Guide To Transdermal Cannabis Patches
What are Transdermal Patches? Transdermal patches are medicated patches designed to be placed on the skin to deliver medication directly into the bloodstream - without needing to be ingested. The patch is designed to provide a controlled release of medication to the patient and/or affected area. There are many uses for these patches such as the nicotine patch, contraceptive or hormonal patches and prescription drug patches.
How Do Transdermal Patches Work? Transdermal patches typically have an added carrier substance that enables the contents (nicotine, estrogen, medication, etc) to easily permeate the skin and enter the bloodstream. Typically transdermal patches are designed with a slow-release mechanism to steadily release the compounds into the users bloodstream. Depending on the size and design of the patch, they can last between 8 hours up to 72-hours!
Benefits of Cannabis-Infused Options
Recently, companies have developed cannabis-infused transdermal patches in a variety of isolated cannabinoid options, such as THC, CBD, CBN, THCA and even 1:1 CBD:THC ratios. Depending on the users medical ailment, they would choose a cannabinoid patch that is best suited for that particular issue. For instance: ● THC is suitable for reducing chronic pain and muscle spasms, as backed by a National Academies of Sciences report.1 THC can also promote appetite, manage insomnia and treat a variety of mood disorders. ● CBD is a popular non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is ideal for treating seizures as well as reducing inflammation and pain, managing insomnia and helping with anxiety and depression. ● CBN is excellent for managing insomnia - in fact, 5mg of CBN is considered to be as effective as 10mg dose of diazepam2. In addition, CBN can stimulate appetite and reduce pain and inflammation. ● THCA is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has beneficial properties for managing neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation and nausea or appetite-loss. These patches can be applied anywhere on the skin, but work best when placed near the point of issue. For example, a user experiencing migraines, might place a transdermal cannabis patch on the back of their neck. However, an individual who suffers from chronic knee pain would probably want to place their patch on the back of the thigh.
Downsides of Transdermal Cannabis Patches While many individuals will find the desired relief from transdermal cannabis patches, they are not as fast-acting as vaping or smoking. For individuals needing immediate relief, they might not 1 2
find the patches as suitable. However, for individuals suffering from mild anxiety, insomnia chronic pain, arthritis or even appetite-loss, transdermal cannabis patches can be a great way to manage these issues and help you to get back on track with their daily lives.
Buy Cannabis Online Cannabis-infused topicals are available in many local and online cannabis dispensary shops. Fair Canna Care is a mail-order marijuana dispensary that is committed to adding new products regularly to our growing dispensary shop. Click here to discover our great products and learn just how easy it is to buy cannabis online! Sources: