How long does weed stay in your system?

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How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

If you are an existing marijuana user, or are considering starting, the question of "how long does weed stay in your system?" is probably one you have thought of. Whether or not you have an upcoming drug test for work, or are just curious, we have the answers.

Metabolic Breakdown of THC There are a variety of factors that contribute to the metabolism of marijuana and how long it will remain detectable in the body. Some of these factors are: body weight and body fat percentage, metabolic rate, frequency of use and the amount consumed.

Testing Procedures Testing procedure can also have an effect on the outcome as different detection methods search for different cannabinoids or through different measures. For instance, one of the most common test is a urine test, whereby the presence of THC-COOH (a metabolite of THC) is the main search parameter. In case you are not aware (because I wasn’t!), THC-COOH is by-product of the liver that is excreted during the process of breaking down THC. Most drug tests have a baseline for which a person is considered to be positive for marijuana use. Typically, if there is 50 ng/mL or more THC-COOH in the urine, a person would test positive. However, in some cases, a level of 15

ng/mL could be high enough to generate positive results, while in other users a level of 100 ng/mL is necessary to test positive1. As you can see, there can be quite a variety of results.

User Frequency The next consideration is the user frequency, which is likely one of the most important factors in determining how long weed will remain in your system. Users fall into three categories: Occasional, frequent and heavy. ●

Occasional users will find that THC-COOH is detectable in urine tests 1-3 days after marijuana was last used. By the fourth day, the THC-COOH level usually drops to 50 ng/mL or less and will have negative results. ● Frequent users can test positive for marijuana for 7-10 days after the last use. Typically after the 10-day mark, the THC-COOH level has dipped below 50 ng/mL and will have negative results. ● Heavy users can expect to test positive for THC-COOH for extended periods. Particularly heavy users will show THC-COOH levels for several weeks or a couple months from the last use. You can also use the chart below and determine your metabolic rate for marijuana based on your body fat percentage and frequency of use.


It is also important to note that if you are dehydrated, that will concentrate the urine. This increases the likelihood that a drug test will be positive. In addition, users that exercise frequently may also have an increased chance of a positive test as exercise breaks down fat cells, thereby releasing THC. These are good to keep in mind if you have an upcoming cannabis urine test.

Related Research With that said, we took a look at some of the data on marijuana and THC testing. A 2005 review by Paul Cary, director of the Toxicology and Drug Monitoring Laboratory at University of Missouri, noted that detection times beyond 30 days are largely an exception. In an older 1989 study of chronic users found that there was a maximum detection window of 25 days with a 20 ng/mL test sensitivity. In addition, it was noted that just “one subject tested positive after 14 days, and it took an average of just 9.8 days before cannabinoid levels were no longer detectable�. Lastly, a 1984 study that also tested chronic users against the 50 ng/mL cutoff, had results that showed it took 40 days to get clean and that 8/10 participants showed a negative test result after 13 days.

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