Trump’s Troubling Pick
Women’s Basketball
Lady Gaga Vine
Inadequacy continues to plague Trump’s cabinet with his pick for Secretary of Education.
Lady Gaga entices her audience during the Super Bowl halftime show.
Stags dominate St. Peter’s 50-38. Page 15
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THE MIRROR Independent student newspaper
Week of February 8, 2017
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Vol. 42 Iss. 15
Sham Jam Points to The Grape
Contributed by Kara Sheehan
By Deanna Carbone Assistant News Editor Traditionally, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Fairfield students have come together at Lantern Point for Sham Jam, a play off of the popular University event Clam Jam. Due to trouble in the past with the police and complaints from residents at Fairfield Beach, this year, Sham Jam will be held at The SeaGrape, both indoors and outdoors. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., seniors will have the chance to celebrate a twist on one of the longest lasting traditions on the beach. Fairfield Beach Resident Organiza-
tion President Sean Tobin ‘17 believes that holding Sham Jam at the Grape would be the best way to go about holding the event without retaliation from the townspeople and police. “Any party that isn’t spur of the moment is quickly shut down by the town,” said Tobin. According to a Mirror article from last year, students were warned by a University email that police officers and security would be at Sham Jam. In an effort to be able to celebrate with minimal security restrictions, students hosted a makeshift
Sham Jam on the Point the day before the scheduled event. Residents on the Point and the beach also celebrated on its original date. “The University will coordinate with Fairfield Police to hire officers to ensure the community is not impacted by the event and laws are enforced. This includes preventing any illegal or unsafe crowds or activities from occurring in the private, residential neighborhoods at the beach,” said Dean of Students Karen Donoghue ‘03.
Students enjoyed Sham Jam on the Point last year (top). This year, Sham Jam will be held at The SeaGrape parking lot and indoors.
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Vigil Unifies Students After Ban
Student Involved in Off-Campus Accident
By Juliana Sansonetti News Editor
By Juliana Sansonetti News Editor A one-car accident took place on Fairfield Beach Road at 10:33 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 5. which took out the stairs of a home and sent the driver, Peter Jones ‘17 of Summit, N.J., to Bridgeport Hospital, according to The Fairfield Citizen. Police said that 26-year-old Jones appeared to “have been travelling at a high speed when he went over a hump in the road and lost control of his pickup truck,” The Fairfield Citizen reported. According to Lieutenant Robert Kalamaras of the Fairfield Police Department, the pickup truck, a 2011 Ford F-150, “was travelling eastbound on Fairfield Beach Road when [it] crossed over the center line and went off the left side of the roadway striking a parked vehicle in the driveway of 1054 Fairfield Beach Road.” The parked vehicle belonged to Olivia Mansfield ‘17. “The crash resulted in my car being totaled and there is damage on the house as well,” said Mansfield. “The moment of impact caused one of the support beams to be ripped out of the roof, as well as the staircase leading up to the house to be damaged as well.” The truck continued through a yard and crashed into the front façade of 1024 Fairfield Beach Road, causing structural damage to the building and came to rest after striking the house, according to Kalamaras. The accident took place shortly after the conclusion of the Super Bowl. “It appears at this time that speed was a factor [in the collision]. We are looking to see if intoxication was also a factor,” said Kalamaras. Jones was taken to the hospital by American Medical Response complaining of shoulder pain, according to Kalamaras. A Blood Alcohol Content test was not given to Jones due to his injuries. The Fairfield Police Department will seek to ob-
Courtney DeSisto/The Mirror
Jesse Erickson/The Mirror
Peter Jones ‘17 crashed into a home on Fairfield Beach Road and subsequently destroyed the front stairs.
tain a search warrant for Jones’ blood alcohol levels from medical records based on the blood drawn at the hospital shortly after the crash. Mansfield explained that her car was totaled and that there was damage on the house as well due to the crash. It is still unclear whether or not the very front portion of the house is safe to be in, according to Mansfield. Dean of Students Karen Donoghue ‘03 commented, “The safety and protection of our students and the larger Fairfield community remains a top priority for us. Students involved in any activity that potentially could violate University policy are subject to University disciplinary action.” According to Kalamaras, “[Jones] was arrested by this department in the past for driving under the influence.” Jones’ previous arrest took place on April 3, 2016, according to The Fairfield Citizen. When asked if anyone else apart from Jones was injured in the collision, Kalamaras responded, “not to my knowledge.” The collision is still under investigation by the Crash Reconstruction Unit.
Backlash against President Donald Trump’s executive order immigration ban has been immediate and powerful across the nation. Here on campus, students, faculty and staff expressed their discontent with the ban by holding a candlelight vigil Wednesday, Feb.1. in solidarity with those affected. The vigil, which was held at the Stag Statue, began with a 10-minute moment of silence out of respect for those affected by the ban. Students held up candles and homemade signs with slogans such as “Don’t Legislate Hate,” “Build Bridges Not Walls” and “#NoWallNoBan.” After the moment of silence, the attendees walked to the Barone Campus Center for remarks from Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Martin Nguyen and Muslim Chaplain Nargis Alizada. Following the remarks from Nguyen and Alizada, an interfaith prayer was led by two of the event’s organizers, Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network Co-Fellows Deirdre McElroy ‘17 and Sophia Bolanos ‘18. For Iman Jebara ‘17, the vigil hit close to home. “I’m actually Syrian,” Jebara said. “Both my parents came from Syria, so this was a big thing for me. My parents came here 30 years ago and if they were trying to come today they would not be allowed in.” Jabara went on to explain how she still has family in Syria who are refugees, along with refugee cousins in Turkey. “This is a very important topic to me,” Jabara said of the vigil. McElroy explained why JUHAN wanted to help organize the vigil. “We’re a club that advocates for humanitarian rights and believes that everyone should have a chance to stand in solidarity with others and should be a man or woman for others following our Jesuit values,” said McElroy. “So when we heard about the executive Read University on Page