Make Your Own CannaButter
You are either here because you have decided to dive into the world of making your own cannabis butter - or you are curious to see how difficult it is. It is hard to blame you cannabutter is delicious! I guarantee you’ll be adding it to every piece of toast or bowl of popcorn. Plus, making cannabutter is insanely easy! In fact, it is so easy that anyone can make cannabutter like a pro at home in just a few hours and seven easy steps:
Step 1: The first step is to “decarb” the flower, which is an action that uses heat in order to activate the THC. The process is called decarboxylation and is pretty simple, despite the sciency name! First, you need to heat up your oven to 240 degrees. Place your flower in a single layer on a baking sheet, preferably one that has sides. It can be a good idea to break up your flower to ensure proper heating. Bake the flower for 40 minutes; if you are able to turn the sheet a couple times during this process, it will ensure more even heat distribution.
After 40 minutes, the cannabis will be dry and crumbly - perfect for making butter!
Step 2: For this step you will require a medium pot. Start with 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil on the stove. Once the water is boiling, you can add your butter to the pot. A good guideline is four sticks of butter to each ounce (28 grams) of marijuana. If you are using less marijuana, you can adjust accordingly - one stick to a quarter of bud, two for a half, etc.
Step 3: Once the butter is fully melted, you are now able to add your flower!
FairCannaCare is an online cannabis dispensary that has weed starting at $2 per gram! If you are new to cannabutter, the Sugar Kush they offer might be the perfect place to start. It produces a solid oil, plus you can upgrade to the $7 strains once you get a bit more familiar with the cooking process. They have lots of options available and make it easy to buy weed online.
You can also use leftover kief from your grinder to make butter, so it can be a good idea to collect it if you are a regular smoker. Remember - more potent weed produces a stronger butter, so make sure to plan accordingly in order to get the best results! When you add your flower, make sure to turn the heat to low - barely a simmer - and stir every 15 to 20 minutes. The cooking process takes approximately three hours so you are in for a bit, but it will be worth it! Once the mixture changes from looking overly watery to resembling a more glossy and thick texture, you know it is done.
Step 4: Now is a good time to prep your finished bowl. A heat proof bowl is a great option, but a plastic food container can work as well. It is a good idea to place a liner in the bowl (preferably cheesecloth) that is secured with kitchen string or tape to hold it in place in order to strain the cannabutter was finished. If you do not have access to a cheesecloth, a strainer with very small holes or a mesh design would also work.
Step 5: Once the mixture is ready you can pour the cannabutter over the bowl in the cheesecloth (or through a strainer, alternatively). If you did use a cheesecloth, make sure to grab it from all four
sides once the mixture is fully poured so that you can carefully squeeze out any remaining butter into the container.
Step 6: It is a good idea to allow the cannabutter to cool for approximately an hour before using. Place your container in the fridge, allowing the butter to rise to the top layer and become solid. At this time, the THC and other desired plant components have blended in with the butter. You’re almost done!
Step 7: The last step is to clean up the mixture. Take a knife and run it around the edge to lift the solidified butter. Place the slab upside down on your counter or cutting board and scrape off any remaining cooking water or unwanted mixture.
Congrats! You have now successfully made cannabutter. As long as you keep your butter wrapped or in an airtight container, it will keep for several weeks in the fridge or up to six months if stored in the freezer. Now all you have to do is enjoy! Sources: