Surprising Health Benefits From Smoking Cannabis In recent years, smoking weed has surprisingly come up as the most popular natural remedy to treat several health conditions. It used to be the recommendation of ancient doctors, and after the study of several years, it has now become an in-thing in the field of medical research. Therefore, after the legalization of marijuana, Online Cannabis Dispensary has also become a trending startup business in Canadian province of Alberta- Calgary. Here are top-three surprising health benefits of smoking weed. 1) To Become Thin- Smoke Weed If you are a fast food lover, then you might be aware of the feeling of avoiding your one of the favorite munchies, just because you fear of getting obese. Well, smoking weed could be a fortunate thing for you as it helps in making you thinner. Or it merely prevents you from getting overweight. It is a proven fact, mentioned in one of the studies in the journal Obesity. 2) Weed Can Improve The Lung Function Everyone has a negative connotation on the mind about smoking weed that it may harm the lungs functionality of our body. But this myth has been debunked after the numerous researches on the impact of smoking weed. You may get amazed by the fact that smoking weed can eventually improve the lung function, according to the comparative study over cigarette smokers vs. weed smokers. So, if you want to train your lungs to work more efficiently, you can Buy Weed Online in Calgary, from a reliable marijuana dispensary. 3) Smoke Weed To Become Creative Another surprising benefit of smoking weed is that it makes you a creative thinker. It eventually improves cognitive health. Though contradicting studies are also there, but, people still tend to Buy Weed Online in Calgary based on the pleasant experiences they had while smoking weed. Moreover, it is also a proven fact that cannabis effectively increases the verbal fluency.