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Lifestyle FAIR GO
by FairGoX
Love learning about exciting new discoveries or interesting stories? Then sit your behind down, put your feet up and check out these fascinating facts from the world around you!
A Ridiculously Steep Street In New Zealand
New Zealand is known for a lot of things. The All-Blacks, sheep and Lord of the Rings are the top three. But did you know they also have the steepest street in the world?
Called Baldwin Street in Dunedin, it's an incredibly steep incline that measures 35% at its steepest point. To put this into perspective, a steep staircase is only 10%, so it's an impressive feat. Many people have photographed it from around the world and it's one of the most popular streets to run in Dunedin.
Word of warning though: don't tackle it after a big meal. It's a long way to roll to the bottom!
Dogs Have A Dominant Paw
Dogs are man and woman's best friend, but how much do you know about their anatomy? Like, did you know that just like humans, dogs also have a dominant paw? It's true!
By placing a toy filled with food on the ground, you can observe which paw they use to extract the food. Dogs who use their right paw are more chilled, while dogs who use their left paw are more inclined towards acting aggressively.
Interestingly, it's a roughly 50/50 split between left and right paws... which is totally different to humankind – we have more righties.
Do you have a birthday twin? You know... someone who shares the same birth date as you? Chances are, you know at least one person who does!
This is known as the 'birthday paradox', and it's due to a mathematical probability which shows that in a group of 23 people, there's a 50% chance two of them share the same birthday. Of course, most people wager that the number must be 183 or higher before you find your twin (since that is half of all possible birthdays in a 365-day year).
Taking that into account, there are probably one or two people you know who are your birthday twin. Can you name them off the top of your head?
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