PreMajor Project Explanation Poster - Your poster has to be very much in the tradition of a science poster - or poster presentation at a conference. - You poster has to explain your whole project - the reader has to get the whole idea just looking at/reading the poster. - For Research - Use images of 'work in progress', yourself interviewing subjects, pictures of things you looked at/ researched, drawings, sketches - for exploration use sketches/ personas (as cards?), CAD and trials, photographs of models
Title <student name/ number> <Soumitri's tutorial> <Abstract> - what is your project about? What is your concept or what has your research been about? 150 words <Method> - how have you gone about it? your Research, exploration, modelling? Diagram of method, images, 150 words explanation. See "This is service design thinking" for how research is presented. <Outcomes> - what do you have at the end of the semester? If you have a final design, project plan, proposal submission - talk about that here 150 words <Future Plan> - what do you plan to do from here? What do you plan to end up with. 150 words
GUIDELINES How much text? 600 words How many images? 10 - 40 (one hero image - 150x150, 4 images smaller - 80x80, 5-35 images much smaller 40x40) What size? A1 or A0 (if A1 is too small for your purposes - like the stuff landscape arch students do) Portrait/ landscape? Portrait please. What Design? In the style of your books should be fine. Font Size? our title can be 150-200pt, your body text has to be 14-18pt, your image captions can be 14 pt, name/ tutor name can be 14-18 pt.
<examples of posters - you like?>