7 high energy strains to fight fatigue

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7 High Energy Strains to Fight Fatigue This time of year is tough for many people, especially those of us in Canada. The days are dark and cold and the holidays are stressful and bustling with shopping, gift wrapping, holiday parties, etc. So how do you fight the fatigue? Cannabis of course! More specifically, pure sativa strains or sativa-dominant hybrids. These strains work as the cannabinoid receptors improve dopamine levels. Dopamine is responsible for creating the sensation of pleasure and reward, which is very motivating! Check out our top 7 list of fatigue fighters: Lemon Haze - #7

Lemon Haze is a hard-hitting 70% Sativa-dominant strain with moderate THC levels of 17%. The buds smell like freshly cut lemon and it comes with a tangy flavor and sweet, lingering aftertaste. A cross between Silver Haze and Lemon Skunk, it is no surprise that this strain packs

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