8 ways to counter an intense cannabis high

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8 Ways To Counter an Intense Cannabis High Any cannabis user, especially the experienced ones, have experienced being a little too high. This can happen for a number of reasons; maybe the strain was more than you bargained for or you took too hard of a hit and now you’re freaking out a little. Don’t worry! There are fortunately several ways to counteract an intense high. 1. Don’t Panic It is easy to become overwhelmed when your cannabis experience has resulted in an intense high, but don't panic. You are fine, and everything is okay. These symptoms will dissipate within a few minutes to a few hours. Until then, we have a few suggested for how to pass the time or to counteract an intense cannabis high. 2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate Water is the most recommended, but if you prefer juice or some other non-caffeinated beverage that is okay too. Sipping water will not only combat dry mouth, but also help you focus. Drinking a couple glasses of water serves as a great distraction. Plus, it is a simple function making it easy to accomplish when you are too high. Make sure to avoid alcoholic beverages though. It might seem logical that they would bring you down, but it will only drag you further down the rabbit hole. If you must partake, it is best to wait until your high has settled. 3. Raid Your Spice Shelf for Black Pepper Black pepper sounds like an old wives tale, but many individuals swear by it - including Neil Young! All you have to do is sniff the peppercorns or even chew on a few and it will help level out your senses. 4. Have Some Food If the munchies haven’t already taken over, eating is a great way to counter an intense high. The theory behind this is that fatty foods bind with cannabinoids, thereby helping them to be metabolized quicker. Additionally consuming food increases blood flow to the stomach, pulling it from the brain, which reduces THC's effects. Either way, say yes to burger and fries or some pizza! 5. Take a Walk Fresh air can make a world of difference if you are high and struggling to focus. If you are not too far gone, take a walk around your neighbourhood. The movement will get your blood pumping to help invigorate you and improve your focus. Plus the endorphins generated from a brisk walk will boost your mood and help take the edge off. However, if you are feeling light-headed or woozy, we suggest you jump to #8. 6. Take a Shower or Have a Bath

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