
It’s a Shopping Experience... Beyond Ordinary
Strong Memorial Hospital Thompson Hospital Destiny USA Mall (Syracuse, NY)
Call for Monthly OPEN HOUSES
Call Ed Schoen • 315-946-4360
Lukacs Pottery
Over 700 REAL LOG HOMES Built in the Finger Lakes Area Since 1971.
Hours Mon-Sat 10-5 2 West Main Street, Clifton Springs 315-548-4438
Shop for unique, functional art at a working pottery studio 315-483-4357 7060 State Route 14 Sodus Point, NY 14555
Subscribe and Save up to
Best Deal
18 Issues – 3 Years Your Price $35 (50% off newsstand)
Call 800-344-0559 Today or visit
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 98
6/3/16 11:01 AM
Making a Differemce
Fly Fishing
Guided fly fishing trips to local streams and ponds in the picturesque Finger Lakes region
Book your Summer guided trip now. (607)882-1647
We have gently-used
Eileen Fisher
fashions at bargain prices
112 N Cayuga St. downtown Ithaca 607-319-4106 11-6 weekdays 11-5 weekends
Keuka Candy Emporium
Over 500 Candies in stock Handmade Chocolates
Vintage Ice Cream Parlor 17 Main St Penn Yan NY
Vineyard for Sale
Overlooking Keuka Lake Bluff Fall Bright, The Winemakers Shoppe Keuka Lake 10110 Hyatt Hill, Dundee, NY 607-292-3995
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 99
(Continued from page 15)
William B. Daggett, Jr., AIA, from Charlottesville, Virginia, specializes in animal shelters. Light streams in through windows and doors, which provide views of surrounding pastures and lawns. The floor plan includes separate adoption and admission lobbies, and areas for examinations and isolation, when needed. An air exchange system provides fresh air. “The building was designed with the professional guidance of lead veterinarians and the medical support staff of Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine,” explains Mosgrove. The River’s Edge Farm location is busy offering FLSPCA programs which aim to keep animals from needing to be sheltered. These include canine training classes, wellness clinics and spay/neuter clinics, among others. There may be the occasional horse on the grounds because it is the only shelter in its area that provides some emergency rescue and housing for equines. “We rescue, rehabilitate and re-home equine animal cruelty victims,” explains Mosgrove. “There are many things that are special about our organization, but my favorite thing is that each homeless animal that comes through our door is valued and treated as individual and special – as they all are,” says Mosgrove. “Additionally, our nonprofit organization feels so very fortunate and grateful to be located in a community that is so supportive and that makes the difficult and demanding work of helping to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves possible. The successes of our shelter are a direct reflection of all the support we receive from our community.”
For information about FLSPCA programs, shelter services, volunteer opportunities, hours, and how to donate to the new shelter’s completion and future endowment: Web: E-mail: Phone: (607) 622-5363
6/3/16 2:06 PM
Naples – Wineries, Artists and more
Largest open air market in the Finger Lakes • Beautiful Spring & Summer Flowers • Quality Fruits & Vegetables Picked Fresh Daily • Fresh baked pies, cookies & breads • NYS Maple Syrup, Honey, Cheddar Cheese • 100s of Jams & Jellies • Fall Brings Grape Goodies • Finger Lakes Wine & Gifts Open May - October Daily 8:00am-7pm 202 S. Main Street, Naples 585-374-2380
2016 PHOTO CONTEST Deadline: August 31, 2016 Categories:
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize plaques plus publication in the November/December 2015 issue
Bristol Views Bed & Breakfast 6
Famous for our Grape Pies Available Year Round
6932 County Rd. 12 Naples, NY 14512
585-374-8875 Henry and Barb Owens
Your home away from home, located high above Canandaigua Lake with awesome views. Hiking, biking, wineries & more await you. We also offer a beautiful wedding site that will fulfill your dreams. Let us help you discover the Finger Lakes!
~ LifeintheFingerL
Local fruits to luscious creams we have your favorite! Call to order yours! A variety of pies available daily also chicken pot pies, quiche, jams, jellies & gifts.
Open 7 days a week, 9AM-6PM 7599 Rte, 21, Naples
• Best Color • Best Black-and-White • Best Digitally Altered* • Grand prize to best overall photograph (Photographs may also be selected for honorable mention and for photo illustration)
Submit photos by e-mailing If submitting through USPS, mail to: Life in the Finger Lakes Photo Contest P.O. Box 1080 Geneva, NY 14456 Visit for complete information and rules
Seneca Lake Wine Trail
A Wine for Every Taste!
NOW OPEN AT WSW! Locally crafted beer & root beer Two complimentary beer or wine tastings with this ad. Open daily, year ‘round Located on the northwest end of Seneca Lake, just south of Geneva 4200 Route 14, Geneva NY 315-781-9463
Founded & owned by Carl Fribolin
Need an idea for a great gift? Why not share the beauty of the region with a gift subscription to Life in the Finger Lakes? 800-344-0559
SIX issues J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 101
6/3/16 1:19 PM
Real Estate
202 Main Street • Dansville, NY 14437
Conesus Lake Beauty! 5621 W. Lake Rd. Significant recent improvements include complete new granite kitchen with S.S. appliances, top floor master suite, roof, windows, electric and plumbing. Beautiful landscaping with blacktop parking. Dock included. $349,900. Call Robbin! MLS R290524 Country custom log home on 5 picturesque acres! 2332 Isaman Rd., Wayland. This fine home features 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, finished walk out basement with theater room, pellet and coal stoves, 23’ high ceilings, 2 car garage. Close to exit 3 I-390 and Loon lake. $299,900 Call Dan! MLS R294864 Extraordinary “Top of the Hill” home! 10767 Isaman Rd., Wayland. 5 bedroom/4 bath, gorgeous great room with stone fireplace and jacuzzi tub. Deck wraps around oval pool with screened porch adjacent. 4.75 acre lot with spectacular views! $379,000. Call Robbin or Dan. MLS R284805
Horse farm, 52 acres, 70 x 130’ indoor riding arena, beautiful ranch home! 2335 Old State Rd., York. 30 acres with wooded riding trails, 12 horse stalls, 4 paddocks with auto water & large sand ring. Ranch house has vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, attached garage and meticulously cared for! $429,000. Call Dan for details! MLS R300276
Live on the Lake
Empire Realty Group 585•335•SOLD 202 Main Street Dansville, NY 14437
Robbin Smith • Associate Broker 585•721•4771
Daniel Edmond • Associate Broker 585•721•8041
5031 Kozy Kove • Summer on Cayuga Lake in this open concept cottage, large lot, public utilities, completely updated. $167,500
2824 Fire Lane 1, Moravia, NY Owasco Lake cottage with level frontage, tongue & groove interior, large lakeside deck. $163,000
We have many more lakefront properties available for sale or rent, call today for more information.
Contact Midge Fricano Broker, GRI. CRS.
cell: 315-729-0985 • email:
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 102
6/3/16 4:09 PM
“HE’S GOT A CORNER ON THE MARKET” Keuka Lake-year-round contemporary, built in 1990, with many recent upgrades. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 50’ of natural frontage, public water/ sewer/nat’l gas, central AC, open porch, decks, 2-car attached garage, granite, and beautiful gardens. This is not just for weekends at the lake... this is a full time lake home! Now priced at $549,000. Keuka Lake-Newer 4 bedroom, 3 bath contemporary on 150’ of lake frontage. A 3200 sq. ft. GEM with all the “bells & whistles”. Cathedral ceilings, great room, fireplace, all high-end appointments, 2 1/2 car garage, decks, hot tub, master suite on main level, unsurpassed views, and you can drive right up to your door. Private, new, and complete FUN! Now priced at $899,000.
Lake and Farm Real Estate Sales A proud supporter of
Real Estate
Keuka Lake-WOW! 2 cottages/year-round homes @ water’s edge with 2-garages, $60,000 in permanent docks/hoists, 5 bedrooms, 2 & 1/2 baths in total; everything is in pristine condition, and it’s all absolutely level with 105’ of natural frontage. Do I really need to say “HURRY”? Now priced at $675,000.
Mark Malcolm II “KEUKA LAKE’S TOP AGENT” 315-536-6163 Direct
Website: MARKMALCOLM.COM (w/mobile app)
Enjoy the ride around the lake and maybe buy some real estate Contact Carmelo “Mel” Russo for RESULTS 4 Wineries/Vineyards – SOLD! 1000s of feet of Lake Frontage – SOLD! 1000s of acres of Farmland – SOLD!
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 103
5711 West Lake Rd., Auburn 113’ of Year Round West side Owasco Lakefront with a 3300 square foot 5 bedroom, 3 bath historic house known as the “5 Mile House.” This beautiful home was once the Owasco Yacht Club. Very well cared and maintained home. It has had a good rental history the last few years. Jeffrey “Jeff” Trescot, Broker Cell 315-730-1446 •
96 S Main St 113 Cayuga St Moravia, NY Union Springs NY 315-497-3700 315-889-2000
J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
6/3/16 4:10 PM
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• Best Color • Best Black-and-White • Best Digitally Altered* • Grand prize to best overall photograph (Photographs may also be selected for honorable mention and for photo illustration)
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Life in the Finger Lakes Photo Contest P.O. Box 1080 Geneva, NY 14456 Visit for complete information and rules
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6/3/16 4:10 PM
Off the Easel (continued from page 112)
Red Brick Inn
A quaint and quiet escape in the heart of the Finger Lakes
2081 Route 230, Dundee, NY • 607-243-8844 •
Bed • Breakfast • Events Apple Country Retreat
Free Jacuzzi Night drawing Sept.1st To enter email
2215 Lord’s Hill Rd • Tully, NY 13159 315-748-3977 •
Visit our FACEBOOK page for events
955 Canandaigua Rd Palmyra NY 14522 315-597-8888 Events
TLakeside HE FLAT AT TUDOR HALL Vacation Apartment Rental on the
Shore of Keuka Lake
Maxwell Creek Inn
Bed & Breakfast
Eat-in Kitchen • King-size Bed • Full Tiled Bath Swimming • Fishing • Kayaking Lakeside Beach Fires • Docking for your boat
Historic Cobblestone overlooking Lake Ontario Visit: Click: The Flat Call: 315/694-0615 • Email:
7563 Lake Road, Sodus, NY
Finger Lakes Mill Creek Cabins 2382 Parmenter Road Lodi, NY 14860
607-582-7673 Two, fully furnished, pet friendly cabins nestled on 40 secluded acres near the national forest and wine trails. Available year round.
her three siblings skipped school for a month. Though Lane was also an accomplished pianist, she chose an art career. Lane selected graphic design and illustration as her major at Maryland Institute College of Art, practical art skills with earning potential. Her favorite drawing themes of animals, children and nature influenced her interest to illustrate children’s picture books someday. Lane’s enriching studies included semesters in Rome, Italy and in New York City. In 1982, after graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Lane married high school sweetheart Mark Obbie, a writer. The young couple moved to Warren, Ohio, where Obbie had a newspaper job waiting. He surprised his bride by renting an art studio. Lane took freelance illustration jobs and designed paste-up ads, drawn in pencil in those days, typeset and laid out precisely on a board to be photographed. Mastery of math calculations – to make it all fit – trumped artistry. In 1983 Obbie took a better job in Texas at the Houston Post. Lane worked for an advertising agency, creating a range of printed materials such as annual reports, brochures and signs. The couple had a daughter, Raema, in 1986. After moving again, this time to Dallas and welcoming son Dale, Lane started a home-based freelance illustration business to be with their children. Home Sweet Homes Home eventually became Ossining, New York (north of New York City) for a decade. Obbie commuted to Manhattan and they were closer to extended family. Computers and the advent of the Internet made Lane’s freelancing seamlessly portable. Lane illustrated her first children’s picture book in 1998. She and her sister Judith wrote, and Lane drew, Buster, Where Are You? a tale about a little (continued on page 107) J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 105
6/3/16 2:07 PM
Culture & Attractions
Colonial Belle Cruising The Historic Erie Canal Fun for th ut e Entire s Abo s Family Ask U e Cruise m e h T r Ou
s arter te Ch Priva ailable Av
Call for Reservations
585-223-9470 •
400 Packett’s Landing • Fairport, NY
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 106
6/3/16 3:31 PM
Off the Easel (continued from page 105)
Experience Two Centuries of Communication Technology Titanic Radio Room, 1925 Radio Store First Transistor Radio, Working Transmitters First Cell Phone and Much, Much More!
Open: Tuesday 10am-3pm & Saturday 1-5pm
6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 •
girl and a dog. It was sold to a small publishing house during a writers and illustrators conference. Soon after, the same publisher hired her to draw pictures for another storybook, Rico’s Hawk. Lane also illustrated educational and religious children’s books when she signed with an agent who represented her work directly to publishers. One career highlight for Lane was illustrating animal picture books for The Gryphon Press, an award-winning children’s book publisher with a catalog emphasizing the human/animal bond. The theme resonated with Lane, an animal lover with two rescue dogs. Lane was in demand when the couple moved nearer to their roots in 2004. They bought a Canandaigua home surrounded by bucolic wooded acres offering her endless natural scenes to paint. While her main concentration was illustration, Lane was an accomplished watercolorist and had never stopped painting. Winds of Change The trend in children’s illustration was moving toward simpler, cartoon-like images and away from Lane’s signature style: realistic and painterly pictures. In 2009, she felt a stronger tug toward painting, even picking up oils again for the first time since college. Lane challenged herself by taking workshops taught by nationally esteemed artists including Mary Whyte (“perhaps the premier
Setting Her Sights, Watercolor, 2015 American watercolorist of our time,” says Lane) through the Rochester Art Club, a professional membership organization. “I’m transitioning my career away from illustration toward painting my own ideas, as well as commissioned paintings,” says Lane now. “As an illustrator I told stories through my pictures. In my new work as a painter, I continue to enjoy telling stories through my portraits and landscapes.” In a way Lane has come full circle, back to her intense joy of perfecting those glorious horses over and over until they appear to canter across the canvas just as muscled and magnificent as they are in real life.
Nancy Lane Contact the artist at or visit For information about Nancy Lane’s watercolor or drawing workshops at Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery, visit Her work is featured in the 34th annual Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors from August 6 through October 9, 2016, at View in Old Forge. Visit for more information.
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082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 107
6/3/16 1:19 PM
Culture & Attractions Call today & enjoy a leisurely cruise on the lake combined with tastings at some of the best wineries in the Finger Lakes!
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Bringing art and people together since 1973 JOHNSON MUSEUM OF ART Cornell University 114 Central Avenue, Ithaca Tuesdays–Sundays, 10AM–5PM Free admission! 607 255-6464 @HFJMuseum 607-535-9741 108 N. Catharine St., Montour Falls, NY 14865 Historic 1828 BRICK TAVERN MUSEUM Open Thursday 1:30 to 7:00 pm •••
Saturday 11:00 to 3:00 •••
Tues,Wed, Fri 10am-4pm
Geneva History Museum
Rose Hill Mansion Johnston House
ULYSSES HISTORICAL SOCIETY Open Fri & Sat 2-4pm, Mon 9-11am Vintage Clothing, Early Transportation Large Agriculture Exhibit Genealogy by Appointment 39 South St. • Trumansburg, NY 14886 607-387-6666 •
Subscribe and Save up to
Best Deal
18 Issues – 3 Years Your Price $35 (50% off newsstand)
Telling Geneva’s Stories three museums ∗ tours ∗ exhibits ∗ programs ∗ events 315-789-5151
Call 800-344-0559 Today or visit
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 108
6/3/16 2:07 PM
Historic Maritime District
Open 1-5pm • Monday thru Sunday
West 1st Street Pier, Oswego 315-342-0480 •
CruiseErie&Canal, Dine Baldwinsville Skaneateles Lake
Museum complex features a tavern c1796, log house c1850, school house c1878, blacksmith shop c1870, and agricultural barn.
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Mid-Lakes Navigation
5 muse ums, 1 desti nation
Open 7 Days a Week April through Dec 10am-4pm (Sunday 1-4pm) 23 East Main St, LeRoy, NY 585-768-7433 •
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Sodus Bay Lighthouse Museum
Since 1982
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J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 109
6/3/16 2:50 PM
Camping Hejamada Campground & RV Park
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Located in the Finger Lakes Region Come see why we’re the ideal campground for caravans, jamborees, group functions, families and individual campers.
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Family Camping at its best! Imagine You: Visiting the Finger Lakes wineries and returning to your RV site, cabin or full-sized rental trailer for your unique vacation experience. Imagine You: Sitting by the campfire with a glass of
ristol Near B erial in A Mounta re Park Adventu
excellent wine you purchased that day at one of the Finger Lakes many wineries.
Imagine You: Visiting theCorning Museum of Glass (just 10 miles away) and the quaint town of Corning with its many wonderful gift shops and restaurants.
Imagine Us: Welcoming you to our family campground. Visit us today!
Discount tickets/packages available for the Corning Museum of Glass & Rockwell Museum of Western Art. 8700 State Route 415, PO Box 466, Campbell, NY 14821
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Call 800-344-0559 Today or visit
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 110
6/3/16 11:01 AM
Index of Advertisers July/August 2016
COMPANY....................... PAGE.... PHONE..............WEBSITE / E-MAIL Antique Revival....................................
COMPANY.......................... PAGE.... PHONE..............WEBSITE / E-MAIL
Arts at the Gardens.............................
Humane Society of Schuyler
Auburn’s Historic & Cultural
Belhurst Castle.....................................
The Inn on the Lake...........................
Brew Central.........................................
Ithaca Farmers Market........................
Ithaca/Tompkins Co. Convention &
Bristol Mountain Aerial Bristol Valley Theater..........................
Jack Greco Custom
Canandaigua Emporium & Trading
The Keller Williams
Caves Kitchens.....................................
Kendal at
Cayuga Lake Wine Trail................
CB Craft
New Energy
Chemung Canal Trust.........................
Oswego Speedway.............................
Clifton Springs Chamber of Commerce.....................
Phelps Business Develop. & Tourism..............................................
CNY Arts................................................
Cobtree Vacation Rentals..................
Rooster Hill Vineyards........................
The Corning Building Company......
Rosamond Gifford
Corning Museum of
Roseland Wake
Cortland County
Roseland Wake Park Retail Shop..... 33.....585-393-9253
Roseland Water Park..........................
Crossroads Blues Festival..................
Route 96 Power &
del LAGO Resort &
The Salvation Army.............................84.....888-434-1391
Seager Marine......................................
Downtown Ithaca
Seaweed Mat Systems.......................
Select Sotheby’s International Realty...................... 35,
Elmira Corning Regional Farm
Seneca County Chamber..................
SignLanguage Inc................................
FiberArts in the Glen..........................
Smith Boys Marina..............................
Finger Lakes Cheese
The Springwater Music Fair..............
Finger Lakes from Space Poster.......
Timber Frames.....................................
Finger Lakes
Tioga Downs Casino Resort..............
Finger Lakes Musical Theatre
Wagner Walnut Hill Farm..................................71
Finger Lakes
Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel...............
Finger Lakes
Wild Birds
Fireplace Fashions...............................
German Brothers Marina Granger Greater Rochester Int’l
MARKETPLACE ADVERTISING Accommodations...................Pg. 104-105
Real Estate for Sale................ Pg. 102-103
Camping............................................Pg. 110
Seneca Lake Wine Trail...................Pg. 101
Canandaigua...............................Pg. 94-95
Shopping & Services..................Pg. 98-99
Hilton Garden Inn
Culture & Attractions.................Pg. 106-109
Wine, Spirits & Brews................Pg. 96-97
Naples...............................................Pg. 100
Halsey’s Restaurant............................. Heron Hill Winery............................... The Highlands at Pittsford.................
Download the free DIGITAL MAGAZINE at
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 111
J u ly/A u g u s t 2 016 ~
6/3/16 11:01 AM
Off the Easel
creating art
Nancy Lane
Call The Horse Lucky, 2010 The Gryphon Press
Her Real-Life Story in Pictures by Nancy E. McCarthy
anandaigua illustrator and fine artist Nancy Lane’s distinguished career spans 34 years. Lane, who has illustrated 24 children’s picture books, recently shifted her primary focus back to fine art – specifically narrative realism painting – which she views as a natural progression of her illustration work. Narrative paintings tell stories and evoke universally understood emotions, while the Contemporary Realism art movement has brought back in vogue traditional, finely-detailed works depicting real life people or scenes. Both are polar opposites of modern abstract art with its own visual language of color, shapes and forms open to wide-ranging interpretations. “Taking my art to this next level is exciting in part because I am now creating portraits or narrative paintings that can be appreciated by a wider
audience,” she says. Her paintings are hung and sold at Artizanns in Naples and the Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery in Canandaigua where Lane also teaches workshops. “Nancy is a sought-after teacher in watercolor and drawing skills,” says Rohrer. “I have watched her work over the last few years, observing her growth and masterful touch.”
age 6 or 7. By 8, her friends were clamoring for horse pictures. By 15, her grandmother sought art advice from Lane. Her Webster, New York, childhood was a happy one. The family played music and sang together, camped and travelled – including a memorable cross-country adventure when she and (Continued on page 105)
Early Art Lane’s interest in art started with horses. As a child, “I was kind of horse crazy,” Lane admits. “I desperately wanted one.” She drew them instead – all kinds, colors, shapes and sizes. Her grandmother, a hobbyist whom Lane characterizes as a “Sunday painter,” taught her to draw a horse’s head around Ricky, Oil, 2015
~ LifeintheFingerL
082-112.LIFL_JULAUG_2016.indd 112
6/3/16 11:01 AM
83488 Kendal GardenAD sp for LIF T: 8.125” x 10.875”
B: .125” all sides L: 7.625” x 10.375”
4c process
As the community garden grows, so does Andy’s circle of friends. Today he’s harvesting a fresh crop of perfectly ripe tomatoes, and tonight his friends will reap the benefits over a homemade pot of sauce. Living on the 105-acre campus of Kendal at Ithaca not only keeps Andy connected to the lifestyle and people he loves, but the care he may need someday. And, from here, the story just keeps getting better. Come for a visit and tell us your story. Call 1-800-253-6325 or go to to learn more.
2230 N. Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
A not-for-profit continuing care retirement community serving older adults in the Quaker tradition. ©2014 KENDAL
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Photo © Don Cochran Design Works Architecture
JULY/AUGUST 2016 • VOL. 16, NO. 4
“Wow. The process was fun, collaboration was tremendous. You achieved exactly what we had in our minds - superb workmanship yet casual and welcoming. We really appreciate all the effort and caring you put into making this home happen.” - Steve & Denise | Farmington, NY | 585.924.3860
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30Years serving great clients in the Finger Lakes
9/11/18 2:56 PM